Download - Around the World in 106 Days with Ray & Claire!! Part 28 – Bora Bora


Around the World in 106 Days with

Ray & Claire!!

Part 28 – Bora Bora

Looking at the shape of Bora Bora, we see that this is not one island, but a volcanic crater

ring with a central island in the middle

Similar to the other islands in this area, it was formed by an underwater volcano erupting. The larva from the volcano

formed a huge conical pile in the sea which, when the eruption ceased, started to cool down.

Coral then began to grow at the outer edges of this cone owing to the ideal conditions of warmth, saline, and the

minerals from the extinct volcanoOver thousands of years the cone of the volcano gradually

diminished and you are left with a coral reefed island.Incidentally (as you will see from the next slide) where fresh water flows from the island into the sea, no coral will grow

As could be seen from the Satellite imagery on the previous slide, the coral surrounding Bora Bora has created a sheltered lagoon that is ideal for all

sorts of lagoon fish - and the white coral sand makes spectacular diving and snorkelling conditions

Looking at this map on the left, you can clearly see an opening in the reef

where a fresh water river flows into the sea and

where no coral can grow.

This was the only opening where the Black Watch

could get close enough to the shore at Vaitape and as there is no proper Port here, we had to anchor in the lagoon and use two of the lifeboat tenders to get

us ashore

Going back to a satellite image shows the gap in the reef and a ship anchored in the same position as used by the Black Watch for our short stop at this beautiful island

As this island is so beautiful, it has become a luxury resort for the very rich with “lodges” (i.e. little offshore thatched houses) costing anything up to £1000 per night

The airport does not have a landing strip long enough for international flights, so the connection with Papeete in Tahiti is an important one to get people to these luxury resorts

Using “our” satellite again, you can see that the highest point o the island is the remains of the extinct volcano. This is called Mount Otemanu which is

727m or 2400ft high.

The only real income here apart from tourism and black pearls, is coconuts and in the background you can see the atoll of Tupai, which has no

permanent residents other than those workers who are there tending the coconut plantation on the island

The Aerial view of Mount Otemanu showing the lagoon where we spent the day

Isn't it about time

you had a

haircut Ray?!

....even if you are half bald already?!

We woke up

in the morning and this was the

view from our


As previously mentioned, we had to anchor

offshore and use the Lifeboat

Tenders to get to the island

“Have a great day

ashore folks”

“thanks Cat – we


“All aboard ? Then lets


Although Vaitape was a tiny village –there were a number of shops selling pearls – which we

steered well clear of!

(Although the prices were far cheaper that we are led to

expect them to be in Tahiti – these “black pearls” were

aimed at the affluent holidaymakers (who rent the

sea villas) and cost mega-bucks

..and would you believe


Our friendly

cameramen (Jackson

and Brendon) are there already to video our

visitScribe’s NoteA copy of the full video of this trip will be available

for viewing at Riddiford. (If you have a

few hours to spare!)

There were a couple of 4 Wheel Drive off-road trips into the mountains but

Raymond whimped out of one of these (cos’ of his back) and we opted for a

snorkelling trip

There is not much to see on the island except for some lovely scenery and wonderful beaches and clear blue

lagoon waters and so most of the Ship Tours were waterborne

Matira Lagoon

Even though the water looks lovely, one still had to be careful when walking along the beach and/or swimming as although there are not a lot of stinging jellyfish here, you still have to watch

that you don’t step on any sea urchins or stingrays in the water

Other than the 4 WD vehicles, people could hire scooters and bicycles . One of our friends (i.e. Alex) went out for a 1 hour bike ride - which turned into two – then three. He then thought

enough is enough and it was probably best to get a taxi back to the Port – until he saw the Black Watch in the distance – and – so he rode the rest of the way round the island. (Perhaps this had

something to do with him being Welsh and he was still celebrating the Welch Rugby win over French – who knows!)

This is the first Protestant Church in this area and it was founded in 1890

Although French is the main language spoken - as they have a lot of tourists coming here - we found that most of the 9000 people living on the islands (not that we spoke to them all you will

understand!) had some command of the English languageThis was “Le Truck” the local Tour Bus

As the adverage cost of just hiring one of these sea villas was £1000 a night, we don't think that we will even bother to ask how much one

would cost to purchase!.

Several film stars have their own

properties on the island and Marlon

Brando was the first American film star to have one of

these built

Mount Otemanu makes a lovely backdrop

“Come and enjoy

a bit of snorkelling with us!”

Here is an aerial view of the Island of Motu Tapu where the boat dropped anchor on one of the shallow sand banks so we could get in the water to swim with the stingrays (after our guide had

fed them of course!)

As the waters were very clear, it was easy to spot an approaching stingray and I have to say that there is really something majestic

about them when you see them gliding effortlessly past you as you are snorkelling

“I thought you said that the water

would be lovely and

warm?Its not as

warm as it was in the Red Sea I can tell you!”

“...and I think there

is something swimming round my


“Its a blooming

shark – you had better be careful Ray – I’m


“Its OK Claire. NO need to claim off the insurance -

the shark reckoned that I was too old and wrinkly for his


That was fantastic!!

..and then we went onto another little

island for some lagoon snorkelling... and as

usual, there were plenty of Tiki’s (i.e. Gods) to be seen

We are shown how to split and peel a coconut and the various things that one can do with a coconut (e.g. like making


We also learnt that “Coconut Milk” is not the juice inside the

coconut, but the squeezed white of

the coconut

“A couple of cool dudes –

I think not!”

It was lovely snorkelling in that lagoon – but now its time to get back to the Ship again

We were even treated to fresh fruit, cake and juice on

the way back

....I hope that that is not our Ship sailing without us?

No its OK, its at anchor...

...and although the guard dog is asleep, we cant even purchase some Bread Fruit as we are not allowed to bring them back on

board Ship

“Welcome back Mrs Tricker – I see

that you didn't manage to lose

The Bearded One to the sharks?!”

...and then as usual, we had to Buckle Up

and prepare for our next Port of

Call at Tahiti

..but before that we had a last show from:

• Robert Craig – Vocalist• Aviva – Musical excellence with a clarinet and a guitar• Dain Cordean - Comedy and Magic they prepare to get off at Tahiti tomorrow - which is our next Port of Call