Download - Arcane Radio - 2019 PA Bigfoot Camping Adventure - Arcane · in the event so give us a rundown of the Arcane Radio - 2019 PA Bigfoot

Page 1: Arcane Radio - 2019 PA Bigfoot Camping Adventure - Arcane · in the event so give us a rundown of the Arcane Radio - 2019 PA Bigfoot

Arcane Radio - 2019 PA Bigfoot Camping Adventure - Arcane Radio_y7-_iw9HjaM- transcript (automated).txt[25/11/2019 23:25:27]

100:00:03,888 --> 00:00:09,769the oldest and strongest human emotion

200:00:06,799 --> 00:00:14,048is fear and the oldest and strongest

300:00:09,769 --> 00:00:17,240type of fear is trepidation of young men

400:00:14,048 --> 00:00:21,170when we were children our parents told

500:00:17,239 --> 00:00:23,479us that monsters didn't exist but we

600:00:21,170 --> 00:00:26,080were sure that something is lurking

700:00:23,480 --> 00:00:30,419under the bed or in the closet

800:00:26,079 --> 00:00:33,399beer seas even if our eyes are closed

900:00:30,419 --> 00:00:37,149welcome to the realm of your king

1000:00:33,399 --> 00:00:40,149my name is lon stripper join me as I

1100:00:37,149 --> 00:00:44,338examine unexplained creatures strange

1200:00:40,149 --> 00:00:47,649manifestations and remarkable realities

1300:00:44,338 --> 00:00:50,948imagine this next hour as a voyage of

1400:00:47,649 --> 00:00:53,799discovery to strange lands seeking not

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Arcane Radio - 2019 PA Bigfoot Camping Adventure - Arcane Radio_y7-_iw9HjaM- transcript (automated).txt[25/11/2019 23:25:27]

1500:00:50,948 --> 00:00:57,099for new territory but for new knowledge

1600:00:53,799 --> 00:01:08,200of the supernatural come on board as we

1700:00:57,100 --> 00:01:09,609begin this adventure together hey folks

1800:01:08,200 --> 00:01:12,219good evening and welcome to another

1900:01:09,609 --> 00:01:14,289episode of arcane radio where we explore

2000:01:12,219 --> 00:01:16,899the unexplained here on the paranormal

2100:01:14,289 --> 00:01:18,640King radio network I'm your host LAN

2200:01:16,899 --> 00:01:21,009Stricker coming to you with a cannon

2300:01:18,640 --> 00:01:23,319shot of historic Gettysburg in the

2400:01:21,009 --> 00:01:25,450cryptid mecca of Pennsylvania I thank

2500:01:23,319 --> 00:01:27,819you for joining me at tonight's guest

2600:01:25,450 --> 00:01:30,129our eric allman which would Kowski and

2700:01:27,819 --> 00:01:33,038shawn for kur you're here to discuss the

2800:01:30,129 --> 00:01:36,189upcoming 2019 pennsylvania bigfoot


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00:01:33,039 --> 00:01:39,849camping adventure the the event takes

3000:01:36,189 --> 00:01:42,879place on May 31st June 1st and June 2nd

3100:01:39,849 --> 00:01:45,329at Boehner's meadow run cabins and

3200:01:42,879 --> 00:01:48,519camping in Farmington which is in

3300:01:45,329 --> 00:01:50,829Fayette County Pennsylvania this is the

3400:01:48,519 --> 00:01:53,228largest Bigfoot cryptid paranormal event

3500:01:50,829 --> 00:01:56,170in Pennsylvania there will be an amazing

3600:01:53,228 --> 00:01:58,629variety of future celebrity speakers and

3700:01:56,170 --> 00:02:02,859special guests and the website can be

3800:01:58,629 --> 00:02:06,478found at Pennsylvania PA Bigfoot camping

3900:02:02,859 --> 00:02:10,239adventure calm again that's PA Bigfoot

4000:02:06,478 --> 00:02:15,580camping adventure dot-com so guys thanks

4100:02:10,239 --> 00:02:16,628for joining it pleasure thanks for

4200:02:15,580 --> 00:02:18,969having me online

4300:02:16,628 --> 00:02:22,870

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no problem always good always good to be

4400:02:18,969 --> 00:02:25,120with you guys so Eric let's start this

4500:02:22,870 --> 00:02:28,900thing off tell us about the Pennsylvania

4600:02:25,120 --> 00:02:32,680Bigfoot camping adventure well on this

4700:02:28,900 --> 00:02:34,480is our third annual event well I

4800:02:32,680 --> 00:02:39,069wouldn't say shouldn't say annual but

4900:02:34,479 --> 00:02:39,729our third event we've now us decided to

5000:02:39,069 --> 00:02:41,650make it

5100:02:39,729 --> 00:02:43,840every other year event or every other

5200:02:41,650 --> 00:02:45,789couple years event but this is our third

5300:02:43,840 --> 00:02:48,780year that we've put on such an event

5400:02:45,789 --> 00:02:52,509like this in southwestern Pennsylvania

5500:02:48,780 --> 00:02:55,449as you may know or Shawn would know and

5600:02:52,509 --> 00:02:58,750I'm sure butch would as well from 2000

5700:02:55,449 --> 00:03:01,149through about 2011 I hosted and

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5800:02:58,750 --> 00:03:03,430organized co-organized the East Coast

5900:03:01,150 --> 00:03:05,650Bigfoot conference in Janette

6000:03:03,430 --> 00:03:07,840Pennsylvania and that was strictly a

6100:03:05,650 --> 00:03:11,039Bigfoot event an indoor Bigfoot event

6200:03:07,840 --> 00:03:13,360where folks would come and hear speakers

6300:03:11,039 --> 00:03:16,419check out some of the vendor tables we

6400:03:13,360 --> 00:03:18,880had we had occasional celebrity guests

6500:03:16,419 --> 00:03:21,639come in for the event but it was it was

6600:03:18,879 --> 00:03:25,269a fairly popular event and we'd average

6700:03:21,639 --> 00:03:28,089anywhere from 300 to as high as 700

6800:03:25,269 --> 00:03:31,629people at the 2008 conference we had and

6900:03:28,090 --> 00:03:34,420it was pretty successful but as time

7000:03:31,629 --> 00:03:39,039went on I began to see more and more

7100:03:34,419 --> 00:03:41,199Bigfoot indoor events going on all

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7200:03:39,039 --> 00:03:43,030throughout Pennsylvania and the

7300:03:41,199 --> 00:03:44,259surrounding states and and they were

7400:03:43,030 --> 00:03:46,539becoming pretty much a dime-a-dozen

7500:03:44,259 --> 00:03:49,568everybody was having a Bigfoot event

7600:03:46,539 --> 00:03:52,810somewhere and no one was really doing an

7700:03:49,568 --> 00:03:55,149outdoor event and with the advent of

7800:03:52,810 --> 00:03:57,250Facebook becoming pretty popular and

7900:03:55,150 --> 00:03:59,319like it is today everybody was getting

8000:03:57,250 --> 00:04:01,439into the subject of Bigfoot and I

8100:03:59,318 --> 00:04:03,849thought why not hold an outdoor event

8200:04:01,439 --> 00:04:08,289such as the PA Bigfoot camping adventure

8300:04:03,849 --> 00:04:09,789and give both to the folks that are

8400:04:08,289 --> 00:04:13,229interested in getting involved with the

8500:04:09,789 --> 00:04:16,000subject a chance to hear from seasoned


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00:04:13,229 --> 00:04:20,108experienced researchers and field

8700:04:16,000 --> 00:04:22,720investigators and to partake in some

8800:04:20,108 --> 00:04:25,060workshops see how to make a cast or what

8900:04:22,720 --> 00:04:26,440equipment to use or how to use some of

9000:04:25,060 --> 00:04:28,360the equipment or some of the research

9100:04:26,439 --> 00:04:30,189techniques that were involved to give

9200:04:28,360 --> 00:04:31,750people a chance to go out on a couple of

9300:04:30,189 --> 00:04:34,930night hikes during the weekend event

9400:04:31,750 --> 00:04:36,728kind of like a hands-on outdoor Bigfoot

9500:04:34,930 --> 00:04:38,740festival if you will giving people the

9600:04:36,728 --> 00:04:40,300opportunity to learn and I also thought

9700:04:38,740 --> 00:04:42,220it was a good opportunity to try to

9800:04:40,300 --> 00:04:43,930raise some funds for some local

9900:04:42,220 --> 00:04:46,389charities that are in the Fayette County

10000:04:43,930 --> 00:04:50,199

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area so anyway kinda kind of giving back

10100:04:46,389 --> 00:04:51,788to the local community and of course as

10200:04:50,199 --> 00:04:53,159you guys know and many of your listeners

10300:04:51,788 --> 00:04:55,019know Fayette County sit

10400:04:53,160 --> 00:04:57,590right in the heart of the chestnut Ridge

10500:04:55,019 --> 00:05:01,769in southwestern Pennsylvania which is

10600:04:57,589 --> 00:05:05,129infamous for Bigfoot UFO paranormal

10700:05:01,769 --> 00:05:08,849strange cryptid all kinds of unnatural

10800:05:05,129 --> 00:05:11,219and unexplained events that occur in the

10900:05:08,850 --> 00:05:13,260Chestnut Ridge so a great location for

11000:05:11,220 --> 00:05:15,180it so as I said this is our third event

11100:05:13,259 --> 00:05:18,329coming up and as you mentioned May 31st

11200:05:15,180 --> 00:05:20,639through June 2nd 2019 Boehner's met her

11300:05:18,329 --> 00:05:23,339one camping in cabins in Farmington

11400:05:20,639 --> 00:05:25,050Pennsylvania in Fayette County and it's

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11500:05:23,339 --> 00:05:28,169only about a week away matter of fact

11600:05:25,050 --> 00:05:31,379from tonight will be seven days prior to

11700:05:28,170 --> 00:05:31,740the event so it's going to be a great

11800:05:31,379 --> 00:05:33,810event

11900:05:31,740 --> 00:05:35,819we're sold out there's no more tickets

12000:05:33,810 --> 00:05:38,759and we have a phenomenal lineup of

12100:05:35,819 --> 00:05:41,849guests speakers special guests and

12200:05:38,759 --> 00:05:44,730vendors and a pretty good lineup of

12300:05:41,850 --> 00:05:46,439guests celebrities as well and we're

12400:05:44,730 --> 00:05:48,210really excited about it and as a matter

12500:05:46,439 --> 00:05:50,100of fact everybody here on the show

12600:05:48,209 --> 00:05:51,870tonight is going to be there or

12700:05:50,100 --> 00:05:56,760participating in some way shape or form

12800:05:51,870 --> 00:06:00,180in the event so give us a rundown of the

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12900:05:56,759 --> 00:06:02,519celebrity guests well we're pretty

13000:06:00,180 --> 00:06:04,079excited about this these are all friends

13100:06:02,519 --> 00:06:06,620of mine that I've known for several

13200:06:04,079 --> 00:06:08,789years and I reached out to them and

13300:06:06,620 --> 00:06:10,949asked them if they'd be interested in

13400:06:08,790 --> 00:06:13,020participating in the charity fundraiser

13500:06:10,949 --> 00:06:15,000and everyone that I talked to jumped

13600:06:13,019 --> 00:06:18,149right on board so we're excited to

13700:06:15,000 --> 00:06:21,509welcome cliff barackman from he's a

13800:06:18,149 --> 00:06:23,819longtime Bigfoot researcher from Oregon

13900:06:21,509 --> 00:06:27,300actually the Portland Oregon area I met

14000:06:23,819 --> 00:06:29,639him in 2007 at the 40th anniversary

14100:06:27,300 --> 00:06:32,340celebration of the Patterson Gimlin film

14200:06:29,639 --> 00:06:36,659and cliff is well most well known from


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00:06:32,339 --> 00:06:39,479appearing on the TV show Finding Bigfoot

14400:06:36,660 --> 00:06:40,560and monster quest he was on an episode

14500:06:39,480 --> 00:06:42,090of Monster quest

14600:06:40,560 --> 00:06:44,189plus he's done some other documentary

14700:06:42,089 --> 00:06:47,219films along the way so cliff is going to

14800:06:44,189 --> 00:06:48,839be there on Friday and Saturday and I

14900:06:47,220 --> 00:06:50,310believe he's heading back to Oregon on

15000:06:48,839 --> 00:06:52,589Sunday so I'm not sure if he'll be there

15100:06:50,310 --> 00:06:54,899for the full day or or checking out late

15200:06:52,589 --> 00:06:57,989morning but he'll be there for most of

15300:06:54,899 --> 00:06:59,819the weekend another good friend of mine

15400:06:57,990 --> 00:07:03,300who I also had the chance to meet about

15500:06:59,819 --> 00:07:06,75010 to 15 years ago dr. Don Jeffrey

15600:07:03,300 --> 00:07:09,240Meldrum from Idaho State University and

15700:07:06,750 --> 00:07:12,240

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dr. Meldrum is a very well known and

15800:07:09,240 --> 00:07:14,819very well respected anthropologist and a

15900:07:12,240 --> 00:07:16,730primate Anatomy expert from Idaho State

16000:07:14,819 --> 00:07:20,519and he's probably one of the leading

16100:07:16,730 --> 00:07:24,450scientific professors or scientific

16200:07:20,519 --> 00:07:26,939minds leading the charge for the the

16300:07:24,449 --> 00:07:29,610discovery and evidence of Bigfoot or

16400:07:26,939 --> 00:07:32,490Sasquatch as we know it we're excited to

16500:07:29,610 --> 00:07:34,740have dr. Jeff coming in from the TV show

16600:07:32,490 --> 00:07:36,629he's been on a lot recently in search of

16700:07:34,740 --> 00:07:37,650monsters he was also on missing in

16800:07:36,629 --> 00:07:39,750Alaska

16900:07:37,649 --> 00:07:44,189he's a field investigator for the Center

17000:07:39,750 --> 00:07:46,009for 4/14 zoology mr. Ken Gerhard is

17100:07:44,189 --> 00:07:48,389coming up from San Antonio Texas

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17200:07:46,009 --> 00:07:50,339fantastic guy ken is a wealth of

17300:07:48,389 --> 00:07:52,349knowledge I've known Kevin for a long

17400:07:50,339 --> 00:07:53,459long time and ken jumped right on board

17500:07:52,350 --> 00:07:55,530when I asked him if he'd be interested

17600:07:53,459 --> 00:07:59,250in coming up so we're very excited to

17700:07:55,529 --> 00:08:00,839have Ken then we have from the TV show

17800:07:59,250 --> 00:08:03,959monsters underground and rogue

17900:08:00,839 --> 00:08:05,609paranormal space bill Brock I should say

18000:08:03,959 --> 00:08:07,649bill was coming up for the event coming

18100:08:05,610 --> 00:08:10,259down from the event he's coming from

18200:08:07,649 --> 00:08:13,799Maine but bill has been in the game for

18300:08:10,259 --> 00:08:15,329probably about 10 years now and he's

18400:08:13,800 --> 00:08:18,449done a lot of field work around the East

18500:08:15,329 --> 00:08:19,889Coast and we're very pleased to have

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18600:08:18,449 --> 00:08:23,519Bill coming down and join us for the

18700:08:19,889 --> 00:08:26,399event unfortunately we were hoping he

18800:08:23,519 --> 00:08:28,609would be joined by Stacy Brown jr. as

18900:08:26,399 --> 00:08:31,589many know Stacy Braun collected the

19000:08:28,610 --> 00:08:34,740thermal video footage from Florida that

19100:08:31,589 --> 00:08:35,209was shared on YouTube as well as Finding

19200:08:34,740 --> 00:08:37,529Bigfoot

19300:08:35,210 --> 00:08:39,810however Stacy Braun is not able to make

19400:08:37,529 --> 00:08:42,389it so unfortunately we won't have him at

19500:08:39,809 --> 00:08:45,449the event this year but we will have

19600:08:42,389 --> 00:08:49,199joining us from the TV show mountain

19700:08:45,450 --> 00:08:50,480monsters everybody's favorite I guess

19800:08:49,200 --> 00:08:54,480you call it

19900:08:50,480 --> 00:08:56,399television sin people seem to really


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00:08:54,480 --> 00:08:58,889like to like to what I love to hate the

20100:08:56,399 --> 00:09:00,240show but they still watch it and in mass

20200:08:58,889 --> 00:09:02,189numbers and they've got a lot of fans

20300:09:00,240 --> 00:09:03,750and these guys are fantastic if you've

20400:09:02,190 --> 00:09:05,880never met them in person these guys are

20500:09:03,750 --> 00:09:07,559really great guys despite what you may

20600:09:05,879 --> 00:09:11,250think about the TV show and we're

20700:09:07,559 --> 00:09:14,309thrilled to have huckleberry Jeff Wild

20800:09:11,250 --> 00:09:15,899Bill Willy and Buck from the aims team

20900:09:14,309 --> 00:09:18,419and the TV show mountain monsters

21000:09:15,899 --> 00:09:20,399joining us at the event this year so we

21100:09:18,419 --> 00:09:22,709got a pretty decent

21200:09:20,399 --> 00:09:26,610did lineup of guests celebrities coming

21300:09:22,710 --> 00:09:28,650to the event this year so uh butch this

21400:09:26,610 --> 00:09:30,330

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would be your third event I mean you've

21500:09:28,649 --> 00:09:33,539been to all of well you will be at all

21600:09:30,330 --> 00:09:37,440of them acted this one so what's your

21700:09:33,539 --> 00:09:41,039impression of the the event I just loved

21800:09:37,440 --> 00:09:43,290it I mean like when you were along the

21900:09:41,039 --> 00:09:45,480second year that we went up I got to

22000:09:43,289 --> 00:09:47,309talk and meet face to face with some

22100:09:45,480 --> 00:09:51,360people that I've been talking to for

22200:09:47,309 --> 00:09:53,909many years sharing email sharing reports

22300:09:51,360 --> 00:09:57,889sharing information and to get to see

22400:09:53,909 --> 00:10:00,299him face to face was really cool and I

22500:09:57,889 --> 00:10:02,490got to put it this way Eric puts on a

22600:10:00,299 --> 00:10:04,559hell of a hell of a show there's no ifs

22700:10:02,490 --> 00:10:08,100ands or buts I've been to a lot of

22800:10:04,559 --> 00:10:10,949conferences I've been to a lot of May

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22900:10:08,100 --> 00:10:12,930ladies whether they were impromptu

23000:10:10,950 --> 00:10:16,200get-together so there were long planned

23100:10:12,929 --> 00:10:21,989events and I got a hand at the Eric I

23200:10:16,200 --> 00:10:24,629mean he did it right everybody that I

23300:10:21,990 --> 00:10:26,839talked to everybody that I met had

23400:10:24,629 --> 00:10:29,909nothing but good to say about the event

23500:10:26,839 --> 00:10:33,480how pleased they were with speakers the

23600:10:29,909 --> 00:10:36,110venue even though we had rain it didn't

23700:10:33,480 --> 00:10:38,519stop anybody the rain didn't stop us all

23800:10:36,110 --> 00:10:40,950you know and when you were up with me

23900:10:38,519 --> 00:10:42,480the second year you know how many people

24000:10:40,950 --> 00:10:45,379we stood out there in the rain talking

24100:10:42,480 --> 00:10:49,560to us at the table I mean it was raining

24200:10:45,379 --> 00:10:50,970I I've come to the conclusion that Eric

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24300:10:49,559 --> 00:10:52,559could probably put together something in

24400:10:50,970 --> 00:10:56,070the middle of a snowstorm and it would

24500:10:52,559 --> 00:10:59,969be very well attended and and just the

24600:10:56,070 --> 00:11:02,160idea that you know proceeds are going to

24700:10:59,970 --> 00:11:05,990worthy causes that's something that's

24800:11:02,159 --> 00:11:10,708never done not to my knowledge anyway

24900:11:05,990 --> 00:11:13,919but all the folks that helped him like

25000:11:10,708 --> 00:11:15,599Ricky and and all the group of Eric's

25100:11:13,919 --> 00:11:17,849folks that helped put that thing

25200:11:15,600 --> 00:11:20,580together from setting up tables and

25300:11:17,850 --> 00:11:23,220tends to help and food and running

25400:11:20,580 --> 00:11:25,550around and whatever I mean it just

25500:11:23,220 --> 00:11:29,490worked out so well

25600:11:25,549 --> 00:11:32,069Dave running the radio system I mean it


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00:11:29,490 --> 00:11:33,779was just so well put together that it's

25800:11:32,070 --> 00:11:35,640hard to believe that you know

25900:11:33,779 --> 00:11:37,379there aren't more events like this

26000:11:35,639 --> 00:11:39,269throughout the country now I know there

26100:11:37,379 --> 00:11:42,029are bigger events and I know there's a

26200:11:39,269 --> 00:11:44,549couple in Texas that are outdoors but

26300:11:42,029 --> 00:11:47,789you know they're usually just local

26400:11:44,549 --> 00:11:50,189folks getting together where Eric brings

26500:11:47,789 --> 00:11:51,689in people from all around people that we

26600:11:50,190 --> 00:11:53,910know people we see on television people

26700:11:51,690 --> 00:11:57,390we deal with people we've we've known

26800:11:53,909 --> 00:12:00,600for a long time and I had that I just

26900:11:57,389 --> 00:12:02,699got a just throw kudos out there to Eric

27000:12:00,600 --> 00:12:04,920and his group because they do one hell

27100:12:02,700 --> 00:12:06,660

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of a job and if anybody misses this one

27200:12:04,919 --> 00:12:08,399they're gonna miss another good one

27300:12:06,659 --> 00:12:09,539because the first two were good and this

27400:12:08,399 --> 00:12:12,299was going to be even better

27500:12:09,539 --> 00:12:13,409yeah I'm kind of bummed out because I'm

27600:12:12,299 --> 00:12:15,379not gonna be able to make it

27700:12:13,409 --> 00:12:18,600unfortunately because I got a bad knee

27800:12:15,379 --> 00:12:20,460but I you know I was there two years ago

27900:12:18,600 --> 00:12:22,080and it was it was a great event I got to

28000:12:20,460 --> 00:12:25,590meet a lot of people I've been talking

28100:12:22,080 --> 00:12:27,690to for forever and who I've actually met

28200:12:25,590 --> 00:12:29,550the first time so that was that was

28300:12:27,690 --> 00:12:32,820great it was great I mean and people

28400:12:29,549 --> 00:12:34,379that do come to come to the event will

28500:12:32,820 --> 00:12:37,440be surprised on how many people you

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28600:12:34,379 --> 00:12:39,539recognize that have been on TV are you

28700:12:37,440 --> 00:12:41,880her on the radio whatever so that's the

28800:12:39,539 --> 00:12:44,219great thing about it so sure I'll tell

28900:12:41,879 --> 00:12:45,629you that here yeah I just want to say

29000:12:44,220 --> 00:12:47,759one more thing you know another thing

29100:12:45,629 --> 00:12:49,889that surprised me not so much the first

29200:12:47,759 --> 00:12:50,879year but the second year I mean people

29300:12:49,889 --> 00:12:54,889were coming up and talking us they were

29400:12:50,879 --> 00:12:59,309from North Carolina New Jersey New York

29500:12:54,889 --> 00:13:00,990Delaware Maryland Ohio well it's not

29600:12:59,309 --> 00:13:03,179like it's so it's not like it's a local

29700:13:00,990 --> 00:13:07,470thing I mean people were coming in from

29800:13:03,179 --> 00:13:10,588all over yeah it was well attended I

29900:13:07,470 --> 00:13:12,690mean it was well represented so yeah I

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30000:13:10,589 --> 00:13:15,720was impressed with that as well so Sean

30100:13:12,690 --> 00:13:17,910you're no lawyer no stranger to Bigfoot

30200:13:15,720 --> 00:13:23,300events and I think this will be your

30300:13:17,909 --> 00:13:26,579first time with at Pennsylvania Bigfoot

30400:13:23,299 --> 00:13:29,159and also you'll be representing a fans

30500:13:26,580 --> 00:13:31,650of Auditors monsters 14 research you and

30600:13:29,159 --> 00:13:35,189butch will be together what are you

30700:13:31,649 --> 00:13:37,199looking forward to I'm looking forward

30800:13:35,190 --> 00:13:39,300to the event as a whole I've been the

30900:13:37,200 --> 00:13:42,360quite a few of Eric's conferences in the

31000:13:39,299 --> 00:13:43,949past and helped him with the 2008

31100:13:42,360 --> 00:13:47,300conference and I can tell you he doesn't

31200:13:43,950 --> 00:13:50,089spare any detail he

31300:13:47,299 --> 00:13:52,189always thinking ahead of what can be


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00:13:50,089 --> 00:13:53,810done and he's already probably planning

31500:13:52,190 --> 00:13:56,390the next one if I had no error to the

31600:13:53,809 --> 00:13:57,588way I do begrudgingly planning the next

31700:13:56,389 --> 00:13:59,208one because he'll never want to do

31800:13:57,589 --> 00:14:02,930another one but the people will demand

31900:13:59,208 --> 00:14:04,669it so he'll have the choice but he

32000:14:02,929 --> 00:14:05,750always puts on a good event he really

32100:14:04,669 --> 00:14:08,149does he takes great care of the

32200:14:05,750 --> 00:14:10,190speaker's is a very generous host very

32300:14:08,149 --> 00:14:11,899hospitable person so I can only imagine

32400:14:10,190 --> 00:14:13,760what this event is going to be like he

32500:14:11,899 --> 00:14:15,589asked me to come be a special guest and

32600:14:13,759 --> 00:14:18,259of course whenever you get me involved

32700:14:15,589 --> 00:14:21,140it's always special in some way shape or

32800:14:18,259 --> 00:14:23,149

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form so I'm just looking forward to

32900:14:21,139 --> 00:14:26,569meeting all my friends seeing all my

33000:14:23,149 --> 00:14:28,309friends having a good time and sharing

33100:14:26,570 --> 00:14:30,769some information because Pennsylvanians

33200:14:28,309 --> 00:14:34,009got a little quiet for bigfoot sightings

33300:14:30,769 --> 00:14:36,799and i'm gonna know why guys you know

33400:14:34,009 --> 00:14:38,958that is unusual and I'm gonna ask Thal

33500:14:36,799 --> 00:14:41,419you guys I mean what is the deal with

33600:14:38,958 --> 00:14:43,309sightings of Pennsylvania recently there

33700:14:41,419 --> 00:14:46,250have not you know and I know we get

33800:14:43,309 --> 00:14:48,528scattered sightings but overall there

33900:14:46,250 --> 00:14:52,339there haven't been a whole lot what

34000:14:48,528 --> 00:14:54,559about that Eric um I hate to disagree

34100:14:52,339 --> 00:14:56,959with you guys but I've been extremely

34200:14:54,559 --> 00:15:00,500busy with sightings and in western

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34300:14:56,958 --> 00:15:02,689Pennsylvania Stan and I Stan Gordon and

34400:15:00,500 --> 00:15:05,450I have been working close together for

34500:15:02,690 --> 00:15:09,200quite some time and he and I have been

34600:15:05,450 --> 00:15:11,930on the phone more of this past 20 19 and

34700:15:09,200 --> 00:15:14,27020 18 then we have for the 30-plus years

34800:15:11,929 --> 00:15:16,278that we've known each other there's been

34900:15:14,269 --> 00:15:19,220a ton of sightings here in southwestern

35000:15:16,278 --> 00:15:22,240PA especially in northern Westmoreland

35100:15:19,220 --> 00:15:25,339County in Allegheny County and even into

35200:15:22,240 --> 00:15:29,000southern Allegheny County we've I've

35300:15:25,339 --> 00:15:33,649investigated probably 10 to 15 reports

35400:15:29,000 --> 00:15:38,509between now and last June of 2018 so

35500:15:33,649 --> 00:15:40,958it's been quite active okay well you

35600:15:38,509 --> 00:15:43,730know I guess I'm kind of jaded because

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35700:15:40,958 --> 00:15:45,588we kind of get a lot of reports from

35800:15:43,730 --> 00:15:47,539other stuff as opposed to Bigfoot I

35900:15:45,589 --> 00:15:51,079guess most of the Bigfoot reports are

36000:15:47,539 --> 00:15:54,349coming from out in Western PA where have

36100:15:51,078 --> 00:15:56,809you been working on recently well I was

36200:15:54,350 --> 00:15:58,370on the show with you as we recall a few

36300:15:56,809 --> 00:16:01,189months ago and we talked about some of

36400:15:58,370 --> 00:16:03,860the recent cases in 2018 that's

36500:16:01,190 --> 00:16:06,140and I work together and I we've been

36600:16:03,860 --> 00:16:09,230getting calls continuing to get calls in

36700:16:06,139 --> 00:16:11,299southwestern PA and he both Stan and I

36800:16:09,230 --> 00:16:13,730had been fielding phone calls from what

36900:16:11,299 --> 00:16:16,429I witness is the most recent thing I got

37000:16:13,730 --> 00:16:17,840was out of Forest County which may not


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00:16:16,429 --> 00:16:19,879have been a Bigfoot sighting it might

37200:16:17,840 --> 00:16:21,889have been a dog man sighting and I

37300:16:19,879 --> 00:16:24,559briefly shared some information with you

37400:16:21,889 --> 00:16:28,819a lot about that line but the eyewitness

37500:16:24,559 --> 00:16:32,209very well-versed outdoorsmen and he

37600:16:28,820 --> 00:16:38,090belongs to several outdoor Herbert ology

37700:16:32,210 --> 00:16:39,860clubs bird clubs wildlife clubs and he

37800:16:38,090 --> 00:16:43,670spends as he told me on the phone close

37900:16:39,860 --> 00:16:46,250to 350 days a year out in the forest and

38000:16:43,669 --> 00:16:48,559he had a sighting at the beginning of

38100:16:46,250 --> 00:16:50,769May where he was turkey hunting with his

38200:16:48,559 --> 00:16:54,829brother and they would they witnessed

38300:16:50,769 --> 00:16:57,409something stand up from behind a some

38400:16:54,830 --> 00:16:58,930brush and he said it was obscured from

38500:16:57,409 --> 00:17:02,899

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the waist down he couldn't see anything

38600:16:58,929 --> 00:17:05,328except from the stomach up but he said

38700:17:02,899 --> 00:17:08,150it had a short snout it had pointy ears

38800:17:05,328 --> 00:17:10,399on the top of its head it was darker

38900:17:08,150 --> 00:17:13,939colored than a deer but not a dark brown

39000:17:10,400 --> 00:17:16,550or black and it moved lightning-fast

39100:17:13,939 --> 00:17:18,890from one spot where it stood up to

39200:17:16,549 --> 00:17:20,419behind a tree and they waited for it to

39300:17:18,890 --> 00:17:23,509come out from behind the tree and it

39400:17:20,420 --> 00:17:25,370never did so he's not sure what happened

39500:17:23,509 --> 00:17:27,439to it or if it turned at that tree and

39600:17:25,369 --> 00:17:30,229ran off in a direction that the tree

39700:17:27,439 --> 00:17:32,509obscured their vision of it but the

39800:17:30,230 --> 00:17:34,279sighting lasted only a few seconds but

39900:17:32,509 --> 00:17:36,410it was enough to shake up both hunters

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40000:17:34,279 --> 00:17:38,119and for him to actually make a phone

40100:17:36,410 --> 00:17:39,890call because as he told me he said I

40200:17:38,119 --> 00:17:42,619thought this stuff was a joke

40300:17:39,890 --> 00:17:45,830I thought is he had 70 black bear

40400:17:42,619 --> 00:17:47,629sightings he's seen almost every kind of

40500:17:45,829 --> 00:17:50,689wildlife there isn't Pennsylvania to see

40600:17:47,630 --> 00:17:53,120and he never once envisioned or think

40700:17:50,690 --> 00:17:56,180thought about seeing a Bigfoot nor a

40800:17:53,119 --> 00:17:58,729werewolf like dog man creature and what

40900:17:56,180 --> 00:18:00,470he saw shook him up pretty badly and he

41000:17:58,730 --> 00:18:03,019felt the need to call and talk to

41100:18:00,470 --> 00:18:05,000somebody about it but that was the most

41200:18:03,019 --> 00:18:07,009recent sighting that I had but we've

41300:18:05,000 --> 00:18:09,859also Stan and I've also talked to

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41400:18:07,009 --> 00:18:14,869witnesses as I mentioned around the

41500:18:09,859 --> 00:18:16,519Delmont Pennsylvania area as well as E

41600:18:14,869 --> 00:18:19,729from Westmoreland County heading over to

41700:18:16,519 --> 00:18:22,940Ligonier and dairy which is very well

41800:18:19,730 --> 00:18:25,670well known for the 1973-74 flap of

41900:18:22,940 --> 00:18:28,670sightings and then late late 1999

42000:18:25,670 --> 00:18:30,650through early 2000 sightings they had up

42100:18:28,670 --> 00:18:32,029there as well so we've had some

42200:18:30,650 --> 00:18:33,200sightings in those areas as well it's

42300:18:32,029 --> 00:18:36,799been kids like I said it's been pretty

42400:18:33,200 --> 00:18:42,380busy for the past year or so okay I'm

42500:18:36,799 --> 00:18:45,349glad it's been busy for you wow it's

42600:18:42,380 --> 00:18:47,300really dried up a big way muriatic at

42700:18:45,349 --> 00:18:50,449best even some of the areas in the past


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00:18:47,299 --> 00:18:53,839we've had some really solid I'm gonna

42900:18:50,450 --> 00:18:56,660say our performance solid you know

43000:18:53,839 --> 00:18:59,599amount of reports and it's just been

43100:18:56,660 --> 00:19:01,790kind of quiet up here now we can

43200:18:59,599 --> 00:19:04,579speculate for many reasons you know some

43300:19:01,789 --> 00:19:07,159of the gas exploration been going on

43400:19:04,579 --> 00:19:10,970back up here again and at different

43500:19:07,160 --> 00:19:14,240rates but it's just been oddly quiet now

43600:19:10,970 --> 00:19:17,210I will say this we have been receiving

43700:19:14,240 --> 00:19:20,150more of the Dogman reports in the last

43800:19:17,210 --> 00:19:22,100couple years and that I find really

43900:19:20,150 --> 00:19:25,100interesting I don't know if that's more

44000:19:22,099 --> 00:19:28,009because of the hype of the local of the

44100:19:25,099 --> 00:19:31,928recent kind of pop culture explosion of

44200:19:28,009 --> 00:19:36,890

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cryptids or what but I don't know guys

44300:19:31,929 --> 00:19:39,050we're in for well you know we still do

44400:19:36,890 --> 00:19:41,059we still on my side anyway we still do a

44500:19:39,049 --> 00:19:46,339lot of UFO study and stuff like that and

44600:19:41,058 --> 00:19:48,410a lot of historical stuff but the last

44700:19:46,339 --> 00:19:51,519few bipedal that we've had over the last

44800:19:48,410 --> 00:19:54,230couple months are getting a little

44900:19:51,519 --> 00:19:56,269frightening to say the least

45000:19:54,230 --> 00:19:59,630they're multi witness and this and then

45100:19:56,269 --> 00:20:02,480the last case which we discussed in some

45200:19:59,630 --> 00:20:06,340real length we talk there where this

45300:20:02,480 --> 00:20:10,849thing actually came after the people so

45400:20:06,339 --> 00:20:12,439we've never had that before the bipedal

45500:20:10,849 --> 00:20:14,119is always you know stayed in the wood

45600:20:12,440 --> 00:20:20,058line or was seen in the woods or along a

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45700:20:14,119 --> 00:20:21,558trail or a long highway and these this

45800:20:20,058 --> 00:20:25,970one thing it's really starting to bother

45900:20:21,558 --> 00:20:28,099me and I want to talk to ken gerhart one

46000:20:25,970 --> 00:20:32,058I get to talk to him up there neck

46100:20:28,099 --> 00:20:34,639we can about these these lights that are

46200:20:32,058 --> 00:20:35,720being seen and now I know they're there

46300:20:34,640 --> 00:20:37,990while reports

46400:20:35,720 --> 00:20:40,339I see the reports on on Bigfoot where

46500:20:37,990 --> 00:20:43,250lights are seen either before after the

46600:20:40,339 --> 00:20:46,939sighting we have a couple that are seen

46700:20:43,250 --> 00:20:50,869during the sighting and I want to get

46800:20:46,940 --> 00:20:56,210his take on that I'm just not quite

46900:20:50,869 --> 00:20:58,869ready to jump on the interdimensional

47000:20:56,210 --> 00:21:02,750thing I'm not throwing it out the window

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47100:20:58,869 --> 00:21:05,928but I really need to get more in tune

47200:21:02,750 --> 00:21:07,788with it I guess because you know in

47300:21:05,929 --> 00:21:09,380ufology have a lot of interdimensional I

47400:21:07,788 --> 00:21:11,450mean their ears are there they're not

47500:21:09,380 --> 00:21:14,240there they're here they're not there but

47600:21:11,450 --> 00:21:19,730in in in the cryptozoology end of it it

47700:21:14,240 --> 00:21:22,759seems very odd to me that although we've

47800:21:19,730 --> 00:21:26,450had a bipedal case up there on route 22

47900:21:22,759 --> 00:21:31,009in Blair County where you know we had

48000:21:26,450 --> 00:21:33,590that aura around the creature and then

48100:21:31,009 --> 00:21:35,269we had the other one near the swamp area

48200:21:33,589 --> 00:21:37,939where the guy said look like was

48300:21:35,269 --> 00:21:39,288surrounded by some type of a light but

48400:21:37,940 --> 00:21:40,880you know the witnesses don't stick


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00:21:39,288 --> 00:21:42,650around to watch what happens

48600:21:40,880 --> 00:21:43,970you know this they see it and you know

48700:21:42,650 --> 00:21:49,150they take off whether they're carrying a

48800:21:43,970 --> 00:21:52,460weapon or not they're gone so but again

48900:21:49,150 --> 00:21:54,650as we with all of them that we've been

49000:21:52,460 --> 00:21:56,090that we have an investigation or still

49100:21:54,650 --> 00:21:58,669under investigation with the exception

49200:21:56,089 --> 00:22:01,609of one hoax is the fact that they all

49300:21:58,669 --> 00:22:05,259are in state game lands we have nothing

49400:22:01,609 --> 00:22:08,149outside of the like and loop not one

49500:22:05,259 --> 00:22:10,369though a couple reports we have were

49600:22:08,150 --> 00:22:14,030that we're outside the loop turned out

49700:22:10,369 --> 00:22:15,109to be misidentification or a very

49800:22:14,029 --> 00:22:17,359possibly could have been a Bigfoot

49900:22:15,109 --> 00:22:19,189

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sighting that they just misinterpreted

50000:22:17,359 --> 00:22:23,469or just misread what they were looking

50100:22:19,190 --> 00:22:26,929at but everything that we've gotten and

50200:22:23,470 --> 00:22:28,339you know this this time of the year is

50300:22:26,929 --> 00:22:30,409really when we'll start getting those

50400:22:28,339 --> 00:22:32,959reports we kind of died with by people

50500:22:30,409 --> 00:22:34,250reports in the wintertime it's when

50600:22:32,960 --> 00:22:36,460people are out walking around they're

50700:22:34,250 --> 00:22:38,509out in the woods they're camping there

50800:22:36,460 --> 00:22:39,890you know they're doing their their go on

50900:22:38,509 --> 00:22:41,599fishing they're doing their thing around

51000:22:39,890 --> 00:22:44,840big lakes and stuff like that

51100:22:41,599 --> 00:22:47,779and that's another thing we're starting

51200:22:44,839 --> 00:22:50,000to look at now pinpointing the bipedal

51300:22:47,779 --> 00:22:51,410x' and what their attraction to these

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51400:22:50,000 --> 00:22:53,029because a lot of them are around lakes

51500:22:51,410 --> 00:22:55,460if they're not in your lake they're your

51600:22:53,029 --> 00:23:02,089swamp right so it's either a swamp or a

51700:22:55,460 --> 00:23:04,400lake yeah you know this is this is one

51800:23:02,089 --> 00:23:06,349question that I have had well first of

51900:23:04,400 --> 00:23:08,150all you said you're going to talk to Ken

52000:23:06,349 --> 00:23:09,980you know i talked to Ken recently you

52100:23:08,150 --> 00:23:12,380may be surprised what he has to say

52200:23:09,980 --> 00:23:14,390about this because he's another one he's

52300:23:12,380 --> 00:23:17,590another one he's cryptozoologists

52400:23:14,390 --> 00:23:22,610they're starting to lean towards the

52500:23:17,589 --> 00:23:24,199inter-dimensional possibilities and you

52600:23:22,609 --> 00:23:26,059know there was a time when we used to

52700:23:24,200 --> 00:23:27,980talk to other people just like Linda

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52800:23:26,059 --> 00:23:29,929Godfrey and others that they were

52900:23:27,980 --> 00:23:31,250strictly against all that before they're

53000:23:29,930 --> 00:23:35,509all come there a lot of them are coming

53100:23:31,250 --> 00:23:38,059up to it now yeah but the one problem I

53200:23:35,509 --> 00:23:39,799have with that is on one of our very

53300:23:38,059 --> 00:23:42,109first case it was probably in the first

53400:23:39,799 --> 00:23:45,039five that we had the the creature was

53500:23:42,109 --> 00:23:48,679seen tearing apart and eating a roadkill

53600:23:45,039 --> 00:23:51,200now what an inter-dimensional creature

53700:23:48,680 --> 00:23:54,710need to eat if it's flesh and blood or

53800:23:51,200 --> 00:23:59,240wood I mean I'm not discounting the fact

53900:23:54,710 --> 00:24:02,509that these may be corporeal beings that

54000:23:59,240 --> 00:24:03,890are coming through somehow look at you

54100:24:02,509 --> 00:24:04,700know as far as you can you talk say it's


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00:24:03,890 --> 00:24:08,990supernatural

54300:24:04,700 --> 00:24:10,850I just don't think that just means you

54400:24:08,990 --> 00:24:14,390know some type of spiritual being or

54500:24:10,849 --> 00:24:17,500being that's you know that that's not

54600:24:14,390 --> 00:24:21,170flesh and blood I I really believe that

54700:24:17,500 --> 00:24:24,589there may be an aspect where you know

54800:24:21,170 --> 00:24:28,940just like some people say that aliens or

54900:24:24,589 --> 00:24:30,949UFOs come through portals or wormholes I

55000:24:28,940 --> 00:24:33,740hate to say our situation may come

55100:24:30,950 --> 00:24:35,360through there with with these cryptids

55200:24:33,740 --> 00:24:38,900as well but you know that's something

55300:24:35,359 --> 00:24:43,309we're looking at yeah that's what we're

55400:24:38,900 --> 00:24:48,680looking at now yeah so so what's your

55500:24:43,309 --> 00:24:51,740thoughts on that I don't I don't know

55600:24:48,680 --> 00:24:54,980

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what to think at this point be honest I

55700:24:51,740 --> 00:24:56,480know a lot of Bigfoot researchers well

55800:24:54,980 --> 00:24:59,120not a lot but there are more and more

55900:24:56,480 --> 00:25:01,039Bigfoot researchers who are starting to

56000:24:59,119 --> 00:25:04,099look at the possible interdimensional

56100:25:01,039 --> 00:25:05,599angle some respectable Bigfoot

56200:25:04,099 --> 00:25:08,000researchers are starting to look at the

56300:25:05,599 --> 00:25:11,480interdimensional or a quantum physics

56400:25:08,000 --> 00:25:14,180angle I've talked to several witnesses

56500:25:11,480 --> 00:25:17,089this past year a year and a half that

56600:25:14,180 --> 00:25:19,700have told me some doozy sighting reports

56700:25:17,089 --> 00:25:21,589that you just got to shake your head and

56800:25:19,700 --> 00:25:24,080go okay if that's what we're really

56900:25:21,589 --> 00:25:26,929dealing with then there is something

57000:25:24,079 --> 00:25:30,500much more to this than we first thought

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57100:25:26,930 --> 00:25:33,440or possibly can understand I don't know

57200:25:30,500 --> 00:25:34,640the reality if Bigfoot or any kind of

57300:25:33,440 --> 00:25:38,240cryptic comes through any kind of

57400:25:34,640 --> 00:25:40,009interdimensional doorway from one

57500:25:38,240 --> 00:25:41,420dimension to another one universe to

57600:25:40,009 --> 00:25:44,119another I don't know if that's possible

57700:25:41,420 --> 00:25:46,550or not I'm not of I'm not a physics

57800:25:44,119 --> 00:25:49,099major or physics you know I have a

57900:25:46,549 --> 00:25:49,490degree in physics or science or anything

58000:25:49,099 --> 00:25:51,529like that

58100:25:49,490 --> 00:25:54,380I I don't understand it I don't know if

58200:25:51,529 --> 00:25:55,639it's even possible to do all I can say

58300:25:54,380 --> 00:25:57,950is I've been getting some really strange

58400:25:55,640 --> 00:26:02,180reports and I'm not sure what the make

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58500:25:57,950 --> 00:26:04,970of them wow you know now not sure I know

58600:26:02,180 --> 00:26:08,269what you think about this but you know

58700:26:04,970 --> 00:26:11,350throw in your two cents I like to keep

58800:26:08,269 --> 00:26:14,960my stuff separate you know that I think

58900:26:11,349 --> 00:26:18,369people experience what they experience

59000:26:14,960 --> 00:26:22,069right and just because I don't

59100:26:18,369 --> 00:26:25,569necessarily think that's the case that

59200:26:22,069 --> 00:26:28,419doesn't also mean I'm right right so

59300:26:25,569 --> 00:26:30,829with these things I'd like to say

59400:26:28,420 --> 00:26:32,529anything's possible really and just

59500:26:30,829 --> 00:26:36,169because it's not my cup of tea

59600:26:32,529 --> 00:26:39,289doesn't mean it's it's false there have

59700:26:36,170 --> 00:26:41,120been a lot of what we would call what

59800:26:39,289 --> 00:26:45,049Stan calls reports of high strangeness


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00:26:41,119 --> 00:26:48,979that I can't even begin to fathom so I

60000:26:45,049 --> 00:26:58,490leave that up I don't know I leave that

60100:26:48,980 --> 00:27:00,140up for the the experts I guess I well

60200:26:58,490 --> 00:27:01,190you know you know guys just one of those

60300:27:00,140 --> 00:27:03,680things where you

60400:27:01,190 --> 00:27:05,390you can't blow it off I mean even when

60500:27:03,680 --> 00:27:06,410you're you're talking to a witness and

60600:27:05,390 --> 00:27:07,520they started to tell you something

60700:27:06,410 --> 00:27:08,360that's just giving you a headache while

60800:27:07,519 --> 00:27:10,069you're talking to them

60900:27:08,359 --> 00:27:12,919you still got to keep an open mind

61000:27:10,069 --> 00:27:14,899because we don't know we have no idea I

61100:27:12,920 --> 00:27:17,450mean I don't know what's running around

61200:27:14,900 --> 00:27:18,950in our like and loop I have no idea all

61300:27:17,450 --> 00:27:25,360

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I know is that every report I get

61400:27:18,950 --> 00:27:25,360matches description wise feelings

61500:27:25,720 --> 00:27:33,759cerebral feelings by the witness when

61600:27:28,490 --> 00:27:37,900they encounter this thing it's just

61700:27:33,759 --> 00:27:43,430there's too much of it to discount any

61800:27:37,900 --> 00:27:47,390of it so every case that we have i've

61900:27:43,430 --> 00:27:50,120not closed I've kept them open only for

62000:27:47,390 --> 00:27:53,090the fact that if I get something in that

62100:27:50,119 --> 00:27:57,109general area again then you know I'll

62200:27:53,089 --> 00:28:00,579have something to fall back on I just

62300:27:57,109 --> 00:28:03,740wish I had more folks more investigators

62400:28:00,579 --> 00:28:06,619because wonderful like this next weekend

62500:28:03,740 --> 00:28:10,339we'll be chasing up in in Rothrock State

62600:28:06,619 --> 00:28:12,469Park but at the same time you know I

62700:28:10,339 --> 00:28:14,959should really have somebody up in the

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62800:28:12,470 --> 00:28:17,900Allegheny forest because we have

62900:28:14,960 --> 00:28:21,259something going on up there so you know

63000:28:17,900 --> 00:28:25,940it's just uh sometimes it's just not

63100:28:21,259 --> 00:28:28,789enough people yeah you know I I will

63200:28:25,940 --> 00:28:32,660admit we it would be good to get a

63300:28:28,789 --> 00:28:34,639couple more investigators you know I we

63400:28:32,660 --> 00:28:36,310do have several people that working with

63500:28:34,640 --> 00:28:38,990us now they're involved in thorough

63600:28:36,309 --> 00:28:43,039investigations but are also assisting a

63700:28:38,990 --> 00:28:46,700group as well so yeah you know but it

63800:28:43,039 --> 00:28:48,500you know we we have been we have been

63900:28:46,700 --> 00:28:50,630getting a lot of strange reports you

64000:28:48,500 --> 00:28:53,000know that the one thing that I have been

64100:28:50,630 --> 00:28:55,460noticing in the past year or so and I'm

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64200:28:53,000 --> 00:28:59,089beginning more more than though people

64300:28:55,460 --> 00:28:59,660are kind of I know reluctant to say much

64400:28:59,089 --> 00:29:02,899about it

64500:28:59,660 --> 00:29:06,019are these these white humanoid like

64600:29:02,900 --> 00:29:09,080beings that you know people have no idea

64700:29:06,019 --> 00:29:12,259what they are some will say well it's an

64800:29:09,079 --> 00:29:14,960upright canine or it's a Bigfoot or it's

64900:29:12,259 --> 00:29:18,859some type of or it's a rake

65000:29:14,960 --> 00:29:21,558something like that I you know I've been

65100:29:18,859 --> 00:29:24,079looking at a lot of this stuff and I

65200:29:21,558 --> 00:29:27,288really think that Pennsylvania is

65300:29:24,079 --> 00:29:30,859starting to get wendi-go reports that

65400:29:27,288 --> 00:29:32,778we're starting to see is Wendigo

65500:29:30,859 --> 00:29:35,000phenomena start to manifest in


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00:29:32,778 --> 00:29:38,390Pennsylvania and you guys got any

65700:29:35,000 --> 00:29:43,759thoughts on that well you know

65800:29:38,390 --> 00:29:46,399Pennsylvania I mean up until the mid

65900:29:43,759 --> 00:29:48,6791700s Indians were the only people here

66000:29:46,398 --> 00:29:51,558I mean there were no white people

66100:29:48,679 --> 00:29:53,690running around here yeah Lancaster

66200:29:51,558 --> 00:29:55,819County central Pennsylvania out near

66300:29:53,690 --> 00:29:57,528Eric in his area I mean these were

66400:29:55,819 --> 00:29:59,569indigenous tribes that were they were

66500:29:57,528 --> 00:30:00,950huge and they were feuding with each

66600:29:59,569 --> 00:30:03,648other all the time they were always at

66700:30:00,950 --> 00:30:05,750war with each other the Susquehanna quer

66800:30:03,648 --> 00:30:07,489the biggest and the largest group in

66900:30:05,750 --> 00:30:08,929ages they destroyed everybody that came

67000:30:07,490 --> 00:30:12,519

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within their shot you know they just

67100:30:08,929 --> 00:30:15,250took over everything but uh you know

67200:30:12,519 --> 00:30:17,658Cherokee I mean all these some Mohawks

67300:30:15,250 --> 00:30:19,548all these tribes were all over

67400:30:17,659 --> 00:30:22,220Pennsylvania so you had burial mounds

67500:30:19,548 --> 00:30:23,839everywhere you have religious

67600:30:22,220 --> 00:30:26,089connections indigenous religious

67700:30:23,839 --> 00:30:29,379connections to this state that are very

67800:30:26,089 --> 00:30:31,519strong even when I had the very first

67900:30:29,380 --> 00:30:33,230bipedal that I didn't know what it was

68000:30:31,519 --> 00:30:34,609and the first thing I came kind of come

68100:30:33,230 --> 00:30:36,319up with in my own mind was well could it

68200:30:34,609 --> 00:30:37,939be a skinwalker when dingo something

68300:30:36,319 --> 00:30:39,678like that you know and I got ahold of

68400:30:37,940 --> 00:30:42,140the Cherokee out there they were very

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68500:30:39,679 --> 00:30:43,788familiar with Pennsylvania they've you

68600:30:42,140 --> 00:30:45,288know I was going to tell them where we

68700:30:43,788 --> 00:30:50,528had stuff and they were telling me where

68800:30:45,288 --> 00:30:53,538I had stuff so it's uh is it possible

68900:30:50,528 --> 00:30:55,730and I like the item really don't have a

69000:30:53,538 --> 00:30:57,980name for him like when dingo or or you

69100:30:55,730 --> 00:31:00,140know this or that I always just say

69200:30:57,980 --> 00:31:02,390relics because I just truly truly

69300:31:00,140 --> 00:31:08,179believe that they've been here for a

69400:31:02,390 --> 00:31:13,700very very long time and these cases are

69500:31:08,179 --> 00:31:15,350too well connected visually and with

69600:31:13,700 --> 00:31:18,500their with the people telling you what

69700:31:15,349 --> 00:31:23,209they're seeing and descriptions to be

69800:31:18,500 --> 00:31:25,220anything but because I mean we have some

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69900:31:23,210 --> 00:31:27,409in the northern part now we seem to be

70000:31:25,220 --> 00:31:27,960getting stuff that are going more toward

70100:31:27,409 --> 00:31:29,850the

70200:31:27,960 --> 00:31:32,610northwestern part of the state up in

70300:31:29,849 --> 00:31:37,139that Allegheny forest area but look up

70400:31:32,609 --> 00:31:39,209in Shawn's area you know when we were up

70500:31:37,140 --> 00:31:42,180there talking to Sean and a couple of

70600:31:39,210 --> 00:31:45,750his friends up there I mean then strange

70700:31:42,180 --> 00:31:50,519screens now we had those same type of

70800:31:45,750 --> 00:31:53,759reports in Cambridge Ani of strange

70900:31:50,519 --> 00:31:56,369screams for these wait that's where

71000:31:53,759 --> 00:32:00,869these white humanoids have been seen it

71100:31:56,369 --> 00:32:02,789yeah Clearfield County was another one

71200:32:00,869 --> 00:32:07,259yeah where we had these strange screams


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00:32:02,789 --> 00:32:10,170down by a swamp area so what's out there

71400:32:07,259 --> 00:32:14,400running around I really couldn't tell

71500:32:10,170 --> 00:32:16,620you but I do my damnedest to find out um

71600:32:14,400 --> 00:32:21,900Eric do you have any thoughts on these

71700:32:16,619 --> 00:32:23,579these white a monoid beams well to be

71800:32:21,900 --> 00:32:28,170honest I haven't gotten any kind of

71900:32:23,579 --> 00:32:31,619reports about white humanoid beings Stan

72000:32:28,170 --> 00:32:34,230shared with me a game camera photo that

72100:32:31,619 --> 00:32:39,750was taken not too long ago some kind of

72200:32:34,230 --> 00:32:40,980very thin very tall something it's kind

72300:32:39,750 --> 00:32:42,779of blurry in the picture you can't

72400:32:40,980 --> 00:32:45,360really see what what it is but that's

72500:32:42,779 --> 00:32:49,109the only thing that I've heard of were

72600:32:45,359 --> 00:32:51,839um read about so I can't really answer

72700:32:49,109 --> 00:32:53,429

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your question well I mean it's

72800:32:51,839 --> 00:32:55,730interesting I mean I noticed it yeah

72900:32:53,430 --> 00:32:59,009Stan told me about it

73000:32:55,730 --> 00:33:00,720you know Stan and I talked to Jerry once

73100:32:59,009 --> 00:33:04,319in a while when something strange comes

73200:33:00,720 --> 00:33:05,880up which seems like all the time but you

73300:33:04,319 --> 00:33:08,460know the description I'm getting or

73400:33:05,880 --> 00:33:12,540these things are anywhere from from 5 to

73500:33:08,460 --> 00:33:18,3297 8 foot tall white in color they look

73600:33:12,539 --> 00:33:19,680emaciated somehow I don't know I mean I

73700:33:18,329 --> 00:33:22,859don't know what we're dealing with I

73800:33:19,680 --> 00:33:24,509mean I you know when you talk about

73900:33:22,859 --> 00:33:28,619Wendigo you're talking about

74000:33:24,509 --> 00:33:30,119flesh-eating type beings and uh you know

74100:33:28,619 --> 00:33:33,209I don't know if that's what we're

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74200:33:30,119 --> 00:33:35,489dealing with this damn strange yeah

74300:33:33,210 --> 00:33:37,289they're thought to be cannibalistic yeah

74400:33:35,490 --> 00:33:40,049and they feed on the flesh of other

74500:33:37,289 --> 00:33:41,579people I haven't heard of any any kind

74600:33:40,049 --> 00:33:46,259of attacks like that or

74700:33:41,579 --> 00:33:48,418here I know Chad Lewis he writes about

74800:33:46,259 --> 00:33:50,669them and he had an episode on in search

74900:33:48,419 --> 00:33:52,619of monsters about the Windigo right and

75000:33:50,669 --> 00:33:54,179talked about them and they and there's

75100:33:52,618 --> 00:33:56,398thoughts that they are moving out of the

75200:33:54,179 --> 00:33:58,559state and into other states as well so

75300:33:56,398 --> 00:34:00,599maybe they are migrating over east I

75400:33:58,558 --> 00:34:02,940don't know I haven't heard anything

75500:34:00,599 --> 00:34:05,759I haven't investigated any cases so I

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75600:34:02,940 --> 00:34:09,898can't really speak to the subject other

75700:34:05,759 --> 00:34:11,849than you know what I know from Chad one

75800:34:09,898 --> 00:34:13,378of my investigators right now is looking

75900:34:11,849 --> 00:34:17,599into cemeteries where there have been

76000:34:13,378 --> 00:34:24,929grave robbing is that right mm-hmm

76100:34:17,599 --> 00:34:27,470where's that been that one is in that

76200:34:24,929 --> 00:34:30,269wasn't cursed one was in Clearfield

76300:34:27,469 --> 00:34:36,689second one was in Schuylkill County and

76400:34:30,269 --> 00:34:38,280the third one was Northumberland North

76500:34:36,690 --> 00:34:39,898Hampton area North in area

76600:34:38,280 --> 00:34:41,760all I need are a bunch of ghouls running

76700:34:39,898 --> 00:34:44,068around the state that doesn't really put

76800:34:41,760 --> 00:34:46,349a cherry on top of it right but when you

76900:34:44,068 --> 00:34:50,369when you look at when dingo history if


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00:34:46,349 --> 00:34:51,869you go back to Navajo they would dig up

77100:34:50,369 --> 00:34:55,068great they would dig up graves to

77200:34:51,869 --> 00:35:01,849consume the body all right

77300:34:55,068 --> 00:35:06,179so oh well yeah what do you think John

77400:35:01,849 --> 00:35:08,298it makes me think of that strange video

77500:35:06,179 --> 00:35:10,318that was taken I think it was in Ohio

77600:35:08,298 --> 00:35:12,719near that grave yard or something

77700:35:10,318 --> 00:35:17,239digging in a recent grave do you guys

77800:35:12,719 --> 00:35:20,058remember that video I recall it yeah and

77900:35:17,239 --> 00:35:22,709you know it is rather ghoulish behavior

78000:35:20,059 --> 00:35:26,640but these these whitish shimmer leads

78100:35:22,710 --> 00:35:28,579one you know what are they that's the

78200:35:26,639 --> 00:35:33,509big question right all kinds of these

78300:35:28,579 --> 00:35:36,660strange thought form ish ghoulish ultra

78400:35:33,510 --> 00:35:40,530

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humanoid stick type beings being seen

78500:35:36,659 --> 00:35:43,618everywhere is it really a physical being

78600:35:40,530 --> 00:35:45,150or is it a perceptive thing right is it

78700:35:43,619 --> 00:35:47,730nothing that people are creating from

78800:35:45,150 --> 00:35:49,349their own visit Jim and I just got to

78900:35:47,730 --> 00:35:50,730wonder about that you know the power of

79000:35:49,349 --> 00:35:53,190thought is something incredible but

79100:35:50,730 --> 00:35:55,440we're really just now beginning to just

79200:35:53,190 --> 00:35:56,670dent the surface of

79300:35:55,440 --> 00:35:58,590and you've been talking about

79400:35:56,670 --> 00:36:01,470thought-forms for some time did you know

79500:35:58,590 --> 00:36:04,350things really exist or they imaginative

79600:36:01,469 --> 00:36:06,899and that that's a whole nother line of

79700:36:04,349 --> 00:36:10,170questions and thoughts that whatever was

79800:36:06,900 --> 00:36:12,300on that video from that lady in Ohio

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79900:36:10,170 --> 00:36:13,680that gave me goosebumps I watched that

80000:36:12,300 --> 00:36:15,750one morning at like 2:30 in the morning

80100:36:13,679 --> 00:36:18,989not the best time to see something like

80200:36:15,750 --> 00:36:20,489that but then it's just got me thinking

80300:36:18,989 --> 00:36:21,869I don't know if that was ever proven to

80400:36:20,489 --> 00:36:23,699be a hoax or whatever it was

80500:36:21,869 --> 00:36:27,690yeah but it sure scared the crap out of

80600:36:23,699 --> 00:36:30,839me that's for sure well you know and you

80700:36:27,690 --> 00:36:32,070just and you saw there's a case for the

80800:36:30,840 --> 00:36:34,380lady in North Carolina that was

80900:36:32,070 --> 00:36:35,880dismembered she was basically ripped

81000:36:34,380 --> 00:36:38,220apart they still have no idea what

81100:36:35,880 --> 00:36:40,230killed her yeah they call them what

81200:36:38,219 --> 00:36:43,609animal acts that they still can't

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81300:36:40,230 --> 00:36:46,170identify the culprit of that tragedy and

81400:36:43,610 --> 00:36:54,300it just makes you wonder what really

81500:36:46,170 --> 00:36:57,750about it oh yeah as most people know

81600:36:54,300 --> 00:37:01,650that this is the show we we do encounter

81700:36:57,750 --> 00:37:04,079a lot of weird things in this state let

81800:37:01,650 --> 00:37:08,940alone winged humanoids and all kinds of

81900:37:04,079 --> 00:37:11,250other stuff you know

82000:37:08,940 --> 00:37:12,780of course you know stan has been talking

82100:37:11,250 --> 00:37:18,420about a lot of this stuff for a long

82200:37:12,780 --> 00:37:21,450long time the and you know the UFO

82300:37:18,420 --> 00:37:26,610connection with this as well is very

82400:37:21,449 --> 00:37:29,669intriguing because I have had oh god I'd

82500:37:26,610 --> 00:37:31,920say over the last two years I have had

82600:37:29,670 --> 00:37:34,039reports with people saying well I saw


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00:37:31,920 --> 00:37:37,769this and that that I didn't recognize

82800:37:34,039 --> 00:37:39,809but you know I had a UFO sighting before

82900:37:37,769 --> 00:37:44,909that or maybe that day or so after that

83000:37:39,809 --> 00:37:47,070and I just wonder if it's connected you

83100:37:44,909 --> 00:37:50,670know in like I know Eric was telling me

83200:37:47,070 --> 00:37:52,320I'm ever ever tell me a while back maybe

83300:37:50,670 --> 00:37:54,269a mention on the show but these white

83400:37:52,320 --> 00:37:56,519lights being seen in Butch Meister just

83500:37:54,269 --> 00:37:59,130earlier I'll be these white lights or or

83600:37:56,519 --> 00:38:01,199being seen around Bigfoot sightings or

83700:37:59,130 --> 00:38:02,940during Bigfoot sightings and that's

83800:38:01,199 --> 00:38:04,679something else that seems to becoming

83900:38:02,940 --> 00:38:08,700more prevalent now well you think Eric

84000:38:04,679 --> 00:38:09,149oh yeah I've seen the lights in the

84100:38:08,699 --> 00:38:11,308

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84200:38:09,150 --> 00:38:14,760myself on several different occasions in

84300:38:11,309 --> 00:38:17,180several several different locations and

84400:38:14,760 --> 00:38:21,089I don't know if they're related to

84500:38:17,179 --> 00:38:23,879Bigfoot activity or UFO activity or if

84600:38:21,088 --> 00:38:25,318they're a natural phenomenon I don't I

84700:38:23,880 --> 00:38:26,700don't know what they are I don't know

84800:38:25,318 --> 00:38:29,608where they come from or where they go

84900:38:26,699 --> 00:38:31,439but I've witnessed them and it is kind

85000:38:29,608 --> 00:38:32,969of peculiar that they happen in areas

85100:38:31,440 --> 00:38:36,269where there have been known Bigfoot

85200:38:32,969 --> 00:38:37,500activity or been recent sightings and

85300:38:36,269 --> 00:38:39,420I'm not the only one that's seen them

85400:38:37,500 --> 00:38:41,579other members when I was a member of the

85500:38:39,420 --> 00:38:43,200Pennsylvania Bigfoot society and we were

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85600:38:41,579 --> 00:38:45,869doing research and Shawn knows the area

85700:38:43,199 --> 00:38:48,629I'm talking about in Clearfield there

85800:38:45,869 --> 00:38:50,490were many people in the group that saw

85900:38:48,630 --> 00:38:52,769these strange lights in the forest and

86000:38:50,489 --> 00:38:54,449could not account for what they were and

86100:38:52,769 --> 00:38:56,159I've been with other researchers in

86200:38:54,449 --> 00:38:58,169other locations who've seen them as well

86300:38:56,159 --> 00:39:01,500not just white lights but red lights

86400:38:58,170 --> 00:39:03,568green lights amber colored lights I

86500:39:01,500 --> 00:39:05,190remember we were out in Clearfield one

86600:39:03,568 --> 00:39:07,769time Shawn I don't know if you remember

86700:39:05,190 --> 00:39:09,720this or not there was another researcher

86800:39:07,769 --> 00:39:12,480from Boston who was with us and he's

86900:39:09,719 --> 00:39:15,179more of a skeptical gentleman and I

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87000:39:12,480 --> 00:39:17,250remember him radio radioing us saying

87100:39:15,179 --> 00:39:19,318and this is a late October keep in mind

87200:39:17,250 --> 00:39:21,510he radioed us and says here they're

87300:39:19,318 --> 00:39:24,358fireflies out in the woods this late in

87400:39:21,510 --> 00:39:25,470the year and I said well knocked over

87500:39:24,358 --> 00:39:27,058there or not he said well I'm seeing

87600:39:25,469 --> 00:39:31,078these green lights floating through the

87700:39:27,059 --> 00:39:33,089forest I don't know what they are you

87800:39:31,079 --> 00:39:34,410know that that location up there and

87900:39:33,088 --> 00:39:37,230clear furred by the way when's the last

88000:39:34,409 --> 00:39:39,480time anyone from the old big

88100:39:37,230 --> 00:39:42,679Pennsylvania Bigfoot or any other the

88200:39:39,480 --> 00:39:45,778group had been up there doing research I

88300:39:42,679 --> 00:39:48,778bet it was the last time Shawn had his


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00:39:45,778 --> 00:39:53,940encounter nope I went up last year I'll

88500:39:48,778 --> 00:39:54,929did yeah I get and I didn't experience

88600:39:53,940 --> 00:39:59,700anything but I was there during the

88700:39:54,929 --> 00:40:01,409daytime okay I just make a remark on

88800:39:59,699 --> 00:40:05,909what Eric said about those lights though

88900:40:01,409 --> 00:40:09,239I had been out there with Brian Terry

89000:40:05,909 --> 00:40:12,358seach and Dave and Kerry Rupert and

89100:40:09,239 --> 00:40:13,798others in that one particular area Eric

89200:40:12,358 --> 00:40:15,420you know what we're talking about we

89300:40:13,798 --> 00:40:18,630keep it on the low down because it is an

89400:40:15,420 --> 00:40:20,760active research area and we were out

89500:40:18,630 --> 00:40:22,200there and we were taken and Eric you

89600:40:20,760 --> 00:40:23,190might have been there at this time I

89700:40:22,199 --> 00:40:25,919don't know but we

89800:40:23,190 --> 00:40:29,970

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that really quick brilliant flash of

89900:40:25,920 --> 00:40:31,530light and then it was gone and everybody

90000:40:29,969 --> 00:40:34,529is like well you know what what the heck

90100:40:31,530 --> 00:40:35,670was that and it was pretty eerie you

90200:40:34,530 --> 00:40:38,400know you're up there on top of the

90300:40:35,670 --> 00:40:39,809mountain the only light you have you

90400:40:38,400 --> 00:40:41,340don't have city light out there all you

90500:40:39,809 --> 00:40:47,059have is light of the stars and there's a

90600:40:41,340 --> 00:40:49,470flash of light and then nothing yeah

90700:40:47,059 --> 00:40:51,659makes you think you know I know Eric

90800:40:49,469 --> 00:40:55,949sent some UFO active you and so

90900:40:51,659 --> 00:40:57,929observations up there as well oh yeah

91000:40:55,949 --> 00:40:59,489they're like five or six of us that

91100:40:57,929 --> 00:41:01,349witnessed that strange light the sky

91200:40:59,489 --> 00:41:12,439darting around we watched it for almost

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91300:41:01,349 --> 00:41:17,36940 minutes Pennsylvania has some very

91400:41:12,440 --> 00:41:19,500very active strange areas Eric you and I

91500:41:17,369 --> 00:41:22,589have been you've taken me to many of

91600:41:19,500 --> 00:41:23,989them I don't know if we want to use the

91700:41:22,590 --> 00:41:26,430name of the place but down in a

91800:41:23,989 --> 00:41:27,539Westmoreland County at the tracks you

91900:41:26,429 --> 00:41:30,569know we've had all kinds of strange

92000:41:27,539 --> 00:41:37,349things happen there so Bronco fell in

92100:41:30,570 --> 00:41:40,440the hole that was a classic moment but

92200:41:37,349 --> 00:41:42,539yeah there's really weird spots all

92300:41:40,440 --> 00:41:44,460throughout western Pennsylvania all

92400:41:42,539 --> 00:41:46,980throughout Pennsylvania in general or

92500:41:44,460 --> 00:41:49,289strange phenomenon happen year after

92600:41:46,980 --> 00:41:51,809year and I don't know if they're related

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92700:41:49,289 --> 00:41:53,460or not I don't have the data to show

92800:41:51,809 --> 00:41:56,489that they're related but it's a kind of

92900:41:53,460 --> 00:41:59,510odd and peculiar that they do have UFO

93000:41:56,489 --> 00:42:02,489sightings creature cryptid sightings

93100:41:59,510 --> 00:42:05,160hauntings and strange phenomenon that

93200:42:02,489 --> 00:42:06,509occur and these especially like the

93300:42:05,159 --> 00:42:08,759Chestnut Ridge for example it's a

93400:42:06,510 --> 00:42:11,370concentrated area or so much unusual

93500:42:08,760 --> 00:42:15,660phenomenon occurs and and I have no

93600:42:11,369 --> 00:42:18,210explanation for it well you know the one

93700:42:15,659 --> 00:42:20,549good thing about this cottony there's

93800:42:18,210 --> 00:42:24,030event coming up is you're gonna have a

93900:42:20,550 --> 00:42:25,410lot of different people that are

94000:42:24,030 --> 00:42:26,940involved a lot of different type of


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00:42:25,409 --> 00:42:28,859research it's not going to be just

94200:42:26,940 --> 00:42:30,329Bigfoot you're gonna have a lot of

94300:42:28,860 --> 00:42:32,440people talking about a lot of different

94400:42:30,329 --> 00:42:34,750things

94500:42:32,440 --> 00:42:36,550yeah and even with the subject of

94600:42:34,750 --> 00:42:40,000Bigfoot there are those that are going

94700:42:36,550 --> 00:42:42,310to talk and speak about their thoughts

94800:42:40,000 --> 00:42:44,530or their research as far as Bigfoot like

94900:42:42,309 --> 00:42:46,570dr. Paul Johnson will be speaking for

95000:42:44,530 --> 00:42:48,220the first time and he's just released a

95100:42:46,570 --> 00:42:52,180book recently about the Pennsylvania

95200:42:48,219 --> 00:42:54,369Bigfoot phenomenon and he talks heavily

95300:42:52,179 --> 00:42:56,199in that book about the quantum physics

95400:42:54,369 --> 00:42:58,000in the quantum realm and how some of

95500:42:56,199 --> 00:42:59,859

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these strange reports the Bigfoot

95600:42:58,000 --> 00:43:01,659sightings the tracks that disappear or

95700:42:59,860 --> 00:43:03,789the Bigfoot creature that's seen it

95800:43:01,659 --> 00:43:06,250disappears how it may be related to

95900:43:03,789 --> 00:43:10,029quantum physics so we don't just have

96000:43:06,250 --> 00:43:11,739your typical scientific mindset speaking

96100:43:10,030 --> 00:43:13,780at the event we have a variety of

96200:43:11,739 --> 00:43:16,259different perspectives because there are

96300:43:13,780 --> 00:43:18,250a variety of different thoughts and

96400:43:16,260 --> 00:43:20,350hypothesis and perspectives when it

96500:43:18,250 --> 00:43:23,230comes to the Bigfoot phenomenon so you

96600:43:20,349 --> 00:43:25,809know we're not trying to sway anybody's

96700:43:23,230 --> 00:43:27,159opinion or you know change minds or

96800:43:25,809 --> 00:43:29,019anything but we're giving everyone the

96900:43:27,159 --> 00:43:30,849opportunity who's speaking to offer

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97000:43:29,019 --> 00:43:33,340their own thoughts and their own ideas

97100:43:30,849 --> 00:43:36,099of possibly what we're dealing with so

97200:43:33,340 --> 00:43:39,420it's a very well-rounded line-up of

97300:43:36,099 --> 00:43:41,380speakers that we have talking this year

97400:43:39,420 --> 00:43:45,130you know we've got an interesting

97500:43:41,380 --> 00:43:48,280question in the in the chat about where

97600:43:45,130 --> 00:43:50,470do you guys think these Bigfoot actually

97700:43:48,280 --> 00:43:55,720live at I mean are they taking advantage

97800:43:50,469 --> 00:43:58,629of change living underground I mean what

97900:43:55,719 --> 00:44:03,009are your thoughts on that illegal

98000:43:58,630 --> 00:44:04,570immigrants from Canada yeah no I have no

98100:44:03,010 --> 00:44:06,870idea if we knew where they were we'd

98200:44:04,570 --> 00:44:09,309have found it by now that's true yes

98300:44:06,869 --> 00:44:11,769Pennsylvania just has a lot of you know

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98400:44:09,309 --> 00:44:14,199old abandoned mines and the cave systems

98500:44:11,769 --> 00:44:15,940and Lord knows what else and you know on

98600:44:14,199 --> 00:44:17,859the average guys people don't hike

98700:44:15,940 --> 00:44:22,300normally more than three to four miles

98800:44:17,860 --> 00:44:23,289in the woods at a time and you're

98900:44:22,300 --> 00:44:24,700talking and I just had this conversation

99000:44:23,289 --> 00:44:26,710the other night you're talking about

99100:44:24,699 --> 00:44:29,169something that has a population of less

99200:44:26,710 --> 00:44:30,369than black bears right and I can't tell

99300:44:29,170 --> 00:44:32,619you how many times I've gone in the

99400:44:30,369 --> 00:44:35,710woods and not seen a black bear so

99500:44:32,619 --> 00:44:38,769basically somewhere so maybe you have a

99600:44:35,710 --> 00:44:40,389breeding population of maybe 2000 of

99700:44:38,769 --> 00:44:43,269these in Pennsylvania right just a


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00:44:40,389 --> 00:44:45,818fraction of what the black bears are the

99900:44:43,269 --> 00:44:49,059chances of encountering one are

100000:44:45,818 --> 00:44:52,659almost slim to none people are so they

100100:44:49,059 --> 00:44:55,959could be living you know far enough out

100200:44:52,659 --> 00:44:56,858of the reach of man that we don't we'll

100300:44:55,958 --> 00:44:58,389never find them

100400:44:56,858 --> 00:45:03,369unless we plan on plan out there for a

100500:44:58,389 --> 00:45:06,068while ourselves you know here's a here's

100600:45:03,369 --> 00:45:08,229a theory here's something I've been

100700:45:06,068 --> 00:45:11,318thing about for a while now you all will

100800:45:08,228 --> 00:45:15,098agree I'm quite sure that we're starting

100900:45:11,318 --> 00:45:19,228to get here in the east an inundation of

101000:45:15,099 --> 00:45:22,619all kinds of species that haven't been

101100:45:19,228 --> 00:45:26,759seen in this part of the country for

101200:45:22,619 --> 00:45:28,449

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over a century or more does like coyotes

101300:45:26,759 --> 00:45:30,548mountain lions

101400:45:28,449 --> 00:45:33,909of course the bear population that has

101500:45:30,548 --> 00:45:38,318increased the whitetail deer population

101600:45:33,909 --> 00:45:42,759has exploded do you think because of

101700:45:38,318 --> 00:45:45,579these factors that cryptid activity may

101800:45:42,759 --> 00:45:53,228be related to the amount of food that's

101900:45:45,579 --> 00:45:56,469now available to them probably I think

102000:45:53,228 --> 00:45:58,179you also have to look at and and you

102100:45:56,469 --> 00:45:59,559know not not to be all political or

102200:45:58,179 --> 00:46:03,969anything but you know you have to look

102300:45:59,559 --> 00:46:06,880at climate change as a whole yes and you

102400:46:03,969 --> 00:46:11,829know we're starting to get you know a

102500:46:06,880 --> 00:46:13,749lot more wetter more I don't want to say

102600:46:11,829 --> 00:46:15,489tropical but a lot more moist years than

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102700:46:13,748 --> 00:46:19,868we've had in the past I don't think it

102800:46:15,489 --> 00:46:21,358stopped raining since 2017 so you know

102900:46:19,869 --> 00:46:23,259we're starting to get a lot of

103000:46:21,358 --> 00:46:24,518overpopulation of animals hunting

103100:46:23,259 --> 00:46:26,528seasons I don't think they've been quite

103200:46:24,518 --> 00:46:28,988meeting they're they're expected tapes

103300:46:26,528 --> 00:46:30,338during hunting seasons either in the

103400:46:28,989 --> 00:46:31,809deer aren't getting any smarter that's

103500:46:30,338 --> 00:46:34,259for sure I still see a whole bunch from

103600:46:31,809 --> 00:46:36,880getting clobbered on the roads yeah and

103700:46:34,259 --> 00:46:37,449you know what there's a there's a lot of

103800:46:36,880 --> 00:46:40,209food to eat

103900:46:37,449 --> 00:46:43,449these beings or creatures will be there

104000:46:40,208 --> 00:46:44,739to gobble them up and you know I think

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104100:46:43,449 --> 00:46:48,068the one thing we have to be a little bit

104200:46:44,739 --> 00:46:51,068more aware of is invasive species of

104300:46:48,068 --> 00:46:53,829known species that are being brought

104400:46:51,068 --> 00:46:58,509into the state from outside outside

104500:46:53,829 --> 00:46:59,800areas and wild pets or exotic pets that

104600:46:58,509 --> 00:47:01,780are being debts that are

104700:46:59,800 --> 00:47:03,400jumped into the wild I think those

104800:47:01,780 --> 00:47:05,830things a little bit more concerning that

104900:47:03,400 --> 00:47:07,539we need to pay attention to worry a

105000:47:05,829 --> 00:47:09,579little less about Krypton's but a little

105100:47:07,539 --> 00:47:11,920bit more about these dangerous animals

105200:47:09,579 --> 00:47:14,799that are being abandoned in our force

105300:47:11,920 --> 00:47:17,889what's to say you know someone's not

105400:47:14,800 --> 00:47:19,810going to get ahold of you know something


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00:47:17,889 --> 00:47:21,250like a tiger or a lion keep it as an

105600:47:19,809 --> 00:47:26,739exotic pet and then let that thing out

105700:47:21,250 --> 00:47:28,510the loose that's true if you recall John

105800:47:26,739 --> 00:47:30,879Green wrote in his book Sasquatch apes

105900:47:28,510 --> 00:47:32,890among us about rainfall being a

106000:47:30,880 --> 00:47:34,809significant factor when it comes to the

106100:47:32,889 --> 00:47:36,549increase of sightings of Bigfoot yeah

106200:47:34,809 --> 00:47:38,920that's why the Pacific Northwest had

106300:47:36,550 --> 00:47:41,590such a high percentage of sightings and

106400:47:38,920 --> 00:47:43,300reports but is Shawn mentioned he

106500:47:41,590 --> 00:47:45,190brought up a very good point here in

106600:47:43,300 --> 00:47:47,830Pennsylvania especially the last few

106700:47:45,190 --> 00:47:50,619years we've had a very high amount of

106800:47:47,829 --> 00:47:52,480rainfall and that might be attributing

106900:47:50,619 --> 00:47:54,369

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to the increase of sightings of not only

107000:47:52,480 --> 00:47:56,409Bigfoot but others rather cryptids as

107100:47:54,369 --> 00:47:59,679well well now I don't need that you've

107200:47:56,409 --> 00:48:02,469got other areas of the country in that

107300:47:59,679 --> 00:48:04,239I've had a lot of drought that may be

107400:48:02,469 --> 00:48:06,549actually pushing some of these species

107500:48:04,239 --> 00:48:09,250eastwards so when you take away food and

107600:48:06,550 --> 00:48:10,630food source and water source then the

107700:48:09,250 --> 00:48:13,929animals are going to move to where it is

107800:48:10,630 --> 00:48:16,180yeah yeah you know I've always been I've

107900:48:13,929 --> 00:48:20,169always wondered why the coyote

108000:48:16,179 --> 00:48:22,299population has been moving so so quickly

108100:48:20,170 --> 00:48:26,889towards the East I mean I don't think

108200:48:22,300 --> 00:48:30,519there's a state in the 48 that does has

108300:48:26,889 --> 00:48:31,900not had coyotes I mean hell they've been

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108400:48:30,519 --> 00:48:33,750seen in New York City

108500:48:31,900 --> 00:48:36,130yeah I was gonna say I think the more

108600:48:33,750 --> 00:48:39,639problematic part about the coyotes lawn

108700:48:36,130 --> 00:48:40,390is them becoming unafraid of urban

108800:48:39,639 --> 00:48:43,539environments

108900:48:40,389 --> 00:48:45,489true true well then you have the coywolf

109000:48:43,539 --> 00:48:48,429population in Pennsylvania exploded in

109100:48:45,489 --> 00:48:50,859the last three years and you know that

109200:48:48,429 --> 00:48:53,230something has been going on up if you

109300:48:50,860 --> 00:48:55,809look at I've talked to several people up

109400:48:53,230 --> 00:48:59,260and around Toronto and in southern

109500:48:55,809 --> 00:49:01,590Ontario the koi wood population has been

109600:48:59,260 --> 00:49:06,790terrible up here for the last 20 years

109700:49:01,590 --> 00:49:09,610yeah and it seems to me from people I've

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109800:49:06,789 --> 00:49:12,900talked to in New York and that you know

109900:49:09,610 --> 00:49:16,140it's there steadily moving south

110000:49:12,900 --> 00:49:18,599our expedition our first expedition up

110100:49:16,139 --> 00:49:20,909to Cambrian I mean the the park ranger

110200:49:18,599 --> 00:49:22,710showed us photographs of packs of

110300:49:20,909 --> 00:49:27,000coywolves one was a pack of eight and

110400:49:22,710 --> 00:49:30,269one was a pack of ten yeah and they're

110500:49:27,000 --> 00:49:33,050big last last fall I talked to you guys

110600:49:30,269 --> 00:49:35,429and I saw I told you a very large

110700:49:33,050 --> 00:49:39,060wolf-like creature run out in front of

110800:49:35,429 --> 00:49:41,489my car across route 80 mm and that was

110900:49:39,059 --> 00:49:43,230bigger than any dog that I've seen or

111000:49:41,489 --> 00:49:44,969bigger than any coyote I've seen in this

111100:49:43,230 --> 00:49:47,039area but you know the nice thing is


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00:49:44,969 --> 00:49:48,809we're going to be able to talk to each

111300:49:47,039 --> 00:49:52,079other and all these other researchers

111400:49:48,809 --> 00:49:54,840here next week at the Bigfoot camping

111500:49:52,079 --> 00:49:55,920adventure weekend where we're gonna be

111600:49:54,840 --> 00:49:57,690able to share more of these sightings

111700:49:55,920 --> 00:50:00,360and we can collect it as we represent

111800:49:57,690 --> 00:50:03,500phantoms and monsters 14 research books

111900:50:00,360 --> 00:50:05,610oh yeah I'm ready

112000:50:03,500 --> 00:50:13,530just make sure we're close to the food

112100:50:05,610 --> 00:50:15,390truck buddy well you know and they're

112200:50:13,530 --> 00:50:20,250just another thing that concerns me as

112300:50:15,389 --> 00:50:23,069well you're aware of the the blue dogs

112400:50:20,250 --> 00:50:24,719are these these mixed breed but people

112500:50:23,070 --> 00:50:27,000call trooper Cobras even though they

112600:50:24,719 --> 00:50:28,669

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aren't you know I talked to Ken about

112700:50:27,000 --> 00:50:30,869this

112800:50:28,670 --> 00:50:32,820here's to say and it does seem like

112900:50:30,869 --> 00:50:35,759they're moving slightly north too used

113000:50:32,820 --> 00:50:38,370to say that we may start to get

113100:50:35,760 --> 00:50:41,580something similar that here with some

113200:50:38,369 --> 00:50:45,000type of hybridization now of course the

113300:50:41,579 --> 00:50:46,559coywolf is one prime example of that but

113400:50:45,000 --> 00:50:53,190who's to say of one half with other

113500:50:46,559 --> 00:50:55,049species well yeah you know the coyote

113600:50:53,190 --> 00:50:56,970and coywolf I mean that was just a a

113700:50:55,050 --> 00:50:58,500gray wolf odd okay you know a group out

113800:50:56,969 --> 00:51:00,509of cow out of Canada that brought that

113900:50:58,500 --> 00:51:01,619around they started in New York and they

114000:51:00,510 --> 00:51:03,900worked their way all the way down into

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114100:51:01,619 --> 00:51:05,309Pennsylvania and if you go on to

114200:51:03,900 --> 00:51:06,660Pennsylvania game site they'll give you

114300:51:05,309 --> 00:51:10,679the population of coywolves in

114400:51:06,659 --> 00:51:12,329Pennsylvania and it's unnerving up by

114500:51:10,679 --> 00:51:15,509the Boy Scout camp up there in Cambria

114600:51:12,329 --> 00:51:18,329the Ranger that runs that yeah the

114700:51:15,510 --> 00:51:19,680Ranger sorry Clearfield the Ranger that

114800:51:18,329 --> 00:51:22,500runs that outfit he said when they see

114900:51:19,679 --> 00:51:23,669him they shoot him yeah he said you know

115000:51:22,500 --> 00:51:26,550he said we got five or six hundred

115100:51:23,670 --> 00:51:29,039campers you know in the summertime

115200:51:26,550 --> 00:51:30,360scoffs Boy Scouts Girl Scouts he said we

115300:51:29,039 --> 00:51:31,519can't afford to have a pack of ten or

115400:51:30,360 --> 00:51:34,440twelve of these things running around

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115500:51:31,519 --> 00:51:36,030yeah and he said we see said we see him

115600:51:34,440 --> 00:51:38,090in the wintertime and and and getting

115700:51:36,030 --> 00:51:40,710into the season he said we shoot him you

115800:51:38,090 --> 00:51:43,440know there's another thing talking about

115900:51:40,710 --> 00:51:46,110Pennsylvania Game Commission and Rangers

116000:51:43,440 --> 00:51:48,179now but you know for a fact that you've

116100:51:46,110 --> 00:51:53,280talked at many Rangers I have as well

116200:51:48,179 --> 00:51:57,169who will say on the Qt that these beings

116300:51:53,280 --> 00:52:00,420are being seen yes absolutely

116400:51:57,170 --> 00:52:02,240now I'm not just talking about mountain

116500:52:00,420 --> 00:52:05,180lions and other things I'm talking about

116600:52:02,239 --> 00:52:07,469upright canines and other strange beings

116700:52:05,179 --> 00:52:11,879well we have a case with one that

116800:52:07,469 --> 00:52:13,949encountered a bipedal canine and I you


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00:52:11,880 --> 00:52:15,240know it need he's walking down a path

117000:52:13,949 --> 00:52:17,129where's buddy they're checking the place

117100:52:15,239 --> 00:52:18,419out and he hears some walking by item

117200:52:17,130 --> 00:52:20,190and you know he said I've been in that

117300:52:18,420 --> 00:52:22,710wood so many times he said I thought for

117400:52:20,190 --> 00:52:23,970sure was just a deer they get down turn

117500:52:22,710 --> 00:52:25,710around start coming back now it's

117600:52:23,969 --> 00:52:28,169following them on the other side going

117700:52:25,710 --> 00:52:30,090back to the vehicle and he said he just

117800:52:28,170 --> 00:52:32,490stopped and he said he just had a really

117900:52:30,090 --> 00:52:34,110bad feeling and he said he put his hand

118000:52:32,489 --> 00:52:35,729on his forty Glock and turn around there

118100:52:34,110 --> 00:52:37,349it stood right in the middle of the ride

118200:52:35,730 --> 00:52:38,699the middle of path staring at him and he

118300:52:37,349 --> 00:52:41,309

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described and he said I never want to

118400:52:38,699 --> 00:52:43,889see it again got back to the truck got

118500:52:41,309 --> 00:52:45,750in the truck started backing up and that

118600:52:43,889 --> 00:52:47,639thing was on the other side of the

118700:52:45,750 --> 00:52:51,780parking lot up on the top on the small

118800:52:47,639 --> 00:52:54,329ridge watching them I said didn't he

118900:52:51,780 --> 00:52:59,250didn't you see him pass you he said if

119000:52:54,329 --> 00:53:01,230he did I didn't see him I went okay now

119100:52:59,250 --> 00:53:04,590we have five reports on four four Park

119200:53:01,230 --> 00:53:09,179Rangers well well well Park Rangers one

119300:53:04,590 --> 00:53:12,960state trooper right well I like I said I

119400:53:09,179 --> 00:53:17,940can't read I can't forget the the report

119500:53:12,960 --> 00:53:20,309I got about the the guy who saw the two

119600:53:17,940 --> 00:53:22,860dead elk that was in the back of a Game

119700:53:20,309 --> 00:53:25,710Commission truck oh yeah with the swift

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119800:53:22,860 --> 00:53:30,150growth yeah and he was talking he was

119900:53:25,710 --> 00:53:32,190talking to the game the the Ranger and

120000:53:30,150 --> 00:53:36,180everything he was asked I was a young

120100:53:32,190 --> 00:53:39,200elk but he was saying that yeah this

120200:53:36,179 --> 00:53:41,509thing had a radio collar on and you know

120300:53:39,199 --> 00:53:44,358it was you know it wasn't moving so he

120400:53:41,510 --> 00:53:46,700went out found it but the damndest thing

120500:53:44,358 --> 00:53:51,440was when we did find it

120600:53:46,699 --> 00:53:53,899he had a slit throat as well as the slit

120700:53:51,440 --> 00:53:55,190collar like someone took a knife to it

120800:53:53,900 --> 00:54:00,619mm-hmm

120900:53:55,190 --> 00:54:02,659now you know I you know something's out

121000:54:00,619 --> 00:54:04,250there it has the ability and I'm not

121100:54:02,659 --> 00:54:06,529just saying it's somebody with a knight

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121200:54:04,250 --> 00:54:08,179I'm saying there's some species or

121300:54:06,530 --> 00:54:11,869something out there that has the ability

121400:54:08,179 --> 00:54:14,750to do that so you know the only thing I

121500:54:11,869 --> 00:54:17,358can think of it's either one big cat or

121600:54:14,750 --> 00:54:18,199we got you know it's an upright canine

121700:54:17,358 --> 00:54:21,199some type

121800:54:18,199 --> 00:54:26,659I wouldn't go after an elk with a

121900:54:21,199 --> 00:54:28,250samurai sword well that's what it

122000:54:26,659 --> 00:54:33,649would've took to do what this thing did

122100:54:28,250 --> 00:54:39,108yeah yeah well that's true do you know

122200:54:33,650 --> 00:54:43,430do you guys know me either Sean or or

122300:54:39,108 --> 00:54:46,068Eric about those the black bear being

122400:54:43,429 --> 00:54:50,750found up there in Clearfield the two or

122500:54:46,068 --> 00:54:54,139three of them been sitting in a pile who


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00:54:50,750 --> 00:54:56,630was that it told me that story yeah Dave

122700:54:54,139 --> 00:55:00,199Rupert showed me two dead black bear on

122800:54:56,630 --> 00:55:03,440the side of the in a ravine off of Route

122900:55:00,199 --> 00:55:05,210322 and apparently they were hit by cars

123000:55:03,440 --> 00:55:09,679and just dumped off the side of the road

123100:55:05,210 --> 00:55:11,539in this ravine uh-huh okay well okay I

123200:55:09,679 --> 00:55:13,250thought there was something else that

123300:55:11,539 --> 00:55:15,829there's little strange about it I don't

123400:55:13,250 --> 00:55:21,769know I mean that stringent is so fun two

123500:55:15,829 --> 00:55:24,970dead bear but so I'm getting back to

123600:55:21,769 --> 00:55:29,780getting back to the event Eric once you

123700:55:24,969 --> 00:55:31,789once you do another plug for the the

123800:55:29,780 --> 00:55:35,630event and tell us anything else you what

123900:55:31,789 --> 00:55:38,058people know okay great

124000:55:35,630 --> 00:55:41,088

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yeah the event website is P a Bigfoot

124100:55:38,059 --> 00:55:43,579camping adventure calm we're completely

124200:55:41,088 --> 00:55:46,670sold out of tickets however there are a

124300:55:43,579 --> 00:55:48,829few people on the Facebook page the 2019

124400:55:46,670 --> 00:55:50,869P a Bigfoot camping adventure Facebook

124500:55:48,829 --> 00:55:52,068page who are trying you can't make the

124600:55:50,869 --> 00:55:52,880event they're trying to sell their

124700:55:52,068 --> 00:55:54,889tickets I think there

124800:55:52,880 --> 00:55:57,230two or three people trying to sell two

124900:55:54,889 --> 00:55:59,329tickets or three tickets so if you still

125000:55:57,230 --> 00:56:00,740want to go go to the Facebook page and

125100:55:59,329 --> 00:56:02,389you might be able to get a couple of

125200:56:00,739 --> 00:56:05,029tickets before they're gone otherwise

125300:56:02,389 --> 00:56:07,579we're completely sold out we've got

125400:56:05,030 --> 00:56:10,220twelve and a half guest speakers Jay and

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125500:56:07,579 --> 00:56:11,299Blake Bachchan will be speaking and when

125600:56:10,219 --> 00:56:15,079that's where we get the half from

125700:56:11,300 --> 00:56:17,570because Blake is Jake's Jays son he's 11

125800:56:15,079 --> 00:56:19,309or 12 and he's going to be joining Jay

125900:56:17,570 --> 00:56:23,090for the first time doing a first ever

126000:56:19,309 --> 00:56:25,070father-and-son presentation we've got

126100:56:23,090 --> 00:56:27,050Stan Gordon returning for his third year

126200:56:25,070 --> 00:56:29,360and as I mentioned Stan has been in this

126300:56:27,050 --> 00:56:33,019for a long long time going on 60 years

126400:56:29,360 --> 00:56:34,550researching UFO Bigfoot reports dr. Paul

126500:56:33,019 --> 00:56:37,159G Johnson will be joining us from

126600:56:34,550 --> 00:56:38,480Duquesne University his first time

126700:56:37,159 --> 00:56:41,659appearance we're glad to have Paul with

126800:56:38,480 --> 00:56:43,699us Rick Fischer from over in

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126900:56:41,659 --> 00:56:46,039southeastern Pennsylvania near the

127000:56:43,699 --> 00:56:48,829Lancaster area he'll be joining us

127100:56:46,039 --> 00:56:50,659Dave Spinks and David Weatherly from the

127200:56:48,829 --> 00:56:52,489Society of Supernatural two very good

127300:56:50,659 --> 00:56:54,980friends of mine they'll be joining us

127400:56:52,489 --> 00:56:59,329dave is from West Virginia David is from

127500:56:54,980 --> 00:57:01,940Las Vegas area Nevada we've got Seth

127600:56:59,329 --> 00:57:04,880Breedlove who is the director of

127700:57:01,940 --> 00:57:06,950small-town monsters Ron Murphy jr.

127800:57:04,880 --> 00:57:09,050everybody knows Ron is the crypto guru

127900:57:06,949 --> 00:57:11,689good friend of mine author and he'll be

128000:57:09,050 --> 00:57:13,760speaking on his research dr. Brian

128100:57:11,690 --> 00:57:16,519Parsons from Ohio is coming back once

128200:57:13,760 --> 00:57:18,500again his three-peat the Squatch


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00:57:16,519 --> 00:57:21,110detective Steve calls will be joining us

128400:57:18,500 --> 00:57:26,329his three-peat and David dragazine he'll

128500:57:21,110 --> 00:57:29,870be attending again conducting well co MC

128600:57:26,329 --> 00:57:32,779duties running the PA and video system

128700:57:29,869 --> 00:57:34,969and guests speaking as well and we've

128800:57:32,780 --> 00:57:36,050got great guests celebrities there such

128900:57:34,969 --> 00:57:37,789as Butch and lon

129000:57:36,050 --> 00:57:39,380a whole ton of guest celebrities

129100:57:37,789 --> 00:57:42,139unfortunately lon you won't be there I

129200:57:39,380 --> 00:57:43,820meant to say Shawn butch and Shawn will

129300:57:42,139 --> 00:57:45,920be there but lon you won't be joining us

129400:57:43,820 --> 00:57:48,110unfortunately we've got guest

129500:57:45,920 --> 00:57:49,789celebrities coming in all the

129600:57:48,110 --> 00:57:52,099information is on the website P a

129700:57:49,789 --> 00:57:54,829

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Bigfoot camping adventure calm and it's

129800:57:52,099 --> 00:57:57,349this coming weekend May 31st June 1st

129900:57:54,829 --> 00:58:00,949and June 2nd so if you got your tickets

130000:57:57,349 --> 00:58:04,670you're in for a good time so butch how

130100:58:00,949 --> 00:58:06,288can people contact you they can get me

130200:58:04,670 --> 00:58:10,369on the web site you

130300:58:06,289 --> 00:58:12,439for Capcom UFO RC o P comm on Facebook

130400:58:10,369 --> 00:58:14,778or Twitter UFO research center

130500:58:12,438 --> 00:58:17,509Pennsylvania or just butch Witkowski for

130600:58:14,778 --> 00:58:20,688you for cop if they go to the website

130700:58:17,509 --> 00:58:33,498you for Capcom go under terrestrial

130800:58:20,688 --> 00:58:38,048conditions I'm go to my new website

130900:58:33,498 --> 00:58:38,048leave me the hell alone calm knowing

131000:58:38,228 --> 00:58:44,778they can go to Facebook and just search

131100:58:41,239 --> 00:58:48,349me at Facebook as Sean for crime my name

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131200:58:44,778 --> 00:58:50,088I've been enjoying my retirement I've

131300:58:48,349 --> 00:58:52,309been keeping busy but I've been enjoying

131400:58:50,088 --> 00:58:53,688my radio reprieve but who knows what's

131500:58:52,309 --> 00:58:55,309in store

131600:58:53,688 --> 00:58:56,808you know you get bit by this bug and you

131700:58:55,309 --> 00:58:58,400just can't stay away and it was fun

131800:58:56,809 --> 00:59:00,739joining you guys tonight and I look

131900:58:58,400 --> 00:59:03,259forward to hanging out and having a good

132000:59:00,739 --> 00:59:05,958time and Eric apparently lost his feed

132100:59:03,259 --> 00:59:08,478there so he won't be joining us anymore

132200:59:05,958 --> 00:59:11,658for the duration of the the show here

132300:59:08,478 --> 00:59:13,728along the bay confinement at eric h

132400:59:11,659 --> 00:59:16,849altman net i think is his website or

132500:59:13,728 --> 00:59:19,578something like that what sounds good

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132600:59:16,849 --> 00:59:20,929okay well I like I said before I'm

132700:59:19,579 --> 00:59:24,679bummed I'm not gonna be able to come up

132800:59:20,929 --> 00:59:26,179the show empty your vomit yeah well you

132900:59:24,679 --> 00:59:27,769know how it is I mean we'll find her

133000:59:26,179 --> 00:59:31,880we'll find time to get together again

133100:59:27,768 --> 00:59:35,928very soon I do it and I want to thank

133200:59:31,880 --> 00:59:39,108you guys for coming on and you know I

133300:59:35,929 --> 00:59:40,929appreciate you taking time out how's our

133400:59:39,108 --> 00:59:45,259pleasure

133500:59:40,929 --> 00:59:48,259thank you take care now take care buddy

133600:59:45,259 --> 00:59:50,119mmm-hmm so listeners can show their

133700:59:48,259 --> 00:59:52,548support for arcane radio by becoming a

133800:59:50,119 --> 00:59:56,150patron now simply go to fans of monsters

133900:59:52,548 --> 00:59:58,998calm and kill click the pod beam patron


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00:59:56,150 --> 01:00:01,668banner arcane radio also accepts direct

134100:59:58,998 --> 01:00:03,978donations now if you have an unexplained

134201:00:01,668 --> 01:00:05,838encounter sighting feel free to contact

134301:00:03,978 --> 01:00:08,928me through phantoms of monsters blog

134401:00:05,838 --> 01:00:11,900sleep my new book le disclosed or

134501:00:08,929 --> 01:00:14,568experiences exposed reality is now

134601:00:11,900 --> 01:00:17,599available in just search my

134701:00:14,568 --> 01:00:20,239name long Strickler I want again thank

134801:00:17,599 --> 01:00:22,639Eric Altman butch witkowski and show

134901:00:20,239 --> 01:00:24,438forkel for joining me this evening and I

135001:00:22,639 --> 01:00:25,039want to thank you for listening to the

135101:00:24,438 --> 01:00:27,338show

135201:00:25,039 --> 01:00:30,339good night and have a safe and enjoyable

135301:00:27,338 --> 01:00:30,338weekend

135401:00:36,860 --> 01:00:40,099

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135501:00:49,519 --> 01:00:56,688[Applause]

135601:01:14,579 --> 01:01:55,549[Music]

135701:02:00,760 --> 01:02:02,820you