Download - “Therefore, let no man glory in men. For all things are yours” · into you by faith to be born again, so also you must receive divine health, abundant prosperity, success, victory

Page 1: “Therefore, let no man glory in men. For all things are yours” · into you by faith to be born again, so also you must receive divine health, abundant prosperity, success, victory
Page 2: “Therefore, let no man glory in men. For all things are yours” · into you by faith to be born again, so also you must receive divine health, abundant prosperity, success, victory

“Therefore, let no man glory in men. For all things are yours” (1 Corinthians 3:21).

Did you notice the Bible didn't say some things, or all spiritual things are yours? Rather, it says all things are yours! You may say, “But when I look at my life, it doesn't seem as though all things truly belong to me!” The problem is, you're looking at the wrong things. Stop looking at what you think you don't have and receive what God has given you.

The Bible says it's impossible for God to lie (Hebrews 6:18); if He says all things are yours, then all things are yours. It's your responsibility to receive God's Word into your spirit and walk in the light of it. This is what the New Testament is all about – receiving what God has given! You're not supposed to work to get anything because God has already given you everything. You should know that it's one thing to be given something and another thing to receive it.

Your responsibility is to receive all that God has given you. Just as you had to receive His life into you by faith to be born again, so also you must receive divine health, abundant prosperity, success, victory and everything He gave you to live the good life on earth. Already, these blessing are yours, but you must appropriate them to your life by functioning in that revelation.

Live your life with the consciousness and conviction that all things are truly yours now because the Word of God says so. The Bible says, “…the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force” (Matthew 11:12). In other words, lay hold on your inheritance and let nothing cheat you out of God's best.

Everything you need for life and godliness has already been made available to you. “Why then do we pray?” you might want to ask. Prayer is not all about asking God for things. When I pray, I don't ask for anything, yet I lack nothing. Some people can't but mention all their needs each time they pray because they believe God won't do anything until they say it. If you pray like that, I want you to know that He still won't do anything after you've said it because He's already done everything. Prayer should be a time to fellowship with your heavenly Father.

Remember, all things are yours; therefore, receive all things and start walking in your inheritance today.

The Healing School Magazine

This magazine is a publication of the Healing School. All rights reserved.Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited

ISSN 1597 – 0833

Page 3: “Therefore, let no man glory in men. For all things are yours” · into you by faith to be born again, so also you must receive divine health, abundant prosperity, success, victory

“Therefore, let no man glory in men. For all things are yours” (1 Corinthians 3:21).

Did you notice the Bible didn't say some things, or all spiritual things are yours? Rather, it says all things are yours! You may say, “But when I look at my life, it doesn't seem as though all things truly belong to me!” The problem is, you're looking at the wrong things. Stop looking at what you think you don't have and receive what God has given you.

The Bible says it's impossible for God to lie (Hebrews 6:18); if He says all things are yours, then all things are yours. It's your responsibility to receive God's Word into your spirit and walk in the light of it. This is what the New Testament is all about – receiving what God has given! You're not supposed to work to get anything because God has already given you everything. You should know that it's one thing to be given something and another thing to receive it.

Your responsibility is to receive all that God has given you. Just as you had to receive His life into you by faith to be born again, so also you must receive divine health, abundant prosperity, success, victory and everything He gave you to live the good life on earth. Already, these blessing are yours, but you must appropriate them to your life by functioning in that revelation.

Live your life with the consciousness and conviction that all things are truly yours now because the Word of God says so. The Bible says, “…the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force” (Matthew 11:12). In other words, lay hold on your inheritance and let nothing cheat you out of God's best.

Everything you need for life and godliness has already been made available to you. “Why then do we pray?” you might want to ask. Prayer is not all about asking God for things. When I pray, I don't ask for anything, yet I lack nothing. Some people can't but mention all their needs each time they pray because they believe God won't do anything until they say it. If you pray like that, I want you to know that He still won't do anything after you've said it because He's already done everything. Prayer should be a time to fellowship with your heavenly Father.

Remember, all things are yours; therefore, receive all things and start walking in your inheritance today.

The Healing School Magazine

This magazine is a publication of the Healing School. All rights reserved.Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited

ISSN 1597 – 0833

Page 4: “Therefore, let no man glory in men. For all things are yours” · into you by faith to be born again, so also you must receive divine health, abundant prosperity, success, victory

It was a day like no other; many people from various nations of the world gathered in Lagos, Nigeria, to witness this epoch-making event. This was the first healing service of the long-awaited 2016 Healing School June Session with Pastor Chris, and expectations were high for a life-changing experience.

The service commenced with moments of prayer and thanksgiving, marking the atmosphere with the inimitable move of God's Spirit. Songs of joy filled the air as the attendees rejoiced and praised God for the wonderful things He had done, and would still do!

Faith lifted in many hearts, and anticipations heightened as the congregation listened to testimonies from those who had received their miracles at previous Healing School sessions. These testimonies proved, beyond measure, the extraordinary love of God. One of the testifiers was Atamunobaraemi Douglas, who attested to a divine transformation from agony to joy unspeakable. Healed of blindness which had occurred in her early years as a result of an accident, she narrates: “Life was hell till I came to the Healing School. I was eager to receive my miracle and I did. All the symptoms I suffered for 16 years left immediately Pastor ministered to me. Now, I live normally and nothing can stop me from being God's best all the time.”

The arrival of the man of God, Pastor Chris, was greeted with loud cheers and ecstatic applause. This was the moment all had been waiting for! Moved with love and compassion, Pastor Chris ministered to the sick. Irrespective of the condition, whether HIV, cancers, asthma, sickle cell anaemia, migraines, heart diseases, kidney failure, arthritis or diabetes, all bowed to the name of Jesus. With a word, a touch, or a breath of the anointing, sickness and death were banished forever by the power of the Holy Ghost, causing many to give shouts of victory and celebration.

For the first time in years, Ima can move without help; she can stand and she can walk. When Pastor Chris ministered to her, the power of God went through her body, she got up and walked around with confidence. She has been healed of stroke.


62-year-old Patrick received strength when the man of God transferred the anointing to his body. There's no more weakness in his legs, and he can do all the things he couldn’t do before now that he has been healed of high blood pressure.

So many miracles took place in a few precious moments! The lame walked, the deaf heard, the blind saw, and diverse kinds of infirmities were healed! Glory to God!

Continuing his anointed ministration in a powerful exhortation, Pastor Chris expounded deep truths. He admonished all present to take care of their bodies, and to rely on the dependable Word of God. Then, he led the congregation to declare glorious confessions from God's Word on divine health.

The man of God concluded by commending the partners of the Healing School for all their efforts in reaching out to the sick and he pronounced words of blessing into the lives of everyone present. It was indeed a time of celebration; many who came because they suffered from different afflictions and infirmities, and were hoping for a change, had cause to rejoice and shout for joy as one touch from the Master brought about the healing, restoration and transformation that they desired.

It's the season of the miraculous, and you too can partake of this extraordinary grace today. For information on how to attend the ongoing Summer Session in Toronto, Canada, kindly visit or download the Healing School mobile app (for android and iOS devices). God bless you.

Page 5: “Therefore, let no man glory in men. For all things are yours” · into you by faith to be born again, so also you must receive divine health, abundant prosperity, success, victory

It was a day like no other; many people from various nations of the world gathered in Lagos, Nigeria, to witness this epoch-making event. This was the first healing service of the long-awaited 2016 Healing School June Session with Pastor Chris, and expectations were high for a life-changing experience.

The service commenced with moments of prayer and thanksgiving, marking the atmosphere with the inimitable move of God's Spirit. Songs of joy filled the air as the attendees rejoiced and praised God for the wonderful things He had done, and would still do!

Faith lifted in many hearts, and anticipations heightened as the congregation listened to testimonies from those who had received their miracles at previous Healing School sessions. These testimonies proved, beyond measure, the extraordinary love of God. One of the testifiers was Atamunobaraemi Douglas, who attested to a divine transformation from agony to joy unspeakable. Healed of blindness which had occurred in her early years as a result of an accident, she narrates: “Life was hell till I came to the Healing School. I was eager to receive my miracle and I did. All the symptoms I suffered for 16 years left immediately Pastor ministered to me. Now, I live normally and nothing can stop me from being God's best all the time.”

The arrival of the man of God, Pastor Chris, was greeted with loud cheers and ecstatic applause. This was the moment all had been waiting for! Moved with love and compassion, Pastor Chris ministered to the sick. Irrespective of the condition, whether HIV, cancers, asthma, sickle cell anaemia, migraines, heart diseases, kidney failure, arthritis or diabetes, all bowed to the name of Jesus. With a word, a touch, or a breath of the anointing, sickness and death were banished forever by the power of the Holy Ghost, causing many to give shouts of victory and celebration.

For the first time in years, Ima can move without help; she can stand and she can walk. When Pastor Chris ministered to her, the power of God went through her body, she got up and walked around with confidence. She has been healed of stroke.


62-year-old Patrick received strength when the man of God transferred the anointing to his body. There's no more weakness in his legs, and he can do all the things he couldn’t do before now that he has been healed of high blood pressure.

So many miracles took place in a few precious moments! The lame walked, the deaf heard, the blind saw, and diverse kinds of infirmities were healed! Glory to God!

Continuing his anointed ministration in a powerful exhortation, Pastor Chris expounded deep truths. He admonished all present to take care of their bodies, and to rely on the dependable Word of God. Then, he led the congregation to declare glorious confessions from God's Word on divine health.

The man of God concluded by commending the partners of the Healing School for all their efforts in reaching out to the sick and he pronounced words of blessing into the lives of everyone present. It was indeed a time of celebration; many who came because they suffered from different afflictions and infirmities, and were hoping for a change, had cause to rejoice and shout for joy as one touch from the Master brought about the healing, restoration and transformation that they desired.

It's the season of the miraculous, and you too can partake of this extraordinary grace today. For information on how to attend the ongoing Summer Session in Toronto, Canada, kindly visit or download the Healing School mobile app (for android and iOS devices). God bless you.

Page 6: “Therefore, let no man glory in men. For all things are yours” · into you by faith to be born again, so also you must receive divine health, abundant prosperity, success, victory

Being at the Healing School was great and wonderful. When I first entered the auditorium for the healing service, the atmosphere was charged and I knew that miracles would happen in this place. When Pastor Chris came in, miracles were everywhere; he ministered to so many people, and each one of them received their healing and rejoiced.

Those on wheelchairs and stretchers got up and started walking as if nothing had ever been wrong with them. As I saw the miracles, I spoke in tongues. I am very glad that I am a partaker of this anointing, and I'm going to take this anointing back to my church and impart it to all the people. If you're a partner, do more; increase your partnership. Join forces with the man of God, so that we can go higher and move the kingdom of God forward.

- Deacon Custom Peter

I'm a partner of the Healing School and I count myself fortunate to have witnessed the healing service. What an experience! I had a lot of expectations before I came and every single one was met.

Pastor Chris has often told us that every meeting is unique and truly, this service was different. As I sat, my heart was full; and with each segment, I became more and more excited. When Pastor stepped into the hall, the atmosphere changed. He just walked straight to the students and started laying hands on them and commanding the demons to come out. I saw the expressions on their faces transform from despondency to joy, and tears welled up in my eyes. I found myself joining my faith to theirs, willing them to be healed. I rejoiced with great joy in my heart as I saw them running and jubilating.

I thank God for what He's doing in our lives through Pastor Chris. I'm grateful for the platform to be a part of it because the Holy Spirit ministered to me that as these people were healed through my partnership, none of these diseases will ever come to me. You and anyone connected to you are protected from sickness as a result of your partnership; so, get on board today and take advantage of the anointing.

For more information on how to partner with the Healing School, kindly download our mobile app for android and IOS devices, or visit our website:

Bad body odour can be described as an unpleasant smell which results from the breakdown of sweat into aromatic fatty acids by bacteria on the skin. Contrary to general opinion, sweat itself does not smell but serves as a very conducive culture for the bacteria that live on the skin.

An individual's body odour can be affected by food/drink, genetics, medication, etc. People who are obese, as well as individuals with certain medical conditions, such as diabetes, are more likely to develop body odour. More factors that may induce body odour include stress, infections like athlete’s foot and regular alcohol consumption. Body odour becomes more noticeable from puberty, if adequate hygiene measures are not taken.

Smelling good is vital for building self-confidence and maintaining a good image of oneself. Some studies also suggest that, in addition to dressing properly and comporting yourself appropriately, how you smell can have a positive or negative impact on your daily activities and interpersonal relationships.

Noting all these, it is important to follow the tips outlined below.

Health Tips:

§ Watch your diet. Consumption of spicy foods containing garlic, ginger, onions and the likes, if not well controlled, can lead to bad body odour.

§ Shower at least twice daily with soap and bathing sponge (especially for people living in the tropics), paying special attention to your armpits, groin and feet.

§ Clean shaving hairy areas like the armpit and pubic hairs regularly can help reduce the surface area for sweat to adhere to, and thus reduce the breeding ground for bacteria.

§ Regularly change and thoroughly wash clothes that come in contact with sweaty areas such as socks, underwear and shirts. Sweaty clothes can serve as breeding ground for bacteria and fungi.

§ Good antibacterial/antiseptic bathing soaps also help reduce the effect of sweat-converting bacteria which cause bad body odour.

§ Regular use of antiperspirants and deodorants can help reduce the amount of sweat your body produces while adding a pleasant fragrance that will boost your confidence.

§ Drinking plenty of water will help ensure that you smell fresh and sweet.

Page 7: “Therefore, let no man glory in men. For all things are yours” · into you by faith to be born again, so also you must receive divine health, abundant prosperity, success, victory

Being at the Healing School was great and wonderful. When I first entered the auditorium for the healing service, the atmosphere was charged and I knew that miracles would happen in this place. When Pastor Chris came in, miracles were everywhere; he ministered to so many people, and each one of them received their healing and rejoiced.

Those on wheelchairs and stretchers got up and started walking as if nothing had ever been wrong with them. As I saw the miracles, I spoke in tongues. I am very glad that I am a partaker of this anointing, and I'm going to take this anointing back to my church and impart it to all the people. If you're a partner, do more; increase your partnership. Join forces with the man of God, so that we can go higher and move the kingdom of God forward.

- Deacon Custom Peter

I'm a partner of the Healing School and I count myself fortunate to have witnessed the healing service. What an experience! I had a lot of expectations before I came and every single one was met.

Pastor Chris has often told us that every meeting is unique and truly, this service was different. As I sat, my heart was full; and with each segment, I became more and more excited. When Pastor stepped into the hall, the atmosphere changed. He just walked straight to the students and started laying hands on them and commanding the demons to come out. I saw the expressions on their faces transform from despondency to joy, and tears welled up in my eyes. I found myself joining my faith to theirs, willing them to be healed. I rejoiced with great joy in my heart as I saw them running and jubilating.

I thank God for what He's doing in our lives through Pastor Chris. I'm grateful for the platform to be a part of it because the Holy Spirit ministered to me that as these people were healed through my partnership, none of these diseases will ever come to me. You and anyone connected to you are protected from sickness as a result of your partnership; so, get on board today and take advantage of the anointing.

For more information on how to partner with the Healing School, kindly download our mobile app for android and IOS devices, or visit our website:

Bad body odour can be described as an unpleasant smell which results from the breakdown of sweat into aromatic fatty acids by bacteria on the skin. Contrary to general opinion, sweat itself does not smell but serves as a very conducive culture for the bacteria that live on the skin.

An individual's body odour can be affected by food/drink, genetics, medication, etc. People who are obese, as well as individuals with certain medical conditions, such as diabetes, are more likely to develop body odour. More factors that may induce body odour include stress, infections like athlete’s foot and regular alcohol consumption. Body odour becomes more noticeable from puberty, if adequate hygiene measures are not taken.

Smelling good is vital for building self-confidence and maintaining a good image of oneself. Some studies also suggest that, in addition to dressing properly and comporting yourself appropriately, how you smell can have a positive or negative impact on your daily activities and interpersonal relationships.

Noting all these, it is important to follow the tips outlined below.

Health Tips:

§ Watch your diet. Consumption of spicy foods containing garlic, ginger, onions and the likes, if not well controlled, can lead to bad body odour.

§ Shower at least twice daily with soap and bathing sponge (especially for people living in the tropics), paying special attention to your armpits, groin and feet.

§ Clean shaving hairy areas like the armpit and pubic hairs regularly can help reduce the surface area for sweat to adhere to, and thus reduce the breeding ground for bacteria.

§ Regularly change and thoroughly wash clothes that come in contact with sweaty areas such as socks, underwear and shirts. Sweaty clothes can serve as breeding ground for bacteria and fungi.

§ Good antibacterial/antiseptic bathing soaps also help reduce the effect of sweat-converting bacteria which cause bad body odour.

§ Regular use of antiperspirants and deodorants can help reduce the amount of sweat your body produces while adding a pleasant fragrance that will boost your confidence.

§ Drinking plenty of water will help ensure that you smell fresh and sweet.

Page 8: “Therefore, let no man glory in men. For all things are yours” · into you by faith to be born again, so also you must receive divine health, abundant prosperity, success, victory


When Melody Okpara got married, she could never have imagined the ordeal that was before her. She had no idea that she would have to go through fifteen long years of tests and trials, questions and disappointments. She despaired at her inability to have children, and her desperation became depression and hopelessness, till she was on the verge of suicide. It was at this point that she heard about the Healing School. Be blessed as you read her amazing story.

“My husband and I got married in 1995, while still in school,” Melody begins. “After graduation, we weren't exactly bothered about having babies. We just went about our normal lives, until our families started asking questions. From then, we started trying to have children.”

As time went on, the family began to mount more and more pressure for the couple to have children. So, Melody and her husband, Christopher, decided to seek medical help. “We visited several hospitals and specialists; they all had different diagnoses and we followed all prescriptions to the letter, but nothing changed,” she states. “We spent so much money travelling to different countries, hoping for even just one child. We even sought spiritual help from different places, and were made to endure all manner of things, yet the babies weren't coming.”

The days turned to months, and then to years, but Melody was still unable to conceive. She became angry, bitter and frustrated; Melody couldn't see any reason to continue living and this affected others around her. She says, “I lost my joy; I could no longer smile, and I saw no reason why anyone around me should smile either. I cried endlessly for nights, thinking God would respond to my tears, but He didn't. The anger mounted to the point where I didn't want to continue living. I asked God to kill me. I drove recklessly, hoping I'd have an accident. My husband seemed unperturbed by our predicament, so I directed my anger at him as well.”

Eventually, Melody felt she had been pushed too far, and decided it was time to quit it all. She narrates, “We had done in vitro fertilization (IVF) a number of times without success. Then someone recommended a clinic in Abuja, that they had high success rates with IVF treatments, so I travelled from Lagos to Abuja for one last attempt. I went through with the procedure, but I started bleeding the day before I was scheduled to test if it was successful. I left Abuja for Lagos that night, travelling by road despite the dangers, because I didn't want to get home alive. I had reached the limit; it was time to end it all. I had all the drugs I needed to end my life with, so when my husband went to work the next day, I started getting ready.”

Just when things were so bleak, light came to Melody: “Thirty minutes before the time I'd scheduled for my suicide, I received a call from someone who asked me to go and get a message by Pastor Chris – 'God's Purpose for Your Life'. I wasn't really interested, but a voice inside kept insisting that I comply. I got the video, and as I watched, the pastor came out of the TV and started talking to me; everything he said was an answer to the questions that I had


deep down in my spirit. I kept listening, until I got out of bed and flushed the drugs down the toilet. I prepared a meal and ate, and I could feel myself coming out of the depression, and getting better and stronger.

“While watching, I saw an advert for the Healing School Session, and I decided to attend; because of the things I had already heard, I knew that the experience would change my life forever. At the Healing School, I heard deep truths from the Word of God. The more I let the Word sink in, the less my anxiety and depression over being childless. During the healing service, I remember that Pastor Chris came to where I was; the next thing I knew was running and praising God. I left the Healing School joyous and happy that I had found fellowship with the Holy Spirit. My focus became doing God's work and helping new converts grow in the Word. I no longer worried about anything.”

A few months later, Melody felt ill and a visit to the doctor confirmed she was pregnant. She and her husband were overjoyed, and they glorified God for their victory. Melody says, “I refuted every voice of doubt, and I maintained that there would be no complications or disappointments. When it was time, I gave birth to a boy and a girl – two beautiful and healthy children!”

Within two years, they were blessed with, not one, but two sets of twins. Summarising their testimony, Christopher Okpara says, “All the while that my wife was depressed, I felt the same way, but I couldn't show it because I needed to keep encouraging her. I was totally amazed when we had two sets of twins; I didn't know that the same thing we had been after for fifteen years could come so easily. I give God all the thanks and glory!” Encouraging others to look to God, he concludes, “It pays to stay strong in faith and to trust God to do what only He can do in His time.”

Page 9: “Therefore, let no man glory in men. For all things are yours” · into you by faith to be born again, so also you must receive divine health, abundant prosperity, success, victory


When Melody Okpara got married, she could never have imagined the ordeal that was before her. She had no idea that she would have to go through fifteen long years of tests and trials, questions and disappointments. She despaired at her inability to have children, and her desperation became depression and hopelessness, till she was on the verge of suicide. It was at this point that she heard about the Healing School. Be blessed as you read her amazing story.

“My husband and I got married in 1995, while still in school,” Melody begins. “After graduation, we weren't exactly bothered about having babies. We just went about our normal lives, until our families started asking questions. From then, we started trying to have children.”

As time went on, the family began to mount more and more pressure for the couple to have children. So, Melody and her husband, Christopher, decided to seek medical help. “We visited several hospitals and specialists; they all had different diagnoses and we followed all prescriptions to the letter, but nothing changed,” she states. “We spent so much money travelling to different countries, hoping for even just one child. We even sought spiritual help from different places, and were made to endure all manner of things, yet the babies weren't coming.”

The days turned to months, and then to years, but Melody was still unable to conceive. She became angry, bitter and frustrated; Melody couldn't see any reason to continue living and this affected others around her. She says, “I lost my joy; I could no longer smile, and I saw no reason why anyone around me should smile either. I cried endlessly for nights, thinking God would respond to my tears, but He didn't. The anger mounted to the point where I didn't want to continue living. I asked God to kill me. I drove recklessly, hoping I'd have an accident. My husband seemed unperturbed by our predicament, so I directed my anger at him as well.”

Eventually, Melody felt she had been pushed too far, and decided it was time to quit it all. She narrates, “We had done in vitro fertilization (IVF) a number of times without success. Then someone recommended a clinic in Abuja, that they had high success rates with IVF treatments, so I travelled from Lagos to Abuja for one last attempt. I went through with the procedure, but I started bleeding the day before I was scheduled to test if it was successful. I left Abuja for Lagos that night, travelling by road despite the dangers, because I didn't want to get home alive. I had reached the limit; it was time to end it all. I had all the drugs I needed to end my life with, so when my husband went to work the next day, I started getting ready.”

Just when things were so bleak, light came to Melody: “Thirty minutes before the time I'd scheduled for my suicide, I received a call from someone who asked me to go and get a message by Pastor Chris – 'God's Purpose for Your Life'. I wasn't really interested, but a voice inside kept insisting that I comply. I got the video, and as I watched, the pastor came out of the TV and started talking to me; everything he said was an answer to the questions that I had


deep down in my spirit. I kept listening, until I got out of bed and flushed the drugs down the toilet. I prepared a meal and ate, and I could feel myself coming out of the depression, and getting better and stronger.

“While watching, I saw an advert for the Healing School Session, and I decided to attend; because of the things I had already heard, I knew that the experience would change my life forever. At the Healing School, I heard deep truths from the Word of God. The more I let the Word sink in, the less my anxiety and depression over being childless. During the healing service, I remember that Pastor Chris came to where I was; the next thing I knew was running and praising God. I left the Healing School joyous and happy that I had found fellowship with the Holy Spirit. My focus became doing God's work and helping new converts grow in the Word. I no longer worried about anything.”

A few months later, Melody felt ill and a visit to the doctor confirmed she was pregnant. She and her husband were overjoyed, and they glorified God for their victory. Melody says, “I refuted every voice of doubt, and I maintained that there would be no complications or disappointments. When it was time, I gave birth to a boy and a girl – two beautiful and healthy children!”

Within two years, they were blessed with, not one, but two sets of twins. Summarising their testimony, Christopher Okpara says, “All the while that my wife was depressed, I felt the same way, but I couldn't show it because I needed to keep encouraging her. I was totally amazed when we had two sets of twins; I didn't know that the same thing we had been after for fifteen years could come so easily. I give God all the thanks and glory!” Encouraging others to look to God, he concludes, “It pays to stay strong in faith and to trust God to do what only He can do in His time.”

Page 10: “Therefore, let no man glory in men. For all things are yours” · into you by faith to be born again, so also you must receive divine health, abundant prosperity, success, victory

“Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name: ask, and ye shall receive,that your joy may be full” (John 16:24).

The word 'receive' used by the Lord Jesus in John 16:24 is the Greek word 'lambano'. It means to seize or take hold of something and make it yours. This kind of receiving is done first from within, that is, from your spirit. That's because faith is from your spirit, and if you must change anything in your situation or circumstance, the change must begin first from within.

The power to live a healthy, successful, glorious and victorious life is not with the Lord. He's already done all that's necessary for you to live a glorious life. Now, He expects you to lay claim to all that He has made available, and for you to make it a present-hour reality with your faith confessions.

The Bible declares in Romans 10:10 that with the heart man believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. If you need a miracle, or you want to see a change in a particular situation, you must believe and receive it first from within. In other words, you must see the invisible first. No matter the situation or the challenge, refuse to accept what you see, hear or perceive with your senses; choose to see the invisible.

Surround yourself with faith-building messages every day, and when faith has been stirred in you, begin to prophesy and make bold declarations. You must see that change or miracle you desire first in your spirit. Take hold of your healing from your spirit, and then declare it by faith in the name of Jesus. It's a principle from God's Word, and it works every time.


CONFESSIONSMy mind is filled with the thoughts of God; I refuse to think the wrong thoughts. My mind is submitted to the Word of God and I have a sound mind. His Word gives me the right thoughts to think and thus, the right words to speak.

I recognize that I am a child of the King and my words are full of power and authority. I commit myself to always talk like a king, and consistently declare who I am in Christ Jesus.

The Word of God is life to my body and health to my flesh. I have been translated from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of light; diseases and infirmities are not part of me, for I was born to be a victor.

I recognize the efficacy of God's Word that is at work in me today, and by virtue of the divine life of Christ in me, I declare that I'm superior to Satan; nothing shall be impossible unto me in the name of Jesus. Amen.

My words are potent and full of life. I declare that divine health is my birth right; therefore, I function therein on a daily basis. Every part of my body responds to the Word of God.

The Word of God has creative power to transform my life; it brings health and life to my body, and transforms the circumstances of my life. I have put away all filthy communication from my mouth. All that proceeds from my mouth edifies; it ministers grace to the hearer and brings glory to God.


Page 11: “Therefore, let no man glory in men. For all things are yours” · into you by faith to be born again, so also you must receive divine health, abundant prosperity, success, victory

“Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name: ask, and ye shall receive,that your joy may be full” (John 16:24).

The word 'receive' used by the Lord Jesus in John 16:24 is the Greek word 'lambano'. It means to seize or take hold of something and make it yours. This kind of receiving is done first from within, that is, from your spirit. That's because faith is from your spirit, and if you must change anything in your situation or circumstance, the change must begin first from within.

The power to live a healthy, successful, glorious and victorious life is not with the Lord. He's already done all that's necessary for you to live a glorious life. Now, He expects you to lay claim to all that He has made available, and for you to make it a present-hour reality with your faith confessions.

The Bible declares in Romans 10:10 that with the heart man believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. If you need a miracle, or you want to see a change in a particular situation, you must believe and receive it first from within. In other words, you must see the invisible first. No matter the situation or the challenge, refuse to accept what you see, hear or perceive with your senses; choose to see the invisible.

Surround yourself with faith-building messages every day, and when faith has been stirred in you, begin to prophesy and make bold declarations. You must see that change or miracle you desire first in your spirit. Take hold of your healing from your spirit, and then declare it by faith in the name of Jesus. It's a principle from God's Word, and it works every time.


CONFESSIONSMy mind is filled with the thoughts of God; I refuse to think the wrong thoughts. My mind is submitted to the Word of God and I have a sound mind. His Word gives me the right thoughts to think and thus, the right words to speak.

I recognize that I am a child of the King and my words are full of power and authority. I commit myself to always talk like a king, and consistently declare who I am in Christ Jesus.

The Word of God is life to my body and health to my flesh. I have been translated from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of light; diseases and infirmities are not part of me, for I was born to be a victor.

I recognize the efficacy of God's Word that is at work in me today, and by virtue of the divine life of Christ in me, I declare that I'm superior to Satan; nothing shall be impossible unto me in the name of Jesus. Amen.

My words are potent and full of life. I declare that divine health is my birth right; therefore, I function therein on a daily basis. Every part of my body responds to the Word of God.

The Word of God has creative power to transform my life; it brings health and life to my body, and transforms the circumstances of my life. I have put away all filthy communication from my mouth. All that proceeds from my mouth edifies; it ministers grace to the hearer and brings glory to God.


Page 12: “Therefore, let no man glory in men. For all things are yours” · into you by faith to be born again, so also you must receive divine health, abundant prosperity, success, victory

SOUTH AFRICAChrist Embassy Healing School303 Pretoria AvenueCnr. Harley and Bram Fischer,Randburg, GautengP. O. Box 323,Randburg 2125Tel: +27 11 326 2467, +27 11 787 2350,+27 799 675 852, +27 799 675 853

NIGERIAChrist Embassy Healing School21/23 Ize Iyamu Road,Ikeja, LagosP. O. Box 13563, Ikeja, LagosTel: +234 8086 844 103-4

UNITED KINGDOMBelievers’ LoveworldUnit C2 Thamesview Business Centre Barlow Way, RainhamRM 13 8BTTel: +44(0)1708556604.

U S AChrist Embassy Texas 8623 Hemlock Hill DriveHouston, Texas 77083Tel: +1 281 759 5111 +1 281 759 6218

Christ Embassy International, USA200 E Arrowhead Drive, #W-3Charlotte, NC 28213Tel: +1 972-255-1787+1 704-780-4970

CANADAChrist Embassy Healing School 600 Clayson Rd, North York, Toronto Division, Ontario M9M 2H2,CanadaTel: +1 416 747 7979 +1 855 328 7979