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Page 1: Argumentation and Debate Components & What to Avoid.

Argumentation and Debate

Components & What to Avoid

Page 2: Argumentation and Debate Components & What to Avoid.

I. Components of an argumentation

1.Making a strong case: Present your case clearly and support it sufficientl

y with statistics, evidence and examples; Make it relevant to the audience;

2. Refuting Counter-Arguments; 3. Making an emotional appeal

call the audience's attention to the importance and/or urgency of your issue.

Don’t be over-sentimental.

Page 3: Argumentation and Debate Components & What to Avoid.

1-1.Making a strong case: clear statement & strong support

Casino: affirmative– a sound revenue base and an economic development t

ool that could spawn other development. (e.g. hotel, entertainment, restaurant, etc. source)

e.g. Illinois casinos produced a total of $285 million in state and local tax revenue in 1995, according to the state Gaming Board's annual report.

Monaco and South Korea use casinos strictly as tourist traps: their own citizens are forbidden to gamble in them. In the US, the states of Nevada and Mississippi are recognized as net economic winners. Each is a low-population state that draws most of its gamblers from out of state - an estimated 80%-90% in Nevada and about 2/3 in Mississippi, according to widely-cited figures. (source)

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1-1.Making a strong case: clear statement & strong support

Casino: affirmative– Regulation (source) Another way of thinking: it has started.

( )

Page 5: Argumentation and Debate Components & What to Avoid.

1-1.Making a strong case: clear statement & strong support

Other factors involved in being clear and convincing: avoid confusion of terms; faulty logic, avoid unreliable sources (examines the position i

mplied in the sources. e.g. BBS 轉載; “ All About COHABITING Before Marriage” Our prayer is that this web page might be a help to you an

d others to "have life and have it abundantly" through Christ Jesus.    - Rev. Don Weston

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1-2 Be relevant and updated:

What is the present situation of the Casino debate in Taiwan?

Cohabitation –discuss Taiwanese cases.

Page 7: Argumentation and Debate Components & What to Avoid.

2.Refuting Counter-Arguments;

e.g. 1 Casino: negative side– (sources 1, 2 ) gambling is addictive; not good for economy:

no revenue given to the State if gambling happens on international waters;

e.g. "ill stray dogs should be killed" 台南市發生流浪狗攻擊女童事件, 單方面的捕殺絕對不可能解決流浪犬的問題。 為了人類一己的絕對安全,把其他所有的物種都在台灣絕


Page 8: Argumentation and Debate Components & What to Avoid.

II. The rhetoric modes needed:

Definition --- of the important concepts --- identify the premise(s);

Classification -- divide up the issues into proper

categories Research & Analysis Narrative – as a way to give examples

Page 9: Argumentation and Debate Components & What to Avoid.

II. The rhetoric modes needed:

Definition e.g. Casino –

What is gambling? Where should a casino be located, in historic hotel or on a ship?

Premise --e.g. cohabitation – Cohabitation = pre-marital sex Cohabitation = trial marriage? Or substitute for

marriage? Definition of love and marriage. living togethe


Page 10: Argumentation and Debate Components & What to Avoid.

II. The rhetoric modes needed:

Classification e.g. Casino –

economics & human nature e.g. Cohabitation –

purposes, emotional aspect, economic aspect, daily matters, social expectations.

e.g. Homosexuals should be allowed to bear & raise children

sexual orientation; emotional qualities; gender role modeling

Page 11: Argumentation and Debate Components & What to Avoid.

II. The rhetoric modes needed:

Classification e.g. Kindergarten English education

purposes, methods (immersion or bilingualism), practices and possible consequences.

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II. The rhetoric modes needed:

Narrative – Kindergarten English education: a child in a

n emersion English plan 浸泡式 張湘君的女兒 「念我一本書」( READ M E A BOOK ),張湘君要求她說中文時,女兒便說:「你好嗎?今天」、「我肚子很餓,現在。」

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What to avoid:

Generalization and absolute statement Logical fallacy

If we put limits on the right to publish pornography, soon all of our Constitutionally-given rights will be taken away.

(Slippery Slope) Taipei residents should not have to recycle plastics bec

ause those who live in Kaoshiung are not required to. (Two Wrongs Make a Right)

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What to avoid:

God exists because the Bible says so. The Bible is a reliable source because it is the word of God.

(Circular Reasoning) If one is 16 years old or older, one can drive an

automobile in Wisconsin. I saw your niece driving through Wausau yesterday. She must be at least 16.

(Affirmation of the Consequent)

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What to avoid:

If the the casino is set up, Penghu people will be morally corrupted. The casino is not set up, so Penghu will be spared the evils of corruption and moral degradation.

(Denial of the Antecedent) Having a television rating system is like being in p

rison. Both infringe on one's rights. (Wrong Analogy)