Download - Approved by the B.O.E. on April 18, 2012 Board Mission by the B.O.E. on April 18, 2012 Board Mission To provide a safe and effective learning environment by: working together as a


Board Mission

To provide a safe and effective learning environment by:

working together as a Board of Education

employing and evaluating the Superintendent

engaging the community for informed input

developing and monitoring a strategic plan

managing finances responsibly



April, 2012 – August, 2015

Approved by the B.O.E. on April 18, 2012

District Vision

Learning is paramount at Eastland, where students are provided the foundation for

a happy, healthy, and successful life through the development of competencies . . .


to read, write, speak, and listen effectively

to apply math and science skills to solve problems


to reference history and civics

to use technology to communicate and solve problems

to live a life of mental and physical wellness


to lead ethically

to communicate civilly

to act confidently

to collaborate effectively

to think creatively

to work productively and

to contribute personally to a better school, community, and world.

Eastland CUSD #308

District Vision

Reading / Language Arts


Technological Competence


Service College Readiness

/ Career Credentials

Goals: 1. to develop curriculum and use instructional practices that will ensure every student graduates with the core competencies identified

in the District’s vision

2. to provide opportunities for every student to explore and/or develop the supplemental and social competencies identified in the

District’s vision

3. to engage every student in identifying and pursuing a career pathway to employment


Curriculum and Instruction

Curriculum Review

and Revision


Parental Involvement

Supervision /






Strategic Goals:

1. 2010-2015 trend data will show that the % of students entering 9th grade on track to meet College-Readiness Benchmarks (CRB) in

reading, math and science is increasing?

2. 2010-2015 trend data will show that the % of students in grades 9-11 who are meeting CRB in reading, math and science is increasing?

3. 2010-2015 trend data will show that the % of Eastland graduates attending HCC who are eligible to start in credit earning courses (non-

remedial courses) in reading/writing/math is increasing?

4. 2010-2015 trend data will show that the % of students who rate school climate as positive on annual surveys is increasing?

5. 2010-2015 trend data will show that the % of students earning certificates of employability is increasing?

Curriculum and Instruction

6. 2010-2015 trend data will show that students in the low-income and special education sub-groups are making annual gains in core

knowledge and skills comparable to all students?

Task Plan:



Person(s) Start Date End Date Status

Certified staff and administrators will develop a K-12

curriculum document aligned to the CCS for math Supt. /Principals May, 2012 June, 2012 Done

Certified staff and administrators will develop a K-12

curriculum document aligned to the CCS for

English/Language Arts Supt. /Principals May, 2013 June, 2013 In progress

Certified staff and administrators will develop a K-12

curriculum document aligned to the CCS for Science Supt. /Principals May, 2014 June, 2014 Uncertain

An evaluation committee will develop a plan and

instrument for supervision aligned to Danielson’s

Framework for Teaching, solicit feedback, and submit for

Board approval.


Committee Nov, 2011 March, 2012 Done

An evaluation committee will refine the evaluation plan

and framework to ensure that student growth becomes a

component of principal and teacher evaluations, and

submit for Board approval


Committee Nov., 2013 March, 2013 In progress

All K-5 teachers will attend the National Conference on

Singapore Math Strategies Principals Summer, 2010 Summer, 2014 85% completed

The District 1:1 computer initiative will be expanded to

include grades 7-8, and teacher teams will attend the

Summer Connection Conference in Mooresville, NC

Haan Summer, 2011 Summer, 2013 In progress

Graduation requirements at EHS will be changed to

require students to earn four (4) credits of math, and three

(3) credits of Social Science.

Burkholder September, 2012 December, 2012 Done

A Developmental English class will be introduced as an

elective requirement for all 9th grades who were not on

track to meet CRB in reading or English as measured on

the ACT-Explore administered in grade 8. Burkholder January, 2012 August, 2012 Done

A system for administrators to conduct periodic

classroom walk-throughs with electronic feedback to

teachers will be implemented in all buildings.

Supt./Principals /

Haan September, 2013 Done

Advanced Placement (AP) courses will be available for

students in math, English/Language Arts, and Science. Burkholder August, 2012 Done

A team of teachers will attend a Gretchen Courtney

workshop on aligning reading instruction with the CCS. Principals Summer, 2012 Modified/done

Intervention and enrichment blocks will be scheduled for

math and reading in grades K-11 Principals August, 2011 May, 2014 Incomplete

A comprehensive plan for improving student wellness

will be developed, approved and monitored Supt. / Committee March, 2012 May, 2015 Incomplete

A daily character education program will be implemented

in all grades, with an emphasis on reducing incidents of

bullying and/or harassment.

Walters /

Committee August, 2010 May, 2015 Done

The administration and staff will develop, and the Board

of Education will approve, at least two (2) STEM

programs articulated to provide gr. 7-12 students with a

career orientation that leads into a career pathway to


Pilgrim /

Burkholder /


August, 2012 May, 2014 In progress

A plan to improve engagement and involvement of

parents will be developed and approved by the Board of


Walters /

Committee August, 2012 October, 2012 Incomplete

The plan to improve parental involvement will be

implemented and monitored. Walters / Principals January, 2013 May, 2014 Incomplete

Goal: to provide a variety of co- and extra-curricular activities that complement and enrich the students’ educational experiences by reinforcing

the competencies identified in the District vision.

1. The administration and staff will sustain or increase the % of students participating in extra- and co-curricular programs.









Participation Considerations

H.S. Football

56 Total

(23 P.C.)

61 Total

(24 P.C.)

44 Total

(18 P.C.)

43 Total

(22 P.C.)

H.S. Volleyball 26 21 25 21

H.S. Golf

22 total

(2 M-ville)

14 total

(2 M-ville)

19 total

(4 M-ville)

28 total

(11 M-ville)

Cross Country 8

M.S. Football








M.S. Volleyball 24 32 24 19

Fall Musical

31 total

(13 EHS)

26 total

(17 (EHS)

15 total

(8 EHS)

25 Total

(9 EHS)

H.S. Band 34 37 32 29

H.S. Chorus 24 31 23 29

M.S. Band 27 38 43 56

M.S. Chorus 22 22 35 39

M.S. Jazz Band n/a n/a 18

H.S. FFA 51 61 73 78



17 total

(0 P.C.)

17 total

(3 P.C.)

21 total

(6 P.C.)


(7 P.C.)

Co- and Extra-Curricular Programs









Participation Considerations


15 30 23 32

Student Council

50 45 53 48

H.S. Yearbook

10 22 13 10

M.S. Student


28 30 20

M.S. Literacy

Council 16 25 22 30

H.S. Boys’


28 27 23 n/a

H.S. Girls’


24 23 25 n/a

H.S. Wrestling

16 total

(2 EHS)

11 total

(2 EHS)

17 total

(2 EHS) n/a

H.S. Cheerleading

12 17 11 n/a

H.S. Speech Team

40 total

(20 EHS)

35 total

(22 EHS) n/a

M.S. Boys’


16 19 24 n/a

M.S. Girls’


14 23 25 n/a

M.S. Wrestling 9 2 0 n/a









Participation Considerations



10 14 11 --

H.S. Track/Field

34 total

(16 EHS)

31 total

(12 EHS)

30 total

(15 EHS) n/a

H.S. Baseball

25 19 14 n/a

H.S. Softball

15 10 20 n/a

Spring Play

20 total

(10 EHS)

19 total

(12 EHS)

30 total

(17 EHS) n/a

H.S. Scholastic


11 17 14 n/a

M.S. Track and

Field (Boys/Girls) 46 49 36 n/a

M.S. Scholastic


19 18 14 n/a



n/a 5 14 n/a

2. The administration and staff will develop programs for middle school and underclass students that support their individual and collective

improvement, and feed into the varsity programs.

3. The administration and staff will develop practice and event schedules that satisfy the following goals:

1. sufficient practices and events to prepare students to be successful

2. practices and events scheduled with respect for each student’s academic responsibilities

Goal: to transport students to and from school and school activities in a safe and efficient manner.

1. By 2011-12, without increasing travel time for any route longer than the currently longest route time, consolidate and reduce at least one

regular a.m./p.m. route as allowed by declining enrollment.

2. By January, 2012, resolve the long-term status of the old bus garage in Shannon:

A. take immediate steps to shut-off the water, and discontinue heating the space.

B. organize, repair and improve for use as a bus storage facility, or

C. organize, repair and improve for use as a district storage facility, or

D. tear down and dispose of building

3. By January, 2011, determine if bio-diesel is a viable fuel supplement for the District’s bus fleet.

4. Monitor and discontinue shuttle services that are currently being provided when the service is under-utilized or impractical.

5. Develop intergovernmental agreements with neighboring districts to share transportation and costs where it is mutually beneficial to do so.



Person(s) Start Date End Date Status

Consolidate and reduce at least one (1) regular route Supt./Trans. Dir. May, 2011 June, 2011 Done:

The District has reduced 1.5 rural


Resolve the long-term status of the Shannon Bus


Supt./ Trans.

Committee May, 2011




The Board has approved upgrades to

use the Garage for Bus and District


Determine if bio-diesel is a viable fuel supplement Supt. / Trans. Dir. May, 2011 June, 2011 Done

Discontinue shuttle services Supt./Trans. Comm.

and BOE May, 2011 June, 2011 Done

Developed and implemented shared transportation

with neighboring districts Supt. May, 2011 June, 2011 Done


Goal: to provide safe and effective learning facilities for all students

1. By February, 2010, pass a referendum for a new physical education, Agriculture, and activity spaces at Eastland High School with improved

locker room, fitness, and gym space, as well as improvements to the old gym to serve as a multi-purpose area.

2. Complete the Eastland High School Addition/Renovation Project by June, 2012, and under budget.

3. By 2012, finalize a future District facility plan as:

A. committing to a three-attendance center model, or

B. committing to a two-attendance center model

4. By January, 2011, resolve the long-term status of the old bus garage in Shannon.

5. By the end of FY 2011, repair or replace the flat roof at Eastland High School.

6. By 2012, complete replacement of old classroom doors in Eastland Middle and High Schools.

7. By 2012, install / provide interactive white board technology for 75% of the classrooms throughout the district.

8. By 2012, complete improvements to the old gymnasium at Eastland Middle school, including:

A. construction of a handicapped-accessible hallway between the current office and the contest gymnasium

B. demolition / disposal of permanent wood bleachers

C. repair and/or replacement of the old gym floor

9. By 2012, replace or remove the softball field lights at Eastland High School.

10. By 2012, replace the football scoreboard at Eastland High School.

11. By 2012, have approved plans and financing for improvements to air-condition all instructional spaces in Eastland Middle and High Schools.




Person(s) Start Date End Date Status

Pass a referendum for EHS Renovation / Addition Supt./ BOE October, 2008 Feb., 2010 Done

Complete EHS Renovation /Addition Project within

budget Supt./BOE Feb., 2010 May, 2011 Done

Approve a Future Facility Plan

Supt./ Staff/ CAC/

BOE August, 2011 October, 2011 Done

Resolve the long-term status of the Shannon Bus Garage

Supt/ Trans.

Committee/ BOE May, 2011 November, 2013 Done

Repair or replace flat roof at EHS

Supt. /Facilities

Committee/ BOE May, 2011 July, 2013 Done

Complete replacement of old classroom doors at EMS /


Supt. /Facilities

Committee/ BOE May, 2011 June, 2012 85% Completed

Install interactive white boards in 75% of classrooms

Supt./ Facilities

Committee/ BOE May, 2011 June, 2012 Done

Complete improvements to 1926 Gym in Shannon

Supt./ Facilities

Committee/ BOE May, 2011 June, 2012 Done

Replace or remove the softball field lights at Eastland

High School

Supt./ Facilities

Committee/ BOE May, 2011 August, 2012 Done

Replace the football field scoreboard at Eastland High


Supt./ Facilities

Committee/ BOE May, 2011 September, 2012 Done

Approve plans and financing to air-condition all spaces at

Eastland Middle and High Schools

Supt/ Trans.

Committee/ BOE May, 2011 June, 2011 INCOMPLETE

Goal: to manage finances responsibly

Strategic Goal:

1. The budget for FY 2016 will show that annual revenues are sufficient to cover annual expenses.

2. Annual budgets from FY 2013-2016 will demonstrate a re-allocation of local funds to support

Curriculum alignment to the Common Core Standards (CCS)

Professional development to support the CCS

Supervision and evaluation

Research-based interventions to support the CCS

Parental involvement

Task Plan:

1. The administration will recommend and the Board of Education will approve reductions in staffing as appropriate and necessary.

2. The Board will expend fund balances prudently and as necessary to support the District Vision while capturing savings from retirements.

3. The Board will approve, and the professional staff will execute a transition from three to two attendance centers.

4. The administration will foster positive working relationships with District support groups, and seek to increase revenues to offset extra-

curricular costs imbedded in budget.

5. Reduce annual operating expenditures a minimum of $25,000 per year as allowed by declining enrollment, and facilitated by retirements.




Person(s) Start Date End Date Status

Approval of reductions in staffing as appropriate and

necessary to balance the budget by FY2016 Supt./ BOE May, 2011 March, 2015 INCOMPLETE

Prudent expenditure of fund balances to support the

District Vision Supt./BOE May, 2011 March, 2015 In progress

Approval to reduce from three (3) to two (2) attendance


Supt./Staff/ CAC/

BOE August, 2011 October, 2011 Done

Transition from three (3) to two (2) attendance centers


Staff/ BOE August, 2012 August, 2013 Done

Increase commitments from District Support Groups

Admin. / Support

Groups May, 2011 August, 2012 Done

Reduce operational expenditures by $25,000/yr


Committee/ BOE May, 2012 March, 2015 Done

Goal: to engage all stakeholders for informed input

1. The Superintendent will implement a communication plan to build support for the 3-Year Strategic Plan.

2. The Superintendent will publish an annual financial plan and levy rationale.

3. The Superintendent, Facilities Committee, and the Steering Committee will develop an informational communication plan for the February,

2010 referendum.

4. The administration will evaluate, review, revise and approve cooperative agreements with neighboring districts.

5. District liaisons will work with community and support groups, such as Chambers of Commerce, local governments, Lions’ Clubs, the Lake

Carroll Association, the Music Boosters, the Sports Boosters, the Parent-Teacher Organization, the FFA Alumni, and the Eastland Education


6. Publish an annual Fall Newsletter as an insert in the Prairie Advocate.



Person(s) Start Date End Date Status

Implement communication plan to build support for the

3-Year Strategic Plan Superintendent April, 2012 April, 2013 In progress

Publication of annual financial plan and levy rationale Superintendent Annually Annually Done

Referendum informational communication plan Superintendent October, 2009 February, 2010 Done

Evaluate, review, revise and approve cooperative

agreements with neighboring districts Admin/BOE Bi-Annually Bi-Annually Done

Work with community and support groups Supt./ Admin. Annually Annually In progress

Publish an annual Fall Newsletter Superintendent Annually Annually Ongoing
