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Announcement: Navitas at UMass Dartmouth is

moving, expanding and upgrading Dear friends, We are extremely excited to announce that Navitas at UMass Dartmouth, in anticipation of program growth and development, have expanded and upgraded our offices, facilities and classroom space effective with the start of classes on September 3rd, 2014. In order to provide an improved teaching and learning space for the students Navitas at UMass Dartmouth will expand to the Fall River Campus, which has excellent classroom and office space. The space is contiguous with the classroom suite to be used by the University’s new Intensive English Program, which will be initiated in academic year 2014-2015. As well as gaining this new space, Navitas at UMass Dartmouth will retain office space in its current location to preserve a presence close to student housing and on-campus activities. UMass Dartmouth has campuses located on the South Coast of Massachusetts in the cities of Dartmouth, New Bedford and Fall River. The Dartmouth campus houses the five colleges/academic units, administrative offices and the UMass School of Law, along with residence halls. The New Bedford campus includes the Star Store, housing visual art classrooms/studios, and the School for Marine Sciences. The Fall River Campus, consists of teaching and office space, the Advanced Technology and Manufacturing Center (ATMC), which provides incubator space for business innovation, and the Massachusetts Accelerator for Bio-manufacturing (MAB), providing bioengineering companies with capabilities for testing their manufacturing processes. We are delight with this opportunity that allows for improved teaching and learning space for the Navitas students, as well as offices for student support services to meet the students’ advising and counseling needs. This is a unique opportunity for international students as they will live on campus, experiencing the full diversity of the American university setting while at the same time participating in the life of an American city community. Below are two links, one to our partner University UMass Dartmouth and their announcement of this move, the benefits to the University and our students. The second link is from a local New England Newspaper stating this is a ‘Win win’ for the University, students and the local area:

- UMass Dartmouth announcement - The Herald News announcement

Please find below some frequently asked questions regarding this move. We will soon be emailing out a similar announcement to all agents, your feedback and questions will greatly help with this and any new questions generated will be added to the new FAQ list. We will also add the full FAQ list to our website for your future reference.


1. QU: When will this change take place? ANS: Navitas at UMassD will move to the Fall River campus on the 4th August; however, classes will not commence in the new facilities until 3rd September 2014.

2. QU: Where will students live, on the Dartmouth, New Bedford or Fall River campus? ANS: No change in our current accommodation policy. All UPP students will live on the Dartmouth Campus for their first year being a part of the main University community. PMP students are able to pick private accommodation

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3. QU: How will students get to this new building in Fall River from the Dartmouth Campus

ANS: The Fall River campus is very close to the Dartmouth campus. The journey takes approximately 10 minutes. There will be University shuttles organized every day throughout the week, running to and from the main campus during class hours.

4. QU: How much will the bus to and from Fall River cost?

ANS: Absolutely nothing. The University shuttle is a free service all the students need to do is use their student ID card.

5. QU: Where can students eat in Fall River. ANS: As well as having a large continental café in the Cherry Webb building, students will be able to use their meal card in a number of local restaurants and cafes within walking distance from the Cherry Webb building.

6. QU: What is the benefit of the move to students? ANS: There are many, however the most notable are: - The increased quality of classrooms and teaching facilities. All Navitas classrooms are equipped with

state of the art equipment, such as interactive white boards, over 40 computers for Navitas student use), 2 communal areas-with an opportunity for students in both the Pathway Program and the English program to mingle with one another ,

- Diversity of living in a beautiful rural setting while being able to enjoy studying in an American City. - Proximity to the great cities of Providence and Newport. This is a great opportunity for students to travel

and visit these historic and beautiful cities.

7. QU: What happens if a student has an issue while on the Dartmouth campus- do they have to travel to Fall River for help, guidance or support? ANS: No, Navitas at UMass Dartmouth will be maintaining an office on the main campus so that we have a presence on both campus’.

Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have. Please CLICK HERE to see a short tourist video on Fall River and the many fun things you can do there. Below are a few photos of the local area, our new building (Cherry Webb) and the city in which it is located ‘Fall River’.

- Navitas at UMass Dartmouth, our new

building ‘Cherry Webb’.

- The view from Cherry Webb across the

street in Fall River

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- Cherry Webb front entrance

- Fall River, City skyline.

- Providence City- located 20 minutes

from Fall River.

- Battle ship cove! Located on Fall River-

10 minutes’ walk from Cherry Webb

We look forward to welcoming you to our new home soon! Many thanks, Charlie Charles Vine Marketing Director, UMass Operations