Download - Apr. 14 & 15, 2012 Crosswalk 24/7

Page 1: Apr. 14 & 15, 2012 Crosswalk 24/7

H O L Y C R O S S H A P P E N I N G SSaturday, April 14

4:30pm Day 6 Practice6:00pm Worship/Comm./Hansman bapt

Sunday, April 15 Second in Easter (Team 3)8:00am Worship/Comm9:30am Worship/Comm / SS / Adult Ed11:00am Worship/Comm/Foster bapt / SS12:00pm New Orleans Meeting

Monday, April 165:30pm Adult Ed Team6:00pm Saving Grace6:30pm Preschool Board

Tuesday, April 179:00am Staff Meeting1:00pm 55 Plus12:00pm Staff Potluck5:30pm Exec Team7:00pm Council7-9pm Hope & Praise Practice

Wednesday, April 18 All Choirs rehearseNEWSLETTER DEADLINE

5-7:30pm Pizza5:30pm Midweek SS (pre-4th) Classes /

5th-6th Confirmation5:30-6:20pm Adult Ed “Faithful Parenting”

6:30pm 7th-8th Confirmation6:30-7:00pm Adult Ed “A Time to Connect”7-8:15pm Adult Ed Small Group7:30pm Wednesday Night Live

Thursday, April 196:30am Women at the Well11:30am Support Staff Meeting7:00pm Health & Wellness Team / W/ELCA /

Worship & Arts TeamFriday, April 20

6:30am Friday GuysSaturday, April 21

1:00pm Bunger & Mathison Wedding4:30pm Senior Banquet / Day 6 Practice6:00pm Worship

Sunday, April 22 Third Weekend of Easter (Team 4)8:00am Worship/Comm9:00am New Driver Blessing9:30am Worship / SS / Adult Ed11:00am Worship/Duncan bapt / SS


1300 South Sertoma Avenue WWW.HOLYCROSSLUTHERANCHURCH.ORG 605-362-1947

Interim Senior Pastor — Dave JohnsonAssociate Pastor — Amy Eisenmann

Associate in Ministry — Angie SmithMinisters — the People of Holy Cross

SAVING GRACEWOMEN’SAA meets on Mondays at 6:00pm in the Fireside Room. For more information call 359-7247.

CROSSWALK 24/7Where Faith and Life Intersect!

Our Shared Mission:“We are called by the transforming power of the Holy Spirit,

to nurture disciples of every generation, by proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ!”

To schedule a wedding, baptism, or any other event – coordinate room(s), possible fees, setup & cleanup –

Email the office ([email protected]). or call us at 605/362.1947.

If you or a loved one is hospitalized locally, please contact the church office.If you would like a visit from one of the pastors, be sure to inform the office staff when you call.In addition, members of the Visitation Team are available Monday–Friday. Please be sure that “Holy Cross” is listed in your patient

information so that when phone calls are made to the hospitals, the Visitation Team member(s) will be informed accordingly.

MEMBERS OF THE MILITARY & FAMILIESBryan Beringer, Joshua Duus, James Frank, Caleb Hockel, Whitney Hockel, Ryan McNamara,Jeremy Pollock, Kevin Pollock, Brady Purdie, and Chris Tinklenberg

CELEBRATION — BAPTISMSPacey Cole Foster (son of Nick & Nicole)Autumn Jene Hansman (daughter of Gregory & Brenda)ALTAR FLOWERS GIVEN IN...Rich & Barb Quartier’s 11th anniversary

HEALINGZade Davis, Pierce Hanson, Ardis Iverson, Homer Knopf, Andrea Lundstrom, Curtis Moulton, Lana Rustman,Judy Johnson-Albright, Kent Sattler, Jim Schaefer,Rebecah Spader, Diane Stamp, Jodi Stanga, Lee Thompson, Marion Velder, Peggy Voss, Sandy Wahle, Bill Williams, and Roxanne Wolfgang

CARE & CONCERNThe Cook family; the Johnson family; Debra Waltner


For your convenience...A Wheelchair and a Walker (with a seat) are located in the Narthex under the south coat rack.

Are you a member of Holy Cross? Are you new here?Maybe you have been coming here for a while, but haven’t joined for one reason or another...

Become a member of Holy Cross onSaturday, May 5th at 10am-12pm.

We will get to know each other, talk about all the opportunities available at Holy Cross,

and welcome you into our faith-family here.Sign up on the kiosk (just outside the office),

or contact the office today!(Childcare is available with RSVP.) “Circle of Prayer” and “Prayers of the Church”

If you have a prayer request that you wish to be shared with the confidential “Circle of Prayer” or lifted up in the weekend’s “Prayers of the Church,” simply fill out a Prayer Request card located in the pews.

April 14

& 15

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BearyFun Bagsare available in the back of the sanctuary for children to use during worship!

CRY ROOM: (Young & Restless Room)If your child becomes restless during worship, the Young & Restless Room is available in the southwest corner

just outside the Sanctuary. Adults are still able to participate in worship!

NNURSERYURSERY C CAREARE / C / COORDINATOROORDINATOR N NEEDEDEEDED !!Now! An employment opportunity for those who enjoy

watching children of all ages – primarily Sunday mornings &Wednesday evenings, as well as other ministry events.

Contact Pastor Amy or the office today!Until this position is filled, we are in need of volunteers who

would be able to help in our Nursery on Sundays (9:30am-12pm)!!!

A flower in remembrance:We celebrate the gift of new

life in the birth of a child with a pink or blue carnation.Holy Cross has begun remembering the death of your

loved one and the promise of new life, by placing a singlerose on the altar. If you have a death in your family, please contact Angie at the church, 362-1947.

HOLY CROSS FINANCIAL UPDATESAttendance on April 6 (MT): 415 Attendance on April 8: 1,090 Mission and Ministry Offering...Received (as of Apr. 11) $ 12,407.93 ...Needed for weekly Budgeted Expense $ 12,387.25 Building Mort. & Maint. Offering...Received (as of Apr. 11) $ 1,839.50 ...Needed for weekly Budgeted Expense $ 5,038.75 “NOW IS THE TIME!”Given (AS OF 04/11/2012) $ 407,000.49 Used for expenses on addition $ 386,026.86 BALANCE $ 20,973.63

Please don’t forget your M&M and BM&M Funds Please don’t forget your M&M and BM&M Funds along with “along with “NNOWOW II SS THETHE TT IMEIME !”!”* * P* * P L E A S EL E A S E T R YT R Y T OT O C A T C HC A T C H U PU P * ** *

Endowment FundBalance $ 18,391.63

HOLY COMMUNION is celebrated at every worship service.Everyone, regardless of faith background, is invited to receive the body and blood of Jesus Christ through the bread and the wine.

Apple juice is available; the bread is dairy-free. Children who are currently not receiving communion are invited and encouraged to come forward for a blessing.

The new Chapel, located on the North end of the church, is open to you throughout the week. You are invited to enter at any time.

A special welcome to all visitors and guests. Go to for a full range of programming & activities.

Welcome to Worship with Communion at Holy Cross!

NNARTHEXARTHEX N NOTIONSOTIONS F FOROR A APRILPRIL 14 & 15: 14 & 15:ELW & Bibles Gifts for Sale (see insert)Hy-Vee Cards & Breadsmith CardsBefore Saturday’s & between Sunday’s services

SATURDAY SOUND TECH NEEDED!We need help running the sound board for Saturday nights.All training is provided and scheduled with what works for you!Contact Rachael Fode at [email protected] or call 362-1947 if you are interested! Thanks in advance!

Page 2: Apr. 14 & 15, 2012 Crosswalk 24/7

SSPONSORPONSOR -A-Y-A-YOUTHOUTH!!This summer, we have 27 youth & adults

going to New Orleans!!!Each student & adult needs to pay

approximately $1200 in order to be able to go.While on this trip, our members of Holy Cross will

be serving people of Memphis & New Orleans, learning about history

through a Justice Immersion experience and meeting 37,000 other Lutheran youth

from across the country & world.

We are looking for people that are willing & ableto help sponsor our kids in the following ways:

If you are interested in helping to sponsor a youth or adult, please talk to Pastor Amy,

or take a card off the wall by the Fellowship Hall today!In whatever ways you help, financially or

through prayer, thank you for supporting our kids!

The Four Keys of Faith FormationThe Four Keys are provided to help you nourish your child’s/grandchild’s faith.

Scripture Readings for the Second Weekend of Easter:Acts 4:32-35; Psalm 133; 1 John 1:1–2:2; John 20:19-31

Family Devotions: 1 John 1:9 tells us of God’s wonderful forgiveness. In your home devotion time this week, confessyour sins together and celebrate God’s grace given through Jesus.Words of Confession: All say together: Almighty God, we admit that we are sinners. We have sinned against you and others by what we have thought, said, and done. We ask for your mercy. Please be kind to us for Jesus’ sake. Amen.Assurance of Forgiveness: A leader says: The Bible says that if we think that we haven’t sinned we are fooling ourselves.But if we admit our sins to God, he can always be trusted to forgive us. God has been kind to us. He has given his onlySon Jesus to die for us, and we are forgiven because of him. We can go in peace. Amen.Give each other hugs or handshakes as a sign of God’s forgiveness.

Caring Conversation: Share about a time when you felt close to those in your household, or to another group of people. 1 John 1:3-4 speaks about “fellowship.” What is fellowship? What does it mean to have fellowship with God?How does our fellowship with God give us fellowship with other people? Share some examples from your own life.

Family Service: As Lutherans, we believe that we respond to what we have heard through the Good News of the life,death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ – given for you for the forgiveness of sins. Good works (good fruit) happens, and we do not even know about it. As parents, you can “create” opportunities for your kids to learn about service, with the understanding that service is not a “have-to” but rather a “get-to” – a “response-to.” Having heard the Gospelpreached, we move beyond ourselves, caring for our neighbor. Think about the Scripture verses for the week and the conversations you have shared. God has gifted you and your children with abilities, personalities, and certain qualities. As a parent, family member, or friend, you can help them discover their unique gifts by encouraging them in the things that they do well and feel passionate that they can serve others.

Family Traditions & Rituals: What does your household stand for? What gives your household a sense of togetherness or unity? Take time out to discuss these questions with each other. Then, design a Household Shield or Household Logo, incorporating symbols that reflect your household’s unique identity and purpose. You may wish toinclude reference to a Bible verse, such as Psalm 133:1. Place your finished shield or logo design in a prominent place.Use it to help you remember what is most important in your home life.

THRIVENT “CHOICE DOLLARS”Can Be Directed to Holy Cross!For those who own any Thrivent products (e.g., insurance, annuities, & more), you are invited to pick up a flyer from the kiosk or visit

WWW.THRIVENT.COM/THRIVENTCHOICE/PROGRAM/DOLLARS_DETAILS/ INDEX.HTMLBy following the instructions found, you can direct “CHOICE DOLLARS” to Holy Cross each month!

Save your Crossroads receipts!Save your Crossroads receipts and turn them in to Angie.

The Holy Cross library receives a percentage of the total purchases, which will be used to purchase books for the new library.

If you have any questions regarding Family Ministry & Milestone Events, please contact Pastor Amy Eisenmann at 362-1947 or [email protected]


Are you, your household, or your youth in need of a Bible? – Contact Angie at the church. –

"If we say we have not sinned, we are fooling ourselves, and the truth isn’t in our hearts.But if we confess our sins to God,

he can always be trusted to forgive us and take our sins away.”

The Holy Cross Coffee Shop Is Ready for You to Use Anytime...Not Just on Sundays! Have a lunch meeting, meet an old friend for a cup of coffee,

or enjoy a change of scenery from your desk at work.All are welcome, the door is open.


(An automated way of giving)It’s free to you and to Holy Cross!You may pick up a form at the kiosk or enroll online from the Holy Cross website using the “donate online”

link on the left side.a simple choice; a generous response


2012 Flower posted on the large bulletin board

near the Fellowship Hall, so add your flowers & event!

Everyone is invited to honor or remember a loved one or special occasion

by giving a flower or plant to the church for a designated weekend.

Simply sign up (print clearly), order the flowers, and have them delivered to the Church Office by noon on the Fridaybefore your chosen weekend.In lieu of flowers, you may wish to give a gift that lasts forever.

Remember a loved one or special occasionby giving to the Endowment Fund.

Simply sign up on the bulletin board near the FellowshipHall, make your donation to the “Endowment Fund,” anda candle will be lit on the altar your chosen weekend.

� 10 Days of Prayer for 1 Person $0 (name of personwill be given to you as the trip approaches)

� 1 Day of Meals $24� 1 Day of Justice Immersion $30

� 1 Night at Plantation Oaks (near Memphis) $35� 1 Day on the Bus $40

� All Meals for 1 Participant $300� 3 Days in New Orleans $315

� The Whole Bus Ride for 1 Participant $400� The Entire Trip for 1 Participant $1200� Experience of a lifetime – priceless

Page 3: Apr. 14 & 15, 2012 Crosswalk 24/7

Welcome!!!For your convenience, coat racks are located throughout the building

near the entrances. Here are the locations:� Sunday School Classrooms � Near the Chapel � North & South of the Narthex

Sunday School children can hang their coats in the children’s lockers.

WOMEN OF THE ELCA (W/ELCA) meets the 3rd Thursday every month Fireside Room at 7:00pm.We have a Bible study with a short business meeting & refreshments.

Our new study is from the Christian Worker Bible Study Series on the Book of Genesis.Please review chapters. 5-8 prior to the April 19th meeting.

Contact Twyla Sine ([email protected]) with any questions; or if you’d be interested in joining their Bible Study, so the material can be ordered.

If you have any questions regarding Adult or CaringMinistries, please contact Angie Smith

at 362-1947 or [email protected] you have any questions regarding music,

please contact Rachael Fode at 362-1947 or [email protected]

If you have any questions regarding Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, or Club Serve, please contact Amy Cauble at 362-1947 or [email protected]

All Women of the ELCA are members of W/ELCA!WWHATHAT ’’SS HHAPPENINGAPPENING ATAT HHOLYOLY CCROSSROSS??Want to stay up-to-date with events and opportunities?If you wish to receive the bi-weekly mass emails (Tues. & Fri.), pleasecontact the church office with your email address, and you will be “in the know!”

Waste Not, Want Not...Waste Not, Want Not...Would you like to help save some postage for Holy Cross?

You can receive the monthlyCrossFormation newsletter

in an electronic version rather than a paper copy mailed to you!


know with your current address, & she’ll be happy to email you

a copy each month.


ININ THETHE FF IRESIDEIRESIDE RROOMOOM::April 15 & 29: “Place & Theology,” “Place & Theology,”

led by Dr. Ann Pederson, Augustana College.led by Dr. Ann Pederson, Augustana College.This world, where we are in the here & now,

is a manifestation of God’s commitment to be fully present in the places of our lives.

On April 22: Jim Reich will share photos & stories from his trip to Europe,

highlighting the churches he visited. Do you have yarnto share?!The 2012 Synod Assembly (June 8-9) will gather around the theme, “Wrapped in Christ’s Love”:Throughout the Assembly, the Synod will reflect on how God has wrapped us in the love of Christ Jesus and how we are called to clothe ourselves with love.

Rev. Marlin Wangsness of St. Dysmas Prison Ministries is inviting congregations to collect & bring yarn to the Assembly as a donation to the knitting ministry.The ministry donates handmade caps to those who need them.If you have yarn that you are willing to donate, please deposit it in the designated basket located in the Narthex.

What Do You Do on Wednesday Nights?Are you already here at Holy Cross?

Do you have a little free time?Pastor Amy is looking for some extra adults to help with the last four weeks of Confirmation Classes.We are hoping to add an adult to each of our small groups.You don’t need to prepare anything,

or have all the answers...You just have to bewilling to spend an hour a week with our kids!We need 15 extra adults, so we need you!

If you are able to help, sign up on the kiosk or email Pastor Amy([email protected]) today!

“Why I Am a Lutheran – Part 2: The Trinity”Spring Small Group

Holy Cross has the unique opportunity to experience a Luther Seminary course right here. Starting April 11 (7:00–8:30pm), we will examine the Christian doctrine of the Trinity:

One God, three persons, through our Lutheran lenses.The course is taught by Dr. Steven Paulson, Professor of Systematic Theology at Luther Seminary.

This is a six-week discussion, facilitated by Angie Smith.If you wish to order Dr. Paulson’s book, “Lutheran Theology (T & T Clark, 2011),

you may do so, however it is not a requirement for this class. Please sign up at the kiosk

or email Angie Smith at [email protected] information in the form of a handout is available at the Adult Ed bulletin board

(near the south-end restrooms) and online at

“Parenting in Faith!”A series of conversations to empower parents:

April 15 in W101 at 9:30am:"High School: Decision Making.""High School: Decision Making."

Everything is a “life & death” issue for teens!Some use less emotion and more logic; for other teens, it is the opposite.

Parents just want their child to be happy. The life in making good decisions – and new forgiveness when we don’t.

Learn how to help your youth make good decisions.April 22: “Surviving Your High School Student”

Page 4: Apr. 14 & 15, 2012 Crosswalk 24/7

V I S I T WWW .M O B I L E F O O D P A N T R Y . O R G F O R M O R E I N F O R M A T I O NA N D U P C O M I N G“ F O O D S O F T H E M O N T H . ”

Women at the Well Bible Study - Ladies, come for some coffee and great discussion on Thursdays at 6:30 am at the Holy Cross coffee shop area.Friday Guys Bible Study - You are invited to join this group of guys Fridays at 6:30 am at Fryn’ Pan on 41st Street.

Did You Forget Your MFP Donation(s)?No problem!

You can put cash or check into the lockbox on the Kiosk in an envelope labeled for “MFP”!

‘Food of the Month’We are collecting PEANUT BUTTER

for the month of April.— “N E C E S S I T I E S F OR N E I G HBOR S ” — LAUNDRY D E T E RG EN T —

Please place donations in the bin to be taken to Peace Lutheran Church:���May 6th at 3:00pm — ALL are welcome to help serve! ���

FOOD TO YOU: Mobile Food Pantry

H Y G I E N E P A C K S A R E A N O N G O I N G N E E D !The Hygiene Packs are an on-going need!

A roll of toilet paper & a bar of soap with a bottle of shampoo or a tube of toothpaste

COLLECTION BINSare located in the alcove just off the Fellowship Hall.


Contact Rachael with questions!Calendars are on the bulletin board

in the south wing near the Young & Restless Room.

EMAIL HOLLY ([email protected]) OR JACKIE ([email protected]) TO HELP WITH “N-4-N.”If you have any questions regarding Confirmation orYouth news & events, please contact Pastor Amy

Eisenmann at 362-1947 or [email protected] you have any questions regarding Preschool orExtended-Care, please contact Tricia Murphy at 951-1813 or [email protected]


6:30–7:00pm ~ Band Room (S102)** T** T I N YI N Y TT UNE SUNE S (1(1 S TS T––33 RDRD ) **) **6:30–7:00pm ~ Music Rooms

(S103-S104)** H** H A L FA L F NN OTE SOT E S (4(4 THTH––66 THTH ) **) **

6:30–7:00pm ~ Sanctuary** 7** 7 THTH & 8& 8 THTH PP RA I S ERA I S E BB ANDAND ****6:00–6:30pm ~ Sanctuary** A** A DUL TDU L T CC HO I RHO I R (( >> 99 THTH ) **) **7:00–8:00pm ~ Sanctuary** B** B E L LE L L CC HO I RHO I R (( >> 99 THTH ) **) **

8:00–8:30pm ~ Band Room (S102)Did You Know...HHOLYOLY CCROSSROSS LLUTHERANUTHERAN PPRESCHOOLRESCHOOL...has a Toddler Program as well?

(Children must be 1 by September 1st.)90 % of openings are full for Fall 2012-13, so contact the Preschool Director now to become a part of

this energetic & exciting ministry that Holy Cross has to offer to the children of Holy Cross & the community.What fun activities do you have planned for your young children this summer?Holy Cross Lutheran Preschool has...VVARIOUSARIOUS SSUMMERUMMER CCAMPSAMPS AAVAILABLEVAILABLE...for children ages 3 years through kindergarten.

Camps are filling (90%)...Don’t let your child miss out on the opportunity to investigate God’s world around us!

To view additional information regarding classes & tuition, pick up a brochure from the kiosk in the Narthex or visit (click on “preschool” link).

Tricia Murphy, Preschool DirectorDirect Cell: 605.951.1813 (texts accepted) Fax: 605.362.1971

WELCOME!!!– Jackie Kuchenreuther –

Christian Ed Assistant“I am so excited and honored to be starting the position of Christian Education Assistant.

I look forward to getting to know some of you better and meeting some of you for the first time.

I have been blessed to be able to call Holy Cross a place of worship for my family – husband, Derek,with our children Emma (5) & Ayden (2) – and I.

Now I get to be able to call it a wonderful place to work as well.”Jackie joined the staff April 3rd.

Believe it or not, we are getting readyfor summer (and even fall) events

for Christian Education!Vacation Bible School and Sunday School

(Midweek SS) leaders will be signing up soon.If you are interested in teaching

but want to learn a little bit more first...Now is a great time to visit the classrooms,

shadow a teacher, and see what Sunday School is all about!

As a shadow, you are paired up with an experienced teacher to see how a typical morning (or evening) works & try out some activities to determine where you fit best.Contact Amy Cauble today for

more information or to become a “shadow.”


A spring 5K run – and walk – will beheld on Sunday, June 5 at 12:00 noon.

Mark your calendars now!

APRIL CHOIR SCHEDULEWed., April 18 & 25 ~ All Choirs rehearse.

~ Sunday, April 29 ~ Adult & Bell Choirs

at 9:30am & 11:00amHoly Cross Will Be Serving for

the Mobile Food Pantry on Thursday,April 26 (5:10-8:30pm).We need 18-22 volunteers

(4-6 arriving at 4:30pm) at St. John Lutheran Church, located at 1912 W. 13th St.Sign up in the Narthex.

Questions can be directed to Tami Matson([email protected]).

REGISTRATION just 1 week away!Sat., April 28 7:00pmSun., April 29 8:30amCome & see the awesome

Christian Education Opportunities for Summer & Fall 2012.

Families can register for all upcoming events including choirs, Sunday School, VBS,

Intergenerational Club Serve & Adult Education.

GREEN THUMB CLUB:Gardeners sign up at the kiosk if you are interested and able

to plant a the Holy Cross Garden.Time commitments determined by you.

For more information, contact Amy Cauble.FAMILY WORSHIP IS APRIL 28-29:As a part of our program, Sunday School students

attend worship with their families as together we learn, grow,and share in our faith journey. All are welcome!There is no classroom Sunday School this weekend.This month’s focus: God cares for us like a shepherd cares for his sheep.