Download - Arriel 2B

  • 7/28/2019 Arriel 2B


    Generating Power and Performance

    The Arriel 2 experience Reduces operating cost t hrough optimized a ccelerat ion


    Clea n bu rning w ith sign ifica ntly low NOx levels.

    The e ng ine cont rol techno logy, EECU, add s no extra

    cycle consumpt ion.

    Best w eight-to -pow er ratio in i ts cat ego ry.

    M issions EMS, SAR, Police, VIP, a erial w ork, corpo rat e,

    off -shore liaison.

    Engine Electronic Control Unit experience Improves overall safe ty, red uces pilot w ork loa d.

    Indicat es operationa l paramet ers.

    Drives eng ine life sa fe ly to its TBO limit.

    Signa ls ma intenance actions on auto ma tic eng ine

    overrun display.

    The 2B/2C versions a re con tro lled by a sing le cha nn el

    EECU with integrat ed ma nual b ack-up.

    Dual channel Engine Electronic Control Unit The Arriel 2B1, 2C1 an d 2C2 use du a l cha nne l EECUs

    associat ed w ith aut oma tic third channel ba ck-up.

    Turbomeca is the f irst eng ine man ufa cturer to of fer

    dua l chann el EECUs fo r th e civil market.

    Since its launch in 1977, 28 versions of theArriel family have been developed to meetdifferent airframe and mission requirements.The Arriel 2 powers the EC 130, AS 365N3,EC 155 and the US Coast Guards prototypeHH 65 Dolphin.

    The Arriel fa m ily 25 yea rs of o utsta nding reliability

    19 Millions operating hours

    6,000 eng ines delivered

    Arriel : 640 - 9 44 shp

    AS 350 B3 powered by one Arriel 2B

    EC 130 powered by one Arriel 2B1

    AS 365 N3 powered by tw o Arr ie l 2C

    EC 155 powered by two Arr ie l 2C1 / 2C2

    Arrius480 - 7 16 shp

    Ardiden993 shp

    mech. power

    TM 333900 - 1 ,10 0 shp

    M TR 3901,280 - 1 ,600 shp

    Maki la1,800 - 2 ,100 shp

    RTM 3222,100 - 2 ,650 shp

    EC 130AS 365 N3

    EC 155

  • 7/28/2019 Arriel 2B


    Compressor stag e 1 axial , 1 centrifuga l

    Single-stage gas generator tur-bine Single crystal blades

    Reduction gear Designed a nd t ested

    w ith high torq ue

    Pow er output shaft 6,000 rpm


    power turbine Economical

    Best h igh


    alloysM ainta ining close contactw ith Arr iel 2 operators worldw ide Turbom eca-approved Repa ir &Overha ul cente rs

    24/7 Turb o me ca ho tline

    Compared t o t he Arriel 1 eq uipped w ith a 2-sta ge ga s generat or turbine, the Arriel 2 draw s the benef i ts of t he

    latest t echnology d evelopment s: the sing le sta ge turbine w ith single crysta l blad es bring s 30% more po w er,

    w ith no increa se in w eight , to th e Arriel 2C2 on t he EC 155 B1.

    MTOW EC 155, Arriel 2C2: 4,850 kg /10,692 lb (ISA sea leve l).

    OEI rat ings can b e used up t o 10 minutes cumula ted time in conting ency (OEI 2min.) fo r all va ria nts; a nd f or th e

    Arriel 2C2 15-sec. cumulat ed fo r the super conting ency (30 sec.) with out a ny shop visit req uired .

    Technical Characteristics ( ISA, sea level, kW /shp)ARRIEL 2 B / 2 B1 2 C 2C1 2C2

    Applica t ion AS 3 50 B3 / EC 13 0 AS 36 5 N 3 EC 15 5 EC 15 5

    One Engine Inoperative (OEI) kW /shp kW /shp kW /shp kW /shp

    OEI 30 sec. 718 /963 718 /963 786 /1,054

    OEI 2 min . 646 /866 646 /866 713 /956

    OEI co nt inuo us 626 /839 626 /839 686 /919

    All engines operative (AEO)

    Ta ke-o ff 632 /848 626 /839 626 /839 704 /944

    Ma x. cont inuous 544 /730 581 /779 581 /779 636 /853

    Combust ion chamber Centrifug al injection w heel

    Low NOx levels

    Turbomeca is the worlds leading manufacturer of small-to-medium

    gas turbine engines. Turbom eca d esig ns, develops, ma nufa ctures

    an d supports helicopter en gines for opera tors across the w orld.

    Uniq ue in a viat ion history, helicopter eng ines have b een the com-

    pa nys core business fo r over 50 years. Tod a y, nea rly ha lf of the

    w orlds civil he licopt ers a re Turbo me ca-pow ered .

    This document is intended f or gene ra l informat ion purposes only. Turbomeca reserves the r ight to modify

    the product s and services descr ibed in this document without pr ior not ice .

    Turbom eca, 64 51 1 Bordes, FranceTel. + 33 (0)5 59 12 52 74 - Fax + 33 (0)5 59 12 51 39