Download - Annual Report FY12-13





During FY12/13, we expanded our geographic presence and launched

more trauma-informed services to better meet the needs of the


In June 2012, at the invitation of the Department of Mental Health, we

opened an office in Huntington Park, which brought a mental health

program to an area of high need. Responding to the increase in home-

less youth in Los Angeles, we opened a drop-in center in April 2013.

The center is co-located in a federally qualified health clinic, which

means that homeless and at-risk youth now have access to social,

emotional, psychological, educational and vocational support along

with access to primary care. To address the need for more culturally competent service provision

in the San Fernando Valley, we deployed a training program, “Working with Lesbian, Gay,

Bisexual, Transgender and Questioning (LGBTQ) Youth,” that reached more than 450 professionals.

To increase understanding of the effects of trauma in children, we were awarded a grant through

Children’s Institute Inc., and the National Child Traumatic Stress Network to provide research.

All of these initiatives, in conjunction with our existing services, have enabled us to serve

1,800 unique clients, impacting thousands of family members.31,593A 32% INCREASE OVER LAST YEAR:


total clients served

total therapeutic hours

TVFS and Joyful Heart Foundation facilitate a cultural competency forum about Trauma-Informed Care

TVFS presented “Working With LGBTQ Youth: What You Really Need To Know” for SPA2 agencies

TVFS attended LA Unified School District’s planning meeting for Project SPIN (Suicide Prevention Intervention Now)

TVFS staff members attended Vicarious Trauma Conference

Back-to-school supplies drive sponsored by Montage Beverly Hills

Opened Huntington Park office


TVFS presented “Assessing and Promoting Cultural Competence in Mental Health Services at the Organizational and Clinical Level”


annual Report 2010/11

Creating an engaging, respectful, trusting workplace culture is not the result of any one thing. Rather, it is a combination of intent, process and heart that must be constantly fine-tuned. In the 12 years since we established The Village Family Services, our agency has evolved to meet the increasingly complex needs of children whose fragile lives are devastated by abuse, neglect or other trauma.

At no time has our evolution been as dramatic as in the past year, when we exceeded our own high expectations and achieved significant revenue and program growth. This allowed us to provide direct assistance to more children and families than ever before.

Over the year, we achieved a number of long-standing goals: We launched our Adoptions program, giving us legal authority to find loving “forever homes” for children who might otherwise spend their formative years in the foster-care system. We broadened our Wraparound program to serve more children with multiple needs literally around the clock. We established Intensive Treatment Foster Care (ITFC) and Multidisciplinary Assessment Team (MAT) programs. We gave The Village a facelift with a new logo, graphic identity, and print and online resources. And we expanded our executive leadership team, strengthening our already considerable knowledge and expertise in areas such as cultural competence, quality assurance and accountability.

We are passionate about our “all-for-the-child” philosophy of care: client-centered, culturally sensitive, strengths- and evidence-based, trauma-informed. These are principles that guide the work we do every day.

Years ago, our dream was to build, not just another agency, but a special service community. In this report, you’ll meet some of the dedicated people who comprise our Village family. We invite you to get to know us better and learn more about how we are creating a community that many regard as an oasis of hope and healing.

hugo c. Villa, lmft irma seilicovich, lmftCo-Founder/Chief Executive Office Co-Founder/Chief Operating Officer

fy2010/11 an ExcEPtiOnal YEaR

The Affordable Care Act has taken center stage and is providing a new paradigm for service

providers and consumers throughout the country. From our perspective, the changes are a

continued opportunity for innovation and integration.

At The Village Family Services, those concepts aren’t new. From the day we opened our doors,

we’ve envisioned a different kind of agency – uniting expertise with compassion and cultural com-

petence to focus on the needs of underserved children, youth and families.

We pride ourselves on being responsive to the community. When a child cannot safely remain at

home and needs placement, or a teen is experiencing trauma and has a difficult time functioning in

his/her environment, we’re there. When a young mother needs better parenting skills, or an adult

considers fostering or adopting a child, we’re there. And today, we’re proud to say that if a youth

becomes homeless and needs a safe place to eat, take a shower and do laundry, we’re there.

Our focus for the past few years has been on building our capacity and enhancing fundraising efforts to

sustain our growth. We were able to raise significant funds in support of our new drop-in center and are

especially grateful to Supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky, the W.M. Keck Foundation, the Green Foundation, and

the many donors who have supported us with financial contributions. The impacts, as highlighted in this

report, convey the results of our commitment to ensure that children and families come first, always.

annual Report 2010/11

Creating an engaging, respectful, trusting workplace culture is not the result of any one thing. Rather, it is a combination of intent, process and heart that must be constantly fine-tuned. In the 12 years since we established The Village Family Services, our agency has evolved to meet the increasingly complex needs of children whose fragile lives are devastated by abuse, neglect or other trauma.

At no time has our evolution been as dramatic as in the past year, when we exceeded our own high expectations and achieved significant revenue and program growth. This allowed us to provide direct assistance to more children and families than ever before.

Over the year, we achieved a number of long-standing goals: We launched our Adoptions program, giving us legal authority to find loving “forever homes” for children who might otherwise spend their formative years in the foster-care system. We broadened our Wraparound program to serve more children with multiple needs literally around the clock. We established Intensive Treatment Foster Care (ITFC) and Multidisciplinary Assessment Team (MAT) programs. We gave The Village a facelift with a new logo, graphic identity, and print and online resources. And we expanded our executive leadership team, strengthening our already considerable knowledge and expertise in areas such as cultural competence, quality assurance and accountability.

We are passionate about our “all-for-the-child” philosophy of care: client-centered, culturally sensitive, strengths- and evidence-based, trauma-informed. These are principles that guide the work we do every day.

Years ago, our dream was to build, not just another agency, but a special service community. In this report, you’ll meet some of the dedicated people who comprise our Village family. We invite you to get to know us better and learn more about how we are creating a community that many regard as an oasis of hope and healing.

hugo c. Villa, lmft irma seilicovich, lmftCo-Founder/Chief Executive Office Co-Founder/Chief Operating Officer

fy2010/11 an ExcEPtiOnal YEaR

Hugo C. Villa, LMFTCo-Founder/Chief Executive Officer

Irma Seilicovich, LMFTCo-Founder/Chief Operating Officer

Staff received training on “Trauma Informed Parenting & Managing Behaviors”

TVFS presented at Children’s Mental Health/ Welfare Conference in Tampa, Florida

Transition Age Youth (TAY) Drop-In Center Opened

Client event held at Golf’N Stuff in Norwalk, California

Employees hosted a bowl-a-thon to raise money for the client summer event


An Evening to Inspire annual gala held at The Beverly Hills Hotel


An Evening to


EVAN’s life today would be

vastly different if not for the passage of

AB 12 last year, which allowed him to

remain in the foster care system after he

turned 18. He firmly believes that, had he

been forced to leave his supportive foster

family, he would have become homeless.

Instead, he has continued to receive

services from The Village Family Services,

is on the path to college, and most

rewarding of all, is employed as a full-time

Peer Life Coach at The Village Family

Services’s new Drop-in Center.

We believe that every

child deserves to grow up in a safe, loving,

supportive environment. When a child’s natural

family is unable to provide that environment,

we step in to help. Our Foster Family program

provides placement services for abused and

neglected children and youth in Los Angeles,

San Bernardino, Riverside and Ventura counties.

Our services focus on achieving three important

objectives: ensure that children are placed in

loving, stable and safe family environments;

provide current and prospective caregivers with

exceptional foster parent training and certification;

and maintain close connections and, where

possible, facilitate reunification of families. During

FY12/13, 773 children and teens were rescued

from abusive homes and safely secured in foster

care, and six adoptions ensuring “forever”

families were finalized.



773 foster youth served

successfully completed


55 newly trained

foster families


foster homescertified


intensive treatment foster care clientssuccessfully placed in itfc homes

GABRIELA has always been an outstanding

student. But a tragic event completely upended her life a year ago:

en route with her father from El Salvador to a new life in the US,

he suddenly became ill and died, leaving his 10-year old daughter

to continue the journey alone. Her mother brought her to The Village

Family Services for help with loss and grief. A year later, Gabriela

has shown amazing resilience, is mastering English, proudly winning

awards in math, and is thriving and succeeding.

Clients served with Evidence-based Practices:

• Seeking Safety

• Alternative for Families Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (AF-CBT)

• Child-Parent Psychotherapy (CPP)

• Positive Parenting Program (Triple P)

• Managing and Adapting Practice (MAP)

• Parent-Child Interactive Therapy (PCIT)

• Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT)

Our Mental Health

Services are designed for children and teens who

have experienced traumatic events such as

neglect, family or community violence and

physical, sexual, or emotional abuse. Treating

traumatic issues in youth is a special strength of

The Village Family Services. We also take pride in

delivering culturally competent care for LGBTQ

youth. Our bilingual, multi-cultural clinical staff

is extensively trained to provide a range of

coordinated mental health interventions –

case management; individual, family and group

therapy; school-based services and in-home

counseling and therapy; psychiatric assessments

and medication support. Our goal is to help

children and families live fully functioning

independent lives, both socially and emotionally.

During FY12/13, 446 children and teens victimized

by abuse and neglect received intensive therapy to

help them heal and move forward with their lives.



446 clients served through our Mental Health Programs

Therapeutic Behavioral Services: 11 clients

Intensive Treatment Foster Care: 15 clients

School-Based: 30 clients

Wraparound: 180 clients

Outpatient: 210 clients

At The Village Family Services, we consider

ourselves more than an agency; we are a family.

Our clients quickly learn that our top priority is

the integrity and stability of their own families.

Essential to that principle is ensuring effective

parenting as a primary safeguard against child

abuse and neglect. In keeping with our therapeutic

approach to protecting children and preserving

families, parental support and training are integral

parts of virtually all of our programs. Held in

both English and Spanish, parenting, anger

management and domestic violence classes at

The Village Family Services cover a wide range

of critical topics. In FY12/13, 266 clients received

violence prevention, anger management and/or

parenting training.



266 clients served


95% of clients enrolled for 3 months or longer reported that classes have helped regulate their emotions in a healthier and constructive way.


domestic violence prevention classes run for



DEREK was showing

aggressive, out-of-control behaviors

at the early age of two, that caught

the attention of the case worker who

was working with his father and older

brother. On her recommendation,

Derek and his dad, Juan, participated

in the innovative Parent Child

Interaction Therapy evidence-based

practice. Juan saw a change after

the very first session; six months

later he reports that the behavior

differences are dramatic. And

the whole family has benefitted

as Juan and his wife use their

enhanced parenting skills to help

all their five children.


mother, Madeline, was desperate when

she called The Village Family Services

asking for help. As a single mother with

serious ongoing medical problems, she

saw her teenage daughter becoming

increasingly rebellious, and their

relationship disintegrating into stress

and domestic violence. A year later,

their household is harmonious, they

are both employed, and Alexandra

is hoping to study photography and

theater in college next year. Mother

and daughter credit the intensive,

compassionate Wraparound services

they received with not only saving

their relationship, but launching them

toward productive, successful lives.

Our Wraparound

Program has provided comprehensive, trauma-

focused and client-centered family strengthening

services since 2006. Since that time, the program

has served over 585 children and families and

developed strong working relationships with our

community partners to ensure that children and

families have access to the full range of collabora-

tive support they need. All of our Wraparound

Program staff members are fully bilingual in

English and Spanish, are extensively trained and

experienced in interacting with diverse families,

including LGBTQ. In FY12/13, the Wraparound

Program helped 127 teens and their families find

support and stability, and avoid hospitalizations

and out-of-home placements.


127 clients served



72% of wrap clients displayed meaningful and reliable improvement between initial and follow-up assessment

88% of wrap clients showed improvement in self-harm behaviors

KARINA knew it wasn’t right

when, as the victim of bullying, it was her life –

not the perpetrator’s – that was disrupted by having

to leave her high school. As an LGBTQ youth,

Karina began channeling her energy into advocacy,

in high school and now, in college. At The Village

Family Services’s Project Q she has been empowered

to take advocacy to a powerful new level, as part

of the staff team conducting trainings in culturally

competent care, facilitating weekly Project Q

sessions, and recently testifying in Sacramento,

with great satisfaction, in support of AB1266, a bill

that requires that California public schools respect

students’ gender identity and makes sure that

students can have equal access to all school

activities, sports teams, programs, and facilities.

Los Angeles is home to more than 9,500

homeless youth of which 40% identify as

lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and/or

questioning (LGBTQ). The Village Family Services

is recognized as a leader in serving LGBTQ youth

and earned the “All Children – All Families”

designation from the Human Rights Campaign

(HRC) in 2012. Project Q aims to create a safer

space for all youth in the San Fernando Valley and

gathers on a weekly basis at our drop-in center

for empowerment, outreach, and peer support.

Topics discussed include: “coming out”,

HIV prevention, suicide prevention, bullying,

LGBTQ history and other issues. During FY12/13,

53 LGBTQ youth found solace and safety at our

weekly peer group and 129 homeless and at-risk

youth found supportive services at our recently

opened Drop-In Center.



53 Project Q clients served

129 Transition Age Youth

(TAY) Drop-In Center clients served

in the first three months of operation.


450service providers

professional trainings conducted at agencies working with LGBTQ youth



100 FY 2012-13 Contributions and In-Kind SupportContributions $50,520 Grants 387,835 In-Kind Support 80,877 Special Events (net) 79,677Total $598,909 Program ContractsFoster Family Program $5,852,673 Mental Health Services 5,076,311 Wraparound Services 1,244,674 Adoption Services 40,000 Clothing Allowance 79,092 Total $12,292,750

Other Program Fees $112,980 Interest 1,217 Total $114,197

FY 2012-13 Total Revenue and Support $13,005,846

OPERATING EXPENSESProgram $11,171,946 General and Administration 1,265,570 Fundraising 152,097

Total Operating Expenses $12,589,613


Revenue and Support

Operating Expenses

n Foster Family Programn Mental Health Servicesn Wraparound Servicesn Contributions n Program Feesn Other

n Programn General and Administrationn Fundraising






4% 1%1%


$100,000+W. M. Keck FoundationSupervisor Zev Yaroslavsky

$25,000 - $99,999The Green Foundation

$10,000 - $24,999Wells Fargo FoundationJohnny Carson Foundation

$5,000 - $9,999Denis Cagna* & Carlos MedinaLili DallalLinda Fisk*

$1,000 - $4,999Richard CohenWilliam* & Catherine CookRoss Crowe & Scott HartleEnriquez Materials & Quilting, Inc.Kasey EsparzaBecky GlassLA Office of HIV/AIDS Lisa Lawrence*Pamela Lifford*Mary Ann MayerSharlene MiyagishimaDavid Mizner & Arturo CarrilloNBC Universal Media LLCSally PhillipsPrudential Charitable FoundationPaul Reitz & David RosenCharles Robbins & Damon RomineIrma Seilicovich*Sidney Stern Memorial Trust


2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

$8,259,775 $8,844,811$9,812,742



89¢of every dollar goes directly to funding programs and related client services.

Dan VenegasHugo Villa* & Stuart RiskinGayle Whittemore

$250 - $999AnonymousMarcela BaileyBarry BarkleyTricia BerensCesar Biggeri* & Tim BurkeJill ChayetDenise CurtisTom CypherdSherisa DahlgrenDekernion Family FoundationEllen Gay Detlefsen Nevin DolcefinaAnthony & Lauren DottoreSusan GarelliJessica GonzalezGrace & Growth Family ServicesYvonne L. GreenJoyful Heart FoundationJP Morgan Chase BankAllison KeelerAri Levy & Judy Schmidt- LevyTom & Barbara LintonCarol LiuDoris MillerRobert OberschelpOxwood Inn, Inc.Jon PaleyRussell PatrickRamona QuinnAlan Tores

Diana Veloz-SwankGordon Wallack & Rebekah ZweibanTroy WilsonJaime WolfeJosh YoungJenny Zhang

$50 - $249Lynda AguilarAngelica AlejoAnnette AmstatzJulie Anderson & Amy DantzlerJenik AntanesianKasafina ApostolovskiLiza AucielloLisa AventSkyler BerryDevon BrooksGerard BrownKrista BrownBob BusheyMuriel CahnEva CarreraConnie ChanBarbara CooperBenjamin DaviesVirginia and Gregory DaviesHollye & Troy DexterFernando DiazGiovanna DottoreTim & Sunni DupreeDiego Edber*EloquiJudy Ann GarrisonAnne GatesSiana-Lea Gildard & Edgar AguirreShane GlassGretchen GoetzJesus GonzalezKrista GonzalezLisa Gooding

Anita Govindjee- ChristiansenMike GummesonDiego GutierrezJuan GutierrezJeffrey HaigDarren HamlynTracey HarmanRobert & Shawn HeimSandra HellerAnna HernandezWilliam HynesTodd JadwinSasha JelicicAmberlynn JohnsonSevan KarakesisogluRobin L. KincaidGeoffrey KorsYvonne T. LiuVictoria LyubarskyJan MahonyEsther MatosMattel Children’s FoundationGarrett McClureBruce MillerMarybeth MillerYesenia MorelosCarmen MosleyTherese MullalyRuss NashPatti J. ObermillerLinda OlsenCarol & Ken PaquetteRandy PerrinSteve PhillipsVincent PompeiJason Prost & Christian GonzalezRama RadhakrishnanRalphs Community ContributionsOsvaldo and Miriam RamosTom ReynoldsJoy Riskin

Marilyn Riskin-LevineRosalie and Friends, IncDr. Leslie Ross & Adriana MolinaTony SafoianJoseph SanfilippoStephanie SantGeraldine SchiebelAndrew SchmerlNancy Schmidt & Manuel CastellanosKenneth SchneiderJason SemelengBarbara SilverbergScott Singer & Joe SadlerLou SlimpDanielle SmithTeresa L. SmithDr. Charles SophyDalia SpingarnKishi N Kai S-SCristie St. JamesGary A. StevensonDick & Anita StilleyJim Stine & Ken WillnerSheri StrahlKaty TamerJudy TangBrian TorresChewie VenegasShanna WarrenKevin WolodkinIvonne WolovichJohn YniguezRosemary & Frank ZagarJudite Zarate

IN-KIND DONORSAlex Eshaghian, MD, PhD Alexander Eburne Amanda ScholerAnonymous Anthony & Lauren Dottore Apt2B.comArt’s Delicatessen & Restaurant

Benjamin DaviesBig Sugar Bakeshop Carlos Echeverri Castoro CellarsCesar Biggeri & Tim BurkeCharles Robbins & Damon Romine Children of the NightDave Reynolds & J.J. Shepherd David Hector MontesDavid Teuber Denise Curtis Duplex on Third Esther MatosFour Seasons HotelGordon & Rebekah Wallack Grosvenor House ApartmentsHerman Miller, Inc.Hugo Villa & Stuart Riskin Irma SeilicovichJade IndustriesJesse MedinaJoaquin SanchezJumeirah Grand Hotel ViKen WillnerKrista BrownKrista Gonzalez Le Vigne WineryDr. Leslie Ross & Adriana Molina Los Angeles DodgersLos Angeles SparksLost Canyons Golf ClubLynne & Barry ScholerMarsha SiladyMike DonavanikMontage Beverly HillsOld Town Cooking SchoolPauline TanPer Cazo CellarsPera Palace Hotel, JumeiPhysique 57 Beverly Hills

Polo LoungePro SoccerRhubarb DeliveredRichard CohenRoger Dunn Golf ShopsRoss CroweSharlene MiyagishimaSherwood Lake ClubSix Flags Magic MountainSorensen Wealth ManagementStacy KupferTAJ Campton PlaceTargetTowel SafeTrattoria FarfallaTurkish AirlinesVernice Vita Yoga MatsVivoderm LaboratoriesVolunteers of America

EVENING TO INSPIRE SPONSORSWells FargoTurkish AirlinesA Thousand JoysOf One MindDenis Cagna & Carlos MedinaChapman InsuranceHarris Office SuppliesHarrington GroupLandegger, Baron, Lavenant & IngberPamela LiffordJason SemelengThe Zeitlin Family Trust

* Member, Board of Directors

Annual Report Photography: Glenn MarzanoAnnual Report Design: 2B Communications

THE VILLAGE FAMILY SERVICES DONOR HONOR ROLL Support received from July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013


Cesar Biggeri, PresidentDiego Edber, Esq., SecretaryLeticia Lara, LCSW, TreasurerDenis CagnaWilliam CookLinda FiskLisa Lawrence, MBAPamela LiffordMary Lou Perelmutter, PsyD, LMFTIrma Seilicovich, LMFTHugo C. Villa, LMFTSusana Ziarati


Hugo C. Villa, LMFT, Chief Executive OfficerIrma Seilicovich, LMFT, Chief Operating OfficerCharles Robbins, CFRE, Vice President, Communications & DevelopmentSheri Strahl, MPH, Vice President, Operations & ResearchKrista Brown, PHR, Senior Director of Human ResourcesIvonne Wolovich, Director of FinanceKrista Gonzalez, Director of Compliance and Risk Management Edward Nodal, Director of Wraparound ServicesDiana Redeemer, Director of Foster Care, ITFC and Adoption ServicesKelly Bijur, LMFT, Director of Quality Assurance

6736 Laurel Canyon BoulevardSuite 200 North Hollywood, CA 91606 Phone: 818-755-8786

Art pictured in this annual report has been created by teens at The Village Family Services’ new Drop-In Center.


We are proud to be part of a community of committed social service partners, with whom we actively collaborate to bring coordinated and comprehensive assistance to those we strive to serve.