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Page 1: Arms race


Page 2: Arms race

What was the extent of the arms race and how did it cause international tension prior to World War One?


Page 3: Arms race

The second Naval law of 1900 by Germany to double its navy by 1916. The law ordered 41 battleships and 60 cruisers to be built. Alongside this was the naval league, which promoted public interest in the navy.

This naval initiative was to challenge Britain into retreating to port rather than face a fight in case of losing their fleet and trade control.

Britain responded by building a north sea fleet based at Rosyth in 1903, and then the launching of the HMS Dreadnought under the guidance of Sir John Fisher.


Page 4: Arms race

Outclassed all other ships, making them to be known as pre-dreadnoughts.

First of her era to use a uniform main battery consisting of large guns as well as steam turbines. Therefore, both the strongest and the fastest.

Never fought a naval battle during the war but the only battleship to ever sink a submarine.


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Page 6: Arms race

Germany responded by starting production on their own dreadnought class ships, title “Rhineland”. Britain responded by ramping up their own production in order to keep the two power standard.

In 1912 Britain and France agree to a naval pact, in which the French police the Mediterranean and the British protect the north sea.

Fisher also orders the building of two super-dreadnought class ships, Neptune and Queen Elizabeth.

By the end of the race, in 1914, Britain has won with 29 dreadnoughts to Germanys 17.


Page 7: Arms race

Between 1870 and 1914, military spending multiplied by 300 percent. Along with large population growth and the adoption of conscription, countries standing armies also increased.

Germany: Standing army of 800,000 in 1914, 5.6 million trained troops in wartime.

France: 3.5 million in wartime.Russia: 1.4 million standing, 5 million trained. Most countries also developed a system of

reserves and war time services.


Page 8: Arms race

Increased production on howitzers and mortars. Infantry fuelled by the repeating rifle and machine

gun. Military spending on arms increased by at least 20

percent across the board in European countries. Russia by 65 percent and Germany and Austria-Hungary doubled.

Attempts to stop massive arms build-up were attempted but unsuccessful.

Only decisions made were the establishment of the Hague international court to arbitrate international disputes and agreements on humane restriction on war practices.


Page 9: Arms race

Militarism Large increase in armaments and naval power. Increase in public feeling towards increase arming for

possible war. Alliances

1912 naval agreement between France and Britain creates an military alliance.

France sends Russia large loans in order for Russia to increase its military.

Imperialism Britain builds up her navy in order to maintain her control

of the sea and trade from her colonies. Nationalism

Two power standard for Britain.


Page 10: Arms race

Complete the review activities on page 29.

Time chart of the naval race between Germany and Britain 1900-1914.

List the ways in which the growth in military spending would have added to the tension between the European powers 1900-1914.