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IAIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya


o Sistem penata pola hidup manusia

o Dimensi spiritual dalam kehidupan manusia

o Jiwa, Meaning o Some Categories: Kepercayaan dan Amal saleh, Tempat Beribadah, Universal and

Particular, Mystical and Ethical, Self and Other-Power, Personal and Civil.

o Agama vs Spiritual

o Mysticism vs Agama

The Families of Religions:

Indian: Hinduism, Buddhism, (Jainism), Sikhism

The Self Chinese: Confucianism, Taoism, Chinese, Buddhism

Nature Semitic: Judaism, Christianity, Islam

God and Revelation










Experiential Dimension; emosi dan perilaku keagamaan

Ideological Dimension; seseorang yang agamis akan memegang

kepercayaan tertentu

Ritualistic Dimension; teknik menyembah Tuhan

Intellectual Dimension; madzhab, kitab suci, dogma, dsb

Consequential Dimension; seseorang yang agamis mestinya seperti ini

… seperti itu …

Semenanjung Arabia Sebagian besar berupa padang pasir dengan gunung dan oase

Daerah Subur kebanyakan di wilayah pegunungan selatan sekitar Yemen

Suku Badui yang nomaden ▪ Tinggal di padang pasir

▪ Memelihara domba, dan unta

▪ Terorganisir dalam suku, klan dan sistem kekeluargaan

▪ Pentingnya loyalitas sesama klan

▪ Tipe suku klasik yang „paling keras kepala‟

Kerajaan Romawi and Persia menguasai sebagian besar dunia

Aktif perdagangan jarak jauh ▪ Dari Damaskus ke Mekkah atau Madinah ke Yaman

▪ Melewati Teluk Persia dan sepanjang pesisir pantai

▪ Bagian dari sistem perdagangan alur Laut Merah; antara Yaman and Abyssinia

▪ Menjual emas, frankincense dan myrrh

Agama kebanyakan polytheist; banyak tuhan atau berhala

Sejumlah pemeluk Yahudi dan Kristen agak sedikit di kawasan sentral Arabia

Kediaman suku Badui di zaman sekarang

Rute perdagangan klasik

kaum Arab

“Bodoh teologi (kufur) dan Bodoh Moral”

10/6/2011 copyright 2006 and our licensors 14


Lahir di Mekkah pada tahun 570 M

Sering menyendiri dan meditasi di gua

Turun Wahyu melalui perantara Jibril di Gua Hiro ketika Muhammad

berusia 40 tahun.

Al-Qur‟an sebagai pegangan utama syiar Islam untuk merubah


Kota utama

Agama Islam

• Mekkah sebagai pusat tradisi spiritual, mistik dan agama.

• Terdapat Ka‟bah yang dibangun Nabi Ibrahim dan Ismail. Saat itu banyak dipenuhi dengan


• Karena dianggap pusat agama, berkelahi di Mekkah tidaklah boleh untuk kurun tertentu,

sehingga strategis dibuat area pusat perdagangan.

Islam: penyerahan diri, selamat, damai

Rukun Islam

1. Syahadah

2. Sholat Lima Waktu, Menghadap kiblat Ka’bah

3. Zakat

4. Puasa Ramadan

5. Haji

Firman Allah; 6666 ayat, 114 surat, 30 juz, 7 bacaan

Hanya ada 2 nama surat yang berkaitan dengan ibadah, selebihnya lagi memiliki nama yang berhubungan dengan fenomena alam, sosial-politik, ekonomi, sejarah, dan akhlak.

Nama surat yang berkaitan dengan Ibadah adalah al-Sajdah dan al-Hajj; kemudian al-Ra‟d, al-Nahl, al-Nūr, al-Baqarah, dan lainnya itu masuk dalam kategori Fenomena Alam; al-Nisā, al-Munāfiqūn, al-Shūrā, dan yang semisalnya dimasukkan tema Sosial-Politik; lalu nama surat semisal al-Anfāl dan al-Zakāt masuk lajur tema Ekonomi; nama surat seperti „Abasā dan al-Mutaffifīn dikaitkan dengan bidang Akhlak; sedangkan nama-nama surat yang berkonotasi Kesejarahan adalah al-Anbiyā‟, Ali Imrān, Yūsuf, Nūh, Ibrāhīm, dan al-Rūm.

Kitab suci yang harus dipegang secara hati-hati; dalam keadaan

suci, ditradisikan untuk dibaca keras-keras (recite), memiliki

materi ajaran yang komplit, terkadang dijadikan untuk bacaan-

bacaan mistik oleh sebagian kalangan.

Ahlul Kitab: Yahudi dan Kristen

▪ Muslim harus toleran dengan mereka

▪ Meyakini keberadaan nabi mereka, namun Yesus adalah nabi saja, bukan

messiah apalagi tuhan

▪ Muhammad adalah rasul terakhir

Iman, Islam dan Ihsan

Syari‟ah, Thariqat, Hakikat

Muslim harus hidup dengan aturan hukum dan moral.

Semua orang adalah sama posisinya, tidak ada diskriminasi.

Sebagai bagian dari agama samawi; Islam meminjam atau

meneruskan ajaran Yahudi dan Kristen, dan kemudian


Abrahamic Tradition; Judeo-Christian-Islamic tradition (kasus Palestina)

This same rock is believed by Jews to be the slab upon which Abraham bound Isaac and nearly sacrificed him (in Islamic tradition, it was Ishmael). And that it was the rock upon which the Ark of the Covenant was put.

Konflik di Mekkah Hijrah ke Yathrib (Madinah) pada tahun 622 M Memperkuat basis umat dan pembentukan

masyarakat Madani di Yathrib Kembali untuk „Penaklukan Mekkah‟ pada tahun

630 M

Uswatun Hasanah (teladan bagi umat Islam)

Ketekunan Beribadah (Ibadah Ritual)

Hidup Bermasyarakat (Ibadah Sosial)

Kehidupan Rumah Tangga

Akhlak dan Kepribadian

Hadith dan riwayat sahabat

Tidak meninggalkan apa-apa selain dua hal: “Al-Qur‟an dan

Sunnah Nabi”

Khalifah politik dan agama setelah rasul


•Abu Bakr

•Umar bin Khattab

•Uthman bin „Affan

•Ali bin Abi Thalib

Sahabat Nabi terdekat, Muslim shalih,

sebagiannya diikat menjadi saudara

sekeluarga dengan pernikahan

The Rightly-Guided Caliphs

Perluasan Wilayah Islam

era Khulafaur Rashidin

The caliph Upon Muhammad's death, Abu Bakr served as caliph ("deputy") Became head of state, chief judge, religious leader, military commander First four called Orthodox caliphs because they were original followers

The expansion of Islam 633-637, seized Byzantine Syria, Palestine, Mesopotamia 640's, conquered Egypt and north Africa 651, toppled Sassanid dynasty 711, conquered the Hindu kingdom of Sind 711-718, conquered northwest Africa, most of Iberia Success due to weakness of enemies, vigor of Islam Referred to Islamic world as Dar al Islam

The Shia and Sunnis The Shia sect supported Ali (last caliph and son in law of Muhammad)

▪ A refuge for non-Arab converts, poor; followers in Iraq, Iran ▪ Felt caliphs should be directly related to Muhammad

The Sunnis ("traditionalists") accepted legitimacy of early caliphs ▪ Were Arab as opposed to Islamic ▪ Did not feel caliphs had to be related to Muhammad

Two sects struggled over succession; produced a civil war, murder

Sunni (90%) percaya bahwa penerus nabi (khalifah) itu dipilih ummat

Shi‟ah (10%) percaya bahwa khalifah itu dari keturunan nabi Muhammad SAW

Dua Aliran Besar Islam pasca Rasul Wafat

Setelah era Khulafaur Rashidin selesai, Islam didominasi sistem


Umayyah (661-750 M)

Abbasiyah (750-1258 M)

Seljuks (1055-1090)

Fatimiyyah (909-1171 M)

Turki Ottoman (1281-1924 M)

Safawiyah (1501-1722 M)

Dinasti Umayyah (661-750 M) Setelah perang saudara; Khalifah Ali dibunuh, terbentuklah dinasti ini

Memindahkan ibu kota Islam ke Damaskus, Syria

Arabian military aristocracy

Kebijakan bagi umat yang ditaklukkan Dhimmis adalah untuk Christians, Jews, Zoroastrians

Wajib bayar jizya (head tax) bagi mereka yang tidak berpindah ke Islam

Kehancuran Dinasti Khalifah teralienasi dari orang Arab sekitar abad 8

Perlawanan fraksi Shi‟ah

Ketidakpuasan publik dengan perilaku pemimpin

Dibasmi oleh kalangan Abbasiyah, semua keluarga Umayyah dibunuh

Satu keturunan berhasil lolos dan mendirikan dinasti Umayyah di Spanyol; Abdurrahman Ad-Dakhil


Periode diskriminasi


Ibu Kota berpindah ke

Damaskus, Syria

Budaya Arab berkembang


Abu al-Abbas A descendant of Muhammad's uncle; allied with Shias and non-Arab Muslims Seized control of Persia and Mesopotamia during 740's Shattered Umayyad forces at a battle in 750; annihilated the Umayyad clan

The Abbasid dynasty (750-1258 C.E.) Showed no special favor to Arab military aristocracy Empire still growing, but not initiated by the central government

Abbasid administration Relied heavily on Persians, Persian techniques of statecraft Central authority ruled from the court at Baghdad, newly built city Governors ruled provinces; Ulama, qadis (judges) ruled local areas

Harun al-Rashid (786-809 C.E.) Represented the high point of the dynasty Baghdad became metropolis, center for commerce, industry, and culture

Abbasid decline Struggle for succession between Harun's sons led to civil war Governors built their own power bases, regional dynasties Local military commanders took title of Sultan Popular uprisings and peasant rebellions weakened the dynasty A Persian noble seized control of Baghdad in 945 Later, the Seljuk Turks controlled the imperial family

Toleransi keberagamaan

dan budaya

Ibu kota di Baghdad



Generasi emas Islam; Baghdad menjadi

pusat pembelajaran dan perdagangan. Di

bawah Dinasti Abbasiyah, Baghdad

menjadi “a city of museums, hospitals,

libraries, and mosques.”

Menjelang tahun 800 M, populasi Baghdad mungkin mencapai setengah juta orang (ini berarti

sebesar Roma di masa Kekaisaran Romawi) dan merupakan kota terbesar di dunia di luar China.

Baghdad was one of the largest and most cosmopolitan cities in the world, home to Muslims, Christians, Jews and pagans from across the Middle East and Central Asia.

“Istana Abbasiyah di Baghdad”

The Golden Age

the "Golden Age" of Islamic civilization, karena sumbangsih ilmuwan Islam di

bidang sciences and humanities: medicine, mathematics, astronomy,

chemistry, literature, dan sebagainya.

Kebanyakan sarjana Muslim dari abad 9 hingga 13 mendapatkan pendidikan di Baghdad.

“Here, teachers and students worked together to translate Greek manuscripts, preserving them for all time. They studied the works of Aristotle, Plato, Hippocrates, Euclid, and Pythagoras.”

The House of Wisdom (Bayt al-Hikmah) adalah pusat utama; yang juga melahirkan ahli matematika Islam, Al-Khawarizmi, “the father of algebra”

Harun al-Rashid

Raja sekaligus Tokoh seni dan


“is best known for the unsurpassed splendor of his court and lifestyle. Some of the stories, perhaps the earliest, of The Thousand and One Nights were inspired by the glittering Baghdad court, and King Shahryar.”

Harun built a palace in Baghdad, far grander and more beautiful than that of any caliph before him. He established his court there and lived in great splendor, attended by hundreds of courtiers and slaves.

o Perang saudara sesama penguasa

o Tensi semakin memanas antara Sunni dan Shi‟ah

o Korupsi penguasa

o Pemberontakan

o Orang Persia yang semakin mengontrol


o Orang Mongol mengakhiri dinasti ini pada tahun

1258 M.

Kemunduran Abbasiyah


Muslim Keturunan Turki

Tinggal di kawasan Iran

Menaklukkan Baghdad dan melemahkan kekaisaran Byzantium

The Crusades

Crusade: holy war

Christian Pope menyerukan perang salib pada tahun 1095 M.

Tujuannya menaklukkan Palestina, “the holy land”

Ada 6 seri perang salib

Beberapa sukses, beberapa gagal


Datang dari Central Asia

Mengambil Baghdad dari tangan Seljuks dan menghancurkannya pada

tahun 1258 M.

Merusak peradaban Islam hingga 100 tahun

Ada juga yang masuk Islam dan bergabung dengan budaya Timur


Ottoman Empire

1281-1924 M

Turkish speaking Muslims


Menaklukkan Constantinople

pada tahun 1453 dan

mengakhiri era kekaisaran

Byzantium; lalu merubahnya

dengan nama Istanbul

Safavid Empire

1501-1722 M

Iran di masa



Pesaing Ottomans

Arab Urban History Pre-Islamic Arabs were both urban, bedouin

▪ Mecca, Medina, Yemeni cities, cities of Palmyra, Arab Petropolis ▪ Center of the city was a market place often shared with religious center ▪ Cities designed with human-environment interaction in mind ▪ Nomads came to city to trade, city often settled by whole tribes ▪ Arabs had settled in cities in Syria, Iraq, Jordan

Arabic cities linked to wider world through merchants, trade Arab cities exposed to Jews, Persians, Monophysites, Sabeans

Arabic Empire and Urban Growth Islam as a culture requires mosque, merchant: very urban in outlook

▪ Capital moved from Mecca to Damascus by Umayyads ▪ Arabs founded military cities on edges of desert to rule empire

As empire grew, needed something more permanent ▪ Abbasids moved capital from Damascus, Kufa to Baghdad ▪ Other designed for purpose cities include Fez, Cairo, Tunis

Increasing agricultural production contributed to growth of cities ▪ Cities: centers for administration, industry, trade, education, faith ▪ Many different ethnic minorities settled in Muslim cities (quarters) ▪ Mosque at center surrounded by suk, square, in decreasing social order


Merchants, pilgrims, travelers exchanged foods across empire The exchange and spread of food and industrial crops

Indian plants traveled to other lands of the empire

Staple crops: sugarcane, rice, new varieties of sorghum and wheat

Vegetables: spinach, artichokes, eggplants

Fruits: oranges, lemons, limes, bananas, coconuts, watermelons, mangoes

Industrial crops: cotton, indigo, henna Effects of new crops

Increased varieties and quantities of food

Industrial crops became the basis for a thriving textile industry

Foodstuffs increased health, populations of cities Agricultural experimentation

Numerous agricultural manuals

Agricultural methods and techniques improved

Improved irrigation

Pre-Islamic Arab Women Arabs as nomads allowed women many rights Women often poets, tribe leaders Some evidence of matrilineal tribes

The Quran and women Quran enhanced rights, security of women Forced husbands to honor contracts, love women Allowed women to own property, protected from exploitation

What produced the change Foreign Contacts changed the perspective

▪ Adopted veiling from Mesopotamia, Persia ▪ Isolation from India through purdah, harem

Muslim rights for women ▪ Often weaken through Hadith, traditions ▪ Often reduced, ignored ▪ Patriarch beliefs reinforced by conquest ▪ Yet Quran, sharia also reinforced male domination ▪ Role of Hadith, Arab traditions reinforced male domination

Camels and caravans Overland desert trade traveled mostly by camel caravan Caravanserais (motel, corrals) in Islamic cities Trading goods usually luxury in nature

Maritime trade based on technological borrowing Arab, Persian mariners borrowed

▪ Compass from the Chinese ▪ Lateen sail from southeast Asian, Indian mariners ▪ Astrolabe from the Hellenistic mariners

Organization and dominance of trade ▪ In North Africa across Sahara, down Nile, SW Asia, to India ▪ Eastern Mediterranean, Red Sea, Persian Gulf, Arabia Gulf down coasts ▪ Many cities grew rich from trade ▪ Entrepreneurs often pooled their resources in group investments ▪ Different kinds of joint endeavors

Banks Operated on large scale and provided extensive services Letters of credit, or sakk, functioned as bank checks

Exchange of Ideas included Islam, technology, culture

Al-Andalus Islamic Spain, conquered by Muslim Berbers

Claimed independence from the Abbasid dynasty

Participated in commercial life of the larger Islamic world

Products of al-Andalus enjoyed a reputation for excellence

Cordoba was a center of learning, commerce, architecture

After death of Abd al Rahman III broke up into petty kingdoms

A unique blended culture ▪ Arab, Latin, German, Islamic, Christian, Jewish

▪ Very tolerant and integrated society

Warred for 700 years with Christian kingdoms in north North Africa

Strong followers of Shia, broke with Abbassids

Berbers followed many puritanical Shia like movements

Eventually Fatimids conquered Egypt, formed rival caliphate Central Asia

Largely Turkish, Persian and Islamic but not Arabic

Tended to be distant from Baghdad and more tolerant

Integrated into trans-Eurasian trade network

Persian influence on Islam After Arabs most prominent of Muslims, resisted Arabization

▪ Cultural traditions often borrowed heavily by Islam ▪ Became early followers of Shia

Government and regionalism ▪ Many advisors (vizer is Persian word) to Caliphs were Persian ▪ Cultured, diplomatic language of Abbassid court became Persian

Literary achievements ▪ Omar Khayyam was greatest of Medieval Muslim poets ▪ The Arabian Nights largely in a Persian style

Turkish influences Central Asian nomads converted to Islam, developed literary culture Invaded SW Asia and made caliphate dependent on Turkish nomads Formed military might, leadership of late Abbassid state

Indian Influences Purdah and harem borrowed from Hindus "Hindi numerals," which Europeans called "Arabic numerals"

Greek Influences Muslims philosophers especially liked Plato and Aristotle; Greek math Effort of harmonizing two traditions met resistance from Sufis

Quran, sharia were main sources to formulate moral guidelines Constant struggle between what is Arabic and what is Islamic

Use of Arabic script as only language of Islam strengthened trend

Persians, Turks, Indians, and Africans struggled for acceptance Promotion of Islamic values

Ulama, qadis, and missionaries were main agents

Education also promoted Islamic values Sufis

Islamic mystics, effective missionaries

Encouraged devotion by singing, dancing

Led ascetic, holy lives, won respect

Encouraged followers to revere Allah in own ways

Tolerated those who associated Allah with other beliefs The hajj

The Kaa'ba became the symbol of Islamic cultural unity

Pilgrims helped to spread Islamic beliefs and values

Islam di tahun 750 M

Islam sekarang …


22 Major “Religions”!

200 Countries!