Download - Art Action Technique: Muralismo

Page 1: Art Action Technique: Muralismo
Page 2: Art Action Technique: Muralismo


Stage One: Exploring the Theme.The mural should convey a message that is important to you.

So It is worth spending time exploring the theme and choosing a

moving debates, role play and group discussion to share opinions

come up with ways to overcome the challenges. Taking digital

STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE There are 5 stages to the completion

1.Exploring the theme

2.Making the sketch

4.Painting the mural

5.Presenting the mural to the public

Stage Two: Making the sketch

Page 3: Art Action Technique: Muralismo

Stage Four: Painting the MuralWhen you are happy with the sketch, begin painting the

background using washes of pale colours. A wash is a watered-down colour. Use large brushes to block in the major areas of background. Acrylic dries very quickly, so you should be able to build up the colour using many layers of washes. Move onto the smaller details, using stronger colours and smaller brushes. If you have pure primary colours, you will be able to mix any colour you want. You can use a little bit of black if you need to, but it is good practice to try to make your dark shades from just the 3 colours.

Keep your space tidy throughout, so that it is safe for you and for curious passers by.

More!In this Toolbox:•Theatre Techniques that can be used to explore themes for your mural.•A Case Study of Muralismo•About our partner FUNARTEOn the Web:•See video clips on the process.•Read our Resource Pack “Painting for Change” about muralismo•See a video clip (in Spanish) about the work of FUNARTE in Esteli.

Stage Five: Presenting the muralThis is an important stage. You want everyone to see and appreciate your finished mural! Organise a launch event to publicly celebrate your achievements. You can make and send invitations in advance. Invite someone from the local city council to make a speech. You could also invite photographers or journalists from the local papers to come along. Post the pictures, videos and reports on your website or Facebook page. All of these things will spread the message of your mural even further. Don’t forget to thank everyone who made the mural a possibility! And finally, have a party to celebrate together!