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Volume 3

Issue 3

September 2010

TelematicsTelematicsTransport SystemTransport System

Archives of

Editor-in-Chief Prof. Jerzy Mikulski

International Scientific Journal published quarterly as the organ of the Polish Association of Transport Telematics

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TelematicsTelematicsTransport SystemTransport System

Archives of Volume 3

Issue 3

September 2010

Editorial Board of the Journal

Editor – in – chief Jerzy Mikulski

Associate Editor Dorota Bartoszek

Assistant Editor Szymon Surma

Technical Editor Renata Skowrońska

International Programming Council


A. Janota Żilina, Republic of Slovakia

Vice chairman

A. Bialoń Katowice, Poland


M. Bregulla Ingolstadt, Germany

K. Chwesiuk Szczecin, Poland

J. Dyduch Warszawa, Poland

W. Filipowicz Gdynia, Poland

M. Franeková Żilina, Republic of Slovakia

A. Fellner Katowice, Poland

S. Gucma Szczecin, Poland

S. Hegyi Bratislava, Republic of Slovakia

J. Januszewski Gdynia, Poland

A. Kalašová Żilina, Republic of Slovakia

D. Kevicky Żilina, Republic of Slovakia

B. Kos Katowice, Poland

O. Krettek Aachen, Germany

R. Krystek Gdańsk, Poland

A. Lewiński Radom, Poland

M. Luft Radom, Poland

Z. Łukasik Radom, Poland

J. Michalík Żilina, Republic of Slovakia

J. Młyńczak Katowice, Poland

W. Nagórny Katowice, Poland

G. Nowacki Warszawa, Poland

S. Oszczak Olsztyn, Poland

Z. Pietrzykowski Szczecin, Poland

B. Pochopień Gliwice, Poland

K. Rástočný Żilina, Republic of Slovakia

J. Spalek Żilina, Republic of Slovakia

Z. Stocko Lviv, Ukraine

W. Suchorzewski Warszawa, Poland

M. Svítek Prague, Czech Republic

A. Szeląg Warszawa, Poland

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E. Szychta Radom, Poland

G. Tarnai Budapest, Hungary

Z. Toš Zagreb, Croatia

W. Wawrzyński Warszawa, Poland

R. Wawruch Gdynia, Poland

A. Weintrit Gdynia, Poland

B. Wiśniewski Szczecin, Poland

K. Wydro Warszawa, Poland

A Quarterly of PSTT

Published by:Polish Association of Transport Telematics

Editorial Office AddressPolish Association of Transport Telematics5/3 Józefa Gallusa Str.40594 Katowice, POLAND

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All papers have been accepted for publication after reviewing process.

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SWOT analysis of the road cargo transport companies in Poland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4M. KADLUBEK

Lighting device parameters influence on signal circuit safety in interlocking systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9


Flight inspection of aircraft at the University of Zilina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14A. NOVÁK, D. KEVICKÝ

Reducing the Impact of Stroboscopic Effect on the Results of Vehicles’ Plate Recognition Using Super-Resolution Techniques by Non-Coherent Camera Triggering. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19


Onboard Unit (Obu) in an ITS System on the Basis of Coopers Project . . . . . . . . . . . . 25T. PAŁCZYNSKI, Z. PAWELSKI

Integrated Control Tools Development for Sustainable City Transport System . . . . 32A. PATLINS, N. KUNICINA

Transport safety of Slovak Railways level crossings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39K. RÁSTOČNY, J. ILAVSKÝ, P. NAGY

Reliability of data obtained from video systems of traffic surveillance . . . . . . . . . . . . 46M. STAWOWY

Road user protection via intelligent camera surveillance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52B. SCHIERECK

GPS use to determine accurate speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56M. DĘBOWSKA-MRÓZ, E. SZYCHTA


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TelematicsTelematicsTransport SystemTransport System

Archives of Volume 3

Issue 3

September 2010

M. KADLUBEKFaculty of Management, Czestochowa University of Technology, Armii Krajowej 19 B, 42-200 Czestochowa, PolandEMAIL: [email protected]

ABSTRACTThis paper gives an overview of some chosen aspects of the market recognition of road cargo trans-port services in Poland, assumed that there is a possibility of a change in the functioning of small and medium companies. The opportunities, threats, strengths and weaknesses of companies in the sector of hire or reward road cargo transport in Poland and in the EU-15 member states have been compared and the results of this comparison are shown in the SWOT analysis format.

KEYWORDS: hire or reward road cargo transport, SWOT analysis

1. Conditions of Polish hire or reward road cargo transport competitiveness

The opening of Polish economy and the increasing pe-netration of Polish market by foreign companies are respon-sible for the fact that Polish transport companies, if they are to survive and develop, have to undertake activities that will improve their competitiveness. The functioning of a transport company under the situation of constant changes of economic conditions which, due to a variety of reasons, take place in the market of transport services, means that the company is either capable of retaining its competitive advantage, or developing a new competitive advantage [4].

According to i.a. J. Burnewicz [2], K. Bentkowska-Se-nator and Z. Kordel [1], B. Kos [7], the competitiveness of a transport company depends on the following crucial factors:

• modernity of fleet vehicles ,• utilized infrastructure – its availability and quality,• IT systems,• qualifications of employees,

• organizational efficiency,• marketing strategies.

The above conditions are shaped by the knowledge, skills, objectives specified by the company management, and financial capacity of a company. The mechanism of develo-ping competitiveness by a transport company begins with an estimation of users of the offered transport services and the company image in the market. Potential customers compare the prices of services, their widely understood quality, and pay attention also to the company image and reputation.

The ability of a transport company to effectively func-tion and extend its potential customers market for its se-rvices is restrained by many factors, which can be clas-sified into internal ones, i.e. depending on the transport company itself, and external ones, which do not depend on the decisions made in the company.

Domestic competition of small and medium carriers who prevail in the Polish market mostly takes place in the sphere of prices for the services they provide, which is the most obvious factor of market competitiveness in this sector. A number of other factors, which are decisi-ve for the selection of a particular provider of hire or re-ward cargo transport services by a customer, include the

SWOT analysis of the road cargo transport companies in Poland

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5Volume 3 • Issue 3 • September 2010

quality of customer service, fleet and company credibility, and remain beyond the sphere of capabilities of small car-riers. Undoubtedly, competing by means of prices is not and cannot be a long term market strategy of a company, especially if the business entity in question does not have enough financial resources even for its current activities.

A frequently utilized method of competing consists in offering customers a complex range of services, and constantly extending and perfecting this range. As a rule, small and medium companies do not have a range of se-rvices wide enough to compete with large companies. Usually, only companies with an established position can be afford providing professional transport services [10]. It demands a strong capital condition, modern management and compliance with quality standards, which makes it possible to compete in the European Union market in the future. A majority of carriers active in the Polish market are not able to face such challenges single-handedly.

The presence of many small and medium carriers in the Polish market results in a situation when the offer of most entities is limited to providing customers with the simplest forms of services. The provided services can be classified as traditional and uncomplicated ones, mainly such as the transport and forwarding, while the storage or distribution is less frequent. In connection with Poland’s accession to the EU a gradual replacement of the services of road cargo transport by delivery chain management, common in the economically developed EU-15 countries is expected. This replacement can already be observed, al-though its degree is still rather limited. At present the com-petition between international carriers from the EU and from Poland is taking place in different markets, however, the strengthening of carriers who are active in Poland can be observed simultaneously with a dynamic expansion of Polish carriers into the European Union markets [8].

Changes in the economy reflected in transportation and services changes have a decisive impact on the evo-lution of focus in operations of companies active in that economy sector. Depending on the company organization and legal form, size, and operations extent, one can see the following new directions that occur in the services of road cargo transportation in Poland [14]:

• diversification of transportation companies’ operations – extension of the basic activity profile by all types of additional services, i.e. shipping, storage, customs, IT, and financial, up to, and inclusive of, comprehensive packages of logistic services offered to customers;

• introduction of state-of-the-art transportation tech-nologies (innovation) or new types of transportation services using the existing infrastructure of transpor-tation companies raising their effectiveness through the adaptation of services already offered to market requirements;

• focus only on the chosen basic services (which is the case of small companies).

The absence of steady contracts and looking for mar-ket niches are responsible for the fact that the carriers who belong to the sector of small and medium companies in the long run are unstable. Thus, in a natural way these en-tities which are weak with respect to their financial and organizational structure are eliminated from the mar-ket, and replaced by new, equally weak entities [1]. The functioning under uncertain market conditions and a still fiercer competition forces companies to look for strategies that would assure their survival in the market. An efficient way of facing the difficulties by companies, which assures their collaboration, seems to lie in their integration [9]. The path leading to a consolidation of Polish companies certainly ought to take into account the establishment of strategic alliances, agreements, and consortia. The esta-blishment of a group of companies being mutually com-plementary with reference to the offered services would increase the chances for their development by improving the factors connected with organizational matters, capital, contracts, and leading to a decrease of incurred costs [10].

2. SWOT analysis of companies in the hire or reward sector of road cargo transport in the EU-15 member states and Poland

At present and in the nearest future small and me-dium transport companies in Poland have to search for their own way of surviving in the competitive and satu-rated market of transport services. However, taking into account the still more limited opportunities of carriers in this group, also with reference to a widely understood innovativeness of their offer and a lack of willingness in the business environment to undertake any consolidating activities, the future of the companies in question in most cases will be reduced either to being subcontractors or to functioning in market niches [16]. The absence of a pro-tective umbrella of the state over these companies and the-ir lack of skills in acquiring financial resources from the EU are undoubtedly among the factors which make the functioning of transport companies more difficult. Vario-us aspects of their functioning, including those that have already been hinted at and some more, as well as potential opportunities and threats to their development, are shown in Table 1 in the SWOT analysis format.

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On the basis of the market recognition of road cargo transport services, it is assumed that there is a possibility of a change in the functioning of small and medium companies, the major premises of such changes being the following:

• a growing inter-branch competition, which may cause: › intensification of the consolidating tendencies which would make it possible to concentrate ca-pital, expand the range of activities, and change forms of organization; this might be possible if we assume that the awareness of potential profits of the consolidation will grow; however, a change in the traditional way of conducting business activi-ties will be a process gradually taking place over a number of years;

› improvement in service qualities as a basic condi-tion for retaining competitiveness of Polish carriers; this necessity is conditioned by the level of transport services offered in other countries of the European Community and the current requirements of custo-mers interested in such services;

• increasing the number of specialised vehicles (toge-ther with semi-trailers) as a response to the increasing share of highly processed goods in the total volume of production;

• a growing demand for attests enabling the transport of hazardous goods, perishable goods and animals;

• a change of the fleet structure: increasing the share of truck tractors with semi-trailers and reducing the sha-re of universal trucks;

• an opportunity to acquire funds from the European Union.

The premises for the development of Polish market of transport services have a macroeconomic character: an increasing economic growth causes an increasing dyna-mics of growth of the road cargo transport sector, which is larger in Poland than in other countries of the EU-15 member states. The increase in turnover calculated in Polish zloty is achieved while at the same time the total quantity of transport services drops. It is expected that due to the systematic drop in transport demand of Polish economy after Poland’s accession to the EU the quantity of transport calculated in tonnes and tonne-kilometres will not grow; in the case of high dynamics of GDP it may be retained at the present level. Basic consequences of the EU extension for the Polish sector of road cargo transport boil down to tidying the market and accelera-ting its evolution. The conditions of competition are go-ing to change gradually due to the transition periods that have been negotiated in the field of transport. The as-sumption is becoming confirmed that the EU extension would cause an increase in the trade turnover between the EU-15 member states and the new members; regar-dless of the falling transport demand of Polish economy an increase in the road transport was to be expected. Po-land’s integration with the EU increased the competition in international transport and accelerated the process of

Strengths Weaknesses

- The carriers are getting prepared for the growing competition with EU countries by gradual replacement of fleet vehicles by ecologically-friendly and more modern ones;

- Small transport companies are acquainted with manufacturing companies in the local market;

- The specialization of transport is growing due to investing in vehicles adjusted to specific types of cargo;

- The number of attestations required for specific types of cargo transport is growing, e.g. for transport of hazardous goods (ADR) or animals:

- The system of financial services is growing rapidly, improving the access of companies to capital.

- Large dispersion of carriers, evidenced by the fact that the prevailing number of carriers are small companies (owning a single vehicle);

- A considerable majority of companies is managed by natural persons;

- No long-term transport contracts in small companies;

- Poor financial standing and low earning capacity of companies which makes it difficult to acquire capital;

- Low level of education, inadequate level and inappropriate structure of vocational qualifications;

- Low transport accessibility of Poland, especially some of its regions.

Opportunities Threats

- Stimulation of trade with the EU countries due to abolishing internal customs tariffs and trade barriers, as well as the tightening of economic associations;

- An expected growth of demand for consumer goods from other countries will enliven the transport market;

- Building modern warehouses, custom bonds and logistics warehouses in order to facilitate goods distribution;

- Forwarders will look for carriers willing to deal with the transportation of LCL goods;

- A consolidation of small companies will allow for their more effective and profitable negotiation of transport agreements with large companies;

- A development of industry branches with higher processing levels (as one of the ways to enliven regions) will result in the increase in specialised transport services, mainly provided by small companies;

- Improvement in the access of small and medium companies to external sources of financing (i.a. acquiring funds from the common capital market of Europe).

- Lack of a decision center indispensable in a situation of a high demand for transport services provided by small companies;

- Poor access of small transport companies to information and new technologies;

- Forced cooperation of small transport companies (acting as subcontractors) with large logistic companies that have their headquarters in distant regions;

- A considerable price increase of vehicles and transport equipment (including specialised equipment and vehicles) and price increase of fuels (due to the increase in the excise duty) would increase the costs incurred by Polish carriers and diminish their competitiveness;

- When Polish carriers have to pay taxes at the same level as the carriers in other EU countries the cost of transport will rise considerably;

- Polish carriers might be eliminated from some segments of the transport market by carriers from Eastern and Central Europe who can assure slightly lower costs of transport;

- The expected concentration of logistic services will transfer the assumed lowering of costs to carriers dealing with a clean transport, i.e. small companies;

- The risk of inadequate level of absorption of the EU aid.

Source: own work on the basis of [1]

Table 1. SWOT analysis of Polish hire or reward road cargo transport companies

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7Volume 3 • Issue 3 • September 2010

systematization of the whole branch. The abolition of the prohibition of cross-border transport among the EU members and of the necessity of border checks lead to a growth in efficiency of international transport servi-ces provided by Polish carriers. At the same time their profitability was decreasing due to the rising prices of fuels and the introduction of road user fees [3]. Frequ-ent provision of services at lowered prices results in a scarcity of resources for investments and development, and even for the replacement of the means of transport. Meanwhile, the carriers from Western Europe are per-ceived as entities implementing state-of-the-art tech-nologies, being better organized and providing higher standards of services [6].

The opportunities indicated and not indicated above, strengths and weaknesses of companies in the sector of hire or reward road cargo transport in Poland and in the EU-15 member states have been compared and the re-sults of this comparison are shown in the SWOT analysis format in Table 2.

3. Problems of road transport policy in Poland

On the one hand, the joining of the EU structures by Poland increased the opportunities of Polish entities for functioning in the Union market, but on the other hand it made the national transport companies to face the challenge of meeting higher requirements and expectations, including the improvement in price and quality competitiveness [15].

From the point of view of transport policy it is impor-tant to create conditions for development of companies and their functioning according to the principles which are complied with everywhere in Europe, which entails the improvement in the quality of Polish transport and adjusting it to the standards and requirements obligatory in other countries which belong to the Community.

The basic objectives of Polish transport policy are in accord with the objectives of the European Union speci-fied in numerous primary and secondary pieces of legisla-tion and in the form of White Papers, of which the latest was published by the European Commission in 2001 un-der the title “Time to Decide” [19]. The fulfilment of seve-ral dozen postulates which it contains i.a. it is supposed to change the proportion of the share of road transport with reference to other branches of transport. This means that until 2010 the competition among particular branches has to be regulated and the branches have to be integrated, re-sulting in an effective intermodality.

A government document implementing the transport policy in accord with the EU recommendations in the field of assuring proper conditions for a lasting, sustaina-ble development is the document specifying a long-term state policy on the subject, entitled “National Transport Policy for 2006-2025” (abbreviated as “PTP”). The di-rections of road transport development specified in this document refer especially to the vehicles infrastructure, investment planning, organizational modernization and traffic management. It also assumes that due to the diffe-rences in conditions of competition between road and rail transport, the development of intermodal transport will be financially supported by the state [1].

Simultaneously with the PTP, the Ministry of Infra-structure developed another document, entitled “National Strategy for Transport Development 2007-2013”. The road transport and problems associated with it were discussed under strategic objective no. 4: improvement in safety, and strategic objective no. 5: ecological sustainability.

Another project that was developed was entitled “Natio-nal Development Policy 2007-2013,” and included five hori-zontal programs. One of these was entitled “Transport infra-structure” and encompassed two operational programs, such as “Road infrastructure” and “Transport Competitiveness”

SWOT EU Poland


- Higher efficiency due to: know-how in the field of transport, flow of information;

- Utilizing the concept of intermodal transport.

- Low remuneration;- Determination and work

commitment of drivers;- Acquaintance with local

conditions;- Better communication

skills in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe.


- High working costs;- Language and cultural

barriers encountered by drivers in Poland and other countries that freshly joined the EU structures.

- Older, less reliable fleets (mainly domestic ones);

- Scarcity of financial resources;

- Limited knowledge in the field of transport and logistics, as well as information and communications systems.


- Growing demand for transport services;

- Further development of intermodal transport;

- Collaboration with Polish carriers;

- Demand for ecologically-friendly fleet vehicles.

- Expansion of the market of transport and logistics services;

- Collaboration with carriers from the EU-15 member states;

- Intermodal transport;- Initiating relationships

with the countries of Eastern Europe and Asia


- Shortage of long distance drivers;

- Growing remunerations, taxes and fees;

- Permits.

- Competing with carriers from the EU-15 member states;

- Growing tolls, taxes and fees;

- Permits.

Source: own work on the basis of: [5]

Table 2. A comparative SWOT analysis of companies in the sector of hire or reward road cargo transport in the EU - 15 member states and in Poland

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[18]. These programs addressed particular development op-portunities of the sector in question with regard to the re-latively low degree of association with long-term processes of capital accumulation and pointed out the objectives to be achieved: extension and modernization of transport network.

As a result of alterations in the organizational structure of government institutions the distribution of tasks refer-ring to the development of projects specifying the objecti-ves and priorities of the economic policy also changed. The basic strategic document entitled “National Development Strategy 2007-2015” addresses the issues of transport in one of its five operational programs: “Infrastructure and Environment”. Furthermore, another document entitled “National Strategic Reference Framework 2007-2013” (ab-breviated as “NSRO”) was developed and approved, sup-porting the economic growth and employment. The con-cepts of economic development taken into account in this document and resulting from the renewed Lisbon Strategy, as well as the relationships among the priorities determined by the Community Strategic Guidelines, are reflected in the strategic objective no. 3 of NSRO: “Building and Moder-nization of Technical and Social Infrastructure Crucial for Better Competitiveness of Poland”.

It is rather disquieting that the references to road transport in the above mentioned documents focus ma-inly on the state of road infrastructure, its modernization and development. Meanwhile, the activity potential of the sector in question is limited by many other barriers, for instance a difficult access to the profession of a carrier and the particular market segments, the problem of extending the scope of services provided, restricted freedom of tech-nological and organizational innovations, low dynamics of creating new places to work, limited improvement in the effectiveness of transport processes and a limited produc-tivity growth of transport companies. Therefore, the new version of “National Strategy for Transport Development 2007-2013” ought to take into account a much wider sco-pe of problems connected with the road transport policy, and also encompass some chosen aspects of the sphere of hire or reward road cargo transport.

Bibliography [1] BENTKOWSKA-SENATOR K., KORDEL Z., Polish

road cargo transport, KODEKS Press, Bydgoszcz 2007 (in Polish).

[2] BURNEWICZ J., European Union car sector, Trans-port and Communication Publishers, Warsaw 2005 (in Polish).

[3] FECHNER I., SZYSZKA G. /ed./, Logistics in Po-land. Report 2007, Institute of Logistics and Wareho-using Press, Poznan 2008 (in Polish).

[4] FIGURA J., Services quality adaptation model to the transportation market conditions, [in:] LIPINSKA-SLOTA A. /ed./, Polish transport in European eco-nomic space, University of Economics in Katowice, Katowice 2005 (in Polish).

[5] International Road Union, Competition in East-West Road Transport Markets, Geneva 2001.

[6] KAWA A., Black horse in European Union. Third –party branch after the 1-st of May 2004, Eurologi-stics, No 2/2005 (in Polish).

[7] KOS B., Competitiveness conditionings of Polish transportation companies, [in:] DZIADEK S., MI-CHALOWSKA M. /ed./, Liberalization and competi-tiveness on the transport market in Europe, University of Economics in Katowice, Katowice 2000 (in Polish).

[8] KRZEMINSKI S., Competitiveness of Polish car transportation companies, [in:] PAPROCKI W., PIE-RIEGUD J., Demonopolization and consolidation processes influence in transport on its proficiency and efficiency functioning, Warsaw School of Eco-nomics Press, Warsaw 2005 (in Polish).

[9] KRZEMINSKI S., Transportation companies conso-lidation, Warsaw School of Economics Press, War-saw 2005 (in Polish).

[10] PIJAR M., To compete with the supreme, Business-man, October 2005 (in Polish).

[11] PFOHL H. Ch., Logistics systems, Springer Verlag Press, Berlin 1990 (in Polish).

[12] ROSS D. F., Competing through supply chain mana-gement. Creating market-winning strategies through supply chain partnership, Materials Management/Logistics Series, KLUWER Academic Publishers, Boston 1997.

[13] RYDZKOWSKI W., WOJEWODZKA-KROL K. (ed.), Transport, Polish Scientific Publishers PWN, Warsaw 2007 (in Polish).

[14] RYDZKOWSKI W. (ed.), Logistic services, Institute of Logistics and Warehousing Press, Poznan 2004 (in Polish).

[15] SLUBOWSKI S., Menager’s optimism, Eurologistics, No 5/2007, September - October 2007 (in Polish).

[16] SLUBOWSKI S., Transportation and logistics market in Poland, ING Bank, Warsaw 2007 (in Polish).

[17] TORRES L., MILLES J., Aligned logistics operations, [in:] GATTORNA J., Strategic supply chain align-ment. Best practice in supply chain management, GOWER Publishing Limited, USA 1999.


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Volume 3

Issue 3

September 2010TelematicsTelematicsTransport SystemTransport System

Archives of


a Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Žilina, Univerzitná 8215/1, 010 26 Žilina, Slovak Republic

EMAIL: [email protected]

ABSTRACTSignal circuits are an important part of the interlocking system. The main role of the signalling circuit is to switch the required signal aspects and signal checking. A signal is an interface between the inter-locking system and a driver of the railway vehicle. Light bulbs are mostly used as a light source in most types of interlocking systems. It is possible to think about alternative light sources within the context of modernisation of the interlocking systems. The use of alternative light sources using must not cause signal circuit safety degradation. The article deals with problems of light bulbs replacement for another light source in AŽD 71 type relay interlocking in the Railways of Slovak Republic.

KEYWORDS: signal circuit safety, interlocking system, colour light signal, alternative li-ght sources

1. Introduction Relay interlocking systems were built for train control

at railway stations in Czech and Slovak railway circum-stances between 70-ties and 90-ties of the last century. AŽD 71 type relay interlocking systems were mainly used at railway stations on main lines. This type of interlocking equipment was produced and installed by the Czechoslo-vak company Automatizácia železničnej dopravy (Auto-mation of Railway Transport), now called AŽD Prague. Many railway stations are now controlled by this system in Slovak railways.

AŽD 71 type relay interlocking system is based on the technique of own safety on failure – fail safe. NMŠ type relays are used as a basic construction component in this system. This type of relay belongs to the safety relays gro-up. All safety relevant functions of this signal box are reali-sed and checked by a part called an executive group based on this type of relays.

Signal circuits are very important part of the executive group. The main function of these circuits is to switch on individual signal lamps to create necessary signal aspects and to check lighting of them. In the case of any malfunc-tion the signal has to light on a less allowing signal.

Management of Railways of the Slovak Republic con-siders an idea to replace signal bulbs used as a light source in colour light signals by other energy-saving light sour-ces. Parameters of new signal lamps must not make the safety of signal circuits worse.

2. Signal circuit of AŽD 71A schematic representation of the signal circuit used

in AŽD 71 system is shown in Figure 1. The signal circu-it consists of OM-2-60 type supervisory light relay (xS), fuse (F), ST-3/R type signal transformer (Tr), signal bulb 12 Volt / 20 watt, limiting rezistor 100 W (R), wires and a connecting cable between the signal box and light signal.

Lighting device parameters influence on signal circuit safety in interlocking


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Archives of Transport System Telematics10

The circuit is powered by AC voltage 230 V/50 Hz in a daytime lightning routine or 160 V / 50 Hz in a night lightning routine.

The scheme shown in Figure 1 is identical for all si-gnal lights on a signal device. The dashed line block re-presents control circuits for individual lights.

Signal aspects shown on a signal device are defined by signal rules of ŽSR [1]. In general a signal aspect can con-sist of one or more colour continuously or intermittently lighting lights. In the case of intermittent light the system can use slow flashing with a blink frequency of 0.9 Hz (54 cycles per minute) or quick flashing with a blink frequen-cy of 1.8 Hz (108 cycles per minute) [2].

2.1. Signal circuit states

The following situation is considered to be the basic operating state: a signal lamp is without failure, the cir-cuit is powered by nominal power voltage specified for the daytime or night light mode of signal lights. The work current flows in the circuit, the signal bulb is on and the circuit current controls the light relay attraction. The relay operation indicates lighting of the signal light. The follo-wing situations are considered failure states:

a) the signal light does not light, but the supervisory light relay operates (relay armature up) and indicates ligh-ting of the light;

b) the signal light is flashing without command to flash and the supervisory light relay indicates a steady light;

c) the signal light is flashing or lights steadily, but the su-pervisory relay is released and so indicates a lightless state of signal.

The failure state according to point a) is potentially unsa-fe state. It is a possible situation in which a more allowing aspect is on the signal than informed by the feedback circuit. A similar situation is in the failure state according to point b) – flashing lights can be interpreted as a more allowing aspect.

The design of signal circuits in AŽD 71 type relay in-terlocking gives a possibility to react to the state according to point c). This state is not unsafe then.

The origination of a failure state is influenced by se-veral factors – an important factor is the length of supply cable wire. A cross capacitance and longitudinal impedan-ce are characteristic parameters of the cable. In the case of cables used in signal circuits we can transform the lon-gitudinal impedance to longitudinal resistance. The cross capacitance and longitudinal resistance of the supply cable vary with increasing length of the cable. It is necessary to evaluate the maximum possible length of the supply cable. Standard [3] evaluates this length as 4 km. If the length of cables exceeds this value, the following failure states can occur:

• A signal bulb filament will burn, but the length of sup-ply cable is too long, so the parasitic capacitance of the cable has a value sufficient for the circuit current to hold on the light relay armature up. So the signal bulb does not light, but the light relay signals that it does.

• At the end of signal circuit (e.g. primary or secondary winding of signal transformer, lamp-socket …) a short circuit will occur. In normal circumstances the fuse (F) at the power end of the circuit should be broken. But if the supply cable is too long, the longitudinal resistance of cable reduces the current value and the fuse will remain without any reaction. And again – the signal bulb does not light, but the light relay signals a correct state.

3. Bulbs replacementThere are more practical reasons to replace the older

construction of signal lamps which uses bulbs as a light source:

• interlocking system modernisation,• energy consumption decreasing,• signal lamps life extension,• signal lamps optical parameters improvement,• maintenance reduction.

Modern interlocking systems often use the light emit-ting diodes (LED) as a light source in signal lamps. The main advantage of LEDs compared to bulbs is the energy saving and a longer life. The volt-ampere characteristic of LEDs is different from the V-A characteristic of a signal bulb. It is possible to design a circuit using LEDs which will simulate the V-A characteristic of a signal bulb. The advan-tage of this solution is a simple replacement of a bulb by an LED lamp. In this case no modifications to the signal circuit are necessary. The main disadvantage of this solution is the elimination of one of two LEDs advantages – energy saving.

Another possibility is to use a lamp with a different characteristic; this solution requires the signal circuit mo-dification. One of many reasons for this modification can

Fig. 1. Electrical scheme of signal circuit Source: [3]

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11Volume 3 • Issue 3 • September 2010

be a different method of LEDs lamp lighting checking. These modifications of signal circuits are more expensive than the way mentioned above.

The basic difference of lamp using LEDs is the fact, that an LED lamp needs an additional electronic circuit, which will simulate bulb properties. This circuit has to be powe-red. Because individual powering is impossible, additional circuits will use the energy dedicated to bulb powering.

The safety of signal circuit is based on reliable detec-tion of non-luminous state of the signal lamp. In the case of any failure in an LED lamp the energy consumption of electronic circuits in the lamp must be low enough. The current via this circuit must not lead to the signal light relay operation – this is the condition for a safe reaction of relay to non-luminance state of the lamp. The electro-nic control circuit in an LED lamp has to be able to fully turn off all LEDs in the case of a defined number of LEDs failure or of the LED control circuit failure. An acceptable number of non-luminous diodes has to be defined in ac-cordance with the signal lamp optical properties. Other-wise it is possible to have an ambiguous identification of signal aspect by the driver.

Full turning off and limiting of maximal current are functions which have to be realised with defined safety level; otherwise the safety of the signal circuit is reduced.

4. Analysis of lamp replacement effect on signal circuit

In the case of implementing functions described abo-ve with a defined safety level, it is necessary to define the maximal acceptable current level flowing in the circuit in the non-luminous state of lamp. In ideal circumstances the

current should be 0 A. In reality, the current must cover the energy consumption of electronic control circuits of the si-gnal lamp. The analysis should show, if the LED lamp has the same influence on the signal circuit as the original bulb.

Verification of the influence on circuit properties of safe re-action of signal light relay to expected lamp failures can be re-alised using a computer simulation or practical measurement.

4.1. Circuit simulation

For simulation of the light relay response to the current flowing in the circuit we can use a model based on cascade matrixes. The cascade matrixes model the transmission pro-perties of particular components of the circuit. We can sub-stitute each component of the circuit by an equivalent circuit which represents the electrical properties of the component.

Supervisory light relay can be substituted by a coil representing serial connected winding inductance (LR), winding resistance (RR) and limiting resistor (R).

Supply conductors can be substituted by equivalent T-network which represents the primary parameters of line wiring (RK – longitudinal resistance of cable, CK – leakage capacitance of cable). The signal transformer can be sub-stituted by equivalent T-network with different coefficient meaning – T-network of the transformer represents pri-mary winding impedance (Z1), secondary winding impe-dance (Z2), leakage reactance and iron loss (Y3).

The signal bulb or LED lamp can be substituted by a resistor which represents their input impedance (ZZ). Fig. 2 shows the equivalent scheme of the signal circuit.

It is possible to compute values of cascade matrix for each component of the equivalent scheme. The computed values can be used then in the simulation of circuit. The values of current flowing through the winding of signal li-ght relay are key values for the assessment of failures influ-ences on the signal circuit safety. From this point of view

Fig. 2. Equivalent scheme of the signal circuit Source: [own work]

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Archives of Transport System Telematics12

it is possible to transform the equivalent scheme shown in Fig. 2 to the common cascade matrix (AC). For this ma-trix we can compute the input impedance (Zin). When we connect power voltage Un to this impedance the current flowing through this impedance is the same as the current through the relay winding. [4]

The progress of cascade matrixes transformation is shown by Figure 3.

The software suitable for simulation of services and fa-ilure conditions is MATLAB (MATrix LABoratory). MA-TLAB is a programme which allows matrix computing, modelling and circuits simulations.

4.2. Circuit measurement

The influence of current flowing in a signal lamp on signal light relay operation can be examined by measure-ment. The measurement gives us a possibility to use real components of the signal circuit with the exception of supply conductors. The cables length affects correct ope-ration of the circuit as indicated above (see chapter 2). It is very complicated to use a full length of cable in laborato-ry circumstances. For these reasons we use simulations of supply conductors by equivalent T-network.

Figure 4 shows the scheme suitable for measurement and analysis. The figure depicts a possible substitution of

signal bulb by an LED lamp. Failures of the LED lamp were simulated by a potentiometer because it was impossible to induce failure state of the LED lamp during measurement.

5. Results analysis For analysis acceptance it is necessary to set the most

unfavourable conditions. These conditions can be as follows:• Because of a failure the LED signal has moved to a

non-luminous state, but the current consumed by electronic circuits of the lamp is flowing through the circuit. The state is more unsafe than a failure state after turning on, the signal will not move to the lumi-nous state. The current necessary for the signal relay operation is higher than the relay release current.

• The supply voltage of signal circuit is maximal. As the maximal we can consider the voltage for daytime sup-ply mode increased by 10% tolerance.

• The load is connected to signal transformer terminals on which the current through the secondary transfor-mer winding will have the most unfavourable effect to relay release.

If in these conditions the signal light relay will not re-lease, the failure state can be considered to be an unsafe state. If in these conditions the relay releases, the state is safe.

Figure 5 shows the results of analysis under the men-tioned conditions. The curves show the current flowing in signal light relay winding versus the power lead length. The black curves (the lower group of curves) represent the current via relay in the failure state – filament broken. The grey curves (the upper group of curves) represent the cur-rent via relay in the failure state of LED lamp in circum-stances that the electronic control circuits of LED lamp consume maximum 150 mA. The graph shows the signal light relay release current value too.

As a limit length of the power leads we can assume the length, where the current via the relay is below the relay

Fig. 3. Transformation of cascade matrixes Source: [own work]

Fig. 4. The scheme used during measurement Source: [own work]

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13Volume 3 • Issue 3 • September 2010

release current value. In the circuit measured the limit length of the supply cable is 7 kilometres.

The figure shows, that if the length of supply cable is set by standard [3], the light signal supervisory relay relia-bly releases in the worse operational circumstances.

6. ConclusionsThe modernisation of interlocking gains importance not

only in national but in international conditions, too. The deci-sion on partial or full modernisation of interlocking systems is mainly conditioned by economic standing of railways.

The preservation of original safety integrity level is an important aspect in the case of partial modernisation of interlocking system.

The article deals with properties of modern LED lamps construction dedicated for replacement of older si-gnal lamps with bulbs. The construction of these lamps could improve first of all optical properties and extend the service life. The construction must not make the safety of signal circuit worse.

This paper was supported by the scientific grant agency VEGA, grant No. VEGA-1/0040/08 “Mathematic-graphical modelling of safety attributes of safety-critical control systems”.

Bibliography[1] Railway operation rules (Pravidlá železničnej pre-

vádzky ŽSR – Predpis Ž1) – internal rules of Railway of Slovak republic

[2] TNŽ 34 2611 Railway Light Signals (Železničné sve-telné návestidlá) – Railways of Slovak republic tech-nical standard

[3] PN AŽD 8231 Station relay interlocking plant of AZD 71 type, Circuits of Light Signals (Staničné re-léové zabezpečovacie zariadenia typ AŽD 71, obvody svetelných návestidiel) – technical standard of AŽD company.

[4] Hrbček, J.: Parametric Models of Real System and the Validation Tools, In: Proc. 8th European Conference of Young Research and Science Workers in Transport and Communications technology. p. 93-96. Žilina: June, 22. – 24. 2009. ISBN 978-80-554-0027-3

Fig. 5. Current in the circuit vs. the leads length Source: [own work]

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a Faculty of Operation and Economics of Transport and Communications, University of Žilina, Univerzitná 1, 010 26 Žilina, Slovakia

EMAIL: [email protected]

ABSTRACTThis paper attempts to offer the reader a consistent overview of the flight inspection in the Slovak Republic and the centre of excellence of aviation at the University of Zilina. For the flight inspection, special items have to be taken into consideration when selecting the tested aircraft.

KEYWORDS: accuracy, aircrafts, air transport, flight inspections, ICAO, CNS, ATM safety

1. Introduction to flight inspection

The Aviation System Standards must identify specific requirements based on their operational needs. Appro-priately equipped aircraft and helicopters, from service providers or other sources, may be used when required to complete flight inspection requirements. The general characteristics of a flight inspection aircraft should be as follows:

• Equipped for night and instrument flight.• Sufficient capacity for a flight inspection crew, obse-

rvers, ground maintenance and/or installation person-nel, and required electronic equipment with spares.

• Sufficient range and endurance for a normal mission without reservicing.

• Aerodynamically stable throughout the speed range.• Low noise and vibration level.• Adequate and stable electrical system capable of ope-

rating the required electronic and recording equip-ment and other aircraft equipment.

• Wide speed and altitude range to allow the conduct of flight inspections under normal conditions as encoun-tered by the users.

• Appropriate for modifications for flight inspection of new and improved navigation services.

For the flight inspection, special items have to be considered when selecting a test aircraft. The aircraft must have a cabin size where all the equipment can be installed as well as have seats for the inspection person-nel that can be easily adjusted. Besides the normal in-spection equipment, one has to take into consideration that the systems and the cabin need air conditioning and sufficient electrical power. Certain hot regions, such as the Middle East, require more power for co-oling. This causes that generators are required with suf-ficient electrical power both at 115 Volt AC, 400 Hz and for various DC power supplies (12V, 24V). Additional-ly, standby power equipment has to be installed in order to make it feasible to shut down the inspection system or to terminate the flight inspection at a defined point if the normal power breaks down.

Another point of concern for the system develop-ment is the aircraft skin, because a lot of antennas have to be mounted outside the aircraft and these must not be influenced by each other. The cable channels for the antenna cable, as well as the power and signal cables, have to be separated sufficiently. This normally im-plies a total separation of aircraft basic instrumentation and flight test instrumentation, which cannot be done completely because some receiver antennas cannot be mounted twice on the aircraft. The aircraft engines may influence the antennas, computers, or other flight

Flight inspection of aircraft at the University of Zilina

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15Volume 3 • Issue 3 • September 2010

inspection instrumentation in terms of both electro-magnetic interference and vibration. The aircraft itself must be able to reach altitudes up to 10,000 feet at un-determined velocities.

The operation in extreme weather conditions is nor-mally not a basis for selecting an aircraft, but inspecting radio navigation systems in countries near the equator or in very hot and moist or humid areas need special equ-ipment; including, for example, water for the inspection personnel. In the arctic zone, the equipment must work under very cold weather conditions.

Different types of flight inspections – a periodic in-spection, site evaluation, commissioning, reconfigura-tion – have naturally different requirements for the air-craft type and workload. In addition, the type of radio navigation system that has to be checked determines the type of equipment required onboard the aircraft. The number of radio navigation systems that must be flight inspected for a country is another decision basis on which to select one or more aircraft for the flight inspection. As noted previously, some countries do not have their own flight inspection aircraft and crew. These countries have agreements with, for example, the United States to perform the flight inspection. The next table shows the types of aircraft used for flight inspec-tion in different countries.

This is only a small list of countries and aircraft used for flight inspection.

2. Flight inspection in Europe

The flight inspection work is a governmental job. The-refore, each country tries to form a unique flight inspec-tion group. However, some of the countries are very small and have only a few installed radio navigation aids. Each state has its own policy for the flight inspection. As exam-ples, a short description of the flight inspection in Great Britain and Germany follows.

2.1. The Flight Inspection in the United Kingdom

In Great Britain, as in most other countries, the flight inspection is split into military and civil parts. The mili-tary flight inspection group is in Boscombe Down near Salisbury. They only test the military radio navigation sys-tems, ground installations, and aircraft systems. For the inspection and testing work they use special equipment adapted to the required accuracy. All military aircraft are cleared to CAT III ILS. For the future landing system, the MLS and DGPS systems would be tested. The main inte-rest for the military groups is the TACAN radio naviga-tion systems because they are also used for tanker aircraft. For this usage the electromagnetic influences have been evaluated and removed. As described for the French mi-litary inspection group, in Great Britain also the carriers must be flight inspected.

The civil flight inspection group has its base at Teessi-de airport and is named CAA (Civil Aviation Authority). Since 1992 this group has been the only civil organization approved to carry out flight tests on radio navigation aids in the United Kingdom.

Presently the CAA delivers their service to each cu-stomer needing flight inspection. The CAA uses two HS 748 Series 2A Model 238 turboprop flight calibration air-craft. The inspection equipment was defined by the CAA itself in 1969 and the first redefinition took place in 1987. In 1990 the new system has started working and uses a Hewlett Packard HP9000 computer for the calculation work. A console and a graphical display are the main input and output devices for the system together with a prin-ter, an optical disk, and a 32-channel analogue recorder. The radio navigation receivers transmit their data to the main computer via an RDE (remote data exchange) and a CDE (central data exchange). Each RDE can collect 52 parameters in parallel with the aircraft equipment. Addi-tional radio navigation receivers are installed for the in-spection system. Because the general aviation uses mainly two different ILSNOR receivers (BENDIX RNA 3 AF and COLLINS S /RV4), these receivers are also installed in the inspection aircraft to evaluate possible differences betwe-en these receivers. The inspection aircraft is also equipped with all other radio navigation receivers as well as with two MLS receivers. For MLS inspection a BENDIX ML301 re-ceiver is installed. The reason for installing a MARCONI CMA2000 receiver relates to special problems during the inspection of the London City Airport.

To calculate a high accuracy flight path, an infra-red tracking system MINILIR has to be installed at the inspected airfield. With this radar and a link to the on-board system, the position-fixing equipment can fix the position to within 23 cm and 0.003 degrees of angular

Country Type of aircraft

United StatesConvair 580, Sabreliner 80, Sabreliner 40, Beechcraft

F-90, Beechcraft BE-300, British Aerospace BAe-125-800.

France ATR 42

United Kingdom HS 748 Series 2A Model 238

Netherlands Fairchild Metro II

Germany Beechcraft Super King Air 350

Slovak Republic Let L-410 UVP-E

Source: [own work]

Table 1. Types of aircraft in different countries

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displacement. They can also simulate all inspection fli-ghts on their ground system, which is equal to the air-borne inspection system. Therefore special effects and errors can be analysed on ground.[1]

The CAA has checked ILS, VOR, DVOR, DME, MLS, DMLS, MADGE, TACAN, NDB, SSR, MSSR, SRA, AD-SEL, and DABS. Naturally they are also involved in the use and inspection of GPS and DGPS. In the UK, the ILS has to be flight inspected twice a year and about 52 DME and VOR stations must be flight inspected as well. The CAA does the flight inspection for the UK and Ireland.

The following organisations are approved by the CAA to provide Flight Inspection in the UK.

• Cobham Flight Inspection Ltd • Flight Calibration Services Ltd

Cobham Flight Inspection Ltd are approved to flight inspect the following navigation facilities:

• Instrument Landing Systems (ILS) CAT I, CAT II and CAT III

• Microwave Landing Systems (MLS)• Distance Measuring Equipment (DME)• VHF Marker Beacons• Non-Directional Beacons

Flight Calibration Services Ltd are approved to flight inspect the following navigation facilities:

• Instrument Landing Systems (ILS) CAT I with a no-minal Glide-path Angle between 3 and 3.6 degrees.

• Distance Measuring Equipment.

2.2. German Flight Inspection

Until 1993 the German civil flight inspection service was done by the GmFS at the German Air Force field at Lechfeld. In March 1993 a future flight inspection orga-nization was presented to the DFS (Deutsche Flugsiche-rung), and in 1994 the new DFMG (Deutsche Flugmess-gesellschaft) was founded. This private company is a Joint Venture between the DFS and AERODATA. The aim for this cooperation was to reduce the costs of flight inspec-tion in Germany and to increase the efficiency.

The operating base for the flight inspection company changes from Lechfeld to Braunschweig where the AERODA-TA, the German Federal Aviation Authority, a pilot pool, and 24-hour service of a relatively small – but efficiently operated – airport are situated. The aircraft type changed from a HS748 to a King Air 350. In 1995, the new flight inspection system (FIS) produced by AERODATA, and using GPS as a reference system, was installed into the two King Air aircraft. The in-strumentation and installation of the flight inspection system as well as the procedures for flight inspection were changed to improve the efficiency and accuracy of the whole system.

In 1996, preparations for the certification according to ISO 9001 began with the objective to optimise the processes of the DFMG and, if required, to make them transparent to certification authorities and customers. The work began with

• an analysis of the actual situation,• the development of a quality management handbook,• a benchmarking process.

These initial activities were to be completed in 1998. A completely new task for the German flight inspection or-ganisation was the marketing of flight inspection services. First positive results were achieved by providing flight in-spection services in Switzerland and Austria, the Nether-lands and Luxembourg, in Spain, Macedonia, Lithuania, Kiev, Sofia, Bucharest, Macau, Kuwait, Yemen, Sudan and Egypt, and, of course, in Germany.

On 1 October 1997, swisscontrol became a sharehol-der of the DFMG. At the same time, the company name was changed to FII Flight Inspection International GmbH. On 1 January 1998, Austro Control also became a share-holder of FII. With their accession, both countries gave up their own national flight inspection organisations. [7]

So the FII has three shareholders: AERODATA, swis-scontrol and Austro Control. The DFS has close connec-tions with the FII on the basis of a cooperation agreement and can thus be regarded as if it were, de facto, a share-holder. [2]

2.3. The Flight Inspection in the Slovak republic

Flight inspection is performed with modern AERO-DATA AD-FIS-10 Flight Inspection System capable to fli-ght inspection of:

• ILS CAT I-III• VOR• DME• NDB• Radars including SSR• VHF Communications• PAR• PAPI

Flight Inspection System Consists of:• AD Computer• MO Storage unit• 2 Special Flight Inspection Navigation Receivers

RNA34AF• 1 Modified DME interrogator• 1 Modified ADF receiver• 1 Modified SSR transponder• Oscilloscope• Spectrum analyser

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Reference system:• On-board GPS receiver• DGPS ground reference station AD – GPSREF – 4• Laser tracker Aerotrack IBEO Lasertechnik

The ground reference station was designed to receive GPS signals and to transmit GPS data to the airplane for DGPS corrective calculation (GPS errors – atmospheric delays, multipath…,). The GPS receiver is a high precision stand - alone 12 channel receiver by NovAtel, and is used for L 1 frequency 1575.42 MHz C/A code. [3]

The reference station must be built-up exactly at the surveyed position. An improved precision of flight inspec-tion necessary for flight inspection of the ILS is achieved by using a laser tracker. The laser tracker is a highly dy-namic – polar locating system used to automatically and continuously determine the position of the reflector pla-ced at the nose of the airplane during the ILS calibration measurement. The laser tracker provides the elevation,

azimuth and range information of the approaching air-craft. To avoid a possible lack of precision, the laser trac-ker must be installed on a solid ground near the threshold of the runway. To define the horizontal reference for all measurements, the laser tracker uses one of the reference reflectors installed at a defined position. If flight inspec-tion with a laser tracker support shall be performed, the location of the laser tracker points, the reference reflector and of all navigation aids on the airfield must be known in the threshold coordinate system. All these parameters can be determined with an airfield survey. Once an airfield survey has been performed and all distances have been evaluated, the laser tracker and reference reflector must be built-up at the exact points for all future inspections.

The measuring range of the system is better than 13 km in good visibility. Fog, rain and snow, as well as steamed up reflectors, will of course reduce the range. However, DGPS technology enables to reduce the required distance of trac-king by laser down to approximately 4 km. [4]

2.4. New Research Aircraft at the University of Žilina

This chapter describes our structural funds project oriented at flight inspections systems and the air transport environmental impact. The Flight Inspection mission is comprised of many documents, for example ICAO DOC 8071 vol I, and FAA TI 8200.52.

Technical Requirements

Performance • ICAO Document 8071 • FAA Flight Inspection Manual OA P8200.1 • UK CAA CAP 670

Capability • Precision Approach: ILS, MKR (Up to Cat III), MLS,

SCAT-1, LAAS, GBAS • En-Route / Approach: VOR, DME, NDB, TACAN, Lo-

ran-C, VDF, UDF, RNAV/ FMS, WAAS, SBAS • Visual: VASI / PAPI • Communication: VHF, UHF, HF, SATCOM • Radar: PSR, PAR, SSR, MSSR

Positioning Reference• Automatic Position Reference System (APRS) DGPS/

INS/LRF • Carrier Phase Measurement DGPS -RTK • Stand-alone GPS or Galileo• Digital Radio Telemetry Theodolite • Interface capability to any digital, analogue or manual

Position Reference

Fig. 1. OM – SYI cabin for flight inspection Source: [6]

Fig. 2. The ground reference system Source: [6]

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Archives of Transport System Telematics18

• Digital mapsMechanical design

• Modular and Portable • Quick disconnect to smaller sections of less than 50 Kg.

3. ConclusionThe improvements in satellite navigation systems like

GPS, GLONASS and GALILEO with regard to coverage, accuracy and reliability have cut down the further deve-lopment and implementation of the new Microwave Lan-ding System MLS. But the application of global navigation systems as the only means of navigation to long range, ter-minal area and landing is still not yet completely solved. Among others, the most problematic potential risk is that of intentional interference. Thus, most of the conventional navigation systems like INS, VOR, DME and ILS will en-dure for quite a while.

In this report the function of the conventional radio navigation systems and the problems for testing these sys-tems are described. Especially the different error sources for the en route and terminal area navigation systems are discussed. One of the chapters shows the main radio fre-quency problems: coverage and multipath and the diffe-rent measurement methods for these errors. A description of the flight test procedures and flight test methods shows the state of the art for the flight inspection of the actual generation of radio navigation systems. The flight inspec-tion systems and the flight inspection aircraft of different countries used for the testing of radio navigation systems are also outlined. The flight inspection policy changes in many countries, so in this report the authors can only describe their known actual situation of flight inspection policy briefly.

"Flight inspection in a world of change" was the title of the ninth flight inspection symposium and this title cha-racterizes very precisely the problems of flight inspection. Up till replacement the different radio navigation systems like DME, VOR, TACAN, OMEGA, LORAN-C, ILS and MLS have to be inspected.

In the future more and more of these systems will be replaced by the GPS system. Therefore this report descri-bes the function and problems of the GPS and the add-ons like DGPS, LADGPS, WAAS etc. The satellite navigation systems also enable considerable improvements to the fli-ght inspection systems. New systems equipped with diffe-rential mode GPS using carrier-phase positioning achieve

real-time on-line flight path measurements with errors below 20 cm only. For measurement purposes the men-tioned risks of the GNSS are of no significance. If interfe-rence occurs the measurements can easily be repeated. [6]

Modern flight inspection systems have reached a hi-gher standard regarding accuracy and automation. Thus, few improvements can be made in the near future.

This research has been supported by the Scientific Grant Agency of the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic and the Slovak Academy of Sciences (VEGA No: 1/0274/08).

Bibliography[1] ABBINK, F.J. and KRIJN, R., "Navaids Calibration

Evaluation with a Computer-Controlled Avionics-Data Aquisition System", National Lucht- en Ruim-tevaartlabo-ratorium, Amsterdam, 1980

[2] NOVAK, A. BENO, L. Význam protizrážkových sy-stémov v zvyšovaní bezpečnosti leteckej dopravy In: Horizonty dopravy. - ISSN 1210-0978. - Roč. 12, č. 4 (2004), s. 6-9. (in Slovak)

[3] BERTOCCHI, G., "Eine neue Familie von TACAN- und DME-Anlagen", Elektrisches Nachrichtenwe-sen, Vol. 58, No. 3, 1984. (in German)

[4] NOVAK, A. BENO, L., BUGAJ, M., Application of RCM principles in the air operations In: Komuni-kácie - vedecké listy Žilinskej univerzity = Commu-nications - scientific letters of the University of Žili-na. - ISSN 1335-4205. - Roč. 7, č. 2 (2005), s. 20-24.

[5] NOVAK, A., Communication and navigation; In: Book Series: Žilinská univerzita - Fakulta prevádzky a ekonomiky dopravy a spojov, 2008. - 135 s. - ISBN 978-80-8070-983-9.

[6] ANANDA, C. M., General Aviation Aircraft Avio-nics: Integration & System Tests, In: IEEE AERO-SPACE AND ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS MAGAZI-NE, Volume: 24, Issue: 5, Pages: 19-25 Published: MAY 2009, ISSN: 0885-8985

[7] Moreno, JMG., Perez, RPC., The advent of Galileo in the European air navigation system, In: SATELLITE NAVIGATION SYSTEMS: POLICY, COMMER-CIAL AND TECHNICAL INTERACTION, Book Series: SPACE STUDIES Volume: 8, Pages: 195-202, Published: 2003, ISBN: 1-4020-1678-6

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a Faculty of Motor Transport, Higher School of Technology and Economics in Szczecin,Klonowica 14, 71-244 Szczecin, Poland

EMAIL: [email protected]

ABSTRACTThe use of super-resolution algorithms can increase the resolution of image subject to further analysis in relation to the physical resolution of the camera recording the video sequence. A typical recording of such sequence is done with a fixed time interval (pre-determined number of frames per second). This can cause the shift of the plate image for subsequent frames by the total number of pixels, resul-ting in inability to take advantage of super-resolution algorithms that require shifts or rotations by a fractional part of pixels both vertically and horizontally. A possibility of reducing the impact of this effect by non-coherent triggering cameras is suggested in the paper.

KEYWORDS: register license plate number recognition, super-resolution, camera triggering

1. Introduction Register License plate recognition is one of the

most typical tasks performed by the machine vision systems used in the transport domain [1]. Such sys-tems may be used for various purposes, not only for the identification of the vehicles that violated traffic regu-lations. Some other applications are the automatic con-trol of parking gates and barriers, automatic accounting and fleet monitoring in the storehouses etc. Presently, such recognition is often used ad thee are many various applications of different methods based on the digital image processing and machine vision.

The recognition task is usually implemented as con-sisting of several stages performing a decomposition of the problem into smaller and simpler parts. The first task is related to the selection of the vehicle’s shape from the image. For this purpose the background estimation tech-niques may be used, which are based on the analysis of the differences between the consecutive video frames. In order to eliminate the influence of noise, only the pixels with colors differing from their equivalents in the previo-us frames more than by a specified threshold are assigned as representing the vehicle.

This part of the process can be implemented without any additional complicated algorithms, since the know-ledge of the exact shape of the vehicle is not necessary.

Reducing the Impact of Stroboscopic Effect on the Results of Vehicles’ Plate Recognition Using Super-Resolution Techniques by Non-Coherent Camera


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The second task is to find the recognition plate on the image with eliminated background. This stage is quite complex and usually belongs to the most difficult ones. Since the recognition tablesplates can be placed in various positions, not necessarily in the central part between the light, wrong results may be obtained. Problem may occur due to changes of the lighting conditions, presence of a dirt on the tableplate etc. Nevertheless, in many algori-thms the central position of the tableplate is assumed in order to speed up the process of its detection.

The proper detection of the register license plate is ne-cessary for its extraction from the image, so the further processing can be performed using only a fragment of the image representing the plate.

In many countries there are some regulations related to the main types of the register license plates allowed for use as well as some additional types. They can be charac-terized as containing one or two rows of symbols, usually alphanumerical, with various density. Before the recogni-tion of each symbol it is necessary to determine the type of the plate. Since the symbols are located in the specified places for each type of the plate and they are well separa-ted, the image analysis procedure allowing proper detec-tion and division of the image into the fragments repre-senting each symbol is not complicated. For this purpose, even the binary image analysis and morphological opera-tions can be successfully applied.

After the detection of each symbol the smaller images representing each of them are analyzed separately using the pattern recognition algorithms. For this purpose a number of various methods can be used, such as the com-parisons with patterns, shape analysis based on graphs, statistical algorithms and soft computing techniques (neu-ral networks, evolutionary algorithms, fuzzy logic).

Since the symbols are standardized by some norms, the most of such algorithms can lead to good accuracy in practical applications, also for contaminated images (bri-ght and dark spots, presence of noise, blur).

The symbols recognized by one of the algorithms mentioned above are then combined into the string repre-senting the recognized plate number which can be further verified in some of the systems e.g. using the connection with a database.

2. The influence of resolution and super-resolution approach

The recognition task is relatively simple if the high resolution images of register license plates are available. Assuming the camera is located far from the road, even for

the high resolution cameras the number of pixels repre-senting the register table is low. In such situations neither the typical recognition algorithms nor a human cannot recognize the number properly.

One of possible solutions is the use of the narrow-angle lens but it is worth noticing that such approach leads to the limitation of the working area of the system. The ap-plication of higher resolution cameras may be financially inefficient, especially of some cameras are already moun-ted. Besides, in such case the requirements of the system’s operator usually increase, so there is always a need of a better quality and better accuracy.

The increase of the amount of data which can be used for the plate number recognition corresponds to the incre-ase of the physical resolution of the analyzed image. One of the possible solutions is the increase of the number of cameras (preferably identical ones) but the cost of such system is relatively high and the final result depends on many factors such as e.g. relative locations of the came-ras [2]. Another idea is the use of partially unstable single camera in order to obtain random shifts of consecutive frames but this approach is troublesome and increases the computational cost of background estimation.

Instead of the use of a single image for the plate num-ber recognition (or several cameras) a sequence of images can be used, even acquired with lower resolution (many cameras offer such functionality). Using such video sequ-ence with the same element (register license plate) visible on each frame, the application of the super-resolution algo-rithms is possible, similarly as for the other configurations described above [3-7]. As the result a single high resolution frame is obtained. An essential advantage of such approach is the fact that the resulting image is achieved with incre-ased physical resolution in contrast to standard interpola-tion methods which artificially increase the number of pi-xels, which do not contain additional information.

Fig. 1. Example of a high resolution image containing a fragment of a register plate and resized low resolution one Source: [own work]

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The video sequence used by the super-resolution me-thods should meet several conditions. The first require-ment is related to the relative positions of the camera and the object, which should differ for each frame. Assuming the motionless camera, the object should move, so stop-ping the vehicles is unnecessary. The best results can be obtained for random disturbances of relative locations with uniform distribution. The consecutive frames should also have similar brightness and colors and the number of them is also very important: much better results can be obtained using e.g. 10 frames instead of 3.

The changes of the scale for the input images are allo-wed, but the super-resolution algorithm has to perform an additional scale matching in that case. Some limited affine deformations of the image is also allowed, but it increases the total amount of computations [8].

Acquisition of the video sequence containing the re-gister license plate in motion is usually done by the indu-strial cameras. Some more advanced cameras are equipped additionally in the mechanism of synchronic triggering. Assuming the moving vehicle and a relatively short video sequence (several frames) a constant shift of the plate in consecutive frames may be possible for some vehicle’s ve-locities depending on the geometrical configuration of the camera and the vehicle’s motion path. Such an phenome-non is similar to the stroboscopic effect and causes poor matching within the super-resolution algorithm, especial-ly in the vertical direction. In such case the final effect of the super-resolution procedures may be unsatisfactory.

For the reduction of the impact of the stroboscopic effect described above, the random sampling in the time domain should be used. Assuming that the time when the register license plate is visible is long enough for the acquisition of several frames needed by the super-resolution algorithm, a slight decrease of their number can be made without significant influence on the final results. In such situation the triggering for each frame should be delayed by a random period leading to the non-coherent (asynchronic) triggering. The only limi-tation is the possibility of automatic camera’s external triggering, but such additional input is common in most presently used models.

3. Experiments and resultsIn order to verify the correctness of the proposed ap-

proach some tests have been performed using some syn-thetic images containing random combinations of two let-ters and five digits, what is typical for most register license plates in Poland. A number of images have been rendered and four exemplary ones are presented in Fig. 2. The phy-sical resolution of the images is 600×200 pixels.

In order to simulate the camera located far from the road the images have been down sampled to 30×10 pixels and blurred as well as contaminated by Gaussian noise. Zoomed resulting images are shown in Figs. 3 and 4.

For each of the test images four types of sampling, si-mulating the movements of the register plate in the video sequence, have been used:

• uniform – the random translations by one or more pixels without any fractional parts (synchronized ca-mera triggering),

• partially random – 10% random vertical random shifts are allowed (simulation of the movement towards the bottom part of the image),

• partially random in two directions - 10% random ver-tical and horizontal random shifts are allowed (almost synchronized triggering),

• random – any shifts in two directions are allowed (asynchronic triggering of the cameras).

The assumed model of contaminations contains the Gaussian noise simulating the distortions on the plate e.g. related to the presence of dirt, snow etc. The blurring co-nvolution filter is used for the simulation of further de-crease of the resolution (4 pixels moving average filter is applied), which may be related e.g. to air trembling, blur on the CCD or the decrease of the optical density. The ad-ditional Gaussian noise is also used in order to simulate the acquisition (measurement) noise.

Apart from these distortions another pseudo-random number generator of uniform distribution is used in order to simulate the random changes of the sampling period.

Fig. 2. Example synthetic high resolution images used in our experiments Source: [own work]

Fig. 3. Example low resolution images used in our experiments Source: [own work]

Fig. 4. Example low resolution images with additional noise Source: [own work]

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The sampling distance of the i-th frame is calculated as:

, (1)

where S denotes the allowed disturbance (10% or 100% in our experiments) and rand is the pseudo-ran-dom number within the range < -1 ; 1>. The constant sampling distance for the constant speed and frame rate is denoted as T.

The idea of the coherent and non-coherent sampling is illustrated in Figs. 6 and 7. Presented images indicate

the fragments of acquired frames representing the register plates. It is assumed that their size is constant due to the far located camera, so that:

. (2)

The reconstruction has been performed using the Anti-Lamenessing Engine (ALE) software based on Irani-Peleg back projection algorithm [3,4]. For this purpose 16 randomly shifted (according to the assump-tions discussed above) low resolution frames have been

Fig. 5. The illustration of the idea of coherent sampling (synchronic triggering) Source: [own work]

Fig. 6. The illustration of the idea of non-coherent sampling (asynchronic triggering) Source: [own work]

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used for each type of sampling and each register license plate. Example results are shown in Figs 7-10 for each type of sampling.

A useful information related to the process of super-resolution reconstruction can be the average matching percentage being in fact a measure of similarity of the low resolution images used during the calculations. The results obtained for the four exemplary plates are presented in Ta-ble 1. Analyzing these values one may be surprised by the fact that the lowest values of matching have been obtained for the random sampling leading to certainly the best qu-ality of resulting images. This is caused by a specific pro-perty of the super-resolution algorithm which uses prima-rily the data related to dissimilarities of the input images. In that case the average matching cannot be interpreted neither as the quality metric nor its exact opposite.

Regardless of the fact that lower values indicate more differential information present in some input images, which may be used by the super-resolution al-gorithm, even lower values may suggest the complete-ly different images. In that case the average matching should be combined with some of the image quality as-sessment techniques [9] in order to obtain more useful information, which may be used for the automatic and reliable assessment of the results obtained by the super-resolution algorithm.

4. Conclusion and future work

Super-resolution algorithms can be applied not only as supplementary methods for the register plate recognition systems but also for the improvement of vertical road si-gns recognition [10] or vehicles’ tracking.

For the automatic verification of the results obtained using various methods, both for motion estimation [5,6] and reconstruction [3,4,7] some specialized image quality assessment methods would be useful. Since the typical usa-ge of such methods is related to the assessment of images containing some typical distortions such as noise, blur, lossy compression etc. they may be even useless for this purpose.

The main contribution of some recently proposed image quality metrics, such as e.g. Structural Similarity [11], is much better correlation with subjective evalu-ations in comparison to classical Mean Squared Error and similar metrics [12,13]. Such well correlation is not neces-sarily equivalent to high recognition accuracy of register plates. Since in some systems the recognized images are binarized, the applicability of modern metrics is limited.

Another problem related to the image quality asses-sment is the full-reference character of most metrics. It means that the full knowledge of the ideal image without any distortions is required for the comparisons. In practi-cal applications the use of the super-resolution algorithm

Fig. 10. Reconstructed images obtained using the super-resolution algorithm for the random sampling Source: [own work]

Fig. 9. Reconstructed images obtained using the super-resolution algorithm for the uniform sampling with 10% vertical disturbance Source: [own work]

Fig. 8. Reconstructed images obtained using the super-resolution algorithm for the uniform sampling with 10% horizontal and vertical disturbance Source: [own work]

Fig. 7. Reconstructed images obtained using the super-resolution algorithm for the uniform sampling Source: [own work]

Sampling method Average matching for exemplary register plates

UniformAG37283 – 87,6%HX17048 – 90,6%JF57504 – 89,9%VS31175 – 90,9%

Partially random (10% of pixel’s height vertical)

AG37283 – 91,0%HX17048 – 90,6%JF57504 – 90,9%VS31175 – 91,3%

Partially random (10% of pixel’s width and height in both


AG37283 – 87,6%HX17048 – 90,7% JF57504 – 91,0% VS31175 – 90,6%

RandomAG37283 – 86,5% HX17048 – 85,7%JF57504 – 86,0% VS31175 – 88,8%

Table 1. Average matching percentages.

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is based only on several low resolution video frames and the high resolution reference image is not available. In such case the automatic choice or modification of some parameters of the algorithm or the camera has to be per-formed using the data which is available. In such case the only possible solution of automatic image quality asses-sment is the use of some no-reference (“blind”) methods [14]. Unfortunately, such existing methods are rather spe-cialized and sensitive on only one or two types of distor-tions e.g. blur [15] or JPEG compression [16], so the deve-lopment of a “blind” image quality assessment method for super-resolution images seems to be an interesting direc-tion of further research.

This work is supported by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education (Grant No. N509 399136 „Estimation of the vehicles’ motion trajectories using the Bayesian analysis and digital image processing algorithms“).

Bibliography [1] KLEIN L.A., Sensor Technologies and Data Require-

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[15] MARZILIANO, P., DUFAUX, F., WINKLER, S., EBRAHIMI, T., A No-Reference Perceptual Blur Metric. Proceedings of the IEEE International Con-ference on Image Processing, p. 57–60, Rochester, USA 2002.

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Volume 3

Issue 3

September 2010TelematicsTelematicsTransport SystemTransport System

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a TU of Lodz, Department of Vehicles, Machine and Fundamentals of Machine Design, Zeromskiego 116, 90-924 Lodz

EMAIL: [email protected], [email protected]

ABSTRACTThis paper will present an On Board Unit (OBU), which is an integral part of planned ITS – acronym COOPERS. It will describe the structure, construction and components, ways of communication with the infrastructure (V2I) and with other vehicles (V2V), communication with on board information from CAN and OBD, usage of GPS signal, gyroscope, and user interface. The usage of OBU in the project enables to introduce new functionalities.

KEYWORDS: ITS architecture, ITS, OBU

1. IntroductionAssuming a complete set of requirements for the imple-

mentation of COOPERS services, including functional and non-functional ones, and an unlimited budget, one could construct ideal in-car and roadside equipment with perfect services fulfilling all on which the requirements are based.

COOPERS project vision: Vehicles are connected via continuous wireless com-

munication with the road infrastructure on motorways, exchange data and information relevant for the specific road segment to increase overall road safety and enable co-operative traffic management.

European road network faces a traffic demand increase up to 50% over the next 15 years. At the same time road operators have the national and European obligation to improve the level of service, to improve safety and to decrease the number of fa-talities and injured persons in road accidents by 50% till 2010.

That is why new techniques and methods are requested to move increasing number of vehicles safe, efficient and environmentally sustainable through the existing network.

Co-operative systems enabled by enhanced telematics (vehicles and infrastructure) allow to handle the dense traffic safely and efficiently.

Complementing the current research on the in-vehicle technology and vehicle to vehicle communication (V2V), innovative solutions for the communication between in-frastructure and vehicles (I2V) have to be established to explore these options targeting a better use of the available infrastructure capacity. Figure 1 presents a recommended COOPERS configuration – the In-car network + RSU:

• Communication technologies: Infrared, CALM 5, GSM/GPRS, DAB – broadcast communication, DVB-H – broadcast communication alternative to DAB, RDS-TMC – broadcast communication (comparison of existing RDS-TMC installations with DAB);

• In-car network: T&TT On Board Unit from ARS as an automotive PC to run the COOPERS services; Robust Positioning Unit (RPU) from PWP Systems for vehicle positioning; OBU – 3 from EFKON as the communi-cation gateway; CAN connection; additional sensors like gyro-meter …;

• CAN/additional sensors. OBD-II (On Board Diagno-stics) is an on-board diagnostic system which is used in several vehicles and which is mandatory for new ve-hicles sold within Europe (and USA).

• Infrastructure/ Roadside: roadside controller from SWARCO (implemented by SMC/SWARCO Motor-way Controller); CALM Gateway module from EF-

Onboard Unit (Obu) in an ITS System on the Basis of Coopers Project

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KON; Sensor Management from ASCOM will be used. The roadside configuration as posted above will only be installed when a local computing power is needed or IR communication is installed on the dedicated ro-adside. The existing roadside sensors may be used as they are. Especially if they are directly connected to the TCC, no change of the existing installation may be feasible. The CALM Gateway module is connected to the SMC. The information transferred to and from the SMC which has to be transmitted over short/medium communication technologies is forwarded by the SMC to CALM Gateway module or the TCC.

The project uses the cooperative synergy of existing technologies and equipment to attain the road safety impro-vement. However, the implementation of services efficiently and with adequate quality depends not only on the quality of the technology and technical devices themselves, but also on the availability of experience within the team of those COOPERS partners who are responsible for designing, de-velopment and testing the COOPERS subsystems.

The project uses the cooperative synergy of existing technologies and equipment.

1.1. I2V Communication Link

DAB/DMB/DVB-HDigital Audio Broadcast (DAB) is a technology to bro-

adcast audio and many other types of digital services in several standardized manners. Its latest enhanced Digital Multimedia Broadcasting (DMB) is a standard to carry

the content and enriched services to a mobile user, as well as the introduction of a more sophisticated audio codec. DAB/DMB is required for wide range communication. A lot of safety related information must be provided to all road users and DAB/DMB is the cheapest technology for this. Unfortunately it lacks the ability to respond to a re-ceived message. Alternatively to DAB the DVB-H techno-logy will be implemented within COOPERS. This will be applied on test sites where DAB is not available.

CALM IRCALM (Continuous Air interface, Long and Medium

range) is a family of standards which determine a com-mon architecture, network protocols and air interface de-finition for wireless communications using cellular second and third generation, infra-red, 5 GHz, and 60 GHz com-munications. Other air interfaces may be added at later date. These air interfaces are designed to provide parame-ters and protocols for communications in the ITS Sector, as follows:

• Data rates of 1 and 2 Mbit/s, the standard provides up to 128 Mbit/s.

• Vehicle speed in excess of 200 km/h.• Communication distance up to 100m• Latencies and communication delays in order of mil-


CALM IR is a medium range communication and is the perfect complement to DAB/DMB and GSM/GPRS.

CALM M5CALM M5 is the European/International version of

American WAVE (Wireless Access to the Vehicular Envi-ronment) standard including IEEE 802.11p. When CALM M5 becomes available it would be a preferred medium to support the aspects of COOPERS. At first glance the tech-nology should enable COOPERS services to be hooked on and therefore CALM M5 will be evaluated in the CO-OPERS project.

TPEG protocolFor the communication between TCC and OBU CO-

OPERS needs a common message format and decides to use the TPEG (Transport Protocol Experts Group) speci-fications for this purpose. The TPEG is a bearer and lan-guage-independent TTI (Traffic and Travel Information) service protocol that has a unidirectional and byte-orien-ted asynchronous framing structure. There are basical-ly two formats for TPEG messages – tpeg ML and tpeg binary. The difference between them concerns only the format and not the content, as both variants are designed to map on onto each other precisely. Therefore the diffe-rences concern mainly the size of the data used and the

Fig. 1. Modeling and simulation process flow in TRANSIMS Source: [own work]

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accessibility. As a lot of software tools and libraries alre-ady exist it is comparatively easy to handle messages in the XML format as long as there are hardware resources and bandwidth. However, in an area of limited resources, one can save memory and/or bandwidth by using the bi-nary format. For this reason it is possible to use both. The TPEG is a modular toolkit and consists of the following applications:

RTM – Road Traffic Information, PTI – Public Transport Information, Loc- Location referencing, used in conjunction with


2. HMI – Human Machine Interface

A design of HMI is illustrated in Figure 2. General status panel displays the GPS status and current date and time. Concerning the event icons, thumbnails of the existing events are displayed in a minimized form. The currently active event thumbnail is surrounded by a brown rectangle. The thumbnail is automatically cle-ared on expiry of the event. Tapping on the thumbnail displays the corresponding event. The event details panel lists out the event information. It displays the events graphically. Instructions or recommendations are displayed on the red rectangle at the bottom of this panel. The orange arrow denotes that there will be more information. The planned route is displayed on the navigation panel. The current position and lo-cation of the vehicle is also displayed. The route is an-notated with thumbnails of traffic events. The actual speed and the prevailing speed limit are also displayed on the navigation panel. The distance to the next turn is also shown, Fig. 3.

3. Automotive PC and in car network

The automotive PC, Figure 4, has the primary purpose to collect COOPER’s services. AP and the applications are created to test and validate the COOPER’s services.

The following services are defined:• Weather conditions – to provide in vehicle, dynamic

information to warn drivers of hazardous road surface conditions ahead caused by ice or frost.

• Fog warning – to provide in-vehicle, dynamic infor-mation to warn drivers of poor visibility caused by fog;

• Accident warning – to warn drivers of a road acci-dent ahead with in-vehicle, dynamic information and inform the emergency service providers for ef-ficient recovery;

• In-vehicle variable speed limit information – to pro-vide drivers with real-time, in-vehicle information on appropriate speed for the current conditions, which are based on traffic flow, traffic speed, weather and others inputs;

• Lane banning (LB) – according to the type of vehic-le and the network condition, to provide drivers with real time, in-vehicle information about lanes which are not accessible, e.g. HGV are not allowed to drive on the off-side lane on motorways. Also some network section has dedicated lanes for public transport;

• Keeping Lane (LK) – to provide real-time, in-vehicle advice for drivers not to change on specific road links;

• Auxiliary Lane Accessibility (ALA) – to provide real time, in-vehicle information to inform drivers on a specific motorway section about the availability of au-xiliary lanes for emergency stopping or driving;

Fig. 2. Modeling and simulation process flow in TRANSIMS Source: [own work]

Fig. 3. High level system architecture Automotive PC in the in-vehicle system Source: [own work]

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• Traffic congestion warning (TCW) – to provide in-ve-hicle, dynamic, information to warn drivers of conge-sted traffic ahead;

• ISA with infrastructure links – to inform/warn drivers of vehicle speed limit and help them match their speed to prevailing traffic/road conditions;

• Road charging to influence traffic demand – the aim of these services is to support road charging through Electro-nic Fee Collection; to inform drivers about predicted costs;

• International service continuity – an exchange ne-twork between neighbouring control centres to ensure continuity of service for travellers;

• Estimated Journey Time – to calculate and inform dri-vers about the estimated journey time;

• Recommended next link – to recommend an alterna-tive link in special situations/scenarios;

• Map information check to inform of current update for digital maps;

Illustration and technical specifications of prototypes of the Automotive PC and the envisaged HMI design is shown in Fig. 4.

4. RPU Robust Positioning Unit

The RPU provides an access to the following data so-urces: GPS, Gyro (incl. GPS time), Odometer (revolution of all 4 wheels; incl. GPS time).

For the individual sensors the following requirements are posed from the view of the RPU to the properties of the measurements:

GPS module:• Chip set should be: SiRF, u-blox Antares4 or equiva-

lent sensitivity.• The PPS output has to be connected.• The receiver should be able to process EGNOS infor-

mation.• Independent determination of the position (triangu-

lation) and the velocity (Doppler shift) information.• Position determination should be computed in the

module of “precise point position” (ppp).• No smoothing or filtering should be applied inside the

GPS module

CAN bus:• Provides the velocity of the vehicle in general.• Provides the distance increments (pulses) of all four

wheels (but at least of two non-powered wheels).• Timestamps synchronous to the GPS-clock and with a

time accuracy of better than 10 ms.• Signals for the driving direction (forward and backward).

• Sampling rate of 100Hz.• Resolution of 8 Bit per wheel revolution.

Gyro rate sensor:• Measurement range of 50-150 grad/sec.• Sampling rate of 100Hz.• Resolution of 12 Bit.• Timestamp synchronous to the GPS-clock and with a

time accuracy of better than 10 ms.• Temperature signal for the gyro with a resolution of

0.1 degree.

According to above functionalities presented, the CGW (Communication Gateway) was defined, which re-ceives the following messages, Figure 5:

• Messages from the OBU-II CAN.• Traffic Control Messages (TPEG-RTM) from the CO-

OPERS Service Centre sent over GSM/GPRS.• Traffic Control Messages from the Road Side Unit

(RSU) by means of IR (interface 3) and CALM M5• GPS data (NMEA – GGS and RMC Strings) from

interface 5.

Fig. 4. Illustration and technical specification of APC and HMI Source: [own work]

Fig. 5. Overview of interfaces provided by the Communication Gateway Source: [own work]

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29Volume 3 • Issue 3 • September 2010

5. Test Vehicle ConfigurationFigure 6 shows the concept of test vehicle configura-

tion. There are all components mentioned above, which are necessary to provide a road test of presented equip-ment.

COOPERS Tests will partly be executed as pre-integra-tion tests in the laboratories of Dornier Consulting (In-car network) and Applus+ (Road-side subsystem), and partly they shall be performed as integrated subsystem/system tests at all demonstration sites; these are

• Motorway from Nuremberg via Munich, Kiefersfel-den/Kufstein, Innsbruck, Brenner to Trento with three sections (Bavaria, Austria, Italy)

• Motorway Rotterdam-Antwerp (Netherlands-Belgium)• City Motorways in Berlin (Germany)• Secondary roads in the “Region Darmstadt”• Motorway A7 Vienne-Valence (France)

The demonstration site of the “Region Darmstadt” has the aim to extend the spectrum of road networks for COOPERS. On the example of the COOPERS service S5 “In-vehicle variable speed limit information” it will be de-monstrated, how this service can support the driver on se-condary roads as well. Therefore this service was translated to the special constraints of secondary roads and is descri-bed as the service S5a “Adaptive speed limit warning and curve warning on secondary roads”. The second focus of the demonstration in “Region Darmstadt” is motivated with the integration of Galileo for COOPER’s services. For the COOPERS project the objective of robust positioning is of

main interest for the European Commission and especially the potential contribution of Galileo to support the selected services. Therefore a unique approach has been designed to test the benefits of Galileo within the application, before the space segment of Galileo has been installed.

For the evaluation of the results from executed test trials, it is necessary to know the true trajectory or at least a very accurate and reliable estimate of it. Therefore, The Technical University of Lodz (LOD) has combined a high precision inertial measurement unit (IMU), which was aided through an external wheel pulse transducer (WPT) with high reso-lution and dual frequency GPS receiver. The measurements are recorded in parallel but strictly independent to the other system of the COOPERS OBU and the scientific develop-ment platform inside the PWP concept car.

The modules of reference systems can be found in three locations, a special dual frequency antenna with advanced reception characteristic on the roof, the Corrsys Datron WPT at the outside of the back wheel and the additional reference sensors including a recording laptop in the trunk of the vehicle. While the reference system does require the most installation space, the modules of the COOPERS OBU are rather small in size and have all been installed in the cabin of the vehicle. The assessment of technical perfor-mance of RPU will be executed by the LOD as a neutral in-stance for this task. In order to qualify the remaining error behaviour of the RPU by measurements, hard facts will be generated for the process of the technical assessment. The applied hardware components of Corrsys, IMU, and dual frequency GPS are very costly (more than 50 000 EUR) and do not qualify for an economic solution with respect to the task of robust positioning with COOPERS.

For the correct and precise determination of the per-formance of RPU during kinematic test trials with the con-cept car a reference systems is necessary that operates at the same time reference as the RPU. For this task SPAN system (Synchronized Position Attitude Navigation) has been ap-plied by the TU of Lodz. While the SPAN operates on the basis of GPS time, most low-cost GPS receivers provide the UTC time. The timing accuracy in both systems is suffi-cient, but by definition there exists a time drift between the GPS time and UTC, which is currently determined with 15 lead seconds, that have to be compensated to achieve pro-per synchronization. The core of the SPAN system is an in-ertial measurement unit (IMU), which consist of fibre optic gyros (FOG) and three precise accelerometers. This sensor assembly can perceive the rotation and translation motion of the vehicle in all three axes, to cover the complete six de-grees of freedom with respect to physical motion.

The measurements of all reference sensors are logged via the software tool from the SPAN unit, which is run-ning on a separate laptop from LOD. The interface of the SPAN systems is kept quite simple and allows controlling

Fig. 6. bench vehicle configuration Source: [own work]

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the proper operation of the reference equipment during the test ride. In comparison to the RPU, the SPAN system has a quite long procedure for initialization, until all the single sensors are calibrated. The HMI of the SPAM has a similar view of cockpit instrumentation, which comes from the fact that costly equipment is used for aviation, rather than for land transport. This shows a high reliabili-ty that comes with the inertial sensor systems and proves again that a high effort is appropriate, in order to generate a reliable reference trajectory for robust positioning appli-cations like the COOPERS-services.

5. Simulator studyA driving simulator is a complex tool that can be used

for many different kinds of purposes. Typically it can be used for vehicle dynamics studies, driver behaviour stu-dies, road design and visualization, man-machine inte-raction studies, virtual prototyping of vehicles and vehicle systems. The VTI built its first driving simulator already in 1975, and has since then performed studies within all of the mentioned categories.

A main part of the overall COOPERS project deals with problems concerning the data transmission (in its broadest sense). In contrast, it was decided that the driving simulator study would deal only with traffic safety issues. It was also decided that most benefits from this study would be achie-ved with a study of driver behaviour, comparing driving with the COOPERS onboard unit as opposed to driving without the COOPERS onboard unit. The comparison wo-uld be made in situations that could not be achieved in the upcoming field studies. Thus, the simulator study should be regarded as a study that is complementary to the field stu-dies, with the purpose of retrieving information that other-wise could not be obtained. The simulator study should not be considered as a virtual test bed for developing the field study methodology or the HMI of the COOPERS onbo-ard unit. However, since the driving simulator test would be carried out before the field tests, many results would be useful for the field tests at the demonstration sites, e.g. the design of the user acceptance questionnaires. And, altho-ugh the simulator study was not designed with the purpose of developing the HMI design of the COOPERS system, the feedback from the drivers that took part in the simulator study may also lead to improvements in the HMI before the tests at the demonstration sites would be performedThe driving simulator study was carried out at the VTI using 48 Swedish test drivers, 24 men and 24 women. The drivers had to drive 40 km Swedish motorway without, and 40 km with the COOPERS system, while being exposed to some critical, and some not so critical events. These events, deno-ted scenarios, were chosen with the COOPERS services in

mind. Some of the scenarios were chosen specifically for the simulator study since they were too rare or too critical to be achieved in real traffic driving in the upcoming COOPERS field test. Objective measures on driver behaviour were sampled, e.g. the speed and vehicle position on the road, including the eye movement pattern of the drivers. Physio-logical measures such as the ECG and skin conductance were recorded for evaluation of the driver’s stress level. The driver’s subjective experience from driving with the system and their perceived stress during the scenarios was also cap-tured. Furthermore, an acceptance study was carried out, which will be reported elsewhere.

The primary aim of the study was to measure and compare driver’s behaviour when driving with the CO-OPERS system as opposed to driving without the CO-OPERS system. The driving behaviour was supposed to be studied in situations where a traffic safety problem might occur. Apart from the primary aim, the simulator study also enables the study of driver behaviour during more ge-neral motorway driving.

The four scenarios involved were created to include some of the COOPERS services earlier defined;

• “Congestion” - The driver approaches a sudden conge-stion that is standing still.

• “Fog” - The driver has to pass a 1 km long road section with heavy fog.

• “Ambulance” - An ambulance approaches the driver at high speed from behind and needs to pass.

• “Ghost driver” - The driver meets a vehicle driving in the opposite direction in his lane on the motorway.

The results of the present study show that when the system is active, the drivers adapt to the scenarios accor-ding to the information given through the system. For the congestion and the fog, the drivers lower their speed after having received a warning about the upcoming situation. The ambulance scenario showed a decrease in longitudi-nal acceleration and the time to collision in the ghost dri-ver scenario was decreased when a warning had been issu-ed through the system. This indicates that even for traffic events that are critical, the driver has an advantage by the system warning and has time and opportunity to adapt to the situation, hence creating a safer scenario.

All changes in drivers’ behaviour that were found in the simulator study can be considered beneficiary from a traffic safety perspective. Other possible benefits from a COOPERS-like system would be that the driver has an opportunity to better plan his route according to the circumstances on the road. If the driver receives information on upcoming traffic delays well ahead, he/she can choose a different route to avoid for example congestions or bad weather, hence making the overall traffic situation better.

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6. ConclusionCoopers project using OBU:

• Focuses on services and driver’s behaviour/user accep-tance.

• Influences significantly driver’s behaviour.• Influences driver’s behaviour positively.• Is accepted by all drivers independent of the acceptan-

ce level.• People are willing to pay for it.

An open system of ITS architecture and the OBU pre-sented enables new features and standards of vehicle use. There is no problem to add another service, so called low emission; the next steps of authors will be focused on a low fuel consumption.

Bibliography[1] D7-B5300/5400 Test bench for I2V interfaces, inclu-

ding test vehicle, testing environment and test data-base,

[2] D15-IR7100/7200/7300/7400 Report on com-mon result assessment,

[3] D6- B5200 Test Bench specification for infra-structure-equipment,

[4] D6100 Final report on demonstration,

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September 2010


a Institute of Electrical Engineering and Electronics, Faculty of Power and Electrical Engineering, Riga Technical University, Riga, Latvia, Kalku str.1, LV-1058.

EMAIL: [email protected] [email protected]

ABSTRACTSustainable development of City Transport System is described in the article. Control tools relating to planning, and management of Public Transport System are described. 3-levels Integrated Control Tools system usage is offered which allows carrying out the control of vehicles, to supervise work of each type of transport separately and to co-ordinate work of all passenger transport system in the city.

KEYWORDS: Sustainable City Transport System, Control Tools, passengers, consumption of fuel and electric energy

1. IntroductionTransportation of the passengers in large cities is of

great importance for the urban and economic develop-ment of those. But the public transport is not the only type of it running in the cities, people use also private transport that increases traffic congestions increasing in their turn the consumption of fuel and electric energy.

Therefore the actual investigation under the present transport situation is selection of that type of transport meeting the requirements of the passenger transporta-tion optimization. Particularly important it is under the conditions of transport network renovation. The renova-tion process is realized usually with the optimization of transportations according to the time parameter without reducing the comfort and costs. As the base of decision making procedure of the transport network development alternative selection co-modal transportation principle is suggested to use in optimization of the city transport. The

elaboration of decision making procedure is important for intelligent transport systems and services development.

In this article transport sustainability means, that trans-port provides safe, economically viable and socially accep-table access for people, places and services while meeting objectives for health and environmental quality, protecting ecosystems and minimizing adverse impacts on global phe-nomena such as climate change [1]. Transport routes and vehicles should be convenient, safe and simple to use.

The purpose of this research: Increase of an overall perfor-mance of system of a City Transport, by development of In-tegrated Control Tools for Sustainable City Transport System.

Tasks of research: • Definition of measured parameters for evaluation of

Sustainability of City Transport System.• Reduction of time of a trip of one passenger from

point „A” to point „B” in comparison with an exi-sting situation.

• Optimization of quantity of vehicles in system of city public transport to minimum quantity of vehicles in

Integrated Control Tools Development for Sustainable City

Transport System

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33Volume 3 • Issue 3 • September 2010

the considered system, capable to execute demanded number of inquiries of passengers.

• Increase in an overall performance of each vehicle.• A problem of assignments. Appointment to a route of

vehicles of different capacity.• Scientific novelty - working out of three-level models

of management of transport system.

The first level provides the control of a vehicle and traf-fic lights. In other words, at this level the control of trans-port system at level of objects of system is made: vehicles, traffic lights and inquiries about service of passengers.

The second level: integration and realization of mana-gement by transport system within one mode of transport.

The third level: work coordination, transport modes coordination and quality of inquiries about service of pas-sengers (quality of service).

2. Sustainable Transportation Principles and City Transport System

Serious challenge for engineers and designers, and also for policy makers is observance balance between mo-bility and sustainability.

The principles of sustainability and environmental in-dicators evaluation [2] should be analyzed according basic transportation activities, which affecting the environment:

1. Infrastructure construction, maintenance, and abandonment (e.g., building roads);

2. Vehicle and parts manufacture;3. Vehicle travel;4. Vehicle maintenance and support;5. Disposal of used vehicles and parts

The World Commission on Environment and Deve-lopment is usually credited with the first definition of su-stainable development. In [10] the Commission defined the sustainable development as the „development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”. The report continues: „It contains within it two key concepts:

• The concept of “needs” in particular the essential ne-eds of the world’s poor, to which overriding priority should be given, and

• The idea of limitations imposed by the state of tech-nology and social organisation on the environment’s ability to meet present and future needs”.

As it is mentioned in COST 356 [9], - hierarchy of objectives in the environmental field according to [11]

Master the environment;• At global scale;• Preserve an environment in favor of the human life;• Limit the greenhouse effect; • Limit the climate change;• Protect the ozone layer;• Preserve the natural resources;• Limit the extinction of natural species;• Limit the extinction of natural environment;• Limit the energy consumptions;• Limit the maritime pollution; • Limit the production of non-recyclable waste;• Concerning the human environment;• Respect the areas «villages»;• Preserve habitats from soiling.

3. Integrated Control Tools technical platform

The intelligent transportation system (ITS) by it sa-lves is used as bases for Integrated Control Tools technical solution development. The typical structure of ITS [3] is given in figure 1.

According to [4], such principles of sustainable trans-portation could be implemented, using ITS:

• Intergenerational equity• Multi dimensional• Dynamic• Continuum

Fig. 1. Modeling and simulation process flow in TRANSIMS Source: [own work]

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Properties of the agent should provide necessary func-tions of ITS. The main properties of agents:

• Independent execution and interaction with other agents and/or applications, supervision over envi-ronment;

• Ability to use abstraction;• Ability to use knowledge of a subject;• Ability to adaptability for purpose achievement;• Ability to be trained at environment;• Stability to errors and wrong signals;• Functioning in real time;• Interaction with Supra agent.

Constraints of ITS implementation are: environment, ecology, resource, technology.

Examples of Technologies and functions which are now integrated with ITS:

Automatic number plate recognition;• Cellular Phone Tracking;• Global Positioning System;• Loop Detectors;• Video Imaging;• Automatic Vehicle Location;• Automatic Vehicle Identification;• Micro Simulation.

ITS system is a powerful tool for traffic flow organiza-tion, ITS system application could be different. However, the priority of Riga transport network development is to co - control railway transport in city transport network [5].

Regional rail [5] can carry considerable number of passengers without overloading transport infrastructure, more particularly Riga road network.

Railway transport is very important to the mobility of people and it is based on the well-developed infrastruc-ture. There are 6 railway lines, including 4 electric lines (Riga-Skulte; Riga-Aizkraukle; Riga-Jelgava; Riga-Tu-kums) crossing Riga region. These lines are provided with 16 railway stations as well as 26 passengers` stops within Riga district.

In despite of the enormous loses of passengers during the 90-ties it still plays a considerable role to the traffic in Riga metropolitan area in particular for regional towns Jurmala, Ogre, Olaine, Salaspils, Saulkrasti as well as for dense populated recreation areas namely Jurmala, Carni-kava, Saulkrasti, Sigulda.

Interest in ITS comes from the problems caused by traffic congestion and a synergy of new information tech-nology for simulation, real-time control, and communica-tions networks.

Traffic congestion has been increasing worldwide as a result of increased motorization, urbanization, population growth, and changes in population density. Congestion reduces efficiency of transportation infra-structure and increases travel time, air pollution, and fuel consumption.

Fig. 2. Functional structure of transport control tool Source: [3]

Fig. 3. Three – levels Integrated Control Tools system Control Strategies Source: [3]

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3.1. Three-levels Integrated Control Tools system

Three-levels Integrated Control Tools system usage is offered which allows to carry out the control of vehicles, to supervise work of each type of transport separately and to co-ordinate work of all transport system in city boundaries

Supra software agent(Supra agent) in this article is so-ftware agent with coordination function. Supra software agent coordinates task realization, in distributed level co-ordination made by subsystem, in centralized level several coordination agents are used.

Scheme of interaction of Supra software agent is given in Fig.4.

The development of control tool was done in three le-vel:

• Control tool of vehicle;• Control tool of transport mode;• Control tool of transport modes co- modality.

The control methodology application depends on con-trol level. In vehicle control (fig. 5.) based on regulation theory approach are used mainly.

Continuous programming methods usage requires to use computer based network, information technologies, based on possibility to realise on line control of systems, such as intelligent transport systems (ITS). ITS allows to make predefined decisions in emergency case, in heavy traffic situations, during repairing works and in other si-tuations. Applying ITS allows to control traffic online and to make decisions immediately, when it is needed. ITS can

be used as a data source for existing situations in view of long term decision making.

4. The mathematical formulation of the task

The important problem of control could be formulized in the following way, using intelligent agent demonstrated in Fig.5.

Figure 5. demonstrates control scheme of transport system, St – is transport system; where W(I)- feedback (transport control system); Wx – input of the transport system (resources, passengers, signals), Wy – output of the transport system (resources, passengers, signals) Wv – in-fluence of environment.

The operation of the transport control system is pro-vided according to the priorities of passengers (Z°p) Wy-->Z°p, taking into account its interaction with other systems according to logistic criteria. Modeling of intelli-gent transport systems for the control of all the system is analyzed in the connection of public transport with other systems and intelligent agents structures.

Following variables have been named:Se – system of resources; Sp – set of passengers with subsets Sp

1, Sp2, ..., Sp

k єSp; k=1,2, ...,

Stm – transport system mode with vehicles St1, St

2, ..., St

n єSt; St – transport system ;Ste – total consumption of recourses by vehicles Ste

1, Ste

2, ..., Sten єSte n=1,2, ...,

t – time, t1, t2, .. ti – moments of time;Z°p – priorities of passengers;

Fig. 4. Scheme of interaction of supra software agent Source: [own work]

Fig. 5. Model of the control task for public transport vehicle Source: [own work]

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W - environmentWv – influence of environment;W (I)- feedback (control system of transport); Wx – input of transport system (resources, passen-

gers);Wy – output of transport system (resources, passen-

gers);As – set of intelligent agents (intelligent agent ne-

twork) with subsets Ast1, Ast

2, ..., Ast m, Asp1, Asp

2, ..., Asp

m, ..єAs ; m=1,2, ...,A supra – Supra intelligent agent Stn ∀ Sp

k Stej (St

n, Spk) -> min, (exists when St

n, when for each Sp exist Ste

j (Stn, Sp

k).Target function Ste

j -> min, Stn>=St

direktBy the means of Supra intelligent agent provides the

development of resources consumption efficiency increasing procedure for public transport

system and takes the task of optimum in dynamic: Ste

j (t)→ min, Stn>=St

direktThe target of 3 th level in co – modal transportation

could be formulate as:Stm1x Stm2 x …x Stmi x Sp -->Z°p, and Stm1 (Wx) -->min.

5. System integration issueRequirements for transport modes development requ-

ire integration of all transport modes, including its specific automation systems and existing equipment.

In railway domain, where European CENELEC Stan-dards such as EN 50126, 50128 and 50129, European Research Projects and Networks and finally the establish-ment the European Railway Agency have helped and are still helping to streamline and normalize the safety and interoperability sector.

At the present stage of development, in Latvia it is im-possible to use the European control system of movement of railway transportation ETCS. The main reason of it is incompatibility of railway on – field devices and control systems. Now, carrying out passenger and freight traffic in the countries of Europe, on border the mobile structure on such which meets both width of railroad tracks, and other requirements varies, but, it is obvious that it requires a lot of time and leads to a long delay of cargo on border. In this connection the railway transportation becomes slower, than motor transport. Historically the situation has developed so that in each European state there was a railway standard.

Therefore, to co-ordinate all requirements to railway systems of Europe and to realize functionally compatible system, the unified control system of railway transporta-tion ETCS has been developed. In this system the uniform

standard of the railway equipment and used equipment which is considered is provided, making modernization of railway system of the European states. In the given re-search the using of existing equipment Eurobalises and communication via GSM-R for railway transport (Fig. 6) control of safe movement of trains are used.

The functional model for public transport – tram as control tool of vehicle level is shown at figure 7.

Fig. 6. Signal transmission structure in ETCS Source: [own work]

Fig. 7 Functional model of the intelligent transport system equipment for the control of electric energy supply Source: [own work]

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37Volume 3 • Issue 3 • September 2010

In Riga city mostly trams TATRA and TATRA 3M are used. For driving such DC trams as well as AC electric motors with semiconductor converters [8] for rotational frequency control are used.

Control devices with contactors and rheostats wide-ly used earlier have been changed for semiconductor re-gulators which control voltage value supplied to motors.

Control of motors according to the requirements has to include tram control possibilities as well as traffic light control, as well as passengers flow control. The tram con-trol equipment scheme is shown at figure 7.

The another transport mode, which are currently equ-ipped with distance tracking equipment in Riga are buses.

Bus control system are developed on Control tool of transport mode level.

The bus control system could track of bus route, using GPS receivers, but currently bus movement are not opti-mized in on – line mode.

Currently public bus system control in additional re-quires on board equipment with application of GPS, all of which utilize of three basic components of the GPS; abso-lute location, relative movement, time transfer.

On bus equipment for Riga bus control system (ASOS) are shown at figure 8.

The structure of such control system are shown at fi-gure 9. The ASOS system are first implemented control system in Riga.

The next stages of co – modal passenger transportation re-quires introduce Control tool of transport modes co- modality. Such tool in Rigacity are useful to develop for all passengers transport modes: buses, trolleybuses, trams and railway.

6. ConclusionsThere is various possibilities and tools to increase of

an overall performance of system of a city passenger trans-port have been described in the article. There is 3-levels Integrated Control Tools system usage is offered which allows carrying out the control of vehicles, to supervise work of each type of transport separately and to co-ordi-nate work of all transport system in city boundaries.

The current transport control systems, it´s compo-nents on vehicle, transport mode and transport modes co- modality issues are analyzed for Riga city transports.

Bibliography[1] MEAL J.: Public transport in GB – ‘Policy context

and practice’ illustrated with reference to smart card deployment and the ITSO specification” ITS 2007 Austria Conference proceedings pp 84-90, ITS Au-stria, Wien, 2007.

[2] USEPA (1996): Indicators of environmental impacts of transportation - Highway, Rail, aviation and ma-ritime transport. USEPA report, 230-R-96-009, Wa-shington, USA, 268 p.

[3] Toward Resilient, Self-healing and Smart Interdepen-dent Infrastructure Systems. S. Massoud Amin, D.Sc.

Fig. 8. On bus equipment with integration in ASOS bus management system Source: [own work]

Fig. 9. Structure of bus control system ASOS Source: [own work]

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[4] ZIETSMAN, J.: Using sustainable transportation performance measures in corridor decision making COST 356 Seminar, Oslo, Norway, February 2008

[5] VIRCAVS, I.: Development issues of transport in-frastructure in Riga region. Final Regional Report. Action group II. Transport Corridors Network.

[6] GALKINA A., KUŅICINA N. Modeling of intelligent transport system for power supply control in public trans-port system// RTU scientific articles. 4. vol., Enerģētika un elektrotehnika. - 22. issue. (2008), pp. 86.-93.

[7] MEZITIS, M.: Microprocessor centralization sys-tems reaction time reduction, Vilnius: VGTU 2005

[8] BIEZBĀRDIS L., RIBICKIS, L.: Tramvaja vilces piedziņas impulsu pārveidotāju spēka shēmas izpēte, 40 RTU konference, Rīga, 1999.g.

[9] COST 356. EST - Towards the definition of a measu-rable environmentally sustainable transport.

[10] Our Common Future (WCED, 1987).[11] Rousval and Maurin (2008).

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a University of Žilina, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Univerzitná 8215/1, 01026 Žilina, Slovak Republic

EMAIL: [email protected]

ABSTRACTRailway transport is one of processes controlled with a certain level of risk. It is apparent that due to a limited level of our knowledge, the technical level and limited funds we cannot count on absolute safety (zero risk) but we must admit that in a real technical system some error or fault may occur and its occurrence may mean a certain risk for the controlled process. The authors focus on proposing and presenting potentially usable measures that could increase the safety of traffic operation at the level crossings operated by the ŽSR (Slovak Railways). Technical and organizational measures are discussed separately. Some of proposed measures are specific for Slovak conditions only, however, to a certain extent some findings can be generalized and possibly applied in other countries, too.

KEYWORDS: safety, level crossing, accidents, transport, ZSR, technical measures, organi-sational measures

1. IntroductionCurrently, there are 2220 level crossings (LC) on the

ŽSR railway lines. Out of this number there are 1076 level crossings equipped with level crossing signalling (LCS) and 1144 not equipped with LCSs [1].

If a level crossing is not equipped with an LCS, then the safety of road users in the area of the level crossing is assured by organisational measures. The level crossing must be unmistakably marked by a war-ning cross (St Andrews cross) and the driver of a road vehicle is informed by a road sign that the vehicle is approaching the level crossing. Road drivers are re-quired by law [2] to act with extreme caution when approaching and crossing the LC and make sure that it is safe to pass the level crossing. Maximum speed limit for road users in the area 30 m ahead of the LC and on the LC is 30 km/h.

When a level crossing is equipped with an LCS, there are more ways to inform the road users about a train ap-proaching the level crossing:

• acoustic warning (mechanical or electric device pro-ducing audible signal – a bell, horn or electronic bell);

• light warning (two red complementary flashing lights);• mechanical warning (half-barriers across a part of the

road or full barriers across the whole roadway width).

Only the LCS with a light warning as a basic warning and optional mechanical warning as a supplementary war-ning are discussed in the paper. Those types of LCS are used on ŽSR lines with a line speed less than 140 km/h. On lines with a line speed equal to 140 km/h or higher only the LCSs with a mechanical warning along with a light warning as a basic warning are used. The construction of new level cros-sings on ŽSR lines with a line speed exceeding 160 km/h is strongly discouraged (currently there is only one level cros-sing on the line with the line speed of 160 km/h).

Transport safety of Slovak Railways level crossings

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In order to keep road users reliably informed about movements of railway vehicles in a level crossing area, it is necessary to:

• provide them unambiguous information;• keep LCS in operation in accordance with functional

specifications (standard [3]);• achieve maximum possible availability of the system.

There are some ŽSR specific problems that need to be solved in order to fulfil these basic requirements. Some of these problems are identified in this paper.

2. LCS actuation by a train movement

A concurrent operation of LCS and technical equip-ment that checks up on a presence of a railway vehicle in the control section of a level crossing is required. A pass of a railway vehicle over a level crossing is also monitored. The following devices are used for these purposes:

• Continual technical equipment (track circuits, axle counters);

• Point technical equipment (rail contacts, rail loops).

2.1. Track circuits

At least three closed track circuits are needed to have road users unambiguously informed about the traffic in a level crossing area with bi-directional traffic. (Fig. 1).

The configuration shown in Fig. 1 is common for ŽSR lines, except that the middle closed track circuit that checks up on a movement of a railway vehicle over a le-vel crossing is replaced by ASE equipment – Annulment

Electronic Set (Fig. 2). ASE equipment is composed of two partially overlapping jointless track circuits [8].

Track circuits operation depends on a drop shunt of a track, which is affected by many variables (e.g. weather, railway traffic intensity, trains weight). Low intensity se-condary tracks are seriously threatened by a loss of the shunt, which causes that no warning is started before approaching train. This is the main reason that no LCSs controlled by track circuits have been built on ŽSR lines within recent at least 10 years.

2.2. Axle counters

Due to a recent strategic resolution that no new LCS controlled by track circuits shall be built, the replacement of track circuits, which were formerly used by LCS, is a current problem. The use of two axle counters with over-lapping counting sections is a possible solution to this pro-blem. Section overlapping makes checking up on a move-ment of a railway vehicle over a level crossing possible and subsequently, with respect to this information, a warning state of the LCS can be safely terminated.

A hazard caused by two trains running in opposite di-rections on a bidirectional railway track has been recogni-sed during the analysis of various process situations (Fig. 3). Figs. 4 to 6 illustrate this problem.

Let us assume that train T1 enters track section TS1. As a consequence, LCS goes from the initial to warning state (Fig. 4.). Furthermore, let us assume that train T2 enters track section TS2. The level crossing remains in the warning state, but the LCS logic evaluates the situation as if train T1 entered section TS2, therefore occupying section TS1 as well as TS2, which does not correspond to the situation on the track (Fig. 5.). Now if due to any

Fig. 1. Level crossing with closed track circuits Source: [own work]


Red light (is off)

Flashing white light


Fig. 2. Level crossing equipped with an ASE Source: [own work]




S2-2 S2-1

Fig. 3. Two trains running in a level crossing area – initial state Source: [own work]

Fig. 4. Two trains running in a level crossing area – track section TS1 is occupied Source: [own work]




S2-2 S2-1

T2 T1

White light (is off) Flashing red lights

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41Volume 3 • Issue 3 • September 2010

reason train T1 changes its direction of movement and clears track section T1, the LCS will go to the annulment state that terminates warning. Train T2 will subsequently approach the level crossing with no noticeable warning whatsoever – which is a hazardous state. A similar out-come results from the analysis of the opposite direction. This operation of the LCS is contradictory to requirements stated in the standard [3] and also with essentials of inter-locking systems in general.

The risk related to the situation mentioned above co-uld be reduced if the LCS had relevant information about a direction of running trains. On the other hand, the LCS logic must reckon with the possibility of a failure of axle counter. No possible failure of an axle counter should cau-se a potential hazardous situation.

2.3. Point technical equipment

The standard [3] allows the use of point technical equip-ment to control LCSs. However, these devices have no means to check safely the clearance of an approach section or the

movement of whole train over a level crossing. For instance, there is a chance (Fig. 7) that in the case of disconnection of a wagon(s) from the train, by the time the decoupled section enters a level crossing, it will have been in an annulling state, therefore with no warning activated (because the train have passed level crossing already). The risk resulting from this si-tuation could be partially reduced by setting off the warning in the case of unexpected occupancy of the S3 sensor (or S13 in the opposite direction). However, the risk resulting from this situation has been rated as tolerable.

From the safety point of view it is necessary to check the direction of a train movement in the level crossing area by technical equipment (point devices in this case).

3. Active signalAn active signalisation is specific to the ŽSR. An active

signal is represented by a flashing white light located on a warning board. Its sole purpose is to inform a road vehicle driver about clearance of all sections of the level crossing. There are some major downsides of the active signalisa-tion using:

• Majority of foreign drivers are not familiar with this sort of signal.

• Standard [3] states that every LCS has to be equipped with an active signal save for exceptions declared in this standard. It is a fact, that approximately 40% of all ŽSR LCSs are not equipped with active signals. An incorrect interpretation of the previous standard (the predeces-sor of [3]) has led to the practice that the use of an ac-tive signal has justified insufficient range of vision on a level crossing. Former road law, that was valid until 1990, suggested that a railway company is responsible for safety of the traffic when the active signal flashes. Road users were not required to make sure if the passa-ge through a level crossing is safe. A lot of drivers (espe-cially older) still claim that, even though the currently binding law [2] stipulates otherwise. If there is a flashing white light activated on a warning board, it is compul-sory for a driver to drive at the maximum speed of 50 km/h through a level crossing and 50 m ahead of it.

• Ambiguity in meaning of information provided to a road user. The white signal (active signal) is located on a warning board along with two red signals (basic light warning). If an LCS is not equipped with an active signal, then a disabled state of the LCS (in this state LCS is not capable of warning road users about an approaching tra-in) could be misinterpreted as a default state (no train in the level crossing area that could endanger safety of the road traffic). Furthermore, in some cases (at night for instance) drivers are not able to distinguish whether the LCS is equipped with an active signal or not.




S2-2 S2-1

T2 T1

Fig. 5. Two trains running in a level crossing area – track sections TS1 and TS2 are occupied Source: [own work]




S2-2 S2-1


White light is off Red lights are off

Fig. 6. Two trains running in a level crossing area – clearing of section TS1, while section TS2 remains occupied Source: [own work]


S1 S11 S3 S13 S2 S121


S1 S11 S3 S13 S2 S121

Fig. 7. LCS controlled by point devices Source: [own work]

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Archives of Transport System Telematics42

4. Information for a driverThere are few ways how a driver could be informed

about a state of an LCS. An engine-driver could be infor-med via:

• an employee at an operation control point (e.g. the ne-arest railway station);

• a main signal;• a special engine-driver’s indication signal.• a locomotive signal through special transmission

channel (this solution is not applicable due to econo-mical reasons).

A common drawback of these solutions (except for the last one) is that relevant information is transmitted at certain points on the track. If such a failure occurs that it prevents an LCS from launching a warning and a train has already passed a transmitting point, then the train will approach an opened level crossing.

4.1. Informing by means of an employee at an operation control point

This is the most imperfect way how to inform a driver about the state of a level crossing. Its typical use is on a track with a semi-automatic block or on a track without a line signalling system at all. An extra communication line is needed to ensure communication between an operation control point (OCP) and LCS. The employee is not only informed about the state of the LCS but also has means for a remote control (open or close) of the level crossing. If an emergency lockout of the LCS occurred due to a critical failure, the level crossing can be remotely opened only if all passing engine-drivers have been previously informed about the failure. If the train has already passed the OCP, then the level crossing cannot be remotely opened unless the train safely clears the level crossing section (this infor-mation could be sent to the OCP from the next OCP for instance). Considering the fact that the distance between the LCS and corresponding OCP is up to 20 km, another drawback to this solution is that the warning time of the level crossing could be very long.

4.2. Informing via a main signal

Solution shown in Fig. 9 is used on tracks equipped with an automatic block system. The block section signal ahead of an LC in the direction of moving trains is situated at a breaking-down distance from the LC. The section si-gnal is coupled with the LCS. In the case of a critical failu-re of the LCS, the section signal shows a stop signal with permissive meaning. A similar solution is also used if the level crossing section overlaps an adjacent station section (where LCS is coupled with an entry or departure signal). In the case of a critical failure of the LCS, the absolute stop is signalled and the next train movement is possible only after a station dispatcher has given the train a permission to continue.

4.3. Informing via a gate signal

One possible solution how to avoid the possibility of the train to approach an open level crossing is to transmit the information about the LCS state the directly to the en-gine-driver on a locomotive. A special signal is used for this purpose – a driver’s indication signal (which is some-times referred to as a gate signal).

Former function of the gate signal was to inform a driver that the LCS went to the warning state as the train had entered the level crossing approaching section. In that case the gate signal had to be located somewhere inside the approaching section, but not closer to the level cros-sing than a braking distance DB. The diagram in Fig. 10 clarifies this principle. Distance DV is the minimum requ-ired signal visibility distance between gate signal and the approaching section boundary.

The solution mentioned above is safe, but it is not ap-plicable at high-intensity traffic tracks where it could lead to problems with the train traffic schedule. The same pro-blem arises if there is high level crossings penetration in the area or mixed passenger and freight traffic. Also the financial aspect of this solution is not negligible. Another considered problem is caused by the approaching section required length DA. Those are serious problems that di-scouraged the ŽSR from a wide use of this application of the gate signal.

A written order LCS

Communication between OCP a LCS

Fig. 8. Informing an engine-driver via an employee Source: [own work]



Fig. 9. Main signal and LCS coupling Source: [own work]

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43Volume 3 • Issue 3 • September 2010

Currently valid standards and laws allow the gate si-gnal to be used in a way in which the driver is notified whether the LCS is in an operational state or not. There-fore it is possible (but not necessary) to position the gate signal outside the approaching section (Fig. 11). The requ-irement on minimum braking distance DB (between the gate signal and the level crossing) still has to be fulfilled. However, in this case the length of the approaching sec-tion is independent of the distance between the gate signal and the level crossing. The advantage of this approach is obvious: the level crossing closed time can be shorter in comparison with the previous mentioned method. Ano-ther major advantage of this approach emerges when more than one level crossing is protected by just one gate signal.

A critical condition of this approach is that the LCS must start warning immediately after an approaching section is occupied. The actual level of technical equip-ment fulfils this requirement. An example would be the LCS with a multi-channel structure and periodic tests of a warning lights board, in which just one order from one channel is sufficient for the warning to begin. On the other hand only a few newly built LCS systems meet this con-dition.

The application of this solution should be well conside-red before using it with an older, relay based LCS systems that are used on ŽSR lines. Those systems do not facilitate any periodical checking procedures capable of checking the warning lights circuit integrity. The ability of the LCS to reach a warning state immediately after an approaching section has been occupied has to be proved by safety pass.

Figs. 12 and 13 show functions of the level crossing closed time versus both the gate signal operation and the track and road crossing angle. The level crossing closed times are valid for the LCS without barriers operating on an unidirectional track.

5. Possibilities of level crossing safety improvement

Transport safety on level crossings depends upon tech-nical measures and organisational measures. The main task of technical measures is a risk reduction, whereas or-ganisational measures are supposed to regulate road users and road users are supposed to adhere to these measures in return. The operation policies of a railway transport at level crossings are summarised in rules [4]. Technical re-quirements on LCS are specified by the standard [3].






Yellow lights White light

Fig. 10. Position of the gate signal inside the approaching section Source: [own work]





Fig. 11. Position of the gate signal outside the approaching section Source: [own work]

Fig. 12. The level crossing closed times when the gate signal informs about a warning state Source: [own work]

Fig. 13. The level crossing closed times when the gate signal informs about an operating state Source: [own work]

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Archives of Transport System Telematics44

5.1. Technical measures

All functions performed by current LCSs are realised with the level 4 of the safety integrity level (SIL4). Incre-asing the SIL is highly ineffective given a massive dispro-portion between the SIL improvement and funds needed to achieve this improvement. In addition, the improve-ment in SIL does not necessary lead to the improvement in transport safety at LCs. The contribution of LCS sys-tems failures to accidents at level crossings is insignificant – only 0.1 per cent of all accidents are caused by LCs at ŽSR. On the contrary, modifications of LCS or addition of new functions to LCS that primarily do not affect SIL in any way (do not increase technical safety) could enhance transport safety at LCs. Such modifications improve the observance of rules declared by organisational measures and also may compel road users to follow these rules. All these measures may eventually contribute to safety at level crossings or, might at least unify information (range, con-tent, form) provided to road users. A few suggestions, how to ensure increase in transport safety at LCs, comprise:

• Installation of barriers wherever possible, even though it demands more financial resources during the who-le life cycle (vandalism, maintenance). Level crossing closed time is also longer [5], nevertheless the applica-tion of barriers is well justified. Given statistics [7], the number of accidents at LCs with barriers is markedly lower as compared with the number of accidents at LCs without barriers.

• An LC should be closed for the time necessary for the longest and slowest road vehicle to pass the LC. This requirement poses a problem especially at tracks with mixed freight and passenger transport (high-speed tracks, where trains are moving with notably different speeds). If those tracks are installed with LCS with co-nventional approaching control principle (point star-ting), then the LC is pointlessly closed for an unneces-sary long time when slow trains approach. Therefore road users are often tempted to cross even a closed LC. This problem could be effectively solved by means of a speed discriminator [6].

• Informing an engine-driver with the aim of minimi-zing a possibility of a train approach to an open level crossing. If the driver is aware of the LC failure mode, he can adjust the train speed to be able to stop ahe-ad an unexpected obstacle. A gate signal or coupled main signal informing about an operative state of the LC (not about a warning state) could be used to cope with this problem.

• Level crossing area check by a closed-circuit TV sys-tem. This solution is practicable only if the driver is provided with relevant information about an obstacle so that he can effectively brake and stop before an

accident could happen. The reliability is the issue in this case, because false warning and consequent emergency brake activation could lead to injuries among passengers.

• Unambiguous interpretation of the information provi-ded to road users. If there is a critical failure of a ŽSR level crossing, then the LC is closed unless the driver has been already informed about failed LC. Meanwhile the LC is in the warning state (if technically possible). If the engine-driver is informed about the failure, then the LC must not be in the warning state and it is po-ssible to open it. The transport safety requires closed LC until the approaching driver is informed about the failed LC. He must be informed at a sufficient distance so that he can decelerate or even stop if necessary. The LC that is closed for a long time negatively affects the road drivers and leads to a situation that they cross the LC in the warning state.

• Different design of warning board layout with different signalling of the warning state is used in the countries of the EU, which leads to confusion of the foreign dri-vers. However that is the problem that no technology could ever solve. An active signal is a similar problem, which is the speciality of the ŽSR railways. In addition, not all LCs are equipped with warning boards with ac-tive signals; its effect to the transport safety is more negative than positive.

• High availability of the LCS that minimize the chance of a disabled state of an LC, in which safety at the LC depends only on adherence to the rules (whether by ŽSR employees or road users). There are some cases of LCs with poor geographical layout, so road user’s complaints of insufficient range of vision are someti-mes rightfully justified.

5.2. Organisational measures

In accordance with [2] road drivers are bound to act with extreme caution when approaching an LC and when crossing it. They are also bound to verify that the LC is safe to pass. Given this interpretation of the law it is virtually impossible to make organisational measures any stricter. An absolute verification of adherence to the organisational measures and strict disciplinary action when those measures are violated by road users are the key to the safety enhancement at level crossings. A syste-matic preparation and further education of users of road transport is required.

This paper was supported by the scientific grant agency VEGA, grant No. VEGA-1/0040/08 “Mathematic-graphical modelling of safety attributes of safety-critical control sys-tems”.

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45Volume 3 • Issue 3 • September 2010

Bibliography [1] ŽSR: “Annual report 2009.”[2] “The Act Nr. 315/96 Z.z. about operation at the surfa-

ce communications and related regulations and rules.” (Zakon c. 315/96 Z.z. o premávke na pozemných ko-munikáciách a s ním súvisiace vyhlášky a predpisy).

[3] STN P 34 2651: “Railway Level Crossing Systems.” (Železničné priecestné zariadenia), Slovak technical standard, 1999.

[4] Railway operation rules (Pravidlá železničnej pre-vádzky ŽSR – Predpis Ž1) – internal rules of Railway of Slovak republic, 2005.

[5] JANOTA, A., RÁSTOČNÝ, K., ZAHRADNÍK, J.: “Po-ssible Measures for Safety Increase of ŽSR Level Cros-sing.” In: 10. World Level Crossing Symposium Safety and Trespass Prevention. Paris, 24. – 26. 6. 2008.

[6] KMEŤ, V., RÁSTOČNÝ, K.: “Guarantee of Constant Train Approach Warning Time at Level Crossing System.” In: Transport System Telematics, Vol.2, Is-sue 4, november 2009, pp. 7-12, ISSN 1899-8208.

[7] RÁSTOČNÝ, K., ZAHRADNÍK, J., JANOTA, A.: “Particularities of level crossing installations at the Slovak railways”. In: Proc. of the 1th Workshop of 6FP/ SELCAT, INRETS. pages. 29-34, Lille, France, 16. 5. 2007. ISBN 978-2-85782-663-7; ISSN 0769-0266.

[8] ZAHRADNÍK, J., RÁSTOČNÝ, K..: “Applications of Railway Signalling System.” EDIS – University of Ži-lina, 2006, ISBN 80-8070-546-1.

[9] FRANEKOVÁ, M., et all.: Safety communication of Industrial Networks (in Slovak), EDIS, University of Žilina, 2007, ISBN 978-80-8070-715-6, AAB(4/4)

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TelematicsTelematicsTransport SystemTransport System

Archives of Volume 3

Issue 3

September 2010

M. STAWOWYFaculty of Transport, Warsaw University of Technology, Koszykowa 75, 00-663 Warszawa, PolandEMAIL: [email protected]

ABSTRACTThe paper presents a way for estimating the reliability of data obtained with video systems of traffic su-rveillance. It describes the elements of factors determining the reliability of this indicator and presents a method for determining it using a computer simulation. This indicator can be used for assessing the quality of services.

KEYWORDS: telematics, information reliability, traffic surveillance

1. IntroductionIn transport telematics, the information reliability

has a considerable impact on the traffic safety. In par-ticular, this applies to the case of traffic surveillance systems based on video images in real time. The pre-sent paper will discuss measurement errors affecting the reliability of vehicles’ flow parameters. It is assumed that such parameters are measured using motion ma-sks. That is, using the method of difference detection of changes in the image.

1.1. Motion mask

A matrix of image differences (Fig. 1) is the matrix de-fined as a difference between the functions of brightness of each i(x,y) pixel in two successive frames of a scene’s sequence:


(for all the pixels in the image: x=1,2,3,...,w; y = 1,2,3,...,h, where 'w' and 'h' values are image resolutions, while 't' and 't+1' are two successive moments of taking the frames into consideration).

A motion mask is defined as a processed matrix of ima-ge differences. Considering an image to be a matrix of valu-es indicating pixels brightness, it can be assumed that a mo-vement between images takes place only when a difference of brightness of frames from two different moments t and t+1 is other than zero. Mathematically, the difference be-tween images may be defined as a change in pixel brightness over time. Therefore, it is the value of the partial derivative

(function i(x,y,t) is a brightness assigned to a pixel of coordinates (x,y) at a time t). Since in the case of computer image analysis, we are faced with a discrete case, both in the case of the domain and the function, the subtraction of values corresponds to the calculation of a partial deriva-tive in relation to time: i(x,y,k+1) – i(x,y,k), where 'k' is an index assigned to successive images in a sequence.

An object motion mask is a fragment of the motion mask obtained as a result of the movement of the given object. One of the types of object motion masks is a vehic-le motion mask.

We can isolate several types of motion masks that can be used for obtaining various pieces of information from an image. In the case of the methodology presented here, we ap-plied a vehicle motion mask depending on four conditions.

Reliability of data obtained from video systems of traffic surveillance

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1.2. Measurement Assumptions

As the mask method supposes a measurement based on the analysis of a motion mask, we need at least two images from a video sequence in order to effectuate a me-asurement. That is, it is possible to state that a measure-ment can be performed only after the acquisition of the full number of images necessary for this measurement. This propriety will be further called the first assumption.

The next (second) assumption will be the necessity to identify the vehicles. A measurement is possible only when we process the image of the same object (vehicle). That is, when we have properly identified it. It is particu-larly important while measuring the speed using visual methods when it is necessary to acquire information on a vehicle position in two different moments.

1.3. Measurement errors

Measurement errors affect the reliability of such me-asurement. A measurement often needs to be done within the limits of a certain error, for instance, a measurement of distance between vehicles.

• Errors resulting from the discrete nature of image. • Errors resulting from the discrete nature of image

changes over time. • Errors resulting from a camera position in relation to

moving vehicles. • Errors resulting from inappropriate parameters of


2. Causes of errors occurrence

In the previous section, we enumerated the errors occurring while measuring using the method based on motion masks. In this section, such errors will be de-scribed in detail.

It has been assumed that the following algorithm for the motion mask segmentation and speed measurement will be analyzed as to error occurrence. The following al-gorithm shows the whole analysis of the image of several vehicles motion with the measurement of their speed. The analysis is carried out in two stages:

• First, we calculate two successive motion masks using the formula:


where:i(x,y,t), i(x,y,t+1) – elements of images, x = 1(1)w, y = 1(1)h; w i h – respectively, width and height of an image;

P(|ΔI|) – differences of brightness threshold; m(x,y,τ) – element of matrix of a motion mask.

• then we search for fronts of objects’ motion masks in the calculated motion masks on the road.

As a result of the algorithm application, we obtain:• the number of objects, images of which are correct for

the analysis,• coordinates of the fronts of two successive, but diffe-

rent motion masks of objects (or of their ends, as a function of the measurement mode).

We calculate two motion masks for three successive frames of the input sequence Mt and Mt+1.

Algorithm’s data:Mt and Mt+1 – motion masks matrixes;G – trial window with dimensions lw x lh;lw, lh – width and height of the trial window G, respec-

tively;w, h – width and height of an image, respectively;wp – width of a traffic lane on the image;Sg – surface threshold (number of 1’s) in the window G;Sd – threshold of deviation from zero for a change of

the number of points with the value of 1.

We calculate the coordinates of the ends of two succes-sive motion masks of each object and we write them down in the vectors xs(n1) and ys(n1), xs(n2) and ys(n2), where n is an index of a mobile object, n = 0,1,..L; L is a number of vehicles’ motion masks on the image.

As a result we obtain four coordinates xs1(n) and ys1(n), xs2(n) and ys2(n) of the fronts of vehicles’ motion masks. The variables n1 and n2 contain indexes, the va-lue of which equals the number of detected fronts of ve-hicles’ motion masks. n1 = n2 means that the algorithm has detected the same number of motion masks in two matrixes of masks.

The pairs of coordinates xs1(n) and ys1(n), xs2(n) and ys2(n) with the same indexes n, indicate the beginning and the end of a vehicle speed vector, respectively.

2.1. Measurement errors resulting from the discrete nature of image and its changes over time

The nature of video sequences is discrete in space and in time. It follows from it that while locating a vehicle on a scene’s image, an error occurs as to the dimension magni-tude of a pixel. The same applies to the time between suc-cessive images of a sequence. This error can be represented in the way shown in Fig. 2.

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2.2. Measurement errors resulting from a camera position in relation to moving vehicles

Fig. 3 shows one of the problems resulting from the geo-metry of the scene as it is viewed by the camera. The camera is placed above the vehicle. In the drawing we see that a ve-hicle length measurement changes as a function of a vehicle position. The length measurement, as well the localization of the front and end of the vehicle may be effectuated with an error resulting from the scene’s geometry. The drawing shows that the vehicle length, as viewed by the camera lp’, is different from the lp’’’. This error results from the fact that it is impos-sible to assume the constant height of the vehicles passing by.

Fig. 1. Algorithm of mask segmentation and speed measurement Source: [own work]

Fig. 2. Error field of vehicles localization Source: [own work]

Fig. 3. Localization of the front and end of a moving vehicle. Different positions of vehicle in relation to camera Source: [own work]

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49Volume 3 • Issue 3 • September 2010

2.3. Measurement errors resulting from incorrect parameters of motion masks processing

In order to remove noises inducing images differences, a threshold of differences detection for successive frames of video sequences is applied. Fig. 4 shows how such thre-shold affects the motion detection. Any threshold decre-ase will induce an increase in motion detection sensiti-veness, while its decrease will induce the contrary effect. The application of such threshold will affect the precision while indicating the motion mask position, because any change of its value affects the magnitude and the location of motion zones positions.

In order to eliminate undesirable detections, we ap-plied the second threshold, i.e. a non-zero threshold of motion masks elements. It induces the elimination of little motion zones created by disturbances or by movements of objects smaller than vehicles. The application of this threshold will induce a decrease in detection zone sensi-tiveness to motion masks changes. Consequently, it will induce the errors occurrence on the border of the motion zone. This problem was represented in Fig. 5 showing the detection of a motion zone as a function of three diffe-rent values of the threshold of non-zero elements of the Sg mask.

The correct localization of the position of a vehicle mo-tion mask also depends on the width of changes detection

zone in this mask. The larger a zone, the less precise the detection is. Fig. 6 shows two diagrams. One diagram for the detection window of the width of 1 pixel, the second one for the window of the width of 5 pixels.

On the other hand, a larger zone improves the certa-inty of the border detection by elimination of partially er-roneous elements of a vehicle motion mask. That is, those having a value bigger than 0 for the pixels which do not belong to the vehicle image.

3. Measurement reliability indicator

After the analysis presented in the previous section, it is possible to try to determine the measurement reliability indicator. It can be determined on the basis of the impact of each error on the measurement. Fig. 7 shows the pro-cess of measurement reliability indicator calculation.

The measurement reliability indicator can be expres-sed by the following general formula:

Fig. 4. Brightness threshold in motion mask calculation Source: [own work]

Fig. 5. Surface threshold in motion detection Source: [own work]

Fig. 6. Motion masks of object detection by a moving window: a) detection window is 1 pixel in width; b) detection window is 5 pixels in width Source: [own work]



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Archives of Transport System Telematics50


where: Di is the next factor affecting the reliability and n is a number of such factors.

Two assumptions should also be attached to the relia-bility. They could be represented as zeroing coefficients. In this way the indicator formula would be as follows:


where: A1 is an indicator for the first assumption and can have the value 0 or 1; A2 is an indicator for the second assumption and can have the value 0 or 1.

The strength of the impact of various errors is different and it would be worth preparing a special set of coeffi-cients for each error. If we develop the previous formula with the next coefficients, we will obtain:


where: ki is a coefficient for each factor affecting the measurement reliability.

4. Determination of the measurement reliability indicator using computer simulation

An indicator simulation can be carried out using the actual data in the form of known probability distribu-tions of erroneous measurement occurrence outside the tolerance limits. In this case, the simulation algorithm for estimating the reliability indicator would be as shown in Fig. 8.

It can be rather difficult to obtain the above-said di-stributions; therefore, we propose the algorithm presented below, which will register incorrect measurement events while segmenting the motion mask and indicating the ve-hicles’ position. To this end, the algorithm in Fig. 1 has been modified and presented in Fig. 9.

Front outside and no front outside is the information from a different system of vehicles localization detection. Ei is a table for registration of differences (precisely, the xor function) between the detection due to this system and the detection due to the outside one.

Using the registration of detection or non-detection of vehicles fronts by the outside system of detection, it is

Fig. 7. Elements for determining the measurement reliability indicator Source: [own work]

Fig. 8. Algorithm of reliability data indicator calculation Source: [own work]

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possible to build a 0-1 table indicating whether the outsi-de system has detected a vehicle front in the same place. Locating several such recorders in the analyzed system, all the incorrect detections can be registered. When the differences are written down as the road function, it is po-ssible to assess subsequently how big is an error due to the analyzed system in proportion to the standard one. Such error can be used for indicating the Di factor of the me-asurement reliability indicator.

5. ConclusionsThe present paper shows an attempt at estimating the

reliability of traffic parameters measurement using visual systems. As the result of the analysis of the selected sys-tem detecting the position of vehicles and measuring their speed, we have defined two assumptions for such measu-rements and four sorts of errors occurring while using the above-said system of motion parameters measurement. We have defined the indicator allowing determining the measurement quality (service quality).

Further steps include the implementation of the pre-sented algorithms and analysis of the results obtained from actual measurements.

Bibliography [1] STAWOWY M., MOKRZYCKI W.: Motion Estimation

from Two Frames. PRIP'99, pages 59-64 Mińsk 1999. [2] STAWOWY M.: Application of image analysis to so-

lve transport problems. Report Works IPI PAN, No 862, Warsaw (in Polish).

[3] DUQUE D., SANTOS H., and CORTEZ P.. An In-telligent and Automated Video Surveillance System, ICIAR 2006, pp. 898 – 909.

[4] HOOGENDOORN P., BOVY H.L., Vehicular Traffic Flow Modelling Special Issue on Road Traffic Model-ling and Control of the Journal of Systems and Con-trol Engineering 2001.

[5] MEEKER W. Q., ESCOBAR L.: Statistical methods for reliability data. John Wiley & Sons Inc. US and Canada 1998.

[6] CHMIEL J., STAWOWY M.: Estimation of selected safety indicators of transport systems. Materials of Sys-tems Security Symposium VI, Kiekrz ’96 (in Polish).

Fig. 9. Algorithm for mask segmentation and speed measurement with elements for registration of front detection, different from these of the outside system Source: [own work]

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B. SCHIERECKTraficon, Vlamingstraat 19, B-8560 Wevelgem, BelgiumEMAIL: [email protected]

ABSTRACTBecause of increasing traffic volume and complexity, road safety is now more than ever a hot topic on the government agenda. Traffic managers at all levels are organizing today debates with the following central topic: how can we better protect the road user?One of the solutions to improve pedestrian safety is via Video Image Processing technology. This video detection technology detects faster than any other detection technology. By analyzing the video ima-ges in real time, you immediately receive a clear image of potentially dangerous situations. Result: the danger of the incident is substantially reduced and secondary impacts are prevented.Is video detection a cure-all? Just like any other ITS technology, this detection technology must be used correctly. Different applications require different cameras and different camera positions. One must not start implementing video detection technology without a complete understanding of the costs and benefits associated with these systems. If the correct guidelines and parameters are taken into account and implemented correctly, video detection has proven to be very reliable and can offer great solutions to the end user


1. IntroductionEvery year, more than 1.2 million people die on the

world’s roadways, and as many as 50 million others are in-jured. Nearly half of those killed each year are pedestrians, motorcyclists and passen gers on public transport. As well as the devastating loss of life, pedestrian accidents cost co-untries financially – the level of injuries affects global GDP by up to 3%. In low- and middle-income countries, road traffic accidents can cost US$64.5 billion per year.

2. Road User Protection in Urban Environments

The number of fatalities is highest in urban areas, which is logical, as urban areas are where the numbers of

pedestrians are higher and more concentrated. And altho-ugh many pedestrian deaths occur at locations where ve-hicle speeds tend to be fairly high (for instance, freeways) and drivers are not expecting to stop, there are a signifi-cant amount of crashes at intersections.

Studies in the USA have shown that 36% of older pe-destrian deaths occur at intersections (compared to 21% of deaths involving pedestrians under 70). Factors contri-buting to this include older pedestrians taking longer to negotiate intersections, as well as the increased possibility of diminished hearing, vision and reaction time.

Younger pedestrians are also at risk on the roads, with the almost clichéd example of a child running out between parked vehicles being a factor in many vehicle-pedestrian collisions. Around 500 children die in traffic accidents every day, many of whom are pedestrians. Of course, it is not only deaths that we should be concerned about. Hun-dreds of thousands of people suffer debilitating injuries

Road user protection via intelligent camera surveillance

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in road accidents each year. The majority (around 80%) of serious pedestrian injuries resulting from automobile collisions are head injuries. Those that are lucky enough to survive a collision often become permanently disabled, either from losing a limb or other serious injury.

There have been many studies relating who is at fault in these situations: for instance, in most intersection col-lisions, the pedestrian is judged to be at fault. Regardless of fault though, most people agree that much more needs to be done to protect vulnerable road users. In a civilized society, walking to work in the morning should not mean risking death or disfigurement. And people on foot have just as much right (and arguably more need of) the same levels of protection that are offered to those traveling in vehicles.

3. Work Conducted so FarGovernments across the world are focusing their ef-

forts on education. One crucial aspect that will bring down the death and injury toll is to modify behaviour. This means encouraging drivers to behave safely (through a variety of strategies, including reducing speed and not driving while impaired by alcohol, drugs, or even tired-ness) and also targeting pedestrians – from a very young age – to make them become responsible road users.

Automobile manufacturers are investing millions of dollars into designing safer vehicles. Redesigning bum-pers is a key part of this research, as are concepts such as external airbags. Vehicle-based pedestrian detection sen-sors are also being heavily researched.

Road designers, town planners, architects and traffic managers are now taking greater responsibility for protec-ting pedestrians –‘Safer by design’ seems to be the mantra sweeping through this sector. Design improvements range

from simple, cost-effective solutions, such as adding more pedestrian refuges to roads to more high-end deploy-ments, such as placing pedestrian sensors in the pavement to control traffic signals.

One technology-focused solution that has the po-tential to improve pedestrian safety on a large scale is intelligent camera surveillance, using Video Image Processing technology. Already a staple tool within traf-fic management applications, people are beginning to re-cognize the benefits that this technology could bring to pedestrian safety. Video detection technology is proved to detect quicker than any other detection technology. Ana-lyzing the video images in real time allows users to im-mediately see a clear image of any potentially dangerous situations. This has the knock-on effect of the danger of the incident being substantially reduced, and also helps to prevent secondary impacts.

4. Geography LessonVideo detection experts definitely note a pressing need

to deploy this technology in Europe. Once it has proved popular and effective there, it is likely to take off on a large scale in countries such as the USA. One reason for a high demand from Europe is purely historical: European cities are hundreds of years older than American cities and have narrow streets that were never designed for automobiles to use. Consequently, pedestrians are more vulnerable here than elsewhere.

For many years, Europe has also been using inductive loops or in-pavement sensors for traffic management and detection applications. But the dominance of loops has not been without its pitfalls. They can be troublesome to install and maintain, which therefore means high labor costs, so have not proved to be the cost-effective solution they were

Fig. 1: Inductive loop detectors Source: [own work]

Fig. 2: Video Image Processing detectors Source: [own work]

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originally touted as. Installation usually means disrupting traffic flows, which causes huge headaches for those indivi-duals attempting to manage their road networks.

Another problem with loops is that they quite often have a high failure rate. Coupled with their inflexibility, it is ama-zing how much money and time has been invested in them. One of the reasons why loops took such a huge market share was that when they were first being deployed, customers just didn’t have the choices they do today. Nowadays, there are a variety of competing solutions being deployed for traffic de-tection purposes – from radar and wireless sensors to video.

5. Fast Incident Detection And Direct Visual Feedback

Why, then, is video detection for pedestrian safety the best way forward? In other mission-critical applications, video detection has proven to be a valuable and reliable tool for traffic managers. Video detection technology to-day is seen as the standard and field-proven technology for automatic incident detection in tunnels. In a tunnel, every second counts – and no other technology detects incidents faster than video. In addition, the combination of both numerical data and visual image control sets vid-eo detection apart from other systems. The immediate visual feedback received from video systems allows fast incident response, which is a huge bonus for managers needing to make rapid-fire decisions. Pedestrian inside a tunnel are detected within seconds. The link now to urban environments is quickly made.

Successfully used for many years to detect pedestri-ans in tunnels, it is a natural progression to start putting this technology to work in urban environments.

6. Vital guidelinesIs video detection a cure-all? Just like any other ITS

technology, this detection technology must be used cor-rectly and for specific applications. For instance, differ-ent applications (data collection or incident detection) require different cameras and different camera positions. One must not start implementing video detection tech-nology for traffic management and safety without a com-plete understanding of the costs and benefits associated with these systems. If you have been tasked with installing an incident detection system for the first time, there are a number of important issues to consider.

6.1. Understanding the basics

Understanding the basics of video detection technology is the first step. Intensive research allows detailed and re-alistic goals to be determined. As AID technology offers a wide range of possibilities, it is an absolute must to bring all parties (video detection supplier, system integrator and end customer) together to fine-tune the needs and wishes. Part-ners come together to state clear goals for the specific pro-ject. Discussions are held on defining acceptable detection rates, detection features (such as stopped vehicles detection, pedestrian detection, smoke detection and so on), system architecture and communication. Also important is to cre-ate a detailed plan that outlines who does what and when.

For Automatic Incident Detection projects using up to 50 cameras, six to eight months should be allowed for complete installation. This encompasses time for installa-tion, configuration, fine-tuning, testing and evaluation.

6.2. Camera: the eye of the system

As video image processing depends on the quality of the image received, a high-quality input source is required – the camera functions as the eye of the system. Deter-mining the type of camera, the camera position and the number of cameras that need to be installed is a crucial phase for having a performing detection system. Prior to installation, Traficon provides assistance for this process and can also perform testing on cameras to determine the-ir detection performance.

6.3. Easy integration

When implementing a video detection system, easy integration with the overall management system is an absolute must. A detection system needs to be a modular system with an open protocol to improve the ease of inte-gration into a SCADA system.

Fig. 3: Pedestrian alarm Source: [own work]

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7. ConclusionThe success stories from other applications – Automa-

tic Incident Detection systems in tunnels - speak volumes in predicting how valuable the video detection technology could be for pedestrian detection. It is not luck that Tra-ficon has been involved in video detection since the late-1970s: it is a fact that time and time again, this technology helps to save lives, keeps traffic flowing smoothly and pro-vides accurate and reliable data.

This is not to say that video detection is a cure-all. But if it can save even one pedestrian from being killed or in-jured, then isn’t it worth giving it a try?

Bibligraphy[1] National Highway Traffic Safety Administration


2007. Pedestrian signal safety for older persons, Wa-shington, DC: AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety

[3] VERSAVEL, J.: Video Image Processing Techniques for Traffic Data and Incident Detection: an Overview of potentialities, design principles and results. 3rd International Conference of ITS Australia, Brisbane, Queensland, 11-14 March 1997

[4] VERSAVEL, J.: Video for Traffic Data - and Incident Detection by Traficon, Proceedings of the ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers) International Conference, 1998




Fig. 4&5: Traficon developed an in-house tool for camera simulation. This tool helps determining the ideal camera characteristics (incl. height and positioning) Source: [own work]

Fig. 6: Smart technology implemented at the traffic control center, monitoring different Slovenian tunnels Source: [own work]

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September 2010


a Technical University of Radom, Faculty of Transport and Electrical Engineering, Poland; 26-600 Radom; Malczewskiego 29. Phone: + 48 48 361-77-30

EMAIL: [email protected], [email protected]

ABSTRACTThe paper presents the importance of measurements and research in the road traffic as well as the most often used methods of speed measuring. Possibilities of GPS system use for speed measurements are described. Possibilities created by this method usage to determine the speed in the road traffic are shown.

KEYWORDS: mobility, road traffic measurements, speed, methods of speed measurement in road traffic, GPS

1. IntroductionIn the Middle Ages a European tramped about 200

meters per day. At the end of the 19th century he tramped already 500 meters. Nowadays an average distance which is passed during day by a European is equal to 50 kilome-tres. Big part of that distance a human covers by participa-tion in the road traffic.

Participants of the road traffic are pedestrians and different type vehicles driven by humans. Pedestrian and vehicle traf-fic depends on many factors, determined as “road conditions” [3,4,7]. “Road conditions” is a group of factors which are direc-tly or indirectly related to the road, which influence efficiency, economics and traffic safety [7,9]. Road conditions meant in such way are characterized by road features and also by traffic parameters, which are a function of, among others, road fe-atures. Traffic parameters are connected with roads’ features. The traffic speed and its density are the parameters especially important from the road traffic description point of view [5,6].

2. Measurements of and studies on the road traffic

Measurements of and studies on the road traffic are one of basic traffic engineering sections. They are the basis for analyses and decisions connected with road solutions

planning and designing and they are helpful at solving problems related to the traffic management and organi-zation [5,6,7,9]. The first road traffic measurements were conducted in France in the year 1844 [7]. They were repe-ated every few years with the purpose of establishing re-lations between the traffic volume and roads construction and maintenance.

The date of the first road traffic measurements in Poland is unknown. It is only known that at the end of 19th century vehicles were counted on main high roads in some cities of Poland, which appeared in those ad-ministrative sections during conferences, markets and church fairs.

From the beginning of seventies, as a result of in-crease in transport problems caused by the growth of vehicles number and by the increase in society mobi-lity, different type of measurements have been made. The range of measurements and studies performed, especially in relation to urbanized areas, changes with motorization development. Directions of conducting measurements and studies on the road traffic have been devised, thanks to what it is possible to compare results of measurements made by different entities in different places [5,6]. Generally we can claim that traffic studies are conducted for very different ad hoc and long-term goals, and needs and requirements in that field are very diverse in different countries [3,8].

The range of research and analyses conducted now in

GPS use to determine accurate speed

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Poland and their usage depends on goals of their perfor-mance. Basic purposes of traffic research include [4,5,7]:

• getting to know and describing rules of traffic, • providing data for analyses of traffic needs and of

changing tendencies for areas of transport research, • providing data to design and operate elements and

equipment of transport system,• analyses of traffic as a sociological phenomenon.

So the basic aim of measurements and traffic research is getting the information about transport system opera-tion and behaviour, which can be put down to transport system elements. Another practical use of measurements and research is the implementation of task connected with town planning and different types of economic analyses.

The most frequent measurements and road traffic research include: traffic intensity measurements, speed measurements, measurements of time loss and measure-ments of parking [4].

3. Speed measurement methods

Speed is the most essential attribute of road traffic [5,6]. It can be a determinant of road traffic quality and its consequ-ences with reference to participants and in the social dimen-sion [7]. It decides about comfort, economics and road traffic safety. The following speed types are mainly studied [5,10]:

• temporary speed, that is a speed in a determined road section,

• speed of driving or walking, that is an average speed of an object (e.g. vehicle) movement on a road section without the time of stops,

• journey speed, that is an average speed of an object (e.g. vehicle) covering a road section, taking into acco-unt the time of stops.

Drive and journey speed is marked out in an indirect way, on the basis of drive (walk) speed.

Speed measurements are made by different methods with external and internal equipment, stationary and non-stationary [3,5]. The choice of equipment is made de-pending on the type of speed measured. We have also to determine if we are interested in a single vehicle or in the entire vehicle stream.

In the case of temporary speed measurements we need to distinguish two situations [5,9]:

• when the speed of a single vehicle is measured on the same determined profile during a determined time,

• when the speed of a single vehicle is measured on many profiles of the section what is related to current vehicles arrangement at the observation moment.

The following ways of measurement can be used to perform measurements in the first case:

• measurement of time needed to cover a short part of the road (on the assumption that this speed does not change) with the use of stopwatches, detectors (pneu-matic, induction, magnetic, optical, radar) or video-detectors; measurements with drive detectors usage need their installation before,

• direct speed measurement by a radar meter or by its reading from a speedometer in the moving vehicle on the measured section.

Measurements of the drive speed and journey are most often taken at the same time and determine time of vehic-les movements and stops. The measurement depends on multiple drives on the studied section by a test vehicle at a speed close to the speed of other participants of road traf-fic [3,7]. Any type of vehicles which appear in the stream of vehicles on the analyzed section can be the test vehicle.

An observer in the vehicle has measuring equipment which assures identification and data registration, ena-bling to ascribe those values to proper points in space. The information about the time of driving (time of starting and stopping) and of stops is registered, reasons of stops caused by the traffic organization and other reasons di-sturbing fluent driving.

The values of time of driving and of stops in individual parts of the measurement section can be counted for that section and its parts, journey speeds. If we make many drives it will be possible to determine average values of measured speeds. The values obtained can be shown in a road vs. time graph, thanks to what we can estimate traffic conditions on the section.

Speed measurements are also performed to determi-ne the speed profile and speed line. Those measurements are made by multiple drives on the analyzed section in a test vehicle [6,7]. The test vehicle should have proper equ-ipment allowing a temporary speed registration of the moving test vehicle. The data obtained can be shown as a speed dependence on time in the form of a graph [7]. Because of simultaneous graphic recording of driven road length this dependence can be converted to a speed pro-file. It allows making analyses of traffic conditions of ve-hicles streams.

An alternative method of speed measurements is the use of video cameras with a scanner, which allows speed measurements and classification [3,7]. The advantage of video detectors is the possibility of serving many traffic ways by one measuring device, the disadvantage – lower efficiency at night and in bad weather conditions. Because of that the video detectors are more often used in cities [9].

Methods of speed measurements mentioned above require special equipment which is installed in vehicles,

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adapting means of transport to speed measurements, using special measuring vehicles with proper equipment installed during vehicles fitting out or building proper measure systems in the transport infrastructure. In the case of measuring vehicles it is required to buy a properly equipped vehicle or to adapt a vehicle to speed measure-ments. Such measurements cannot be made without pre-vious preparation.

4. Speed measurements using GPS

GPS that is the Global Positioning System is a satellite system which assures precise determination of the position, speed and time. Twenty four satellites NAVSTAR (they are on 6 levels at a height of 20180 km, at 55° angle of incli-nation) which run around the Earth and transmit a radio signal which allows determining the actual position. The signal is available worldwide and the usage is free. Measu-rements accuracy fluctuates from a centimetre (geodetic receiver, differential GPS) to several dozen meters (simple navigation receiver without a differential correction) [2,8].

The minimisation of the equipment, higher precision and the reliability of operation cause that the GPS beco-mes a precise global system, commonly used by different users and for different objectives. Nowadays at the world there are more than 4 million GPS users.

The GPS - Global Positioning System – is a system which uses methods of navigation parameters measu-ring. The method is based on the distance measurement to at least three known points – satellites, which position is known by the user at any time. The straightforward-ness of radio waves propagation and their steady speed of propagation provide conditions for the distance me-asurements method. Navigation parameters are measu-red directly by the measurement of propagation time of radio signals of known structure transmitted by a navi-gation satellite and received by the user’s receiver. The condition for proper operation of a navigation system using the distance method is [2]:

• elimination of time scale fault in the receiver;• proper synchronization of user’s receiver time scale

with the time scale of GPS system.

The measurement of distance between a navigation satellite and user’s receiver is made by transmission of known structure signal by the satellite transmitter and next comparing the signal received with its replica in the receiver. As a result of that we obtain the propagation time of electromagnetic wave, which multiplied by the speed of electromagnetic wave propagation gives the distance be-tween the object and satellite [2].

GPS receivers calculate also the object’s speed on the basis of relative speeds of the receiver and satel-lite measurements. Usually receivers update data of pseudo-distance and relative speeds on a second. The purpose of navigation is to calculate the receiver posi-tion, speed and time in the GPS scale. The time passing between the moments of signal transmitting and rece-iving is directly proportional to the distance between the satellite and receiver, so it is necessary that both the satellite and receiver use the same time as a reference. The receiver uses a reconstructed GPS time scale to measurement data received from the satellite. Receivers have no high-stability model as for example an atomic model, which is on satellites. Instead, receivers have qu-artz oscillators. The lack of time scale generated by this oscillator conformity with the GPS scale is corrected on the basis of measurement results of four pseudo-di-stances. This allows solving a system of four equations with four unknown: three receiver coordinates and the correction of receiver time scale. The counted speed is similar, but with the use of relative speeds instead of pseudo-distances.

The system fixes the receiver speeds:• on the basis of its position change, • using the Doppler effect – that is on the basis of elec-

tromagnetic wave frequency change caused by object’s movement.

To improve the positioning by GPS so-called Diffe-rential GPS is added, a system of referential ground bases, which allows determining the position with higher accu-racy. More advanced space specifications are also used which take into account:

• Sagnac effect ,• real Earth shape, which is not an ideal sphere,• Earth gravitation and magnetic dynamics which is a

result of its rotary movement in relation to the north-south axis.

Differential systems work using both methods:• In real time – conducting corrections to the receiver

by radio waves; they are conducted by a working base receiver of known antenna coordinates,

• Remembering results of measurements made by a mo-ving receiver and a base receiver and later computing the correction data for the moving receiver.

Using this method in real time a precision of 0.2 – 0.5 m is obtained [1]. Its use requires: base receivers, moving receivers and a contact canal to corrections transmission [2]. The measurements precision can be additionally in-creased using a GPS receiver with an external antenna, which allows eliminating more disturbances.

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Using the available, GPS referenced, navigation sys-tems on a portable computer it is possible to perform me-asurements in one vehicle.

After making the measurements and saving the data on a portable computer it is possible to get the following data:

referenced to entire data:• time of measurement start and finish,• length of way,• average and maximum speed,• minimum and maximum height above sea level,• information about lay of the land;

referenced to unit measurement:• real time,• distance from the beginning of measurement,• geographical data,

• speed,• value of measurement quality.

After measurements the data obtained can be transformed using e.g. EXCEL. The scope of analysis depends on the objective of the measurements and of studies on the road traffic. Examples of data and results are shown in Figures 1-6.

An additional advantage of this measurement me-thod is the possibility to illustrate changes of speeds and interesting road traffic parameters in reference to longer measured sections. Because of data collection and registration it is possible to perform different ana-lyzes of basic road traffic parameters.

Fig. 1. Distribution of velocity (Radom, 25 Czerwca street) Source: [own work]

Fig. 2. Distribution of acceleration (Radom, 25 Czerwca street) Source: [own work]

Fig. 4. Distribution of velocity (Radom, Malczewskiego street) Source: [own work]

Fig. 3. Distribution of “acceleration noise δa” (Radom, 25 Czerwca street) Source: [own work]

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5. The References SectionThe GPS use allows making speed measurements wi-

thout modification of a vehicle collecting the information about road traffic parameters. At every moment it is possi-ble to make such observations without the necessity to buy special equipment or special test vehicle. Only a standard means of transport, proper GPS receiver with an external antenna and a portable computer, where measurements data will be registered, are needed. Thanks to measure-ments made in such a way it is possible to obtain diffe-rent data with a satisfying precision. Then it is possible to interpret the results properly in reference to e.g. time or road profile. This data working out depends on the purpo-se which decides about the measurements necessity.

Bibliography [1] CHALKO T., High accuracy speed measurement

using GPS. 2007.

[2] CHRZAN M., JACKOWSKI S., Contemporary te-lecommunications systems. Part I, II, Monograph, Technical University of Radom 2008 (in Polish).

[3] DATKA S., SUCHORZEWSKI W., TRACZ M., Traf-fic engineering, WKiŁ, Warszawa 1999 (in Polish).

[4] DĘBOWSKA-MRÓZ M., Program of the liquidation of dangerous places on roads on the example of the Radom region. Unpublished work, Technical Uni-versity of Radom, Radom 2006÷ 2009 (in Polish).

[5] DĘBOWSKA-MRÓZ M., ROGOWSKI A., Measure-ment and importance of research on the identifica-tion of road safety. Logistics no 6/2009, XIII Inter-national Conference-Transcomp 2009, Computer Systems Aided Science, Industry And Transport, Zakopane 2009 (in Polish).

[6] DĘBOWSKA-MRÓZ M., ROGOWSKI A., Meaning of measurement of speed in road traffic. Logistics no 2/2010, VII Conference Of Science And Technology -Logitrans 2010, Logistics, Transport Systems, Safety In The Transport Szczyrk 2010 (in Polish).

[7] GACA S., SUCHORZEWSKI W., TRACZ M., Engi-neering of the road traffic. The theory and the practi-ce, WKiŁ, Warszawa 2008 (in Polish).

[8] SUDA J., The accuracy of satellite location, public trans-port vehicles. IV International Scientific-Technical Conference EXPLO-SHIP, Scientific Papers No11(83), Maritime Academy Szczecin 2006 (in Polish).

[9] SZCZURASZEK T. & TEAM: Safety of the urban traffic. WKiŁ, Warszawa 2005 (in Polish).

[10] TAYLOR M.: The speed of vehicles which are invo-lved in fatal accidents. Traffic Engineering end Con-trol No 2 (2001)

Fig. 6. Distribution of “acceleration noise δa” (Radom, Malczewskiego street) Source: [own work]

Fig. 5. Distribution of acceleration (Radom, Malczewskiego street) Source: [own work]