Download - “THE JIVE” - Geelong Jukebox Rockers · 2019. 2. 28. · The band is ‘Jump N Jive’ who always keeps us dancing all night. Our harity this year is ‘Geelong RSL onnect’.

Page 1: “THE JIVE” - Geelong Jukebox Rockers · 2019. 2. 28. · The band is ‘Jump N Jive’ who always keeps us dancing all night. Our harity this year is ‘Geelong RSL onnect’.

COMMITTEE CONTACTS PRESIDENT: Lea Gilliland 0410 561 952 [email protected]

VICE PRESIDENT Glenda Trainor 0411 146 763 [email protected]

SECRETARY Paul Shadbolt 0419 657 417 [email protected]

TREASURER Lyn Johnson 0412 241 549 [email protected]

NEWS LETTER EDITOR Pauline Silaev 0400 638 592 [email protected]

Wanted Volunteer's for the Monday Social Night Music

Roster (you don’t need to have you own music, the club has many playlists

that you can use) & to be on the door at the Thursday Dance

Lessons. Please see Lea Or Glenda

Swing Dance Lessons - starting Monday 11th March

Starting 11th March, Celia & Richard will be running a 6 week Swing Workshop. The cost for these workshops will be $10 per

week which also includes entry to the Monday Night Socials. All workshops will start at 6.30pm, on the dot, to allow the full

hour as the social starts at 7.30pm.

The first block will includes:

20’s Charleston

Charleston - Side by side

Charleston - Tandem

6 Beat in between to mix them all together

Hope to see you there.

Calling for Volunteers

From The Committee


POSTAL ADDRESS: PO Box 2046 Geelong VIC 3220

0432 503 997

EVENT VENUE White Eagle House 46-48 Fellmongers Rd Breakwater, VIC 3219 Melway Ref 452 F1

March 2019

Geelong Jukebox Rockers Inc


[email protected]

Page 2: “THE JIVE” - Geelong Jukebox Rockers · 2019. 2. 28. · The band is ‘Jump N Jive’ who always keeps us dancing all night. Our harity this year is ‘Geelong RSL onnect’.

We are forming the 2020 Summer Rock N Roll Festival Sub Committee & are looking for club members to be part of the organising Subcommittee. This subcommittee is made up of three members from the main committee & three club members. It meets on Tuesday nights and starts off with monthly meetings which get a bit more frequent as we get closer to the festival. Any club members who are interested should drop a note to the Secretary before 11th March.

Based on some feedback from this year’s festival, we are also looking for a member who has experience with car competitions to assist the Sub Committee in organising this part of the Festival & manage the competition on the Sunday. This person would not need to attend the subcommittee meetings very often. Please drop a note to the Secretary by 11th March if you can assist.

20th Summer Rock ’N’ Roll Festival - 2020

Monthly Dances

What a great night was had by all who attended on 2nd February! The band ‘Dance On’ did not disappoint. Great music was played all night. Thank you to the band for including us in their visit down south.

March 2nd sees our “Charity Night” dance. The band is ‘Jump N Jive’ who always keeps us dancing all night. Our Charity this year is ‘Geelong RSL Connect’. So please come along and support this worthy cause for Geelong’s returned service men & women. Bookings on As with all our Charity Dances there is one cost $20 for everyone (no free tickets).

Maggie’s Dance - 16th February

A great afternoon was spent dancing with Shake-2 (Cee Jay & Monty). Maggie’s family had organised many donations to help raise some very much needed money to bring Maggie closer to having her operation. All through the day Door Prizes, Raffles and a couple of Auctions were held together with the Club’s $100 board. In all the day raised a bit over $6,000.00 and then we were informed by Rachel (Maggie & Eddy’s daughter) that an anonymous donation was made of $29,000.00. The Club wishes Maggie, Eddy and their family all the very best for their journey ahead and hope for good outcome for the future.

Just a bit of an update - Maggie & Eddy travelled to Sydney on the Monday after Maggie’s Dance to see Dr Charlie Teo. They were given some bad and good news. The bad news being that the tumour had grown considerably, which didn’t give Maggie a lot of time left and the good news was the Dr Charlie Teo would operate on her himself .

Maggie, Eddy and the family all flew up to Sydney on Sunday 24th. Maggie’s operation was scheduled for Monday 25th. I don’t have a lot of details yet but Maggie came through her operation and is currently in ICU. The tumour was “massive”. She has not opened her eyes yet but is responding with a few right hand squeezes and a grunt every now and then. I will keep everyone updated when I hear more.

Thursday Classes

Thursday classes have been really well attended with a lot of new faces and the return of some ‘old’ faces. This block finishes on 14th March. The new Block 2 will start on 28th March (after a week off). Beginners at 7pm - 7.45pm and Intermediate 8.00pm - 8.45pm (there is 15 mins of free practice time at the end of each class). If you know anyone who would love to learn traditional Rock & Roll please let them know (there are pamphlets at the hall, if you would like to grab a couple to hand out).

The classes are run on a rotating basis to allow single people to also be part of the fun. For those who really, real-ly, really want to dance with their own partner, can still do so but I really recommend rotating. There is always someone a bit more experienced there who will always help you with the moves (and it stops arguments!!!).

Cont’d... Pg 3

President’s Report

Page 3: “THE JIVE” - Geelong Jukebox Rockers · 2019. 2. 28. · The band is ‘Jump N Jive’ who always keeps us dancing all night. Our harity this year is ‘Geelong RSL onnect’.

Black Hat Daddies February Dance

About 20 Jukebox Rockers made their way to Ballarat for the Black Hat Daddies dance with the fabulous Fender Benders. James, Terry & Frank provided the music which was as usual, excellent. The place was packed out with Georgia having to turn down many requests to attend the dance on the day. This dance is held during the Ballarat Beat and is getting so pop-ular that Georgia & John have already started taking bookings for the 2020 dance and many put their names down on the list already. Now that’s booking ahead so if you missed this one, I suggest you book now!

Larry Devenish

Partner and Line Dance Workshops

Next week see the conclusion of the first block of partner & line dance workshops. We have had a great turn up of people to this workshop. During the 6 weeks we have learnt “Miss Jodie’s Thang”, “Peppy Toe” and the “Hudson Valley Cha Cha”. The next block of Partner/Line dance workshops will commence on Monday 22nd April.

Swing Classes

Starting on Monday March 11th will be our first block of Swing Classes with Celia & Richard. The cost is $10 which also includes entry into the Monday Social night. The classes start promptly at 6.30pm and finish at 7.30pm.

Volunteers’ Thank you Lunch

On Sunday the Club’s Committee held their annual Volunteers’ Thank You Lunch for all the people who have helped out throughout the year for our Roster’s, for the Festival and for many other things that have been held throughout the year. The club could not run without our volunteers. Thank you to you all for your help in keeping our club running.

If we missed anyone please know that it was not intentional. We try to keep an up to date list of all who volunteer but unfortunately there can always be someone who has been missed.

Keep on Dancin’, have fun and remember, respect for each other and a smile can be contagious!

Lea Gilliland

Presidents Report cont’d

Around the ‘Dance Floors’

Around the ‘Dance Floors’

We would love people to share in their experiences at any of the dances or festivals held in and around Geelong and wher-ever you might travel to for Rock & Roll. Please write up a report and either send it to [email protected] or bring it in and leave it with any of the committee members. Please mark it “Attention: Newsletter Editor”.

Rock & Roll Demos

Demo at Alan David Lodge

We are, once again, having a demo at Alan David Lodge, home of our one of our great members; Les Reilly. It will be on Tuesday April 9th at 1.30pm. If you would like to come along and be part of the Demo team to entertain the residents of Alan David Lodge and to support Les please leave your name with any of the committee mem-bers, Suzie Tsen, Jan Pruis or Terri Colliver. Hope you can come along and be part of the fun.

Future Demos

We hope to do more demos in the future. If you would like to add your name down to participate please leave your name with any of the people mention above.

Page 4: “THE JIVE” - Geelong Jukebox Rockers · 2019. 2. 28. · The band is ‘Jump N Jive’ who always keeps us dancing all night. Our harity this year is ‘Geelong RSL onnect’.

Thursday Night Rock & Roll Dance Lessons

Block Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week Off

Block 2 28/03/2019 04/04/2019 11/04/2019 18/04/2019 25/04/2019 02/05/2019 09/05/2019

Block 3 16/05/2019 23/05/2019 30/05/2019 06/06/2016 13/06/2019 20/06/2019 27/06/2019

Block 4 04/07/2019 11/07/2019 18/07/2019 25/07/2019 01/08/2019 08/08/2019 15/08/2019

Block 5 22/08/2019 29/08/2019 05/09/2019 12/09/2019 19/09/2019 26/09/2019 03/10/2019

Block 6 10/10/2019 17/10/2019 24/10/2019 31/10/2019 07/11/2019 14/11/2019 21/11/2019

Welcome to our New Members

Geelong Jukebox Rockers Would Like to welcome to our Club

Bill & Mary Renzella

Committee Meetings


MARCH 12/03/2019

APRIL 16/04/2019

MAY 14/05/2019 2019 Festival Committee Formed

JUNE 11/06/2019 Who's going to re-stand

JULY 16/07/2019 AGM Prep, Motions

AUGUST 13/08/2019 Review Financials / Prep AGM

SEPTEMBER 17/09/2019 AGM Final Prep & Auth of Financials

OCTOBER 15/10/2019 New Committee first meeting

NOVEMBER 12/11/2019 2020 Calendar of Events

DECEMBER 17/12/2019

Malcolm Barker Eric Dingle Tony Navarro

Terry Bedggood Yvonne Gillett Heather Nikolic

Cooper Bennett Petra Goerschel Les Reilly

Kelly Boyle Diane Gordon Mary Renzella

Liz Brown Teresa Hamilton Ray Robertson

Noeline Burnett Alison Hultgren Maureen Sanford

Garry Colban Robert Jones Pauline Silaev

Sue Cook Donna Kunz Dubrako Stabek

Monica Costa Lina McDowell Doug Walters

Jenny Crouch Kevin McCann

Happy Birthday to You!!!!

Wishing a ‘Very Happy Birthday” to all our members who are having a Birthday in March.

Page 5: “THE JIVE” - Geelong Jukebox Rockers · 2019. 2. 28. · The band is ‘Jump N Jive’ who always keeps us dancing all night. Our harity this year is ‘Geelong RSL onnect’.

Volunteer Rosters

Monday Social Night Music Roster Thursday Rock & Roll Class Door People

Mondays Name Name C’ttee Rep Thursdays Name Name C”ttee Rep

04/03/19 Malcolm Fiona Matt 28/2/19 Noel Lea Lea

11/03/19 Yvonne Graham Matt 7/3/19 Maria Coral Paul

18/03/19 Lea Noel Lea 14/3/19 Paul Glenda Glenda

25/03/91 Dennis Lina Larry 21/03/19 Week Off

01/04/19 Janet Warren Lyn 28/03/19 Harry Judy Pauline

08/04/19 Kendall Lyn 04/04/19 Tony Di Ray

15/04/19 Terri Barry Barry 11/04/19 Graham Teresa Barry

22/04/19 Chris Olwyn Matt 18/04/19 Hanna Trevor Lea

29/04/19 Malcom Fiona Larry 25/04/19 Belinda Kendall Paul

6/5/19 Yvonne Graham Lea 02/05/19 Lorraine Suzi Glenda

13/5/19 Lea Noel Lea 09/05/19 Week Off

20/5/19 Dennis Lina Larry 16/05/19 Terri Barry Barry

27/5/19 Janet Warren Barry 23/5/19 Ray Pauline Pauline


2nd March Dance Bendigo Jailhouse Rockers TBA Liz - 0448 016 787

2nd March Charity Dance Geelong Geelong Jukebox

Rockers Jump n Jive Bookings: Enquiries: 0432 503 997

9th March Festival Cobram Cobram River Rockers The Lincolns Julie - 0407 818 450

23rd March Dance Bendigo Rock’n 50’s Fender Benders Maree - 0438 895 380

29th March Dance Tongala Jenni's SHED Social dance night Jenni - 0402 758 099

30th March Dance Colac Colac Rock n Roll Club Fender Benders Janet - 5231 1005 or

Judy - 0429 366 256

30th March Dance Nagambie Rockin’ Nagambie IC Rock Christine - 0499 995 380

6th April Dance Geelong Geelong Jukebox Rockin Tones Bookings: Enquiries: 0432 503 997

6th April Dance Benalla Rose City RnR Honkey Tonk Rockers Barb - 0409 950926

12-14 April Festival Barooga Barooga Sporties FB : Festivals on the Murray Anthony - 0417 317 381

12-14 April Festival Horsham Wimmera Rockers Lincolns & Ross & the Wild Boys John Finn - 0437 360 964

13th April Dance Ballarat Ballarat Rockers Rockin Daddies John - 0418 543 637

26th April Dance Tongala Jenni's SHED Social dance night Jenni - 0402 758 099

27th April Dance Broadford Seymour Rock 'n’ Roll Club Jump n Jive Norni - 0427 404 499

4th May Dance Geelong Geelong Jukebox Rockers Fossil Rock


Enquiries: 0432 503 997

What’s On