Download - APPENDIX F BUSHFIRE MANAGEMENT PLAN...The buffer zone for a Threatened Flora species is mapped as occurring 150 m to the southeast of the project area. Fauna habitat listed under the




  • Cuttone Property Group

    Bushfire Management Plan (Structure Plan)

    Lot 61 Roland Road and Lot 1001 Kilburn Road, Parkerville

    19 May 2020

    57677/125784 (Rev 0)

    JBS&G Australia Pty Ltd T/A Strategen-JBS&G

  • ©JBS&G Australia Pty Ltd T/A Strategen-JBS&G | 57677/125784 (Rev 0) ii

    Table of Contents

    1. Proposal details ............................................................................................................. 1

    1.1 Background .......................................................................................................... 1

    1.2 Site description .................................................................................................... 1

    1.3 Purpose ................................................................................................................ 1

    1.4 Other plans/reports ............................................................................................. 1

    2. Environmental considerations ....................................................................................... 5

    2.1 Native vegetation - modification and clearing .................................................... 5

    2.2 Revegetation / Landscape Plans .......................................................................... 6

    3. Bushfire assessment results .......................................................................................... 7

    3.1 Assessment inputs ............................................................................................... 7

    3.1.1 Vegetation classification ...................................................................... 7

    3.1.2 Effective slope ...................................................................................... 7

    3.1.3 Pre-development inputs ...................................................................... 7

    3.1.4 Post-development inputs ..................................................................... 8

    3.2 Assessment outputs .......................................................................................... 12

    3.2.1 Pre-development Bushfire Hazard Level (BHL) assessment .............. 12

    3.2.2 Post-development Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) contour assessment 12

    4. Identification of bushfire hazard issues ....................................................................... 16

    4.1 Bushfire context ................................................................................................ 16

    4.2 Bushfire hazard issues ....................................................................................... 16

    4.2.1 Asset Protection Zones (APZs) ........................................................... 16

    4.2.2 POS ..................................................................................................... 17

    4.2.3 Road reserves ..................................................................................... 17

    4.2.4 On-site fuel management .................................................................. 17

    4.2.5 On-site staging buffers ....................................................................... 17

    4.2.6 Increased building construction standards ........................................ 17

    4.2.7 Public and internal access .................................................................. 18

    4.2.8 Reticulated water supply ................................................................... 18

    4.2.9 Notification on title ............................................................................ 18

    4.2.10 Compliance with annual firebreak notice .......................................... 18

    5. Assessment against the bushfire protection criteria ................................................... 19

    5.1 Compliance table ............................................................................................... 19

    6. Responsibilities for implementation and management of the bushfire measures ..... 21

    7. References ................................................................................................................... 22

    8. Limitations ................................................................................................................... 23

  • ©JBS&G Australia Pty Ltd T/A Strategen-JBS&G | 57677/125784 (Rev 0) iii

    List of Tables

    Table 1: Summary of environmental values ............................................................................ 5

    Table 2: Pre-development vegetation classifications/exclusions and effective slope ............ 8

    Table 3: Post-development vegetation classifications/exclusions and effective slope ........... 9

    Table 4: Bushfire hazard levels and characteristics ............................................................... 12

    Table 5: Indicative BAL contour assessment results .............................................................. 13

    Table 6: Compliance with the bushfire protection criteria of the Guidelines ....................... 19

    List of Figures

    Figure 1: Indicative concept plan ............................................................................................. 3

    Figure 2: Site overview ............................................................................................................. 4

    Figure 3: Pre-development vegetation classification and effective slope ............................. 10

    Figure 4: Post-development vegetation classification and effective slope ........................... 11

    Figure 5: Pre-development BHL assessment ......................................................................... 14

    Figure 6: Indicative post-development BAL contour assessment and bushfire management measures ......................................................................................................... 15

    List of Plates

    Plate 1: Map of Bush Fire Prone Areas (DFES 2020) ................................................................ 2


    Appendix A Tree Retention Plan (Roberts Day 2020)

    Appendix B Vegetation plot photos and description

    Appendix C APZ standards (Schedule 1 of the Guidelines)

    Appendix D Vehicular access technical standards of the Guidelines

    Appendix E Water technical standards of the Guidelines

    Appendix F Shire of Mundaring Firebreak Notice

  • ©JBS&G Australia Pty Ltd T/A Strategen-JBS&G | 57677/125784 (Rev 0) 1

    1. Proposal details

    1.1 Background

    RobertsDay, on behalf of Cuttone Property Group, is seeking to lodge a Structure Plan to guide future residential development within Lot 61 Roland Road and Lot 1001 Kilburn Road, Parkerville (the project area), located in the Shire of Mundaring. The development concept plan (Figure 1; Roberts Day 2020) identifies:

    • 58 proposed residential lots south of Clutterbuck Creek with a minimum lot size of 2000 m2

    • internal road layout

    • areas of Public Open Space (POS) and drainage.

    1.2 Site description

    The project area is bordered to the north by the east-west aligned Clutterbuck Creek and associated creek-line vegetation within the balance of Lots 61 and 1001 and is also surrounded by (see Figure 2):

    • Kilburn Road and residential lots to the south

    • Brindle Road and rural residential lots to the east (Lots 6–8 and 148)

    • Roland Road and mixed special use (Lots 9001 and 1636), rural residential (Lot 60, Silver Tree Steiner School) and rural small holdings (Lot 1884, Mundaring Christian College) to the west

    • General agriculture (rural small holdings) within Lot 1, north of the balance land.

    The project area currently contains property assets in the form of a dwelling on Lot 1001 and sheds on Lot 61.

    The project area is designated as bushfire prone on the Map of Bush Fire Prone Areas (DFES 2020; see Plate 1).

    1.3 Purpose

    This Bushfire Management Plan (BMP) has been prepared to address requirements under Policy Measure 6.3 of State Planning Policy 3.7 Planning in Bushfire-Prone Areas (SPP 3.7; WAPC 2015) and Guidelines for Planning in Bushfire-Prone Areas (the Guidelines; WAPC 2017).

    1.4 Other plans/reports

    Other reports that have been prepared for the project area include:

    • Bushfire Management Plan: Lot 61 Roland Road and Lot 1001 Kilburn Road prepared by Strategen (2017, ref: RDP16601_01 R001 Rev 1).

    The abovementioned BMP facilitated MRS and Local Planning Scheme amendments to rezone the project area to accommodate future residential development. This Structure Plan stage BMP has been prepared in consideration of the abovementioned rezoning stage BMP.

  • ©JBS&G Australia Pty Ltd T/A Strategen-JBS&G | 57677/125784 (Rev 0) 2

    Plate 1: Map of Bush Fire Prone Areas (DFES 2020)

  • ©JBS&G Australia Pty Ltd T/A Strategen-JBS&G | 57677/125784 (Rev 0) 3

    Figure 1: Indicative concept plan

  • Lot 18545.3963ha


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    Job No: 57677

    Client: Cuttone Property Group

    Version: A

    Drawn By: cthatcher

    Date: 13-May-2020

    Checked By: LR


    Coord. Sys. GDA 1994 MGA Zone 50

    FIGURE 2

    Project area

    100m assessment area

    150m assessment area


    Foreshore reserve buffer

    Existing cadastre


    Road reserve


    Proposed cadastre roadreserve


    Roads (MRWA)

    Image Reference:© - Imagery Date: 8 March 2020

    Lot 61 Roland Rd,Lot 1001 Kilburn RdParkerville, WA




    File Name: \\008PMPMR004V001.jbsg.aust\JBS Perth\Projects\1)Open\Cuttone Property Group\57677 BMP Kilburn Rd Parkerville LSP\GIS\Maps\R01 Rev A\57677_02_SiteOverview.mxd

    0 50 100


  • ©JBS&G Australia Pty Ltd T/A Strategen-JBS&G | 57677/125784 (Rev 0) 5

    2. Environmental considerations

    2.1 Native vegetation - modification and clearing

    The site is predominantly cleared and currently used for livestock grazing purposes.

    Numerous individual and small stands of native paddock trees are situated within the project area and have habitat value for native fauna species and will be retained where possible. The Indicative Tree Retention Plan at Appendix A depicts the trees that are expected to be retained versus those that are expected to be removed as part of the proposed development.

    Clutterbuck Creek foreshore reserve is located external to the project area to the north and will be retained in its current state.

    Road verge vegetation along Roland, Kilburn and Brindle Roads will be impacted by the proposal due to the necessary road widening and access construction required as part of the proposal.

    On this basis, aside from narrow strips of road verge vegetation, the proposal is not likely to have significant clearing impacts on conservation significant fauna as the majority of potential on-site habitat will be retained. Notwithstanding, all relevant environmental approvals will be sought prior to any vegetation modification or clearing.

    A search of publicly available environmental data relating to the project area has been undertaken and is summarised in Table 1.

    Table 1: Summary of environmental values

    Environmental value

    Not mapped as occurring within or adjacent to the project area

    Mapped as occurring within or adjacent to the project area


    Within Adjacent

    Environmentally Sensitive Area ✓


    Swan Bioplan Regionally Significant Natural Area

    ✓ N/A

    Ecological linkages

    ✓ An ecological linkage is mapped as occurring 320 m to the east of the project area.

    Wetlands ✓ N/A

    Waterways ✓ Clutterbuck Creek runs adjacent to the northern boundary of the project area. Threatened Ecological Communities listed under the EPBC Act

    ✓ N/A

    Threatened and priority flora ✓

    The buffer zone for a Threatened Flora species is mapped as occurring 150 m to the southeast of the project area.

    Fauna habitat listed under the EPBC Act

    ✓ ✓

    With respect to Carnaby’s Black Cockatoo, the project area and adjacent areas are mapped as containing:

    • confirmed breeding areas

    • confirmed roosting areas

    • potential feeding areas.

    Threatened and priority fauna

    ✓ ✓

    The buffer zone for a Threatened Fauna species is mapped as occurring across the southeast portion of the project area, with four other Threatened or Priority Fauna species occurring to the south.

  • ©JBS&G Australia Pty Ltd T/A Strategen-JBS&G | 57677/125784 (Rev 0) 6

    Environmental value

    Not mapped as occurring within or adjacent to the project area

    Mapped as occurring within or adjacent to the project area


    Within Adjacent

    Bush Forever Site ✓ N/A

    DBCA managed lands and waters (includes legislated lands and waters and lands of interest)


    Conservation covenants ✓


    2.2 Revegetation / Landscape Plans

    Any future landscaping/POS will consist of low threat drainage areas, managed gardens and street scaping in accordance with AS 3959 Clause (f) and Schedule 1 of the Guidelines (refer to Appendix C), which will be demonstrated in a future detailed landscaping plan.

    No revegetation is proposed within the project area; however, revegetation may occur within Clutterbuck Creek foreshore reserve at a later time. Details of the extent and composition of revegetation within the foreshore reserve will be identified if applicable at future planning stages through development of detailed landscaping plans as required. Future revegetation of the foreshore reserve will have no bearing on the BAL outcome for proposed development south of Clutterbuck Creek since a worst-case Class A Forest classification has already been applied.

  • ©JBS&G Australia Pty Ltd T/A Strategen-JBS&G | 57677/125784 (Rev 0) 7

    3. Bushfire assessment results

    3.1 Assessment inputs

    3.1.1 Vegetation classification

    Strategen-JBS&G assessed classified vegetation and exclusions within 150 m of the project area through on-ground verification on 15 November 2019 in accordance with AS 3959—2018 Construction of Buildings in Bushfire-Prone Areas (AS 3959; SA 2018) and the Visual Guide for Bushfire Risk Assessment in Western Australia (DoP 2016). Georeferenced site photos and a description of the pre-development vegetation classifications and exclusions are contained in Appendix B and Figure 3. Post-development vegetation classifications and exclusions are depicted in Figure 4.

    3.1.2 Effective slope

    Strategen-JBS&G assessed effective slope under classified vegetation through on-ground verification on 15 November 2019 in accordance with AS 3959. Results were cross-referenced with DPIRD 2m contour data and are depicted in Table 2, Table 3 and Figure 3.

    Site observations confirm that the majority of the project area is flat to gently undulating in association with the Clutterbuck Creek valley floor. The valley periphery in the east grades from undulating to steep; however, these slopes were identified to be up-slope from proposed development. Topographic elevation across the site ranges from approximately 245 m Australian Height Datum (mAHD) in the south and north to approximately 235 mAHD in the west.

    Effective slope under post development classified vegetation has been identified as either flat land or upslope from proposed development areas (i.e. effective slope of 0 degrees).

    3.1.3 Pre-development inputs

    Regional vegetation surveys and mapping of the Swan Coastal Plain indicates the project area and adjacent land is contained within the Yarragil 1 Complex and Dwellingup D2 Complex: Karrakatta Complex – Central and South. These vegetation complexes are described as:

    • Yarragil 1: Open forest of jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata subsp. marginata) – marri (Corymbia calophylla) on slopes with mixtures of Swan River blackbutt (Eucalyptus patens) and bullich (Eucalyptus megacarpa) on the valley floors in humid and subhumid zones.

    • Dwellingup D2 Complex: Open forest of jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata subsp. marginata) – marri (Corymbia calophylla) on lateritic uplands in subhumid and semiarid zones.

    The indicator species identified from the above vegetation complexes are consistent with the vegetation classifications identified during the site inspection with forest and woodland areas being dominated by overstorey eucalypts. Pre-development vegetation classifications and exclusions are depicted in Figure 3 and listed below:

    • the project area consists of:

    o Class A Forest along the southern boundary

    o Class B Woodland within small patches of remnant trees

    o Class G Grassland (grazed pastureland) throughout the majority of the site.

    • land adjacent to the project area and within 150 m consists of:

    o Class A Forest within the proposed Foreshore Reserve to the north, surrounding road reserves and within rural and rural residential land to the west and east of the project area

  • ©JBS&G Australia Pty Ltd T/A Strategen-JBS&G | 57677/125784 (Rev 0) 8

    o Class B Woodland within surrounding road reserves, balance land to the north and residential land to the southwest

    o Class G Grassland within the balance land to the north and rural residential land to the east and west

    o non-vegetated areas (e.g. roads and buildings) and/or low threat managed land excluded from classification under Clause (e) and (f) throughout residential lots to the south and existing constructed road surfaces, buildings and infrastructure.

    A summary of the assessed pre-development classified vegetation, exclusions and effective slope are listed in Table 2 and illustrated in Figure 3.

    Table 2: Pre-development vegetation classifications/exclusions and effective slope Vegetation plot

    Vegetation classification Effective slope Comments

    1 Class A Forest Flat/upslope (0°) Dominated by eucalypts with a prominent overstorey, mid-storey and understorey fuel structure.

    2 Class B Woodland Flat/upslope (0°) Dominated by eucalypts with no mid-storey vegetation and predominantly grassy understorey.

    3 Class G Grassland Flat/upslope (0°) Grassland dominating the pastural land on-site and throughout adjacent land.

    4 Excluded – Non-vegetated and Low threat (Clause [e] and [f])

    N/A Existing low threat vegetation (street trees, managed road verges, residential gardens) and non-vegetated areas (i.e. roads, paths, buildings, driveways, water bodies).

    3.1.4 Post-development inputs

    Proposed development will result in vegetation modification and clearing within Roland, Kilburn and Brindle road verges to achieve a low threat/non-vegetated state, as well as conversion of the current on-site grassland extent to a managed low threat/non-vegetated state.

    On this basis, post-development vegetation exclusions will include:

    • vegetation that is currently or will be managed in a low threat, minimal fuel condition excluded from classification under Clause (f) of AS 3959, including:

    o proposed POS and drainage areas

    o Roland Road, Kilburn Road and Brindle Road reserves.

    • any non-vegetated areas occupied by existing and proposed roads, parking, dwellings or other infrastructure excluded from classification under Clause (e) of AS 3959.

    Post-development vegetation classifications within the 150 m assessment area will consist of Class A Forest, Class B Woodland and Class G Grassland, with the entirety of the project area being modified and managed in a low threat or non-vegetated state.

    A summary of the indicative post-development classified vegetation, exclusions and effective slope within the assessment area are listed in Table 3 and illustrated in Figure 4. If external vegetation is altered prior to future planning stages, the change in vegetation condition is to be captured through a future vegetation assessment.

  • ©JBS&G Australia Pty Ltd T/A Strategen-JBS&G | 57677/125784 (Rev 0) 9

    Table 3: Post-development vegetation classifications/exclusions and effective slope Vegetation

    plot Vegetation classification Effective slope

    1 Class A Forest Flat/upslope (0°)

    2 Class B Woodland Flat/upslope (0°)

    3 Class G Grassland Flat/upslope (0°)

    4 Excluded – Non-vegetated and Low threat (Clause [e] and [f])


    5 Excluded – Non-vegetated and Low threat (Clause [e] and [f])


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    3C 3C


    Job No: 57677

    Client: Cuttone Property Group

    Version: A

    Drawn By: cthatcher

    Date: 13-May-2020

    Checked By: LR


    Coord. Sys. GDA 1994 MGA Zone 50

    FIGURE 3

    Project area100m assessment area150m assessment area

    Vegetation classificationClass A ForestClass B WoodlandClass G GrasslandClauses (e) & (f)

    Topographic contours (mAHD)

    Existing cadastreWatercourse

    !( Photo points and direction

    Roads (MRWA)

    Image Reference:© - Imagery Date: 8 March 2020

    Lot 61 Roland Rd,Lot 1001 Kilburn RdParkerville, WA




    File Name: \\008PMPMR004V001.jbsg.aust\JBS Perth\Projects\1)Open\Cuttone Property Group\57677 BMP Kilburn Rd Parkerville LSP\GIS\Maps\R01 Rev A\57677_03_PreDevVegClass.mxd

    0 50 100


  • Clutterb









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    PLOT 5

    PLOT 5

    PLOT 3F/US


    Job No: 57677

    Client: Cuttone Property Group

    Version: A

    Drawn By: cthatcher

    Date: 15-May-2020

    Checked By: LR


    Coord. Sys. GDA 1994 MGA Zone 50

    FIGURE 4

    Project area100m assessment area150m assessment area

    Foreshore reserve buffer

    Vegetation classificationClass A ForestClass B WoodlandClass G GrasslandClauses (e) & (f)Area to be modified to non-vegetated and low threat state

    Existing cadastreRoad reserveProposed cadastre roadreserveWatercourse

    Topographic contours (mAHD)

    Roads (MRWA)

    Image Reference:© - Imagery Date: 8 March 2020

    Lot 61 Roland Rd,Lot 1001 Kilburn RdParkerville, WA




    File Name: \\008PMPMR004V001.jbsg.aust\JBS Perth\Projects\1)Open\Cuttone Property Group\57677 BMP Kilburn Rd Parkerville LSP\GIS\Maps\R01 Rev A\57677_04_PostDevVegClass.mxd

    0 50 100


  • ©JBS&G Australia Pty Ltd T/A Strategen-JBS&G | 57677/125784 (Rev 0) 12

    3.2 Assessment outputs

    3.2.1 Pre-development Bushfire Hazard Level (BHL) assessment

    The pre-development vegetation extent has been assigned a Bushfire Hazard Level (BHL) in accordance with the methodology detailed in Appendix Two of the Guidelines as outlined in Table 4.

    Table 4: Bushfire hazard levels and characteristics Bushfire hazard level


    Extreme • Class A Forest

    • Class B Woodland (05)

    • Class D Scrub

    • Any classified vegetation with a greater than 10° slope.

    Moderate • Class B Low woodland (07)

    • Class C Shrubland

    • Class E Mallee/Mulga

    • Class G Grassland, including sown pasture and crops

    • Class G Grassland: Open woodland (06), Low open woodland (08), Open shrubland (09)

    • Vegetation that has a low hazard level but is within 100 metres of vegetation classified as a moderate or extreme hazard, is to adopt a moderate hazard level.

    Low • Low threat vegetation may include areas of maintained lawns, golf courses, public recreation reserves and parklands, vineyards, orchards, cultivated gardens, commercial nurseries, nature strips and windbreaks

    • Managed grassland in a minimal fuel condition (insufficient fuel is available to significantly increase the severity of the bushfire attack). For example, short-cropped grass to a nominal height of 100 millimetre

    • Non-vegetated areas including waterways, roads, footpaths, buildings and rock outcrops.

    *Vegetation classifications from AS 3959-2018 Table 2.3.

    Strategen-JBS&G has mapped the pre-development BHLs within the project area and adjacent 150 m wide assessment area. The bushfire hazard levels have been assessed on the basis of the vegetation discussed in Section 3.1.3 (i.e. the current pre-development extent of vegetation within and surrounding the project area).

    The pre-development BHL assessment (refer to Figure 5) shows that based on the existing vegetation, the project area contains land with Moderate and Extreme bushfire hazard levels.

    3.2.2 Post-development Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) contour assessment

    The structure plan concept (Figure 1) indicates a proposed lot layout; therefore, Strategen-JBS&G has undertaken an indicative BAL contour assessment in accordance with Method 1 of AS 3959 for the project area (Figure 6). The Method 1 procedure incorporates the following factors:

    • state-adopted FDI 80 rating

    • vegetation classification

    • effective slope

    • distance maintained between proposed development areas and the classified vegetation.

    The BAL rating gives an indication of the level of bushfire attack (i.e. the radiant heat flux) that may be received by proposed development and subsequently informs the standard of building construction and/or setbacks required for proposed habitable development to potentially withstand such impacts.

  • ©JBS&G Australia Pty Ltd T/A Strategen-JBS&G | 57677/125784 (Rev 0) 13

    The BAL contours are based on the vegetation classifications and effective slope observed at the time of inspection as well as consideration of the proposed clearing extent, resultant vegetation exclusions and separation distances achieved in line with the structure plan

    Results of the BAL contour assessment are detailed in Table 5 and illustrated in Figure 6. The highest BAL applicable to the external boundary of the proposed lots is BAL-40. This rating applies to several lots abutting Brindle Road in the east and those abutting Clutterbuck Creek in the north; however, 1 m Asset Protection Zone (APZ) building setbacks, as identified in Figure 6, will be sufficient to achieve BAL-29 for these lots, enforced via standard R-code provisions. In this regard, Asset Protection Zones (APZs) and building setbacks at the subdivision stage and building stage respectively will ensure that the highest modified BAL applicable to all future habitable buildings will be BAL–29 or lower.

    Table 5: Indicative BAL contour assessment results

    Vegetation plot

    Vegetation classification Effective slope BAL contour width

    Highest BAL

    APZ setback required to achieve BAL-29

    1 Class A Forest Flat/upslope 16-

  • Clutterb









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    Job No: 57677

    Client: Cuttone Property Group

    Version: A

    Drawn By: cthatcher

    Date: 13-May-2020

    Checked By: LR


    Coord. Sys. GDA 1994 MGA Zone 50

    FIGURE 5

    Project area100m assessment area150m assessment area

    Foreshore reserve buffer


    Hazard levelExtremeModerateLow

    Existing cadastreRoad reserveProposed cadastre roadreserveWatercourse

    Roads (MRWA)

    Image Reference:© - Imagery Date: 8 March 2020

    Lot 61 Roland Rd,Lot 1001 Kilburn RdParkerville, WA




    File Name: \\008PMPMR004V001.jbsg.aust\JBS Perth\Projects\1)Open\Cuttone Property Group\57677 BMP Kilburn Rd Parkerville LSP\GIS\Maps\R01 Rev A\57677_05_PreDevBHLs.mxd

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    Job No: 57677

    Client: Cuttone Property Group

    Version: A

    Drawn By: cthatcher

    Date: 20-May-2020

    Checked By: LR


    Coord. Sys. GDA 1994 MGA Zone 50

    FIGURE 6

    Project area100m assessment area150m assessment area


    Foreshore reserve buffer

    Classified vegetation

    BAL contoursBAL FZBAL 40BAL 29BAL 19BAL 12.5BAL Low

    Existing cadastreRoadsRoad reserveContoursProposed cadastre roadreserveWatercourse

    Roads (MRWA)


    Lots subject to minor BAL-40incursion

    !(Connections to existing roadnetwork

    !( Existing street hydrants

    Image Reference:© - Imagery Date: 8 March 2020

    Lot 61 Roland Rd,Lot 1001 Kilburn RdParkerville, WA




    File Name: \\008PMPMR004V001.jbsg.aust\JBS Perth\Projects\1)Open\Cuttone Property Group\57677 BMP Kilburn Rd Parkerville LSP\GIS\Maps\R01 Rev A\57677_06_PostDevBALs.mxd

    0 50 100


  • ©JBS&G Australia Pty Ltd T/A Strategen-JBS&G | 57677/125784 (Rev 0) 16

    4. Identification of bushfire hazard issues

    4.1 Bushfire context

    There is no landscape scale bushfire risk within or adjacent to the project area due to the significant level of clearing and fragmentation of bushland that has contributed to the establishment of broad rural/pasture areas for livestock grazing, educational institutions and residential/rural-residential living. However, Strategen-JBS&G considers a fire front approaching the project area from the north/northeast, east or west, to be the worst case bushfire scenarios due to the presence of potential bushfire runs in these directions within remnant forest, woodland and grassland contained on surrounding rural and rural-residential land. Post-development conditions will result in a general reduction in the on-site bushfire hazards in consideration of the proposed residential land use; however, Clutterbuck Creek foreshore vegetation may present a vector for fire spread into the site, which will need to be a key consideration for any proposed bushfire management.

    Strategen-JBS&G considers the bushfire risks to proposed development can be managed through standard application of acceptable solutions under the Guidelines, including provision for and implementation of APZs, relevant bushfire construction standards under AS 3959, provision of adequate emergency water supply and vehicular access, as well as through a direct bushfire suppression response if required. The bushfire hazard level assessment in Figure 5 and indicative BAL contour assessment in Figure 6 demonstrate that all future development can be located to avoid areas of extreme BHL and achieve a rating of BAL-29 or lower. This reiterates the findings of the rezoning stage BMP.

    4.2 Bushfire hazard issues

    Based on the above, Strategen-JBS&G considers the bushfire hazards within and adjacent to project area and the associated bushfire risks are readily manageable through standard management responses outlined in the Guidelines and AS 3959. These responses are being factored into proposed development at all stages of the planning process to ensure a suitable, compliant and effective bushfire management outcome is achieved for protection of future life, property and environmental assets. The following sub-sections include a discussion on the management measures that will need to be considered through preparation of a BMP at the subdivision stage.

    4.2.1 Asset Protection Zones (APZs)

    The indicative BAL contours identified in Figure 6 demonstrate that all proposed residential lots have capacity for building envelopes to be located within areas of BAL-29 or lower and therefore achieve minimum separation distances outlined in Table 5 through provision of APZs at all interfaces where proposed dwellings abut post development classified vegetation.

    APZs will comprise of one or a combination of:

    • managed POS and/or foreshore reserve

    • road reserves (existing and proposed)

    • 1 m APZ building setbacks for relevant lots identified in Figure 6, enforced via standard R-code setback provisions.

    The final location of APZs will be identified at the subdivision stage, once individual lot building envelopes have been determined.

    APZs are to be implemented and maintained in accordance with Schedule 1 of the Guidelines (refer to Appendix C).

  • ©JBS&G Australia Pty Ltd T/A Strategen-JBS&G | 57677/125784 (Rev 0) 17

    4.2.2 POS

    POS will need to be managed on a regular and ongoing basis through slashing, weed control and manual fuel removal to ensure the understorey and surface fuels are kept in a low threat, minimal fuel condition in accordance with Clause (f) of AS 3959. Individual trees throughout on-site POS areas can be retained for visual/aesthetic/screening purposes. POS management will be the responsibility of the developer until such time that these management responsibilities are transferred to the Shire.

    4.2.3 Road reserves

    Proposed internal roads will be established in a non-vegetated state and maintained in accordance with Clause (f).

    Existing surrounding road reserves (Roland Road, Kilburn Road and Brindle Road) will be subject to vegetation modification and clearing associated with road widening and access construction. The low fuel state created within these reserves will need to be maintained ongoing by the Shire to achieve exclusion under Clause (f).

    4.2.4 On-site fuel management

    Further to the above APZ requirements, current grassland areas within the northern and southern development zones will need to be converted to a low threat state and maintained by the developer until such time that the land is transferred or sold. In addition, following subdivision approval, the developer will be responsible for the management of any vacant lots through regular slashing and weed control to ensure the understorey and surface fuels are kept in a low threat, minimal fuel condition in accordance with Clause (f) until such time that the lots are sold, after which the fuel management responsibility will be transferred to the respective landowners.

    This is consistent with the Shire of Mundaring annual firebreak notice (Appendix F), which requires all grass located outside of APZs to be maintained at a height no greater than 5 cm on all lots less than 5 ha in size.

    4.2.5 On-site staging buffers

    The indicative BAL contours depicted in Figure 6 are based on all proposed vegetation clearing being completed within the project area.

    If development (and therefore clearing) is to occur on a staged basis, clearing in advance will need to occur to ensure building construction is not inhibited by a temporary vegetation extent located within adjacent development stages yet to be cleared. This can be achieved by ensuring that each approved stage subject to construction is surrounded by a 100 m wide, on-site cleared or low threat buffer prior to development (not including vegetation proposed to be retained). Once the buffers are created, they will need to be maintained on a regular and ongoing basis at a fuel load less than 2 t/ha to achieve a low threat minimal fuel condition all year round until such time that the buffer area is developed as part of the next development stage.

    4.2.6 Increased building construction standards

    Strategen-JBS&G has undertaken an indicative BAL contour assessment across the project area and determined that a large proportion of proposed lots will require implementation of building construction standards under AS 3959 (see Figure 6). The BAL contours are based on proposed structure plan design and implementation of the bushfire management measures documented in this BMP, which will need to be revalidated at the subdivision application stage.

    The indicative BAL contour assessment indicates that all proposed lots have the capacity to achieve minimum separation distances that deliver a rating of BAL–29 or lower.

  • ©JBS&G Australia Pty Ltd T/A Strategen-JBS&G | 57677/125784 (Rev 0) 18

    4.2.7 Public and internal access

    The proposed internal road network will provide three linkages with Kilburn Road to the south and one linkage to Brindle Road to the east. This will ensure that at least two different vehicular access routes are provided, which connect to the surrounding public road network and allow safe access and egress to at least two different destinations. Brindle Road is currently unconstructed to the north; however, this is expected to be resolved in the future as part of a vehicular access connection to the proposed Stoneville residential development and has no bearing on the compliance of this proposal.

    Three unavoidable cul-de-sacs are proposed within the southern portion of the site to manage the number of road linkages onto Kilburn Road to the south and Roland Road to the west. The proposed cul-de-sacs will comply with the Guidelines vehicular access requirements (refer to Appendix D) in that they will be less than 200 m in length and will have minimum 17.5 m diameter cul-de-sac heads.

    One unavoidable battle-axe lot is proposed in the southwest portion of the site, due to direct access onto Roland Road not being an option, as advised by the Shire. Strategen-JBS&G does not consider the lot to be subject to significant bushfire risk and the battle axe leg will comply with the requirements of the Guidelines (i.e. less than 600 m in length and minimum 4 m wide trafficable surface and 6 m horizontal clearance).

    All future public roads, cul-de-sacs and battle-axe legs (including any temporary cul-de-sacs or emergency access ways required to address access compliance during staging, if required) will comply with technical requirements of the Guidelines (refer to Appendix D).

    4.2.8 Reticulated water supply

    All lots within the project area will be provided a reticulated water supply through extension of existing services from surrounding residential areas to the south. The reticulated system will ensure an all year round supply of water is provided for each lot to meet minimum domestic and emergency water supply requirements to comply with Guideline acceptable solution A4.1 (refer to Appendix E).

    A network of hydrants will also be provided along the internal road network at locations which meet relevant water supply authority and DFES requirements, in particular the Water Corporation Design Standard DS 63 ‘Water Reticulation Standard Design and Construction Requirements for Water Reticulation Systems up to DN250’. This standard will guide construction of the internal reticulated water supply system and fire hydrant network, including spacing and positioning of fire hydrants so that the maximum distance between a hydrant and the rear of a building envelope (or in the absence of a building envelope, the rear of the lot) shall be 120 m and the hydrants shall be no more than 200 m apart.

    4.2.9 Notification on title

    Notification will be required to be placed on the Title of all proposed lots located within a designated bushfire prone area as a condition of subdivision to ensure all landowners/proponents and prospective purchasers are aware that a BMP has been prepared over the site and that increased building construction standards may apply to future buildings in accordance with the approved BMP or future BAL assessment at the building permit stage.

    4.2.10 Compliance with annual firebreak notice

    All parties will be required to comply with relevant provisions of the current Shire of Mundaring annual firebreak notice as amended (refer to Appendix F). The firebreak notice requires installation of 3 m wide (4 m vertical clearance) firebreaks around all structures and immediately inside all external boundaries for lots 5,000 m² or greater.

    These firebreak requirements may be applicable during staging of development in regard to balance land.

  • ©JBS&G Australia Pty Ltd T/A Strategen-JBS&G | 57677/125784 (Rev 0) 19

    5. Assessment against the bushfire protection criteria

    5.1 Compliance table

    An acceptable solutions assessment against the bushfire protection criteria is provided in Table 6.

    Table 6: Compliance with the bushfire protection criteria of the Guidelines Bushfire protection criteria

    Method of compliance Proposed bushfire management strategies

    Acceptable solutions

    Element 1: Location A1.1 Development location The post-development BAL contour assessment (Figure 6) indicates that all future habitable buildings have the ability to achieve BAL-29 or lower with appropriately sized APZs and building setbacks at the subdivision and building stages.

    Element 2: Siting and design

    A2.1 Asset Protection Zone Minimum separation distances for a BAL–29 rating or lower can be achieved for all proposed development areas. This equates to a minimum separation distance of:

    • 21 m adjacent to Class A Forest on flat/upsloping land

    • 14 m adjacent to Class B Woodland on flat/upsloping land

    • 8 m adjacent to Class G Grassland on flat/upsloping land. The required separation distances will be achieved in the form of APZs comprising existing/proposed road reserves, managed POS or foreshore reserve and/or building setbacks, which will achieve a BAL–29 rating or lower. Final separation distances between classified vegetation and proposed buildings will need to be confirmed at future planning/building stages. APZs are to be implemented and maintained in accordance with Schedule 1 of the Guidelines (Appendix C) and the Shire’s Firebreak and Fuel Hazard Reduction Notice as amended (see Appendix F).

    Element 3: Vehicular access

    A3.1 Two access routes On completion of development, the existing public road network and proposed internal public roads will provide all occupants with the option of travelling to more than two different destinations (refer to Figure 6 and Section 4.2).

    A3.2 Public road All public roads are to be constructed to relevant technical requirements under the Guidelines (see Appendix D).

    A3.3 Cul-de-sac (including a dead-end-road)

    Section 3.1.1 outlines that cul-de-sacs have been provided as a requirement to manage the amount of additional road linkages with Kilburn Rd in the south and Roland Road in the west; therefore, these cul-de-sacs are not avoidable. The cul-de-sacs proposed are compliant with requirements of the Guidelines and Strategen-JBS&G does not consider that the proposed cul-de-sacs add unacceptable bushfire risk to the proposal. The proposed cul-de-sacs and any temporary cul-de-sacs required as part of internal staging will be less than 200 m in length, will include minimum 17.5 m diameter turn-around heads and are to be constructed to the relevant technical requirements of the Guidelines (see Appendix D).

    A3.4 Battle-axe A battle-axe is proposed in the southwest of the site, which is unavoidable due to road frontage to Roland Road not being available and lot sizes dictated by R-Code constraints. All battle-axes will be less than 600 m in length and will be constructed to the relevant technical requirements of the Guidelines (see Appendix D).

    A3.5 Private driveway longer than 50 m

    N/A – The proposed lots are of size where all future habitable development will be located within 50 m of a public road.

    A3.6 Emergency access way No permanent EAWS are proposed, however if development and vehicular access construction is to be staged, any temporary EAW is to be constructed to the relevant technical requirements of the Guidelines (see Appendix D).

    A3.7 Fire service access routes (perimeter roads)

    N/A – based on conceptual development design, the proposed development would not require fire service access routes (FSARs) to achieve access within and around the perimeter of the project area.

  • ©JBS&G Australia Pty Ltd T/A Strategen-JBS&G | 57677/125784 (Rev 0) 20

    Bushfire protection criteria

    Method of compliance Proposed bushfire management strategies

    Acceptable solutions

    A3.8 Firebreak width The Shire of Mundaring annual firebreak notice (Appendix F) requires installation of 3 m wide (4 m vertical clearance) mineral earth firebreaks immediately inside all external boundaries for lots 5,000 m² or greater. Each stage of development is required to comply with the requirements of the annual Shire Firebreak Notice as amended (refer to Appendix F).

    Element 4: Water A4.1 Reticulated areas The proposed development will be connected to a reticulated water supply via extension from surrounding development in accordance with Water Corporations Design Standard 63 requirements (refer to Appendix E). Existing water hydrants are located at 200 m intervals in the surrounding residential development.

    A4.2 Non-reticulated areas N/A – the proposed subdivision is located within an existing reticulated area.

    A4.3 Individual lots within non-reticulated areas (Only for use if creating 1 additional lot and cannot be applied cumulatively)

    N/A – the proposed subdivision is located within an existing reticulated area.

  • ©JBS&G Australia Pty Ltd T/A Strategen-JBS&G | 57677/125784 (Rev 0) 21

    6. Responsibilities for implementation and management of the bushfire measures

    This BMP has been prepared as a strategic guide to demonstrate how development compliance will be delivered at future planning stages in accordance with the Guidelines. Aside from the preparation of future BMPs to accompany future subdivision and development applications where appropriate, there are no further items to implement, enforce or review at this strategic stage of the planning process.

    Future BMPs prepared for subsequent subdivision and development applications are to meet the relevant commitments outlined in this strategic level BMP, address the relevant requirements of SPP 3.7 (i.e. Policy Measures 6.4 and 6.5 respectively) and demonstrate in detail how the proposed development will incorporate the relevant acceptable solutions or meet the performance requirements of the Guidelines. Future BMPs are to include the following detailed information:

    • confirmed lot layout, including any public open space (POS) and drainage areas

    • detailed landscaping design/plans in regard to POS and drainage areas, consistent with the provisions of this BMP (i.e. to achieve exclusion under Clause (f))

    • confirmed post-development classified vegetation extent and effective slope

    • updated BAL contour map demonstrating that proposed development areas will achieve BAL–29 or lower (may require designation of APZs/building envelopes)

    • width and alignment of compliant APZs/setbacks

    • confirmation of how bushfire management will be addressed during development staging (i.e. staging of vehicular access, low threat staging buffers)

    • proposed approach to fuel management or alternatively, application of AS 3959 in response to retained on-site classified vegetation

    • vehicular access provisions, including demonstration that a minimum of two access routes will be achieved for each stage of development in accordance with Acceptable Solution A3.1

    • water supply provisions with regards to reticulated water

    • provisions for notification on Title for any future lots with a rating of BAL–12.5 or greater as a condition of subdivision

    • compliance requirements with the Shire’s annual firebreak notice as amended

    • construction of Class 1, 2, 3 or associated 10a buildings in accordance with AS 3959 to the assessed BAL rating

    • requirements for BMP/BAL compliance reports as conditions of subdivision

    • compliance with performance principles of the bushfire protection criteria

    • proposed implementation and audit program outlining all measures requiring implementation and the appropriate timing and responsibilities for implementation.

    On the basis of the information contained in this BMP, Strategen-JBS&G considers the bushfire hazards within and adjacent to the project area and the associated bushfire risks are readily manageable through standard management responses outlined in the Guidelines and AS 3959. Strategen-JBS&G considers that on implementation of the proposed management measures, the project area will be able to be developed with a manageable level of bushfire risk whilst maintaining full compliance with the Guidelines and AS 3959.

  • ©JBS&G Australia Pty Ltd T/A Strategen-JBS&G | 57677/125784 (Rev 0) 22

    7. References

    Department of Fire and Emergency Services (DFES) 2019, Map of Bush Fire Prone Areas, [Online], Government of Western Australia, available from:, [12/05/2020].

    Department of Planning (DoP) 2016, Visual guide for bushfire risk assessment in Western Australia, Department of Planning, Perth.

    Roberts Day 2020, Indicative Concept Plan, Lot 61 &1001 Kilburn Road Parkerville, Roberts Day, Perth.

    Roberts Day 2020, Indicative Tree Retention Plan, Lot 61 &1001 Kilburn Road Parkerville, Roberts Day, Perth.

    Standards Australia (SA) 2018, Australian Standard AS 3959–2018 Construction of Buildings in Bushfire-prone Areas, Standards Australia, Sydney.

    Strategen Environmental (Strategen) 2017, Bushfire Management Plan: Lot 61 Roland Road and Lot 1001 Kilburn Road, Parkerville, Strategen, Bunbury.

    Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) 2015, State Planning Policy 3.7 Planning in Bushfire Prone Areas, Western Australian Planning Commission, Perth.

    Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) 2017, Guidelines for Planning in Bushfire Prone Areas, Version 1.3 August 2017, Western Australian Planning Commission, Perth.

  • ©JBS&G Australia Pty Ltd T/A Strategen-JBS&G | 57677/125784 (Rev 0) 23

    8. Limitations

    Scope of services

    This report (“the report”) has been prepared by Strategen-JBS&G in accordance with the scope of services set out in the contract, or as otherwise agreed, between the Client and Strategen-JBS&G. In some circumstances, a range of factors such as time, budget, access and/or site disturbance constraints may have limited the scope of services. This report is strictly limited to the matters stated in it and is not to be read as extending, by implication, to any other matter in connection with the matters addressed in it.

    Reliance on data

    In preparing the report, Strategen-JBS&G has relied upon data and other information provided by the Client and other individuals and organisations, most of which are referred to in the report (“the data”). Except as otherwise expressly stated in the report, Strategen-JBS&G has not verified the accuracy or completeness of the data. To the extent that the statements, opinions, facts, information, conclusions and/or recommendations in the report (“conclusions”) are based in whole or part on the data, those conclusions are contingent upon the accuracy and completeness of the data. Strategen-JBS&G has also not attempted to determine whether any material matter has been omitted from the data. Strategen-JBS&G will not be liable in relation to incorrect conclusions should any data, information or condition be incorrect or have been concealed, withheld, misrepresented or otherwise not fully disclosed to Strategen-JBS&G. The making of any assumption does not imply that Strategen-JBS&G has made any enquiry to verify the correctness of that assumption.

    The report is based on conditions encountered and information received at the time of preparation of this report or the time that site investigations were carried out. Strategen-JBS&G disclaims responsibility for any changes that may have occurred after this time. This report and any legal issues arising from it are governed by and construed in accordance with the law of Western Australia as at the date of this report.

    Environmental conclusions

    Within the limitations imposed by the scope of services, the preparation of this report has been undertaken and performed in a professional manner, in accordance with generally accepted environmental consulting practices. No other warranty, whether express or implied, is made.

    The advice herein relates only to this project and all results conclusions and recommendations made should be reviewed by a competent person with experience in environmental investigations, before being used for any other purpose.

    Strategen-JBS&G accepts no liability for use or interpretation by any person or body other than the client who commissioned the works. This report should not be reproduced without prior approval by the client, or amended in any way without prior approval by Strategen-JBS&G, and should not be relied upon by other parties, who should make their own enquiries.

  • ©JBS&G Australia Pty Ltd T/A Strategen-JBS&G | 57677/125784 (Rev 0)

    Appendix A Tree Retention Plan (Roberts Day 2020)

  • ROLA









    15m min

    Road Re

    serve (va


    15m min Road Reserve (varie


    16m Road Reserve

    16m Road Reserve

    16m Road Reserve

    16m Road Reserve 16m

    Road Reserve

    15m min Road Reserve (varies)

























    60 58


    59 5655

    54 53






    169 164








































    126 128



    122 123132133












    INDICATIVE CONCEPT PLANLot 61 & 1001 Kilburn Road, Parkerville

    Shire of Mundaring

    RD1 002DRAW NO.


    SIZE A1




    great places_

    Proposed Site

    Residential R5

    Rural Zone

    Watercourse (Clutterbuck Creek)Foreshore Reserve

    Public Open Space/ Drainage


    INDICATIVE TREE RETENTION(To be read in conjunction with Coterra FaunaHabitat Tree Assessment Mapping)

    1:1500 150metres 30 45 45 60

    to be retained

    to be removed

  • ©JBS&G Australia Pty Ltd T/A Strategen-JBS&G | 57677/125784 (Rev 0)

    Appendix B Vegetation plot photos and description

  • ©JBS&G Australia Pty Ltd T/A Strategen-JBS&G | 57677/125784 (Rev 0)

    Photo ID: 1a

    Photo ID: 1c

    Photo ID: 1e

    Photo ID: 1b

    Photo ID: 1d

    Photo ID: 1f

    Photo ID: 1g

    Photo ID: 1h

    Plot number Plot 1

    Vegetation classification Pre-development Class A Forest

    Post-development Class A Forest

    Description / justification Dominated by eucalypts with a prominent overstorey, mid-storey and understorey fuel structure.

  • ©JBS&G Australia Pty Ltd T/A Strategen-JBS&G | 57677/125784 (Rev 0)

    Photo ID: 2a

    Photo ID: 2c

    Photo ID: 2b

    Photo ID: 2d

    Plot number Plot 2

    Vegetation classification Pre-development Class B Woodland

    Post-development Class B Woodland

    Description / justification Dominated by eucalypts with no mid-storey vegetation and predominantly grassy understorey.

  • ©JBS&G Australia Pty Ltd T/A Strategen-JBS&G | 57677/125784 (Rev 0)

    Photo ID: 3a

    Photo ID: 3c

    Photo ID: 3b

    Photo ID: 3d

    Plot number Plot 3

    Vegetation classification Pre-development Class G Grassland

    Post-development Class G Grassland

    Description / justification Grassland dominating the pastural land on-site and throughout adjacent land.

  • ©JBS&G Australia Pty Ltd T/A Strategen-JBS&G | 57677/125784 (Rev 0)

    Photo ID: 4

    Plot number Plot 4

    Vegetation classification

    Pre-development Excluded – Non-vegetated and Low threat (Clause [e] and [f])

    Post-development Excluded – Non-vegetated and Low threat (Clause [e] and [f])

    Description / justification Existing low threat vegetation (street trees, managed road verges, residential gardens) and non-vegetated areas (i.e. roads, paths, buildings, driveways, water bodies).

  • ©JBS&G Australia Pty Ltd T/A Strategen-JBS&G | 57677/125784 (Rev 0)

    Appendix C APZ standards (Schedule 1 of the Guidelines)

  • ©JBS&G Australia Pty Ltd T/A Strategen-JBS&G | 57677/125784 (Rev 0)

    Schedule 1: Standards for Asset Protection Zones

    • Fences: within the APZ are constructed from non-combustible materials (e.g. iron, brick, limestone, metal post and wire). It is recommended that solid or slatted non-combustible perimeter fences are used.

    • Objects: within 10 metres of a building, combustible objects must not be located close to the vulnerable parts of the building i.e. windows and doors.

    • Fine Fuel load: combustible dead vegetation matter less than 6 millimetres in thickness reduced to and maintained at an average of two tonnes per hectare.

    • Trees (> 5 metres in height): trunks at maturity should be a minimum distance of 6 metres from all elevations of the building, branches at maturity should not touch or overhang the building, lower branches should be removed to a height of 2 metres above the ground and or surface vegetation, canopy cover should be less than 15% with tree canopies at maturity well spread to at least 5 metres apart as to not form a continuous canopy.

    • Shrubs (0.5 metres to 5 metres in height): should not be located under trees or within 3 metres of buildings, should

    not be planted in clumps greater than 5m2 in area, clumps of shrubs should be separated from each other and any exposed window or door by at least 10 metres. Shrubs greater than 5 metres in height are to be treated as trees.

    • Ground covers (

  • ©JBS&G Australia Pty Ltd T/A Strategen-JBS&G | 57677/125784 (Rev 0)

    Appendix D Vehicular access technical standards of the Guidelines

  • ©JBS&G Australia Pty Ltd T/A Strategen-JBS&G | 57677/125784 (Rev 0)

    Public roads

    Acceptable solution A3.2 A public road is to meet the requirements in Table 1, Column 1.

    Explanatory note E3.2 Trafficable surface: Widths quoted for access routes refer to the width of the trafficable surface. A six metre trafficable surface does not necessarily mean paving width. It could, for example, include four metre wide paving one metre wide constructed road shoulders. In special circumstances, where eight lots or less are being serviced, a public road with a minimum trafficable surface of four metres for a maximum distance of 90 metres may be provided subject to the approval of both the local government and Department of Fire and Emergency Services. Public road design: All roads should allow for two-way traffic to allow conventional two-wheel drive vehicles and fire appliances to travel safely on them.

  • ©JBS&G Australia Pty Ltd T/A Strategen-JBS&G | 57677/125784 (Rev 0)

    Cul-de-sac (including a dead-end road)

    Acceptable solution A3.3 A cul-de-sac and/ or a dead end road should be avoided in bushfire prone areas. Where no alternative exists (i.e. the lot layout already exists and/ or will need to be demonstrated by the proponent), the following requirements are to be achieved:

    • Requirements in Table 1, Column 2

    • Maximum length: 200 metres (if public emergency access is provided between cul-de-sac heads maximum length can be increased to 600 metres provided no more than eight lots are serviced and the emergency access way is no more than 600 metres)

    • Turn-around area requirements, including a minimum 17.5 metre diameter head.

    Explanatory note E3.3 In bushfire prone areas, a cul-de-sac subdivision layout is not favoured because they do not provide access in different directions for residents. In some instances it may be possible to provide an emergency access way between cul-de-sac heads to a maximum distance of 600 metres, so as to achieve two-way access. Such links must be provided as right of ways or public access easements in gross to ensure accessibility to the public and fire services during an emergency. A cul-de-sac in a bushfire prone area is to connect to a public road that allows for travel in two directions in order to address Acceptable Solution A3.1.

  • ©JBS&G Australia Pty Ltd T/A Strategen-JBS&G | 57677/125784 (Rev 0)


    Acceptable solution A3.4 Battle-axe access leg should be avoided in bushfire prone areas. Where no alternative exists, (this will need to be demonstrated by the proponent) all of the following requirements are to be achieved:

    • Requirements in Table 1, Column 3

    • Maximum length: 600 metres

    • Minimum width: six metres.

    Explanatory note E3.4 In bushfire prone areas, lots with battle-axe access legs should be avoided because they often do not provide two-way access and egress for residents and may be easily blocked by falling trees or debris. In some instances, however; it may be appropriate for battle-axe access to be used to overcome specific site constraints. Where used, they should comply with the minimum standards for private driveways. Passing bays should be provided at 200 metre intervals along battle-axe access legs to allow two-way traffic. The passing bays should be a minimum length of 20 metres, with the combined width of the passing bay and the access being a minimum of six metres. Turn-around areas should allow type 3.4 fire appliances to turn around safely (i.e. kerb to kerb 17.5 metres) and should be available at house sites and at 500 metre intervals along the access leg.

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    Emergency access way

    Acceptable solution A3.6 An access way that does not provide through access to a public road is to be avoided in bushfire prone areas. Where no alternative exists (this will need to be demonstrated by the proponent), an emergency access way is to be provided as an alternative link to a public road during emergencies. An emergency access way is to meet all of the following requirements:

    • Requirements in Table 1, Column 4

    • No further than 600 metres from a public road

    • Provided as right of way or public access easement in gross to ensure accessibility to the public and fire services during an emergency

    • Must be signposted.

    Explanatory note E3.6 An emergency access way is not a preferred option however may be used to link up with roads to allow alternative access and egress during emergencies where traffic flow designs do not allow for two-way access. Such access should be provided as a right-of-way or easement in gross to ensure accessibility to the public and fire emergency services during an emergency. The access should comply with minimum standards for a public road and should be signposted. Where gates are used to control traffic flow during non-emergency periods, these must not be locked. Emergency access ways are to be no longer than 600 metres and must be adequately signposted where they adjoin public roads. Where an emergency access way is constructed on private land, a right of way or easement in gross is to be established.

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    Technical requirement

    1 2 3 4 5

    Public road Cul-de-sac Private driveway longer than 50 m

    Emergency access way

    Fire service access routes

    Minimum trafficable surface (m)

    6* 6 4 6* 6*

    Horizontal distance (m)

    6 6 6 6 6

    Vertical clearance (m)

    4.5 N/A 4.5 4.5 4.5

    Maximum grade

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    Appendix E Water technical standards of the Guidelines

  • ©JBS&G Australia Pty Ltd T/A Strategen-JBS&G | 57677/125784 (Rev 0)

    Reticulated areas

    Acceptable solution A4.1 The subdivision, development or land use is provided with a reticulated water supply in accordance with the specifications of the relevant water supply authority and Department of Fire and Emergency Services.

    Explanatory note E4.1 Water supply authorities in Western Australia include the Water Corporation, Aqwest and the Busselton Water Board. The Water Corporation’s ‘No. 63 Water Reticulation Standard’ is deemed to be the baseline criterion for developments and should be applied unless local water supply authorities’ conditions apply.

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    Appendix F Shire of Mundaring Firebreak Notice


    Notice to all owners and/or occupiers of land situated within Shire of Mundaring

    As a measure to assist in the control of bush fires, or preventing the spread or extension of a bush fire which may occur, notice is hereby given to all owners and/or occupiers of land within the Shire of Mundaring that pursuant to the powers conferred in Section 33 of the Bush Fires Act 1954, works in accordance with the requisitions of this notice must be carried out before the 1st day of November in each year, or within 14 days of becoming the owner or occupier of land if after that date. All work specified in this Notice is to be maintained up to and including the 31st day of March in the following calendar year.

    DEFINITIONSFor the purpose of this Notice the following definitions apply:

    Alternative Fire Management Arrangement includes a variation as defined in Section 6 of this Notice and, a Bushfire Management Plan, Bushfire Management Statement, or Fuel Load Management Plan, approved by the Shire of Mundaring to reduce and mitigate fire hazards within a particular subdivision, lot or other area of land anywhere in the district.

    Authorised Officer means an employee of the Shire of Mundaring appointed as a Bush Fire Control Officer pursuant to the powers conferred in Section 38 of the Bush Fires Act 1954.

    Firebreak means a strip or area of ground, not less than 3 metres in width, and 4 metres in height, immediately inside all external boundaries of any lot owned and/or occupied by you and situated within Shire of Mundaring, constructed to a trafficable surface that is kept and maintained totally clear of all flammable material and includes the pruning and removal of any living or dead trees, scrub or any other material encroaching into the vertical axis of the firebreak area. Such firebreaks may be constructed by one or more of the following methods: PLOUGHING, CULTIVATING, SCARIFYING, RAKING, BURNING, CHEMICAL SPRAYING OR OTHER METHOD as approved by an Authorised Officer.

    Flammable Material means any plant, tree, grass, substance, object, thing or material that may or is likely to catch fire and burn or any other thing deemed by an authorised officer to be capable of combustion.

    Fuel Depot / Fuel Storage Area means an area of land, a building or structure where fuel, ie (petrol, diesel, kerosene, liquid gas or any other fossil fuel) is kept in any container or manner.

    Fuel Load is the leaf litter on the ground inclusive of leaves, twigs (up to 6mm in diameter) and bark. A litter depth of 5mm from the top of the layer to the mineral earth beneath is indicative of approximately 2.5 tonnes per hectare. A litter depth of 15mm from the top of the layer to the mineral earth beneath is indicative of approximately 8 tonnes per hectare. The Shire of Mundaring can provide advice on determining fuel load levels and provides a fuel load measurement guide for your use on request.

    Bush Fires Act 1954

    Section 33

  • Habitable Buildings means a dwelling, workplace, place of gathering or assembly, a building used for the storage or display of goods or produce for sale by wholesale in accordance with classes 1-9 of the Building Code of Australia. The term habitable building includes attached and adjacent structures like garages, carports verandas or similar roofed structure(s) that are attached to, or within 6 metres of the dwelling or primary building.

    Maintaining Fuel Loads relates to the management of leaf litter as described in this Notice. Reducing fuel load levels does not necessarily require the removal of existing natural vegetation. A combination of methods can be utilised inclusive of safe burning, raking, weed removal, pruning and/or the removal of dead plant material.

    Managed Vegetation includes vegetation that is pruned away from buildings, under pruned to minimise contact with ground fuels and that is kept free of dead suspended matter such as twigs, leaves and bark.

    Trafficable means to be able to travel from one point to another in a four-wheel drive fire appliance on a clear surface, unhindered without any obstruction that may endanger such fire appliances. A firebreak is not to terminate, or lead to a dead end, without provision for egress to a safe place or a cleared turn around area of not less than a 19 metre diameter.

    Vertical Axis means a continuous vertical uninterrupted line at a right angle to the horizontal line of the firebreak to a minimum height of 4 metres from the ground.

    LAND CATEGORIESThe specific requirements below relating to land categories within the Shire are to be implemented and maintained to the satisfaction of an Authorised Officer.

    1. All land with an area of less than 5000sqm with a building on itMaintain an Asset Protection Zone in line with the requirements of Section 5 of this Notice.

    For the remainder of the land on the lot outside of the Asset Protection Zone:• maintain all grass on the land to a height no greater than 5cm• ensure no tree crowns overhang a building• prune trees and shrubs, and remove dead flammable material within 1.5 metres around all

    buildings• ensure the roofs, gutters and walls of all buildings on the land are free of flammable matter• maintain fuel loadings in natural bush areas at less than 8 tonnes per hectare across the land.

    2. All land with an area of 5000sqm or greater, with a building on it

    Maintain an Asset Protection Zone in line with the requirements of Section 5 of this Notice.

    For the remainder of the land on the lot outside of the Asset Protection Zone:• If the land is an area of less than 50,000sqm (5 Hectares) all grass must be maintained on the

    land to a height no greater than 5cm.• If the land is an area of 50,000sqm (5 Hectares) or greater, the grass must be maintained on the

    land to a height no greater than 5cm for a distance of 10m from any firebreak • install a firebreak around all structures and immediately inside all external boundaries of the


  • • prune trees and shrubs, and remove dead flammable material around all structures• ensure the roofs, gutters and walls of all buildings on the land are free of flammable matter• maintain fuel loadings in natural bush areas at less than 8 tonnes per hectare across the land.

    3. All vacant land

    • Install a firebreak immediately inside all external boundaries of the land.• If the land is an area of less than 50,000sqm (5 Hectares) all grass must be maintained on the

    land to a height no greater than 5cm.• If the land is an area of 50,000sqm (5 Hectares) or greater, the grass must be maintained on the

    land to a height no greater than 5cm for a distance of 10m from any firebreak• Maintain fuel loadings in natural bush areas to less than 8 tonnes per hectare across the land

    4. Fuel Depot / Fuel Storage Area / Haystacks / Stockpiled Flammable Material

    • Remove all inflammable matter within 10 metres of where fuel drums, fuel ramps or fuel dumps are located, and where fuel drums, whether containing fuel or not, are stored

    • Install a firebreak immediately adjacent to any haystacks or stockpiled flammable material

    5. Asset (Building) Protection Zone Specification

    The Asset Protection Zone (APZ) for habitable buildings and related structures, as defined within this Notice, must meet the following requirements, unless varied under an approved ‘Alternative Fire Management Arrangement’ as defined within this Notice, and applies only within the boundaries of the lot on which the habitable building is situated:• APZs for habitable buildings must extend a minimum of 20 metres out from any external walls

    of the building, attached structures, or adjacent structures within 6 metres of the habitable building

    • on sloping ground the APZ distance shall increase at least 1 metre for every degree in slope on the sides of the habitable building that are exposed to down slope natural vegetation

    • APZs predominantly consist of managed vegetation, reticulated lawns and gardens and other non-flammable features

    • all grass is maintained to or under 5cm• fuel loads must be maintained at 2 tonnes per hectare or lower• Clear separation distance between adjoining or nearby tree crowns• a small group of trees within close proximity to one another may be treated as one crown

    provided the combined crowns do not exceed the area of a large or mature crown size for that species

    • trees are to be low pruned (or under pruned) to at least a height of 2 metres from ground• no tree, or shrub over 2 metres high are to be within 2 metres of a habitable building• tall shrubs over 2 metres high are not planted in groups close to the habitable building and

    ensure there is a gap of at least three times the height (at maturity) of the shrub away from the habitable building

    • there are no tree crowns or branches hanging over habitable buildings• ensure the roofs, gutters and walls of all buildings on the land are free of flammable matter• install paths and non-flammable features immediately adjacent to the habitable building• wood piles and flammable materials stored a safe distance from habitable buildings

  • 6. Application to vary the above requirements

    If it is considered impracticable for any reason whatsoever to implement any of the requirements of this Notice, you may apply in writing to the Shire of Mundaring by no later than the 15th day of September each year for permission to implement alternative measures to assist in the control of bush fires, or preventing the spread or extension of a bush fire which may occur. If permission is not granted in writing by the Shire of Mundaring you must comply with the requirements of this Notice.

    7. Additional Works

    In addition to the requirements of this Notice, you may be required to carry out further works which are considered necessary by an Authorised Officer and specified by way of a separate written notice forwarded to the address of the owner/s as shown on the Shire of Mundaring rates record for the relevant land.

    TAKE NOTICE that pursuant to Section 33(4) of the Bush Fires Act 1954, where the owner and/or occupier of land fails or neglects to comply with the requisitions of this Notice within the times specified, the Shire of Mundaring may, by its officers and with such servants, workmen and contractors, vehicles and machinery as the officers deem fit, enter upon the land and carry out the requisitions of this Notice which have not been complied with and pursuant to Section 33(5) of the Bush Fires Act 1954, the amount of any costs and expenses incurred may be recovered from you as the owner and/or occupier of the land.


    • 1sqm piles of garden refuse may be burnt without a permit between 6pm and 11pm and must be fully extinguished before midnight. Fully extinguished means no heat, smoke or steam and no white ash present where the fire was situated

    • You must obtain a permit to burn before 6pm, and follow all permit conditions.• There must be one adult person/s in attendance at all times or as specified on your permit.

    If the requirements of this Notice are carried out by burning, such burning must be in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Bush Fires Act 1954.

    The PENALTY FOR FAILING TO COMPLY with this Notice is a fine not exceeding $5000 and a person in default is also liable, whether prosecuted or not, to pay the costs of performing the work directed by this Notice if it is not carried out by the owner and/or occupier by the date required by this Notice.

    By order of the Council.


    Shire of Mundaring7000 Great Eastern Highway

    MUNDARING WA 6073(08) 9290 6666

    Email: [email protected]:


    Section 24F and 24G (Restricted Burning)

  • ©JBS&G Australia Pty Ltd T/A Strategen-JBS&G | 57677/125784 (Rev 0)

    © JBS&G Australia Pty Ltd T/A Strategen-JBS&G

    This document is and shall remain the property of Strategen-JBS&G. The document may only be used for the purposes for which it was commissioned and in accordance with the Terms of Engagement for the commission. Unauthorised use of this document in any form whatsoever is prohibited.

    Document Status

    Report version

    Rev No. Purpose Author Reviewed and Approved for Issue

    Name Date

    Draft Report Rev A For review by client Brodie Mastrangelo (BPAD 45985, Level 1)

    Zac Cockerill (BPAD 37803, Level 2)

    18 December 2019

    Final Report Rev 0 For client use, to accompany Structure Plan submission

    Louisa Robertson (BPAD 36748, Level 1)

    Zac Cockerill (BPAD 37803, Level 2)

    19 May 2020

  • ©JBS&G Australia Pty Ltd T/A Strategen-JBS&G | 57677/125784 (Rev 0)


    PCH PAR RD1 002O Concept Plan - TREE SURVEY.pdfSheets and ViewsPCH PAR RD1 002O Indicative Concept Plan-A1