Download - Answers and Explanations of Endocrine, Reproductive, Musculoskeletal & Skin & Connective Tissue OS Quiz 1

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    Najeeb center-UCE

    Endocrine, Reproductive and Musculoskeletal/skin/Connective tissue Organ systems Quiz #1

    1- The continuous administration of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) is most likely

    to elicit which of the following long-term changes in the release of luteinizing hormone

    (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)?

    A- Decrease

    B- Increase

    C- Loss of cyclicity without a net increase or decrease

    D- No change in net release or cyclicity

    Continuous administration of leuprolide (GnRH analog) decreases FSH and LH release.

    Pulsating administration of leuprolide increases their release and may be used to induce


    2- A 27-year-old man has a painful, infected abscess on the posterior aspect of the scrotum.

    Testes are normal on physical examination. Which of the following lymph nodes is most

    likely to be tender and swollen?

    A- External iliac

    B- Internal iliac

    C- Lumbar (aortic)

    D- Sacral

    E- Superficial inguinal

    Remember: Lymph from anal canal below pectinate line, scrotum, lower 1/3 of vagina, all

    lower limb (except lateral aspect of foot which drains to popliteal and then to deep

    inguinal) drains to superficial inguinal nodes.

    Lymph from testes, not scrotum drains to lumbar (aortic, paraaortic) lymph nodes.

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    3- A 56-year-old woman with squamous cell carcinoma of the lung has had fatigue, right

    flank pain, and constipation for 6 weeks. Examination shows hematuria and crystaluria.

    The most likely cause of these symptoms is secretion of which of the following substances

    by the carcinoma?

    A- ACTH

    B- Bombesin

    C- Calcitonin

    D- Erythropoietin

    E- Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG)

    F- Nonsuppressible insulin-like activity

    G- Parathormone-related protein (PTH-rp)

    Squamous cell carcinomas may produce PTH-rp (may cause hyperparathyroidism, as in

    this patient). Small cell carcinomas may produce ACTH (hypercorticolism with high

    cortisol, high ACTH) and ADH (syndrome of inappropriate secretion of ADH, which causes

    volume retention, hyponatremia, somnolence)

    If it was an osteoblastic tumor (metastatic prostate adenocarcinoma, multiple myeloma),

    there would be lytic lesions and probably hypercalcemia due to cytokine-induced bone


    PRODUCE PTH-rp!).

    4- A 60-year-old man comes to the physician because of enlargement of his right knee

    during the past 2 years. Physical examination shows bony enlargement of the right

    proximal tibia. There is normal range of motion and no change in the length of the right

    lower extremity. The tentative diagnosis of osteitis deformans (Pagets disease of bone) is

    made. Serum measurement of which of the following is most likely to support the


    A- Alkaline phosphatase activity

    B- ALT activity

    C- Calcitonin concentration

    D- Calcium concentration

    E- Lactate dehydrogenase activity

    F- Parathyroid hormone concentration

    G- Thyroxine (T4) concentration

    Alkaline phosphatase is a marker of bone remodeling (formation Resorption). In

    Pagets disease there are periods of excessive osteoclastic activity (resorption) followed by

    periods of excessive osteoblastic activity (bone formation). There is usually pain. Ca++,

    Phosphate, PTH, calcitonin, and vitamin D are all normal. Remember it may lead to heart

    failure and osteosarcoma.

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    5- A 75-year-old man has a painless mass in the left upper anterior neck. Examination of

    tissue obtained on biopsy shows partial replacement of a lymph node by a neoplasm; the

    neoplasm is composed of cohesive sheets of polygonal cells with granular eosinophilic

    cytoplasm, prominent intercellular bridges, keratin pearls and pleomorphic round nuclei.

    Immunocytochemical preparations show a strongly positive reaction of the neoplastic

    cells to a high-molecular-weight keratin antibody. There is no reaction to antibodies

    against vimentin and leukocyte common antigen (CD45). Serum S-100 marker is negative.

    Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?

    A- Adenocarcinoma

    B- Malignant lymphoma

    C- Non-Hodgkin lymphoma

    D- Sarcoma

    E- Squamous cell carcinoma

    S-100 is a marker of neuroblastoma and melanoma. Keratin pearls strongly suggest

    squamous cell carcinomas. Remember in the case of melanomas, vertical growth is more

    important than horizontal growth (determines prognosis and metastasis). Basal cell

    carcinomas are more common than all the others, but present with pearly borders.

    6- A 55-year-old woman comes to the physician because of a 2-week history of intermittent

    heartburn. She has a 20-year history of significant sensitivity to cold weather. She states

    that her hands turn white when they are exposed to the cold. She also states that the skin

    on her fingers has become tighter over the past year. Physical examination shows tight,

    shiny, hyperpigmented skin of the face and hands. Several subcutaneous calcifications

    are present in the upper extremities. Joint mobility is normal. Renal and pulmonary

    function studies show no abnormalities. An autoimmune disorder is suspected.

    Autoantibodies directed against which of the following antigens demonstrate a high

    degree of specificity for this patients condition and suggest a benign course?

    A- Cardiolipin = antiphospholipid syndrome (along with lupus anticoagulant, remember

    antiphospholipid syndrome in a woman with increased PT and PTT and recurrent


    B- Centromere: specific for CREST syndrome (milder and more localized form of

    systemic sclerosis or scleroderm)

    C- Double-stranded DNA = Lupus (most specific along with anti-smith

    D- Histone = drug-induced lupus

    E- Scl-70= systemic and most severe form of this disease, so not the right choice

    F- Sm = Lupus (most specific along with anti dsDNA)

    G- SS-A (Ro)= Sjogrens

    H- SS-B (La)= Sjogrens

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    7- A 9-year-old girl has had polyuria, polydipsia, and weight loss for the past 3 weeks. She is

    alert, her breath has a fruity odor, and she has tachypnea. Laboratory studies show:

    Serum Na+: 130 mEq/L

    Serum Cl-: 100 mEq/L

    Serum K+: 5.8 mEq/L

    Serum HCO3-: 6.0 mEq/L

    Serum glucose: 700 mg/dL

    Arterial pH: 7.0

    Arterial PCO2: 16 mm hg

    Which of the following sets of additional findings in serum is most likely?

    -hydroxybutyrate Osmolarity Anion gap






    This is diabetic ketoacidosis! Know it well!

    8- A 2-year-old boy is brought to the physician by his mother for a well-child examination.

    He has a family history of hypothyroidism and thyroiditis. He is at the 60th percentile for

    height and 50th percentile for weight. He is alert and attentive to conversations around

    him, expresses interest in toys located in the waiting room, and has an appropriate

    vocabulary that he uses willingly. However, his mother is concerned that he is smaller

    than his siblings were at the same age. The mother insists that he be tested for thyroid

    disorder. Measurement of which of the following serum concentrations would provide

    the most definitive evidence for normal thyroid function in this patient?

    A- Free thyroxine (FT4)

    B- Iodine/iodide

    C- Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)

    D- Total thyroxine (T4)

    E- Total triiodothyronine (T3)

    T4 and T3 levels may be confusing some times, but TSH is always revealing.

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    9- A 66-year-old nulligravid woman has had vaginal bleeding for 2 months. Menopause

    occurred at age 53. She has type 2 diabetes mellitus and is moderately obese. Bimanual

    examination shows a slightly enlarged uterus; no other abnormalities are noted. Which of

    the following is the most likely diagnosis?

    A- Adenocarcinoma of the cervix: not important

    B- Adenocarcinoma of the endometrium

    C- Adenocarcinoma of the ovary: Almost inexistant

    D- Leiomyosarcoma of the uterus: Female in reproductive ages, with anemia, pelvic

    heaviness, menstrual irregularities, difficulties with pregnancies.

    E- Squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix

    F- Squamous cell carcinoma of the vagina: HPV!

    Painles bleeding in any postmenopausal female should make you suspect either

    endometrial hyperplasia or its major consequence, endometrial carcinoma!

    You wont see adenocarcinoma of the ovary. Squamous cell carcinoma of cervix may be

    asymptomatic or be associated with post-coital bleeding.

    10- Immediately after vaginal delivery of a male newborn at 35 weeks gestation, a 35-year-

    old woman has heavy bleeding. The placenta cannot be delivered because it is attached

    to the uterine wall. Attempts to stop the bleeding are unsuccessful, and an emergency

    hysterectomy is done. Placental membranes are found to be superficially invading the

    myometrium. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?

    A- Abruptio placentae: Severe lower abdominal pain with hypertonic uterus, MCC is

    hypertension. May be caused by trauma or cocaine. May lead to DIC, fetal death,

    Sheehans syndrome. Occurs during 3rd trimester of pregnancy.

    B- Placenta accreta

    C- Placenta percreta: deeper invasion (if invasion involves the serosa, it is increta)

    D- Placenta previa: painless bleeding during the 3rd trimester of pregnancy

    E- Placental infarction: may be a complication of preeclampsia

    11- A 25-year-old woman comes to the physician because of increasingly severe pain of the

    right hip during the past week. She runs 5 miles daily and recently changed her route

    because of construction. She now runs on uneven ground rather than pavement. Range

    of motion of the hip is full. The pain is exacerbated by flexion and internal rotation of the

    hip and by direct palpation over the lateral aspect of the hip. Which of the following

    structures is most likely involved in her condition?

    A- Anserine bursa: pain over the superior-medial area of the tibia.

    B- Ischial bursa: pain on sitting over the buttocks.

    C- Psoas bursa: No pain after direct palpation over lateral aspect of hip

    D- Sacroiliac joint:

    E- Sciatic nerve: Pain on posterior aspect of thigh, lateral leg, plantar foot. Pain worsens

    with straight-leg raising maneuver. Due to L4-L5 and L5-S1 herniation.

    F- Trochanteric bursa: pain only over the lateral aspect of the hip! Major trochanter.

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    12- A 20-year-old man comes to the physician because of a 2-month history of persistent pain

    in his right knee. He is a college football player. Physical examination shows a stable right

    knee with tenderness to palpation. An x-ray of the right knee is shown; the arrow

    indicates an abnormality. The most likely cause of this patients pain is ossification of

    which of the following?

    A- Lateral collateral ligament: next to


    B- Lateral meniscus

    C- Medial collateral ligament

    D- Medial meniscus

    E- Tendon of adductor magnus

    13- A 10-year-old boy is brought to the physician because of increased urination and

    progressive fatigue during the past 2 weeks. Vital signs are normal except for a pulse of

    120/min. physical examination shows dry mucous membranes and dry skin. His fasting

    serum glucose concentration is 350 mg/dL. Which of the following mechanisms best

    explains the increased urine output in this patient?

    A- Decreased synthesis and release of ADH (vasopressin): is going to be increased

    instead of decreased because of the hyperosmolarity

    B- Disruption of the transverse gradient in the loop of Henle: the gradient is unaltered.

    C- Increased glomerular filtration rate

    D- Increased osmolarity in the tubular lumen: glucose behaves as an osmotic diuretic in


    E- Inhibition of the Na+/glucose transporter (SGLT-1) in the proximal tubule

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    14- A 35-year-old man is brought to the emergency department 1 hour after he sustained a

    fracture of his left radius in a fall. He has end-stage renal disease and has been receiving

    hemodialysis for 10 years. An x-ray of the left upper extremity shows osteopenia. The

    most likely cause of the osteopenia is decreased synthesis and secretion of which of the

    following substances?

    A- Calcitonin

    B- 1,25-Dihydroxycholecalciferol: 1 alpha hydroxylase is only in the kidney!

    C- Erythropoietin

    D- Parathyroid hormone (PTH, Parathormone): is going to be increased

    E- Renin

    15- A 5-year-old girl is brought to the physician by her parents for an initial physical

    examination. They recently moved to town, and they failed to bring any medical records.

    They state that the child was behind in most of her developmental milestones, and that

    her teeth erupted late. During the last 3 years, she has sustained fractures of both

    upper extremities as well as her left lower extremity. The physician notes a distinct nasal

    quality to the childs voice. Her height is at the 10th percentile, and her weight is at the

    30th percentile. Physical examination shows frontal bossing of the skull. X-rays confirm

    the healed fractures and show generalized increase in bone density, and widening of

    the metaphyses and diaphysis of the long bones. Which of the following are most likely

    to be defective in this patient?

    A- Chondroblasts

    B- Chondrocytes

    C- Myocytes

    D- Osteoblasts

    E- Osteoclasts: this is osteopetrosis (marble bone disease), a disease in which bones are

    thicker but weaker.

    F- Osteocytes

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    16- A 69-year-old man is brought to the physician because of a 2-day history of pain of his

    right knee. During the past 3 years, he also has had recurrent episodes of pain of the left

    great toe and one episode of pain and swelling of the left elbow. These episodes

    improved following use of over-the-counter ibuprofen, he has hypertension,

    gastrointestinal reflux disease, and hypercholesterolemia. Current medications include

    hydrochlorothiazide, ranitidine, and atorvastatin. Physical examination shows erythema

    and warmth over the right knee. Nodules are present on the helix of the left ear, chin,

    right shoulder, middle back, and lower back. Which of the following nodules is most likely

    a tophus (due to hyperuricemia)?

    A- Chin

    B- Ear: gout tophi appear in hands and ears mainly.

    C- Lower back

    D- Middle back

    E- Shoulder

    17- A 42-year-old woman has the sudden onset of abdominal pain 1 day after undergoing

    abdominal hysterectomy because of leiomyomata uteri. Her temperature is 38.3 C (101

    F). Abdominal examination shows tenderness over the right lower quadrant. Retrograde

    pyelography shows contrast in the left renal pelvis and none in the right renal pelvis. A

    structure that passes inferior to which of the following was most likely severed during the


    A- Ovarian artery

    B- Ovarian ligament

    C- Mesosalpinx

    D- Round ligament of the uterus

    E- Uterine artery: Very important! The ureters pass below the uterine arteries in pelvis

    and can be damaged during pelvic surgeries such as this. The pyelography shows that

    no contrast media are passing through right ureter because it has been cut.

    18- A 25-year-old man is brought to the emergency department because of confusion and

    stupor for 1 hour. He is a nurse. This is his fourth similar episode within the past 4

    months; he is asymptomatic between the episodes, which are not related to meals.

    Physical examination shows no abnormalities. Laboratory studies show a serum glucose

    concentration of 30 mg/dL. Serum glucose concentrations during his previous episodes

    have ranged from 20 mg/dL to 40 mg/dL. Dextrose resolved the symptoms during his

    previous visits. In addition to stabilizing the patient, which of the following is the most

    appropriate next step in establishing a diagnosis?

    A- 24-hour urine collection for measurement of ACTH

    B- Measurement of serum C-peptide concentration: this is the only way for you to know

    if this insulin comes from a pancreatic insulinoma or from exogenous sources

    (factitious or surreptitious administration). If peptide C is high, then you order the CT


    C- Measurement of serum cortisol concentration

    D- CT scan of the pancreas

    E- Prednisone therapy

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    19- A 30-year-old man with HIV infection comes to the physician because of a rash for 3

    weeks. The rash is not pruritic or painful. He has not had fevers or chills, and there have

    been no recent changes in the soaps and detergents that he uses. He takes no

    medications. He does not smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol. His vital signs are within

    normal limits. Physical examination shows diffuse lesions on his chest, back, and arms

    similar to those shown in the photograph. There are no lesions on the palms or soles.

    Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?

    A- Herpes simplex: painful, burning

    B- Human papillomavirus infection

    C- Kaposis sarcoma

    D- Molluscum contagiosum: look at the

    central dimpling!

    E- Rickettsia ricketsii infection: maculo-

    papular rash (no dimpling)

    F- Syphilis: maculo-papular rash (no


    20- A 31-year-old woman has her pituitary stalk (which includes the dopaminergic tubero-

    infundibular tract) inadvertently transected during an operation to remove a tumor

    adjacent to the hypothalamic area. Secretion of which of the following pituitary

    hormones is most likely to be increased in this patient as a result of the transection?

    A- ACTH

    B- Growth hormone

    C- Luteinizing hormone

    D- Prolactin: If you destroy the stalk, dopamine and all releasing hormones decrease.

    Only prolactin will increase as a consequence. All other pituitary hormones will


    E- Thyroid-stimulating hormone

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    21- A 52-year-old woman dies 9 months after being diagnosed with well-differentiated ductal

    carcinoma of the right breast metastatic to the brain, lung and liver. Her mother and one

    of her sisters also have died of breast cancer. Which of the following molecular

    abnormalities is most likely to be found in this patient?

    A- Amplification of the HER2 gene in somatic cells: no heredity

    B- Amplification of the N-myc gene in neoplastic cells: neuroblastoma

    C- Deletion of the Rb locus in healthy somatic cells: Retinoblastoma

    D- Fusion of the BCR and C-ABL genes in neoplastic cells: Philadelphia chromosome, AML

    E- Germline inactivation of the BRCA1 gene: autosomal-dominant familial breast cancer

    22- A previously healthy 47-year-old woman comes to the physician because of a 3-week

    history of easy fatigability, proximal muscle weakness, pruritus, constipation, and lower

    abdominal pain. Her mother, who is still alive, had a tumor in her thyroid gland and

    another one in her adrenal gland surgically removed. The patient is found to have renal

    calculi and a parathyroid adenoma. Follow-up genetic testing is recommended. Which of

    the following genes should be tested?

    A- BRCA1: breast and ovarian cancers

    B- BRCA2

    C- CFTR

    D- P53 tumor suppressor gene: all cancers, but RET is more specific for MEN 2

    E- Ret protooncogene: this is MEN 2A

    23- A 65-year-old woman comes to the clinic 8 weeks after she found a lump in her right

    breast on self-examination. Physical examination shows dimpling over the mass.

    Mammography of the breast shows a 4-cm mass in the lower lateral quadrant of the right

    breast. The dimpling of the skin is most likely due to traction of the tumor on which of the

    following structures?

    A- Branches of the cutaneous pectoral nerves

    B- Lactiferous ducts

    C- Mammary arteries and veins

    D- Mammary lymphatics

    E- Suspensory (Cooper) ligaments: very important! Dimpling is not only caused by


    24- A 52-year-old woman has had slowly progressive weakness and weight loss of 9 kg (20 lb)

    for 4 months. She has never traveled outside of the USA. Her blood pressure is 82/50 mm

    Hg. Her skin shows diffuse hyperpigmentation. Plasma concentration of ACTH is markedly

    increased, and the serum concentration of cortisol is decreased. CT scans of the chest and

    abdomen disclose no mass lesions. Which of the following is the most likely etiology of

    this patients disease?

    A- Autoimmune: MCC of Addisons disease is autoimmune destruction of adrenal cortex

    B- Congenital

    C- Infectious

    D- Metabolic

    E- Neoplastic

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    25- A 25-year-old woman is evaluated for infertility. She has a history of pelvic inflammatory

    disease due to Neisseria gonorrhoeae infections. Based on history alone, the most likely

    cause of this patients infertility is the effect of her infection on which of the following


    A- Cervical glands

    B- Endometrium

    C- Fallopian tube: fibrosis induced by pelvic inflammatory disease

    D- Myometrium

    E- Ovary

    26- A 65-year-old man comes to the physician because of increasingly severe pain in his right

    leg during the past month. The pain occurs after walking 2 blocks and resolves with rest.

    He has no numbness, tingling, weakness or swelling. He has type 2 diabetes mellitus,

    hypertension, and hypercholesterolemia. Current medications include metformin,

    hydrochlorothiazide, and pravastatin. He has smoked 1 packs of cigarettes daily for 40

    years. His pulse is 80/min, and blood pressure is 140/90 mm Hg. Physical examination

    shows no tenderness or edema of the lower extremities. The dorsal pedal and posterior

    tibial pulses are 1+ (decreased) on the right and 2+ (normal) on the left. Patellar and

    Achilles deep tendon reflexes are 1+ bilaterally (hyporreflexia). Which of the following is

    the most likely cause of this patients condition?

    A- Deep venous thrombosis: pain in one side with edema

    B- Diabetic neuropathy: symmetric peripheral neuropathy with tingling, numbness

    C- Osteoarthritis: pain over weight-bearing joints

    D- Peripheral vascular disease: This man has claudication, a sign of vascular

    insufficiency. Probably associated with atherosclerosis.

    E- Spinal stenosis: paraparesis

    27- A 42-year-old man with hypertension, gout, and type 1 diabetes mellitus undergoes renal

    transplantation. His immunosuppressive regimen includes azathioprine, prednisone, and

    cyclosporine. The dose of azathioprine would have to be adjusted if he is taking which of

    the following drugs?

    A- Allopurinol: allopurinol inactivates xanthine oxidase, the enzyme that in turn

    inactivates azathioprine. Remember azathioprine is converted ty 6-MP.

    B- Atenolol

    C- Diltiazem

    D- Glyburide

    E- Urecholine

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    28- A 16-month-old girl is brought to the physician for a routine examination. Physical

    examination shows hypertension, rapid eye movements, and a firm, nodular midline

    abdominal mass. Laboratory studies show increased urine concentrations of homovanillic

    acid and vanillylmandelic acid. Which of the following is the most likely cause of the

    findings in this patient?

    A- Aldosterone-secreting adenoma

    B- Hepatoblastoma

    C- Medulloblastoma

    D- Nephroblastoma

    E- Neuroblastoma

    29- A 40-year-old primigravid woman at 8 weeks gestation comes to the physician for a

    routine prenatal visit. Her blood pressure is 150/90 mm Hg. Ultrasonography of the

    abdomen shows echogenic tissue without the presence of a fetus. A dilation and

    curettage is performed, and the tissue removed is shown. This patient is at greatest risk

    for which of the following complications?

    A- Choriocarcinoma

    B- Eclampsia

    C- Ectopic pregnancy

    D- Placenta accreta

    E- Placenta extrachorialis

    F- Placenta previa

    G- Placental site trophoblastic tumor

    H- Villitis of unknown cause

    30- A 67-year-old man with small cell carcinoma of the lung develops antibodies directed

    against the P/Q-type Ca++ channel (this is lambert-Eaton syndrome). He is at increased

    risk for developing a neurologic syndrome that most closely resembles that produced by

    which of the following toxins?

    A- Botulinum: flaccid paralysis

    B- Diphtheria

    C- Organophosphate: fasciculations

    D- Strychnine: tetany

    E- Tetanus : tetany

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    31- A 54-year-old woman comes to the physician for a routine examination. She has had

    symptoms of menopause for approximately 15 months. She inquires about the risks and

    benefits of combined hormone replacement therapy. She says she has obtained some

    information from a web site on the internet and understands the effects of estrogen.

    However, she is unsure of the purpose of progesterone in the therapy regimen. She is

    provided with literature from the Womens health initiative trial and the heart and

    Estrogen/Progestin replacement study. After fully explaining the results of the research,

    which of the following is the most appropriate response by the physician regarding the

    beneficial effects of progesterone?

    A- Decreases thromboembolic disease

    B- Decreases vaginal atrophy

    C- Increases serum HDL-cholesterol concentration

    D- Prevents endometrial hyperplasia: this is why you use progesterone

    E- Prevents osteoporosis

    32- A 16-year-old girl comes to the physician because of a 10-year history of a lesion on her

    left arm. Physical examination shows a 1-cm pigmented lesion on the left forearm.

    Following excision, the edges of the defect are opposed (brought together), and the

    wound is sutured. Increased mitotic activity of which of the following cells is most likely

    to reestablish epidermal continuity in this patient by replacing dead epidermal cells?

    A- Basal cells: reepitelization

    B- Corneocytes

    C- Langerhans cells

    D- Macrophages

    E- Melanocytes

    F- Merkel cells

    33- A 25-year-old woman comes to the physician because she has not had a menstrual period

    for 1 year. Menses began at age 14 years, and until the past year have occurred every 28

    days and lasted 5 days. She does not have any children but would like to start a family.

    Examination is unremarkable. A pregnancy test is negative. Laboratory studies show an

    increased serum prolactin concentration and normal serum thyroid-stimulating hormone

    (TSH) and thyroxine (T4) concentrations. Cranial imaging shows a pituitary

    microadenoma. Which of the following agents is likely to be most effective in achieving


    A- Dopamine agonist: dopamine is prolactin-inhibitory factor (such as bromocriptine)

    B- Estrogen agonist

    C- Gonadotropin agonist

    D- Progesterone agonist

    F- Testosterone agonist

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    34- The binding of a ligand to a membrane-bound receptor can result in a conformational

    change in the receptor leading to activation of an enzyme such as adenylyl cyclase, which

    uses ATP to generate AMP. This conformational change is initiated by a series of events

    that requires the binding of which of the following nucleotides in order to activate

    adenylyl cyclase?

    A- ADP

    B- AMP

    C- ATP

    D- GDP: binds G protein when it is inactive

    E- GTP: Hormone Receptor G-protein GTP binds G protein G protein alpha

    activates adenylyl cyclase cAMP increases and stimulates protein kinase A

    35- A 75-year-old woman begins treatment with several drugs for osteoporosis. 2 weeks

    later, she develops a burning sensation in her chest and throat daily approximately 2

    hours after taking her medications. Which of the following medications is the most likely

    cause of the development of the burning sensation in this patient?

    A- Alendronate: this is an adverse effect of this drug group (erosive esophagitis)

    B- Calcitonin

    C- Raloxifene

    D- Sodium fluoride

    E- Vitamin D

    36- A 2-month-old girl has asymmetric gluteal folds. Physical examination reveals a palpable

    "clunk" present when the hip is reduced in and out of the acetabulum. If untreated, the

    underlying pelvic condition will most likely progress to an erosive arthropathy. Which of

    the following is the most likely diagnosis?

    Diagnosis: congenital dysplasia of the hip joint (congenital dislocation of hip joint)

    A- Dislocation: if the condition is not treated, the child will walk with a limp

    B- Fasciitis

    C- Ganglion

    D- Myositis ossificans

    E- Sprain

    F- Strain

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    37- A 36-year-old man comes to the physician because of pain in his right lower leg for 3

    days. He recently increased his running routine from 12 to 24 miles per week. Physical

    examination shows tenderness of the right lower extremity. An x-ray of the lower

    extremity shows a stress fracture of the right lower tibia. Which of the following is most

    likely increased in this patient?

    A- Osteoblast activity at the fracture: they are supposed to become osteocytes in order

    to repair bone

    B- Serum Ca++ concentration: Ca++ concentration does not change during fracture


    C- Serum magnesium concentration

    D- Serum parathyroid hormone concentration: no change, could worsen fracture

    E- Serum phosphorus concentration: no change

    F- Serum vitamin D concentration: will change if you give supplements

    38- Which of the following labeled curves best describes the variation in blood estradiol

    concentration during the menstrual cycle?

    A- LH

    B- FSH

    C- Progesterone

    The answer is D.

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    39- A 55-year-old man comes to the emergency department 2 hours after he fell on his right

    wrist. He has a 1-year history of coronary artery disease and a 2-year history of

    heartburn. Examination of the right wrist shows exquisite tenderness to palpation and

    swelling. The patient asks, Do you think you could prescribe celecoxib for the pain? Ive

    heard that it wont upset my stomach like aspirin does. The physician is reluctant to

    prescribe this drug because other drugs in the same category have been associated with

    increased risk for myocardial infarction, associated with increased thrombogenesis. This

    increased risk is most likely caused by which of the following mechanisms?

    A- Greater inhibition of cyclooxygenase-1 (COX-1) than COX-2 enzymes

    B- Inhibition of COX-2 enzyme in gastric epithelial cells

    C- Inhibition of lipoxygenase preventing the formation of leukotrienes D4 and C4

    D- Inhibition of prostacyclin (PGI2) formation without inhibition of thromboxane A2 in


    E- Inhibition of prostaglandin E2 formation

    PGI2 is antithrombotic, Thromboxane A2 is thrombogenic!

    40- A male newborn has an abnormal blood thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)

    concentration at birth. Physical examination shows an anterior cervical mass high in the

    neck; the thyroid gland is not palpable. Serum studies show a TSH concentration of 30

    U/mL (N < 5), thyroxine (T4) concentration less than 3 U/mL ( N = 4-12), and

    triiodothyronine (T3) concentration of 65 ng/dL (N = 80-100). Which of the following is

    the most likely cause of these findings?

    A- Anti-TSH receptor antibody

    B- Lingual thyroid

    C- Negative iodine balance

    D- Sodium/iodine symporter gene mutation

    E- Thyroid carcinoma

  • 17

    41- A 26-year-old man who was stabbed in the right side of the neck has a nerve injury. The

    physician is unable to detect a muscle stretch reflex in the right biceps. This injury most

    likely affected the function of which of the following nerves?

    A- Axillary: weak abduction, flexion, extension of arm, anesthesia in shoulder

    B- Median: weak opposition of thumb, anesthesia in thenar region, weak flexion of

    digits, Benedict hand (MCC of lesion: carpal tunel syndrome, may be damaged in

    suicide attempts when they cut on the wrist)

    C- Musculocutaneous

    D- Radial: wrist drop, weak extension of digits, lost triceps reflex, anesthesia in dorsal

    skin of upper limb (Most important cause of damage: fracture of mid shaft of


    E- Ulnar: weak adduction and abduction of fingers, claw hand, anesthesia in little finger

    ( Most important lesion is in medial epicondyle of humerus)

    Nerve lesions are high-yield! Remember the clinical findings will depend on the specific site where the

    nerve is damaged! Dont expect to see loss of triceps reflex if the radial nerve is damaged on the


    42- A 15-year-old girl has virilizing adrenal hyperplasia. Increased serum concentrations of

    11-deoxycorticosterone have resulted in hypernatremia, hypokalemia, and hypervolemia.

    Serum ACTH concentration is increased, but serum aldosterone concentration is

    decreased. Administration of dexamethasone normalizes ACTH, 11-deoxycorticosterone,

    aldosterone, and androgen concentrations. Which of the following labeled enzymes is

    most likely to be defective in this


    The answer is F.

    E will result in hypovolemia, hypotension,

    hyperkalemia and pseuedohermaphroditism

    present at birth,

    B will result in delayed sexual maturation,

    hypertension, hypokalemia, hypervolemia,

    increased aldosterone.

  • 18

    43- A 52-year-old woman comes to the physician because of pain in her right knee. The knee

    is red, warm, and swollen. Serum uric acid concentration is 11.4 mg/dL. Joint fluid

    aspirate shows negatively birefringent crystals. Indomethacin therapy is started and she

    begins a purine-restricted diet. One week later, her 24-hour urinary acid excretion is 800

    mg/day N = 300-600 mg/day). Which of the following is most appropriate to decrease

    the serum uric acid concentration in this patient?

    A- Allopurinol

    B- Aspirin: may increase uric acid excretion (not decrease production) at high doses

    C- Colchicine: Drug of choice for acute attacks! Doesnt affect production, it is a

    microtubular inhibitor, so it prevents macrophage invasion and further inflammation

    D- Probenecid: Increases uric acid elimination, and may decrease the elimination of

    many other agents and drugs.

    E- Sulfinpyrazone: uricosuric (increases excretion)

    44- A 43-year-old woman has hyporreflexia and a hoarse voice. She has a decreased plasma

    thyroid-stimulating hormone concentration that increases after she is given thyrotropin-

    releasing hormone. The most likely diagnosis is hypothyroidism caused by which of the


    A- Abnormality in the hypothalamus: TRH is produced by hypothalamus, and Is deficient

    here. It induces the anterior pituitary to release TSH.

    B- Abnormality in the pituitary gland: TSH responds to TRH. If it didint, then it would be


    C- Abnormality in the thyroid gland: no response to TRH or TSH administration.

    D- Dietary iodine deficiency: no response to TRH or TSH administration.

    E- Resistance to thyroid hormone

    45- A 45-year-old man comes to the emergency after inadvertently taking an overdose of

    metoprolol. His pulse is 40/min and blood pressure is 80/50 mm Hg. Glucagon is

    administered intravenously. 5 minutes later, his pulse is 70/min and blood pressure is

    130/80 mm Hg. Which of the following best describes the mechanism of action of

    glucagon in this patient?

    A- Inhibition of cardiac muscarinic 2 (M2) receptors

    B- Inhibition of phosphodiesterase

    C- Opening of K+ channels

    D- Potentiation of drug-induced hypoglycemia

    E- Stimulation of adenylyl cyclase: glucagon stimulates Gs protein

  • 19

    46- A 19-year-old woman with a 5-year history of poorly controlled type 1 diabetes mellitus

    gives birth to a plethoric, macrosomic male newborn who weighs 5 kg (11 lb). 12 hours

    later the newborn has hypoglycemia. Which of the following is the most likely cause of

    these findings in the newborn?

    A- Increased fetal pancreatic secretion of insulin: maternal hyperglycemia causes fetal

    hyperglycemia Fetal insulin secretion Macrosomia an hypoglycemia

    B- Increased fatal production of cortisol

    C- Increased fetal production of growth hormone

    D- Maternal anti-insulin antibodies, which cross the placenta

    E- Maternal insulin, which crosses the placenta

    47- A 27-year-old woman has had menses once every 4-6 months since age 16 years.

    Menarche occurred at age 12 years, and she had regular 28-day cycles until she joined

    the high school track team at age 16 years. She now runs 30-40 miles weekly. She eats a

    healthy diet. She is 170 cm (5 ft 7 in) tall and weighs 61 kg (135 lb). BMI is 21 kg/m2. This

    woman has an increased risk for developing which of the following?

    A- Anorexia nervosa

    B- Endometriosis

    C- Osteoporosis: Sports decrease GnRH release, therefore decrease FSH and and this

    may cause menstrual irregularities. The less estrogen, the higher the risk of


    D- Ovarian cancer

    E- Vitamin B12 deficiency

    48- A 49-year-old man undergoes radical neck dissection for a malignancy. All four

    parathyroid glands are removed. He has hypocalcemia postoperatively. Calcium

    concentration returns to the reference range with calcium and vitamin D

    supplementation. Which of the following best describes the result of loss of parathyroid

    hormone on vitamin D metabolism?

    A- Decreased cutaneous synthesis of vitamin D from steroid precursors

    B- Decreased hepatic conversion of vitamin D to 25-hydroxycholecalciferol

    C- Decreased intestinal absorption of dietary vitamin D

    D- Decreased number of 1,25 dihydroxycholecalciferol receptors

    E- Decreased renal conversion of 25-hydroxycholecalciferol to 1,25-

    dihydroxycholecalciferol: 1 hydroxylase, induced by PTH!

    F- Increased hepatic catabolism of vitamin D

  • 20

    49- After being given an infusion of mannitol, a healthy person is most likely to have which of

    the following changes in plasma osmolarity and plasma ADH (vasopressin) concentration?

    The answer is A: ADH will increase because of

    the increased osmolarity.

    50- A 68-year-old man comes to the emergency department because of chest pain for 30

    minutes. An ECG shows a regular rate and rhythm and inverted T waves. While laboratory

    studies are being done, he is given oxygen and aspirin. Aspirin is most appropriate in the

    treatment of this patient because of the inhibition of which of the following enzymes?

    A- Cyclooxygenase

    B- Lipoxygenase

    C- Phospholipase A2

    D- Prostacyclin (PGI2) synthase

    E- Thromboxane A2 synthase

    51- A 30-year-old woman is being treated for leuprolide for estrogen-dependent breast

    cancer. After 2 months of continuous treatment, which of the following is the most likely

    effect on the secretion of luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)

    from the pituitary gland?

    LH FSH

    A- : same as question #1!

    B- (no change)




  • 21

    52- A 20-year-old woman comes to the physician for an examination prior to participating on

    the college varsity volleyball team. She has a 1-month history of mild facial acne. Physical

    examination shows no other abnormalities. Treatment with a topical agent is begun. 3

    weeks later, she returns to the physician because of leg swelling and weight gain. Physical

    examination shows severe facial acne and acne on the chest and back. There is 2+ pitting

    edema of the lower extremities. Laboratory studies show a mildly increased serum direct

    bilirubin concentration and serum transaminase activity, suggesting cholestasis.

    Hematocrit s 52% (N = 35-45% in females). The most likely cause of her condition is self-

    administration of which of the following substances?

    A- ACTH

    B- Ethinyl estradiol: estrogen, unlikely to cause this

    C- Growth hormone: may cause all these except increased red blood cells, acne and

    cholestasis. Testosterone is a steroid hormone.

    D- Hydrocortisone

    E- Methandrostenolone: androgen. May cause all these and eve aggressive behavior

    and changes in voice.

    53- A 70-year-old man comes to the physician because of a 2-year history of urinary hesitancy

    and frequency. He states that he wakes 2-3 times a night to void and that during the past

    year he has had intermittent pain with urination. Physical examination shows no

    abnormalities. Results of urinalysis are within the reference range. Ultrasonography of

    the abdomen shows bilateral dilation of the renal collecting system. Which of the

    following is the most likely diagnosis?

    A- Adenocarcinoma of the prostate: involves peripheral lobe, palpable hard nodule

    B- Benign prostatic hyperplasia: Involves the periurethral lobe, causes urethral


    C- Nephroblastoma

    D- Renal cell carcinoma

    E- Ureterolithiasis

    F- Ureteropelvic junction stricture

    G- Urethral valves

    H- Urothelial carcinoma of the bladder

    54- A 27-year-old woman has a suprasellar craniopharyngioma, which leads to pressure-

    induced atrophy of the posterior pituitary. Which of the following responses is most likely

    in the kidney?

    A- Decreased production of 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol

    B- Decreased Na+ reabsorption in the proximal convoluted tubule

    C- Increased Ca++ reabsorption in the proximal tubule

    D- Increased water reabsorption by the thick limb of the loop of Henle

    E- Production of a hypotonic urine

  • 22

    55- A 60-year-old woman comes to the physician because of vaginal bleeding. Menopause

    occurred at age 52; she has not had vaginal dryness or hot flashes and has not been on

    hormone replacement therapy. She has type 1 diabetes mellitus and weighs 114 kg (250

    lb). Physical examination shows absence of vaginal atrophy and scant blood from the

    cervix. An increase in the serum concentration of which of the following hormones most

    likely accounts for these findings?

    A- Cortisol

    B- Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate

    C- Estrone: most important estrogen after menopause!

    D- Progesterone

    E- Prolactin

    56- A 31-year-old woman has an enlarged right ovary detected on pelvic examination and

    confirmed on endovaginal ultrasonography. At laparoscopy, an 8-cm cyst filled with thick

    brown material is removed. Histologic sections show that the cyst is lined by

    macrophages containing abundant hemosiderin. Which of the following is the most likely


    A- Adenomyosis

    B- Benign cystic teratoma

    C- Endometrioma: chocolate cysts!

    D- Polycystic ovary

    E- Struma ovarii

    57- A 29-year-old primigravid woman at 22 weeks gestation has anxiety and poor

    concentration. She has gained 2.3 kg 95 (5 lb) during the pregnancy. Her pulse is 110/min

    and blood pressure is 132/65 mm Hg. She has a fine tremor and warm, moist skin. She

    has had intermittent palpitations and 3 loose bowel movements per day for the past 6

    weeks. Findings on prenatal visits up to this time have been unremarkable. Hemoglobin

    and serum glucose levels are within the reference ranges. The most appropriate next step

    is to assess the function of which of the following?

    A- Central nervous system

    B- Gastrointestinal tract

    C- Heart

    D- Kidney

    E- Liver

    F- Thyroid gland

  • 23

    58- During an investigational study, a newly synthesized drug (Drug X) is found to selectively

    block the effects of inhibin. A researcher administers Drug X to an experimental animal.

    Which of the following is most likely to occur?

    A- Decreased serum FSH concentration

    B- Decreased serum GnRH concentration

    C- Increased serum FSH concentration: Inhibin has negative feedback effects over FSH,

    so if you block it, FHS will increase!

    D- Increased serum GnRH concentration

    E- Leydig cell atrophy

    F- Leydig cell hypertrophy

    59- Which of the following best describes peptide hormones?

    Receptor location Onset of action Examples

    A- Cell membrane Rapid Aldosterone

    B- Cell membrane Rapid Insulin

    C- Cell membrane Slow Aldosterone

    D- Cell membrane Slow Insulin

    E- Nucleus or cytosolic Rapid Aldosterone

    F- Nucleus or cytosolic Rapid Insulin

    G- Nucleus or cytosolic Slow Aldosterone

    H- Nucleus or cytosolic Slow Insulin

    60- An 81-year-old man with urinary frequency and incomplete bladder emptying undergoes

    a transurethral resection. A photomicrograph of the resected specimen is shown.

    Metastasis of the neoplasm will most characteristically involve which of the following


    A- Adrenal gland

    B- Bone: prostate adenocarcinoma, osteolytic

    /osteoblastic metastasis

    C- Brain

    D- Liver

    E- Lung

  • 24

    61- Which of the following best describes plasma and urine osmolarity in a 27-year-old

    woman who has nephrogenic diabetes insipidus?

    Urine Osmolarity

    Plasma osmolarity After mild H2O deprivation After administration of ADH





    Remember, in nephrogenic diabetes insipidus, ADH is normally produced, the problem is in

    the kidneys! So dont expect any response after giving ADH! If it is central DI, then there

    will be increased urine osmolarity.

    62- A 16-year-old girl is brought to the physician by her mother because she has never had a

    menstrual period. She is 140 cm (4 ft 7 in) tall and weighs 45 kg (100 lb); BMI is 23 kg/m2.

    Physical examination shows little development of secondary sexual characteristics. Which

    of the following findings is most likely on examination of the ovaries?

    A- Atrophy: Streak gonads in Turners! LH and FSH

    B- Corpora lutea

    C- Gonadoblastoma

    D- Polycystic ovarian disease

    E- Teratoma

    63- A 20-year-old woman has had progressive weakness, anorexia, intermittent vomiting, and

    a 6-kig (13.2 lb) weight loss over the past 6 months. She is thin, her blood pressure is

    88/60 mm Hg, and there is diffuse brown darkening of the elbow creases and in an old

    appendectomy scar. Which of the following sets of laboratory findings is most likely in

    this patient?

    ACTH Serum Cortisol Serum Aldosterone Urine Na+ Urine K+






    Addisons disease. MCC is autoimmne destruction of adrenal cortex. Cortisol,

    aldosterone, sex hormones will decrease. If aldosterone decreases, Na+ reabsorption

    decreases and therefore increases in urine, K+ secretion deceases and therefore it

    increases in blood. As cortisol cannot exert its negative feedback on anterior pituitary

    for ACTH release, ACTH will increase. Option A could be caused by anterior pituitary


  • 25

    64- An 18-year-old man has an appendectomy. 2 weeks later, the abdominal incision has

    healed well and has a pink, shiny, granular appearance. Which of the following findings is

    most likely on examination of tissue obtained from the healing area?

    A- Granulation tissue with angiogenesis: Granulation tissue with type III collagen!

    B- Chronic inflammation with epithelioid cells

    C- Fibrinoid necrosis: only vasculitis!

    D- Granulomatous inflammation

    E- Ischemic injury

    65- Embryonic chondrogenesis requires the formation of mesenchymal condensations at the

    sites of future cartilage. During this developmental step, cAMP concentrations in the cells

    comprising the condensation increase significantly. Treatment with a membrane-

    permeable form of cAMP allows individual mesenchymal cells to differentiate into

    chondrocytes without first forming these condensations. Inhibition of which of the

    following enzymes would most directly inhibit cAMP-mediated induction of

    chondrogenesis from mesenchyme?

    A- Guanylyl cyclase: converts GTP to cGMP

    B- Phosphodiesterase: degrades cGMP and cAMP, inhibited by sildenafil and milrinone.

    C- Proteasome: destroys defective proteins and muscle protein during starvation.

    Requires polyubiquination to target defective or normal muscle proteins.

    D- Protein kinase A

    E- Tyrosine kinase: insulin, PDGF, FGF, IGF, VEGF (growth factors!)

    66- A 45-year-old woman comes to the physician because of a 6-month history of mouth

    ulcers, thickening of the skin, and throbbing pain in her hands when they are exposed to

    the cold. She also has had a 1-month history of severe headaches and difficulty

    swallowing. Physical examination shows small red lesions around the mouth and

    generalized muscle weakness. Laboratory studies show a high titer of anti-Scl 70 (anti-

    topoisomerase I) antibody. A biopsy specimen of the skin shows thinning of the

    epidermis, hyalinization and obliteration of arterioles, and dermal thickening. These

    dermatologic changes are caused primarily by the release of chemokines from which of

    the following inflammatory cell types?

    A- Endothelial cells

    B- Eosinophils

    C- Lymphocytes

    D- Mast cells

    E- Platelets

    F- Segmented neutrophils

  • 26

    67- A 19-year-old man has had continuous pain in his left knee since a motorcycle collision 10

    days ago. Physical examination shows excessive posterior movement of the tibia relative

    to the femur. Flexion and extension are normal, and there is no evidence of anterior,

    medial, or lateral instability. Injury of which of the following labeled structures in the

    sagittal MRI of a normal knee is most likely associated

    with these findings?

    The answer is E: posterior cruciate ligament.

    D is anterior cruciate ligament.

    A is skin above patellar ligament which looks black.

    C is fat.

    B is transverse ligament.

  • 27

    68- A 68-year-old woman is brought to the emergency department by her husband 3 hours

    after the onset of severe pain in the middle of her lower back after carrying groceries. She

    takes no medications and has never received hormone replacement therapy. Physical

    examination shows tenderness over the lumbosacral spine. Neurologic examination

    shows no focal findings. Which of the following findings is most likely on an x-ray of the


    A- Compression fracture of L4: MC fracture in people with osteoporosis usually

    associated with straining such as in this case!

    B- Facet joint dislocation at L3-L4

    C- Fracture of lateral process of L1

    D- Herniation of the L5-S1 intervertebral disc: pain would be felt lumbar region,

    radiating to posterior thig, lateral leg and plantar foot. Positive straight-leg rising

    test. Not usually sudden.

    E- Spinal stenosis at T12

    69- A 22-year-old woman who is a marathon runner has a stress fracture of the tibia. She

    participates in a study in which bone density is measured and is found to have decreased

    bone density. Which of the following is the most likely cause?

    A- Calcitonin deficiency

    B- Cortisol deficiency

    C- Estrogen deficiency: exercise decreases GnRH, this decreases FSH and LH, which

    results in decreased estrogen production and bone resorption will be greater than

    bone formation.

    D- Growth hormone deficiency

    E- Insulin deficiency

    F- Parathyroid hormone deficiency

    G- Parathyroid hormone excess: nothing here suggests this

    H- Thyroid hormone deficiency

    I- Thyroid hormone excess

    70- A 55-year-old woman comes to the physician because of a 3-month history of chronic

    back pain and difficulty walking. Neurologic examination shows tenderness of the spine

    and footdrop. Lumbar myelograms are shown. As the lumbar disc herniates into the

    spinal canal, which of the following ligaments is pushed into the spinal root nerves?

    A- Anterior longitudinal ligament

    B- Cruciform ligament

    C- Interspinous ligament

    D- Posterior longitudinal ligament

    E- Supraspinous ligament

  • 28

    71- In a 24-year-old woman, which of the following is most likely to induce a shift in the

    normal balance of bone accretion (formation) and resorption toward net bone loss?

    A- Bodybuilding and use of anabolic steroids: this would shift the normal balance toward

    bone formation! Androgens are anabolic!

    B- Eating a high-calcium diet: no effect

    C- Living on a space station for the past 6 months: your body will no longer need those


    D- Metabolic alkalosis and chronic vomiting: no effect

    E- Running 1-2 miles, 3 times weekly : same as A, unless it is a woman in which

    estrogens may decrease.

    72- A 60-year-old woman has the sudden onset of midthoracic back pain while doing

    housework. She has had diffuse aches and pains for 3 months. She had a renal calculus 1

    year ago. Physical examination shows kyphosis with tenderness in the midthoracic region.

    The remainder of the examination shows no abnormalities. Laboratory studies show:

    Hemoglobin: 12.9 g/dL (N = 12-15.6 g/dL)

    Hematocrit: 38.9% (N = 35-46%)

    Serum Ca++: 11.5 mg/dL (N = 4.5-5.6 mg/dL)

    Serum BUN: 12 mg/dL (N = 7-30 mg/dL)

    Serum Creatinine: 0.9 mg/dL (N = 0.7-1.2 mg/dL)

    Serum phosphorus: 2.9 mg/dL (N= 2.5-4.5 mg/dL)

    Total protein: 7.2 g/dL (N= 6.0-8.5 g/dL)

    Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?

    A- Ankylosing spondylitis

    B- Hyperparathyroidism

    C- Osteitis deformans (Pagets disease)

    D- Osteomalacia

    E- Osteoporosis

  • 29

    73- A 27-year-old woman is brought to the emergency department 30 minutes after being

    involved in a motor vehicle collision. Physical examination shows exquisite tenderness of

    the left upper extremity. An x-ray of the affected area is shown. This patient is at greatest

    risk for injury of which of the following nerves?

    A- Medial cutaneous: Klumpkes paralysis

    B- Median: carpal tunnel or anterior wrist

    (or Erbs paralysis)

    C- Musculocutaneous

    D- Radial

    E- Ulnar: medial epicondyle or near the hook of

    the hamate bone of the wrist.

    In this question they might ask you about which artery instead of which nerve is most likely damaged. The answer would be deep brachial (humeral) artery.

    74- A 25-year-old man has bilateral arthritis of the sacroiliac joints, inflammation of the

    shoulder joints, and early involvement of the lumbar spine. There is no rash,

    subcutaneous nodules or urethritis. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?

    A- Ankylosing spondylitis: bilateral sacroiliac pain + lumbar spine in a young man, pain

    improves with exercise!

    B- Gouty arthritis: podagra, single joint.

    C- Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis: symmetric joint involvement, morning stiffness.

    D- Osteoarthritis: in old people, affecting weight-bearing joints.

    E- Psoriatic arthritis: stiffness, single joint, probably migratory, probably with skin


  • 30

    75- A 22-year-old woman participates in a clinical study of a putative protein hormone that is

    synthesized in the liver in response to a decrease in the blood platelet concentration.

    Injection of the hormone causes an increase in platelet production. Which of the

    following is the most likely location of the receptor that accounts for the increase in

    platelet count?

    A- In the cytoplasm of hepatocytes: what for?

    B- In the cytoplasm of megakaryocytes: this is not a steroid or thyroid hormone!

    C- In the nucleus of hepatocytes: this hormone is not fat-soluble

    D- On the cell membrane of hepatocytes: what for?

    E- On the cell membrane of megakaryocytes

  • 31

    76- A 37-year-old man comes to the physician because of severe back pain for 2 days. The

    pain radiates down to the buttock, posterior thigh, and posterolateral leg. He also has

    numbness on the side of his left foot. On physical examination, sensation to pain is

    decreased over the lateral side of the left foot. Deep tendon reflexes are absent at the

    left ankle, and there is weakness of dorsiflexion of the left foot. Compression of which of

    the following nerve roots is the most likely cause of these findings?

    A- T12

    B- L2

    C- L4

    D- S1: this is disk herniation, MC in L4-L5 and L5-S1

    E- S3

  • 32

    77- A 17-year-old boy is stabbed in the anterior axilla. He has loss of sensation on the

    anterolateral surface of the forearm and loss of the biceps reflex. Which of the following

    nerves is most likely to be damaged?

    A- Axillary

    B- Intercostobrachial

    C- Lateral pectoral

    D- Long thoracic

    E- Medial antebrachial cutaneous

    F- Medial brachial cutaneous

    G- Medial pectoral

    H- Median

    I- Musculocutaneous : this is a repeated question.

    78- A 16-year-old boy has pain in the right knee immediately after twisting it while playing

    soccer. Examination shows excessive posterior sliding of the tibia when it is pushed

    backward with the knee flexed (posterior drawer sign). Which of the following ligaments

    is most likely injured?

    A- Anterior cruciate: damage would be associated with positive anterior drawer sign.

    B- Posterior cruciate

    C- Coronary

    D- Lateral collateral: positive varus (medial) stress test

    E- Medial collateral: positive valgus (lateral) stress test

    Remember the unhappy knee triad!

    79- A 49-year-old man comes to the physician because of increasingly severe pain in his right

    thumb during the past 2 days. He has a 10-year history of type 2 diabetes mellitus.

    Physical examination shows swelling and erythema of the thumb. X-rays of the right

    thumb show osteomyelitis at the arrows shown. Which of the following structures is most

    likely affected by the pathologic process?

    A- Adductor pollicis brevis muscle

    B- Adductor pollicis muscle

    C- Extensor pollicis longus tendon: posterior/dorsal

    D- Flexor pollicis longus tendon: the arrows point toward

    anterior/ventral aspect of phalanges

    E- Muscular branch of median nerve

  • 33

    80- An 80-year-old woman comes to the physician because of a 10-year history of slowly

    worsening pain in both knees. She has a 20-year history of hypertension and worked as a

    housekeeper most of her adult life. Physical examination shows irregular bony

    prominences around the tibial plateau at the knee joint line bilaterally and moderate

    bilateral knee joint effusions. X-rays of the knees show thinned cartilage and extensive

    osteophyte formation. Which of the following is the earliest stage in the development of

    this condition?

    A- Cracking of the cartilaginous surface

    B- Marginal osteophyte proliferation: occurs after the cartilaginous cracking

    C- Neovascularization

    D- Seepage of articular fluid into the bone

    E- Subchondral bone cyst formation: this is true, but occurs after the cracking

    81- A 37-year-old man has numbness of the thenar eminence. Which of the following

    findings will confirm the most likely diagnosis?

    A- Atrophy of the interosseous muscles of the hand

    B- Decreased strength during extension of the thumb

    C- Decreased strength of opposition of the thumb: median nerve!

    D- Loss of sensation to the skin covering the dorsum of the hand

    E- Loss of sensation to the skin of the little finger: ulnar (+ loss of sensation in

    hypothenar area, inability to adduct and abduct fingers and claw hand)

    82- A 16-year-old boy participates in a study of exercise and muscle hypertrophy. After a pre-

    training biopsy of the quadriceps muscle is obtained, he begins a weight-lifting program

    to increase the mass and strength of the quadriceps muscle. After 3 months of training, a

    second muscle biopsy specimen is taken for histologic assessment of skeletal muscle

    characteristics. Compared to the pre-training sample, the post-training sample is most

    likely to show which of the following findings?

    # of mitochondria Amount of actin per myocyte Total # of myocytes

    A- Increased Increased Increased

    B- Increased Increased No change

    C- Increased No change Increased

    D- Increased No change No change

    E- No change Increased Increased

    F- No change Increased No change

    G- No change No change Increase

    H- No change No change No change

    Skeletal and cardiac myocytes are permanent cells, they can never replicate through

    mitosis! Remember hypertrophy is due to increased number of actin and myosin.

  • 34

    83- A 25-year-old man is brought to the emergency department after falling and dislocating

    his shoulder. Physical examination shows markedly extensible skin and hypermobile

    joints. He is at increased risk for development of which of the following?

    A- Acanthosis nigricans

    B- Colonic angiodysplasia and hemorrhage

    C- Hepatolenticular degeneration

    D- Malignant melanoma

    E- Osteopetrosis

    F- Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy

    G- Rupture of the colon and large arteries: Ehlers Danlos!

    84- A 35-year-old man comes to his physician because of a 2-week history of muscle

    weakness and a facial rash. Examination shows periorbital edema and red-blue

    discoloration of the upper eyelids. There is bilateral proximal muscle weakness causing

    the patient difficulty getting up from a chair and climbing steps. An antinuclear antibody

    test is positive. Muscle biopsy shows perifascicular inflammation and muscle atrophy.

    Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?

    A- Dermatomyositis: anti jo-1 antibodies

    B- Polyarteritis nodosa: hepatitis B association, affects GI, brain, heart, skin, not lung

    C- Polymyositis: anti jo-1 ANA antibodies, similar to dermatomyositis but no skin


    D- Systemic lupus erythematosus: no muscular weakness unless it is a mixed connective

    tissue disorder (lupus + polymyositis +/- scleroderma)

    E- Systemic sclerosis (scleroderma)

    85- A molecular defect in the basement membrane components of skin will cause which of

    the following skin conditions?

    A- Chronic blistering: bullous pemphigoid!

    B- Dry scaling skin: psoriasis (+ stratum corneun hyperplasia)

    C- Keloid formation: excessive type III collagen production

    D- Proliferation of cutaneous nevi

    E- Thick cornified skin

  • 35

    86- A 17-year-old boy has anesthesia of the little finger and atrophy of the interosseous

    muscles 3 weeks after receiving a violent blow to the anterior axilla while playing football.

    Based on the diagram of the brachial plexus, which of the following labeled sites is most

    likely to be injured?

    The answer is D. There is ulnar nerve involvement, and D

    is the origin of the ulnar nerve.

    87- Which of the following structures are most likely found with the structures labeled I in

    the photomicrograph?

    A- Adhesion plaques

    B- Gap junctions: the arrows point toward intercalated junctions, exclusive of cardiac

    muscle cells that allow myocytes to behave as one single syncytium, which provide

    electrical coupling/communication between cells.

    C- Hemidesmosomes: skin and mucosa, help bind epidermis to dermis (integrin, collagen)

    D- Myosin filaments

    E- Tight junctions (zonulae occludens)

  • 36

    88- A 54-year-old man with alcoholism is brought to the emergency department because of a

    10-day history of weakness, confusion, and shortness of breath. He drinks approximately

    3 fourths of a liter of liquor daily. He appears wasted, and there is an odor of alcohol on

    his breath. His respirations are 32/min. physical examination shows jaundice, abdominal

    distention, spider angiomata, and tanner stage 2 gynecomastia. Laboratory studies show

    hypoalbuminemia and an increased serum estrogen-to-androgen ratio. The development

    of gynecomastia in this patient is mediated primarily by which of the following signal

    transduction pathways?

    A- Activation of phospholipase A2 and generation of arachidonic acid

    B- Activation of phospholipase C and generation of inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate

    C- G protein-coupled activation of adenylyl cyclase

    D- Receptor dimerization and autophosphorylation of tyrosine residues

    E- Transmembrane diffusion and binding of signaling molecule to transcription factor:

    this is the mechanism for fat-soluble vitamins (A and D), thyroid hormones and steroid


    89- A 30-year-old woman has cervical pap smears showing cytopathic changes indicative of

    human papilloma virus type 16 infection. Which of the following is the most likely long-

    term consequence?

    A- Endometrial carcinoma

    B- Papillary adenocarcinoma

    C- Serous carcinoma

    D- Small cell carcinoma

    E- Squamous cell carcinoma

    90- In this metabolic pathway a single enzyme catalyzes each step. Which of the following

    enzymes is inhibited by aspirin?

    The answer is B (COX 1/COX 2).

    C would be zileuton (lipoxygenase


  • 37

    91- A 20-year-old woman with anorexia nervosa lives at home with her parents. She has

    secondary amenorrhea. Which of the following is the most important step in restoring

    reproductive and endocrine function to normal?

    A- Benzodiazepine therapy

    B- Discouraging her parents involvement in her life

    C- Encouraging her to gain weight: this would improve estrogen synthesis by increasing

    FSH and LH release (via GnRH)

    D- Helping her resolve conflicts over adult sexuality

    E- Short course of estrogen replacement therapy: this will not resolve the problem.

    92- Which of the following substances increases the secretion of insulin from the pancreas by

    closing ATP-sensitive K+ channels and leading to cell depolarization, Ca++ channel

    opening and insulin release?

    A- Clonidine: central alpha2 agonist

    B- Glyburide: sulfonylurea

    C- Metformin: inhibits gluconeogenesis and increases glycolysis in liver, improves insulin

    resistance. May lead to lactic acidosis.

    D- Prednisone

    E- Somatostatin: inhibits everything. Remember octreotide is its analog.

    93- Clomiphene citrate, FSH, and menopausal gonadotropins are administered to a 32-year-

    old woman to induce folliculogenesis for an in vitro fertilization procedure. The oocytes

    with responding antral follicles reinitiate meiotic development as they are released from

    which of the following stages of meiotic arrest?

    A- 1st meiotic prophase: diplotene (dictiotene) phase!

    B- 1st meiotic metaphase

    C- 1st meiotic telophase

    D- 2nd meiotic prophase

    E- 2nd meiotic metaphase (secondary oocyte, just after ovulation. Meiosis II is finished

    after fertilization occurs)

    F- 2nd meiotic telophase

    94- Which of the following signaling mechanisms is used to transmit the effects of

    triiodithyronine (T3)?

    A- T3 binding activates a cell-surface adenylyl cyclase receptor

    B- T3 binding activates a cell-surface guanylyl cyclase receptor: Natriuretic peptides

    C- T3 binding activates the DNA binding activity of an intracellular receptor

    D- T3 binds a G protein-coupled receptor on the cell surface: water-soluble

    (hydrophobic) hormones

    E- T3 binds a tyrosine kinase-linked receptor on the cell surface

  • 38

    95- A 52-year-old woman has menstrual irregularities, hot flashes, and emotional liability. In

    this patient, decreased follicular hormone production has most likely resulted in an

    increased serum concentration of which of the following substances?

    A- Estrogen: this is supposed to be decreased, this is the cause of the symptoms!

    B- Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH): FSH decreases > than LH becase of decrease

    negative feedback from estrogen!

    C- Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG)

    D- Inhibin

    E- Oxytocin

    F- Progesterone

    G- Prolactin

    96- A state-mandated blood screening test conducted on day 2 of life in a healthy full-term

    newborn shows a decreased serum total thyroxine (T4) concentration and a normal

    serum thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) concentration. Tests on venous blood confirm

    these findings. The venous free T4 concentration is normal. Which of the following is the

    most likely explanation for these findings?

    A- Dysgenesis of the thyroid gland: Total and free T4 will be decreased. TSH increased.

    B- Hypopituitarism

    C- Inborn error of thyroxine synthesis

    D- Iodine deficiency

    E- Thyroxine-binding globulin deficiency: always think about this option when total T4

    is decreased but free T4 is normal. This could also occur in liver cirrhosis. Increased

    total T4 with normal Free T4 is seen in pregnancy.

    97- An increase in the serum concentration of which of the following is the most conclusive

    sign that ovulation has occurred?

    A- Androstenedione

    B- Estradiol

    C- Estriol

    D- Luteinizing hormone: this is the answer If they ask you what hormone precipitates

    ovulation! LH surge.

    E- Progesterone

    98- A 45-year-old man with hypertension is diagnosed with primary hyperaldosteronism.

    Which of the following sets of physiologic changes is most likely in this patient?

    Plasma renin activity Plasma K+ concentration Extracellular fluid volume








  • 39

    99- During the differentiation of mammary gland alveolar cells in late pregnancy, the

    hormone that acts synergistically with estrogen is which of the following?

    A- ADH

    B- Human chorionic gonadotropin

    C- Human placental lactogen: estrogen is also synergistic

    D- LH

    E- Oxytocin: oxytocin is synergistic only after delivery of the baby! Works in milk

    ejection by contracting areolar smooth muscle via Gq receptors.

    100- This motif of a steroid hormone receptor binds specifically to which of the following


    A- ATP

    B- cAMP

    C- DNA: this is a zinc finger

    motif, present in steroid

    hormone intracellular

    receptors. It is a

    transcription factor!

    D- RNA

    E- Steroid hormone

    101- A newborn has external genitalia that appear to be female. However, the vagina ends as a

    blind pouch. Chromosomal analysis shows a 46, XY karyotype. Which of the following is

    the most likely explanation for the physical findings?

    A- Abnormal androgen receptors

    B- Absence of the sex-determining region on the Y chromosome: if this was true, this

    individual would have internal female genitalia.

    C- Gonadal dysgenesis

    D- Increased fetal concentration of estrogen

    E- Increased fetal concentration of testosterone

  • 40

    102- A 55-year-old woman comes to the physician because of increased facial hair growth

    over the past 8 years. Menopause occurred at age 45. Laboratory studies of serum


    Testosterone: 80 ng/dL (N= 20-90 ng/dL)

    Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate: 320 g/dL (N = 60-350 g/dL)

    Estradiol: 20 pg./mL

    Progesterone: decreased

    Which of the following is the most likely cause of the increased facial hair growth?

    A- Decreased 5alpha-reductase activity

    B- Decreased adrenal androgen production

    C- Decreased androstenedione peripheral conversion

    D- Decreased inhibin production

    E- Increased ovarian androgen production

    F- Increased testosterone/estrogen ratio: androgens produced by adrenals and hilar

    cells of ovary. Estrogen production severely deceased. Although some androgens may

    be aromatized to be converted to estrogens.

    103- A 19-year-old man is brought to the emergency department after hitting his head on

    the pavement when he fell off his motorcycle. An MRI of his head shows a

    transection of the pituitary stalk (which includes the dopaminergic tubero-

    infundibular tract). Which of the following patterns best describes the secretion of

    pituitary hormones in this patient?

    ACTH FSH Growth hormone Prolactin TSH







    This is a repeated question. If you destroy the stalk (or the hypothalamus), all

    pituitary hormones will decrease, except for prolactin, because its dopaminergic

    inhibition will be cut.

  • 41

    104- A 62-year-old woman is found to have a 3-cm, asymptomatic, cystic adnexal mass on

    routine examination. Ultrasonography shows a simple cyst. Which of the following values

    measured in serum is most likely to aid in determining the management of this patient?

    A- CA-125: marker of ovarian neoplasms

    B- CEA: marker of intestinal neoplasms, colon

    C- Estradiol

    D- Alpha-fetoprotein: marker of embryonal and yolk sac testicular/ovarian tumors and


    E- HCG: marker of choriocarcinoma, embryonal testicular tumor

    105- A 68-year-old man experiences increasing urinary frequency and difficulty starting and

    stopping his flow of urine. Examination of tissue obtained on biopsy of the enlarged

    prostate confirms benign prostatic hyperplasia. Which of the following is the most likely

    complication of his basic disease state?

    A- Acute bacterial pyelonephritis: less likely than cystitis

    B- Bacteremia

    C- Bacterial cystitis: thats the closest thing to the prostate!

    D- Chronic renal failure

    E- Malignant transformation: never!

    106- Four days after sexual intercourse, a 25-year-old man develops dysuria and a

    mucopurulent urethral discharge. The urethral meatus is congested and edematous.

    Examination of the discharge shows gram negative diplococci within neutrophilic

    leukocytes. If this infection is not treated, which of the following is the most likely


    A- Hemorrhagic cellulitis

    B- Cystitis

    C- Epididymitis

    D- Orchitis: more likely with mumps infection

    E- Pyelonephritis

  • 42

    107- A 12-year-old boy has had slowly progressive renal failure for the past 2 years. He is short

    and pale. Blood pressure is 150/92 mm Hg. Serum Ca++ concentration is decreased, and

    serum phosphate, BUN and creatinine concentrations are increased. X-rays of the bones

    show subperiosteal erosions of the phalanges, osteopenia, and coarsening trabeculae.

    Which of the following sets of laboratory findings in serum is most likely in this patient?

    25-Hydroxycholecalciferol 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol PTH


    B- (normal)




    In renal failure, phosphate is retained causing hyperphosphatemia, which binds free

    ionized Ca++ and causes hypocalcemia. The hypocalcemia induces PTH release which

    damages bone. Failing kidneys produce less vitamin D.

    108- A 40-year-old woman comes to the physician because of a 1-year-history of chronic low

    back pain. Exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles are recommended. Straight-leg

    rising consists of raising both lower extremities while lying flat on her back. Which of the

    following muscles is most directly involved in this exercise?

    F- Erector spinae

    G- Iliopsoas: most important flexor of the thigh.

    H- Latissimus dorsi

    I- Quadratus lumborum

    J- Vastus medialis

    109- A 55-year-old man comes to the physicians office because of a 2nd episode of acute

    severe pain in his right big toe. Examination shows an erythematous, swollen, and

    exquisitely tender right first metatarsophalangeal joint. Administration of which of the

    following drugs is the most appropriate initial therapy?

    A- Allopurinol: maintenance treatment

    B- Colchicine: acute attacks! Indomethacin is another good choice.

    C- Methotrexate

    D- Probenecid: maintenance treatment

    E- Propoxyphene

    F- Tramadol

  • 43

    110- An 18-year-old woman, gravida 1, para 1, comes to the physician for a routine

    postpartum examination. She says that she often has mild leakage even when she is not

    ready to breast-feed her 6-week-old son. She reports that this symptom is particularly

    severe whenever he begins to cry. The physician reassures her that this is an entirely

    normal response. This reaction is most likely caused by psychogenic stimuli that promote

    secretion of which of the following mediators?

    A- Dopamine

    B- Luteinizing hormone

    C- Oxytocin

    D- Progesterone

    E- Prolactin

    111- A 20-year-old woman who has had oligomenorrhea for 3 years has the sudden onset of

    heavy vaginal bleeding. She is moderately obese and has increased amounts of hair on

    the face, arms and legs. Examination of an endometrial biopsy specimen shows

    hyperplasia without atypia. Laboratory studies show increased serum concentrations of

    LH, androgens and estrogens; FSH concentration is decreased. Histologic examination of

    the ovaries is most likely to show which of the following?

    A- Mucinous cystadenomas

    B- Multiple persistent corpora lutea

    C- Multiple subcortical cysts lined by granulosa cells: polycystic ovarian syndrome!

    D- Normal histology

    E- Serous cystadenomas

    112- Which of the following drugs given for the treatment of diabetes mellitus may result in

    cardiotoxicity and lead to heart failure?

    A- Ascarbose

    B- Glyburide: hypoglycemia

    C- Metformin: lactic acidosis

    D- Repaglinide

    E- Rosiglitazone

    113- A 56-year-old man with alcoholism comes to the emergency because he is unable to raise

    the fingers of his left hand (this is the same as finger extension). He is afraid that he has

    had a stroke. He tells the physician that he fell asleep the night before at his favorite bar

    with his arm across the arm of the chair. Which of the following nerves is most likely

    affected in this patient?

    A- Brachial

    B- Median

    C- Musculocutaneous

    D- Radial

    E- Ulnar

  • 44

    114- An experimental animal is treated with an agent that disrupts desmosomes (maculae

    adherens). Which of the following is most likely to be decreased?

    A- Cohesion of epidermal cells to the basal lamina: hemidesmosomes, bullous


    B- Cohesion between adjacent keratinocytes: pemphigus vulgaris

    C- Number of melanocytes

    D- Proliferation of keratinocytes

    E- Thickness of the stratum corneum

    115- A 12-year-old boy has had persistent pain in the arm since he fell while playing basketball

    2 weeks ago. His left deltoid muscle is paralyzed, and he is unable to hold his left arm in

    abduction against resistance. Which of the following bones is the most likely site of a


    A- Acromion

    B- Clavicle

    C- Coracoid process

    D- Deltoid tuberosity

    E- Radius

    F- Shaft of the humerus

    G- Surgical neck of the humerus: there is damage to the axillary nerve!

    H- Ulna

    116- An obese 52-year-old woman comes to the physician because of vaginal bleeding. Her

    last normal menstrual period occurred 6 months ago. Biopsy shows endometrial

    hyperplasia. This endometrial stimulation is most likely due to peripheral aromatization

    of which of the following hormones?

    A- Aldosterone

    B- Androstenedione

    C- FSH: cannot be arom