Download - ARKVnXE -… · denford Bouton spent last week in the Margaretville hospital for observation

Page 1: ARKVnXE -… · denford Bouton spent last week in the Margaretville hospital for observation

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«Sr Mrs. L FwfteAndes, Nov. 14.—Mr. and Mrs.

VematA Ooidter of Waltxm were Saturday guests of her pai^nts, Jtfr. and Mrs. Oyde Bdoodgood.

The Amexican Legion received their fumaoe for the Legion home OB Saturday.

Gec»:ge R. 'McNair has be^ a pstkm t at the Margaretvflle hoS' ^Ud for thelast two wedcs.

Mrs. Fred Tenmdng entertained


several little friends Friday after­noon to help son, Joseph, cele­brate his ninth birthday.

The Beta Sfgma class'of «the Methodist diurch will meet Mon­day evening, Nov. 20, at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Gecnrge Sanford.

Mr. and Bfrs. Peto* jCalhounsc^ their farm to Mr. a^d Mrs. Arthur Bacon and they moved to their home in Gladstone Hollow last week.

Miss Jtfary Wilson of HarjHirs- ville central school spent the week­end with her parents, B(r. and Birs. William Wilson.

BCr. and Mrs. Harry C. Ferris of Brooklyn were from Sautrday until Monday guests - o£ his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford E. Ferris.

Mrs. LeRoy IMckson Sr. of Peekskill spent a few days recentiy at the home of Mrs. Emery Armstrcmg.

A disabled veterans’ gift card party will be held at the Andes central school Wednesday evening. Nov. 29, at 8 o'clock. Bridge, pinochle and Canasta will be play­ed. Admission, $1 per coi^le or a gift suitable for a woman or child worth at least $1. This party is sponsored by the Ameri­can Legion Auxiliary.

A letter was received by the mother ci Sgt Harold Coss from somewhere in Korea. He would likp to have his friends write him. His address is: Sgt. Harold Coss, 12280990, 934th Signal, B. N. Co., A. P. O. 970, care Postmaster, San Ftancisco, CaliL

denford Bouton spent last week in the Margaretville hospital for observation and treatment.

Mrs. Della Palmer visited for a few days last week with Mr. onri Mrs. Oson Warren at Ossin­ing.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Steber and children were recent week­end guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Steber, at Qion.

Mrs. Gustaf Graf, the f<»mer Jfes. Rose Gorton, of Livonia was.

Mr. and Mrs. William BUller returned Monday evening from a short vacation at his old home county on Long, Island. Guy Faulkner took care the farm diores during their absrace.

Mr. and Mrs. William Dougherty and two sons spent the weekend visiting their daughter and son- in-law, S/Sgt. and Mrs. Frank Sturges, near Sandy Hoc^ N. J

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lindsley of Bainbridge spent Saturday and Sunday in this section visiting relatives and attended church here Sunday. '

Eric Stange has improved his farm home by li^ulating the house and covering the siding with wliite asbestos shingles. This •will mpflti more comfort andi gives the residence a spic andspan loc^

Mr. and Mrs. James Elliott left last Saturday to spend a short vacation with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Houck, in the nutmeg state of Conn.

Rev. Joseph F. D ai^ rt, D. D left Wednesday to spend a few days at Greenwich, N. Y., a former charge.'* Percy Booee of Kingston ar­rived here Tuesday evening few a deer hunt. He is staying with his wife’s cousins, Frank and Robert RusseU.

Jose{^ Gana, a seaman in the Navy, who has been stationed at Philadelphia, visited his wife’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Shacklett, over the weekend. Mrs. Gana and baby remained with her parents, but seaman Gana is wdered West.

Mrs. Mabel Biaker and her young grandscm, John Fairbaim, left the first of the week to spend the winter in Poughkeepsie with a daughter.

Mrs. Anna Cowan is in the MargaretviUe hospital for obser­vation and treatment.

Plant manager, V ^Uiam Mor­gan, and Raymond Snyder were in Teaneck, N. J., Wednesday to attend the ftmeral of F. C. V<^, president of the Vogt’s Dairies, who owned the local plcmt.

ARKVnXEArkville, Nov. 14. — The Fort­

n ig h t Card club met at the home of Mrs. Robert Jones. Mre. Rob­ert Griffin w<m first prize, Mrs. ^sertjpood Mrs.

Fonner Fldschniamis Giri Wedsr

•KFleischmanns, Nov. 14. — Miss

Elizabeth Jean Noll, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. OiriS J. Noll of Poughkeepsie, and Lawrence J. McEnroe of Amenia, N. Y., were married Saturday, Nov. 4, at 10 o’clock at the Holy TWnity churdi, Arlmgtcm, by the Rey. Leo Gregg.

Mr. Noll gave his daughter in marriage. The bride wore a period gown of ivory satin, with necldine, leg-o-mutton sleeves, a f i t ^ bodice and full skirt termi­nating in a train. Her veil of im­ported illusion was caught to a headpiece of ivory satin and she carried cascade bouquet bf white r q ^ .

Miss Patricia Ann Noll of Pou^keepsie was maid of honor, and Mrs. James McGovern of Troy matron of honor. They are sisters of the bride.

Bride^aids, the Misses Janet and Charlotte Noll, Ann Winne and Mrs. Chris J. Noll Jr., wore gowns of flame-ccdored moire, styled similar to the honor attend­ants. They wore half hats of flame moire with nylon net and carried cascade bouquets of white carnations.

The best man was Raymond F. McEnroe of Amenia, brother of the bridegroom.

Mrs. McEnroe is a graduate of Pou^ikeepsie h i^ s c l^ l and St. Francis Hospital Training School of Nursing. She is a member of St. Fwmcis Alumnae association and the Hudson Valley Dental Assistants and Hygienists dub, and is an assistant to Dr. .^lan Cary. She is a granddaughter of Mrs. C. H. Haderup of Fleisch­manns, and is well ^nown in this village.

ca«Mtfled Ada and Oards «f ThuOn T w CmU P«r Word, MhOmmm M Osvti

FOR SALEFOR SALE—5 Holstein heifers, 8

months old. Am overstocked. Phone Margaretville 163-F-2. nl7c


FOR SALE--15 fat New Hamp­shire Red hens, 6 to 8 lbs., alive or dressed. Florence Wynn, Arkville. nlTp

FOR SALE —1933 Dodge sedan, good condition. Carl Van Ben- schoten, Margaretville, phone lOl-R-2.________________nlTp

FOR SALE — Dining room table and chairs, cheap. Mrs. Ray­mond Miirray, Margaretville, ^u>ne 79-Y. nl7p

FOR SALE—^Double harness with 24-inch collars, also neck yoke and whiK^etrees. Leon Whitney, Kelly Comers, N. Y. ' n24p

FOR SALE^—Mill stovewood, all hard maple, supply is limited. John EUiott, MargaretviUe, box 88. n24p

Editor Is HomeRoxbury, Nov. 14. — Fred W.

Lutz, Times editor* is home from the hospital and able to be out, but is unable to get out the Rox­bury new i^per fis yet.

LEGAL NOTICESNOTICE TO - CREDITORS ah order of Hon. Arthur F. Curtis, Surrogate of the County of Delaware, notice is hereby given to iall persons having claims against William J. How­land, late of the Town of Andes, in said County, deceased, that they are require to exhibit the same with we Vouchers ttiereof, to the subscriber, the E lx^ to r of the said deceased, at his offices at The f^rst Nati<mal Bank, Andes, New Y(n^ on cv before the 3rdday of -next.

FOR SALE— My house and a few pieces of furniture. J. C. Try- lone, MargaretviUe, phond 14-M. nl7p__________ ‘ _______

FOR SAI.E—193& Dodge 4-door sedan, motor no good, reason­able. Santiago, phone Pine HiU 2497. nl7p

SALE^Another sale on broilers, 27c a pound. AU pleased from last sale. Leon Nazimowitz, Shandaken, N. Y., caU Phoenicia 7958. ________________ nl7p

FOR SALE— 1942 Pontiac 4-door sedan, good condition, good tires, reasonable. Raymond /Murray, phone MargaretvUle 79-Y. nl7p

FOR SALE—Three Warner elec­tric brooders, practicaUy new, capacity 500 each. Harold J. •Toner, MargaretviUe, box 222, phone 35-W. nl7p

FOR SALE — Rhode Island Red roosters, weighing from 6 to 8 lbs., Uve or dressed. Frank KeUy, Bedell, phone Fleisch­manns 58-J-l. nl7c

THE MOST valuable present you can give for Christmas is your picture. Order yours, at the VaUey Photo Studio at Fleisch­manns, phone 211. nl7tf

FOR SALE — Pair 6.50x15 knob snow tires, used less than 2,000 mUes, list plaice new $25.92 each,

take $35 *for the pair.------ S tc

ta n k ain New York Qty.

w m mmond. lir . R^ enjoyed

Mr, and Mrs. Floyd R. Cole, hunting while heref ^ -_________ I J ________ _____ •__ I « ^ 4 ww.of Qnecmta were Friday evening

^luests of their son and daught^- is-law, Mr. and Mrs. Richard O c^

James D. Calhoun post is j KNisoring a turkey party at the Legion home Saturday, Nov. 18, beginning at 7 p. m.

Mzb. GecHge Trotter of Seneca J 'iJb is visiting this week with her brother and lister-in-law, Mr,

M n. Andrew Gardiner.Mr. and Mrs. Donald DidoBcm,

Mr. and M n. Lloyd Jdtsm and W n Janioe Reynolds were a t Jthode Xriand the past w e ^ ^ to aee Mr. and Mrs. Dickson's .son, John Dickson. He has been in tiie Navy alnoe Sept. 26 and is statk»ed at Newport, R. L, aav ti bltse.

Tbe Men*! OBOBBumity <dub m et Monday evening at the Andes liotd. Miss Mazgaret Hoteling of Dolgevilie vfadted a few days the peat week with Mr. and Mrs. Jolin W. &oo^.

Donald iSOiter of Saranac is •apentog a time with his wife and mother, Mrs. Hosea SUter.


Mrs. Peck of Kingstcm had a plastic demonstration at the home oi Mrs. William Pultz last Satinrdsy.

Mrs. Flora . Beardsley and dau^ter, Mrs. Otis Whitney, and Mrs. Charles Snyder attended the Dum^ven Ladies Aid society a t Mrs. Dickman’s last Friday.

Mrs. Andrew Vredenburgh en- tcirtained the Pinochle dub at her hrane last week Wednesday. Mrs. Claude Grera had a score of 6740, Ifes. John GoUpn had 5980 and Mrs. Harold Garrison 5550> in six games played. ^

Mrs. Emma McGuiil spent the weekend with her nei^ew, David Williams, and family a t AricviUe and left Tuesday, Nov. 14, with Harvey Andrus and his motlier for St. Petersburg, Fla., where she expects to iq>e^ the winter.


Hateott Center, Nov. 14.—Mrs. Ida Gordon npeot last week in Delmar with her granddaughter, I ta . Stefihen Bodner.

Mrs. Warddl BaUard and family v is its iEriends in Poui^ike^»ie Sunday.

Pvt. Darwin Faulkner, accom­panied by Pvt. Earl Carter of Can^ Va., spent thewtcekend with his parents, Mr. and Ifes. Darwin Faidkner.

Mr. and Mrs. Percy Newcomb and daughter ot Fleisdimanns were Sunday dinner guests at the

of Mr. and Mrs. Paul J c ^ -

Mr. and Mrs. L. J. D ean^ are spending the week with relatives in Afi>any.

The card p a i^ sponrored by the Juvenile Grange to be held Nov. 17 has been postponed untU Firiday ewming, Dec. 1, so as not to oonfltct with the senior play. Be sure and make note of the newdtalew

Mr. and Mrs. Salvadore Ludo ^ MaHboto are visiting Mr. and U rs. Paid Finch this weelc.

> > John J. Porth returned to Willis- Saturday after ^lending

^ n e at Ids tammer home in

Bovina Center, Nov. 14. Last Tuesday evening Mrs. Esther Uf< gren was taken to the Delhi hos­pital wto*e Wednesday nx^ming she underwent a major cq^imtion. She is stOl in the ho^taL

Chaiies FuUer was taken to the Delhi hosf^tal suffering froth a heart ailment

Elizabeth Avery, has been housekeeper for R ^ Bramley the past seven years, finished her work there Saturday. The same day her idster, Mrs. George Jac- qiUsh, came tcft her and Peggy. They will remain there tar a few days, th«i wiU start for Florida where she expects to spend the winter. We aU regret their leav­ing Bovina and hope for their re­turn in the siaing.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles llusseU of Onecmta were dinner guests of his lHX>ther, Cedi RusseU, and famUy Friday evoiing. The occasion was the 35th wdedihg anniversary of Mr. and Bfrs. Oiarles Russdl.

Bfr. and Mrs. Hug^ McF^erscm and two dau^ters were weekend guests a t Utica.

Mrs. Frank Pindar of Gbrand Gorge wpeaat Sunday with her daughter, Mrs. Charles Iddntosh.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Robinson of B i^ib ii^e spent the weekend a t the home oi her brother, James Hoy.

Mrs. BfinA Wilson had several carpeifters reshhigling her house Election day.

NCmCE i received the tax warrant of

Central School District No. 1 of the towns of Mddletown, Andes, Bovina and Roxbury, Delaware Coilnty, tod Hardenburgh, Ulster County, on S^itember 25, 1950, and wiU receive taxes for 30 days w i^out interest! Two per cen interest wiU b6 charged fnm October 25 through November 21

Taxes win be received only as follows;At Central Sd)0(d Building—Tues­

days, 9-12 a. m.; Thursdays, 9>12 a. m. i

At residence on Main Street— Tuesdays, 7-9 p. m»; Thursdays, 7-9 p. m.; Saturdays, 9-12 a. m., 7-9 p. ifL

MILDRED ARCHIBALD s22-nl7e Collector


By the Grace of God Free and____ Independent

To KEITH MEAD VINCENT MEAD FLOYD HOLDEN (a grand-nephew of decedent)

la grant , if Uvin;g,

and if dead then his executors, administrators and aU distribu­tees, heirs-at-law, next oi Idn

R e a ls H ixne to S U ersFleisdimaBns, Novi 14.—4B.

legatees and devisees of the said Floyd Hidden, and aU persons ynho by purchase or inheritance or otherwise, have, or daim to have, an interest m the Estate of the said DE3 CAS MEAD, de­ceased, derived through said Floyd Holden, dr his executors, administrators,. distributees, heh»*at-law, next of kin, devi­sees and other perscms, if any there be, and their names and post office addresses are un­known to petitimiers.Upon the petitton of LEROY D.

SCOTT and MORTON SCUDDER, of MargaretviUe, New York, pro­ponents, you are hereby dted to show cause b^w e the Surrogate’s Court of Delaware Coimty, at the Surrogate’s Office in^the ViUage of Delhi, in said County, on the n tho’do ___cree should not be Ranted ad­mitting to inrobate a certain in­strument in writing as the Last Vm and Testament of/DEMAS MEAD/ late of the town of Middle­town, said, county, .deceased, as a vaUd WIU of Real and Personal Property, and also to show cause why Letters Testamentary should not issue tiiere<m.

IN TESTIMONY WHERE­OF, we have caused the Seal qf our said Sunx>- gate*s Court to be here­unto affixed.

Wit n e s s , h o n . Ar t h u ry, « » 5: cu rv es . Surrogate <jf <L.S.) the County <rf Ddaware,

a t ^_Sum >gate’s Office hi Delhi, N. Y., this 8th day of November. 1950.

JEANETTE F. FOREMAN Clerk of the Surrogate’s Court

LAYMAN G. SNYDE^Attorney for Petltkmer.

v iritii^ Mr. Stetnhardt has « n ^ d liis how i New Y(gk.a this w e^. to fliciiai far tlie Jdding'aeai^ Address;

aiflMlSr pillow

for pillowcaaeal WIB dettver. Mrs. O. A. Todd, ArkviUe, N. Y. . nl7p

FOR SALE—1934 Master Chev­rolet coupe, in fair condition. May be seen at my home in Thomson hoUow, New Kingston, or write Mrs. J>>hald Monington, New Kingston. nl7c

FOR SALE—1935 Dodge cou in good condition. Mrs. Tod^ MargaretviUe. nl7c

FOR SALE—8 truck tires with tubes; 7.50-20. C. C. Dunham, phone Phoenicia 3648. nlOc

FOR SALE—^Dry baled shavings at oui^store in Andes, 85 cents. Liddle Bros., Andes, N> Y. die

FOR SALE — Columbia bicydes, Uke new, reasonably priced. Pine Acres, Big Indian, phone Pine HiU 2258. . nl7c

FOR SALE — Truck body, sted stake racks, factory buUt, never used, 12 ft. by 8 ft.. Liberal discount. Stout-Craft Motors. nl7c ______________ ___

FOR SALE—^Florence oU and gas combination range, in first-class condition. D. W. Davidson, Orchard street, MargaretviUe. nl7p

FARM FOR SALE—7 acres, near Walton, good buildings, house has aU improvements. Agnes McDonald, Walton, N. Y., phone 48-Y-ll. n24p

FOR SALE—^Year-round home, 5 rooms, bath, good condition, % acre. - GUes Rowe, AUaben, N. Y., phone Phoenicia 7357. nl7c

FOR SALE — Two new average size Haverly farm freezers. WUl accept terms and trade-ins. Walter B. Gladstone & Son, phone 2161, Andes, N. x. nl7c

JUST RECEIVED several ’94 Winchester carbines, .30-30 and .32 special. Two used elecMc ranges and two used Frigidaire refrigerators. Priced right. Mar­garetville Hardware, Inc. nl7c

FOR SALE HIGHWAY GASSTATION and 5-room hoi^e, one-acre lot, ideal cabin site, trout stream through property. WiU sacrifice for quick disposal Terms. H. T. Lukow, Realtor,MargaretviUe 125. nl7c

FOR SALE — Order now for Thanksgiving! D ress^ poultry and ducks, ready for the oven.

■ We have broUers, fryers, roast­ing and fricassee chickens. De- Uveries wiU be made Wednesday, Nov. 22, from MargaretviUe to Phoenida. Also fresh eggs. Duboveck’s Poultry Farms, phone MargaretviUe 34-F-25* nl7c

CHRYSLER, DeSoto, Dodge, Plymouth. Genuine MOPAR fac­tory parts. As complete a stod as you WiU find anywhere. Try us first. Stout-C^aft Motors, MargaretviUe. a9tf

FOR SALE — SUghtly used oU heater, best make, SUent auto- mati< heats three to four rooms, very reasonable. Leor Nazimowitz, Shandaken, N. Y caU Phoenida 7958. nl7p

FOR SALE—^House i^ ArkviUe, 5 ro<nns, % acre, electric hot wa­ter heater, electric water pump $800 down, balance like rent Abe Glauberman, Redmond Agency, MargaretviUe 104-W. nl7p

FOR SAL^^-Used Airway vacuum deaner with attachments, ex­cellent condition, also two snow tread ^ifes, 6JS0-15, used very Uttle. Mrs. Velma Jenkins, l^ n e 2119 RoXbury, Vega, N. Y nl7p


Legicm Home, MargaretviUe SATURDAY, NOV. 18



FOR SALE — On Maple ' street, just off Main, a good home plus extra apartment plus plenty of nx»n for expansion for business or additional income. Zoned for business, 160-ft. frontage, oU heat, weU buUt, in exceUent condition. Immediate posses­sion. Best o ff^ (within reason) takes it. A. F. Hetbohl, Mar­garetviUe. nl7p

FOR SALE—S A W 38 Spedal, $40;. 1939 Ford sedan, $175; antique stove with oU burner InstaUed, $ ^ ; 12 ft. canoe, store counter, .$7; new ultra violet ray lamp, sells for $32.50, f<»r $10.50; used pot burner, $20; 2 tables; t3i)ewriter desk, $15. Would consider trading for what you have. O l^ Atkin, ShaVer- town, N. Y., phone 26^, Andes. n24p

FOR SALE — Attention to our spedal November sales jdfn. We must move aU used cars from our lot and make space for 1951 Studebakers. If you need a car, come in today, and make us an offer. This is your o i^rtunity . We viU seU at your f ^ i»ice. For our late used models we wiU accept any car in trade 6n down payment. Read ota* used >car ad hi another coliaim. • DELAWARE M fm m S ^ .

Studebakdr Sale» fnd"Sei^ f^ionrl25^


beds in mitple, walnut and ma­hogany, HoUwood beds with and i^thout headboards, metal beds $10 up, band, coU and box springs from $10 up, innerspring mattresses $17.50 up. Also the famous SIMMONS BEAUTY- REST and D E^SLEEP mat­tresses. Studio couches, cribs, crib mattresses, ^ ts , roUaway beds, springs (m legs. StiU seU- Ing lovi^r than elsewhere. Come in and look around. Open eve­nings. Steinhardt’s F\imiture Exchange, Fleischmanns, N. Y. n24c


No Finance Charges’ V;.

No Insurance SmaU Weekly Payments

1930 Studebaker 4-door.1939 OldsmobUe 2-door.1940 Chevrolet 4-door sedan.19^1 Chevrolet station wagon, new

motor.1940 Ford IH-ton truck.

FOR SALEHIGHMOUNT remodeled house,

H acre lot, 5 rooms, entire in- dde stucco finish, outside white asbestos shingles, new porch, elecMc to be InstaUed. Price $4,000. H. T. Lukow, owner. n24c


FOR SALE—One Speed Marvel machine with 6-indi jointer, rip saw and cut off saw, in perfect condition, price is right One wood conveyor. One 20-inch one side .planer with mounted electric motor (5 horsepower). C. C .' Dunham, Shandaken, N. Y., phone Phoenicia 3648. nl7c

WANTED—A couple to managa • farm; good pay. Fred G an^* Bovina,. N. yT^________ iM e

WANTED — One man for saw work in woods. C.‘ Lumber Co., ArkviUe. idTe

MISCELLANEOtJSNOTICE—Dr. Weinberg wishes to

announce that his office wiU be . closed from Nov. 20 to Dec. 4

n ^ ______ _______________NOTICE—I wiU not be responsible

for any debts except those con­tracted by myself. Jasp«r Terns, MargaretviUe. n24p

CARD PARTY — Green VaUey Grange HaU,' Halcott Center, N. Y., Friday, Dec. 1, at 8 p. m. Benefit Gjeen VaUey Grange. Prizes and refreshments. die

BUICK QWNERS — During the deer season I wiU have^a short­age of mechanics but wiU try to serve you the best we can.

EARL E. JENKINS Bui'ck* Sales and Service

nl7p ' MargaretviUe48-HOUR SERVICE on photo

finishing. AU pictures mounted in new style album folders. Try this new service for satisfactory results. Films and cameras for sale. Snyder’s Supply Co., Mar­garetviUe. nl7c

BAKE SALE for Brownie and Intermediate Girl Scout Troops, sponsored by Fleischmanns Woman’s Fortnightly dub. Haderup’s Store, Saturday, Nov. 18, 2 p. m. Spedal orders fUled. Phone Fleischmanns 200. nl7c

WANTED—1940 or la t* 3 to 5 t<Mi truck for logging. Give full particulars. C. L. M. Lumber Co., ArkviUe. ______ nXlc

WANTED —House in F ld s ^ manns village. State approixi* mate price. Box F, c/o Newa,v dl5p_____________________ _

WANTED to rent, year aroun^ unfurnished apartmant or smalt house. Margaret MarrioftU phone Fleischmanns 2^M -X after 4 p. m.

WANTED — Janitor-doorman a t GaUi-Curd theatre, M argarrt-

:-round job, light w o».viUe, year- passes for famUy. theatre.

Inqtdre a t nl7c

WANTED—Basswood, elm, syea-' more and cottonwood logs. De*

livered our mUL Top prices paid. The Mayes CcHnpany, Inc., Fleischmanns, N. Y phoro 161. n3tf ________________ __

WANTED—Hard maple k>g8, suit­able for bowling pins. Also hi 18-inch lengths. Cash on de­livery our mUl, UvingstoAr Manor. Write or phone If^ Burr Sherwood._____ ‘

WANTED—I want to buy hind quarter native beef, alsa 150-lb. dressed hog. Also have gentle­man hog, w eighi^ 200, for propagation purposes. Olney Smith, Margaretville._____nl7p

WANTED, for rent, with opti<m to buy, 8-10-room house, pref^erably heated, for all year round. Quota ^ c e In reply to L Kleinfdd, 54 Warwick RcL, Elnxmt, L. L*New York. azn t


Legion Home, MargaretviUe SATURDAY, NOV. 18


nl7c________________________ »


, New ^U sntiam

Cbmra ■’Phcme MargaretviUe 163-F-4


WANTED — Women who would like to make money selling chU- drei ’s and ladies’ wear by show­ing actual samples, no catalogue. Ideal Christmas presents. Write

r Box 622, Fleischmanns, N. Y. nl7p _____________________

IPOSmON WANTED — To help out for hunting season. Two adults, experienced, femala (mattored) cook and dau^ter. References. Reasonable. M. Yost; 55 GatUng Place, B rook te N. Y., <^o Goi^dard. - bX7^

Cibbd ]^ardWhite Ash and Oak


LUMBER CO., INCOYS’TER SUPPER, Friday, Dec. 1, ^ ^at the HalcottvUle Graike HaU. ^Oyster stew, scaUop potatoes,«rolls, baked beans and dessert.T^j^NTED-*-(For cash) old i^ase-Benefit Methodist church and Grange. Supper served at 5 un- tU all are served. Tickets: Adults $1.25, chUdren 60c. n24c


' SERVICE MaU or bring your duU d i for sharpening. 75c with We pay postage back to you. 24-

ware, china, kerosene lamps, tables, chairs, bureaus, e i^ boards, stands, desks, cord been, guns, powder horns, docks, sleigh bells. Jewelry, cut ,^ass» doUs. Anything old. write James Cain, Roscoe. N. Y. m24tf

LEGAL NOTICEShour sendee." G uarantee satis-1 NOTICE Is hereby given thatfaction. Complete repair of dip­pers. New sets of blades andcUroers for sale. L. b Tdid29c


1941 WiUys coupe, ra£o, beaten 1946 Ford 8 2-door.1948 Chevrolet Fleetline, radio,

heater.1949 Ford 6 2-door, radio, heater.1950 Studebaker Champion 2-door

sedan, fully equipped.Overland house traOer, late model,

3 rooms, sleeps 4, fully equipped.



DELAWARE MOTORS CO. Studebaker Sales apd Service

Phone 125 MargaretviUe

FOR RENTFOR RENT—One large and one

smaU house. Mabel D. Fraton, broker, MargaretviUe. nl7c

FOR RENT—Apartment, 3 rooms and bath, heated. . Inquire \ ^Unus,> opposite theater, Mar­garetviUe. o27tf

License No. 13-HL-121 has been issued to the undersigned under the provisions of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Law to seU liquor, wine and beer to be con­sumed on the premises where sol4 at McAlonen’s P c ^ ^ Inn on route 30, 3% miles south of Roxbury, N. Y. Lenm Me- Alonen, d/b/a McAlonen’a Pop­lar Inn, Box 181, Roxbury, N. Y. n24c____________________

NOTICE TO CREDITORS Pursuant to an Ordor af B hl


Roxbury, N. Y. >FRIDAY, NOV. 24, I960

11 a. m., selling anything that has been consigned for this sale; smaU artides, produce, poultry,(tigs, horses, etc.

1 P ®*» dairy cows. . ________________ _______We wiU have consigned by vari-1 Arthur F. Curtis, ^ im ca ta of tl»

ous owners good f i ^ cows, of I>Siw8iC n o tl» lispringers, winter cows, first-calf I hereby given to alt persona iiMnt ig heifers, yearUngs, beef cows, buUs, dStaw lEStort iS p lK ia and calves. hate of tb e lb w n of MlikHHmn.

This is a good market to seU £ gSd S c a w d T ^any Wnd of t t le . We have buy- they are required to sodiftit m en for all kfajds. If you need a game w i t h ^ voudisra thnreol^

^ t t le to the sobecrtber^ the E ateolM PLEASE let us know befnelof tiie said deceased, a t the F ^ A Y tt posri^ . tloiial B u k of Roxtanr, S o ta y ,

We buy complete dahies or seU n . Y.. ec or beftee me a S e i r the same for you cm a commission jof FJlvuary ntx t. ba*i*. I Dated July 34. IStffi.

\ AMY HgWriT

Home O ffl« ^ ^ R ^ b u r y 36W L ™ a31805, 31843.____________ ^ R^ixbury, N. Y.

r*A12n Q iW n riY A m rc I n o t ic e is hereby given thatU A R U a Ul* I License No. 13-RL-134 haa been

issued to the undersignedTo the many kind friends who extended sympathy and render^ services in various ways at the time of our bereavement, we wish to express our deepest gratitude,

li&s. Maurice H. Fanning and Daughters

nl7c Roxbury, N. Y.

the provisions of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Law to seQ beer, wine and liquor to be con­sumed on the premises where sold, at Mac’s Restaurant on the south side of Main street in the v illa^ ci Margaretville, N. Y.. Peter Biantas, MargaretviUe, N. Y., d/b/a Mac’s Restaurant nl7c

••'J:-!' '.jr



‘ .rJ-*

i ' s*.-',,r

FOR RENT—House, 5 rooms and bath, furnished, in Margaret­viUe.. Inquire Mrs. Ida Rose, Margaretville. nl7p

TO LET—5-room lieated imart- ment on Main street, furnished or unfurnished. Dr. C. C. Hol­comb, MargaretviUe. nl7p

I wish to express my sincere thanks to frien& for their cheer­ful and thoughtful cards receiv^ during my three-week stay at FoxMenidrlal hospital in Oneonto. I t i Pnxhtw wfn tMk imMwm never be forgotten. I sincere- ^ly thank you aU. ' ^

NOTICE .The Annual Election in tiieJ Ele<^

D istna^House in said District

nl7c « ne N. Y. fiyg years and a Treasurer toe ~ ' a term of three years.

..P (^ win be op&a from 7 P. to 10 P. M,LOST AND FOUND


FOR RENT in Fleischmanns,! year-round apar^n^it, 3 rooms

V 1.1 » 1 1. i CwwMates wiU be required 10 w, ^ g j e hpin^ file thier name* with Artlmr with tan m a rl^ ^ . F^der | Bouton, Secretary, a t leaatplease return to Carl RiddeJdays before the ^ Ngv Khigston, N. phone [Dated a t Roodmry,

nlTpj Comity, New T ett; f t 1950,


and bath, f teai^ hMit aU mod? Chevrolet wIm I «nd thie Qy Otder of theimprovements, fiinnsbed or betwe«ni ArkviUe and: Arenat fhawMi—i^iiw ot ^

^ , _______ _ . _ Wedtiasday fwreiiowii “

St^fciMN^ Cd|s,-ti-,