Download - APRIL, 09-11 2019 PROGRAM BOOKLET · Dr. Mohamed MUNTASSER, Tripoli University, Libya. Dr. İlknur TÜRKOĞLU, İstanbul Gelişim University, Turkey Dr. Elçin NECİYEV, Muş Alparslan

Page 1: APRIL, 09-11 2019 PROGRAM BOOKLET · Dr. Mohamed MUNTASSER, Tripoli University, Libya. Dr. İlknur TÜRKOĞLU, İstanbul Gelişim University, Turkey Dr. Elçin NECİYEV, Muş Alparslan


APRIL, 09-11 2019

Page 2: APRIL, 09-11 2019 PROGRAM BOOKLET · Dr. Mohamed MUNTASSER, Tripoli University, Libya. Dr. İlknur TÜRKOĞLU, İstanbul Gelişim University, Turkey Dr. Elçin NECİYEV, Muş Alparslan



1. İstanbul Gelisim University Chairman of the Board of Trustees: ABDÜLKADİR GAYRETLİ2. President of Turkish History Society: Prof. Dr. REFİK TURAN3. Rector of İstanbul Gelisim University: Prof. Dr. BURHAN AYKAÇ4. President of TASCA: Dr. Muhammed ADİL

Religion, Politics and Identity I Chairman: Prof. Dr. Refik TURAN

Social and Political Movements in the Middle East I Chairman: Prof. Dr. Nezir KÖSE

Dr. İbrahim Saeed Mohammed Al BAİDHANİ, President of Iraq International Historical Association, Iraq.

Dr. Milad EL HARTHİ, University of Cambridge, UK

Dr. Ibrahim AOUDE, University of Hawaii, ABD.

Dr. Smail DJOUHER, Tiziouzu University, Algeria.

Amb. Favzi BOUKETFF, Libya.

Dr. Hacı DURAN, Istanbul Gelisim University, Turkey.

Dr. Şenol Durgun, Istanbul Gelisim University, Turkey.

Dr. Tarek ALZOMOREgypt.

Dr. Ziad Mohammad Shehadeh HAMAİDAN, King Hassan University, Morrocco.

An Historical, Political and Analytical Study about The Governance Methods in the Middle East, Their Results and Future Readings (Arabic)

Understanding the Emerging Political and Social Revolts from the Arab Streets and Squares: Challenges and Prospects for Younger Generation Revolts. (English)

Upheaval in the Arab World and Palestinian Liberation (English)

Problems of Legislation in The Islamic World and İts impact on The Identity and Culture of Peoples. (Arabic)

Libyan Revolution from Aspiration and Hope to Reality (Arabic)

Turkish Image in The Arab Spring’s Social Movements (Turkish)

Post İslamism: Toward the End of Political Islam? (Turkish)

The Collective Strategic Mind of Our Nation From the Perspec-tive of Identity Struggle in the Middle East (Arabic)

The Other Face of Israel in the Middle East: From an Imperialist Enemy to an Partnership (Arabic)

HALL A 1. SESSION (10.45 – 12.00)

HALL A 2. SESSION (13:30-14:45)

FIRST DAY I APRIL 9th 2019 I Opening Speeches (9.30 – 10.30) I HALL A

Tea/Coffee Break (15 Mins)

Lunch Break

Page 3: APRIL, 09-11 2019 PROGRAM BOOKLET · Dr. Mohamed MUNTASSER, Tripoli University, Libya. Dr. İlknur TÜRKOĞLU, İstanbul Gelişim University, Turkey Dr. Elçin NECİYEV, Muş Alparslan


APRIL, 09-11 2019

Religious Pluralism and Culture I Chairman: Prof. Dr. Şenol DURGUN

Identity and Cultural Inheritance I Chairman: Prof.Dr. Kamil KAYA

Dr. Abdülhakim AL KAABİ, University of Basra, Irak.

Dr. Majed AL ENSARİ, Qatar University, Katar.

Dr. Muhammad ADİL, TASCA, Tunisia-Turkey.

Dr. Talal ALRUMAİDHİ, Kuwait.

Dr. Cheligheme GHANİA, University of Qasdi MARBAH, Algeria.

Dr. Ömer SUVACI, Syria.

Dr. Ertuğrul ERYÜCEL, Hitit University, Turkey.

PhD. Canditate, Barış AYDIN, Istanbul Medeniyet University, Turkey.

Religious Pluralism and Sectarian Differences. A Historical An-thropological Approach (Arabic)

Identity in The Gulf Between National Aspirations and External Influences. Reading in the Qatari Identity (Arabic)

Managing Diversity in The Islamic World and its Implications for Peace and Development (Arabic)

The Role of Cultural Institutions in Preserving The Popular Heritage in The Gulf Region (Arabic)

The Importance of Civil Society for Awakening Arab Communities and Construction of Identities (Arabic)

The War in Syria and its Implications for the Identity and Culture of Syrian People (Arabic)

Migration and Harmony: The Situation of Syrians in Turkey (Turkish)

Is it Possible to Be Together/Or Die Together Today? (Turkish)



Page 4: APRIL, 09-11 2019 PROGRAM BOOKLET · Dr. Mohamed MUNTASSER, Tripoli University, Libya. Dr. İlknur TÜRKOĞLU, İstanbul Gelişim University, Turkey Dr. Elçin NECİYEV, Muş Alparslan



Security Problems and Terror I Chairman: Prof. Dr. Aydın BAŞBUĞ

Development, Culture and Nationalism I Chairman: Prof. Dr. Hacı DURAN

Dr. Bouhania GOUİ, University of Ouargla, Algeria.

Dr. Mohamed GHAMHUİ, Paris, France.

Dr. Alihan LİMONCUOĞLU,Istanbul Gelisim University, Turkey.

Dr. Hakkı Göker ÖNEN, İstanbul Gelisim University, Turkey.

Dr. Hadia YAHİAOUİ, University of Khenchela, Algeria.

Dr. Emre GÜNDOĞDU, Istanbul Gelisim University, Turkey

Hazal ÇAKALOĞLU, Ankara University of Social Sciences, Turkey.

Dr. Mohammad ALABDULGHAFOUR, Kuwait University, Kuwait.

Terrorism and Terrorist Organizations Security Architecture in the Middle East (Arabic)

Western Systematic promotion of the Idea of Nationalism and the Concept of National State and its Impact on the Culture and Identity (Arabic)

Origins of Terror: Ideology of PKK (Turkish)

Mahmoud Muhammad Taha and His Legacy of the Reconstruc-tion of Religious Thought in Islam (English)

Cognitive Errors in Decision Making Regarding Security of Middle East: The Case of Iraq War (Turkish)

Identity and the Problem of Social Diversity – Civil Society (Arabic)

The Connection Between the Syrian Crise and the Searching for Natural Gas (Turkish)

Challenges Facing Kuwait Society and the Role of Education to Solve Them (English)


HALL A 3.SESSION (15.00 – 16.15)

Tea/Coffee Break (15 Mins)

Page 5: APRIL, 09-11 2019 PROGRAM BOOKLET · Dr. Mohamed MUNTASSER, Tripoli University, Libya. Dr. İlknur TÜRKOĞLU, İstanbul Gelişim University, Turkey Dr. Elçin NECİYEV, Muş Alparslan


APRIL, 09-11 2019

Social Diversities and Citizenship I Chairman: Prof. Dr. Beğlü DİKEÇLİGİL

State, Politics and Social Dynamics I Chairman: Dr. Fatih BAL

Dr. Laila HAMNACHE, Tlemcent University, Algeria.

Dr. Mabrouk SAHLİ, University of Umm al- Bouaqi, Algeria.

Cheligheme GHANIA , University of Ouargla, Algeria

Dr. Ouali FOZİYA, University of Muhammed Bukurra, Algeria

Dr. Abdelhak DAHMANE, Marmara University, Turkey.

Nessissa Fatma ZOHRA, Khamis Melliana University, Algeria.

Dr. Jamila CHERREDİ, Morocco.

Nabil ALKAWRİ, Yemen.

The Impact of Control Center for the Development of Citizenship Concept in Individual. (Arabic)

Political Development in Arab Spring Countries (Arabic)

The Importance of Civil Society for the Awareness of Arabic Commu-nities and The Emergence of Identities (Arabic)

Political Dynamics in The Gulf Region Regarding the Arab Revolutions (Arabic)

Digital Citizenship in Arab Countries and İts Impact on Sustain-able Development (Arabic)

Political Dynamics in the Gulf Region Regarding the Arab Revou-lations.

Geopolitical Background of Self and Other Identities and Its Impact of North-South Polarization (Arabic)

The Impact of Political Role of Tribes on The Construction of State in Yemen (Arabic)



Page 6: APRIL, 09-11 2019 PROGRAM BOOKLET · Dr. Mohamed MUNTASSER, Tripoli University, Libya. Dr. İlknur TÜRKOĞLU, İstanbul Gelişim University, Turkey Dr. Elçin NECİYEV, Muş Alparslan



Middle East and Historical Legacy I Chairman: Dr. Kemal ERKİŞİ

Refugee Problem and Migration I Chairman: Prof. Dr. İzzet GÜMÜŞ

Naima RAHMANİ, Tlemcen University, Algeria.

Dr. Djilali SOUADİ, Khamis Melliana University, Algeria.

Dr. Mohamed ELHAMİ, Egypt.

Dr. Aydın BAŞBUĞ, Sabahattin Zaim University, Turkey.

Dr. Fatih Fuat TUNCER, İstanbul Gelişim University, Turkey.

Dr. Vural KARAGÜL, The Governor of Esenyurt, Turkey.

Dr. İhsan El RABBAEİ,Jadra University, Jordan.

İlkay UĞUR, Ordu University, Turkey.

Anthropological Comparision of Turk-Arab Historianism During The Otto-man Empire Regarding the Nationalist and Scientific Discourse (Arabic)

The Responsibility of International of Society in Finding Maintainable Solutions to the Refugee Problem: Reality and Expectations (Arabic)

Targeting Identity and History in Egypt and Ottoman State (Arabic)

An Investigation About the Syrian Refugees: The Esenyurt Case (Turkish)

The Importance of Paper and Book During the Emergence of Ottoman Art (Turkish)

The Construction of ‘Other’: The Image of Middle East in Turkey (Turkish)

Protecting Islamic Cultural Heritage is Imperative for Future Generations: Ottoman Religious Architecture Model (English)

Cultural Impacts of Globalisation (Turkish)



2nd Day I April 10th 2019 I 1.SESSION (9.30 – 10.45) I HALL A

Page 7: APRIL, 09-11 2019 PROGRAM BOOKLET · Dr. Mohamed MUNTASSER, Tripoli University, Libya. Dr. İlknur TÜRKOĞLU, İstanbul Gelişim University, Turkey Dr. Elçin NECİYEV, Muş Alparslan


APRIL, 09-11 2019

Identity and Media I Chairman: Doç. Dr. Ahmed Emre ATEŞ

Religion, Politics and Identity I Chairman: Dr. Gülsen K. Osmanbaşoğlu

Dr. Amina BATTAOUİ, Morocco.

Dr. Selim KURT, Giresun University, Turkey.

Tohamy MONTASER, Akhbarelyom Newspaper, Egypt.

Dr. Abdrabbi BENSAHRA, Doha, Qatar.

Gün ÜNAL, ORSAM, Turkey.

Dr. Hamit AKTÜRK, Adıyaman University, Turkey.

Dr. Ashraf Tawfik Hamed, Dr. Ibrahim ALZOMOR, Egypt.

Hibrit Identities and Identity Conflicts in the Western Arabic World (Arabic)

Iraq, a Fertile Region for Radical Religious Terror: The Case of ISIS (Turkish)

The Role of Civil Society in Achieving Solidarity, Cooperation and Identity in the Islamic World (Arabic)

A Religious and Elitist Women Movement in the Middle East Where It is Impossible to Stay Impartial: Kubeysiyyat (Turkish)

Media And Cultural İnstitutions And Protecting The National Identity of The Middle East (Arabic)

Political Identity of Berberis in North Africa: Rif Uprising (Turkish)

Western-Oriented Media Discourse: The Challenges and Goals (Arabic)



Z. Deniz ALTINSOY, KAFKASSAM, Turkey. The Palestine Problem and İts Impacts on the International Arena (Turkey)

Page 8: APRIL, 09-11 2019 PROGRAM BOOKLET · Dr. Mohamed MUNTASSER, Tripoli University, Libya. Dr. İlknur TÜRKOĞLU, İstanbul Gelişim University, Turkey Dr. Elçin NECİYEV, Muş Alparslan



Religion, Politics and Identity I Chairman: Dr. Alihan LİMONCUOĞLU

Russia and Middle East I Chairman: Dr. Hakan YILDIRIM

Dr. Arda ÖZKAN, Giresun University, Turkey.


Dr. Nissaf KARBOUT, National Institute of Agronomic of Tunisia, Tunisa.

PhD. Candidate, Teymur GASIMLI, Istanbul University, Turkey.

Dr. Sina KISACIK, İstanbul Gelişim University, Turkey

Dr. Mohamed MUNTASSER, Tripoli University, Libya.

Dr. İlknur TÜRKOĞLU, İstanbul Gelişim University, Turkey

Dr. Elçin NECİYEV, Muş Alparslan University, Turkey.

Euphrates, Digris and Asi Regarding the Law of International Wa-ters: International Rivers or Border-Crossing Waters? (Turkish)

The Return of Russian Federation to The Middle East and The Latest Situation in the Syrian Crise (Turkish)

Climate Change, Desertification, Water Scarcity, And Its Risks To Human Security, Culture and Identity in The Middle East and North Africa (Arabic)

Russian-Arab Partnership Before and After the Arab Spring (Turkish)

The Impact of oil on Social Culture and Development in The Med-iterranean Countries(Arabic)

The Potential Impacts of Turkish and Russian Approaches To The Regional Dynamics With Respect to The Iran Nuclear Case During The 21. Century (Turkish)

Economical Value of Cultural Legacy: An Evaluation From Turkey’s Perspective (English)

Search for Solution To The Syrian Problem According to The Annan Plan and The Russian Factor (Turkish)



Tea/Coffee Break (15 Mins)

Page 9: APRIL, 09-11 2019 PROGRAM BOOKLET · Dr. Mohamed MUNTASSER, Tripoli University, Libya. Dr. İlknur TÜRKOĞLU, İstanbul Gelişim University, Turkey Dr. Elçin NECİYEV, Muş Alparslan


APRIL, 09-11 2019

Employment and Financial Problems I Chairman: Prof. Dr. Kürşat YALÇİNER

Terrorism I Chairman: Dr. Oğuzhan BİLGİN

Dr. Hakan YILDIRIM, Istanbul Gelisim UniversityDr. Saffet AKDAĞ, Yozgat Bozok University Turkey.

Dr. Kaan Kutlu ATAÇ, Mersin University, Turkey

Dr. Gülgün ÇİĞDEM, İstanbul Gelişim University, Turkey.

Dr. Zaoui RABAH, University of Mouloud Mameri, Algeria.

Dr. İskender KARAKAYA, Yozgat Bozok University, Turkey.

Dr. Sadek HATTABİ, Khemis Milliana University, Algeria.

Dr. Kemal ERKİŞİ, Istanbul Gelişim University Dr. Semra BOĞA, Doğuş University, Turkey.

Dr. Hülya YILMAZ, Istanbul Gelisim UniversityDr. Tayfun TİMURAY, Istanbul Gelisim University, Turkey.

Nurullah ÇAKMAKTAŞ, Marmara University, Turkey.

Stock Market Indices Between Financial Contagion Effect: The Case of Turkey and Syria (Turkish)

More Than a Regional Power in the Middle East: Turkey as a Focus of Power After The Fırat Kalkanı and Zeytindalı Operations (Turkish)

The Balance of Current Affairs in the Middle East and Ques-tioning The Sustainability (Turkish)

The Diaspora of Terrorist Organisations in the Middle East and The Ideological Provocations (Arabic)

The Impact of Economic Unemployment In Child Labor In The Greater Middle East: Algeria is an Example (Arabic)

Syrian Civil War and Emergence of Non-State Actors, Their Qual-ifications and Impacts (Turkish)

Does Total Factor Productivity Play a Significant Role in Sustainabile Growth? A Panel Data Analysis For Selective ME Countries. (English)

The Impact of Derivatives on Profitability: A Study on The Islamic and Commercial Banks in Turkey. (Turkish)

The Role of ‘Afghan War’ Stage in the Ideology of Salafi Jihadism (Turkish)


HALL A 2.SESSION (11.00 – 12.15)

Page 10: APRIL, 09-11 2019 PROGRAM BOOKLET · Dr. Mohamed MUNTASSER, Tripoli University, Libya. Dr. İlknur TÜRKOĞLU, İstanbul Gelişim University, Turkey Dr. Elçin NECİYEV, Muş Alparslan



Identity and Religion in the Middle East I Chairman: Dr. Emine A. ALAGÖZ

The Problem of Illegal Migration I Oturum Başkanı: Dr. Sina KISACIK

Dr. Gökberk YÜCEL, Yozgat Bozok University, Turkey.

Serhane Raache- Abdel Hakim ATWAT, University of Ouargla, Algeria.

Dr. Alper MUMYAKMAZ, Yozgat Bozok University, Turkey.

Dr. Walid KARA, University of Constantine, Algeria.

Dr. Muhamed MAAMAR, Tilimsan University, Algeria.

Dr. Ahmet GÜRBÜZ, Bitlis University, Turkey.

Dr. Nevzat Uyaroğlu, Gelisim University, Turkey.

Veyis Güngör, Turkishhouse, Netherlands.

Modern-Tradition Strife in The Imagination of National Identity (Turkey)

The Impacts of Refugee Migration on The Security and Stability of EU Countries (Arabic)

Religiousity and Changing Religious Perception in Turkey Between Modernism and Tradition (Turkey)

The Problem of Illegal Migration in The Arab Mashreq Countries and İts Indications Regarding The Geography of Global Migra-tion Geography (Arabic)

An Assessment For The Concept of Religious/Islamic Law From The Perspective of Philosophy of Law (Turkey)

Illegal Migration in The USA (Arabic)

Bediüzzaman’s Understanding of Nationalism (Turkish)

Migration, Refugees of Middle East and the Future of Europe (Turkish)



Page 11: APRIL, 09-11 2019 PROGRAM BOOKLET · Dr. Mohamed MUNTASSER, Tripoli University, Libya. Dr. İlknur TÜRKOĞLU, İstanbul Gelişim University, Turkey Dr. Elçin NECİYEV, Muş Alparslan


APRIL, 09-11 2019

Global Actors and Middle East I Chairman: Dr. Fatih Fuat TUNCER

Culture and Art I Chairman: Prof. Dr. Nail ÖZTAŞ

Figen AYDIN, University of National Security, Turkey.

Dr. Ahmed Emre ATEŞ, İstanbul University, Turkey.

Dr. Barış ÖZDAL, Uludağ UniversityDr. Fatma Zeynep ÖZKURT, Nişantaşı University, Turkey.

Dr. Salah Eddine S. ARKADAN, Gulf University for Science and Technology, Kuwait.

Dr.Nassira QESHYUSH, University of Abu Bakr Belqayed Tlemcen, Algeria.

Dr. Esra Erol ERGAN, İstanbul Gelişim University, Turkey.

Dr. Haydar EFE, Erzincan University, Turkey.

Terane RUSTEMOVA, Azerbaijan National Academy of Manuscripts Institute, Azerbaijan.

Efforts for Global Rebalancing in the Middle East and the China’s Uptade Middle East Strategy: Don’t Fight Make Trade (Turkish)

Modern Art and Artisans Under The Shadow of Social and Politi-cal Developments in The Middle East (Turkey)

The Role of European Union in The Middle East as a Diplomatic Actor (Turkish)

Historical Drama and Arab-Turkish Relations, (Diriliş Ertuğrul) Series, Case Study (Arabic)

From European Mediterranean Partnership to The European Neighbourhood Policy: Observation of the Current Situation of The Countries (Turkish)

Cultural Integration in The Middle East: The Example of Sultans’ Caftans (Arabic)

European Neighbourhood Policy and its Impacts in the Middle East (Turkish)

Tabriz City in Ancient and Medieval Centuries and Great Silk Road (English)


HALL A 3.SESSION (13.30 – 14.45)

Lunch Break

Page 12: APRIL, 09-11 2019 PROGRAM BOOKLET · Dr. Mohamed MUNTASSER, Tripoli University, Libya. Dr. İlknur TÜRKOĞLU, İstanbul Gelişim University, Turkey Dr. Elçin NECİYEV, Muş Alparslan



Iran ve Middle East I Chairman: Dr. Emre GÜNDOĞDU

Identity Construction and Ongoing Problems I Chairman: Dr. Muhammed ADİL

Bassam RABABAGH, Yarmouk University, Jordan.

Dr. Muhammed Caner İLGAROĞLU, Adıyaman University, Turkey

Dr. Ramil RUSTEMOV, Azerbaijan National Sciences Academy, Azerbaijan.

Islam Ibrahim ALGHAMRİ & Ahmed Hosny HASSAN, Egypt.

Dr. Abdullah SAHROUİ, Setif University, Algeria.

Dr. Abdullah MANAZ,TRT, Turkey.

Ata Mohamed TABRİZ, TABRİZ, İstanbul University, Turkey.

Dr. Deniz TANSİ,Yeditepe University, Turkey.

Political Discourse in Moroccon Language (Arabic)

From Passivism to Activism: The Role of Academy in the Con-struction of Middle Eastern Identities (Turkish)

The Historical and Cultural Oppression Toward Azerbaijan Turks in Iran (Turkish)

The International Regional Conflict to Change the Identity of Middle East (Arabic)

Fighting Shii Groups in the Middle East (Turkish)

Modern Development Experience in Turkey Through The Partner-ship of Turkish-Arabic Workers (Arabic)

Reconstruction of an Exhausted Community: On The Edge of Political Imagination in Iran (Turkish)

Israel’s Dichotomy of Being or Non-being a Nation State Israel (Turkish)



Page 13: APRIL, 09-11 2019 PROGRAM BOOKLET · Dr. Mohamed MUNTASSER, Tripoli University, Libya. Dr. İlknur TÜRKOĞLU, İstanbul Gelişim University, Turkey Dr. Elçin NECİYEV, Muş Alparslan


APRIL, 09-11 2019

Regional Policy and Turkey I Chairman: Dr. Yavuz ÇİLLİLER

Energy, Nutrition and Security Problems I Chairman: Dr. Semra BOĞA

Dr. Azime TELLİ, Mersin University, Turkey.

Dr. Andrew Adewale ALOLA , Dr. Kürşat YALÇINER, Dr. Uju Violet ALOLA, Istanbul Gelisim University, Turkey.

Dr. Ahmed OMRAN, Egypt.

Dr. Elmira KHABİBULLİNAPhD. Candidate Aytaç DURMAZ, Kazan Federal University, Russia.

Dr. Viktoriia DEMYDOVA, Istanbul Gelisim University, Turkey.

Dr. Muharrem EKŞİ, Kırklareli University, Turkey

Dr. Oğuzhan BİLGİN, Hacı Bayram Veli University, Turkey.

Dr. Waleed ABOSHORA, Elimam Elmahdy University, Sudan.

Reading the Middle East From The Terminology of ‘Unsuccessful State’: Libya, Egypt and Turkey (Turkish)

The Dynamics of Renewables, Food (in) Security and Inflation Regimes: Environmental Perspective of the Coastline Mediterra-nean Countries (English)

The Implications of Military Coup in Egypt on the Turkish State in The Light of Regional and International Conflicts (Arapça)

The Role of Investment and Energy in Russia’s Middle East Policy (Turkish)

Turkey-Saudi Arabia Relations in a Transforming Middle East: Competition within Trump’s Partnership (Turkish)

Soft Power of Russian in the Middle East (English)

The Change in the Role of Ataturk Symbolism in Discourse of Ak Party (English)

The Role of Food Security in Peace Building in the Middle East (English)


HALL A 4.SESSION (15.00 – 16.15)

Tea/Coffee Break (15 Mins)

Page 14: APRIL, 09-11 2019 PROGRAM BOOKLET · Dr. Mohamed MUNTASSER, Tripoli University, Libya. Dr. İlknur TÜRKOĞLU, İstanbul Gelişim University, Turkey Dr. Elçin NECİYEV, Muş Alparslan



Regional Problems and Its Effects I Chairman: Dr. Alper MUMYAKMAZ

External Interventions and Coup D’etats I Chairman: Dr. Gökberk YÜCEL

Bayram POMAK,Priştine University, Kosova.

Dr. Gülsen Kaya OSMANBAŞOĞLU, Ankara University of Social Sciences, Turkey.

Canan KIŞLALIOĞLU, Akdeniz University, Turkey

Dr. Manal Finjan Alak KOZEE, Dijlah University, Iraq.

Dr. Abdelrahman AHMED, Hartoum, Sudan.

Dr. Fazilet ALACHAHER, Dr. Zoulikha BOUHADIBA, Ahmed BenAhmed University Oran II, Algeria.

Dr. Sencar KARAMUÇO, Government of Prizren, Kosova.

Dr. Yavuz ÇİLLİLER, Istanbul Gelisim University, Turkey.

The Impact of Wars in the Middle East on Kosovo (Turkish)

Revolutions, Coup D’etats and Political Stability. Outcomes of Coup D’etats in The Middle East: Political Stability or Unstabil-ity? (Turkish)

Historical Connections Between the Middle East and Latin America (Turkish)

The Impact of External Interventions to the Middle East and Terrorism: The Iraq Case (Arabic)

Arab Spring: Common Origins and Common Difficulties: Which Factors Left Algeria Isolated From The Arab Spring? (Arabic)

External Interventions and Their Strategic Impacts on Identity in The Middle East Countries Sudan is a model (Arabic)

Common Destiny of The Middle East and the Balkans: Unstability (Turkish)

Reforms and Potential Risks After The 2016 Attempted Coup in Turkey (Turkish)



Page 15: APRIL, 09-11 2019 PROGRAM BOOKLET · Dr. Mohamed MUNTASSER, Tripoli University, Libya. Dr. İlknur TÜRKOĞLU, İstanbul Gelişim University, Turkey Dr. Elçin NECİYEV, Muş Alparslan


APRIL, 09-11 2019

Social Legacy and Cultural Dıssolutions I Chairman: Dr. Ertuğrul ERYÜCEL

Politics of Power in the Middle East I Chairman: Dr. H. Göker ÖNEN

Muttalip ŞİMŞEK, Şehit M. Çuhadar Middle School Deputy Director, Turkey.

Dr. Göktürk TÜYSÜZOĞLU,Giresun University, Turkey.

Emad Abdel Aziz YOUSSEFSulaiman Abbas SULAİMAN, Iraq.

Elif Gök İLAN, Istanbul Gelişim University, Turkey.

Dr. Nacim BELHOUL, Lounisi Ali University, Algeria.

Dr. Nadera NASSİF, Global Schooling Systems, USA.

Dr. Fatih BAL, Istanbul Gelisim University, Turkey.

A Respected Family of Jerussalem During The Tanzimat Period: The Huseynis (Turkish)

Power Politics on The Red Sea: Implications and Actors (Turkish)

Psychological Impact and Electronic Addiction and The Increas-ing Dangers Facing Our Region as a Result Iraq Model (Arabic)

Understanding the Decompisiton Matrix in the Middle East Through a Profitable Industry Strategy (Arabic)

Middle Eastern Policies and Economy of the United States of America, People’s Republic of China and Russia (Turkish)

Theories of Globalization and the Effects of World Order Theory (Arabic)

Investigation of Psychological Effects of War on Children (Turkish)



Dr. Ceren GÜRSELER, Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli University, Turkey.

Examining The Egyptian-African Union Relations Regarding The Governmental Change Through Unconstitutional Ways (Turkish)

Page 16: APRIL, 09-11 2019 PROGRAM BOOKLET · Dr. Mohamed MUNTASSER, Tripoli University, Libya. Dr. İlknur TÜRKOĞLU, İstanbul Gelişim University, Turkey Dr. Elçin NECİYEV, Muş Alparslan


APRIL, 09-11 2019