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Mario was sleeping and the alarm of her new cell phone didnt rang. Later he woke up and noticed that it was already late to save the princess.

When he closed the door, he noticed that he didnt have the keys with her own. Soo he decided to get a ride on her new car.

He was really angry because he couldn´t save the princess and missed her keys at home. Soo he started to drive really fast and then another big problem happened.

Luigi appeared and said Mario to bring him her drive card with lessons and said that he needed to pay a really high penalty for drive with high-speed.

Since Mario didn´t want to lose her new car soo earlier didn´t think about what to do and commited a big crime. HE KILLED LUIGI.

Police had know about this situation and sended Mario to jail. Mario was really afraid about what he did. Soo he thinked about be alone for ever.

But then appeared her dog. He was really happy but her dog only came to the prison to say he won´t be her dog anymore and he fell asleep dreaming with her love Daisy.