Download - Architecture and the Construction of Cultural Identity. Learning from Latin America



    2007 Susana Torre and Geoffrey Fox

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    Eladio Dieste. Shopping Center. Montevideo, Uruguay

    This not a paper about African architecture. Neither is it a paper

    about Latin American architecture. Rather, it is a discussion about

    architecture and the construction of cultural identity, using Latin

    America as a case study. Why is this relevant to this conference?

    Because the conference poses as its central question: Is there an

    African architecture, and if so, what are its elements, space, form and

    technology? If we substitute Latin American for African the very

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  • same issues were posed in 1985, stimulating a vigorous and still

    continuing production of discourses about architecture and cultural

    identity in Latin America. The debates around these issues have been

    expressed in theoretical and critical papers, in actual buildings

    intended to express one side or another, and a roving gathering of

    scholars and designers that now takes place in a conference every two

    years, each time in a different country, alternating between the

    northern and southern extremes of Latin America, a region that covers

    most of two continents and islands between them. We suggest that

    awareness of this fervor over similar issues in another world region

    may be useful to African scholars in at least three ways: first, it may

    serve to clarify which design and identity issues are uniquely African,

    and which are more widely shared; secondly, it may help avoid some

    of the less productive lines of debate that Latin Americans engaged in

    for some time before abandoning them as fruitless; and finally, it is

    always stimulating to both sides to share ideas with serious colleagues

    of other backgrounds and outlooks.

    We have said that these questions of a regional identity in

    architecture and how to express it were first posed publicly and

    dramatically in Latin America in 1985. This was the date of the first

    conference of Latin American scholars and designers that shaped the

    discussion in the years that followed. Some of the questions raised in

    those early debates later were reframed or simply lost their relevance.

    First lets look at the dominant discourses within which the

    central question is inscribed: Is it there an identifiable architecture

    common to and specific to our region whether Latin America or

    Africa? Twenty-five years ago the central idea of the dominant

    architectural discourse, which is to say, the discourse that had evolved

    in New York, London and Tokyo, was post-modernism. Earlier, in

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  • 1967, Robert Venturi had launched a gentle attack on modernity,

    which had become a rigidly consistent corporate style in the United

    States while its social programs remained unfulfilled in most of the

    world. He called for a post-modern state of mind that acknowledged

    ambiguity and contradiction, as is the case in the popular arts. By the

    early 1980s, post-modernism had coined a repertory of architectural

    tropes that were based on the formal elements of European neo-

    classicism, often merely superimposed on modern corporate styles.

    These became the new memes, as Richard Dawkins has called them,

    the ideas or slogans or design details that spread from one brain to

    another like an infectious virus. They were disseminated via

    conferences, magazines and journals, and endlessly (and mindlessly)

    replicated just as the earlier modernist memes had been. In 1985,

    during a conference on postmodernism and architecture in Buenos

    Aires, Argentina, where none of the main speakers were from Latin

    America, a small group of architects from Latin American countries set

    up a parallel meeting in defiance of the conferences format and rules.

    This became what they called the Seminars of Latin American

    Architecture, or SAL (Seminarios de Arquitectura Latinoamerica). Sal

    is also the Spanish word for salt, the basic condiment they thought

    had been missing in the discussion of issues that, they felt, did not

    represent the reality and concerns of Latin American architects beyond

    the elite circles in the major Latin American capitals. What came out of

    these initial discussions was the realization that to engage

    postmodernism in a region where the largest part of the population

    lived in marginal conditions, without enjoying the benefits of

    modernization access to drinking water, paved streets, good housing

    and schools, equipped hospitals and so on, made no sense. They felt

    the social promise and the bare bones esthetics of modernity were still

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  • valid and current in Latin America and that architects should once

    again embrace them, albeit in a manner that reflected realistically the

    conditions of the region, its poverty, and its lack of sophisticated

    technological resources. There thus arose the call for what they called

    an appropriated/appropriate modernity. In Spanish and Portuguese,

    appropriate and appropriated are same word, apropiado

    (masculine) or apropiada, and they meant it in both senses: the

    aspects of modernity taken in by Latin American architects should be

    appropriate, that is, suitable to local conditions, and should also be

    appropriated, that is, taken over and remade to meet local needs. At

    the inception, this concept was vague enough to be embraced by

    people coming from very diverse countries and who in reality had very

    different notions of what was appropriate and how to appropriate

    others ideas. By the 4th SAL meeting in 1989, the latent

    disagreements over its meaning came out into the open. Silvia Arango,

    editor of the 1991 compilation of the key papers of this conference,

    asked whether there was indeed a debate about Latin American

    architecture, or whether all that was left was a dialogue among deaf

    people. Yet there was a debate, with the majority position, led by the

    Chileans Christian Fernandez-Cox and Enrique Brown, proposing the

    construction of an appropriate modernity in opposition to the

    modernities in Northern hemisphere countries that were heirs to the

    goals of 18th century European Enlightment. This new modernity

    should not be based on folkloric or nativist essences. Instead, it

    should reflect the tension between the spirit of the time and spirit of

    the place. The architectural historian Marina Weisman, one of the key

    participants and the author of a major theoretical work, The Historical

    Structure of the Built Environment, believed that place was of

    greater importance than time, because people who culturally and

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  • mentally inhabit different historical eras (pre-modern, modern and

    post-modern) may coexist in the same place and society. This is

    obviously true in large parts of Latin America, where people who

    continue to observe ancient, pre-European customs and beliefs live in

    the same towns, and often in the same households, with others who

    are much more modern or postmodern.

    Luis Barragn. St. Cristobal Horse Ranch. Mexico City

    Within the debate, the appropriateness of place also came to

    mean the use of construction materials that were not imported, and

    intermediate technologies that were already in common use in each

    region. Appropriate materials and technology were present in the

    buildings of several Latin American architects whose work has been

    canonized in the past twenty years through awards and publications,

    such as the Argentineans Claudio Caveri and Togo Diaz; the Chilean

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  • Christian deGroote; the Colombian Rogelio Salmona; the Cuban

    Ricardo Porro; the Mexicans Luis Barragan and Luis Mijares; and the

    Uruguayan Eladio Dieste. They all used brick and reinforced concrete,

    signaling a formal continuity with traditional architecture. This work

    was considered emblematic of an architecture that was appropriate to

    societies that were poor in capital without becoming an architecture

    of poverty. To these we would add projects that embraced the

    poverty of resources in an even more explicit way, such as the

    churches designed for Pentecostal congregations in marginal

    neighborhoods of Buenos Aires by Norma Romn and Mederico Faivre,

    and the projects built in Ritoque, Chile, and other locations by the

    students and faculty of a Chilean school of architecture in Via del Mar.

    The Open City. The Pilgrims Lodge. Ritoque, Chile

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  • The debates minority position claimed that the process of

    modernization of Latin American cities during the first half of the 20th

    century had already provided a legitimate starting point for modernity

    in the region. This could be seen in the architectural designs of the

    Argentinean Amancio Williams; the Brazilians Lucio Costa and Oscar

    Niemeyer; and the Mexican Luis Barragan, respectful of regional

    typologies and materials. Moreover, the origin of appropriation in the

    arts had already been postulated by the Brazilians Tarsila de Amaral, a

    painter, and by Oswald de Andrade, a writer and author of the

    Cannibal Manifesto of 1928, whose iconic line is "Tupi or not Tupi: that

    is the question." The Tupi are an indigenous Brazilian tribe that had

    been accused of cannibalism; Andrades appropriation of the line from

    Hamlet, he was suggesting, was a kind of cultural cannibalism, by

    eating Shakespeare.

    Ricardo Porro. School of Fine Arts. Cubanacn, Havana, Cuba

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  • The relationship of a Latin American architecture to a supposed

    Latin American cultural identity became an even stronger focal point

    of the debate, dominating the discourse for a decade or so. Several

    participants attempted to define it in opposition to the cultural identity

    of the English-speaking United States, and its early Puritan esthetic.

    To some, the difference was self-evident when the buildings of two

    Modernist architects the Mexican Luis Barragan and the Dutch Cor

    Van Eesteren -- were compared. They further claimed that the

    appropriation of the Catholic baroque by the indigenous craftspeople

    who had carved many of the Colonial churches magnificent interiors

    had set up the basis for an esthetic mestizaje which should be a

    characteristic of Latin American architecture of all times. This line of

    argument was opposed of those who believed that the cultural

    identities of countries with a very strong influence of indigenous

    cultures, such as Mexico and Peru, or African cultures, such as Cuba,

    were very different from the cultural identities of countries that

    received a huge influx of European immigration (primarily from Spain

    and Italy) starting in the 19th century, such as Argentina, Brazil and

    Venezuela. Other participants alleged that the idea of a Latin

    American identity in architecture was dangerously close to the

    nationalisms that flourished in the arts at the end of the 19th Century,

    when architects insisted on defining a national architecture based on

    the Colonial precedents.

    In spite of these critiques and doubts, the question of a cultural

    identity in architecture became entrenched in the emerging discourse,

    and became the basis for the defense of the cultural and architectonic

    patrimony. This allowed the architectural historians to take over the

    architects protagonistic role in the formulation of discourse. The

    evolution of their protagonism has been bolstered over the past

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  • decade and a half by the numerous institutional mechanisms that

    prominent SAL participants put in place in their respective countries.

    Rogelio Salmona. Torres del Parque. Bogot, Colombia

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  • Among these were the Argentineans Marina Waisman and

    Ramn Gutirrez (author of the first and only history of Latin American

    architecture, published in 1985), the Brazilian Hugo Segawa, the

    Chilean Humberto Eliash, the Colombian Silvia Arango, and the

    Mexican Louise Noelle. These institutionalized supports included, in

    addition to the SAL, a Latin American architecture biennial exhibition

    and conference in Ecuador, numerous university-based architecture

    magazines and research books with an emphasis on the historic

    patrimony of Latin American cities. A few countries lacking resources,

    like Bolivia, were able to secure financial support from the

    Autonomous Regional Government of Andalusia in Spain for the

    publication of architectural guides, using the interest of the former

    Colonial power in being recognized as the mother country. Wealthier

    countries like Mexico and Brazil are now way ahead of the others in

    the publication and dissemination of their architectural historical

    research. As a result of this work we now know far more about

    architecture in Latin America than a decade ago, although the

    narrative has huge holes that remain unexamined, such as the building

    culture of indigenous and African populations, and the role of women

    in the formulation of modernity. The latter is only recently being

    recognized by the patrimonial protection extended to two key

    modernist houses whose clients and designers were the Mexican

    painter Frida Kahlo, and the Argentinean writer Victoria Ocampo,

    whose literary and cultural journal Sur had Jorge Luis Borges as a


    The impulse towards establishing precedents for the creation of

    a Latin American architecture did not prosper. The importance of

    Diestes, Caveris or Salmonas work has yet to transcend the region.

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  • Togo Diaz. Apartment Building. Crdoba, Argentina

    And in Latin America, architecture professionals and students are more

    familiar with buildings that are published in American, European and

    Japanese architectural magazines than with those built in their region.

    Looking at past architecture exhibitions at New Yorks Museum of

    Modern Art it seems as if only one Latin American architect is allowed

    to emerge every 30 years: it was Oscar Niemeyer in the 1940s, and

    Luis Barragan in the 1970s it may now be Eladio Diestes turn. So

    waiting for acknowledgement from powerful world institutions is a

    hopeless proposition. Unfortunately, the most contagious design

    memes remain those promoted by the architectural glossies.

    Fortunately, the architectural discourse constructed at the SAL has

    recently shifted from buildings to cities. This has been a very

    productive change in the discourse, since Latin American urban centers

    share three major conditions in spite of their great differences: 1) a

    common urban pattern established during the regions Colonization

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  • (sometimes influenced by indigenous settlement patterns); 2) an often

    savage replacement of its traditional urban pattern by buildings and

    urban and suburban spaces that belong to Generica, that city that is

    everywhere in the world without belonging to any specific place; and

    3) the existence of huge, unassimilated informal settlements in the

    periphery, and sometimes the center, of major cities (with Cubas

    exception). Perhaps the most famous of these are the Brazilian

    favelas, nowhere to be seen in the maps of Brazilian cities, in spite of

    their size and prominence. Usually, the habitants of the formal city are

    reminded of the informal one through urban violence, or in the form of

    ambulant vendors and itinerant markets, which the local government

    is forever trying to contain and regulate. Usually, it is also assumed

    that the inhabitants of the informal city have brown or black skin,

    creating a de facto racial economic apartheid. The new focus of the

    discourse on the urban condition holds the promise of reuniting once

    again the practitioners and the historians, as the formers proposals

    are debated at the SAL gatherings and the latters studies examine

    typologies of public and private space and social occupation rather

    than formal styles. What this change seems to be saying is that the

    participation of architects and scholars in defining the quality of life in

    Latin American cities is far more important than whether there is or

    not a Latin American architecture. Yet the question of cultural

    identity served as a useful engine to set into motion a knowledge

    process that could never have emerged from outside sources.

    In closing, we could ask how the project of an African

    architecture will evolve in the years to come. There are a number of

    questions that constitute the conceptual framework of this conference.

    We could add a few more. Given that the dominant discourse today is

    on sustainability, and that the cutting edge of this discourse is being

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  • defined in terms of technology and the density of urban settlements --

    what constitutes an appropriate and appropriated sustainability in

    African countries? Other issues could be: what is the relationship

    between traditional and modern urban patterns of settlement? To what

    extent do ancestral social organization patterns and religion influence

    urban patterns? What is the role of women and minority populations in

    the creation of urban form? What are the relevant typologies of urban

    public space? What are their uses? Should the discourse on form be

    influenced by erudite precedents alone? What kind of networks can be

    formed through the Internet to include the African Diaspora in the

    discussion? What other regions in the world are relevant to urban

    problems and solutions in African cities?

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  • A Bibliography on Modern Architecture and Cities in Latin America in English or with English summaries

    --- Latin American Architecture, International Architecture Review 2G, Issue Number 8, 1998.

    --- Togo Diaz: El arquitecto y su ciudad (Coleccion SomoSur). Editorial Escala (Colombia): 1993.

    Adams, William Howard. Roberto Burle Marx the unnatural art of the garden. New York: MoMa, 1991.

    Ades, Dawn, Guy Brett, Stanton Loomis Catlin, and Rosemary O'Neill, Eds. Art in Latin America: the modern era, 1820-1980. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1989.

    Almandoz, Arturo, (ed.), Planning Latin Americas capital cities, 1850-1950, London, New York: Routledge, 2002.

    Ambasz, Emilio, The Architecture of Luis Barragn, New York: Museum of Modern Art, 1976.

    Anderson, Stanford (ed.) Eladio Dieste: Innovation in Structural Art. Princeton Architectural Press: 2004

    Aristizabal, Nora. Rogelio Salmona. Maestro de arquitectura. Panamericana Editorial: 2007

    Baddeley, Oriana, and Valerie Fraser. Drawing the Line: Art and Cultural Identity in Contemporary Latin America, Critical studies in Latin American culture. London; New York: Verso, 1989.

    Bayn, Damin, and Paolo Gasparini. The changing shape of Latin American architecture: conversations with ten leading architects. Translated by Galen D. Greaser. Chichester; New York: Wiley, 1979.

    Beacham, Hans, The Architecture of Mexico: Yesterday and Today, New York, 1969.

    Bo Bardi, Lina. Lina Bo Bardi. So Paulo: Instituto Lina Bo e P. M. Bardi, 1993.

    Bonta, Juan Pablo. Eladio Dieste: Buildings and Projects. Watson-Guptill Publications: 1998.

    Brillembourg, Carlos (ed.) Latin American Architecture 1929-1960, New York: 2004

    Browning, David. El Salvador: Landscape and Society. London: Oxford University Press, 1971.

    Born, Esther, The New Architecture in Mexico, New York, 1937.

    Bullrich, Francisco, New Directions in Latin American Architecture, London, 1969.

    Burian, Edward R. (ed.). Modernity and the Architecture of Mexico. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1997.

    Carley, Rachel. Cuba: 400 Years of Architectural Heritage. Watson-Guptill: 2000.

    Castedo, Leopoldo, A History of Latin American Art and Architecture, London, 1969.

    Cetto, Max. Modern Architecture in Mexico. New York: Praeger, 1961.

    Chase, Gilbert, Contemporary Art in Latin America, New York 1970

    Coyula, Mario; Joseph L. Scarpaci, and Roberto Segre. Havana, (Cuba): Two Faces of the Antillean Metropolis. The University of North Carolina Press: 2001.

    Damaz, Paul F. Art in Latin American Architecture. New York: Reinhold Pub. Corp, 1963.

    Davis, Diane E. Urban Leviathan: Mexico City in the Twentieth Century. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1994.

    De Soto, Luis. "The Main Currents in Cuban Architecture." Columbia University, 1929.

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  • Eggener, Keith. Luis Barragan's Gardens of El Pedregal (Building Studies). Princeton

    Architectural Press: 2001

    Evenson, Norma, Two Brazilian Capitals: Architecture and Urbanism in Rio de Janeiro and Brasilia, New Haven: Yale University Press, 1973.

    Eldridge, H. Wentworth (ed.), World Capitals: Towards Guided urbanization, New York 1975

    Faber, Colin, Candela the Shell Builder, New York, 1963

    Fernndez, Jose A. Architecture in Puerto Rico. New York: Architectural Books Publishing, 1965.

    Foster, David William. Buenos Aires: Perspectives on the City and Cultural Production. Gainesville: University Press of Gainesville, 1998.

    Franco, Jean, The Modern Culture of Latin America, Hardmonsworth 1967.

    Frank, Klaus, The Works of Affonso Eduardo Reidy, London, 1960.

    Fraser, Valerie, Building the New World. Studies in the Modern Architecture of Latin America 1930-1960. New York: Verso, 2000.

    Gideon, Siegfried. Burle Marx et le jardin contemporain. LArchitecture dAujourdhui #42-43 Boulogne-sur-Seine, 1952.

    Goodwin, Philip, Brazil Builds: Architecture Old and New, 1652-1942, New York: Museum of Modern Art, 1943

    Hardoy, Jorge (ed.), Urbanization in Latin America: Approaches and Issues, New York: Museum of Modern Art, 1975.

    Herrera, Hayden, Frida. A Biography of Frida Kahlo

    Heyer, Paul. Mexican Architecture. The Work of Abraham Zabludovsky and Teodoro Gonzalez de Leon. New York: Walter & Co., 1978.

    Hitchcock, Henry-Russell, Latin American Architecture since 1945, New York: Museum of Modern Art, 1955

    Holford, William, Brasilia: A New Capital for Brazil, Architectural Review 122, December 957, pp.394-402

    Holston, James, The Modernist City: An Anthropological Critique of Brasilia, Chicago 1989.

    Kelsey, Albert, Program and rules of the competition for the selection of an architect for the monumental lighthouse which the nations of the world will erect in the Dominican Republic to the memory of Christopher Columbus. New York: The Pan American Union, 1928. Pp.35-72

    Kelsey, Albert, Program and rules of the second competition for the selection of an architect for the monumental lighthouse, which the nations of the world will erect in the Dominican Republic to the memory of Christopher Columbus, [n.p.] Pan American Union, 1930.

    Klein, Leonard S., ed. Latin American Literature in the 20th Century: A Guide. Revised Edition ed. Vol. 276. New York: The Ungar Publishing Co., 1986.

    Lejeune, Jean-Francois. Cruelty and Utopia: Cities and Landscapes of Latin America. Princeton Architectural Press: 2005

    Liernur, Jorge Francisco, A new world for the new spirit: twentieth century architectures discovery of Latin America, Zodiac 8, 1992, pp. 84121

    Loomis, John, Revolution of Forms: Cubas Forgotten Art Schools, New York: Princeton University Press, 1999.

    Loomis, John, ed. Other Americas (Special Issue), Design Book Review, Spring/Summer 1994.

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  • Meade, Teresa. Civilizing Rio: Reform and Resistance in a Brazilian City 1889-1930, Pennsylvania, 1997.

    Mindlin, Henrique. Modern Architecture in Brazil, London, 1956.

    Moholy-Nagy, Sybil. Carlos Ral Villanueva and the Architecture of Venezuela, New York, 1964.

    Myers, Irving E., Mexicos Modern Architecture, New York, 1952.

    Neutra, Richard, Architecture of Social Concern in Regions of Mild Climate, Sao Paulo, 1948.

    Quantrill, Malcolm (ed.) Latin American Architecture: Six Voices (Studies in Architecture and Culture), University of Austin, TX: 2000

    Papadaki, Stamos, The Work of Oscar Niemeyer, New York, 1950.

    Papadaki, Stamos, Oscar Niemeyer: Work in Progress, New York, 1956.

    Papadaki, Stamos, Oscar Niemeyer, New York, 1960.

    Pauly, Danile. Barragan: Space and Shadow, Walls and Colour. Birkhuser Basel: 2002.

    Pedreschi, Remo. Eladio Dieste (The Engineer's Contribution to Contemporary Architecture). Thomas Telford Ltd.: 2000.

    Pendleton-Jullian, Ann M. Road that Is Not a Road and the Open City, Ritoque, Chile. The MIT Press: 1996

    Ponce Silen, Carlos Eduardo. In What Ways Does Political Ideology Influence Latin American Sustainable Development? . Consorcio Justicia Inc.: 2006

    Posani, Juan Pedro, The Architectural Works of Villanueva, Caracas, 1985.

    Pino, Julio. "Dark Mirror of Modernization: The Favelas of Rio de Janeiro in the Boom Years, 1948-1960." Journal of Urban History 22 (1996): 419-53.

    Quantrill, Malcolm, Latin America architecture: six voices, College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 2000.

    Quezado Deckker, Zilah. Brazil Built - The Architecture of the Modern Movement in Brazil. London: Spon Press, 2001.

    Rigoli, Gianni, The Work of Amancio Williams, Buenos Aires, 1966.

    Rispa, Raul and Paul. Barragan - The Complete Works, Princeton Architectural Press: 2003.

    Rispa, Raul (ed.) Valparaiso School / Open City Group. Birkhuser Basel: 2003.

    Rodriguez, Eduardo, The Havana Guide, New York: Princeton University Press, 2000.

    Salmona, Rogelio. Rogelio Salmona: Arquitectura y poetica del lugar (Coleccion SomoSur)

    Segre, Roberto (ed.), Latin America in its Architecture, New York, 1981.

    Smith, Clive Bamford, Builders in the Sun: Five Mexican Architects, New York, 196.

    Space Design, Japan, May 1998 (Rivera/Kahlo Houses)

    Spade, Rupert, Oscar Niemeyer, London, 1971.

    Stubli, Willy, Brasilia, New York, 1965.

    Tejeira-Davis, Eduardo. Roots of modern Latin American architecture: The Hispano-Caribbean region from the late 19th century to the recent past. Panama: 1987

    Torre, Susana, Architecture and revolution, Progressive Architecture, 1974.

    An Esthetics of Reconciliation: Cultural Identity and Modern Architecture in Latin America, Hubert-Jan Henket and Hilde Heynen (eds.), Back from Utopia. The Challenge of the Modern Movement, Rotterdam, 2002.

    Torre-Fox AAT paper Page 16 of 17

  • The Elusive Unifying Discourse: Teaching the History of Architecture in Latin America, Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, December 2002.

    Traba, Marta. Art of Latin America, 1900-1980. Washington, D.C.; Baltimore, MD: Inter-American Development Bank; Distributed by the Johns Hopkins University Press, 1994.

    Underwood, David, Oscar Niemeyer and the Architecture of Brazil, New York, 1994.

    Underwood, David, Oscar Niemeyer and Brazilian Free-Form Modernism, New York, 1994.

    Villanueva, Paulina and others. Carlos Raul Villanueva. Princeton Architectural Press: 2001

    Vivoni Farage, Enrique. Antonin Nechodoma: umbral para una nueva arquitectura caribea. San Juan: Archivo de Arquitectura y Construccin de la Universidad de Puerto Rico, Escuela de Arquitectura, 1989.

    Violich, Francis, Cities of Latin America: Housing and Planning to the South, New York, 1944.

    Recommended Web Sites (in English):

    ARARA (Art and Architecture of the Americas) an on-line journal of the Art History and Theory Department of the University of Essex.

    LANIC (Latin America Network Information Center of the University of Texas at Austin), a major clearinghouse of information about Latin American countries.

    About the Authors: Susana Torre and Geoffrey Fox are co-authors of a history of the built environment in

    Latin America from pre-Columbian times to the present, to be published in New York by

    W.W.Norton. Torre is an architect and scholar. She was director of the Department of

    Architecture at Parsons School of Design in New York City and has taught at Columbia

    University and Yale University in the United States, the University of Kassel in Germany and

    the University of Buenos Aires, among others. Fox is a writer and sociologist specializing in

    Latin America. He has taught at New York University and is the author of Hispanic Nation:

    Culture, Politics, and the Construction of Identity, among other books about Cuba, Venezuela

    and Argentina.

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