Download - App E Sub-Area 5.1-COC Forms · Ph~n~: cs



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App E­Sub-Area 5.1- COC Forms

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:l'ligm'._-" __ ._. __ ·_._of~·-·------.-·. ·· frojcct #;

GEL. C;haii~ of Custody ~md Analytkal JReq\lest ' Gt..1 .• Lalicr~torics; uc . 204Q ~avagc ~(lad

O~L.Qu.o~c II: ~-~----'""--.,----"'' '*S.ce:www,gctcomforG~.k:s'Sa1nple:A~ceptanceSOP*"' . Chadep1011, SC.294Q7

Ph~n~: cs<1~).ss6~s1?1 'Fnx:(S43i~76G-l·l18.

COC N.umbcr (1); PO Number:

- ~ ... ,. ............ ---··-··· ---~· ···--'· GEL Work' Or() er Number;·

. _Coll<;ctcd br, S.ond Rcs1111s Jo:


Sample JD· ' !'<II' oomi>O.f/lts·• J11dirfair .•lull (111ch1w diltcftime•

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Chain ofCustvdy S}gnatu11:s

'Tinto. ·Culi<crcil QC· (Mlll1ory) · ~C~e,il~ '{hhmm)

-··· ,",:'

·Dnfo· Tiine Received bx (~_izncilI [)11\c

' 1


:Fiol1I. Fli.'<«d.


·-_Silm11lc:, Modfix··


· Sample.Analysis .Requested {~f '(fill .i11 the 1111iri~en>feo111ainers for ¢ncli·t\l5l)

;should lbli

'~·~iitr. be· coillli\c•·•~


TSC. R!idl· l:> .; .. u ' .

<:--Preservative Type ~6)


Note: cxiras_ample is required. for sample

specific QC .. Reg~;

"' l•lid. er 0 [·

No ClrelC:DC!ivcrablc:· CofA I QC Summnrv. I t.cvc[· i I ·tcveJ-2. I ·tcvd 3' I Level A . Sililiple CoJlection Tirrie Zone · Eastern: l'ocilic

Central Oiiier M<mnt~in

Sample Sh_l11pit1g and'Delivecy Details




I,) C'J.18ill ofOistcdy'·'NUmbct ... C1ion1 Dclcnilinp;i

· t):Qc ,C,'od~~·'i'!" Nom,llll S.mrlc.}'11-Trip Bl•11k; 110 n freld !Jujili<alc):Eli= fa1~ipmcm !liank; M~-"-¥°iJiix S11i~.~ Sam~lc •. MSD •:Maui~ Spikc Oilplicotc -~~·~P~iG ~ Omb, C ~.Comp0si1c For La// Receiving Usu Onlj: · J.): ficl;I F~1md: .'Fodiquid mot•kc•,.i.ndkntc wi\h n-Y- f-Oi )'¢• ihc.so1riplowns·field nJl<tcd or." N- (ornunplo was nol riM fi!I01,<d.. . .C:lls/otiyS,eal liltai't? 4.). Matrix, Cadi:1:·l>\V=-Otinldng·.Wu1cr1.'C.\V~Gr0\!1tdw1tJor,.~,Y~~urT01i.:c.JV;t~r1 ,,y\\, .. Woc.1<: W <tll;r; ·w·W~1.t~, ML .. 1Mts:·J •. iqnid1.SO;·$:~>il; S~Scilimi.:nt,»S1,qSJudgi.:, 5.~::i.$olid~W-%tc. o;,01!, f<+tlltcir1:r . .,.Wipc •. U>:\Jrh~t:;'F,-.!f~i.-I. N~l'l--~-'l'."'E..-· S:..-._,.__N_0-:----1 j,). Su~pl~ A•iol)l;<i(!t«111<>!<d' ./1.n•1)1icnl •.noUuxJ roqucSt<tl (te. 816lili;oo108n~1iiA) o~d nilli1~<r o[ro11cnln01• p1o•!d,d,f9r ««I\ (cc:'Sl6nB •'.l; d0/Q8174lnll • ll; . . . . , . · · . · · C,110/erTemp:

:,6.)· PI<iSCJ'Y~Uiy".c~1yp.c:..J:l1~ "*:1~Y~r~c_l~lorle;~At~t1-;.Nt:• NiirJc AciC;tu~""' Sod)umJ-irihoxidt,S,\.;?. S~Jf\lril:.~~d~;·,':A·~!-Astor~~c ~c1~t f:l?' . .:.. ~i~.1:mc,_S'f .. ~~um Tbioiulfii_rc~.Jf~to;imm:rvaliw n:id.d;d'"' IOi\vc flcld b1mil.. C' , · WHlTE ~: l~A..BORATORY .Y·E,LLO'V = FILE . . PlNlC ;,,,,CLtEN'J'

. Pag.e:· ·-~----. -- of__ -~-·-~·. GEL--C-·1 h_a_i~n--. o-f--. ·c-.•-u-s-to __ d_' y-_-a_n_.d __ .,..A_n.,...·a-1-.. ,.-ti._,c_a,_l._l~,....e-.q-u_e,.,..s=·t":""". ·.....,.....__,.O....:.E-·L---Ln-t<or-.l-0(--ies'-; L-t:c--· -"----~ : Pl'OJccr II; · . · · · · .J· · .. .· •· · · 2040.Sav~gi; R.oad

OBL Quote II: --·-----~L--..: , ~~Scc:www:geJ.l(loni.fol·:GBL's SanwJe.Ac:cep_tance·SOl'"'" . Charleston,:SC294.07

coc:Nlim1>eri1.i: .. :.,, ,. ..• .;..,,, _____ •.. :.:_. _,_ .. G1£J;.; W.orl~ Ordes· Number: . · · Phonc:''(8<t.1}S56-81'11 l'ONuinb'er:.. I · ... · , Fiix: (8<!3W66;tt?&·

.... ,,.,,. .... : · · · · Pi-oj~cliSite.Nan\e:· Fax' II: S!1oul<I

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.SamplelIJ ! co111110.vt1c.o; ~ -Ji"m.·olr!.:fl~1rt:m1d slop dutttllimr·


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<--: Pr<;:scfv.~tivcTyp.;.( 6)

C9mmentS Note; extra ilmuplC ls rcquitcd'fur santp.\(J

spt;cific Q.C

h-~-~~,i~B__,_,··~=-~·'~··~.l~-~~~~l~2~~1=~-~~~+· __.,._-,-j-__,f---,-+---t--'+---t---+--1--+-,--~h-t--f-.~~~---i---~~-"-----:--~ .---~~~'~-~·~l·~L~-~~~-----~-~~--·~~1l~·~~·7l~<":~···~·--------+--+~-;-,-+-,-+-+-+-+--+~f---"'-'-1--l--~~*'-·~·-4-~~__,..,.,~--~

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S.;tA-.,a.,\ ,q \i~u~.;1? .. No Circle belivcr~b!c:: 'C'.r.ifA . I OC Summilrir I .:t;cvcJ: ! J. Level 2 l weD i' Lcvd 4·

aum~~ · 'i!~srcm l'ndtic · ,::9c11trn.1._ Otlior:__· __


RclinquistioJ-Dy, (SigncJ) . GELPM; ·.1 ' MctlioJ of Sliiun1cn1:

2 2 ~-- Aliblll/1:

3 .. · ..

Aiihiltll: i'.r :c_-~lBi11~r:·~~~9uy·tl\u11bc1 ~ Cli~nfJ!.i;:t1j~J)j1~~! l:)° Q~'. Cu~i;., ·N •.NonMi Sompl~ •. -i'll"' {rlJi'fJl~i1k;'Pll • PJcl<lDi1pli<"O, ~l_l·~ ll~uipmcot'lllonk;' ~1s· •• .Jvio1ri> Spiko:sa;,,pfo; ~Jm>·~;_Matr\i< Sp1~·pi1pl_i~;i.10 S•!llplS,G ~·cJl)lb.,C" Co111po•i"', /"or ha!>. Receiving_ li:~e ,Oi11~· J.r.F-~cld fil~c1~d: r~rllquic' nuuricc~h:dt(!u1e.wiih n-~.V· .. _ror Yu 1{1~'s?~PJ!l,W\1S 'fii:J<l "11t.r'l:!d or.'-'.N;-fa,r~nnt~JcwpJ;.i1ot .. tii;ld tHtc;cd; .. · -·. ·c11s1vefySl!a/ 'J:!tact?

,,.!';)' .. Milliii:~ ~d,u~~~W!" prinklng Wul:'T :'G~~"'9fl~l111dwn1cr I 5\V::Sujfac'C Wtih!J, \V\V,~\~ti:il0_\':/_1!\t1_~;W~.\y4i~. ~L;a.'M.w; l~ii}_nid!.S~~~~il~ ~D~~c .. U~1i:n1;·$J.PSlu~~~; .S~SOtit1'.Was1c; i>;fon,-' lt""fllu:i' r~wJ1>0; .UnOiinl!~ f.":'f~~l.~!'il:=-!1-' ___ _;Y;.;E:;:·S'-"' ...,..=,.._.·-N_..'o...,,...,,._"""1 llf. ~) Sumple AJ••!YSIS Rcq.,<•tod: ~n?l~hO-«l n\c!h•~ roq11.,1<d (!:•· Rl60ll.~Ornlln4WA) nnd "'"''.b•(o(_<on1~'."'~'·V'"""""'l ro:.•·~~ (1.e. SlWB ·,:'J· Ml!OD/711~ -·11:_ .. . . . . L"uufci. Temp:

f'J.);'PHm:rv"1ivc··l)'1Jc: HA-~:l~ydcochlonc Acid~ ~1·~ ~ilfic A~td/Sll = ~1tun.·Jtyifroxid1:, 81_\ r S11lf\!nc Actd. i\t\ ... As:cotb1t-Ac11l,J_t?{.H Hexa1~ .. S f'~·Sodum~,Tli1M11ltfliCJ lfno11roe.scr~:t!1vo t.~p1lft~l.!<ilc:i\oe·r~.h! blRUlt - ·c - . ··wmTE=LABORATOilY . . XELLOW,.,Fll,E PJNK=CUEN1' .

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' or GEL L~boratori••, LLC' }·-e.e~ _____ ........ ..... ... ·-·-··---· GEL Chain of Custody and Analytical Request Project/!:

**See www.gcl.cmn for GEL's Sample Acceptance SOP*" 20~0 Sav3ge Road

GEL Quote 11, - ·- --·-··- --· .... ". ·- -··· - Chnrleilon, SC 29467

COC Number I 1l: .. . . .. GEL Work Order Number~ !'hone'. (llo!J) 556-S 171 PO Nu111ber fax· (843) 766-1 i?B

Clicnl Nan1e: Phi:me II: S~mple Analysis Rcqucstctl 15l (Fill in the number of conlainer~ for each tc:il)

.. .:J.if>. .. Projc.:1JSile Name· Fax#·

Slionld '<·· Prcscrv~livc Tyµ~ (6) !11!>

>RllJ\llr ~e

Address: .:.1nddfrct..I

' Commenrs ,_Collec1cd by: Send Results lo; Note: extra sampk is '

•IJMe(':l:l~;.:1.:d .. Tim~

F~t..11L s.,n~!e TfiC required for sample

C...;i~l·Ct~, . QC Fr~1ttl!"J M;U11J< Rodi ;\ i specific QC Sample ID {Mlli<•ry) C:~am

{nm,.d<l-nl (hl1111m) (Jj •'I OUl;'t) negu

.. F01 c"fJJHl·'•t.~ll!.'i. tndktJlc rt~frl m:.t ,,-n1e J,,,~/1,m(J yt lol<d uo

s \f\, ~- \ .S 12-ILe-1)' 5. l°A:.; \2.... \ .l..a 11~\l;-\ (

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I 1 1


TAT Reaucstcd~ Normal: Rush: S~ccily: {Subi«• to So"l:>ri;<) I !'ax Remits: Yes I No CirclC Dc\ivcrnb:c. c off\ I QC Summary r Level 1 I Lcvi.;I 2 I !.cvd 3 I J.evd 4

Rttm«rkl·: Are llit'r<! any know11 ha::ards applicable fo the.~r. .iamples? /f .w, please Ii.~/ the hazards S•lm~I~ {;QJl~r1ie.l!l Jimc 7,llfil. !!astern P:icific Ccntr~! Oilier

·~· ·-··. ·-· Mo\\11tain

Clrnin of Cusfody Sign:iti1rcs Smnple Slllpping and Delivery Details Rclinq.,i<hod l3y (Signed) D:irc Time: Rct."t:i,cd ~y l•igr.od) Dlt!C. TtmD-


I I MclilQd of Shinm::mt. Ir.lie Shinr.c<I.

2 2 Airbiil~.

3 3 A1rbill n· I) C:h?]I\ ofCi.;:;u::n.l.y N~{1d:e1 .. l"!k1;1 r.'C""!crmtn~t.I

Ftw Lal• Recemrrg U,yc 011ly 2) QC Cc:lc:s· N = ~em·.n~ SaT1·.pt~. 1'Tii ~ Tr1f1 TJ.•,u:.k. VO• f1~ld D:tphc~:G 1 F.n ... l~\1ip1rn:~t Hl;u:I!, MS • Mmrn1 Sp1f..c S=1.•n,!::-. :'.'T.lm""' !i.,fa1riol. S1,1ke 01:pl!C:'1lc: S1ul;p:.::, G •· (Jto1b. C .... (\i:1:rll!ili~

J) Field ff'li::JC.C.. Fc1 !i~Li~l Pl111:ri~s. 11'.rl.t1mi ·.lr;ll: ti .. Y - ye~ l~a: s::i.ttplc wru r.~ld f:'llc:t~d Of - ~ - •r,r ~Mu;,l:: w~~ •u;t 1ickl fi1!crttl C11.»lvdy Seal /nt,7C't? •I.) 'M:i.lnx Cc;.dt!, J)\\.'::-D,;·~kb1: W.11cr. G\\"··Urnt:ndw•ikr, SW,..,.S',afat.:i.: Wiltur, \V\\'=W~.:i,!c W.!.t(z, \\.'•·W.:.t...:i, ML• Mi~L: r .. 1:'.!1;td, SO-·!=i,!l. SP .. ·~d•<l.~nl, Sl ..... S~.:;;.Jili:., SS·.,.·S-::lul '"'n~t.:', O::(J1~.1····f1l1i:1, r-·W1:1t!, ll ... ll1'ir•1J, F•·Fct.i.d, N°"I l'ES !iO ~.) S.\mpte Ar..-il,.si~ ni::c:ueski.J Al''='•)11~~;1 mcl1i1)J rttf.l:C.fl~tl n' R2f:IJO, (:0 Hmi747lM.J ~rd li.Ul~.b:-r•}fi..:-!.llll1hcu 1~rov;dcrj tb: c;iLh (1 e .SlM!J '.\. f.11l!J!l/1'1~1JA- t1 Cou/~r frmp. f.) h'C:'OClV~li"Jt.: Ty~. Ur\-. tl)·1lro::hlirn.: Acic{. NI '""N!'.~nt: A~u-1, Sl·1 _. S<'rl:!.lm lly.~rnxH!c, SJ'\-·· ~111fn:l: 1\i:::t!!. A:\:- /.t.!corbic Aci:I, UX ,._ 110::..::1!11.', ST=- S•~1:1L1t1i Tl:1:;>~.1d!:.~~. lf N1 rrc:cf\·ar1v~ i.'i ~: 1•!t"d ...- !r.:i'.'IC n-:.M bl:ml.. c


App E-Sub-Area 5.1 - Instrument Field Sheets

\ ,,_ t:;, ~

lnstrum.~Fie!_d, Response Check log

1. J1!.~J1ui:rumilnforma1io(\ 1

Rate meter: Make/Mode!:

Detector 1: Make/Model: Bicron MicroRem Meter:

LUDLUM 2241-2. L!.!QLUM 44-lQ _ ..

Sericil hi~ i62737 Serial Ne. __ E8 .. l.U12L.-. Serial No. _A~41.!.-· _. ~

Cal. Due D~te: JUUlQ

Ca'!. Due Date: _Y-4/16

:z. Qt.e<:k ~@r_~g lnforr11;Uio11: ·


So1~rc"' l lsatope: Jh:232 5erlal No.: JJ.fi_____ Activity: ~Q •.. L .. u!"lils: .JKL_ Assay Date: .12.L.10/10 Rl~~;;on~t:: Acc.eptancr·~ Rang-e i+/.20%): LJR1:m1/hr i-2()% _ --··· . uRemifir -/.Q'Y,, net cprn.; W%_;;.,_2926 nr•t tpl'n ·2D'A• 15284

!\oc1rrn -?. i~otcipP.: _C.S.::.L3.7. __ Serial Ne· : .•• 82E1±4.8-... -. >:.r::~po.,,e An;i::pt3nr.;e R.;inge [.i./-20%): uRern/h' ·>-20~'.

,\divity: . .O...QL _Llnit;: ..J.LC.l_ As.say D:;te: 1L.Z_Qb.O t:Rcm/hr -20% .. ·-··--· net ~ 20%_ l.3~5... 11i>~. q:;rn -;'CJ~~' .. $~l~ ...

Ie.fliniq_o.!:.1L\ll!9sker Pe!:forming Checks: Narr1e::.:?:"~~CK11.'!_?..~.,...) Tillll: U-:C _ ..... --.. -·

•1 $\t~P!.J~9tio.r· 'i;ti;;/Job·_5:.J .. ·-· .... __ ·-·-·------- ··- ____ . location D~~c:riptio<"!: {VO c iJ5 X"·C.oorc:: _______ --·---··-- __ .. -··-- 'r'-c.c,ord· ___ _

Rev 110/18/15

··~TS Mt.I"~ Y~~L .s~.....-.tCt.30

l. Instrument lnformation1

Ratemeter: Make/Model: Detector L Make/Mode!: Bicron MicroRem Meter:

Instrument Field Response Check Log

L r..,)7/v;tti aJ'-/t2 L v/1 u~,,1 t..f 'f·~/ 0

Serial No. ~/X,{.qy Serial No. 'f/t. f( ,,',iG.l( )-Serial No. ____ _

. Cal. Due Date: o9fct/J~ . Cal. Due Date: -~~

2. Check Source Information: f I Source 1 lsotope:0~ Serial No.: ) f Activity: <d, units: .AL([ Assay Date: l~[5"/f0 Response Acceptance Range (+/-20%): uRem/hr +20% ___ uRem/hr -20% ___ net cpm + 20% '37'7 i" net cpm -20% ~bC

Source 21sotope:Cs:::.1n Serial No.: I ("'{c.)3-/ 2 Activity: CJ .0 2- unitsjl{/ Assay Date: /JA-ResponseAcceptance Range (+/-20%): uRem/hr +20%___ uRem/hr-20%.___ net cpm + 20% 13-:2-1J net cpm-20% gqy7

3. Technic20!~ Performing Checks: Name: ' ) I .:/ c . .-&s r,;>c·.~ Title: __ ! c.~-~--- Date: /;J,~lff STime: Q'i( I

4. Site or Location: Site/Job: 5£/? ,, Location Description:--1P. .... ~_Vi_f,""""',114~_.h._6_·_f-______ _ GPS Coordinates (when required): X-Coord: tJ 'f/-"' :," ;i. 'i:)(7. ·ntf Y-Coord: W 7 'I.!' s? 1 .":"tl .. 31'-' · r ./

Instrument Field Response2 Use Acceptance Criteria Remarks

Rev 1 10/18/15

Meter Bkg Bkg Counts Cnt {cpm) or

. Source Cnt


Source Response +/-20% (gross cpm or source

Inst. · · Battery

Ca!ib. Check Time

Of Ambient Temp.

Initials and Comments {add'l Info: inst. Condition, etc.}

Time uRem/hr) uRem/hr) gross cpm current (Y/N) check (cF) or uRem/hr (Y/N}

i. {Y/N)

f Ratemeter · i Ratemeter

! Ratemeter i Ratemeter ! Ratemeter ! Bicron NA I Bicron NA

i Bicron NA t 1. Instrument designated check source is listed on calibration sticker. Record check source response (net cpm) prior to field deployment for all check sources being used. • 2. Source and Background count rate determined from the average of three static counts at the same location. Repeat counts should be within 20%. If count rate diverges

significantly, perform additional counts to evaluate instrument stability

~ ./ -"

·~TS MJ~ T~-L SC':R""7CllE>"

Rev 110/18/15 Instrument Field Response Check Log

1. Instrument lnformation1 • ¥i

Ratem eter: Make/Model; L vJ· u.... if¥ 5). Serial No. d<J(:..6q'j· Serial No. Pf?I f J!.6'f?.­Seria! No.-~---

Cal. Due Date: t:r'J1'tf.' Detector 1: Make/Model: l.1,,,tf.f;,,.....f_- J Blcron MicroRem Meter: Cal. Due Date: __ _

2. Assay Date: /~/fr/o . net cpm + 2~ net cpm -20% ?~{. C

Source 2 Isotope: {j./?i? Serial No.: l /10.~·I.). Activity: IJ.O.J- units:~Assay Date:· __ Response Acceptance Range (+/-20%): uRem/hr +20% __ uRem/hr -20% __ . net cpm + 20% l 3' ;l. 7fe net cpm -20% £ j 9'1

3. Checks: T!tle: fc ( r Date: l'J.f ~/t5 Time: Of>J. Gf'

4. Site or Location: Site/Job: __ ~.4~"-'t?_.<"~5~~'~-~- ,1 location Description: ~<"<'JL GPS Coordinates {when required): X-Coord: I\( 'ii..:. ":i ~' l/S:~ ¥ t Y-Coord: \J ·ti:> ')(·I G,"J;.'i ------.=...~----

i Instrument Field Respo-nse2 Use Acceptance Criteria Remarks

Meter Bkg Bkg Counts Source Source Response -t-/-20% Inst. Battery TI me Ambient Initials and Comments Cnt {cpm) or Cnt (gross cpm or source Calib. Check Of Temp~ (add'l tnfo: inst. Condition, etc.) ·

Time uRem/hr) Time uRem/hr) gross cpm current (V/N) check (CF}

or uRem/hr (V/N) {Y(NJ -

-·- -·. ... .. ·--·---·

I Ratemeter fi,v. ii• S'f lf'1t/~ ( ""· 1)\ ¥/tb:A c#W' \/ v v M,2t,, ~- 7 CJ °Tlf-~"K. f)_y I Ratemeter J 1.1\d\ iD041 /~;.,,... i; {I .: I. 0951 ~'? y~ r c- _, ~., '7lcr-: l Ratemeter i1 .. ,~ S~S-"t 1, ..... 1'h. t:./'1.P~IJ 1:,,,,,., ,, ,., ... l 1iDS'"" t{t._ j_O 11.-..-_,.'2 ~L UJf"' I Ratemeter I W\ o- {D"7t) ..,.~'""' .._) ..J1 ~I 111'-fc q/. .. ,3... t. /§._, 14'7 ':,/? I Ratemeter I I I i/

I Ratemeter ! Bicron NA NA J Bicron NA NA .. I Bicron NA NA -1. Instrument-designated check source is listed on calibration sticker. Record check source response (net cpm) prior to field deployment for all check sources being used.

2. Source and Background count rate should be determined from the average of three static: counts at the same location. Repeat counts should be wlthin 20%. If count rate diverges slgnificantly, perform additional counts to evaluate instrument stability

l I I I




l l


App E-Sub-Area 5.1 - Sample Data Sheets

n.• h ~ ._;o• ___ i=_ --"'eat er: __t0 \E: 1

c 1 ,") 0 <;.>,'i 1 ::L

l. Sample Area (SA):

SA Designation:_ §-"'-'._,_It\~-----· SA. Origin Location: S.:4. Land 1'vfark Description

2. Sample Location Data:


"-i -r; . "2 ,~ame: r:-1 ~...!:L.......---

Description: WcW~ Coord. System:~~--­


Sampk Area fD _.S:-J_B.._. __ ib_-1.. ______ Matrix·-~-)-\__ ....

Location Coord: .w....=t-Liil 1J_,_ ':t~- -··· ..

Alternate Location Measurement~ (disrance fn-:im SA origin and .Local Coord.) X Dist. from Origin (O,ff! , .. . .N.Jf1____ Y Dist. from Origin: N /A

Site Sketd1 Attached (Yes} ~ ·.

Sample Location Description: wo9ds, 'f<J1.i•17__b:u_::., \JC!\( 11'71ttf- bvu1>n1 \ oU:\i'"C' -S

Canopy TYPe: . -~Land Use: J:::h~LY.L)-----· SlJil Moisture (Wet, dry. etc.):_1:JD, .... _ ...

~- Lo_<:_.l!_:t.!Q!!_Radiation Readings: 1~P~~I ·- [ ----~ut~~~~;~ ··--T ·---. -- Notes --i

4. Sample Information:· Sample Area ID.- JiJ 1'\. iC.. \. \- l,,

Description by Depth: . . ···~---·· .. -·-l Depth 1

1 Soil Type I Soil Sample ff} : Sampling DescriptWn j Jnterval (Org; clay; l Color : (.Surface litt~r~/depth, sample depth retention,

_Jcm) . .,. --~and, etc.) I ---·--·-·· _L~~~-sal, st<.~ne_9r ro.?k, to~~phy, erosion features}

0-1 5 i SojL__ i3t-_V>. ~!..1£L.E·_!_.\_,~.IXL1r.:in("~-~~~--------__, L!..._"5'"~.2:-_·_-_·~- l ~\\. l_• -1: s !(-\ R- l °2. I~ \ ts I.~ I . ·-·-· --+--1'~'.l{l<'-.i'P-"---···-.----:----------\.3Q-(£Q ___ ~\.1."._1'.l<\<.::, IK ~ . A R.L I _,, ~ "-u -#- f- -l"Oc~S

o--L;:;o [&~l/tr>cK--s!'1fl-~~"" · A-.i2-.1.4 ~taJ~~----'-~(? 10~·--------~ _Q-_::y'S'. ___ +~ 1~ I \3m ..,.,_ ~ 11:.'i , \2. . I . S ! l Ovwi

1 :s ~"\11,(\.: \J. "1Jo "r~ --1

~Cl-'> t~PJllr'AlL~ !j1\,l-bcti_5.JA· j?.. I. ~-c~:~·- ~"'.\a~-. _JQ.Lio,,_, __ J Sample Recorded on Laboratory COC form and Container Labeled@ (N)



Date: f.?L-1..'! "'i.~- Project: ---1.'J_y_g(@_f\ ________ ···- Name: --rt;.-; ~ .. r

Weather: _<:;Jg~---7---r-· 00. .. ~:Lm_· \-\

l.. Sample Area (SA):

SA Designation: _._fiJ_·e_. ···-. ___ . _ Desc:ripHon: _ _,\,;?..:.=...:C..."O::.c:·:c...-,~_;),.._· -----'----

SA Origin Location: --·---· ···--····- Coord. System: ____ _

SA Land Mark Description:--------~---------- Coord: ----· ·-- -··--------

2. Sample Location Data:

Sample Area lD: ____ 5.:_ iA . K.-.~-- Matrix: ... ~j ___ __

Location Coord: . fY __ !ili~."2:..J1.$·.r:___

Alternate Location Meas11rements (distance from SA origin and Local Coord.) X Dist from Origin (0,0'l____N IA. Y Dist. from Origin: N f A·

• I

Site Sketch Attache.d (Yes) @

3. Location Radiation Readinus: ···-·-·-· -=--------:...-------- ---,,-.----------·---~ . 2x2 NaJ ~ Bicron

(c m) ~ (uRem/hr) Notes

I ~-- ···-----------·---'----------"-·--·· __ J. -·-----· .... ' -'""------'-'"""--'-t'J!"--~W--l..l..!!::---......J

4 .. Sample Information: Sample Area ID: ~. 1'.. 2., I--Z..

Dcscri tfon bv De >th: Depth Soil Type Soil Sample ID··· i -- Sampling Description

Interval {Org; clay; Co/qr · ~Surface litter type/depth, sample depth retention, _ . ('?mL _ _:-and, et~J ~-· -. __ refusal, stoJ?-e..?.r rock, topo_graphy, erosion features)

Q-t..£ ... _-?.c?..LL. . . ~-1--5.:.1!1.'.R.:_J.:.:.\_ ·-. J~JY'-&) ./ . ) . _·, L~ '~-~R.!.l..:..].... ___ 1 ~\'::i ____________ . ____________ --1

---··· .. --1------+-------· . --·--·----------< f----------+·-'-" ---------"!----··- ·-·--·-·--·~--+----___ ·-· --·. -4~- -___,__

..___-t---__,__ _ _____,_ __ ==r·------·-- -.--- _L_ __ _____,...._,,__ ___ _, Sample Recorded on Laboratory COC form and Container Labeled: (N)


Project: _ ___bl_Y.~ .. ~fi__ _____ _ 6 (

Weather' ...!Ml~.L~-~.---""CV=CJ'----

1. Sample Area (SA):


N .---:-- - -;"2 arne: f o.'I L2~=..,--'----

SA Designalion: ____ .fi~J~- ···- ... ·--·- ·-····· Description: w~d.s___ _ _____ _ SA Origin Location: Coord_ System: ___ _

SA Land ,Hark Description~ __ -.-... ··--·--- ___ . Coord:

2. Sample Location Data:

Sample Area ID: ...... 5.0..l'l-·~ -~--Matrix: -~-o-~L-

Location Coord: _ .f)L!!._f>.n': W 7658~ '23 ··lPL>

Alternate Location Measurements (distance from SA origin and Local Coord.) X Dist. from Origin (O,O}___b_.IJA_.__ Y Dist. from Origin: --.&/A__

Site Sketch Attached (Yes) @ Sample Location Description: fiN.s le.cut:.$..~_l60 -fl -be,k);AO k1ill~~--=-<) __ _

. . ('}....,., Can~py Type· .. l...LF".'.\....--- Land Use: _J{.1.l~Qr----- Soi! Moisture (Wet, dry,

etc.) . .f;)f\t .............. .

3:._ Loca.tion Radfation Readings: ·· 2x.i NaI ·r- Bicr~-~----

(cpm) ' (uRem/hr) Notes

4. Sample Information: Sample Area ID: 5. t13. i<.. l [- 2

Soil Sample ID Sampling Description Color (Surface littertype/dcpth, sample depth retention,

. .:;.;..:..:.::i...:..::..::..c'--l---+-------+-r_e.c..n.-'1s_al..L,'-one or rock, topo~J:!:\'.:, erosion featur_es) ~ . ~'1-f.D..'Ot:>r...~'- ~'t :l..,._!'.:..~.o;,co..\.'--"-"---------l

!. </bL>i;'.:> ·~·\~'.) . I ""-'--"'~-

I---------+------+-. -·+------~~--·- ·-··:·----~--1------+---·---+--··- -·--·-· ---··· -··--·- --·· , .. .)... ....... --

Sample Recorded on Lab-Oratory CDC form and Contaioer Labeled: (N)



Date: f2-:.' .. ".::1.I_ Project: N vsr;_:e;p~ --------- Name:~ ..D:::Q_.__,.-=.:...\t"\._;__. __

I "'\-Weather: c"'-W. c.l~~...-u=0=----

1. Sample Area (SA):

SA .Designation: __5_..JB_____ Description: -~~-:S .. SA Origin Location: _ ------------ Coord. System: SA Land Ma.rk Description: --·-·---------- _ ··-- Coord:

2. Sample Location Data:

Sample Area ID: ____ _5;5 -10,_{h ~··--··Matrix: ?o_·~

Location Coord: J:J__~{l "'.$._t _ _r1. S <t -- _"':-> 1 lf' S'5' '2 3 . ._,,It'··

Alternate Location Measurements (distance from SA origin and Local Coord.) X Dist from Origin (0_,0)_J:.tJA____ Y Dist. from Origin: ~.IA~

Site Sketch Attached (Yes} {§t> Sample l.ocation Description: \1jY.t· i;:)R.)~'f\~v '.:> 1 l/OJ~ ~, _ ~~ , I DO ft bi!vL.>•'-cl.

. i Ytl.).)~

Can~py Type: ~:--·'1_ __ Land Use: J::hl.._L, IC\1--- Soil Moisture (Wet, dry, etc.)._~--·--·.. .

3. Location Radiation Readin s: 2x2 NaT (cpm

Bicron (uRem/hr)


~ Notes

4. Sample Information: Sample Area ID: 6. 1(3. \2...'2...l-7-

Type Soil Sample ID I Sampling Description ; clay; Color Murfaoo IOtedypeldeptb, sample depth retent«in, , etc.) _ refusal, st<?ne ~r rock, topography, erosion features)

1_ ~~d 11>;~·±: •_ I ilYlL'-f,____s. m~e-t> . lBrit~ s,\~;._g.~:.J..:--+~J'."IV.~ .;J)C"--~---I ; ,

--~ w-~• l----~~- '. ----::---~ -

Sample Record ed on Laboratory COC fon11 and Container La\M!led~ ~ (N)



App E-Sub-Area 5.1 - Static Surveys



Date Elevation Coordinates

Collected Sample 0-15 cm 15-30 cm 30-60cm 60-100ccm

rt.-1 lr1 s 5.lA R 1 . 1 x 42°31'18.4911N 78°58'27.36"W

11-ilJ--t.f 5.!A R 1 2 x tL-llo -I\ 5.lA R 1 3 x i'Hu-tf' 5.lA R 1 .4 x 111~1'.) 5.lA R 1 5 .. ··><-... ·-.·. i'l-w-1 < 5 lA R 1 6 . J( :::· :: :

l?:-1 Lf-t') !>.·,~ R 2 1 x 42"31'17.85"N 78°58'27.30"W

\1..--1'1i:>' 5. If\ R 2 2 x

AREA 5.18

Date Elevation Coordinates

Collected Sample 0-15 cm 15-30 cm 30-60 cm 60-lOOc cm

12-11.11~ S.18 R 1 . 1 x 42°31'18.Sl"N 78~58'23.66"W

l"/41-1-1.< 5.lB R 1 .2 x 17-1lf15' 5.18 R 2 1 x 42°31'17.9411 N 78°S8123.68"W

17~'-'lq~/) 5.lB R 2 . 2 x


\ 1..-