Download - Aristotle (the The Churchjmlynch/HPS323/documents/week02a-scirev.pdfThe Church “The LORD is king, robed with majesty; the LORD is robed, girded with might. The world will surely

Page 1: Aristotle (the The Churchjmlynch/HPS323/documents/week02a-scirev.pdfThe Church “The LORD is king, robed with majesty; the LORD is robed, girded with might. The world will surely


1543 - 1687

University system as center of orthodoxy

Authority of

◦ Plato (Timaeus)

◦ Aristotle (the Organum)

◦ The Church

“The LORD is king, robed with majesty; the LORD is robed, girded with might. The world will surely stand in place, never to be moved.” [Psalms 93:1]

“The LORD is king. The world will surely stand fast, never to be moved. God rules the peoples with fairness.” [Psalms 96: 10]

“You fixed the earth on its foundation, never to be moved.” [Psalms 104: 5]

“Tremble before him, all the earth; he has made the world firm, not to be moved.” (1 Chronicles 16: 30]

“Then spake Joshua to the LORD in the day when the LORD delivered up the Amorites before the children of Israel, and he said in the sight of Israel, Sun, stand thou still upon Gibeon; and thou, Moon, in the valley of Ajalon.

And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, until the people had avenged themselves upon their enemies. Is not this written in the book of Jasher? So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and hasted not to go down about a whole day.”

Page 2: Aristotle (the The Churchjmlynch/HPS323/documents/week02a-scirev.pdfThe Church “The LORD is king, robed with majesty; the LORD is robed, girded with might. The world will surely


Sphere Composition

Celestial Immutable Quintessence

Terrestrial Mutable Four Sub-lunar Elements

Page 3: Aristotle (the The Churchjmlynch/HPS323/documents/week02a-scirev.pdfThe Church “The LORD is king, robed with majesty; the LORD is robed, girded with might. The world will surely


Polish astronomer and


On the revolutions of the

celestial spheres, 1543

Proposed motion of the

Earth and fixity of the Sun.

Immovable sphere of fixed stars

Mobileplanetary spheres

Page 4: Aristotle (the The Churchjmlynch/HPS323/documents/week02a-scirev.pdfThe Church “The LORD is king, robed with majesty; the LORD is robed, girded with might. The world will surely


“Mathematics is for mathematicians”

“Let no one ignorant of geometry enter here”

Owen Gingerich has called this “the book no body read.”

No immediate change in astronomical theory or practiceand only began to have an influence ~75 after publication.

Then, Copernicus’ ideas were rapidly overtaken by those of Kepler.

The “revolution” is an invention of historians in the late 18th

Century and continued by Kuhn and others.

“Had it not been for the contribution of TychoBrahe and [Johannes] Kepler, the Copernican system would have contributed to the perpetuation of the Ptolemaic system in a slightly more complicated form but more pleasing to philosophical minds” (O. Neugebauer, 1968, p. 103)

“If there was a revolution in astronomy, that revolution was Keplerian and Newtonian, and not in any simple or valid sense Copernican” (I.B. Cohen, 1985, p. 125)

First scientific institute

New instruments

New tables of atmospheric refraction

New observational protocols

Continual observation of planets

Page 5: Aristotle (the The Churchjmlynch/HPS323/documents/week02a-scirev.pdfThe Church “The LORD is king, robed with majesty; the LORD is robed, girded with might. The world will surely


German astronomer, mathematician & astrologer.

Assisted Brahe and inherited his data

Astronomia Nova, 1609

Three laws of planetary motion

Largely a revolution on paper only.

Page 6: Aristotle (the The Churchjmlynch/HPS323/documents/week02a-scirev.pdfThe Church “The LORD is king, robed with majesty; the LORD is robed, girded with might. The world will surely


1609 – Kepler’s New Astronomy 1610 – Galileo’s Starry Messenger 1618 – Beginning of Thirty Year War 1620 – Bacon’s Novum Organon 1638 – Galileo’s Two New Sciences 1642 – English Civil War 1660 – Foundation of the Royal Society 1666 – Great Plague (and Fire) of London 1667 – Great Turkish War (until 1699) 1687 – Newton’s Principia 1688 – The “Glorious Revolution”

Scientific methods (Rene Descartes & Bacon)

Experimentation & Observation

Instrumentalist view of natural philosophy

Networks of inquiry

Democratization of knowledge

English politician and philosopher

Novum Organum, 1620

Experimentally-based induction as a method for attaining knowledge

The importance of the “negative instances” and “crucial instances.”

Communal nature of inquiry

Page 7: Aristotle (the The Churchjmlynch/HPS323/documents/week02a-scirev.pdfThe Church “The LORD is king, robed with majesty; the LORD is robed, girded with might. The world will surely


Robert Boyle,

Anglo-Irish natural

philosopher and


Page 8: Aristotle (the The Churchjmlynch/HPS323/documents/week02a-scirev.pdfThe Church “The LORD is king, robed with majesty; the LORD is robed, girded with might. The world will surely


English experimental philosopher

Curator of Experiments for the RSL.

Micrographia, 1665

Hooke’s Law, 1676

Page 9: Aristotle (the The Churchjmlynch/HPS323/documents/week02a-scirev.pdfThe Church “The LORD is king, robed with majesty; the LORD is robed, girded with might. The world will surely


Page 10: Aristotle (the The Churchjmlynch/HPS323/documents/week02a-scirev.pdfThe Church “The LORD is king, robed with majesty; the LORD is robed, girded with might. The world will surely


“As the extension, so the force.”

Writing in Italian and hugely influencing the natural philosophy of his day

◦ Letters on Sunspots, 1613

◦ Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems, 1632

◦ Discourse on the Two New Sciences, 1638

Ideas used by Hooke, Newton, Huygens …

Page 11: Aristotle (the The Churchjmlynch/HPS323/documents/week02a-scirev.pdfThe Church “The LORD is king, robed with majesty; the LORD is robed, girded with might. The world will surely


Page 12: Aristotle (the The Churchjmlynch/HPS323/documents/week02a-scirev.pdfThe Church “The LORD is king, robed with majesty; the LORD is robed, girded with might. The world will surely


The Medician Satellites

Page 13: Aristotle (the The Churchjmlynch/HPS323/documents/week02a-scirev.pdfThe Church “The LORD is king, robed with majesty; the LORD is robed, girded with might. The world will surely


Page 14: Aristotle (the The Churchjmlynch/HPS323/documents/week02a-scirev.pdfThe Church “The LORD is king, robed with majesty; the LORD is robed, girded with might. The world will surely



“[Natural] Philosophy is written in this grand book - the universe - which stands continuously open to our gaze. But the book cannot be understood unless one first learns to comprehend the language and interpret the characters in which it is written. It is written in the language of mathematics, and its characters are triangles, circles, and other geometrical figures, without which it is humanly impossible to understand a single word of it; without these one is wandering about in a dark labyrinth.”

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Isaac Newton 1687

Owen Gingerich, The Book Nobody Read, 2005.

Lisa Jardine, The Curious Life of Robert Hooke, 2005

Carl Zimmer, Soul Made Flesh, 2005.

Neal Stephenson, Quicksilver, 2004.