Download - Array

  • Computer Programming

    Computer Engineering Department



    OBJECTIVES: The students should be able to:

    1. Learn how to write a program in C Language using array.

    2. Learn the one dimensional array.


    The illustration above shows how does array works. An integer variable

    Numbers is an array with an index from 0 up to number of array index

    declared minus one. Ex. Int Numbers[4]; possible populated array is:

    //Populating the variable array Numbers[4] > 4-1 = 3: Therefore

    Numbers[0]=0; //index 0 first element

    Numbers[1]=0; //index 1

    Numbers[2]=0; //index 2

    Numbers[3]=0; //index 3 last element


    Step1. Write the program below. Save and name it as act_array1.


    Date Created:

    Program Name: one dimensional array one*/



    void main()


    int Numbers[5];

    int ctr;


    //Below for loop will allow the user to input values for five times


  • Computer Programming

    Computer Engineering Department

    Step 3. Edit the program and change int Numbers[5]; in the variable declaration into int Numbers[10];. The index of the declared array was change from 5 and turning into 10. Save, compile and run the

    program. Are there 10 inputs and 10 outputs on your display? If yes

    proceed to next step or else change the for(ctr=0;ctr

  • Computer Programming

    Computer Engineering Department

    Step 8. Edit and change the printf("%c",pwd[ctr]); above the delay(300); into printf("\npwd[%d]=%c",ctr,pwd[ctr]);. Save, compile and run the program. What did you observe on your output?



    Step 9. Run again the program and write the output below.

    Step 10. Edit and change pwd[ctr]=getch(); into pwd[ctr]=getche();. Save, compile and run the program. Input any values as the password and then write the output below.

    Step 11. Edit the program and disable the code printf("*"); by making it into comments. Save, compile and run the program. Input any values

    as the password and then write the output below.

    Step 12. What is the use of getch() and getche() in the array variable

    pwd[10]?. What did you observe about the difference of the two? Write your answer below respectively.








    Step 13. What preprocessor directives does getche() belongs?


    Step 14. Write the program below. Save and name it as act_array2.


    Date Created:

    Program Name: one dimensional array two*/



    void main()


    //Initializing values for one dimensional array

    int age[5]={12,13,10,24,15};

    char name[5]={'j','e','s','u','s'};

    float decmal[5]={1.2,1.33,2.45,3.89,99.9};

    int ctr;


  • Computer Programming

    Computer Engineering Department

    //This will output the values of array variable age and its index.
