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Eloise Kunu4/20/2015

Annotated BibliographySource Annotation Thoughts/

ConnectionMoore, J. (2014, August 26). Is Harvesting Organs of Black People Becoming a Growing Problem? - Atlanta Blackstar. Retrieved January 25, 2015.

Based on the document seen, organ trafficking is an issue every day. The problem is that, not many people know about it. The documentary goes in depth with how black corpse are being used for organ trafficking. It is believed that accidents are arranged, so that organs can be taken from people. This is due the video referring to how blacks’ organs seems to be more “genetically superior” to others. This is not true since it is known that all humans are genetically similar. An example which was made was slaves teethes being pulled out and being use by whites during slavery time. The video did not go much in depth as to what happens in organ trafficking, but the process which leads to organ trafficking. This video led to more interest in the topic of organ trafficking and how it is seen around the world.

This document is very interesting to see from a black person perspective, but I do feel it is a little bit bias. Also it never occurred to me that when some accidents come up and no one knows the cause that it might be an arranged accident. In addition this video made me want to explore other views on organ trafficking, maybe from a person in the middle east.

Gilman, N., Goldhammer, J., & Weber, S. (2011). The Black Market in Human Organs. In Deviant globalization: Black market economy in the 21st century (pp. 72-82). New York: Continuum.

This books talks about all the different global organizations which take place. To specify, chapter 4 focus on organ trafficking and the method behind it. As stated within the book, the mortality of people waiting on the waitlist in Europe is 35%, higher than that of U.S. Also it talks about how organ trafficking cannot occur, if other legal professionals such as surgeons and hospitals were not involved. And also with the legal professionals, there are the illicit people which are known as the middle men. These are the people who set up the meeting between the donors and recipients and at what hospital the transplant will be taken at. Also aside from the process which organ trafficking is taken. The books talks about the specific countries which have the highest organ trafficking such as Iraq. Even with that said other things mentioned is how in china, the government takes organs of their executed prisoners without their saying because of practicing Falun Gong which is not allowed.

This was very interesting because I did not even known what Falun Gong is, and after researching it and know that it is a type of meditation in china which is not allowed. This made me want to research what are ways that other countries are basing the fact that they can take people organs? Like in Israel it is said that people don’t donate organs due to religious beliefs, so what other ways will people get organs aside from getting it outside of the country?

Smith, M., Krasnolutska, D., & Glovin, D. (2011,

This article refers to the organ trafficking that is going on in places such as Kosovo, Moldova ;one of the poorest country in Europe at the time and

This truly made me want to look into other Middle Eastern

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Eloise Kunu4/20/2015

Annotated BibliographyNovember 1). Organ Gangs Force Poor to Sell Kidneys for Desperate Israelis. Retrieved February 4, 2015.

others such as South Africa or Brazil, who participated by allowing their hospitals to conduct illegal organ transplants. This article goes in depth to show how different people dealt with situations in the black market. Example of this was when Dorin Razlog who lives in Ghincauti was told by one of the recruiters from a trafficking ring that he can make 10,000 for selling his kidney. As a result he decided to do so, since he needs the money. With the surgery taken care of, Razlog was paid only $7,000, $3, 000 less than expected and within that money $2,500 was fake money. The money eventually finished and because of this he now lives in an abandon van, where from time to time suffer pain from his remaining kidney. Dorin was not the only one introduced, there were several ones. At the end of the article, it gives a solution, for example having more organs obtained from deceased people. Also a stronger government was talked about and how it needs to be implemented to end organ trafficking.

countries where organ trafficking may be predominant and the reason why. Like in the second source Israel is known for its people buying organs from the black market due to people not donating because of religious reasons.

H.O.T.: Human organ traffic [Video file]. (2008). In Films On Demand. Retrieved February 15, 2015, from

Based on the documentary, point of views from both donors, recipients and middle men were gathered. Each people stated their situations and what occurred. One example was seen where a man by the name Paulo Ayrton Pavesi, brought his son to the hospital after an injury. The doctor stated that his child needed surgery. When the man agrees, the doctor changed his saying and said the child is dying. There were also attempts to kill the child by cutting his artery. Eventually doctors succeeded in removing the child’s organ when placed under anesthesia. Aside from this, the middle man speaks about how they treated everyone right and gave the donors the money arranges. This was contradicted by donor who felt they were deceived and used. This is due to being lied to about finding a better job when in fact; these men were called only to have their organs taken out by force. China organ trafficking was also brought to light.

Looking at this source and the previous ones gathered, I notice that countries such as Moldova, Israel and China are coming up in most of my research. This may lead me to pick a different country. Aside from that, searching more about the middle man is intriguing especially after viewing one talking about the situation and how everything goes smoothly.

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Eloise Kunu4/20/2015

Annotated BibliographyLundin, S. (January 01, 2012). Organ economy: organ trafficking in Moldova and Israel. Public Understanding of Science (bristol, England), 21, 2, 226-41.

This source is an article which base organ trafficking in Moldova and Israel. This article starts with a little background on Moldova and Israel. It states how Moldova which used to be well off only has inhabitants of four million. Within these four millions, one million move, in search of jobs. Within these jobs are illegal ones such as the black market and prostitution. Aside from brief backgrounds, people who had experienced negative sides of organ trafficking talked about their situation. This article also talks about how illiterate people in Israel don’t know what is going on in the black market. The author felt that the only way to truly stop organ trafficking is to actually learn about it first. With more knowledge gain about organ trafficking, fewer donors will easily accept the offer of finding a new job when in fact being forced to sell an organ. In addition with many people knowing the negative side, there will be fewer donors, and overtime might lead to the lowering of corrupt doctors or surgeons.

I do agree with the author’s way of solving the problem. If people actually know about the things that occur in poor developing countries, more actions will be taken. It is seen that most Israel are the recipients and not the donors and this may go back to their religious beliefs about the human body.

Rothman, D. J. (October 02, 2002). Ethical and Social Consequences of Selling a Kidney. Jama: Journal of the American Medical Association, 288, 13.)

This article goes in depth in explaining the ethical and consequences of selling one kidneys. Aside from giving information in regards to who are involve in the business, the other explains how this issue is starting to be accepted. An example of this was the reference to how, doctors would rather their patients in need of organ go out of the country to get their transplant. Once these patients return, their money is reimbursed to them. This portrays how organ trafficking is starting to become an everyday thing, when it shouldn’t. In addition, the author goes about stating how the black market is benefiting no one but only the recipient. This is due to a recipient receiving an organ which will save one’s life. On the other, the donor is now suffering from pain and is not strong like before to work. As a result the donor goes back into debt again, and losses everything. Just like the author stated “commerce in organs is a dead-end proposition.”

If the recipients are the only one benefiting from this black market, then what are organ donors actually doing? This might be looked into more and it may be based on the county. Only thing similar about this article and the others is the info regarding how the donors regret selling their organs just to be right back in debt.

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Eloise Kunu4/20/2015

Annotated BibliographyOrgan Trafficking Prices and Kidney Transplant Sales - Havocscope. (2015, January 1). Retrieved March 15, 2015.

This article talks about the different prices that certain organs are sold in the illegal organ trade. It shows how much a buyer will pay to get a kidney or any other type of organ. For example in Israel, organ buyers pay around $125,000 to $135,000 for a kidney, On the other hand if someone were to sell the kidney it would be $10,000. The price varies depending which country the transaction is taking place. According to this article, the lowest amount bought for a kidney is the Philippines, Thailand and China. Also it is stated that the middleman profit about 10,000 from the whole transaction.

I’m shock to see that although the buyers are paying a whole bunch of money for the organs; the seller’s are only receiving about $10,000 dollars or less. It actually make sense that one can buy an organ there cheap, especially since they kill most of their prisoners for organs, so they must have abundant.

Shimazono, Yosuke. (2007). Situación del comercio internacional de órganos: panorama provisional basado en la integración de la información disponible. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 85(12), 955-962. Retrieved April 12, 2015.

This article purpose was to integrated information’s through the different sources gathered. Within the article, it states how organ trafficking is a predominant issues, and there seem not to be a way to fix it. It goes in depth to give an example of how organ trafficking occurs. In an attempt to show this, it states how transplants are done in developing countries, and even though there are some deceased organs and yet there is still not enough organs for transplants in those developing countries. Overall it states how five percent of organ transplant are done over seas

As seen in most of these articles, it shows or states how most people go over sea to buy organs because it is easier to find there. My question is although all of this is happening; do any of these recipients wonder how the donors’ feel?

-probably not because they will do what it will take to obtain an organ.

Haaretz. (2014, August 17). NYT finds 'disproportionate role' of Israelis in world organ trafficking - National. Retrieved March 12, 2015.

This article talks about an Israeli woman by the name Dorin, who went to the black market to buy an organ. Within the article it stated the different transactions she did before getting her organ. For example Dorin stated how she was originally referred to Sandler, but later changed to Volfman after she was told he could arrange transplants at a lower price. Although that was the case the two guys listed above were arrested for suspicion of being part of organ trafficking. As a result she was then referred to another middle man by the name Dayan. Within the article, Volfman stated that

After reading this article, two things stood out to me. One is the fact that in this article the middleman stated how he never contacts the donors, when in fact in other articles, only the middleman handles everything. Also the

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Annotated Bibliographyalthough he is a middle man, he never contacted the donor. This was viewed through the quote “Volfman described himself as a middleman who accompanied patients abroad to organize them accommodation, contacts and medical examinations.” Also he stated how he never had any contact with the donors. Aside from that information, the article also states how more Israelis’’ are donating now that they have benefits when they are registered as organ donors.

second thing is that, the only time most human beings do anything nicely, is when they know they will be getting benefits from it. This is seen when it stated more and more Israelis’’ are registered as organ donors because they are receiving money and benefits.

Budiani-Saberi, D. A. and Delmonico, F. L. (2008), Organ Trafficking and Transplant Tourism: A Commentary on the Global Realities. American Journal of Transplantation, 8: 925–929.

Within this article, organ trafficking was explained to an extent and shows statistics that goes with the different transplants that are given each year in specific countries. Within the article it states how five to ten percent of organ transplant came from organ trafficking. Also it states how in 2006, 11 000 transplants were performed in China from executed prisoners. There were 8000 kidney transplants, 3000 liver transplants and approximately 200 hundred heart transplants. In addition to the information’s given regarding different countries, the article also states how most recipients are tourists from other countries and also it provides an alternative way to stop organ trafficking while providing the needed organs for each countries’ citizens.

I do agree that the alternatives taken to stop organ trafficking is actually intriguing. Also China keeps coming a lot in the black market; they must be making a lot of money from the killing of their prisoners. I wonder if Israelis’ go and obtain organs from them also especially since theirs is the cheapest.

The different highlights show certain similarity or was inspired to be use in my paper The red fonts colors shows the relationships between all the sources that deals with china The yellow highlights show relationships that deal with anything that has to do with the

middleman, even though there were not a lot of resources on them. The turquoise highlights identify anything that relates to Israel and may help me on my

multi-modal project. Lastly the grey highlights, shows my thinking process and my opinions on certain matters