Download - Anthony Leonard // Task 1


Unit 57: Photography and Photographic Practice

Research of other photographers work (P1, M1, D1)

Photographer: Anthony Leonard







Theme or focus of images 1// This first image is of model Tyra Banks, shot in Jack Studio’s in New york by photographer Anthony Leonard in September 2013 for an exhibition. In these series of photo shoots, Tyra Banks has her makeup and hair done by professionals to recreate some of the most iconic models of all time, such as this first one, she is being well known 60’s model, Twiggy. This image has been edited to be in sepia tones, which would mirror the fact that she’s being a 60’s model. By the way Tyra is posing, she is allowing the light to hit her face, which shows off the iconic Twiggy makeup, big eyes with even bigger eyeliner. The way her body is also mirrors how Twiggy used to pose. The image looks like its been taken at a close eye-level distance, without zoom. If the photo was taken zoomed in, we wouldn’t ben able to see her outfit, which is a trigger for the viewer to realise it’s a recreation of the 60’s. Also if the image was taken further back, we would be able to see more of her dress.

2// This 2nd image if of again, Tyra Banks, as mentioned before with the same photographer in the same studio. In this image, she is portraying her 15yr old self as a model as that was the age she was scouted for modelling. This image has, again, been edited in black and white as it makes the viewer focus more on her facial expressions and her body language rather than if it were in colour. This image was taken a distance, without a zoom as if it were too zoomed in, we would only see the top half of her torso, and not the bottom half and how she is posing, where as if it were taken a little further back, we would be able to see more of her body language.

3// The 3rd image, is of again Tyra Banks shot by Anthony Leonard at Jack Studios. On this particularimage she is channelling 2012 model of the year, Cara Delevingne. Cara Delevingne is quite well known for her trademark bushy eyebrows and style as she only in her young 20’s. She is one of the most known models, next to Kate Moss. Tyra also stated that it took 4 hours in hair and makeup to complete this look. Like all other images, this one has been edited in black and white, I think they all have because it then allows the viewer to focus more on the whole point of the picture and the aim, rather than the colours and different tones that don’t match the original picture. I think this image has been taken at a close distance as it is a close up portrait shot, but if the photographer shot this image a bit further back, we would have been able to see more of the outfit that goes with the Cara image, where as if we zoomed in a little, we would be able to see more of the make-up in detail such as the trademark eyebrows.

4// The 4th image was shot by Anthony Leonard, but this time, features Tyra as the king of pop, Michael Jackson, paying tribute to him as she featured in his black or white music video. This image hasn’t been edited to be in black or white, it is in colour but it has been edited to appear darker as it mirrors the theme of the photo such as the outfit Tyra is wearing, which is all black with the signature Michael Jackson glove on one hand. The photo appears as if its been taken up close, with a little zoom as you can see the bottom torso of Tyra’s outfit, therefore suggesting that there is a picture with more of the outfit showing, which we would could see if it was zoomed out more. The light is hitting Tyra’s face from the right side, only highlighting certain features, therefore fading other things to be darker than they are, such as the glove, it highlights the embellishment which outshines the rest of the glove,

making it one of the focus’.

5// This 5th image, I of again, Tyra Banks as a super model. This time she is portraying Lauren Hutton. This image has been edited to be in sepia tones as I think black and white would be too harsh. In this image also, it appears that she is wearing all white with white or blondish hair. Tyra is also doing a quirky pose just like Lauren Hutton, with her signature gap in her teeth. The image appears like its been taken at a close, eye-level distance as the image cuts off at the waist, where as if it was taken further away, we would’ve been able to see the full pose of Tyra and the rest of her outfit. The light appears as if its hitting Tyra from the right side, which highlights the slight detail on her clothes.

6// In this 6th image, Tyra Banks is again portraying a supermodel, this time its Kate Upton. This image has been edited to be black and white, which highlights the features such as the signature Kate Upton lip mole, the big chest and the volumized hair. I think if it was kept in colour , we wouldn’t see the features the same and we would focus more on the colours rather than the theme. Tyra is posing lay down, with her head tilted up to the left, letting the light hit her face, highlighting her Kate features. This image appears as if its been taken at a close, lower than eye-level distance, as she is lay down, and it cuts off just before her waist. If the image was taken further back, we would be able to see more of her body and how she is posing.

Composition1// with this 1st image, I think the photographer stood fairly close to Tyra as she fills up most of the frame with hardly any focus on the background. I think the photographer may have zoomed in a little as the image cuts off half way down the torso. If it was a little more zoomed out, we wouldn’t be able to see as much detail, such as her dress and make-up. I think the image has been cropped at the sides as it may have been unnecessary space. I think this image works as you can tell who Tyra is trying to portray.

2// I think the photographer in this 2nd image, stood quite a distance away as it is nearly a full body shot of Tyra portraying her 15yr old self. I don’t think the photographer zoomed in at all or zoomed in, but it may have been cropped to where it cuts off now. If the image was zoomed out, we would only see more of the plain background, which isn’t really needed in this image.I think the length it is at now, its great as it keeps it simple and the length on her legs where it is cut off, still gives her height and doesn’t make her look small.

3// for this 3rd image, I think the photographer stood fairly close to Tyra, as it’s a close portrait type shot. If it was zoomed out, we would see more of the outfit, and how Tyra was posing more like Cara Delevingne. If it was zoomed out, again we would see more of Tyra, and also the background, which has been kept simple as Tyra’s the main focus, but if we did see more of the background, we would only crop it out to keep it simple.

4// For this 4th image, I think the photographer stood at a distance away, but zoomed in a little to focus on the clothing detail. If it was more zoomed out, we would see how Tyra is posing like Michael Jackson, and more of the recognisable outfit. The background appears to be dark and plain, which mirrors the outfit as the outfit has the detail and needs to focus for the audience to be able to get the theme of the image. If the image was more zoomed out as well, we would see more of the background which we could crop out as it wouldn’t need to be shown.

5// I think the photographer for this 5th image, stood at a distance as it appears that the original could’ve been a full portrait shot. I think if it was cropped to how it is now, it makes it better because it allows the audience to focus more on how she is posing, and what makes that image recognisable such as the pose and the gap in the teeth. If it was more zoomed out, we would see the background more, which is plain grey/black one, which mirrors the white outfit.

6// I think with this 6th image, the photographer stood quite close because of the way Tyra is posing, lay down. I think if the image was zoomed out more, we would see more of her body and how she is posing but I like it as it as her face is the main feature, which makes who she is trying to be more recognisable. The background is plain which, again allows her to be the main focus, which is why I think all the images have the plain background.

Techniques used1// this first image, the light appears to be hitting her from face onwards. I think the shutter speed was quite quick as the exposure of the clothing would’ve been quite light, and if it was exposed for long, the background and the clothing may have contrasted with each other. With the depth of field, the background is plain and dull, and in the foreground is Tyra herself, who is the main focus. If we lay a 3 X 3 grid on top of this image, in the central square would be Tyra’s chin and neck, therefore

making us want to see the rest of the image and what the theme is.

2// This 2nd image, the light is hitting Tyra from above her head as the light is hitting the top of her hair. I think the shutter speed would have been a quick exposure as the background appears to have been taken in an area where natural lighting is key. With the depth of field, the background appears to be a brick wall, but a brick wall from a studio/apartment type place, where again, natural lighting goes with the theme of it. In the foreground is Tyra as her 15yr old self, which is simple, so it reflects the background. If we lay a 3 X 3 grid on top of the image, in the central square would be Tyra’s chest area where her hair and necklace ends. With this being central, it makes the audience want to see what else is happening. Tyra’s face overlaps the conjoining lines in the top section.

3// this 3rd image, the light is hitting Tyra from the top right corner as the right corner of the image is lighter than the other corners, with this angle of light, it defines the features such as the cheekbones and the eyebrows. I think the shutter speed would have been quicker as well due to the lightness of the corner. With the depth of field, the background is plain white or grey, and in the foreground is Tyra, as she is the main focus in this image therefore she takes up most of the frame leaving not much room for the background to be shown. If we lay a 3 X 3 grid on top of this, in the central square would be Tyra’s face, therefore making her central focusing point.

4// this 4th image, the light is hitting Tyra in a way of from the right, which would highlight the glove and other features since everything is point to the right. I think the shutter speed for this image was a long exposure as the main colour theme on this image was dark tones, therefore the camera would need time to focus and get the lighting and detail on the outfit. With the depth of field, the background is plain black, which reflects the way Tyra is dressed and posing in the foreground. If we apply the 3 X 3 grid on top of this image, the bottom of her hair and the top of the glove would be positioned central in the squares.

5// on this 5th image, the light is hitting Tyra from the right side, highlighting the hair, gap tooth and detail on the clothing. I think this image’s shutter speed was set to expose very little as the white clothing and bright light colours could’ve easily mixed together and over exposed. With the depth of field, the background is simple and dark which emphasises Tyra, dressed in white in the foreground. If we apply the 3 X 3 grid, in the central point, would be Tyra’s chest, which is quite plain, therefore we want to see what else the image is like.

6// on this 6th image, the light is hitting Tyra from the left, upwards. I think the shutter speed was set in the middle as there is no light colours and no dark, therefore medium colours apply. With the depth of field, the background is kept simple to show Tyra off. In the foreground is Tyra herself again, taking up most of the frame. If we apply the 3 X 3 grid, in the central square would be Tyra’s neck and hair, which makes the audience want to see what the rest of the image is like, to get a sense of who she is being.

Strengths & Weaknesses1// Two strengths within this first image for me are the dress and the way she is styled to channel Twiggy in the 60’s, and the way the photo has been cropped. Two weakness include the sepia tones, I think it would have been good in colour as the colours would have been simple, and not being able to see her full outfit such as her shoes. I would use this image as influence for my own work by using the theme of the 60’s.

2// two strengths for this 2nd image for me include, the simplicity of the image, how she is just stood there with minimal looking make up and hair, and also the background of the brick wall, it keeps the image modern. Two weakness’ would be not being able to see her full body, and not more of the wall, making the photo larger. I would use this image as inspiration for my own work, by using the brick wall.

3// Two strengths for this 3rd image include, the makeup such as the highlighting of the cheeks and the eyebrows, and the attitude conveyed throughout the picture. Two weakness’ include not being able to see more of her body, which the attitude would’ve conveyed more though, and not seeing more of her outfit. I would use this image as inspiration for my own work by using the attitude.

4// Two strengths for this 4th image include the pose of Tyra, such as her hand, which is signature Michael Jackson, and her ‘smizeing’ of her eyes. Two weakness’ include not being able to see her stance which could convey more of a Michael Jackson vibe, and not being able to see more of a Michael Jackson theme within the image. I would use this image as inspiration for my own work by using the theme of Michael Jackson.

5// two strengths for this 5th image include, the way she Tyra is posing, it looks carefree and natural with her hand the head thrown back, and the ensemble of the outfit. Two weakness’ include not being able to see how her bottom half of her torso are posed, as it would give off an even more carefree vibe, and not being able to see her right arm fully. I would use this image as inspiration for my own work by using the carefree and in the moment vibe.

6// Two strengths for this 6th image include the posing of the face, how the light hits her face, and how her hair is styled to look bouncy and full of volume. Two weakness’ include not being able to see her body pose because she is lay down, and the fringe not being on the face, the signature Kate Upton hair. I would use this image as inspiration for my own work by using the positioning of the face and the way the light hits it.