Download - Anyone Can Quit Smoking When They Have Powerful Tips Like These

Page 1: Anyone Can Quit Smoking When They Have Powerful Tips Like These

Anyone Can Quit Smoking When They Have Powerful TipsLike These

Even though the risks of smoking are well-known, many people struggle to break their habit.

If you feel this way, follow this article's tips. Use the ones you feel will offer you the best

chances to help you quit smoking.

If your home smells of smoke, thoroughly clean it. You should clean your upholstery and

carpets, cleanse the walls and have your curtains and drapes cleaned. The difference will be

evident not only to you but to all your visitors, and you won't have to smell cigarettes while

you are trying to quit.

If you do not wish you use products to help you quit smoking, you should try acupuncture. A

skilled acupuncturist can help reduce or eliminate cravings by inserting fine needles into

strategic places on your body. While it sounds unpleasant, most people say that it is not


Find a method to remind yourself of your motivation at all times. You can do this by putting

messages on the wall to remind yourself of the goals that you set. Whichever method you

chose, a visual reminder should help you to battle your tobacco and nicotine cravings.

On days that you go without a cigarette, you should reward yourself. Give yourself a nice

dinner out as a treat, or buy a CD or DVD. Go to the movies a concert, or whatever you want

to do should be a reward for not smoking. This will make the process of quitting more

positive, and will give you more incentive to resist cravings.

It may take at least three times to quit for good. Try quitting cold turkey the first time around.

Even though you might only have a five percent chance of success, you could be the one

person out of twenty who is successful. The second time around, try to gradually decrease

your smoking. If you fail at this, it's time to take drastic measures. Discuss treatment options

with your doctor, and seek out a support group.

When you decide to quit smoking, it is vital to be determined to never give up. Many who

stop smoking had made various past attempts before finally succeeding. If you relapse,

identify factors that led to your relapse, and then resolve to keep going.

Talk to those who you are close with about the impact of smoking in your life and your

decision to quit. They can then support you in your efforts. Having a system of support is one

of the best methods you can use to quit. You will find that your confidence in succeeding is

increased, and your goals are attainable.

"Not One Puff Ever" or "Nope" should be your mantra. Though you may be tempted to smoke

during times of stress, do not allow those urges to undo your hard work. Keep telling yourself

Page 2: Anyone Can Quit Smoking When They Have Powerful Tips Like These

that "just one" may do a lot of damage.

Do not allow yourself to smoke in your home if you would like to quit. If it becomes

inconvenient for you to smoke, quitting may become easier to accomplish. If you have to go

out in the cold or have a smoke away from the internet and the TV, you might kick the

smoking habit sooner.

While stopping smoking is not easy, it is definitely worth the huge benefits to your health,

social life and even your appearance. To find out more rygestop dag for dag, gravid smerter,

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