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Units I&II Reading GuideMethods & Approaches

Introduction: In order to be successful in college courses, reading the textbook is a key to that success. AP Psychology requires intensive reading and studying outside of class. Do not simply skim the readings looking for the answers or bolded vocabulary, make sure you read each module actively and take time to understand what you are writing. Details matter! This also should not be taken to imply that this reading guide is the only way for you to work with the information as you read, nor is it a replacement for studying. I still strongly encourage you to make flashcards, take practice tests, form study groups, etc. If you are willing to put in the necessary effort, you will succeed.

Directions: Read Units I & II in your textbook. The following questions/assignments must be written in your own handwriting. You should be putting the information from the book in your own words! (This makes you think more deeply about the information, which will help you understand it and remember it better.)

Unit I: Psychology’s History and Approaches

Module 1: Psychology’s History (pgs. 1-8)

1. Identify and explain the significance of the following in the development of psychology. Pull out what is most important.

Wilhelm Wundt ______________________________________________________________




G. Stanley Hall ______________________________________________________________




Edward Titchener ____________________________________________________________




Structuralism ________________________________________________________________




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William James _______________________________________________________________




Functionalism _______________________________________________________________




Mary Whiton Calkins _________________________________________________________




Margaret Floy Washburn ______________________________________________________




John B. Watson (you may have to use pgs. 271-272) _________________________________




B.F. Skinner (you may have to use pgs. 275-276) ___________________________________




Behaviorists _________________________________________________________________




Sigmund Freud ______________________________________________________________




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Freudian Psychoanalysis _______________________________________________________




Psychodynamic Approach ______________________________________________________


Humanistic Psychologists ______________________________________________________




Carl Rogers (you may have to use p. 572) _________________________________________




Abraham Maslow (you may have to use p. 393) ____________________________________




Cognitive Psychology _________________________________________________________




2. Define the following terms: Empiricism _________________________________________________________________


Introspection ________________________________________________________________


Experimental Psychologists ____________________________________________________


Cognitive Neuroscience _______________________________________________________



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o Behavior _____________________________________________________________

o Mental Processes _______________________________________________________

Module 2: Psychology’s Big Issues and Approaches (pgs. 9-19)

1. Identify and explain the significance of the following psychologists. Ivan Pavlov (you may have to use pg. 266-267) _____________________________________




Jean Piaget (you may have to use pgs. 476) ________________________________________




Charles Darwin ______________________________________________________________




2. What is the nature vs. nurture debate? Provide an example of a topic relating to this.






3. What is the general conclusion of the nature vs. nurture debate?



4. What are the different levels of analysis of psychology?



5. Define the biopsychosocial approach (this will come up again when we talk about disorders).



6. Summarizing the table on page 12, as well as the information in the reading, fill in the chart on the next page on the different approaches in psychology.

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Psychology’s ApproachesPerspective Focus Sample Question (just pick one)








7. Explain the focus of each of the following of psychology’s subfields. Some of these are discussed more in-depth in Module 3; refer there for additional information.

Psychometrics _______________________________________________________________



Basic research _______________________________________________________________



Applied research _____________________________________________________________



8. Explain the difference between psychiatrists and psychologists. ______________________________

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9. How did Dorothea Dix contribute to psychology? _________________________________________


10. Who is Martin Seligman? What is positive psychology? ___________________________________


Close-up: I highly encourage you to read and make note of the study tips in this section. They are research based, trusted methods for learning material. If you internalize these methods now, you are far more likely to be successful in the rest of your high school classes and in your future college career. (Trust me! )

Module 3: Careers in Psychology (pgs. 20-25)

Basic research careers:

Cognitive psychologists _______________________________________________________



Developmental psychologists ___________________________________________________



Educational psychologists ______________________________________________________



Experimental psychologists ____________________________________________________



Psychometric psychologists ____________________________________________________



Social psychologists __________________________________________________________



Applied research careers:

Forensic psychologists ________________________________________________________

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Health psychologists __________________________________________________________



Industrial-organizational (I/O) psychologists _______________________________________


Neuropsychologists ___________________________________________________________



Rehabilitation psychologists ___________________________________________________



School psychologists __________________________________________________________



Sport psychologists ___________________________________________________________



Helping professions:

Clinical psychologists _________________________________________________________



Community psychologists ______________________________________________________



Counseling psychologists ______________________________________________________



Unit II: Research Methods: Thinking Critically With Psychological ScienceModule 4: The Need for Psychological Science (pgs. 29-37)

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1. What are the three reasons that we can’t rely solely on intuition and common sense? Be sure to explain all three of these reasons in detail. _________________________________________________________________________________






2. What is critical thinking? __________________________________________________________


Module 5: The Scientific Method and Description (pgs. 38-45)

1. Define AND give an example for each of the following.

Scientific method __________________________________________________________



Theory __________________________________________________________________



Hypothesis _______________________________________________________________



Operational definitions ______________________________________________________



Replicate (no example needed for this one) ______________________________________


2. Describe each of the following three different ways to tests a hypothesis: Descriptive methods ________________________________________________________


Correlational methods ______________________________________________________


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Experimental methods ______________________________________________________


3. Read pg. 40-42. Complete the chart of advantages and disadvantages of each research method. While advantages and disadvantages are not clearly given, many of them are implied in the reading—you should have at least 2 per box! There is a table on pg. 53 that can also help you with this.

Research Method & Definition

Advantages Disadvantages

Case Studies

Naturalistic Observation


4. Using the methods above, what would be the best research method to use to study each of these? Explain why.

People who have one or more hobbies report more job satisfaction than people with no

hobbies. _________________________________________________________________


Conjoined twins are stared at by younger children more often than by adults.

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Unmarried cab drivers talk more with their customers than do married cab drivers.



More men than women report fantasies of making large sums of money.



5. Describe an example of the wording effect in surveys. _________________________________________________________________________________


6. What is a sampling bias? What happens if you have a sampling bias in a survey (or even an

experiment)? ____________________________________________________________________



7. All surveys and experiments start with a representative sample. For example, if the population I want to survey is all students in Wyoming, I would take 10 students from each high school in Wyoming. Those 10 students per school would be my representative sample and I would make sure that they have the same age, gender, ethic, religious, etc. background as all the students in Wyoming.

Define population. _________________________________________________________

What is the population in this study that I want to do? _____________________________

Define random sample. _____________________________________________________


How could I make sure that they students in Wyoming that I am giving this survey to are a

random sample? ___________________________________________________________


Module 6: Correlation and Experimentation (pgs. 46-55)

1. What is a correlation? Give an example of one. ________________________________________


2. Define the following:

Correlation Coefficient ______________________________________________________

Scatterplots _______________________________________________________________

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Negative correlation ________________________________________________________

o Give an example of a negative correlation.


Positive correlation _________________________________________________________

o Give an example of a positive correlation.


3. Correlation Coefficients range from -1 to +1. What does it mean when a score is very close to -1 or

+1 (for example, the coefficient is -.98 or +.87)?


4. Give an example of where correlation does not prove causation.


5. What is an illusory correlation? Give an example.



6. Briefly define the following about experiments:

Experiment _______________________________________________________________

Experimental Group ________________________________________________________

Control Group ____________________________________________________________

Randomly Assign __________________________________________________________

Double-Blind Procedure _____________________________________________________

Placebo Effect ____________________________________________________________

Independent Variable _______________________________________________________

Confounding Variable ______________________________________________________

Dependent Variable ________________________________________________________

7. Each of the following is a hypothesis of an experiment. For each one list the Independent Variable (IV), Dependent Variable (DV), Experimental Group (EG), and Control Group (CG).

“There will be a statistically significant difference in graduation rates of at-risk high-school seniors who participate in an intensive study program as opposed to at-risk high-school seniors who do not participate in the intensive study program.”

o IV: ________________________________________________________________

o DV: _______________________________________________________________

o EG: _______________________________________________________________

o CG: _______________________________________________________________

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“After watching a videotaped re-enactment of a bank robbery, people will recall more about the robbery while being questioned under hypnosis by a police officer as opposed to not being under hypnosis.”

o IV: ________________________________________________________________

o DV: _______________________________________________________________

o EG: _______________________________________________________________

o CG: _______________________________________________________________

“A new drug will increase the maze running performance of older rats.”o IV: ________________________________________________________________

o DV: _______________________________________________________________

o EG: _______________________________________________________________

o CG: _______________________________________________________________

8. What is validity? _________________________________________________________________

9. Why is random assignment so important? _____________________________________________


Module 7: Statistical Reasoning in Everyday Life (pgs. 56-63)*For many students, statistics is the hardest part of research methods in psychology—please read this carefully! If you need to take extra notes to be clear on terms, do that. 1. Why is it important to understand basic statistics in psych? _______________________________


2. Define the following:

Descriptive statistics ___________________________________________________________

Histogram ___________________________________________________________________

Measures of central tendency

o Mode _________________________________________________________________

o Mean _________________________________________________________________

o Median _______________________________________________________________

Measures of variation

o Range ________________________________________________________________

o Standard deviation ______________________________________________________

3. What does it mean when data has a skewed distribution? How does this happen? Why could this be misleading?

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4. Why is standard deviation the most useful way of measuring how much scores deviate from one another? _________________________________________________________________________________



5. What is the normal curve or normal distribution? Draw it below. Be sure to include everything in Figure 7.3, including the percentages under each section of the curve.

6. Let’s see how much you understand this normal curve stuff! You take the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale test (a type of intelligence test we’ll talk about next semester) and you score a 115. What percentage of people will score at or below your score? _____________________________

7. Define inferential statistics. ________________________________________________________


8. What three principles should you keep in mind to make sure your generalizations are reliable?







9. Define statistical significance. ________________________________________________________


10. What is the number that psychologists stick to—for results to be statistically significant their odds of occurring by chance are less than _______ %?

Module 8: Frequently Asked Questions About Psychology (pgs. 64-70)

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1. What is culture? Why does culture and gender matter in psychology? _________________________



Read the section on ethics animal research (pgs. 66-67) to help you respond to the following scenario.

2. Having read the ethics section explaining the question of animal research, would you approve the following research? Why or why not?

Professor King is a psychobiologist working on the frontiers of a new and exciting research area of neuroscience canned brain grafting. Research has shown that neural tissue can be removed from the brains of monkey fetuses and implanted into the brains of monkeys that have suffered brain damage. The neurons seem to make the proper connections and sometimes are effective in improving performance in brain-damaged animals. These experiments offer important animal models for human degenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. Professor King wants to transplant tissue from fetal monkey brains into the entorhinal cortex of adult monkeys; this is the area of the human brain that is involved with Alzheimer’s disease.

The experiment will use 20 adult rhesus monkeys. First, the monkeys will be subjected to ablation surgery in the entorhinal cortex. This procedure will involve anesthetizing the animals, opening their skulls, and making lesions using a surgical instrument. After their recovery, the monkeys will be tested on a learning task to make sure their memory is impaired. Three months later, half of the animals will be given transplant surgery. Tissue taken from the cortex of monkey fetuses will be implanted into the area of the brain damage. Control animals will be subjected to the sham surgery, and all animals will be allowed to recover for two months. They will then learn a task to test the hypothesis that the animals having brain grafts will show better memory than the control group.

Professor King argues that this research is in the exploratory stages and can only be done using animals. She further states that by the year 2030 about 72 million Americans will have Alzheimer’s disease and that her research could lead to a treatment for the devastating memory loss that Alzheimer’s victims suffer.




3. Describe the four basic ethical principles developed by the American Psychological Association (APA) that guide researchers with human participants.






4. What does an IRB do? Why is it important?


