Download - Annual performance report for Pyros .Environmental Lld ... · Annual performance report for Pyros .Environmental Lld - Permit No. TP3935UL-Vear2008 I. Intl"oduction Name ofCompany


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Annual performance report for Pyros .Environmental Lld - PermitNo. TP3935UL- Vear 2008

I. Intl"oduction

Name of Company Pvros Environmental LimitedName of Plant Fawlev Waste to Ener~y IncineratorPermit Number TP3935ULAddress Charleston Road

Hardley, HytheHampshireS0453NX

Phone 02380883016Contact name Chris DuncklevPosition Technical and Compliance Manaaer

Pyros Environmental Lld has been operating the Fawley site since May 2007when the Waste to Energy Incinerator and the adjacent High TemperatureIncinerator were divested from Veolia Environmental Services.

The main activity at the plant, at present, is the incineration of meat and bonemeal (MBM) and the recovery of useful energy. MBM is delivered by road inbulk tipper trucks. Heat released by the incineration of MBM generates steamthat is used to generate electricity.

If you wish to comment on this report or to obtain further copies, pleasecontact Chris Dunckley.

2. Plant description

The waste to energy (WTE) plant receives waste in a reception buildingdesigned to prevent the escape of fugitive dust. The waste is conveyed tostorage silos, from where it is fed to the incinerator. The incinerator is afluidised bed type incinerator, consisting of a heated bed of sand throughwhich air is blown. The waste is introduced into the bed by a screw feeder,disperses in the sand and rapidly heats to ignition temperature. Incinerationof waste produces ash and acidic gases. Limestone and sodium bicarbonateare added to react with the acidic gases, this produces a solid waste productwhich remains in the ash or is caught in a fabric filter. A conveyor at thebottom of the bed discharges bottom ash to a silo. Powdered ActivatedCarbon is present in the Sodium Bicarbonate feed which is used to adsorbheavy metals and dioxins.

Particulate matter is removed from the exhaust gases by a fabric filterseparator called a baghouse. A layer of alkaline dust builds up on the bagand any remaining acid gases are abated as they pass through this layer.

Pyros Enviromnenlal Limited 2008 Annual Report - WTE Page I ofl7

The bags are cleaned periodically and the dust is removed by road tankers toauthorised treatment sites.

Fluidised beds are good for heat recovery processes as they have high heattransfer rates. Boiler water is circulated through the bed via a series of tubes.Steam produced from the boiler is routed to a generator for electricityproduction. Exhaust steam from the turbine is condensed and the heat fromthe condensing steam is discharged to the atmosphere via a twin cell coolingtower.

Aqueous effluent streams are produced by the boiler, cooling tower anddemineralisation plant. This aqueous waste is used as raw water in thechemical waste incineration process on site, or it is treated in the effluenttreatment plant.

3. Summary of plant operation

The plant processed approximately 19,000 tonnes of waste (table 3.1) duringa total of 3,731 operational hours in 2008. The wastes the plant handles fallinto the categories shown in the table. Waste throughput is summarised inFigure 3.1.

Table 3.2 shows the residues produced during 2008. While bottom ash issent to landfill, the fly ash is sent to a site in the north of England for use in aneutralisation process.

Significant outages are listed in table 3.3; these are hours when the plant wasnot operational and were mainly due to necessary repair work. Overall, theplant was operational for 43% of the available operational hours in 2008.

The WTE plant exported 8,744,000 KWh of electricity to the national gridduring 2008. To put this in context, the average household's annual electricityconsumption is approximately 3,300 kWh. This means that the site exportedenough electricity to supply around 2,650 households for the year. Another8,594,000 KWh was exported for use on site.

oh~bI31W:llha e ase rouqnpul20 8Waste type Ewe number 2008 throughput, tonnes

MBM waste 020203 17174Wastes from wood processing and the 0301 04 72

oroduction of oanels and furnitureConstruction and demolition wastes-

17 02 04 973wood. alass and oJasticWastes from incineration or pyrolysis of 1901 07 14waste

Wastes from soil remediation 191301 616containina danaerous substancesMunicipal wastes - separately 2001 37 53collected fractions

Pyres Environmental Limited 2008 Annual Rcporl- WTE Pagc2o[17

Figure 3.1: Waste Throughput 2008

Wastes from incineration or pyrolysis of waste Wastes from soil remedialioncontaining dangerous substances

Construction and demolition wastes-wood, glass and plastic \ Municipal wastes - separately

/ collected fractions

Wastes from wood processing _.'"'-and the production of panels andl-__furniture

MBM waste

d32 R dable .. eSI ues pro ucedType of residue Amount tonnes) Recvcled tonnesl Landfilled (tonnes)

Flvash 4,173 4,173Bottom ash 1,174 1,174

Pyros Environmental Limited 2008 Annual Report - WTE Pogo 3 of 17

Table 3 3 Sianificant outages














DurationJhours Reason for outage

36 Internal inspection of bed and hydrostatic testing99 Repairs to secondary bed and in-bed tubes

288 Repairs to secondary bed and in-bed tubes59 Investigation of emission problems60 Repair of MBM discharge screw143 Repairs to MBM feed system55 Tube leak61 Repair damage to MBM feed screw and slide valve57 Silo discharge screw repair426 Feed screw repair72 Feed screw repair72 Changing silo discharge screw

438 Repairs to feed screw102 Repairs to MBM feed system24 Problems with purity of water supply56 Repairs to reception MBM chain elevator116 Repairs to MBM feed system74 Investigation of emission problems48 Tube leak72 Tube leak24 Repair to rotary gate

275 Planned shutdown for upgrade and maintenance48 Tube leak204 Plant shut down for removal of bed material24 Commissioning after maintenance94 Repairs to MBM feed system

137 Problems with MBM reception system

1----;2,,4I---t..;8<'rc"in"!:'aijn~,g olanl uo to temoerature after shutdown38 Baa house blockaae27 Insufficient waste available

104 Baahouse clean and baa chanae21 Silo discharae convevor blockaae22 Looo convevor blockaae72 Planned shut down for maintenance

744 Planned shut down for maintenance

Pyros Environmcntal I ,imitcd 2008 Annual Report - WTE Page4or17

4. Summary of plant emissions

The site operates under a PPG permit issued by the Environment Agency andall emissions to air, water and land are monitored throughout the year andreported to the Agency. The emission limit values in the permit are setaccording to the emission standards in the Waste Incineration Directive(2000176/EG on the incineration of waste).

Emissions to Air

In order to ensure compliance of emissions to air, the plant has a ContinuousEmissions Monitoring System (GEMS) in place which monitors particulatematter, total organic carbon, hydrogen chloride, carbon monoxide, sulphurdioxide, oxides of nitrogen (NOx) and ammonia while the incinerator isoperational. The total masses of these continuously monitored pollutantsemitted to air in 2008 are shown in table 4.1.

tI dIUOUSIV mom ore emISSIons 0 at(Pollutant Total emitted in 2008

Partlculale matter 470 koTotal Oraanic Carbon 130 ko

Hvdroaen Chloride 1057 kaCarbon monoxide 6,513 koSulohur dioxide 4334 ko

Oxides of nitroaen 33622 kaAmmonia 1,714 ka

Table 4.1: Gonlin

Strict limits are adhered to for half hourly, hourly and daily emissions of thesubstances monitored by GEMS, and the GEMS data is reported monthly tothe Environment Agency. A summary of the GEM data is shown in Table 4.2;further detail can be found in the appendix.

The GEM system reports the concentration of each emission in milligrams percubic metre (mg/m'). The annual half-hour maximum is the highest valuerecorded over any half-hour period during the year. The annual half-hourmean is the average of all the half-hour values recorded during the year. Theannual daily maximum is the highest value recorded over any 24 hour periodduring the year.

ELV stands for Emission Limit Value. Each emission to air (with the exceptionof carbon monoxide) has a half-hour average ELV, for example the limit forparticulate matter is 30 mg/m'. If the concentration of particulate matterexceeds this value over a half hour period then the emission has to bereported to the Environment Agency as an exceedance. There is also a dailyaverage ELV which is lower than the half-hour value. For particulate matterthis is 10 mg/m', and if the concentration of particulate matter measured overa 24 hour period exceeds this value then it must be reported to theEnvironment Agency as an exceedance. The exceedances reported during2008 are listed in section 5.

Pyros Environmental Limited 2008 Annual Report - WTE Page 5 of 17


Table 4.2: Annual Monitorino Summary of CEM Dala

Half-hour AnnualAnnual 1/2

Daily Annual AnnualEmission average 1/2 hour

hour meanaverage daily daily

ELV maximum ELV maximum mean

Particulate matter 30 21.2 1.6 10 9.4 1.5Total OrQanic Carbon (TOG) 20 18.4 0.5 10 2.2 0.5

Hvdrochloric Acid (Hell 60 55.5 3.5 10 10.6 3.4Carbon Monoxide (COl 50 49.0 17.8

Sulohur dioxide (SO,) 200 144.0 15.3 50 48.2 11.5

Oxides of Nitroaen {NOwl 400 377.0 118.6 200 200.0 109.9Ammonia (NH3) 60 58.0 6.1 20 19.9 5.7

The continuous emissions monitoring system was operating normallythroughout 2008.

Other emissions to air are monitored periodically by an external contractor.Table 4.3 shows the results of biannual checks for nitrous oxide, ammonia,cadmium and thallium, mercury, other metals (antimony, arsenic, chromium,cobalt, copper, lead, manganese, nickel, tin and vanadium), dioxins/furans,PGS's (polychlorinated biphenyls) and PAH's (polycyclic aromatichydrocarbons). Periodically monitored emissions to air are reported to theEnvironment Agency and must fall within the limits stated in the IPPG permit.

Emissions to Water

The WTE plant does not report any releases to water. Emissions to waterfrom the Fawley site are reported under the HTI plant's permit (Permit No.HP3835UZ).

Table 4.3: Periodical1v monitored emissions to air

Result of 1-1 Result of 2nd DurationPollutant Units Limit ofspot test spot test samolina

Nitrous oxide 7.4 10.7 m Im Ihour No limit aoolies 4 hours

Ammonia 1.40 mg/m3/hour 60 mg/m (1/21 hour-

hour averaaelCadmium & 0.0004 NO mg/m3/hour 0.05 mg/m

2 hoursthallium over a

Mercury 0.0000 0.0002 mg/m3/hour minimum 302 hoursminute period

mg/m3/hour0.5 mg/m over

Other metals 0.0397 0.1580 a minimum 30 2 hoursminute period

ng/m3/hour0.1 ng/m over

DioxinsJfurans 0.0937 0.8168 a minimum 6 6 hourshour oeriod

pes's 0.0056 0.0347 no/m /hour No limit aoofies 6 hoursPAH's 1.4288 1.1731 I.JQINm Ihour No limit aoolies 6 hours

NO = Not detected

Pyros Environmental Limited 2008 Annual Report - WTE Page 6 of 17


S. Summary of pl:\Ilt compliance

As described in section 4, the plant operates under a PPC permit which statesthe maximum allowed emission of a given substance over a half hourly, hourlyand daily period. Any emissions which exceed this limit are non-compliant.and must be reported to the Environment Agency with an explanation of theiikely cause and the actions that have been taken to solve the problem. Table5.1 shows the exceedances for 2008.

Hydrochloric acid was detected at a level above the ELV during monitoring byan external contractor. As the onsite monitoring system (CEMS) showed noexceedance at this time, a service was booked for CEMS to ensure itsreliability.

Monitoring during triais for the incineration of woodchip waste detected anelevated release of metals to air. Further investigation indicated that nickelwas the major contributor. As a result of this exceedance the trial was ceasedand the throughput of woodchip was reduced to a previously compliant rate.

A dioxin exceedance was detected by an external contractor during periodicmonitoring of emissions to air. The result has been queried and is to beconfirmed; in the meantime additional controls against dioxin formation arebeing used as a precaution.

Several non-compliant emissions were reported for the release of carbonmonoxide to air. Increased levels of carbon monoxide can be caused byhaving either too much or too littte waste in the fluidised bed, or by poorcombustion of the waste material. Levels below the emission limit value werequickly recovered following these exceedances. The plant was operationai fora total of 3,731 hours during 2008 and met its carbon monoxide limits 99.9%of the time.

It is difficult to gauge the environmental impact of these non-compliances. Inmost cases, very iow limits were exceeded by a small percentage for a shortamount of time and the impact on the environment is likely to be negligible.

The plant was in compliance with the permit conditions for 97.8% of itsoperating hours. For sulphur dioxide, oxides of nitrogen, particulates and totalorganic carbon, the plant complied with its emission iimits 100% of the time.

Table 5.2 shows environmental complaints received by the whole Fawley siteduring 2008. All complaints about the site are fully investigated and anyfindings are reported to the EA and the complainant. Note that the Fawleysite consists of the Waste to Energy Incinerator covered in this performancereport as well as the High Temperature Incinerator, which is covered in aseparate report (see section 7).

The plant received no enforcement actions by the Environment Agency in2008.

Pyros Environmental Limited 2008 Annual Report - WTE Page 7 of 17

tAtified to the E

Antimony, arsenic, lead, chromium, cobalt, copper, manganese, nickel and vanadium and their compounds

d.Table 5.1: E ._---_ .. _-- ,,- .... _....._..... _..-Date Limit I Exceedance

Comments IValue Type Media % Hourly Hourly Daily Weekly Periodic

25/0212008100 115.5 Carbon

Air Exceedance occurred during temperature trialling andmg/m3 mgfm3 monoxide x

recovered quickly

20/03/2008 60 mg/m3 '~~i'9 Hydrochloric Air x Periodic monitoring. CEMS showed no exceedancesm 1m3 acid

25/0412008 0.5 0.73 mg/m3 Metals· Airma/m3 x

04/0812008100 103.4 Carbon

Air Plant required over-bed burners to maintainm"'/m

3m'"'/m3 monoxide X

temoerature, resultina in CO exceedance

07110/2008 0.1 ng/m3 0.8168Dioxins Air x Periodic monitoring. Result to be confirmed.nn/m3

1011012008 60 mg/m 78.4 mo/m' Ammonia Air x Caused by abnormal ooeration

2711012008 100 109.4 Carbon Air x High differential pressure on bag housemn /m3 mn /m3 monoxide

3111012008 100 100.42 CarbonAir x Nonemg/m3 mg/m3 monoxide

1211112008 10 mg/m3 10.6 mg/m3 HydrochloricAir x Emission was due to a miscalculation with regards to

acid final emission value for the 24 hour period..

laint.talTable 5.2: E., .. -- -- -- ---- _._. ---- - ---- -.-Incident

Nature of c~mPlaintDate Action Taken

24/01/2008 Complaint from a neighbouring site of black soot It was established that the soot was likely to have been released during a plant trip. The wastesdeposits on cars. in service at the time were exnected to cause no detrimental effects if oresent in the soot.

03/0212008 Complaint from a local resident regarding noise.The source of the noise was identified as hoisting of lithium batteries. As a result the processingof these was ceased until the next mornina.

26/0612008 Report from a neiahbourino site of a burnino smell. Determined to be caused bv overheatino enisodes in the MBM feed svstem.

20/0812008Complaint from a neighbouring site of a rotten

It was established that the smell could have originated from a skip which was being dug out.eaa/burnina smell.

A load of MBM had arrived on site which was warmer and more odorous than the usual loads.

03/0912008 Complaint from a neighbouring site of a rotten egg smell. The customer was asked to ensure that MBM has cooled down before arrival on site and infuture the roller shutter door will be closed on comnletion of the tinninn action.The trailers were moved on to site and checks were carried out around the plant to determine

10/11/2008Complaint of MBM smell, possibly coming from trailers the source of the odour. The odour may have been caused by the use of air lances to freeparked on the road. MBM, therefore all MBM off-loaders asked to ensure that the door is kept in the lowest position

to minimise odour aeneration from the use of air lances in the receotion honner.

Pyres Environmental Limited 2008 Annual Report - WTE Page 8 of 17


6. SUllImary of plant improvements

A variation to the permit was determined in November 2007 allowing theincineration of hazardous waste in addition to MBM. Any new waste type tobe incinerated is subject to rigorous trials and approval by the EnvironmentAgency to ensure that the conditions of the permit are met. The emissionlimit values for the plant remain unaffected. Hazardous and non ha.zardouswoods have both completed their Waste Evaluation Exercises and arepermitted for incineration in the Waste to Energy plant. Several other wastestreams continue to be trialled including sludges from dissolved air flotationprocesses and combustible materials that have been segregated from soilremediation on the London 2012 Olympic Park Site. The plant has completedthe addition of Powdered Activated Carbon to its gas cleaning plant whichshould significantly reduce the potential for dioxin emissions.

Future plans leading to environmental improvement include a new, tighterlimit for emission of carbon monoxide to air which to be introduced byDecember 2009. This will help to improve the air quality in the local area.

Pyros Environmental Limited 2008 Annual Report - WTE Page 9 of 17


7. Summary ofinforlllatioll made available

To find out more about Pyros Environmental ltd please contact ChrisDunckley at the address shown in section 1. Our website

Please see also the performance report for Fawley High TemperatureIncinerator (Annual performance report for Pyros Environmental ltd - PermitNo. HP3835UZ - Year 2008).

Environment AgencyEnvironmental information is available to the public though the PublicRegisters, these are located at the Environment Agency's local offices.

Hampshire and Isle of Wight Area OfficeColvedene Court,Wessex Business Park,WessexWay,Colden Common,Winchester,Hampshire, 5021 1WP

Telephone: 08708506 506Website:

Public Registers can also be accessed online:

New Forest Environmental Protection Liaison Committee Meetings

Contact name: Jan Debnam at the New Forest District CouncilTelephone: (023) 8028 5389E-mail: [email protected]

A representative from Pyros Environmental ltd attends the New ForestDistrict Council's New Forest Environmental Protection Liaison Committeemeetings. These are held at the Community Centre, Hythe, and are open tothe public. Meetings were held on 1" February 2008 and 9" October 2008.For details of the next meeting please contact Jan Debnam.

Pyros Environmental Limited 2008 Annual Report - WTE Page 100fl7

.....,Annual Monitoring Summary 2008 - Particulates

35" .E 30 ------- Half-hour average ELV

'"----_._-_._-------------~;---------------------------- ...._---------_.._--------_....._-----

E 25 , • Monthly 112 hour maximum~

.20 . • • -+- Monthly 1/2 hour mean• •0 15 • • ____ MO. Daily average ElV- .

c . •0 10 -----_ .._----------_..._..._----_._-----------------.-.----_ ..----------..-----------.-.--.- Monthly daily maximum.~ n

.~ 5 -

~ ~--.- Monthly daily mean

E • JLo •

" ~~ .....-;==w 0 . , ,Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jut Aug Sep Oct Noy Dec



paniCulates_lIliiii[ Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jut Aug Sep Oct Noy DecHalf-hour 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30_'. _ average ElV

Annual 1/2Half-hourly h 21 2 Monthly 1/2 2.4 19 1.5 1.4 1.1 1.2 11.7 16.4 20.3 21.2 16 0average ~ur . hour maximum

maximumAnnual 1/2 1.6 Monthly 1/2 0.4 0.6 0.3 0.4 0.2 0.3 0.7 3 2.6 5.7 5 0hour mean hour mean

~.,., ;."",. Daily average 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10~~ . .~.~'l....~. '; - j;, ELV

Daily Annu~1 daily 9.4 Monthly daily 0.6 0.4 05 0.7 0.4 0.5 3.3 6.2 9.4 9.1 7.7 0average maxImum maximum

Annual daily 1.5 Monthly daily 0.4 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.6 2.9 2.5 5.2 5 0mean mean

Pyros Envirorunental Limited 2008 Annual Report - WTE Page 11 of 17

Annual Monitoring Summary 2008 - Total Organic Carbon

25 -7 -E

20 ---.-_. Half-hour average ElV._._--_.._---------------.---------------------.-.-.--------------------------------------'" •E • • • Monthly 1/2 hour;: 15 • maximum~ •0 • ___ Monthly 112 hour mean- 10

_____________________________ ._._.._.. __ .___ ~-.-Jl----- .".......... _____.... _. __._.____ .__c

-.----- Daily average ElV0~ 5 • ••E • .. ... • Monthly daily maximum

W 0 . ~

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul AU9 Sep Qct Nov Dec


TOe Annual summary Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul AU9 Sep Qct Nov Dec

~. Half-hour 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20". ";.. . average ELV' . ,Half- Annual 1/2 Monthly 1/2 hour

hourly hour 18.4 maximum 18A 17.3 16.1 2 14.7 12.4 10.5 13.5 6 2.7 4.9 0average maximum

Annual 112 0.5 Monthly 1/2 hour 0.6 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.4 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.7 0hour mean mean,,; '"- Daily average

l'J.:'.' 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10


Daily Annual daily 2.2 Monthly daily 1.4 1.2 1.2 0.8 0.9 1.5 1A 2.2 1.5 0.9 1 0average maximum maximum

Annual daily 0.5 Monthly daily 0,4 0.3 0.4 0.2 OA 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.7 0mean mean


Pyros Environmental Limited 2008 Annual Report - WTE Page 12 of 17

Annual Monitoring Summary 2008 - Hydrochloric Acid

• 70E -----_.. Half-hour average ElV0> 60 ------------------------_.._---------------------------------------------------------------E • • • • • Monthly 1/2 hour

" 50 • • • • maximum•m40 • -.-Monthly 112 hour mean0- ,

c 30 ••••• _- Daily average ElV0';;; 20,~

--------------- -,,------ -- ----- --- .........__._---------_..--_....--_.....--------.- -----..- Monthly daily maximumE 10w - ::-...,- ----0

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jut AU9 Sep Oct Nov DecMonth

Hel?1n~uai. Month

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jut AU9 Sep Oct Nov Dec. " . Half·hour

60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60'~> _,'~ .""',. ..,.. ,,'4- average ELV

Half- Annua11/2hourly h 555 Monthly 1/2 hour 54.2 52.1 49.3 43.4 47.7 12.4 52.4 55.5 47.4 45.7 47.9 0

average max~~rum . maximum

Annual 1/2 3.5 Monthly 1/2 hour 2.2 2.6 5.7 5.4 3.5 0.9 3.9 4.5 2.6 5.1 6 0hour mean mean

~Daily averagev::- . '"'" .. - ;0;:' .-'

ELV 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10.> Av ,

Daily Annu~1 daily 10.6 Monthly daily 6.2 8.3 9.4 8.6 9.4 1.5 8.5 8.7 8 7.7 10.6 0average maximum maximum

Annual daily3.4

Monthly daily 2.2 2 5.5 5.4 4.3 0.9 3.8 4 2.3 4.4 6.3 0mean mean


Pyros Environmental Limited 2008 Annual Report - WTE Page 130fl7

Annual Monitoring Summary 2008 - Carbon Monoxide

~ 140E • ------- Half-hour average ELVCl 120

.g 100 1II--------------lI----------------------ii------~------II-_._--11I------11------11I------- • Monthly 112hour maximum.;80 -- Monthly 112 hour mean0-c 60 ------- Daily average ELV

0 .__..._-----_ .._----------------------_._----_ ..._-------------------------- .. - .._------';; 40 .. - - Monthly daily maximum~ •

~'E 20 ---!l .~ --+- Monthly daily meanw ,0

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jut Aug Sep Oct Nov Dee


co ;- Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oet Nov Dee

Half-hour100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100.. ;.', - ,.- , ",'-- average ELV

Half- Annual 1/2Monthly 1/2

hourly hour 124.0 hour maximum 100 124 96 37 23 94 99 103 97 103 100 0average maximum

Annual 11222.3

Monthly 1/233.6 26.3 26.9 11.3 1.5 16.6 31.2 27.8 19.4 37.8 35.7 0

hour mean hour mean.. Daily average

-~~ 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50.., ·,)"CiI.-' ELV

Daily Annual daily49.0

Monthly daily49 47.3 48.1 21 4.6 30 48 26.8 45.9 43.3 38.1 0

average maximum maximum

Annual daily17.8

Monthly daily25.9 18.7 26 11.3 1.7 20.7 25.3 23.8 12.9 30.4 17.2 0

mean mean

- •

Pyros Environmental Limited 2008 Annual Report - WTE Page 14 of 17

Annual Monitoring Summary 2008 - Sulphur Dioxide

250•E ------. Half-hour average ElV0) 200 -----------_.-..-----.-----.-.-..._.--------.------------_._---._----_.--.------._-------_.E • Monthly 1/2 hour maximum

""';0 150 • • • -.....- Monthly 112 hour mean0 • • • •-c 100 • • • ------- Daily average ElV.20 • Monthly daily maximum0

'E 50 ~----~~------~-----_._------~:-------~~-----------------------.------_.---+- Monthly daily mean

UJ0 . ~ '-i

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Qet Nov Dee


so,•• Month

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Qet Nov Dec~_ . __."~i- . " Half-hour 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200,'. ~,'-; average ELV

Half- Annual 1/2 M thl 1/2hourly m:x~~~m 144.0 hou~~a~imum 129 141 138 124 108 62 129 101 106 126 144 0

averageAnnual 1/2 Monthly 1/2 30.5 49.6 29.4 20.8 15 7.4 10.8 2.2 4.6 57 7.8 0hour mean 15.3 hour mean

.~ Daily average.~,....., ~h. -'--" ,

ELV50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50


Daily Annual daily 48.2 Monthly dally 48.2 47.1 48 47.6 38.1 16 13.1 12.1 28.8 13 35.2 0average maximum maximum

Annual daily 11.5Monthly daily 18.2 20.3 27.1 20.8 16.5 6.7 7.1 2.2 4.4 6.2 8 0

mean mean


Pyros Environmental Limited 2008 Annual Report - WTE Page 15 of 17

Annual Monitoring Summary 2008 - Oxides of Nitrogen

'1 450E 400

.Cl> --------ii-----------------------.---------------------------------------------------.---. ------- Half-hour average ELV.E 350 • • • • • • • Monthly 1f2hOur maximum.~ 300 • •.s 250 • • .-...- Monthly 112 hour mean

c 200 .'- ------~------- .. ---- -~-----i,;;;i"---- -~----~ ---- -..------- .------,:..\--- ---- .------_. ------- Daily average ElV.2 150

~ 7 ~ o~~\.0.~ 100 Monthly daily maximum

Jl 50 --.- Monthly daily mean0

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep act Nov Dec


NO, Annual summary Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep act Nov Dec;;''F' ' Half-hour

400'.' 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400average ELVHalf- Annual 1/2

Monthly 1/2hourly hour 377.0 hour maximum 367 377 305 276 306 275 328 328 328 328 335 0

average maximumAnnual1/2 118.6 Monthly 1/2 124 132 157 144 93 122 131 105 92 166 157 0hour mean hour mean

hjr;~ >1~ Daily average200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200ELV• '.'-.- -..l;.".....j"'---.- •

Daily Annual daily200.0

Monthly daily 199 184 199 193 188 195 199 193 196 200 198 0average maximum maximum

Annual daily 109.9Monthly daily

101 88 153 144 115 124 112 88 74 160 160 0mean mean


Pyros Environmental Limited 2008 Annual Report - WTE Page 16 of 17


Annual erformance re ort for Pros Environmental Lld - Permit 29 JAN 2009No. HP3835UZ - Year 2008

1. IntroductionCHICHESTER DEP

Name of Comoanv Pvros Environmental LimitedName of Plant Fawley High Temperature IncineratorPermit Number HP3835UZAddress Charleston Road

Hardley, HytheHampshireS0453NX

Phone 023 8088 3016Contact name Chris DuncklevPosition Technical and Comoliance Manaaer

Pyros Environmental Lld has been operating the Fawley site since May 2007when the High Temperature Incinerator and the adjacent Waste to EnergyIncinerator were divested from Veolia Environmental Services.

Fawley HTI (High Temperature Incinerator) plant incinerates waste materialscommonly arising from the agrochemical, fine chemical, clinical(pharmaceutical), petrochemical or engineering industries. Significantquantities of redundant chemicals in small quantities arising from the use inschools, universities and research and development establishments are alsoincinerated.

If you wish to comment on this report or to obtain further copies, pleasecontact Chris Dunckley.

2. Plant description

The site has been processing hazardous waste since 1977. The currentlyoperated High Temperature Incinerator (HTI) was commissioned in 1990.The site undertakes operations and activities in the treatment of hazardouswaste including:

The administration of waste management activitiesThe reception, storage and preparation of wastes prior to incinerationThe incineration processThe exhaust gas cleaning processThe treatment and handling of liquid effluentsThe handling of solid waste residues

The HTI plant is designed to process approximately 45,000 tonnes ofhazardous waste per annum. The plant also disposes of small quantities oflow level radioactive and clinical wastes. Waste is delivered to the site usingroad transport and is received in liquid, solid or sludge form, in bulk tanker,

Pyros Environmental Limited 2008 Annual Report - HTI Page I of19


drums, cardboard kegs, plastic or heavy duty paper sacks, small glass bottlesand in IBC containers. Wastes generally comprise of off-specification rawmaterials or products, process effluents, unwanted by-products and timeexpired products.

The HTI plant is a rotary kiln design that has the capability of handling a widerange of wastes. The incineration process produces two primary wastestreams: slag ash which is a combustion process waste and filter cake whichis the solids waste extracted from the water used to clean the combustiongases.

The process is controlled by a semi-automated system which ensures that theoptimum operating conditions are maintained in order to meet emission limitsset by the Authorisation. Automated control systems maintain the incinerationprocess at the correct temperature and ensure that the waste residence timewithin the kiln is such that the waste is disposed of with due regard toenvironmental impact and compliance with permit conditions.

3. Summary of plant operation

The HTI plant processed approximately 22,000 tonnes of waste in 2008during 5,784 operational hours. Table 3.1 shows the waste throughputfor theyear. The wastes the plant handles are hazardous wastes that must beincinerated as they cannot be sent to landfill, and they fall into the categoriesshown in the table. Waste throughput is summarised in Figure 3.1.

The residues produced by incineration are incinerator ash and filter cake.These are non-hazardous wastes and can be sent to landfil!. Table 3.1 showsthe residues produced during 2008. These residues are analysed in theonsite laboratory before being taken to landfill. Such residues are not suitablefor recycling.

Significant outages are listed in Table 3.3; these are hours when the plant wasnot operational and were mainly due to necessary repair work. Overall, theplant was operational for 66% of the available hours in 2008.

Table 3 l' Residues Produced in 2008Tvne of residue Amount tonnes\ Recvcled lte\ LandfiJIed (te

Incinerator ash/slan 3,622 3,622ETP filter cake 2,224 2,224

Pyros Environmental Limited 2008 Annual Report - HTI Page 2 of 19


: ,

Table 3.2: Waste Throuahout 2008Waste type EWCcode 2007 throURhputltonnes

Wastes resulting from excavation, mining,quarrying, and physical and chemical 0105 34treatment of mineralsWastes from agriculture, horticulture,aquaculture, forestry, hunting and fishing, 0201 127food preoaration and orocessinaWastes from wood processing and theproduction of panels and furniture, pulp, paper 0301 67and cardboardWastes from petroleum refining, natural gas 0501,0507 619I ourification and ovroJvtic treatment of coal

Wastes from inorganic chemical processes 0601, 06 02, 06 03, 06 3610406080610,0613

Wastes from organic chemical processes 0701, 07 02, 07 03, 07 8,38504 07 05 07 06, 0707

Wastes from the manufacture, formulation,supply and use of coatings (paints, varnishes 08 01, 08 03, 08 04, 08 91and vitreous enamels), adhesives, sealants 05and orintina inksWastes from thermal orocesses 1008 1010 73Wastes from chemical surface treatment andcoating of metals and other materials; non 1101,1103 19ferrous hydrometallurovWastes from shaping and physical and 12 01 3mechanical treatment of metals and clasticsOil wastes and wastes of liquid fuels (except 1301,1302,1303,13 700edible oils. 05 and 12) 0513071308Waste org~~~c solvents, refri~~rants and 1406 524orooellants exceot 07 and 08Waste packaging, wiping cloths, fillermaterials and protective clothing not 1501,1502 565otherwise soecified

1602,1603, 1604, 16Wastes not otherwise specified in the list 05, 1606, 1607, 1608, 1,076

16091610Construction and demolition wastes (including 17 01,1703,1704,17 126excavated soil from contaminated sites) 05 17 09Wastes from human or animal healthcareand/or related research (except kitchen and 1801,1802 326restauran~;astes not arising from immediatehealthcareWastes from waste management facilities,offsite waste water treatment plants and the 1901, 1902, 1903, 19 8,171preparation of water intended for human 11,1912consumotion and water for industrial useMunicipal wastes (household waste andsimilar commercial, industrial and institutional

2001 171wastes) including separately collectedfractionsAny waste authorised under the Radioactive 361Substances Act

Pyros Environmental Limited 2008 Annual Report - f-1T1 Page 3 of 19


Figure 3.1: Waste Throughput 2008 Wastes from waste management facilities, offsite waste water treatment plants and thepreparation of water intended for human consumption and water for industrial use

Sawdust, shavings, cuttings, wood, particleboard and veneer containing dangeroussubstances

Wastes from petroleum refining, natural gaspurification and pyrolytic treatment of coal

Municipal wastes including separatelycollected fractions

Wastes from inorganic chemical processes

~ - Agrochemical waste containingdangerous substances

Wastes from organic chemicalprocesses

Any waste authorised under the Radioactive

~Substances Act

~ . <, • / /Drilling muds and other drilling wastes containing~_.J -,'." _~ -. - ) ~..........- ~angeroussubstances.. ,

Wastes from manufacture, formUlation,supply and use of coatings, adhesives,sealants and printing inks

Oil wastes and wastes of ---------'liquid fuels

Wastes from human or animal healthcare and/orrelated research

Wastes from shaping andphysical and mechanical surfacetreatment of metals and plastics

Construction and demolition wastes

Wastes from chemical surfacetreatment and coating of metalsand other materials; non-ferroushydro-metallurgy

Waste organic solvents, refrigerants ...fand propellants

Wastes not otherwise specified in thelist~

Waste packaging; absorbents, wipingcloths, filter materials and protectiveclothing

Wastes from thermal processes

Pyros Environmental Limited 2008 Annual Reporl- HTl Page 4 of 19

. ,

) I

Table 3.3:


Sianificant Outaaes Durian 2008DurationIhours Reason for outage








Au ust






All month726028912632



Kiln seals renlacedWE? cleanWE? cleanKiln inverter faultvKiln seals renlacedDeslanner renairsInverter faultDeslanner belt reoairedKiln overhanaDeslanner renairsDeslanner renairsBroken deslaaaer belt chainWE? insoectionWE? insnectionPower surneWE? maintenanceWE? cleanStack emission nroblemsShut down for renairs includinn re·brickinn of kilnDeslaaaer belt re airedWE? cleanWE? cleanVarious reoairs/maintenanceRenairs to deslaaner beltScrubber renackProblems with control 5vstemDeslaaaer belt reoairedRenalrs to Quench oineworkKiln seals renlacedShut down for WEP cleanDeslaoe er reoairsRenairs to damaned wirinnRenairs to EVS door frameQuench throat blockedReoairs to deslaaaer beltRenairs to nlant after incident

4. Summary of plant monitoring

The site operates under a PPC permit issued by the Environment Agency andall emissions to air, water and iand are monitored throughout the year andreported to the Agency. The emission limit values in the permit are setaccording to the emission standards in the Waste Incineration Directive(2000176/EC on the incineration of waste).

Emissions to Air

Emissions to air from the flue stack are monitored using ContinuousEmissions Monitoring System (CEMS). This equipment operates continuouslyand monitors particulate matter, total organic carbon, hydrogen chloride,

Pyros Environmental Limited 2008 Annual Report - HTI Page 5 of 19

) carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide and oxides of nitrogen (NO,). The totalmasses of these pollutants emitted to air in 2008 are shown in table 4.1.

fA'I M '1 dE' .UOUSIV on/ore mISSIons 0 If

Pollutant Total emittedin 2008

Particulate matter 585 kaTotal Oraanic Carbon 495 ka

Hvdroaen Chloride 315 kaCarbon monoxide 4168 kaSulohur dioxide 195 ka

Oxides of nitroaen 17 540 ka

Table 4. 1: Conlin

Strict limits are adhered to for half hourly, hourly and daily emissions of thesubstances monitored by the GEMS, and the GEMS data is reported monthlyto the Environment Agency. An Annual Monitoring Summary for the GEMSdata is shown in Table 4.2; further detail can be found in the appendix (section8).

The GEM system reports the concentration of each emission in milligrams percubic metre (mg/m'). The annual half-hour maximum is the highest valuerecorded over any half-hour period during the year. The annual half-hourmean is the average of all the half-hour values recorded during the year. Theannual daily maximum is the highest value recorded over any 24 hour periodduring the year.

ELV stands for Emission Limit Value. Each emission to air (with the exceptionof carbon monoxide) has a half-hour average ELV, for example the limit forparticulate matter is 30 mg/m'. If the concentration of particulate matterexceeds this value over a half hour period then the emission has to bereported to the Environment Agency as an exceedance. There is also a dailyaverage ELV. For particulate matter this is 10 mg/m', and if the concentrationof particulate matter measured over a 24 hour period exceeds this value thenit must be reported to the Environment Agency as an exceedance.

The exceedances reported during 2008 are listed in section 5.

Table 4.2: Annual Monilorina Summary of CEMS Dala

Half·hour Annual Annual Daily Annual AnnualEmission average 1/2 hour 1/2 hour average daily daily

ELV maximum mean ELV maximum mean

Particulate matter 30 31 2.7 10 9.9 2.5Total OrQanic Carbon (TOG) 20 20 2.2 10 9.3 2.1

Hvdrochloric Acid (Het) 60 14 1.4 10 3.4 1.4Carbon Monoxide CO 50 50 20.7

Sulohur Dioxide ISO,) 200 25 0.9 50 3.4 0.9

Oxides of NitroQen (NO,,) 400 288 78.7 200 162 79.1

Pyros Environmental Limited 2008 Annual Report - HTI Page 6 of 19

• I


The continuous emissions monitoring system was functioning normallythroughout 2008.

Other emissions to air are monitored periodically by an external contractor.Table 4.2 shows the average results of the two biannual checks in 2008 forcadmium and thallium, mercury, other metals (antimony, arsenic, chromium,cobalt, copper, lead, manganese, nickel, tin and vanadium), dioxinsffurans,PCS's (polychlorinated biphenyls) and PAH's (polycyclic aromatichydrocarbons). Periodically monitored emissions to air are reported to theEnvironment Agency and must fall within the limits stated in the PPC permit.

Table 4.2: Periodically Monitored Emissions to Air

Pollutant Results of spot test LimitDuration ofsamolina

Cadmium & 0.00045 mg/mJ/hour 0.05 mg/m over a 2 hoursthallium minimum 30 minuteMercurv 0.00125 ma/m~lhour oefiod 2 hours

0.6179 mg/m3/hour0.5 mg/m over a

Other metals minimum 30 minute 2 hoursperiod

Dioxinslfurans 0.0222 ngJm3/hour0.1 nglm over a 6 hours

minimum 6 hOUf oeriodPGB's 0.0048 nalm !hour No limit aDolies 6 hoursPAH's 0.5052 uo/Nm /hour No limit aDolies 6 hours

Emissions to Water

Treated waste water from the HTI plant is discharged to Southampton Waterafter testing for pH, suspended solids, ammoniacal nitrogen, various metals,phosphate and temperature. The flow rate is also monitored and must remainbelow a given limit. All of these parameters are monitored continuously; Table4.3 shows the monthly average values for 2008 and (where appropriate) thetotal released to water during the year.

Spot checks are carried out bi-annually on the site's waste water. The wateris sampled and sent for independent analysis for various organic compounds.Table 4.4 shows the results for these periodically monitored emissions towater, along with the concentration limits allowed in the site's permit. Manycompounds were below the limit of detection, meaning that they were notpresent in high enough concentrations to be detected by the test method.Exceedances were recorded for atrazine and for tributyl tin and triphenyl tin(results for the two tin compounds are added together to meet oneconcentration limit); these were notified to the Environment Agency and arediscussed in section 5.

Pyros Environmental Limited 2008 Annual Report - HTI Page 7 of t9

) Table 4.3: Continuouslv Monitored Emissions to Water

ParameterMonthly average Total emitted

2008 in 2008nH 6.2 nla

Total susoended solids 9 I11Q/I 1520 koAmmoniacal nitroaen 1219 uon 214 ko

Total conoer 40 uall 6.9 koTotal chromium 15 uon 2.7 ka

Total zinc 76 uon 14 koTotal nickel 45 uo/l 7.9 koTotal lead 34 ua/l 6.0 ka

Total cadmium 2 uoll 0.4 kaTotal iron 329 uo/l 56 k

Total aluminium 93 uo/l 16 koTotal mercurY 0.5 ua/l 0.1 kaTotal arsenic 16 uo/l 2.9 kaTotal calcium 112 uon 20 k

Total ohosohate 1637 uoll 267 koTemoerature 23.7 C n/a

Flow rate 14,626 m 175510 m'

tlMdE .TbI44P'd'/IMa e eno Icafty omtore miSSions 0 ater

Substance Average Concentration Permit limit• lua!litrel (uo!litre)

1,2-Dichloroethane 0.05 5Aldrin 0.003 0.01Atrazine 0.146 0.06Azinphos-methvl 0.001 0.01Dichlorvos 0.001 0.2Dieldrin 0.003 0.01Endosulfan 0.003 0.03Endrin 0.002 0.005Fenitrathion 0.001 0.06Hexachlorobenzene 0.001 0.03Hexachlorobutadiene 0.001 0.06Hexachlorocyclohexane (All isomers) 0.005 0.02Malathion 0.001 0.06PCSs (Polychlorinaled biphenyls) 0.007 0.7PentachJoroohenol and its comoounds 0.025 0.7Simazine 0.01 0.06DOT (All isomers) 0.002 0.025Tributvl tin and triphenyl tin taken tooether 0.02 0.002Trichlorobenzene (All isomers 0.005 0.2Trifluralin 0.005 0.1Azinohos·ethvl 0.001 0.01Carbon tetrachloride 0.253 12Chloroform 0.325 12Fenthion 0.001 0.02Parathion 0.001 0.02Parathion-methyl 0.001 0.02Tetrachloroethvlene 3.15 10Isodrin 0.0023 0.0051,1,1 trichloroethane 0.05 40Trichloroethylene 0.05 10

Pyros Environmental Limited 2008 Annual Report - HTI Page 8 of 19

) 5. Summary of plant compliance

As described in section 4, the plant operates under a PPC permit which statesthe maximum allowed emission of a given substance over a half hourly, hourlyand daily period. Any emissions which exceed this limit are non-compliantand must be reported to the Environment Agency with an explanation of thelikely cause and the actions that have been taken to solve the problem. Table5.1 shows the exceedances for 2008. The table shows that five exceedanceswere reported in 2008. These were for the release of particulates and metalsto air, and for the release of organic compounds to water. The latter wasdetected by an external lab on testing a six monthly composite of waste water.A sample has been sent for re-testing as the atrazine result is suspected to beanomalous. The value recorded for tributyl tin/triphenyl tin is the same as the2006 and 2007 values but the emission limit value has been reduced thisyear, making it an exceedance.

The plant was in compliance with the permit conditions for all other emissionsto air and water.

Table 5.2 shows environmental complaints received by the Fawley site during2008. All complaints about the site are fully investigated and any findings arereported to the EA and the complainant. Note that the Fawley site consists ofthe High Temperature Incinerator covered in this performance report as wellas the Waste to Energy Incinerator, which is covered In a separate report (seesection 7).

The plant received no enforcement actions by the Environment Agency in2008.

Pyros Environmental Limited 2008 Annual Report - I-ITI Page 9 of 19

Table 5.1: Exceedances Notified to the Environment Agency


Value Limit(ma/m'l Imn/m'l Type Media Periodic

1/2 DailyComments


07/01/08 31.1 30 Particulate Air x

17103108 31.6 20 Particulate

Periodic monitoring by external

Air x contractor. CEMS values (in-house monitoring) for this

19/03/08 1.2 0.5 Metals Airneriod show no exceedances.

xJuly to

0.286 ~g/I 0.06 ~g/IDecember 2008Atrazine Water x

July to 0.04 ~g/I

Tributyl tin andStored sample is to be

December 2008 0.002 ~gll triphenyl tin.~~aken Water x retested.



Pyros Environmental Limited 2008 Annual Report - HTI Page 100fl9



Tab................_.......................... , ......... , ...........Incident

Date Nature of Complaint Action Taken

It was established that the soot was likely to have been released during a plant trip.24/0112008 Complaint from a neig hbouring site of black soot deposits on cars. The wastes in service at the time were expected to cause no detrimental effects jf

present in the soot.

03/0212008 Complaint from a local resident regarding noise. The source of the noise was identified as hoisting of lithium batteries. As a result theorocessina of these was ceased until the next mornina.

26/0612008 Reoort from a neiahbourina site of a bumino smell. Determined to be caused by overheatinQ e isodes in the MBM feed system.

20/0812008 Complaint from a neighbouring site of a rotten egg/burning smell. It was established that the smell could have originated from a skip which was beingdue out.A load of MBM had arrived on site which was warmer and more odorous than the

03/09/2008 Complaint from a neighbouring site of a rotten egg smell.usual loads. The customer was asked to ensure that MBM has cooled down beforearrival on site and in future the roller shutter door will be closed on completion of thetiooina action.The trailers were moved on to site and checks were carried out around the plant to

Complaint of MBM smell, possibly coming from trailers parked ondetermine the source of the odour. The odour may have been caused by the use of

10/11/2008 air lances to free MBM, therefore all MBM off·loaders asked to ensure that the door isthe road.

kept in the lowest position to minimise odour generation from the use of air lances inthe reception hopper.

Pyros Environmenta! Limited 2008 Annual Report - HT! Page!lofl9



6. Summary of plant improvements

Table 6.1 outlines the internal and EPR improvement conditions which fellwithin 2008, the response to each and any consequential environmentalimprovement.

Future plans leading to environmental improvement include improvedsegregation of the waste types stored on the site.

Table 6.1: ImDrovement conditions met in 2008

Requirement Response EnvironmentalImorovement

A cost benefitanalysis of

installing heat

Provide a report assessing the technologies for recovery showedthat it isadditional heal recovery.

uneconomical.Detail on the reportto be forwarded to

the Aaencv.Currently assessing

Provide a justification for the removal of bulk liquid tanks which tank designsImproved segregationand replacing them with four smaller tanks designed for best accommodate

of waste on site.specific waste types. the incomingwastes.

The kiln coolingarrangement was

Following an investigation into the feasibility of identified as the Significant reduction inmodifying the rotary kiln seating to reduce the likelihood major source of fugitive emissions fromof fugitive emissions to air, the recommendations of the fugitive emissions

the have been implemented. rather than theseals and has been


Investigation into the use of lime enriched ash instead of Lime enriched ash

caustic soda for the gas cleaning plant. is not currentlysuitable.

A spin vaneseparator has beeninstalled which will Reduction in particulate

Reduce loading on downstream gas cleaning plant reduce particulate emissions. Reducedand water vapour use of fossil fuels.

entrained in the gasstream.

Pyros Environmental Limited 2008 Annual Report - HTI Page 12 of 19

7. Summary of information made available

To find out more about Pyros Environmental Lld please contact ChrisDunckley at the address shown in section 1. Our website is

Please see also the performance report for Fawley Waste to EnergyIncinerator (Annual performance report for Pyros Environmental Lld - PermitNo. TP3935UL - Year 2008).

Environment AgencyEnvironmental information is available to the public though the PublicRegisters, these are located at the Environment Agency's local offices.

Hampshire and Isle of Wight Area OfficeColvedene Court,Wessex Business Park,WessexWay,Colden Common,Winchester,Hampshire, 8021 1WP

Telephone: 08708 506 506Website:

Public Registers can also be accessed online:

New Forest Environmental Protection Liaison Committee Meetings

Contact name: Jan Debnam at the New Forest District CouncilTelephone: (023) 8028 5389E-mail: [email protected]

A representative from Pyros Environmental Lld attends the New ForestDistrict Council's New Forest Environmental Protection Liaison Committeemeetings. These are held at the Community Centre, Hythe, and are open tothe public. Meetings were held on 1'1 February 2008 and 91h October 2008.For details of the next meeting please contact Jan Debnam.

Pyros Environmental Limited 2008 Annual Report - HTI Page 13 of 19

8. Appendix

Annual Monitoring Summary 2008 - Particulates

• 35E 30 1I------II--------------Ir-----lIr---------------------tl---------------------lIr------- ••••••• Half·hour average ELV0> • •..g 25 • Monthly 1/2 hour maximum

-; 20 • • • --+- Monthly 112 hour meang 15 ------- Dally average ELVc.2 10 -------------- --------- - -------------- ---- ----- .---. _................_.... --_ .._-_. ---- Monthly dally maximum..

/.A..l!! 5 ... ~ Monthly daily meanEW 0

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul AU9 Sep Oct Nov DecMonth

ParticuJates Month Jan Feb Mar A r Ma Jun Jul Au Se Oct Nov DecHalf-houraverage 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30


Half-hourly Annual 112 Monthly 1/2average hour 31.0 hour 31 29 21 29 29 0 27 30 19 28 29 20

maximum maximum

Annual 1/2 2.7 Monthly 1/2 4.6 1.8 2.7 4.5 3.6 0 5.6 2.7 1.5 1.9 2.6 0.3hour mean hour mean

- ~----~Daily

, average 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10.ELV

Daily Monthlyaverage Annual daily 9.9 daily 7 5.5 5.6 6.6 6.7 0 9.9 8.6 3.7 4.3 5.7 4.9

maximum maximum

Annual daily 2.5 Monthly 3.9 1.8 2.8 3.3 3.4 0 5.7 2.8 1.6 2 2.2 0.3mean daily mean

- -

Pyros Environmental Limited 2008 Annual Report - HTI Page 140fl9

Annual Monitoring Summary 2008 - Total Organic Carbon

" 25E ------- nS"·,,our average l::I.V

'" 20 ------------------------------ii-------------·_-----·····--e-----..------.------. • Monthly '/2 hourE

"" • •• •• ~aJ(imum"n; 15 • ----.- onthly 112 hour mean0- ------- Daily average ELVc 10 -------------------------.----------------------.---------.-----.---------------.--- ..2 Monthly daily maximum0.~ 5E

~-.- Monthly daily mean

w ........ ..........0

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul AU9 Sep Dct Nov Dec



Half-hourly I Annual1/2average hour I 20.0


Annual 1/2 I 2.2hour mean

• __·o__~


Dailyaverage Annual daily

maximumAnnual daily




Month I Jan I Feb I Mar I Apr I May I Jun I Jul I AU9 I Sep I Dct I Nov ~Half-houraverage I 20 I 20 I 20 I 20 I 20 I 20 I 20 I 20 I 20 I 20 I 20 I 20

ELVMonthly 1/2

hour I 17 I 15 I 18 I 17 I 19 I 0 I 17 I 17 I 20 I 20 I 19 I 20maximum

Monthly 1/2 I 2.4 I 1.5 I 1.5 I 1.6 I 3.4 I 0 I 1.5 I 3.3 I 4 I 3.5 I 3.1 I 0.4hour mean

DailyI I I I I Iaverage 10 10 10 10 10 10 I 10 I 10 I 10 I 10 I 10 I 10


I 3.1 I 3.9 I 5.4 I 3.4 I 6.9 I I I 8.3 I 7.3 I 5.5 I 6.2 I 9.3daily 0 4maximumMonthly I 2 I 1.5 I 1.5 I 1.6 I 3.4 I 0 I 1.6 I 3.4 I 3.8 I 3.4 I 3.1 I 0.4

daily mean

Pyros Environmental Limited 2008 Annual Report - HTI Page 15 of 19

Annual Monitoring Summary 2008· Hydrochloric Acid

70"E 60 .-.----_..._--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- Half-hour average ELVCl

~ 50 • Monthly 1/2 hour maximum

~ 40 ---.- Monthly 1/2 hour mean0-c 30 .------ Daily average ElV0'0 20 Monthly daily maximum.!!! • •E 10 .------.------.------.-----..-------------.-----_ ..._-- .._-_ .._-•........._.._- ~ Monthly daily meanw

, '-----""'-J ""-----" '-- _______ '----' "

0Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Qet Nov Dee


Hel ~ Month Jan Feb Mar Apr Mav Jun Jul AUQ Sep Qct Nov DeeHalf-houraverage 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60

ELVHalf-hourly Annual 1/2 Monthly 1/2

10 10 7 9 0 8average h?ur 14.0 h?ur 7 14 14 8 9 3maximum maximum

Annual 1/2 1.4 Monthly 1/2 2.2 1.7 1.8 1.5 1.6 0 1.5 2.2 1.6 1.1 1.5 0.2hour mean hour mean

Dailyaverage 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

ELVDaily Annual daily Monthly

average maximum 3.4 daily 3.1 2.9 2.8 2.6 2.8 0 2.7 3.2 2.5 2.3 3.4 3maximum

Annual daily 1.4 Monthly 2.2 1.6 1.8 1.5 1.6 0 1.6 2.2 1.7 1.1 1.5 0.2mean daily mean

'""' ....

Pyros Environmental Limited 2008 Annual Report - HTI Page 160f19

Annual Monitoring Summary 2008 - Sulphur Dioxide

" 250E ------- Half-hour average ELVm200 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------_.E • Monthly 112 hour""0; 150 maximum0 _ Monthly 112 hour mean-c 100 ---.--- Daily average ElV.20.~ 50 --_ ...... __ ...._----_._------------------------- .. ---.-.- ............._-_. __........ Monthly daily maximumE

• • •W - •0 - - - - - ~- -Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Qct Nov Dec


so, ~ Month Jan Feb Mar Apr Mav Jun Jul Auo Sep Qct Nov DecHalf-houraverage 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200

ELVHalf-hourly Annual 1/2 Monthly 1/2

average h?ur 25.0 h?ur 5 7 5 3 9 0 8 7 25 7 21 2maximum maximumAnnual 112

0.9Monthly 1/2

1.1 0.8 0.6 0.7 1 0 0.9 1.4 1.8 0.9 1 0.1hour mean hour mean

Dailyaverage 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

ELVDaily Annual daily Monthly

average maximum 3.4 daily 1.4 2.8 1.1 1 3 0 1.8 2.7 3.3 1.5 3.4 1.6maximum

Annual daily0.9

Monthly 1 0.8 0.6 0.6 1 0 0.9 1.4 1.8 0.9 1.2 0.1mean daily mean


Pyros Environmental Limited 2008 Annual Report - HTI Page 170f19

Annual Monitoring Summary 2008 - Oxides of Nitrogen

4501; 400 --------------------------------------------._-------------------------------- ------- Half-hour average ELVCl 350 • Monthly 1/2 hour maximum{: 300 • •-; 250 • • • • ---a-- Monthly 112 hour mean

.s 200 111-------------------------------._---------_...._-----__________________ .____ . ------- Daily average ElVI: 150 • • • •0

'" - Monthly daily maximum"0:; 100


50 ~/ ~ Monthly daily mean·ew 0

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul AU9 Sep Det Nov Dee


- -•

NO, I Annual summary I Month I Jan I Feb I Mar I ADr I Mav I Jun I Jul I AUQ I SeD I Qct I Nav IDeeHalf-houraverage I 400 I 400 I 400 I 400 I 400 I 400 I 400 I 400 I 400 I 400 I 400 I 400

ELVHalf- Annual 1/2 Monthly 1/2

hourly hour 288.0 hour I 205 I 171 I 167 I 165 I 229 I 0 I 235 I 249 I 288 I 236 I 280 I 161average maximum maximum

Annual 1/278.7 Monthly 1/2 I 97 I 77 I 86 I 87 I 92 I 0 I 86 I 101 I 103 I 115 I 90 I 10

hOUf mean hour meanDaily

I 200 I 200 I 200 I 200 I 200 I 200 I 200 I 200 I 200 I 200 I 200 I 200averageELV--

Daily IAnnu~1 dailyMonthly

I 141 I 129 I 118 I 129 I 129 I I 134 I 144 I 128 I 162 I 124 I 127average 162.0 daily 0maximum maximum

Annual daily79.1 Monthly I 103 I 73 I 85 I 84 I 92 I 0 I 92 I 104 I 101 I 115 I 90 I 10

mean dally mean

Pyros Environmental Limited 2008 Annual Report - HTI Page 18 of 19

Annual Monitoring Summary 2008 - Carbon Monoxide

, 60

;50 . __._----------- --------------------._-------------------------- -----._--_._._---_._._--

:§ 40- ~

------- Daily average ElV~

S 30

/--../ Monthly daily maximum

=.220 ~ Monthly daily mean~

~.!e 10Ew 0

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul AU9 Sep Qct Nov Dec


co I Annual summary I Month I Jan I Feb I Mar I Apr I May I Jun I Jul ~_l~pJ Qct I Nov I DecDaily

average I 50 I 50 I 50 I 50 I 50 I 50 I 50 I 50 I 50 I 50 I 50 I 50ELV--

Daily I Annu~1 dailyMonthly

average 50.0 daily I 40 I 23 I 50 I 37 I 10 I 0 I 44 I 49 I 50 I 46 I 49 I 31maximum maximumAnnual daily

20.7 Monthly I 26.6 I 10.5 I 17.9 I 17.2 I 4 I 0 I 17.9 I 33 I 30.9 I 25.5 I 34.1 I 31.1mean dally mean

'-'...., •

Pyros Environmental Limited 2008 Annual Report - HTI Page 19 of 19