Download - “Whoever eats My Flesh and drinks My Blood has eternal, for reverence among the irreverent, for faith among

Page 1: “Whoever eats My Flesh and drinks My Blood has eternal, for reverence among the irreverent, for faith among

O Jesus, by Your

Word, You changed

what was „created‟

into the „Uncreated‟!

“Whoever eats My Flesh and drinks My Blood

has eternal life, and I will raise him on the last day.”

(John 6:54)

“Centered in the Eucharist ~Source, Center, & Summit”

O Jesus, by Your

Word, You changed

what was „finite‟ into

the „Infinite‟!

Corpus Christi

O Sacrament Most Holy, O Sacrament Divine,

all praise and all thanksgiving be every moment Thine!

O Jesus, I come to adore Thy wondrous Presence;

I humbly bow to Thee, O Christ, the source of grace.

O Victim and Eternal High Priest, I Thee adore!

O make me love Thee more and more!

Holy and Living Bread, Precious Body and Blood,

O wondrous food from Heaven sent, sanctify me!

Placido Domingo sings “Panis Angelicus” & “Ave Maria” for PJPII

Holy Eucharist

Page 2: “Whoever eats My Flesh and drinks My Blood has eternal, for reverence among the irreverent, for faith among

2009 - June 19 - 2010

We praise God for this “Year for Priests”!

God bless all our bishops, priests, and deacons!

Praised be Jesus in the Holy Priesthood

and in this

Most Blessed Sacrament of Love!

A powerful Eucharistic Music Video honoring Jesus and His priests

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament with Hymns

Rev. John A. Hardon, SJ wrote: “Priests are as selfless and

chaste, as sacrificing and humble, as their lives are centered on

the Eucharist. The daily and devout offering of the Mass, the

daily Holy Hour and frequent Benediction, the frequent visits to

the Blessed Sacrament – these are not superficial priestly

devotions. They are expressions of a profound love for Jesus

Christ, now living and offering Himself for our sanctification

on earth on our way to eternity.” Father, send your angels, with

chalices of strength, out into the Gethsemane of the Holy

Church to defend and assist our priests so they will humbly,

faithfully and zealously fulfill their priestly missions. Amen.

Page 3: “Whoever eats My Flesh and drinks My Blood has eternal, for reverence among the irreverent, for faith among

O God, You show

Your greatness and

glory in a plain but

sublime way by …

In my littleness, powerlessness, misery, emptiness, and desolation, I seek

Your Real Presence! In Your longing to be „one with me‟, You purposely

and so lovingly abased Yourself to identify with my lowliness! What more

could You do so that I may draw intimately closer and be „one with You‟!

(Father Peter John Cameron, O.P.)

…“lowly stooping to

humble Yourself” in

the Eucharist in love

and mercy for me!

Jesus Christ in the Eucharist ~ The Real Presence A beautiful video and song by Donna Cori Gibson honoring the Most Holy Body and Blood of Jesus




“What intimacy! When Jesus comes to us, he comes to us as communion. God and man

become one. He comes to us as the divine lover. His communion with us is more intimate than

the intimate union of husband and wife or a mother with her unborn child.” (Fr. James Farfaglia)

Page 4: “Whoever eats My Flesh and drinks My Blood has eternal, for reverence among the irreverent, for faith among

Jesus, I see some of Thy 28,430 drops of blood shed for me!

Sanguis Christi Salve Nos!

Lord Jesus, I recall Your words to St. Bridget of Sweden

who desired to honor all Your Wounds in a special way.

You responded, “I received 5,480 blows on My Body.”

“If you wish to honor them in some way, then…”

“Because Christ is really, truly and substantially present in the

Eucharist, we recognize that all the graces we enjoy as Catholic

Christians come from this great Sacrament, and all we aspire to,

the fullness of the life of God, is contained in this Sacrament.

Because God is present in the Sacrament, we have the duty to

render all praise, adoration and reverence to Him. … It is in the

death of the Lord himself that all the martyrs have found their

greatest source of strength. The Eucharist is the great memorial

of the Lord's passion and death. Much more, the risen Easter

Christ is present Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity therein.

The Blessed Sacrament is the most effective source of God's

grace by which we live as witnesses for generosity among the

selfish, for reverence among the irreverent, for faith among the

doubting, for hope among the despairing and for heroic love

among the murderous and hateful. Today after Mass, we will

adore our Lord, in union with the universal Church, with the

customary procession and benediction for the Solemnity of the

Body and Blood of Christ, or, in Latin, "Corpus Christi". By

this public act of praise and adoration, we call the whole world

to fall down in homage before the Savior, most humbly and

sacrificially present in the Sacred Host. What is the one thing

most necessary? Jesus Christ truly present in the Eucharist.

Will you spend one hour with him this week? (Father John Cusick)

Thank You, Lord Jesus, for Your holy priests who, like Holy Mary,

are teaching us to receive You worthily in Holy Communion and

to silently bow and gaze upon You with great love, reverence and awe.

Page 5: “Whoever eats My Flesh and drinks My Blood has eternal, for reverence among the irreverent, for faith among

I thank You, Jesus, my Divine Redeemer…

for coming upon the earth for our sake ~for instituting the

adorable Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist so to remain

with us until the end of the world ~ and for hiding beneath

the Eucharistic species Your infinite majesty and beauty,

which Your Angels delight to behold, so that I might

have courage to approach the throne of Your Mercy.

O Sweet Jesus, I love You!

I thank You, Divine Priest and Spotless Lamb,

for offering Yourself as a Sacrifice and daily renewing

this actual Sacrifice of the Cross offered on Calvary,

in which You satisfy Divine Justice for us poor sinners.

I thank You, Eucharistic Lord Jesus, for offering Yourself,

upon our altars, in adoration, and homage to the Most

Blessed Trinity and in thanksgiving to God, our Eternal

Father, for all His spiritual and temporal blessings

bestowed upon me and mine and everyone!

I thank You for having become the priceless Victim

to merit, for all of us, the fullness of heavenly favors!

Jesus, I love You so very much!

I thank You, Most Loving Jesus…

for having made Yourself my spiritual food, in this

Blessed Sacrament, thus nourishing my poor soul

and enriching me with the treasures of Your love

that You have no greater gift to give me!

O my Jesus, I love You! I love You! I love You!

In union with Your offering of Yourself to Your Father in

the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, I humbly ask, if it be Your

holy Will, to grant my request*. I also hope to receive the

grace of perseverance in Your love and faithful service,

a holy death, and a happy eternity with You in Heaven.


O Jesus, since You have left us a remembrance of

Your Passion beneath the veils of this Sacrament, grant us,

we pray, so to venerate the sacred mysteries of Your

Body and Blood, that we may always enjoy the fruits

of Your Redemption, for You live and reign forever

with the Father and Holy Spirit. Amen.

Great and awesome are You in Your love, O Lord!