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Research ArticleApplication of the Multiple Exp-Function, Cross-Kink, Periodic-Kink, Solitary Wave Methods, and Stability Analysis for theCDG Equation

Haifa Bin Jebreen 1 and Yurilev Chalco-Cano 2

1Mathematics Department, College of Science, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia2Departamento de Mathematica, Universidad de Tarapaca, Casilla 7D, Arica, Chile

Correspondence should be addressed to Haifa Bin Jebreen; [email protected]

Received 23 November 2020; Revised 16 December 2020; Accepted 31 December 2020; Published 16 January 2021

Academic Editor: Sachin Kumar

Copyright © 2021 Haifa Bin Jebreen and Yurilev Chalco-Cano. This is an open access article distributed under the CreativeCommons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided theoriginal work is properly cited.

In this article, the exact wave structures are discussed to the Caudrey-Dodd-Gibbon equation with the assistance of Maple based onthe Hirota bilinear form. It is investigated that the equation exhibits the trigonometric, hyperbolic, and exponential functionsolutions. We first construct a combination of the general exponential function, periodic function, and hyperbolic function inorder to derive the general periodic-kink solution for this equation. Then, the more periodic wave solutions are presented withmore arbitrary autocephalous parameters, in which the periodic-kink solution localized in all directions in space. Furthermore,the modulation instability is employed to discuss the stability of the available solutions, and the special theorem is alsointroduced. Moreover, the constraint conditions are also reported which validate the existence of solutions. Furthermore, 2-dimensional graphs are presented for the physical movement of the earned solutions under the appropriate selection of theparameters for stability analysis. The concluded results are helpful for the understanding of the investigation of nonlinear wavesand are also vital for numerical and experimental verification in engineering sciences and nonlinear physics.

1. Introduction

It is known that these exact solutions of nonlinear evolutionequations (NLEEs), especially the soliton solutions [1–3], canbe given by using a variety of different methods [4, 5], such asJacobi elliptic function expansion method [6], inverse scat-tering transformation (IST) [7, 8], Darboux transformation(DT) [9], extended generalized DT [10], Lax pair (LP) [11],Lie symmetry analysis [12], Hirota bilinear method [13],and others [14, 15]. The Hirota bilinear method is an efficienttool to construct exact solutions of NLEEs, and there existsplenty of completely integrable equations which are studiedin this way. For instance, generalized bilinear equations[16], the lump-type solutions in a homogenous-dispersivemedium [17], the (2 + 1)-dimensional KdV equation [18],the (3 + 1)-D potential-YTSF equation [19], the generalized

BKP equation [20], the (3 + 1)-dimensional BKP-Boussinesq equation [21], the (3 + 1) dimensional general-ized KP-Boussinesq equation [22], the (2 + 1)-dimensionalintegrable Boussinesq model [23], and the (2 + 1)-dimen-sional Breaking Soliton equation [24, 25]. More recently,lump waves and rogue waves have attracted a growingamount of attention, and many theoretical and experimentalstudies of lump waves are mentioned [26–33]. A novelmethod for finding the special rogue waves with predictabil-ity of NLEEs is proposed by using the Hirota bilinear methodby powerful researchers in Refs. [34, 35], in which someresults are very helpful for us to study some physical phe-nomena in engineering.

The Caudrey-Dodd-Gibbon equation introduced byAiyer et al. [36] who describes the inelastic interactionsbetween the solitary waves under strong physical contexts

HindawiAdvances in Mathematical PhysicsVolume 2021, Article ID 6643512, 12 pages

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in certain integrable or nonintegrable systems and has beeninvestigated the related dynamic behavior [37], which reads

Φt +Φxxxxx + 30ΦΦxxx + 30ΦxΦxx + 180Φ2Φx = 0: ð1Þ

In 2006, the tanh solutions of the equation [38] and, in2008, the multiple-soliton solutions utilizing the Hirota bilin-ear method combined with the simplified Hereman method[39] for the above equation are derived by Wazwaz. Also,the physical comprehension of Equation (1) was demon-strated by plenty of scholars who investigated its solitary typesolutions and given in Refs. [40] and [41]. The homotopyperturbation method has been utilized to find solutions forthe aforementioned equation [42–44]. Based on the obtainedtransformation of integrating Equation (1), we get to the fol-lowing nonlinear PDE [45]:

Λt + 60Λ3x + 30ΛxΛxxx +Λxxxxx = 0: ð2Þ

According to [46], the Hirota bilinear from of the CDGequation reads

Λ = 2 ln Γð Þx, Φ =Λxð Þ ð3Þ

and, also by applying the dependent variable transformation,turns into the Hirota bilinear form

Dxt +D6x

� �Γ:Γ = 0, ð4Þ

where D is a bilinear operator. By deeming the D-operatordefined with the aid of the functions Γ1 and Γ2, we get tothe following relation:

Dπ1x Dπ2

t Γ1:Γ2ð Þ = ∂∂x


� �π1 ∂∂t

−∂∂t ′

� �π2

Γ1 x, tð Þ:Γ2 x′, t ′� �����




With the help of the transformation Equation (3), thegeneral periodic-kink solutions of Equation (1) can be given.We get to the bilinear form the of Γ as

ΓΓxt − ΓxΓt + ΓΓxxxxxx − 6ΓxΓxxxxx + 15ΓxxΓxxxx − 10Γ2xxx = 0:


Moreover, the stability analysis and the more generalperiodic-wave solutions and special rogue waves with pre-dictability are investigated in our paper, which have neverbeen studied. Various types of studies were investigated bycapable authors in which some of them can be mentioned,for example, the Caudrey–Dodd–Gibbon equation [47], thepZK equation using Lie point symmetries [48], group-invariant solutions of the (3 + 1)-dimensional generalizedKP equation [49], optimal system and dynamics of solitonsfor a higher-dimensional Fokas equation [50], dynamics ofsolitons for (2 + 1)-dimensional NNV equations [51], thecombined MCBS-nMCBS equation [52], Lie symmetryreductions for (2 + 1)-dimensional Pavlov equation [53],Schrödinger-Hirota equation with variable coefficients [54],

the (2 + 1)-dimension paraxial wave equation [55], thefractional Drinfeld-Sokolov-Wilson equation [56], the(3 + 1)-dimensional extended Jimbo-Miwa equations [57],and a high-order partial differential equation with fractionalderivatives [58]. In the valuable work, the capable authorsstudied the periodic wave solutions and stability analysis forthe KP-BBM equation [59] and breather and periodic wavesolution for generalized Bogoyavlensky-Konopelchenkoequation [60] with the aid of Hirota operator.

To make this paper more self-contained, a combinationof general exponential function, periodic function, andhyperbolic function of the (3 + 1)-dimensional CDG equa-tion is constructed with the help of a bilinear operator, whichis crucial to obtain the periodic-wave solution of Equation(1). Based on the Hirota bilinear form Equation (6), the gen-eral periodic-wave solution is derived in Section 2 and thenovel periodic solutions which can be arisen with twentyone classes. In Section 4, we shall investigate the stabilityanalysis to obtain the modulation stability spectrum of thisequation. The final section will be reserved for the conclu-sions and the discussions.

2. Multiple Exp-Function Method

In this section, according to [61–63] so that it can be furtheremployed to the nonlinear partial differential equation(NLPDE) in order to furnish its exact solutions, it can be pre-sented as:

Step 1. The following is the NLPDE:

P x, y, t,Ψ,Ψx ,Ψy,Ψz ,Ψt ,Ψxx,Ψtt ,⋯� �

= 0: ð7Þ

We commence a sequence of new variables ξi = ξiðx, tÞ,1 ≤ i ≤ n, by solvable PDEs, for example, the linear ones,

ξi,x = αiξi, ξi,t = δiξi, 1 ≤ i ≤ n, ð8Þ

where αi, 1 ≤ i ≤ n, is the angular wave number and δi, 1 ≤ i≤ n, is the wave frequency. It should be pointed that this isfrequently the initiating step for constructing the exact solu-tions to NLPDEs, and moreover, solving such linear equa-tions redounds to the exponential function solutions:

ξi = ϖieθi , θi = αix − δit, 1 ≤ i ≤ n, ð9Þ

in which ϖi, 1 ≤ i ≤ n, are undetermined constants.

Step 2. Determine the solution of Equation (7) as the follow-ing form in terms of the new variables ξi, 1 ≤ i ≤ n:

Ψ x, tð Þ = Δ ξ1, ξ2,⋯, ξnð ÞΩ ξ1, ξ2,⋯, ξnð Þ , Δ = 〠





js,Ω = 〠







in which Δrs,ij and Ωrs,ij are the amounts to be settled.Appending Equation (10) into Equation (7) and orderingthe numerator of the rational function to zero, we can achieve

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a series of nonlinear algebraic equations about the variablesαi, δi, Δrs,ij and Ωrs,ij. Solving the solutions for these nonlin-ear algebraic equations and putting these solutions intoEquation (10), the multiple soliton solutions to Equation(7) can be obtained in the below form as

Ψ x, tð Þ = Δ ϖ1eα1x−δ1t ,⋯, ϖne

αnx−δnt� �

Ω ϖ1eα1x−δ1t ,⋯, ϖneαnx−δnt� � , ð11Þ

in which Ω ≠ 0, and also, we have

Δt = 〠n


ξi,t ,Ωt = 〠n


ξi,t , Δx = 〠n


ξi,x,Ωx = 〠n


ξi,x ,

Ψt =Ω∑n

i=1Δξiξi,t − Δ∑n


Ω2 ,Ψx =Ω∑n

i=1Δξiξi,x − Δ∑n


Ω2 :


3. Multiple Soliton Solutions for theCDG Equation

3.1. Set I: One-Wave Solution. We start up with one-wavefunction based on the explanation in Step 2 in the previoussection, we deem that Equation (1) has the below form ofone-wave solution as

Ψ x, tð Þ = η1η2

, η1 = σ1 + σ2eα1x−δ1t , η2 = 1 + ρ1 + ρ2e

α1x−δ1t ,


in which ρ1, ρ2, σ1, and σ2 are the unfound constants. Plug-ging (13) into Equation (1), we get to the following cases:

Case 1.

α1 = α1, β1 = β1, ρ1 =ρ2σ1 − σ2

σ2, ρ2 = ρ2,

σ1 = σ1, σ2 = σ2, δ1 = α51:ð14Þ

Case 2.

α1 = α1, β1 = β1, ρ1 = −1, ρ2 = ρ2,σ1 = σ1, σ2 = σ2, δ1 = α51:


Case 3.

α1 = α1, β1 = β1, ρ1 = ρ1, ρ2 =σ2 1 + ρ1ð Þ


σ1 = σ1, σ2 = σ2, δ1 = δ1:


For example, the resulting one-wave solution for Cases 1to 3 will be read, respectively, as

Ψ1 x, tð Þ = σ1 + σ2e−tα15+xα1

1 + ρ2σ1 − σ2ð Þ/σ2ð Þ + ρ2e−tα15+xα1


Ψ2 x, tð Þ = σ1 + σ2e−tα15+xα1



Ψ1 x, tð Þ = σ1 + σ2e−tδ1+xα1

1 + ρ1 + σ2 1 + ρ1ð Þe−tδ1+xα1� �/σ1

� � :ð17Þ

3.2. Set II: Two-Wave Solutions. We start up with two-wavefunctions based on the explanations in Step 2 in the previoussection; we deem that Equation (1) has the bellow form oftwo-wave solutions as

Ψ x, tð Þ = η1η2

, ð18Þ

η1 = ρ0 + ρ1eα1x−δ1t + ρ2e

α2x−δ2t + ρ1ρ2ρ12eα1+α2ð Þx− δ1+δ2ð Þt ,


η2 = 1 + σ1eα1x−δ1t + σ2e

α2x−δ2t + σ1σ2σ12eα1+α2ð Þx− δ1+δ2ð Þt:

ð20ÞPlugging (18) along with (19) into Equation (1), we gain

the following cases:

Case 1.

α1 = 0, α2 = α2, δ1 = δ1, δ1 = δ1, ρ0 =ρ2σ2


ρ1 = 0, ρ2 = ρ2, ρ12 = ρ12, σ1 = σ1, σ2 = σ2, σ12 = 1:ð21Þ

Case 2.

α1 = 0, α2 = α2, δ1 = δ1, δ2 = δ2, ρ0 =1ρ12


ρ1 = ρ1, ρ2 =σ2ρ12

, ρ12 = ρ12, σ1 = 0, σ2 = σ2, σ12 = σ12:


Case 3.

α1 = 0, α2 = α2, δ1 = δ1, δ2 = α52, ρ0 =1ρ12


ρ1 = ρ1, ρ2 = ρ2, ρ12 = ρ12, σ1 = σ1, σ2 = 0, σ12 = σ12:


Case 4.

α1 = 0, α2 = α2, δ1 = δ1, δ2 = δ2, ρ0 =ρ2σ2


ρ1 = ρ1, ρ2 = ρ2, ρ12 =σ2ρ2

, σ1 = σ1, σ2 = σ2, σ12 = 1:ð24Þ

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Case 5.

α1 = α1, α2 = α2, δ1 = α51, δ2 = α52,

ρ0 =α1

4 − 3 α13α2 + 4 α12α22 − 3 α1α23 + α24

ρ12 α12 + α1α2 + α2

2ð Þ α1 + α2ð Þ2 ,

ρ1 = ρ1, ρ2 = ρ2, ρ12 = ρ12, σ1 = 0, σ2 = 0, σ12 = σ12:ð25Þ

Case 6.

α1 = α1, α2 = α2, δ1 = α51, δ2 = δ2, ρ0 =1ρ12


ρ1 = ρ1, ρ2 =σ2ρ12

, ρ12 = ρ12,

σ1 = 0, σ2 = σ2, σ12 = σ12:


Case 7.

α1 = α1, α2 = α2, δ1 = δ1, δ2 = δ2, ρ0 =ρ2σ2


ρ1 =ρ2σ1σ2

, ρ2 = ρ2, ρ12 =σ2σ12ρ2

, σ1 = 0, σ2 = σ2, σ12 = σ12:


For example, the resulting two-wave solution for Cases1–7 will be read, respectively, as

Ψ1 x, tð Þ = ρ2/σ2ð Þ + ρ2e−tδ2+xα2

1 + σ1e−tδ1 + σ2e−tδ2+xα2 + σ1σ2e−tδ1−tδ2+xα2,

Ψ2 x, tð Þ = ρ12−1 + ρ1e

−tδ1 + σ2e−tδ2+xα2

� �/ρ12

� �+ ρ1σ2e


1 + σ2e−tδ2+xα2,

Ψ3 x, tð Þ = ρ12−1 + ρ1e

−tδ1 + ρ2e−tα25+xα2 + ρ1ρ2ρ12e


1 + σ1e−tδ1,

Ψ4 x, tð Þ = ρ2/σ2ð Þ + ρ1e−tδ1 + ρ2e

−tδ2+xα2 + ρ1σ2e−tδ1−tδ2+xα2

1 + σ1e−tδ1 + σ2e−tδ2+xα2 + σ1σ2e−tδ1−tδ2+xα2,

Ψ5 x, tð Þ = α14 − 3 α13α2 + 4 α12α22 − 3 α1α23 + α2


ρ12 α12 + α1α2 + α2

2ð Þ α1 + α2ð Þ2+ ρ1e

−tα15+xα1 + ρ2e−tα25+xα2 + ρ1ρ2ρ12e

−tα15−tα25+xα1+xα2 ,

Ψ6 x, tð Þ = ρ12−1 + ρ1e

−tα15+xα1 + σ2e−tδ2+xα2

� �/ρ12

� �+ ρ1σ2e


1 + σ2e−tδ2+xα2,

Ψ7 x, tð Þ = ρ2/σ2ð Þ + ρ2σ1e−tδ1+xα1

� �/σ2

� �+ ρ2e

−tδ2+xα2 + ρ2σ1σ12e−tδ1−tδ2+xα1+xα2

1 + σ1e−tδ1+xα1 + σ2e−tδ2+xα2 + σ1σ2σ12e−tδ1−tδ2+xα1+xα2:


3.3. Set III: Three-Wave Solutions. We start up with three-wave functions according to the given explanations in Step2 in the previous section, we deem that Equation (1) hasthe below form of three-wave solutions as

Ψ x, tð Þ = df η1ð Þ/dxη1

, ð29Þ

η1 = 1 + ρ1eΛ1 + ρ2e

Λ2 + ρ3eΛ3

+ ρ1ρ2ρ12eΛ1+Λ2

+ ρ1ρ3ρ13eΛ1+Λ3 + ρ2ρ3ρ23e


+ ρ1ρ2ρ3ρ12ρ13ρ23eΛ1+Λ2+Λ3 ,


in which Λi = αix − δit, i = 1, 2, 3. Appending (29) alongwith (30) into Equation (1), we obtain the followingcase:

αi = αi, δi = α5i , i = 1, 2, 3,ρij = ρij, i, j = 1, 2, 3, i ≠ j:


Therefore, three-wave solution will be as

Ψ1 x, tð Þ = ρ1α1e−tα15+xα1 + ρ2α2e

−tα25+xα2 + ρ3α3e−tα35+xα3

+ ρ1ρ2ρ12 α1 + α2ð Þe−tα15−tα25+xα1+xα2+ ρ1ρ3ρ13 α1 + α3ð Þe−tα15−tα35+xα1+xα3+ ρ2ρ3ρ23 α2 + α3ð Þe−tα25−tα35+xα2+xα3+ ρ1ρ2ρ3ρ12ρ13ρ23 α1 + α2 + α3ð Þe−tα15−tα25−tα35+xα1+xα2+xα3 /� 1 + ρ1e


+ ρ2e−tα25+xα2 + ρ3e


+ ρ1ρ2ρ12e−tα15−tα25+xα1+xα2 + ρ1ρ3ρ13e



+ ρ1ρ2ρ3ρ12ρ13ρ23e−tα15−tα25−tα35+xα1+xα2+xα3Þ:


3.4. Cross-Kink Solutions. Here, we will consider thecross-kink wave solution with selecting the below func-tion which for Equation (1) has been taken as

f = exp τ1ð Þ + θ10 exp −τ1ð Þ + sinh τ2ð Þ+ sin τ3ð Þ + θ11, τ1 = θ1x + θ2t

+ θ3, τ2 = θ4x + θ5t

+ θ6, τ3 = θ7x + θ8t + θ9,


Ψ x, tð Þ = ln fð Þxx, ð34Þ

where θi, i = 1,⋯, 11, are undetermined amounts whichshould be detected. Appending (34) into Equation (1)and afterwards collecting the coefficients, we obtain thefollowing consequences:

Case 1.

θ1 = θ4 = iθ7, θ2 = θ5 = −16iθ57,θ8 = −16θ57, θ11 = 0, i2 = −1:


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Substituting (35) into (33) and (34), we achieve a cross-kink wave solution of Equation (1) as follows:

Case 2.

θ1 =ffiffiffi3

pθ7 = i


pθ4, θ2 = −


pθ8 = 16



θ5 = −16θ54, θ10 = 0, θ11 = 0, i2 = −1:ð37Þ

Substituting (37) into (33) and (34), we achieve a cross-kink wave solution of Equation (1) which can be written asfollows:

3.5. Periodic-Kink Wave Solutions.Here, we will consider theperiodic-kink wave solution with selecting the below func-tion which for Equation (1) has been taken as

f = exp τ1ð Þ + θ10 exp −τ1ð Þ + cosh τ2ð Þ + cos τ3ð Þ+ θ11, τ1 = θ1x + θ2t + θ3, τ2 = θ4x + θ5t

+ θ6, τ3 = θ7x + θ8t + θ9,ð39Þ

Ψ x, tð Þ = ln fð Þxx, ð40Þwhere θi, i = 1,⋯, 11, are undetermined amounts whichshould be detected. Appending (40) into Equation (1) and

afterwards collecting the coefficients, we obtain the followingconsequences:

Case 1.

θ1 = θ4 = iθ7, θ2 = θ5 = −16iθ57, θ8 = −16θ57, θ11 = 0, i2 = −1:ð41Þ

Substituting (41) into (39) and (40), we achieve aperiodic-kink wave solution of Equation (1) which can bewritten as follows:

f = e−16 iθ75t+iθ7x+θ3 + θ10e

16 iθ75t−iθ7x−θ3 − sinh 16 iθ75t − iθ7x − θ6� �

− sin 16 θ75t − θ7x − θ9� �


Ψ1 =−θ7

2e−16 iθ75t+iθ7x+θ3 − θ10θ7

2e16 iθ75t−iθ7x−θ3 + sinh 16 iθ75t − iθ7x − θ6

� �θ7

2 + sin 16 θ75t − θ7x − θ9� �


e−16 iθ75t+iθ7x+θ3 + θ10e16 iθ7

5t−iθ7x−θ3 − sinh 16 iθ75t − iθ7x − θ6� �

− sin 16 θ75t − θ7x − θ9� �


−16 iθ75t+iθ7x+θ3 − iθ10θ7e16 iθ75t−iθ7x−θ3 + i cosh 16 iθ75t − iθ7x − θ6

� �θ7 + cos 16 θ75t − θ7x − θ9

� �θ7

� �2e−16 iθ7

5t+iθ7x+θ3 + θ10e16 iθ75t−iθ7x−θ3 − sinh 16 iθ75t − iθ7x − θ6

� �− sin 16 θ75t − θ7x − θ9

� �� �2 :


f = e16ffiffi3



piθ4x+θ3 − sinh 16 tθ45 − xθ4 − θ6

� �− sin 16 θ45it − iθ4x − θ9

� �,

Ψ1 =3 i2θ42e16




piθ4x+θ3 − sinh 16 tθ45 − xθ4 − θ6

� �θ4

2 + sin 16 θ45it − iθ4x − θ9� �





piθ4x+θ3 − sinh 16 tθ45 − xθ4 − θ6

� �− sin 16 θ45it − iθ4x − θ9

� �



16 ffiffi3



piθ4x+θ3 + cosh 16 tθ45 − xθ4 − θ6

� �θ4 + cos 16 θ45it − iθ4x − θ9

� �iθ4

� �2e16




piθ4x+θ3 − sinh 16 tθ45 − xθ4 − θ6

� �− sin 16 θ45it − iθ4x − θ9

� �� �2 :


f = e−16 iθ75t+iθ7x+θ3 + θ10e

16 iθ75t−iθ7x−θ3 + cosh −16 iθ75t + iθ7x + θ6� �

+ cos −16 θ75t + θ7x + θ9� �


Ψ2 =i2θ7

2e−16 iθ75t+iθ7x+θ3 + θ10i

2θ72e16 iθ7

5t−iθ7x−θ3 + cosh 16 iθ75t − iθ7x − θ6� �

i2θ72 − cos 16 tθ75 − xθ7 − θ9

� �θ7


e−16 iθ75t+iθ7x+θ3 + θ10e16 iθ7

5t−iθ7x−θ3 + cosh 16 iθ75t − iθ7x − θ6� �

+ cos 16 tθ75 − xθ7 − θ9� �


−16 iθ75t+iθ7x+θ3 − θ10iθ7e16 iθ75t−iθ7x−θ3 − sinh 16 iθ75t − iθ7x − θ6

� �iθ7 + sin 16 tθ75 − xθ7 − θ9

� �θ7

� �2e−16 iθ7

5t+iθ7x+θ3 + θ10e16 iθ75t−iθ7x−θ3 + cosh 16 iθ75t − iθ7x − θ6

� �+ cos 16 tθ75 − xθ7 − θ9

� �� �2 :


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Case 2.

θ1 =ffiffiffi3

pθ7 = i


pθ4, θ2 = −


pθ8 = 16



θ5 = −16θ54, θ10 = 0, θ11 = 0, i2 = −1:ð43Þ

Substituting (43) into (39) and (40), we achieve aperiodic-kink wave solution of Equation (1) as follows:

3.6. Periodic Type Wave Solutions-I. Here, we will considerthe periodic type wave solution with selecting the below func-tion which for Equation (1) has been taken as

f = θ10 exp τ1ð Þ + θ11 exp −τ2ð Þ + θ12 cos τ3ð Þ, τ1 = θ1x

+ θ2t + θ3, τ2 = θ4x + θ5t + θ6, τ3 = θ7x + θ8t + θ9,ð45Þ

Ψ x, tð Þ = ln fð Þxx, ð46Þwhere θi, i = 1,⋯, 11, are undetermined amounts whichshould be detected. Appending (46) into Equation (1) andafterwards collecting the coefficients, we obtain the followingconsequences:

Case 1.

θ1 =ffiffiffi3

pθ7, θ2 = 16


pθ57, θ8 = −16θ57, θ11 = 0: ð47Þ

Substituting (47) into (45) and (46), a periodic type wavesolution of Equation (1) can be obtained as follows:

f = θ10e16 θ75



pθ7x+θ3 + θ12 cos 16 tθ75 − xθ7 − θ9

� �,

Ψ1 =3 θ10θ72e16 θ7

5 ffiffi3pt+ffiffi3

pθ7x+θ3 − θ12 cos 16 tθ75 − xθ7 − θ9

� �θ7


θ10e16 θ75 ffiffi3p


pθ7x+θ3 + θ12 cos 16 tθ75 − xθ7 − θ9

� �




16 θ75ffiffi3


pθ7x+θ3 + θ12 sin 16 tθ75 − xθ7 − θ9

� �θ7

� �2θ10e16 θ7

5 ffiffi3pt+ffiffi3

pθ7x+θ3 + θ12 cos 16 tθ75 − xθ7 − θ9

� �� �2 :


Case 2.

θ1 = −θ4 = −ffiffiffi3

pθ7, θ2 = −θ5 = −16


pθ57, θ8 = −16θ57: ð49Þ

Substituting (49) into (45) and (46), a periodic type wavesolution of Equation (1) can be obtained as follows:

3.7. Periodic Type Wave Solutions-II. Here, we will considerthe periodic wave solution with selecting the below functionwhich for Equation (1) has been taken as

f = θ10 exp τ1ð Þ + θ11 exp −τ2ð Þ + θ12 sin τ3ð Þ, τ1 = θ1x

+ θ2t + θ3, τ2 = θ4x + θ5t + θ6, τ3 = θ7x + θ8t + θ9,ð51Þ

f = e16ffiffi3



piθ4x+θ3 + sinh −16 tθ45 + xθ4 + θ6

� �+ sin −16 θ45it + iθ4x + θ9

� �,

Ψ2 =3 i2θ42e16




piθ4x+θ3 + cosh 16 tθ45 − xθ4 − θ6

� �θ4

2 − cos 16 θ45it − iθ4x − θ9� �





piθ4x+θ3 + cosh 16 tθ45 − xθ4 − θ6

� �+ cos 16 θ45it − iθ4x − θ9

� �



16 ffiffi3



piθ4x+θ3 − sinh 16 tθ45 − xθ4 − θ6

� �θ4 + sin 16 θ45it − iθ4x − θ9

� �iθ4

� �2e16




piθ4x+θ3 + cosh 16 tθ45 − xθ4 − θ6

� �+ cos 16 θ45it − iθ4x − θ9

� �� �2 :


f = θ10e−16 θ75



pθ7x+θ3 + θ11e

−16 θ75ffiffi3


pθ7x−θ6 + θ12 cos 16 tθ75 − xθ7 − θ9

� �,

Ψ2 =3 θ10θ72e−16 θ7

5 ffiffi3pt−ffiffi3

pθ7x+θ3 + 3 θ11θ72e−16 θ7

5 ffiffi3pt−ffiffi3

pθ7x−θ6 − θ12 cos 16 tθ75 − xθ7 − θ9

� �θ7


θ10e−16 θ75 ffiffi3p


pθ7x+θ3 + θ11e−16 θ7

5 ffiffi3pt−ffiffi3

pθ7x−θ6 + θ12 cos 16 tθ75 − xθ7 − θ9

� �




−16 θ75ffiffi3


pθ7x+θ3 − θ11



−16 θ75ffiffi3


pθ7x−θ6 + θ12 sin 16 tθ75 − xθ7 − θ9

� �θ7

� �2θ10e−16 θ7

5 ffiffi3pt−ffiffi3

pθ7x+θ3 + θ11e−16 θ7

5 ffiffi3pt−ffiffi3

pθ7x−θ6 + θ12 cos 16 tθ75 − xθ7 − θ9

� �� �2 :


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Ψ x, tð Þ = ln fð Þxx, ð52Þ

where θi, i = 1,⋯, 11, are undetermined amounts whichshould be detected. Appending (52) into Equation (1) andafterwards collecting the coefficients, we obtain the followingconsequences:

Case 1.

θ1 =ffiffiffi3

pθ7, θ2 = 16


pθ57, θ8 = −16θ57, θ11 = 0: ð53Þ

Substituting (53) into (51) and (52), a periodic type wavesolution of Equation (1) can be obtained as follows:

f = θ10e16 θ75



pθ7x+θ3 + θ12 sin −16 tθ75 + xθ7 + θ9

� �,

Ψ1 =3 θ11θ72e16 θ7

5 ffiffi3pt+ffiffi3

pθ7x+θ3 + θ12 sin 16 tθ75 − xθ7 − θ9

� �θ7


θ11e16 θ75 ffiffi3p


pθ7x+θ3 − θ12 sin 16 tθ75 − xθ7 − θ9

� �




16 θ75ffiffi3


pθ7x+θ3 + θ12 cos 16 tθ75 − xθ7 − θ9

� �θ7

� �2θ11e16 θ7

5 ffiffi3pt+ffiffi3

pθ7x+θ3 − θ12 sin 16 tθ75 − xθ7 − θ9

� �� �2 :


Case 2.

θ1 = −θ4 = −ffiffiffi3

pθ7, θ2 = −θ5 = −16


pθ57, θ8 = −16θ57: ð55Þ

Substituting (55) into (51) and (52), a periodic type wavesolution of Equation (1) can be obtained as follows:

3.8. Solitary Wave Solutions. Here, we will consider the soli-tary wave solution with selecting the below function whichfor Equation (1) has been taken as

f = θ7 + θ8 exp τ1ð Þ + θ9 exp −τ2ð Þ, τ1 = θ1x

+ θ2t + θ3, τ2 = θ4x + θ5t + θ6,ð57Þ

Ψ x, tð Þ = ln fð Þxx, ð58Þwhere θi, i = 1,⋯, 9, are undetermined amounts whichshould be detected. Appending (58) into Equation (1) andafterwards collecting the coefficients, we obtain the belowconsequences:

Case 1.

θ2 = −θ15 − 5 θ14θ4 − 10 θ13θ42 − 10 θ12θ43

− 5 θ1θ44 − θ45 − θ5, θ7 = 0:


Substituting (59) into (57) and (58), a solitary wave solu-tion of Equation (1) can be written as follows:

f = θ8e−θ1

5−5 θ14θ4−10 θ13θ42−10 θ12θ43−5 θ1θ44−θ45−θ5ð Þt+θ1x+θ3+ θ9e

−tθ5−xθ4−θ6 ,ð60Þ

Ψ1 =θ8θ1

2e −θ15−5 θ14θ4−10 θ13θ42−10 θ12θ43−5 θ1θ44−θ45−θ5ð Þt+θ1x+θ3 + θ9θ4



5−5 θ14θ4−10 θ13θ42−10 θ12θ43−5 θ1θ44−θ45−θ5ð Þt+θ1x+θ3 + θ9e−tθ5−xθ4−θ6


−θ15−5 θ14θ4−10 θ13θ42−10 θ12θ43−5 θ1θ44−θ45−θ5ð Þt+θ1x+θ3 − θ9θ4e

−tθ5−xθ4−θ6� �2


5−5 θ14θ4−10 θ13θ42−10 θ12θ43−5 θ1θ44−θ45−θ5ð Þt+θ1x+θ3 + θ9e−tθ5−xθ4−θ6� �2 :


By using suitable values of parameters, the analyticaltreatment of periodic wave solution is presented in Figure 1including 3D plot and 2D plot with three points of timeincluding t = 0, t = 0:02, and t = 0:04.

Case 2.

θ1 = −θ4, θ2 = θ54, θ5 = −θ54: ð62Þ

Substituting (62) into (57) and (58), a solitary wave solu-tion of Equation (1) can be obtained as follows:

f = θ7 + θ8etθ4

5−xθ4+θ3 + θ9etθ4

5−xθ4−θ6 ,

Ψ2 =θ4

2 θ8etθ4

5−xθ4+θ3 + θ9etθ4

5−xθ4−θ6� �


θ7 + θ8etθ45−xθ4+θ3 + θ9etθ4

5−xθ4−θ6� �2 : ð63Þ

f = θ10e−16 θ75



pθ7x+θ3 + θ11e

−16 θ75ffiffi3


pθ7x−θ6 − θ12 sin 16 tθ75 − xθ7 − θ9

� �,

Ψ2 =3 θ10θ72e−16 θ7

5 ffiffi3pt−ffiffi3

pθ7x+θ3 + 3 θ11θ72e−16 θ7

5 ffiffi3pt−ffiffi3

pθ7x−θ6 + θ12 sin 16 tθ75 − xθ7 − θ9

� �θ7


θ10e−16 θ75 ffiffi3p


pθ7x+θ3 + θ11e−16 θ7

5 ffiffi3pt−ffiffi3

pθ7x−θ6 − θ12 sin 16 tθ75 − xθ7 − θ9

� �




−16 θ75ffiffi3


pθ7x+θ3 − θ11



−16 θ75ffiffi3


pθ7x−θ6 + θ12 cos 16 tθ75 − xθ7 − θ9

� �θ7

� �2θ10e−16 θ7

5 ffiffi3pt−ffiffi3

pθ7x+θ3 + θ11e−16 θ7

5 ffiffi3pt−ffiffi3

pθ7x−θ6 − θ12 sin 16 tθ75 − xθ7 − θ9

� �� �2 :


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By using suitable values of parameters, the analyticaltreatment of periodic wave solution is presented in Figure 2including 3D plot and 2D plot with three points of timeincluding t = 0, t = 0:02, and t = 0:04.

Case 3.

θ1 = −12 −1 ±



� �θ4, θ2 =

12 1 ±



� �θ54, θ5 = −θ54: ð64Þ

Substituting (64) into (57) and (58), we achieve a solitarywave solution of Equation (1) as follows:

f = θ7 + θ8e1/2ð Þ tθ45 i


p+1ð Þ− 1/2ð Þ xθ4 i


p−1ð Þ+θ3 + θ9e

tθ45−xθ4−θ6 , 

Ψ3 =1/4ð Þ θ8θ42 i


p− 1

� �2e 1/2ð Þ tθ45 i


p+1ð Þ− 1/2ð Þ xθ4 i


p−1ð Þ+θ3 + θ9θ4


θ7 + θ8e1/2ð Þ tθ45 i


p+1ð Þ− 1/2ð Þ xθ4 i


p−1ð Þ+θ3 + θ9etθ4


−− 1/2ð Þ θ8θ4 i


p− 1

� �e 1/2ð Þ tθ45 i


p+1ð Þ− 1/2ð Þ xθ4 i


p−1ð Þ+θ3 − θ9θ4etθ4

5−xθ4−θ6� �2

θ7 + θ8e1/2ð Þ tθ45 i


p+1ð Þ− 1/2ð Þ xθ4 i


p−1ð Þ+θ3 + θ9etθ4

5−xθ4−θ6� �2 :


4. Stability Analysis of CDG Equation

According to [59], in order to analyze the propagation char-acteristics of the rogue wave in detail, we choose the linearstability analysis for the CDG equation via the following






–4 –2 2 4








200 150 100 50 0 –50




Figure 1: The solitary wave (61) at θ1 = 1, θ4 = 2, θ3 = 2, θ5 = :5, θ6 = 3, θ8 = 1:3, θ9 = 2:4.

0–1–2 1 2 3 4 5















4 200150





Figure 2: The solitary wave (63) at θ4 = 2, θ3 = 2, θ6 = 3, θ7 = 1:3, θ8 = 2, θ9 = 2:4.

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function along with appropriate parameters:

Φ x, tð Þ = θ + δΩ x, tð Þ, ð66Þ

where the relation constant θ is a steady state solution ofEquation (66). Appending (66) into Equation (1), one canobtain


Ω x, tð Þ + δ∂5

∂x5Ω x, tð Þ + 30δ ∂3

∂x3Ω x, tð Þ

+ 30δ2 ∂3

∂x3Ω x, tð Þ

!Ω x, tð Þ + 30δ2 ∂

∂xΩ x, tð Þ

� �

� ∂2

∂x2Ω x, tð Þ + 180δ ∂

∂xΩ x, tð Þ

� �θ2 + 360δ2 ∂

∂xΩ x, tð Þ

� �

� θΩ x, tð Þ + 180δ3 ∂∂x

Ω x, tð Þ� �

Ω x, tð Þð Þ2 = 0:


By linearization of Equation (67), we get


Ω x, tð Þ + δ∂5

∂x5Ω x, tð Þ + 30δ ∂3

∂x3Ω x, tð Þ

+ 180δ ∂∂x

Ω x, tð Þ� �

θ2 = 0:ð68Þ

Theorem 1. Presume that the solution of Equation (68) hasthe following form:

Ω x, tð Þ = ρ1ei αx+βtð Þ, ð69Þ

where α, β are the normalized wave numbers, by putting (69)into Equation (68), then by solving for β, we can achieve thefollowing form

β αð Þ = −α5 + 30 α3θ − 180αθ2: ð70Þ

Proof. By appending the equality (69) in the linear PDE (68),we obtain


Ω x, tð Þ + δ∂5

∂x5Ω x, tð Þ + 30δ ∂3

∂x3Ω x, tð Þ

+ 180δ ∂∂x

Ω x, tð Þ� �

θ2 = iei α x+β tð Þ

� δ ρ1 α5 − 30 α3θ + 180 α θ2 + β� �

= 0:


By solving and simplifying, we can find the value of βðαÞas follows:

β αð Þ = −α5 + 30α3θ − 180αθ2: ð72Þ

After that, we get to the needed solution. Hence, the proofof the theorem is complete.

In Figures 3–5, it can be seen that when the sign of βðαÞ ispositive for all amounts of α, then any superposition of solu-tions of the form eiðαx+βtÞ will come to ascent, while the signof βðαÞ is negative for all amounts of α, then any superposi-tion of solutions of the form eiðαx+βtÞ will come to decay andthe steady condition is stable. After that, in Figures 3 and 4,it can be observed that if the βðαÞ is positive or negative forsome amounts of α, then with increasing time some compo-nents of a superposition will become descent, and the steadycondition is stable. Finally, in Figure 5, it can be perceivedthat when the sign of βðαÞ is positive for all amounts of α,then any superposition of solutions of the form eiðαx+βtÞ willcome to ascent, while the sign of βðαÞ is negative for allamounts of α, then any superposition of solutions of the formeiðαx+βtÞ will come to decay and the steady condition is stable.

0 5 10–5–10








Figure 3: The behavior of stability analysis βðαÞ and wave numberα with the disparate amounts θ = 1, θ = 2, θ = 3.

5 10–5–10






Figure 4: The behavior of stability analysis βðαÞ and wave numberα with the disparate amounts θ = −5, θ = −3, θ = −1.

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5. Conclusion

In this work, the multiple exp-function, cross-kink, periodic-kink, and solitary wave methods with predictability of the(1 + 1)-dimensional CDG equation are investigated withmore arbitrary autocephalous parameters. It is not hard tosee that the general periodic-kink solution is an algebraicallywave solution, and we noticed that some obtained solutionsare singular periodic solitary wave solution which is periodicwave or periodic-kink, or solitary wave solutions in x − tdirection. Also, the other presented solution is a breathertype of two-solitary wave solution which contains a periodicwave and two solitary waves, whose amplitude periodicallyoscillates with the evolution of time. Moreover, the kinkand periodic solutions were analyzed and investigated. Inaddition, the periodic-kink waves appeared when the peri-odic solution cut by a stripe soliton before or after a specialtime. Meanwhile, the modulation instability was applied todiscuss the stability of earned solutions. Finally, we showsome graphs to explain these solutions.

Data Availability

The datasets supporting the conclusions of this article areincluded within the article and its additional file.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.


This project was supported by Researchers Supporting Pro-ject number (RSP-2020/210), King Saud University, Riyadh,Saudi Arabia.


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12 Advances in Mathematical Physics