Download - April 2015 Pastor’s Pen - Razor · 2015-03-26 · M e m o ry J o g g er s f o r A p r i l 2 0 1 5 Pastor’s Pen

Page 1: April 2015 Pastor’s Pen - Razor · 2015-03-26 · M e m o ry J o g g er s f o r A p r i l 2 0 1 5 Pastor’s Pen

The 2nd Maundy Thursday


Dave Thompson


Tom & Ruth


Eleanor Reinecke


Gary & Judy


Howard & Sharon Klovstad


Tonya Appelt

Key Elder

Jenice Fugere


Paige Spalding

Jim Hummel

John & Susan


Chris Eriksen

The 5th


Dave Thompson Greeters

Ken & Barb Eichenberger

Sharon Mathews

Ushers Bob & Cathy

Culbertson Earl & Sharon


Liturgist Bill Lorentz

Key Elder Sharon Lincoln

Care Board Chris Eriksen

Van Driver

Chuck Leggate Sound Booth

David Bauer


Ken & Barb Eichenberger

Judy Nusbaum Marlene Spencer

Sandy Schoen-berger

The 12th Preaching

Dave Thompson

Greeters Phyllis Brown

Betty Ann Nesmith Janet Kline

Ushers Bebe Spring

Janet Brown

Diane Noddings Peg Ostlund

Liturgist Bob Culbertson

Key Elder

Sandy Schoenberger

Care Board All Lillies

Van Driver

Don Harr Sound Booth

Jeff Gruizenga

The 19th Preaching

Dave Thompson

Greeters David & Robyn

Bauer Noah & Lauren

Bauer Marge Myhra


Jim & Biff Hogue Cindy Leggate

Jo Albin Liturgist

Jeff Gruizenga

Key Elder Jenice Fugere

Care Board Ken & Ann Chase

Van Driver

Kate Mitchell Sound Booth

Chuck Leggate

The 26th Preaching

Gifts of Women

Greeter Bob & Linda Fedric

Lucile Weisbeck Ushers

Marlene Spencer Sharon Brady

Marian Shehein

Betty Ann Nesmith

Liturgist Robyn Bauer

Key Elder

Sharon Mathews Care Board

Sharon Lincoln Van Driver

Heather McLean

Sound Booth Bob Culbertson


Chris Eriksen Tom & Ginny Helmer Earl & Sharon Henderson Biff Hogue Jane Myhre (if no choir) Diane Noddings Charlie Reed Don Reed John Thompson Bill Woolston GREETERS Kay Doss Tom & Ruth Drummond Bob & Linda Fedric Tom & Ginny Helmer Earl & Sharon Henderson Biff Hogue Bob & Barb Muir Marge Myhra Ralph & Jane Myhre Betty Ann Nesmith Charlie Reed Bob & Shirley Shirley Lucile Weisbeck Bill Woolston

M e m o r y J o g g e r s f o r A p r i l 2 0 1 5

Pa s t o r ’ s P e n



“Because He Lives”

On Sunday, April 5 we will gather as a church family and once again make the

wonderful claim, “Christ is Risen.” Just as the first followers of Jesus discovered as they

made their way to the empty tomb on that first Easter Sunday morning, our lives are trans-

formed by this Good News. The Risen Christ, just as he did for the likes of Peter, Mary

Magdalene, Thomas, John, and numerous other followers, comes into our lives bringing a

hope and eternal life that the world cannot give.

Some of you have been studying the book The Case for Christ by Lee Strobel over the past month.

This book examines the historical, psychological, and biblical evidence behind the resurrection of Jesus.

This study has helped to reaffirm and even deepen my faith in the resurrection and has reconfirmed its im-

portance in our world today. The resurrection of Jesus makes a difference in our lives in many ways, some

of which include:

1. We know that victory is ours in the end. Amid trials and tribulations, struggles and stress, Christ’s

resurrection assures us that life trumps death and victory overcomes despair. I hold on the words of Jesus in

John 16:33, “In this world you will have trouble. But be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” Our

Christian faith invites us to look through our present sufferings through the lens of Christ’s resurrection.

2. We are assured that we will never be alone. Just as Jesus appeared to his followers after he rose

from the tomb, we have the great promise that Christ comes to us in a very real and personal way. I take

great comfort in the fact that it is not up to us to wade through life on our own, but that we have the One who

walks with us just as Christ did with the two men along the road to Emmaus in Luke 24.

3. We have great reason to celebrate each Sunday morning. The first Christians began worshipping

on Sunday mornings, as opposed to the Sabbath worship on Saturday, because their lives were altered by the

Risen Christ on Sunday morning. We gather each Sunday in a spirit of joy and hope,

knowing that we worship a God who did not leave us alone to find our own way in


I look forward to worshipping on Easter Sunday as together we will renew the

claim, “Because I live, you will live also” (John 14:19).

Blessings for a Happy Easter,

Pastor Dave


I S S U E :

Session Notes/




Events/ PW 3

Notices 4

Church &Society

Birthday’s 5

Mission /

Calendar 6

Dinners of 8





Joggers 8

Coming Attractions:

Maundy Thursday worship on Thursday, April 2 at 7:00 PM in the sanctuary Good Friday community worship at Peace Lutheran on Friday, April 3 at 7:00 PM Easter Worship at 8:30 AM in the Sanctuary Easter Brunch and Easter Egg Hunt in the Fellowship Hall 9:15 AM Easter Worship at 10:30 AM in the sanctuary Youth Basket Auction: Sunday, April 12 following worship with lunch provided New Member and Visitor Luncheon on Sunday, April 19 after worship New Member Class will be held Sundays May 3 & 10 at 9:15 AM

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Church Info

Office Hours: Mon—Thurs 8:30 am— 4 PM 406-252-3434 [email protected] Sunday School @ 9:15 AM Worship Celebration @ 10:30 STAFF Pastor: Dave Thompson

Youth Ministry: Orrin Feddes

Office Manager: Jeanne Thompson-Raney

Music Accompanist: Sandi


Choir Director: Janie Sutton

Choir Accompanist: Bev Wornom

Custodian: Kent Fellingham


Clerk of Session: Marlene Spencer

Class of 2016 Samantha Cormier Heidi Duncan Chris Eriksen Jenice Fugere

Class of 2017 David Bauer Ken Eichenberger Sharon Lincoln Sharon Mathews

Class of 2018 Kathy Baskett Marv Brown Jeff Gruizenga Sandi Schoenberger


Session Notes: The session has approved the purchase of a bus to be used by the church. This has been funded by an anonymous donor. The property committee reported that Donahue Roofing has been chosen to replace the roof. A proposal has been signed and the church placed on their schedule. The installation of the new doors has been completed. Air conditioning for the sanctuary should be installed before summer. Approval was given to have Glenda Wickstrom serve an internship in our church this summer. Glenda is a former member of our church who is attending seminary. Pastor Dave and Chris Eriksen reported on the recent Presbytery meeting.

Financial snapshot

2015 Income Expense Net March $ 32,662 $ 28,337 $ 4,326 Year to Date $ 113,740 $ 119,689 $ (5,949)

Due to the early printing of the newsletter the amount of income will change to include Sunday, March 29.

MARCH 2015

1st 196

8th 158

15th 206

22nd 204









Flower Sponsorship Opportunities

Our flower sign-up sheet is located on the back table in the narthex. We invite you to sign up for a particular Sunday to sponsor the flowers either in honor or memory of someone or a special event such as an anniversary, birthday, etc. Suggested do-nation is $25. Special thanks to those who donated flowers during the month of March. They include: Don & Shirley Harr, Juanita Stovall, Ruth Ewen, and Ken & Barbara Eichenberger.

The Church Mice

Betty Nesmith is as much a part of First Presbyterian Church as the pews in the sanctuary or the stove in the kitchen. Betty faithfully comes to serve at every funeral and Presbyterian Women (PW) lunch-eon. She has served as PW Treasurer for many years. Betty and Marlene Spenser spear-headed the book sale as a fund raiser for the PW organization. Thank you, Bet-ty, for your devotion and dedication. We appreciate all you do!!

Food Bank Sunday

Our church was one of the first church-es in Billings to designate a monthly Food Bank Sunday. We invite you to bring some non-perishable food items with you on the first Sunday of each month as we help local people in need. Join us of Sunday, for our next Food Bank Sunday.

Church Women United April 4 at 1 PM First Christian Church 522 North 29th Street Program: Tumble Weed Program

Sermons available on-line

Did you know that you can listen to sermons on-line at our website at Just click the “Listen to Sermons” tab on the upper right front of our church’s homepage. Stay connected even when you are away. Sermon for the past 12 weeks are archived on our church’s website.

Foundation receives memorials The Presbyterian Foundation is grateful for the memorials donated by Don & Shirley Harr and Tom & Ruth Drummond in memory of Chuck Pemble and Joan Bateman. We appreciate your donations to the Foundation.

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Stephen Ministry Update We are pleased to announce that Shirley Shirley is your newest Stephen Ministry leader! We are so happy to have her on board - her enthusiasm is catching! There will be a commissioning service on April 19 during the regular worship time. A new training class for Stephen Ministers will begin on Thursday, September 24. Watch and listen for more information in the coming months. Please pray about becoming a part of this valuable ministry service to the members of our congregation.

Dinner of Eight: Spring is upon us, so let’s make the most of it and make sure we get together. DO NOT MAKE IT HARD OR STRESS OVER IT. This is a fun time. If things are happening so you cannot have it in your home- go to a restaurant. If you find that you cannot host, give someone on your team to do the hosting. Do not let this time fall through There are times that you just cannot host an event, but someone else may be happy to do it, give them a chance. The Host(s) (first name(s) in cell) picks a couple of dates during the subject Month that is convenient for you and calls your guests. If you are short of guests (someone may not be able to come), fill in the spaces with new faces with substitutes listed below or anyone not involved in dinners of eight (don’t forget new members or older members). Let your guests know when and where to come and what side dish or beverage to bring if any. (If you do not hear from your host call them, they may have forgotten.) This is a very flexible program. Any activities to accompany or follow your dinner are up to you. Even the dinner format can be modified to a brunch or whatever creative ideas you come up with including eating out. Enjoy your dinners! It is not necessary to have 8 people for dinner, any number is OK. If there are any questions or problems, etc., please notify Pat Hastings immediately at 696-0281 or [email protected] (be sure to title it Dinners of Eight). Please note any new names on the list or changes. Also, if you have a change in your email please let me know. I am getting some back.


Lorentz Bill Colleen 656-8163

Eichenberger Ken Barbara 248-8563

Myhre Ralph Jane Myhre Morrow Beth 656-2292

Spencer Marlene 252-5027 Brady Sharon 655-9046

Jones JoAnn 652-3185 Hogue Jim Biff 259-9114

Reineche Eleanor 248-8293

Brown Marvin Janet 256-0257

Swanson Jerry 656-8104

Carlson Edna 534-6211

Drummond Tom Ruth 656-5977

Pierce June 245-7989 Spring BeBe 252-7898

Ascheman Jason Meghan 259-1336 Mercer-Wallace Jody 656-4150

Hastings Pat 656-0072

Lorentz Megan 855-5427

Riggs Thelma 652-0898 Fugere Jenice 252-9641

Muir Bob Barbara 325-8016 Reed Don 252-5316

Ershine Tom 656-0496

Stovall Juanita 259-9219 Gore Pam 694-6381

Laftko Jody Boden 591-8060

Brown Phyllis 702-7040

Albin Jo 656-5600 Repka Sarah 238-0092

Dayton Bob Shari 256-3130

Basket, Kathy Basingthwaite, Mark 544-9857

Lohnbakken Gary Judy 656-2046 Culbertson Bob Cathy 655-7826

Albin Jo 656-5600


Leggate Chas Cindy 896-0686 Taubert Carlene Mark Parker 698-2205

Thompson Dave Vicki 252-2562

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1 10 Grief Group 12 PW Praise Luncheon 6 Youth Group 6 Deborah Circle 7 Choir Rehearsal 7:30 Young Adults

2 1 Mission Commit-tee Meeting 7 Maundy Thurs-day Service

3 Church Office Closed

7 Peach Lutheran Good Friday Ser-vice


5 Easter Morning 8:30 Sunrise Service 9:15 Brunch 10:30 Worship 11:00 West Park worship

6 Church Office Closed for Easter Holiday

7 9:30 Staff Meeting 9:30 WBS 6 Sigma 12 Property Com-mittee Meeting

8 9-11 BSF Lead 9:30 PW Board 6 Youth Group 6 Deborah Circle 7 Choir Rehearsal 7:30 Young Adult

9 9-11 Bible Study Fellowship 4:30 Stephens Ministry Supervi-sion

10 Church Office Closed

11 10 Gluten 11 Berl Ward’s Me-morial Ser-vice

12 9:15 Sun School 10:30 Worship 11:45 Basket Auc-tion 11:00 West Park

13 10 Worship Comm 11:30 Stephens Ministry Leaders 12 BLT 4 Deacon’s mtg.

14 9:30 Staff Meeting 9:30 WBS 7 PM Session Mtg

15 9 BSF Leaders PW Circles meet 6 Youth Group 6 Deborah Circle 7:30 Young Adult Bible Study

16 9-11 Bible Study Fellowship Newsletter Sub-mission Deadline

17 Church office closed

18 8:30 Ses-sion Retreat in Fireside Room

19 9:15 Sun School 10:30 Worship 11:45 Visitor Luncheon 11:00 West Park Worship

20 6:30 MBS 12 BLT

21 9:30 Staff Meeting 9:30 WBS

22 9:30 Sewing Group 9-11 BSF Lead. 6 Youth 6 Deborah Circle 7 Choir Rehearsal 7:30 Youth Adult

23 9-11 Bible Study Fellowship Pastor Dave at Conference

24 Church Office Closed Pastor Dave at Conference

25 Pastor Dave at Confer-ence

26 9:15 Sun School 10:30 Worship 11 West Park

27 6:30 MBS 12 BLT

28 9:30 Staff Mtg 9:30 WBS 3 Ponderosa Pines

29 30 3 Butterfly Home Nursing Service

Mission News Carrie Rigney from Tumbleweed met with the Mission Committee at our monthly meeting in March. We learned so very much about how Tumbleweed works to help these precious homeless teen-agers. At Christmas we helped them by filling plastic bags with hygiene items. They are very grateful. We also have just given them $2,000. The Mission Committee will keep you up to date on other ways

to give and to help. They have a food pantry that the kids can take from. Carrie reminded us that we should give what kids want not what we think they should have. They just don’t want most vegetables. They also have a clothing pantry. These kids want to be kids just like any others. When they come into the drop in center for a hot meal, they want to hang out with friends. In the past we helped Lewis and Clark School with their food program. They have students who need help having enough to eat. We gave them $1,000.00 to help them restock their shelves.

“Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’ “He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you,

whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’

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An update from Lois Dyce’s family Dear Church Family and Friends, Leslie and I (Steve Dyce) want to update you with Lois Dyce’s information: 15441 West Sunset Boulevard, Room 309A; Pacific Palisades, CA 990272 (406) 671-4288 Lois still lives in Atria Senior Assisted Living, however has moved to the ‘Memory Care Unit’ providing more individual and supervised care. Mobility continues to be a challenge, however her general health is good. We continue multiple weekly visits, and have a monthly family get-to-gather with everyone. She is excit-ed, as now she also has the title of ‘Great Great Grandmother’ (her first)! Nathan and Patty have a new son Max-well Aydin Dyce (3/25/15). She continues to enjoy your calls and cards and we are grateful to you for keeping in touch. Returning calls is difficult; don’t take it personally if you don’t get a call back. Thank you for your contin-ued prayers, support, and love. First Presbyterian will always be her First Love.

The First Presbyterian Women’s Association will hold its 81th Annual Praise Luncheon at 12 noon on Wednesday, April 1 in the Fellowship Hall. We wish to extend an invitation to ladies from your church to be our guests at that time. We look forward to sharing food, fellowship, and an in-spirational message. Please RSVP (yes or no) by March 25th with your reservations to Marlene Spencer, 252-5027 or Betty Ann Nesmith, 252-1836. Thank you to everyone who participated in our annual book sale. At this time the Gateway House needs twin sheets, blankets, and shampoo. Thanks to everyone who helps.

We are already looking toward next year’s bible study: Come to the Waters by Judy Record Fletcher. In this study, we consider the waters of chaos in Genesis, and the River of Life in the last chapter of Revelation, where chaos is no more. Water plays a central role in the stories of creation, the delivery of God's people (through the parting of the Red Sea and the crossing of the Jordan River), judgment of a people weak in faith, and the adoption of the people of God through baptism. Sometimes there is too much water (think Noah) and sometimes there is too little water (think drought in the desert). Together, we will explore some of the Bible's 800 references to water. In order to have the books by May, it is necessary to have the funds for them by our April meeting. The cost is $8 and $12 for a large print book.

University of Jamestown Choir provides wonderful evening

Special thanks to all who assisted with the University of Jamestown choir concert on Sunday, March 15. Nearly 50 students from the Presbyterian school in Jamestown, North Dakota, sang a variety of musical selection to a nice audience in our sanctuary. The fellowship committee, chaired by Sandi Schoenberger, provided the spa-ghetti dinner to the choir members and the host families. We would also like to thank those who hosted students in their homes. They include: Chris Eriksen, Lorrie Rimpe, JoAnn Jones, Marlene Spencer, Dave & Vicki Thompson, Jim & Biff Hogue, Diane Noddings, Louis & Sandi Schoenberger, Jo Albin, Sharon Lincoln, David & Robyn Bauer, Marv & Janet Brown, Craig & Denise Hash, Scott & Greta Murray, Jenice Fugere, Eleanor Reinecke, Bob & Shirley Shirley, Ron & Kay Faust, Steve & Laurel Linde, Scott & Robin Miller, Duane Holte, and Laura Dauby.

Bus recently purchased for the church

Through a very generous donation from a family in our church, we were able to purchase a new bus for our congregation. This vehicle will allow easier access for youth and adults to be transported to and from events. The bus will be used for children’s and youth events, mission trips, vacation Bible school excur-sions, and various other church activities. It is a 2009 Ameritrans 15 passenger bus that is in very good condition. The bus will have our church’s name on the side and will be available for use in the next few weeks. Thanks again to the anonymous donors who made this purchase possible.

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On a Personal Note

We extend our condolences to the following families who have experienced loss during this past month: The family of Bill Woolston who died on March 23. His funeral will be held in our church on Friday, March 27 The family of Margaret Converse who died on March 21. Her funeral will be held in our church on Saturday, March 28. The family of Clare Hekkel who passed away on March 4. His funeral was held in our church on March 9. Parker and Ashley Powell upon the death of their infant son, Carter. His funeral was held in our church on March 5. A memorial service for Berl Ward will be held in our church on Saturday, April 11 at 11 AM. Chuck Wittnam has been hospitalized at the Billings Clinic in ICU after sustaining a head injury in a fall. Thanks to those who assisted at the church cleaning on Saturday, March 7. Your help was greatly appreciated! Dear Church Family, we want to thank you for your cards, prayers, and gifts in honor of Clare Hekkel. Special thanks to Pastor Dave and the Presbyterian Women. In Christ's love, Jeanie, Leslie, Mike, Thea, Mary, and family.

Grief support group continues every month

A grief support group within our church continues to meet the first Wednesday of each month from 10-11. This group is open to anyone in the church or community who is experiencing grief. Facilitated by Dr. Don Harr, this group provide support, encouragement, and help to those facing grief, loss, or transitions in life. All are invited to join this special group.

Youth Basket Auction coming on Sunday, April 12

Our annual Youth Basket Auction will be held after worship on Sunday, April 12. Join us as we raise funds for our youth programs. If you would like to donate a basket, please talk to either Jody Ferestad or Orrin Feddes. Be creative, have some fun with this, and let’s see what kinds of baskets will be offered. Some baskets in the past have included a Pet Basket, Jelly Basket, Cooking Basket, Home Improvement Basket, Spam Basket, Babysitting Basket, Movie Lovers Basket, among others. A luncheon will be provided with this event.

Updating Newsletter Mailing List:

If you wish to be added to or stop receiving the mailed copy of our monthly newsletter, please email Jeanne at [email protected] and let me know or if any birthday/anniversary information is missing or incorrect.


Need some exercise? Looking for some fun with others? Join us on Sunday after-noons at 3 PM in the fellowship hall for basketball open gym. All players age high school and older are invited to join us. Come join us!

Upcoming Committee Meetings in (All meetings are in the Fireside Room)

Mission Committee Thursday, April 2 at 1 PM Property Committee Tuesday, April 7 at 12noon PW Board Meeting Wednesday, April 8 at 9:30 AM Fellowship Committee Thursday, April 9 at 11 AM Worship Committee Monday, April 13 at 10 AM Deacons Meeting Monday, April 13 at 4 PM Session Meeting Tuesday, April 14 at 7 PM

Holy Week Schedule of Events We invite you to join us for the following Holy Week activities leading up to Easter Sunday: Palm Sunday Choir Cantata will be shared during worship on Sunday, April 29 at 10:30 AM Maundy Thursday worship on Thursday, April 2 at 7:00 PM in the sanctuary Good Friday community worship at Peace Lutheran on Friday, April 3 at 7:00 PM. Pastor Dave will be

preaching at this special community service Early Easter Worship at 8:30 AM in the sanctuary– lots of music will be shared Easter Brunch and Easter Egg Hunt in the Fellowship Hall 9:15 AM Easter Worship at 10:30 AM in the sanctuary

Take the Holy Week Challenge and join us for all of the special services!

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Youth News:

Happy Spring everyone! Winter is now gone and Spring is upon us. There are some exciting events coming to First Presbyterian Church. First, please join us April 5th for Easter morning breakfast and an Easter egg hunt for the children. It is sure to be a wonderful time for everyone. Also, on April 12th is the annual youth basket auction, please drop your baskets off at the church. Lunch will be provided, and as always, it will sure to be a wonderful time. Please see myself or Jody Ferestad for more information March 13-15, our students went to Butte for our winter retreat. A huge shout-out goes to First Presbyterian Butte for hosting everyone this year. It was a wonderful time full of worship, teaching, and fun. Thankfully nobody from our group was hurt, however, a student from Butte broke his arm on his first run during skiing. Pray that that his arm heals quickly and smoothly. For the past couple weeks, the high school students have been discussing the issue of Theodicy. If God is all-knowing, all-powerful, and loving, why does He allow pain and suffering? It has been going really well and the students have been responding positively and are engaging with the topic. We are all growing and learning together. Dave, Leah, Erika, and Alicia are continuing to do a wonderful job in leading our middle school students each week. Please continue to pray for the students that the Lord would reveal Himself to each and everyone of them. Pray for the leaders, that we would be sensitive to the Holy Spirit and that He will use us in mighty ways. Thank you all for the encouragement and support you show us here at F.P.C. Youth.

Church & Society Class Line-Up for April Church and Society guests for the month of April will be:

APRIL 5: NO CLASS due to Easter. Join us for Easter brunch at 9:15 AM in the Fellowship Hall.

APRIL 12: John Bohlinger, Former Legislator and Lieutenant Governor of Montana, will speak about "Does Separation of Church and State Exist?" Mandated by the U.S. Constitution, John will discuss factors that have influenced changes, including Dark Money that has flooded politics. Are we becoming a government of the few, by the few, and for the few?

APRIL 19: Dr. Phil Jensen, Associate Professor of Biology, Rocky Mountain College, will speak about "Harshness in the Spiritual Environment.” Biological evolution can be a metaphor for spiritual evolution -- in both cases, survival can depend on the harshness of the environment. For a biological example, in resource-rich environments competition is minimal and many organisms survive almost regardless of their traits. In some harsh environments, however, competi-tion is fierce and relatively few organisms survive. How harsh is your spiritual environment? What consequences does your harshness or lack thereof have for your theology?

APRIL 26: Don Reed, the Rev. Jim Bell, and John Stewart, will share, "Michelle's Dream--A Columbarium at Eagle Rock.” Sharing thoughts, wishes, and feelings, as well as planning for end-of-life arrangements can be very difficult. As Don Reed's wife, Michelle, was dying of cancer, they began a deeply meaningful dialogue that was both a very tragic and exceedingly beautiful part of their life together. Michelle expressed her dream of being buried in a columbarium at Eagle Rock. John Stewart will show the plans he has drawn, and Don and Jim Bell will discuss how Michelle's dream could come true.

Visitor Luncheon coming on Sunday, April 19

The fellowship committee will be hosting a luncheon for all visitors and new members on Sunday, April 19 fol-lowing worship. Join us in the fireside room for free sandwiches, salads, chips, and refreshments to learn more about our church and some of the things we offer. Led by Pastor Dave, this luncheon will be an informal way meet some new peo-ple and learn more about our church family. If interested, please RSVP to Pastor Dave by April 15. A new members class will be offered by Pastor Dave on Sundays May 3 and 10 at 9:15 AM in the fireside room.

April Birthdays 1 Denise Hash 4 Chuck Maris 7 Judy Nusbaum 8 Kyle Erickson Bobbie Koch Jean Noble 10 Albert Hessler 11 Brielle Rossol Goffena

11 Joanne Leuthold 14 Trina White 17 Dora Bean Charleene Hayes 18 Sharon Brady Marlene Spencer 21 Sarah Repka 24 Sharon Henderson 27 Kevin Nagel

28 Mary Carey 29 Betty Nelson Anniversaries 6 John & Carol Limbach 9 Kurt & Mary Grabow 17 Scott & Greta Murray