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Page 1: Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl

Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl

Evacuation of Jews

Allied Bombing







Rising Action


Falling Action


Page 2: Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl



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• This is a picture of Anne’s bedroom in the Secret Annexe.

•Anne and her family lived in the Secret Annexe for over 2 years.

• This is a picture of Amsterdam, Netherlands where Anne and her family lived.

• The Franks lived in the Secret Annexe with Mr. and Mrs. Van Daan and their son Peter.

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Page 3: Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl

Rising Action


•This is a picture of two people holding hands.

• This picture relates to our book because Anne develops a crush on Peter, the Van Daan’s son.

• There is small signs of burglars like, hearing noises at night and missing food.

•They often hear explosions and gun fires at night.

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Climax Home

• When Mrs. Van Daan and Mrs. Frank hear burglars, everyone else thinks they are hallucinating.

• The neighbors then hear burglars, they then go to investigate.

•The neighbors almost discover the Franks, the Van Daans, and Mr. Dussell.

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Falling Action


• The Franks, the Van Daans, and Mr. Dussell get discovered because someone snitched on their hiding place.

• Grüne Polizi raid the Secret Annexe and captured the Franks, The Van Daans,and Mr. Dussell

• Everyone is forced to go to the Bergen-Belson concentration camp, just north of Celle, Germany

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Resolution•This picture shows a grave site in remembrance of all Jewish people that died in the holocaust.

•Anne dies at the Bergen- Belsen concentration camp two months before the liberation of Holland.

•This picture shows people at the Bergen- Belsen concentration camp where Anne died.

•Only Anne’s father survives. Picture by:http://oudnieuws.web

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•Every time bombs would go off around them,or Anne would hear weird noises, she would run and find her escape bag.

•If they needed to escape quickly, they would be prepared.

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Evacuation of Jews•Which most Jewish people left and went to concentration camps, the Franks went into hiding along with a few other friends.

•They live in the “Secret Annexe” for over 2 years.

•Almost the whole book revolves around living in the Secret Annexe.

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• Anne always talked about how many ration cards they have and how she got an extra amount of butter occasionally.

•When she got an extra amount of something, they would make special food like desserts.

• This picture shows a small slice of bread, the type of bread Jews got for their ration cards.

Picture by http://www.tammyrecipes.comP

Page 10: Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl


•While living in the secret annexe, the VanDaans started

to fight a lot.

•Mrs. VanDaan comments on every single little thing if it’s

not perfect. Mr. VanDaan always replies by yelling.


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•The Franks and the Van Daans agree to add another person to their hiding spot.

•Adding more people to the Secret Annexe, strengthens the chance of them getting discovered and taken by the Nazis.

•Making their “family” bigger they are resisting against the Nazis and Hitler.

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•Burglars try to break into the Annexe like they had before, but the Franks were prepared. Neighbors come over to investigate the strange noise. Everyone fears it’s the N.S.B., Dutch National Socialist Movement, so they hide in the attic. After a long night of silence, the neighbors leave.

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Allied Bombing

HomePicture by: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

•Anne stays up at night and listens to the bombs getting dropped around her hiding spot, hoping she won’t be blown up.

•Even if a bomb was dropped on them in an attempt to free them, they would probably be killed from the massive explosion.