Download - Anxiety Disorder Teaching Plan

  • 8/9/2019 Anxiety Disorder Teaching Plan


    Course: Clinical Teaching and Assessment

    Topic: Nursing care of the patient with an anxiety disorder

    Level of participants: Third year Bscn Nursing Students

    Number of articipants: !"

    #ate: April $rd% &'!&

    Time: !':$' am

    #uration: (" minutes

    )enue: *nservice +ducation #epartment

    ,ethodology: Lecture-#iscussion-#emonstration

    Learning Theory: Ausubel: +mphasi.ed the use of advance organi.ers which

    he said was different from overviews and summaries/ 0is use of an advance acted as a

    bridge the chasm between learning material and existing related ideas/ The advanced

    used% sought to bridge new 1nowledge with what was 1nown 2sometimes what is 3nown is

    uncertain and not concrete4/ Though he specified that his theory applied only to reception

    learning in schools% it was utili.ed because it introduced the topic and aided the se5uence of the

  • 8/9/2019 Anxiety Disorder Teaching Plan


    i f i b i d 26 d 7 8i &''$4 8 # l i h h d l l h

    Students interact with the world by exploring and manipulating ob=ects% wrestling with 5uestions

    and controversies% or performing experiments/ As a result% students may be more li1ely to

    remember concepts and 1nowledge discovered on their own 2in contrast to a transmissionist

    model4/ 2;uinn% &''

  • 8/9/2019 Anxiety Disorder Teaching Plan


    !/ #efine the terms anxiety% anxiety disorders

    According to ?risch 7 ?risch% &''hen allowed to participate in decisionma1ing

    regarding their care% patients can regain a partial sense of control/ As patient advocates% nurses should ta1e advantage of the

    therapeutic effect of music by incorporating it into their plan of care 2+vans% 8ubio% !(4/

  • 8/9/2019 Anxiety Disorder Teaching Plan


    SG,,A8F: The Client with anxiety disorder

    Nursing care of the client with an anxiety disorder was presented on April $rd% &'!& at the *nservice +ducation #epartment Bellevue

    0ospital/ The purpose of the teaching session was to educate senior nursing students from Northern Caribbean Gniversity 2NCG4 and

    Gniversity of Technology 2GT+C04 on the nursing management of patients with anxiety disorder/ The teaching methodologies used

    were lecture discussion and demonstration

    The learning theories used were: Ausubel who served to brea1 the ice% introduce and se5uence the topic% since it was his theory that

    spo1e about the use of an advance in teaching/ 8ogers: who posited that for the adult% learning is student centered and

    personali.ed and that the educator act as a facilitatorD Bruner: who posited that learners were not blan1 slate% but brought their past

    experiences to this learning situation/ The students were on the units at Bellevue 0ospital and at >ard &! Gniversity 0ospital of the

    >est *ndies and had seen patients with the disorders or had some form of anxiety themselves or had seen some family member with

    the disorders% thus they were excited with the topic and gave full participation/

    The scientific principle of homeostasis was utili.ed since it loo1ed at the tendency of the organism to maintain and restore certain

    steady states/

  • 8/9/2019 Anxiety Disorder Teaching Plan


    The session was evaluated using a formative and summative evaluation method% which is 5uestions were as1ed before and after each

    ob=ective followed by a test at the end/

    At the end of the ("mins interactive session students were able to:

    !/ #efine the terms anxiety% anxiety disorders according to ?risch 7 ?risch% &''