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Today the sincere Teachers are in deep sea with privatization of education merit is rarely appreciated or encouraged, the education is meant to suit the rich and powerful, the dedicated teachers and students have become a minority and still we have to thrive, as we have to live with job to sustain our own responsibilities to life.. Today some of the deemed to be Universities market the results and give and take degrees as it is called as package deal, in this process the profession is loaded with less competent Doctors who just make it with power of Money. As our education system has noticeably begun failing our students, many people have put the blame squarely on teachers only on sincere Teachers? However with rapid expansion anybody can be a Teacher, it is no longer an art it is a Trade, with rapid expansion potential. On both state and national levels, the Government and private institutes has begun blaming teachers by holding them accountable to unreasonable testing and grade metrics despite the fact that there are numerous other problems that exist. The pressure of maintaining these ridiculous standards have led many teachers across the country to illegitimately pass students along from one grade to the next, Today our Practical system of assessment of the Students even in Medical profession is a hoax, we many times make the questions suitable to pass the examination. Many get degrees in Medicine and other professions easily however will fail to make it when faced with the social and professional challenges. Today many Dental and Nursing graduates are not willing to take up the profession as they are unable to face the challenges and very badly trained, by the Teachers who just come to colleges to make money and fit to the Medical council regulations and many times skip the classes, teach old ideas to the new generation of Professionals.. Today many college managements consider the Teachers as workers. The worker bees are merely doing what they're told. In the education system, teachers are the worker bees, and it is just as absurd to blame them for the failure of our education system, as it is to blame employees for the failure of a business. The fault lies at the top where the decisions that truly make the biggest impact are being made. This includes decisions that affect budgets, technological investments; many Engineering graduates produced from substandard colleges have no basic skills to be called as even technician etc. The major failure of Students lie with lacking responsibility of parents it's the Parents as Parents are the first line of defense and offense. They have a responsibility for building an environment where learning and education is not just enforced but made enjoyable. It's not enough to simply send your children to college and hope the teacher inspires them to care about their future. How a teacher can take care of 200 students when the parents cannot take of their one or two children I'm increasingly becoming convinced that our society doesn't value education, intellect or higher thinking. The educational system as a whole can be blamed for this as well. As a society we've decided and accepted a school or college system that houses students in factory facilities 8 hours a day where they're each stamped out like clones, one after another they are each thrown into the world with the same attributes. Each new student no better or different than the next. What our school or college system and our society need to push is individualism. We cannot continue building clones anymore! The failure of our education system can't be blamed on one group of individuals. The blame must be placed on all of us. Administrators and Managements blame the Teachers, Teachers blame students and Students blame the Teachers when they fail, if we students and Teachers play our roles well we can make matters better, then and only then will our education system improve. We must stop blaming teachers for our failing education system. They aren't the only ones to blame and they shouldn't be the central focus of blame. Whenever some body fails I search my consciousness how much I am responsible. My long experience enlightens me we can improve many students but to change the attitude of Teachers and parents in practice is difficult to make the matters better in Education? Dr.T.V.Rao MD Professor of Microbiology, Freelance writer