Download - Anth 70 Thursday 2nd Edition


Thur sday.[OE. unres-, pur(e)sdaeg, day of Thunor or Thor, infl.byON. rsd agr ; so (M)Du.Donderdag,G. Donnerstag;Teut.rendering of lateL.diesJovis(It. gioved,F. jeudi) day of Jupiter.] 1. The fifthdayof theweek.2.Holy Thursday.a.Thursdayin Rogation Week, Ascension Day ME. b. Maundy Thursday, Sheer Thursday 1645.

a z(2nd edition)3/10/96(Port Germein (no 58)). When we came back from our first walk on the pier they were gone. Which solved the problem of whether to drive the van to the pub 300 yards away or leave it by the pier. The night was very balmy for our second walk and we saw two guys walking their boat towards their tractor closer inshore. In the middle of the night I heard somefalls and other noisesaroundthecar but didnt seeanyone; thenfor therest of thenight I heardvoices intermittentlywhichmust havebeencomingfromthepublicshelter next tous(previouslyaloading shed) or from the pier. Nevertheless I slept well. At about 5.45am, still well before rise, I heard a hello outside the open of the van. It was an aboriginal teenage girl; I shook my head and with a shut-eye gesture indicated that I wanted to be left to sleep. But I was awake by then and later heard mens voices too. There are only 3 aboriginal families in the town and nevertheless the half-casteshavemanagedtohavesomeimpact onour lives.(14/5/05. Oh, god! Werewereallythat hideously, righteously WHITE(28/5/05. th@s me (29/5/05. pinko-grey iz mor kkur8 but))and MIDDLECLASS (28/5/05. spot on) I have been ashamed to type that sanctimonious stuff it demeans the writer and the subject and shows just what bigoted bastards we were then. We may even still be, though my embarrassment and discomfort while I was typing may indicate that years of political correctness have had the desired effect. That in itself is interesting behaviour modification through language control? Do I have to give governments credit for making me aware of my baser behaviour? My sincere apologies to those people at Port Germein for my ignorance and lack of humanity. Helh&z) I suppose that this episode of black meeting white is typical of the relationship between the races (14/5/05. You had better put in a few interpolations (24/11/08. Naom Chomski 4 tzwot langwj zorl O) AZ or your name is gunna be MUD!! (23/5/05. (31/5/05. my ' n10dz 2 llow vrius (& ppsit) ntrprt8shnz (a l Borges (c21/3/05 25/3/05 p14) orHeraclitus?) & MY NAME kan b ternd wotsovr ny1 wishz (7/4/09. & howO To the weak I am weak, that I might gain the weak: I am made all things to all men, that I might by all means save some.!! Paul 1 Corinthians9: 22)) I m a prdukt of th same euro svlz8shn wich wile preechn how GOD iz mrsfl& just dspozst th brjneez & dstroid thr kulture wthout dmitn gilt & wil dstroi orl uthr waiz of livn whch do not kkomod8 thmslvz 2 th rkwiremnts of wstrntknljkl st8s(26/5/05. Isthat afancywayof sayingitsnot yourfault orresponsibility?Helh&z (26/5/05. u just wont let me off th hook!)))). Its very still out there this morning and the sun is warming up the time to get up. Before we had a chance to start our pier walk the red-neck (14/5/05. Hows that the pot calling the kettle black) sprung us again; he told us that there is a saying in the north that youre better off masturbating than living with a gin; dont know if it applies to women too. He has a way of seeing things from just his own point of view. Otherwise he was full of very good info about the locality. I thinkhehadtoosharpamindfor asmall placelikethisandoccupiedit byknowing everyone elses business. He was a rather sad case because it was clear he would have liked to talk on forever, but I was glad to get away from him & his little ~. After the pier we did a walk along the beach to collect more of the gi mussel which are called razor . Many are poisoned with lead residue from the Port Pirie smelter nearby. Then off towards Melbourne.1/10/98(DANYO RESERVE (no 53)).I was right, H was just working up to a . (24/1/05 Never you mind what I was working up to its not for publication. helh&z) Yesterday evening I d k beer by the beach just as you would in the tropics for the temperature never dropped below 30C, I would guess .(24/10/05. More of whats not your business. helh&z) .we set off across the beach for a wash in Spencer Gulf. Only problem was it was low tide and we never reached the water so after 10 mins walking straight out to sea we turned back. When we reached the shore we couldnt find the car. We did finally and since it was Hs birthday we cracked the bottle of dolceta sitting on the box out back of the car as the temperature was still 30C or so. We were both starkers and I took a photo of theoccasion. WhenwewokeuplaterthismorningI felt shit likearou.Thebirthdaywas completed with the card I gave her. Then on a stinken hot day and in a h ing gale we made our way half way along the Port Germein pier for a dip in the ocean by way of a wash. So that was Hs 56th birthdaycelebration(22/11/08. Wednesday 1/10/08(no69)). I have'10thisen inthe Danyo Reserve where we are at the veryplace we made a few years ago, just past Murrayville.18/2 /99(TheHat (alt. title: jehovah)(no27).( Monday3/12/01(no67))). Walked along the cliff edge & shoreline to Betangabee. I was hoping to get a lift back either with the witnesses or Ross & his mate but the only people there were the couple Id met on 13/2/99 whod been to Mootwingee & their son from Canberra with his wife. They gave me a lift back to Pulpit Rock where the vehicle in the car park 2apart from my van was that of the witnesses. So I went down to where they wereing to say goodbye again & to give them my Where Its At cassette as a gift to the Smiths. I like the idea of giving leading edge music from New York, Vienna etc to someone in Ensay, a real hick dying town in the Victorian alps. The Mootwingee people told me that the witnesses had been playing country & western music in the evenings & tonight theyll be playing Ivo Perelman wailingnon-stop for20 minutes on the sax. Adam (Warren actually livesin Metung) asked me if he could take a copy before passing the cassette on to the Smiths. Its a fair deal as their chances of liking it are about equal to their chances of converting me to jehovah. Then I drove to Saltwater Creek as I thought it would be fitting to leave for home tomorrow from there after first checking out the aquarium today which I had found so thrilling when I was here with Kate & in which I first saw many of the species of Ive been seeing on this trip. I also popped into Hegarty Bay for a snorkel & though both places were as beautiful as ever the conditions were rather poor, too much swell & poor visibility due to plankton & occasional ^. There is new track work & signs being put in here. Now you can walk along a track to Boyds Tower in one direction & Green Cape in the other. I am putting in the names of the witnesses as they would be very disappointed if I forgot.Warren Willman (Reynolds Rd, off Punt Rd) of MetungAdam Cadd of Ensay (ph: (03) 51573236)It hasbeenagoodideatoconcentrateononetasksosingle-mindedlyasotherwiseI couldhave abandoned the snorkelling objective because of the northeast swell but by being determined found even better, protected waters in Disaster Bay. I feel cleansed by the beauty of the underwater scenery & ready to get d k on sangrias at the Bocadillo bar tomorrow night.10/8 /00(14/8/41(no 8)). The dead cry out. I try to lay down the ghosts; once again. The prom is that every issue I review challenges fundamental assumptions about human behaviour. The men who shot thechildrenhadtobeinsanebut weknowthat intheirdomes~livestheybehavedquitenormally.The germans who were the instigators were from the most modern nation on earth and also the best e=ed and the bene iaries of a marvellousculturaltradition.Tsvetan Todorovhas argued, usingPrimo Levito support his point of view, that it is the capacity to divide himself into mutually exclusive compartments that enad the guard to be a caring father after work. My own review of the way the memory of the murder of the ==has been suppressed by people of lithuanian background that I mix with supports the view that people can know but at the same time hide the knowledge from themselves. Its not always easy to do though (20/3/09. In Hitlers Germany a particular code was widespread: those who knew did not4; those who did not know did not ask ??; those who did ask ?? received no answers. In this way a typical German citizen wonand defended his ignorance, which seemed to him sufficient justification of his adherence to. Shutting his , his and his , he built for himself the illusion of not knowing, hence not being an accomplice to the things taking place in front of his very door. Eugene Kogon The Theory and Practice ofHell). The lithuanians have found it necessary to expunge the == even from their his . It seems we have a capacity to draw the veil (as Frank Lovece put to me) over entire areas of our knowledge (22/11/08. Why have I the feeling of having been there already - a long time ago? Dont we in fact know in advance all the landscapes we see in our life? Can anything occur that is entirely new, that inthedepthsof ourbeing, wehavenotanticipatedforalongtime?Bruno Schulz). Psychologists say this is what happens with victims of incest. Freud explained neurosis in terms of suppressedexperiencesthathadtobebrought outinto the consciousmind so thatsuffererscouldgainthe required self knowledge to tackle their pro ms. For a time I toyed with the idea that if we could only break down the wallsbetween thediffer rooms of our personality and the barriers that separate us from others (which may amount to the same thing), if we allowed ourselves to see the consequences of our actions, if we acted in broad daylight instead of the dead of night we wouldnt be able to commit evil. But the children, women and old men of Butrimonys were shot in broad daylight in groups of fifteen. Whats more if it were not for the abilitywe have to shutparts ofourselvesoff from others we wouldnt be able to sleep at night because we wouldhear theirscreams. Iftheywereuna tosuppresstheirmemoriessurvivorswouldnt a toCthe future. If we were not ato dull our senses to the pain of others we wouldnt be ato walk down an ordinary Melbourne citystreet without beingconst lytraumatized. Our a itytodivide ourselves intomutually exclusive compartments is a protective device which like the air-tight compartments in the hull of a protect us from sinking.3Todays is Lawrence of Rome (martyr, ?-258) who was killed by being slowly roasted on a gridiron. Constantine the Great had an oratory erected over his tomb on the road to Tivoli which was replaced in the 5th and 6th centuries by the Basilica of Lawrence-beyond-the-Walls which is to this day one of Romes seven principal churches. Lawrence is the Patron of the poor and of cooks, and is invoked against lumbago &.I called in at Port Augusta to shop up for a few minor items but especially for a half dozen stubbies of Southwark Old Stout which are waiting for me in the back of the van right now (5pm). Rang Helen who is back at workbut soundedverychokedup. Shesays Vi isabout tostart physiotherapyandshouldget enough mobilitytobea togobacktotheold peoples home. Rang AndrewSanigasmobile(in Perth) andleft a whispered message that he may guess is from me. I think I made the words Port Augusta almost audi . I am next to the road near the dry < of Lake Finnis on Oakden Hills Station. There was no one at the homestead so I left their newspaper which I had picked up 13ks back on the highway with a copy of my Meditations on Lake Gairdner (23/11/08. ntholg no 5: album vovr 200 fotoz & 7 short) attached to it with a rubber band(23/11/08. ieth7 )ontheirfront porch. Im27ksfurtheralongthetrack. MahanewoStationis another 34ks further westwards and Lake Gairdners eastern shore20ks further again except I dont know if there is a decent track to it. I only have enough petrol in the tank to get there and back to Pimba to the north. Not findinganyoneat OakdenHill homesteadwasadowner asI washopingtheywouldringaheadto Mahanewo. If Mahanewo is also unattended Ill just have to turn around and go back. Might stop right here for a couple of days and do a few walks before I try my luck. On a red sand track that goes for 74 kilometers after leaving the highway there are only two stations. I am parked roughly half way between them. There wont be anyone driving past tonight. 17/8 /00 . There are two today so Ill use one to *t and one to finish. Hyacinth (Confessor 1185-1257) wasanativeof PolishSilesiaandof no es . HewasmadeaCanonof Cracowafter receivinghisdoctorateinlawanddivinity. Becauseofhisthreemissionaryjourneys, covering40years always onand in danger from barbarians and wild beasts Hyacinth is called The Apostle of the North. He preached in Pomerania, Lithuania, Denmark, Sweden and Norway in the north, in Russia and the Ukraine in the south, and even reached far off Tibet and China in the east. As an old man of 72 he returned to his central mona*y in Cracow, and died soon after. Innumerable miracles are recorded in connection with his lifes work. Poland reveres him as its principal Patron.Last night I slept like a child. Its strange how getting it out in words should have such a physiological consequence. Perhaps words arent just buthat burst out and dissipate in spray. In ena ing the achievements of science, of course, they are immensely powerful packages of instructions. Reflecting on it now I wonder if also in the discourse that Ive described as the one that attempts to answer the question why, the one that I am primarily concerned with, they are not more import than I thought earlier. Even the simplest noun such as rock, stove, is learnt by little children as an enormously complex set of consequences and directives before it finds its solid shape as a noun. And each of them depends for its meaning on the work it is doing in a sentence. Moreover every direction in making a word meaningful to a child has required a consensus over meaning (or coordination of commands) between the adults that teach them. When I take all this into account I cant escape the conclusion that if it were to be analysed into its component actions the complexity of the simplest sentis mind-boggling. Viewed in this way language can be seen to be a finely articulated semaphore, as much an expression of the body as tai-chi or physical jerks. It can be seen to be the body in motion. That would ex why I slept so well!! Perhaps language is a worthy instrument for a conversation with angels after all. Should that be so it is ex mely importit seems to me how we say things, that we speak honestly and admit what wedontknow. Anyway,Igotupwellbeforedawn meaning topaya courtesy visitto the MacTaggarts at Oakden Hill homestead on the way out of the area to Woomera where I planned to shop up. As it turned out its a big day at the station as they are mustering a paddock of about 17 x 8ks. On the way I passed two young people on trail bikes that I suspect to be their adult children. The girl sounded to me like a sophistied city person. Perhaps they come home just to help in the muster. I wanted to tell the MacTaggarts (Andrew & Penny) that it was methat hadleft theMeditationsonLakeGairdnerpoems ontheir doorstepwiththe newspaper a week ago. Andrew MacTaggart (chairman of the board that is responsible for maintaining the ~ fence in S.A.) was about to head up in his but was as generous in directing me to where I am now as Paul Manninghadbeenat Mahanewo. Hegivestheimpressionofbeingsomethingofacountrysquire. Penny MacTaggart was cooking but also about to head off for the muster. I think she might have been taking over the moveable enclosure which I could see on the back of a ute. They even lent me a detailed 1:100,000 map of the property which is 1706 sq. km. And yes! Im just near the shore of Island Lagoon 26ks from the station (Andrew said 20 miles and he meant it) and its every bit as magnificas Lake Gairdner (Andrew M. grew up at Moonaree which borders the lake on the opposite side to Mahanewo). I went for about a 4 hour walk in the 4middle of the day out onto the lake