Download - ANNA SCOLOBIG - ANNA SCOLOBIG Curriculum Vitae Affiliation ETH-Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Department of Environmental Systems Science Climate Policy Group, Universitätstrasse

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ANNA SCOLOBIG Curriculum Vitae

Affiliation ETH-Swiss Federal Institute of Technology

Department of Environmental Systems Science Climate Policy Group, Universitätstrasse 22 8092 Zürich, Switzerland

Phone +41 44 632 44 98; +41 78 911 46 66 [mobile] E-mail [email protected] Nationality Italian Languages Italian (native speaker), English (independent user) German (basic user), French (basic user)

ACADEMIC AND PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS 2013 - present: Senior researcher (Oberassistentin), Swiss Federal Institute of Technology

Zurich, Switzerland.

2010-2013: Post-doctoral research scholar, International Institute for Applied System

Analysis (IIASA), Risk Policy and Vulnerability Program, Laxenburg, Austria.

2008-2009: Lecturer, University of Trieste, Italy.

2004-2009: Research assistant, Institute of International Sociology (ISIG), Mass Emergencies

Programme, Gorizia, Italy.

2008: Visiting Ph.D. student, Umweltforschungzentrum (UFZ), Leipzig, Germany.

2004-2008: Ph.D student, University of Udine, Italy.

EDUCATION 2004-2008: Ph.D. in Social Sciences, The social dynamics of risk and vulnerability. The

Malborghetto-Valbruna case study [in Italian], University of Udine, Italy.

1999-2003: Degree in Communication and Social sciences. Uncertainties and risks from

mobile phone technology: a case-study [in Italian], University of Udine, Italy, 110 cum laude.

1992-1997: Scientific Gymnasium - Diploma di maturità scientifica 58/60.

RESEARCH INTERESTS Climate policy, decision making and institutional frameworks for risk management,

participatory stakeholder engagement, science policy coproduction, risk perception and

communication, multi-risk governance, natural hazards and climate change, vulnerability

assessment, interdisciplinary research, social research methods and techniques, environmental



PEER-REVIEWED: JOURNAL ARTICLES AND BOOK CHAPTERS Accepted Späth L., Scolobig A., “Stakeholder empowerment through participatory planning practices: the case of power lines in France and Norway”, Energy and Social Sciences Mignan A., Komendantova N., Scolobig A., Fleming K., “Multi-risk assessment and governance”, in Madu C., Chu-hua K. (eds.) Handbook of disaster risk reduction and management, World Scientific Press and Imperial College Press, London

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Published Komendantova N., Scolobig A., Garcia-Aristizabal A., Monfort D., Fleming K. (2016), “Multi-risk approach and urban resilience”, International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment 7 (2): 114-132. Mignan A., Scolobig A., Sauron A. (2016), “Engaging the public with cascading hazards using reasoned imagination” Disaster Prevention and Management, 25 (3): 329-344. Scolobig A., Thompson M., Linnerooth-Bayer J. (2016), “Compromise not consensus. Designing a participatory process for landslide risk mitigation”, Natural Hazards 81 (1): 45-68. Linnerooth-Bayer J., Scolobig A., Ferlisi S., Cascini L., Thompson M. (2016), “Expert engagement in participatory processes: translating stakeholder discourses into policy options”, Natural Hazards 81 (1): 69-88. Scolobig A. (2016), “Stakeholders’ perspectives on barriers to landslide risk governance”, Natural Hazards 81 (1): 27-43. Scolobig A., Pelling M. (2016), “The co-production of risk from a natural hazards perspective: science and policy interaction for landslide risk management in Italy”, Natural Hazards 81 (1): 7-25. Scolobig A., Pellizzoni L., Bianchizza C. (2016), “Public participation and trade-offs in flood risk mitigation. Evidence from two case studies in the Alps”, Nature and Culture 11(1) Spring 2016: 93-118.;jsessionid=cpmgibgm4sdc3.alice Stauffacher M., Muggli N., Scolobig A., Moser C. (2015), “Framing deep geothermal energy in the mass media: the case of Switzerland”, Technological Forecasting and Social Change 98: 60-70. Scolobig A. (2015), “The dark side of risk and crisis communication: legal conflicts and responsibility allocation”, Natural Hazards Earth System Sciences 15: 1449-1456. doi:10.5194/nhess-15-1449-2015. Scolobig A., Prior T., Schröter D., Jörin J., Patt A. (2015), “Towards people-centred approaches for effective disaster risk management: balancing rhetoric with reality”, International Journal for Disaster Risk Reduction 12: 202-212. Scolobig A., Komendantova N., Mignan A. (2015), “Mainstreaming multi-risk governance in risk policies”, Conference paper for VI Annual Conference of the International Society for Integrated Disaster Risk Management. TIFAC-IDRIM 2015, Disaster Risk Reduction: Challenges and Opportunities for Sustainable Growth. New Delhi, 2015 Scolobig A., Garcia-Aristizabal A., Komendantova N., Patt A., Di Ruocco A., Gasparini P., Monfort D., Vinchon C., Bengoubou-Valerius M., Mrzyglocki R., Fleming K. (2014), “From multi-risk assessment to multi-risk governance: recommendations for future directions”, Chapter 3-20 in: Understanding risk: the evolution of disaster risk assessment, International

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Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Washington DC: 163-167. Viglione A., Baldassarre G.D., Brandimarte L., Kuil L., Carr G., Salinas J.L., Scolobig A., Blöschl G. (2014), “Insights from socio-hydrology modelling on dealing with flood risk – roles of collective memory, risk-taking attitude and trust”, Journal of Hydrology 518: 71-82. doi: Scolobig A., Komendantova N., Patt A., Vinchon C., Monfort D., Begoubou-Valerius M., Gasparini P., Di Ruocco A. (2014), “Multi-risk governance for natural hazards in Naples and Guadeloupe”, Natural Hazards 73(3): 1523-1545. Scolobig A., Linnerooth-Bayer J., Pelling M. (2014), “Drivers of transformative change in the Italian landslide risk policy”, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 9: 124-136. Scolobig A., Mechler R., Komendantova N., Wei L., Schröter D., Patt A. (2014), “The co-production of scientific advice and decision making under uncertainty: lessons from the 2009 L’Aquila earthquake, Italy”, Planet@Risk 2 (2): 71-76, Davos Global Risk Forum GRF Davos. Malek Z., Schröter D., Scolobig A. (2014), “Understanding land cover changes in the Italian Alps and Romanian Carpathians combining remote sensing and stakeholder interviews”, Land 3(1): 52-73. Scolobig A., Garcia-Aristizabal A., Komendantova N., Patt A., Di Ruocco A., Gasparini P., Monfort D., Vinchon C., Bengoubou-Valerius M., Mrzyglocki R., Fleming K. (2013), “From multi-risk assessment to multi-risk governance: recommendations for future directions”, Input Paper for the for the Thematic Review of Hyogo Framework for Action Core Indicators (PFA3CI3), United Nation Office for Disaster Risk Reduction, Global Risk Assessment Report. 14 pp. Komendantova N., Scolobig A., Vinchon C. (2013), “Multi risk approach in centralised and decentralised risk governance systems: case studies in Naples, Italy and Guadeloupe, France”, International Relations and Diplomacy, 1(3): 224-239. Scolobig A., De Marchi B., Borga M. (2012), “The missing link between flood risk awareness and preparedness. Findings from case studies in an Italian Alpine Region”, Natural Hazards, 63(2): 499-520. De Marchi B., Scolobig A. (2012), “The views of experts’ and residents on social vulnerability to flash floods in an Alpine region of Italy”, Disasters: Journal of Disaster Studies, Policy and Management, 36 (2): 316-337. Gasparatos A., Scolobig A. (2012), “Choosing the most appropriate sustainability assessment tool”, Ecological Economics, 80:1-7.

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Sharma U., Scolobig A., Patt A. (2012), “The effects of decentralization on the production and use of risk assessment: insights from landslide management in India and Italy", Natural Hazards, 64(2): 1357-1371. Kalsnes B., Nadim F., Bayer J., Scolobig A., Ferlisi S., Cascini L. (2012), “Landslide risk management issues in SafeLand”, extended abstract presented for the 4th International and disaster and risk conference, Davos, Switzerland. Komendantova N., Scolobig A., Vinchon C., Patt A. (2012), “Institutional challenges for multi risk management: comparative analysis of two case studies”, paper presented for the conference Converging and Conflicting Trends in the Public Administration of the US, Europe, and Germany, Speyern Germany. Kuhlicke C., Steinführer A., Begg C., Bianchizza C., Bründl M., Buchecker M., De Marchi B., Di Masso Tarditti M., Höppner C., Komac B., Lemkow L., Luther J., McCarthy S., Pellizzoni L., Renn O., Scolobig A., Supramaniam M., Tapsell S., Wachinger G., Walker G., Whittle R., Zorn M. (2011), “Perspectives on social capacity building for natural hazards: outlining an emerging field of research and practice in Europe”, Environmental Science and Policy, 14 (7): 804-814. Kuhlicke C., Scolobig A., Tapsell S., Steinführer A., De Marchi B. (2011), “Contextualizing Social Vulnerability: f indings from case studies across Europe”, Natural Hazards, 58 (2): 789-810. De Marchi B., Scolobig A. (2010), “Toward more resilient communities. Inputs from sociological research in an Italian Alpine Region”, 3rd Issue of CRUE Snapshot, London, CRUE-ERAnet. Scolobig A. (2010), “Movimenti collettivi e cambiamento sociale”, in Cattarinussi B. (cur.), La sociologia attraverso le tipologie, Milano, Franco Angeli [“Collective movements and social change”, in Cattarinussi B.(ed.), Sociology through typologies, Milano, Franco Angeli]. ISBN: 9788856822021. Sharma U., Scolobig A. (2010), “The interplay of science, policy and legislation in landslide risk assessment: insights from India and Italy”, Proceedings of the Mountain Risk Conference, Firenze, 24-26 November 2010, Italy. Steinführer A., Kuhlicke C., De Marchi B., Scolobig A., Tapsell S., Tunstall S. (2009), Local communities at risk from flooding, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research, Leipzig, 88 pp. (Monograph) Creutin J.D., Borga M., Lutoff C., Scolobig A., Ruin I., Créton-Cazanave L. (2009), “Catchment dynamics and social response during flash floods: The potential of radar rainfall monitoring for warning procedures”, Meteorological Applications, 16 (1): 115-125.

Steinführer, A., Kuhlicke C., De Marchi B., Scolobig A., Tapsell S. & Tunstall S. (2009), “Towards flood risk management with the people at risk: from scientific analysis to practice recommendations (and back)”, p. 167 in P. Samuels, S. Huntington, W. Allsop and J. Harrop (eds.) Flood Risk Management: Research and Practice, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group, London. (Proceedings of the European Conference on Flood Risk Management. Research into Practice (FLOOD/RISK/ 2008), Oxford, UK 30 Sept –2 Oct 2008), Also in CD-Rom. Leiden:

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CRC Press/Balkema, 2008, 945-955. ISBN: 978-0-415-48507-4. Scolobig A., De Marchi B. (2009), “Dilemmas in land use planning in flood prone areas”, p. 204 in P. Samuels, S. Huntington, W. Allsop and J. Harrop (eds.) Flood Risk Management: Research and Practice, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group, London. (Proceedings of the European Conference on Flood Risk Management. Research into Practice (FLOOD/RISK/ 2008), Oxford, UK 30 Sept –2 Oct 2008), also in CD-Rom Leiden CRC Press/Balkema, 2008, 1185-1192. ISBN 978-0-415-48507-4. Scolobig A., Castan-Broto V., Zabala A. (2008), “Integrating multiple perspectives in social multicriteria evaluation of flood mitigation alternatives. The case of Malborghetto-Valbruna”, Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 26 (6): 1143-1161. ISSN: 0263-774X. Scolobig A. (2007), “Movimenti sociali”, in Cattarinussi B. (cur.), Teorie, tecniche e temi di sociologia, Udine, Forum [Social movements, in Cattarinussi B.(ed.), Sociological theories, techniques and themes, Udine, Forum], 109-121. ISBN: 888420447X. Scolobig A. (2005), “Adolescenti e guida spericolata”, in: Milanese F. (a cura di), Bambini, diritti e torti. Riflessioni sull'attuazione dei diritti dei minori a quindici anni dalla Convenzione di New York , Atti del Convegno internazionale di studi, Udine, Forum [Teen-agers and reckless driving, in Milanese F. (ed.), Rights and torts. Reflections on minor rights after 15 years of the New York Convention, Conference proceedings, Udine, Forum], 137-149. ISBN: 88-8420-266-3. Scolobig A. (2004), “Percezione e assunzione del rischio”, in Cattarinussi B. (cur), Adolescenti a rischio. Stili di vita e comportamenti in Friuli Venenzia Giulia , Udine, Forum [“Risk Perception”, in Cattarinussi B. (ed.), Teen-agers at risk. Lifestyles and behaviours in the Region Friuli Venezia Giulia,Udine: Forum], 28-36. ISBN: 88-8420-231-0. Scolobig A. (2004), “Guida spericolata”, in Cattarinussi B. (cur.), Adolescenti a rischio. Stili di vita e comportamenti in Friuli Venenzia Giulia , Udine, Forum [“Reckless driving”, in Cattarinussi B. (ed.), Teen-agers at risk. Lifestyles and behaviours in the Region Friuli Venezia Giulia, Udine, Forum], 137-149. ISBN: 88-8420-231-0.


Späth L., Scolobig A., Hildebrand J., Amodeo E., Cappiello A., Lue´A., Muratori S., Beretta S., Maran S. (2016), Locally specific plans, Deliverable 7.1. of the InspireGrid project, Improved and enhanced stakeholder participation in reinforcement of electricity grid, European Commission 7th Framework Programme., 64 pp. Scolobig A., Maestri C. (2015), Risk and root causes analysis: the case of Genova , Report submitted as a contribution to Deliverable 1.3. of the PEARL project Preparing for extreme and rare events in coastal regions, European Commission 7th Framework Programme., 43 pp. Späth L., Scolobig A., Patt A., Hildebrand J., Molinengo V., Evensen J., Rudberg B. (2014), Stakeholder participation in the reinforcement of electricity grid: establishing the best

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practices and determining a toolbox, Deliverable 3.2. of the InspireGrid project, Improved and enhanced stakeholder participation in reinforcement of electricity grid, European Commission 7th Framework Programme., 72 pp. Scolobig A., Komendantova N., Patt A., Vinchon C., Bengoubou-Valerius M., Gasparini P., Di Ruocco A., Garcia-Aristizabal A., Monfort D., Wenzel F. (2014), “Multi-risk assessment and governance: research into practice”, in Aspinall et al. (2014), MATRIX reference report, New methodologies for multi-hazard and multi-risk assessment methods for Europe, European Commission 7th Framework Programme., 55-59. Wenzel F., Laskowski S., Komendantova N., Patt A., Scolobig A., Wang J. (2014), MATRIX dissemination report, Deliverable 8.4 of the Matrix project, New methodologies for multi-hazard and multi-risk assessment methods for Europe, European Commission 7th Framework Programme. Scolobig A., Komendantova N., Patt A., Vinchon C., Monfort D., Bengoubou-Valerius M., Gasparini P., Di Ruocco A., Garcia-Aristizabal A., Wenzel F. (2014), Synthesis: Benefits and barriers to multi-hazard mitigation and adaptation, with policy recommendations for decision-support, Deliverable 6.4 of the Matrix project, New methodologies for multi-hazard and multi-risk assessment methods for Europe, European Commission 7th Framework Programme., 43 pp. Scolobig A., Vinchon C., Komendantova N., Bengoubou-Valerius M., Patt A., Gasparini P., Di Ruocco A., Baills A., Revellière A. (2013), Social and institutional barriers to effective multi-hazard decision making, Deliverable 6.3 of the Matrix project, New methodologies for multi-hazard and multi-risk assessment methods for Europe, European Commission 7th Framework Programme. 134 pp. Garcia-Aristizabal A., Di Ruocco A., Marzocchi W., Selva J., Scolobig A. (2013), Naples test site, Deliverable 7.3 of the Matrix project, New methodologies for multi-hazard and multi-risk assessment methods for Europe, European Commission 7th Framework Programme., 55 pp. Kuhlicke C., Steinführer A., Begg C., Luther J., Tapsell S., McCarthy S., Walker G., Supramaniam M., Di Masso M., Scolobig A., Komac B., Bianchizza C., Lemkow L., Pellizzoni L., Zorn M., Buchecker M., Brundl M., Wachinger G., Renn O. (2012), Toward more resilient societies in the field of natural hazards: lessons learnt in the CapHaz-Net project, CapHaz-Net Project Final Report, Social capacity building for natural hazards – Toward more resilient societies, European Commission 7th Framework Programme. , 75 pp. Begg C., Steinführer A., Kuhlicke C., Luther J., Bianchizza C., Di Masso M., Pellizzoni L., Scolobig A., Supramaniam M. (2012), Between institutional fragmentation and community involvement: practices of social capacity building in the management of natural hazards in Europe, Policy Brief n. III, CapHaz-Net Project, Social capacity building for natural hazards – Toward more resilient societies, European Commission 7th Framework Programme., 39 pp. Scolobig A., Bayer J., Cascini L., Ferlisi S. (2011), Design and testing: a risk communication strategy and a deliberative process for choosing a set of mitigation and prevention measures, Deliverable 5.7., SafeLand Project, Living with landslide risk in Europe, WP 5.2., European Commission 7th Framework Programme. , 239 pp.

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Pelling M., Bye L., Zehra Zaidi R., Scolobig A., Sharma U., Mafttei R., Tudor E., Mihai V., Porumbescu C., Angignard M. (2011), The cultures of landslide risk management in Europe and India, Deliverable 5.5., SafeLand Project – Living with landslide risk in Europe, WP 5.2., European Commission 7th Framework Programme. , 79 pp. Bianchizza C., Scolobig A., Pellizzoni L., Del Bianco D. (2011), Social Capacity Building for Alpine Hazards, Deliverable 8.1., CapHaz-Net Project, Social capacity building for natural hazards – Toward more resilient societies, European Commission 7th Framework Programme, , 93 pp. Bianchizza C., Andeva M., Zanon B., Scolobig A., Pellizzoni L. (2011), Social Capacity Building for Alpine Hazards. Minutes of the Regional Hazard Workshop , Milestone 8.1., CapHaz-Net Social capacity building for natural hazards – Toward more resilient societies, European Commission 7th Framework Programme, 123 pp. Scolobig A. (2010), Landslide risk management in Italy. Interfaces between legislation, policy and science, Research Report, SafeLand Project – Living with landslide risk in Europe, WP 5.2., European Commission 7th Framework Programme., 82 pp. Wachinger G., Renn O., Bianchizza C., Coates T., De Marchi B., Domènech L., Jakobson I., Kuhlicke C., Lemkow L., Pellizzoni L., Piriz A., Saurí D., Scolobig A., Steinführer A., Supramaniam M., Whittle R. (2010), Risk perception and natural hazards, Research Report, Del. 5.1., CapHaz-Net Social capacity building for natural hazards – Toward more resilient societies, European Commission 7th Framework Programme., 111 pp. Höppner C., Buchecker M., Bründl M., Whittle R., Walker G., Bianchizza C., De Marchi B., Pellizzoni L., Scolobig A., Steinführer A., Siedschlag D., Kuhlicke C., Supramaniam M.(2010), Risk communication and natural hazards, Research Report, Del. 5.1., CapHaz-Net Social capacity building for natural hazards – Toward more resilient societies, European Commission 7th Framework Programme., 157 pp. Tapsell S., McCarthy S., Faulkner H., Alexander M., Steinführer A., Kuhlicke C., Brown C., Walker G., Pellizzoni L., Scolobig A., De Marchi B., Bianchizza C., Supramaniam M., Kallis G. (2010), Social vulnerability to natural hazards, Research Report, Del. 4.1., CapHaz-Net Social capacity building for natural hazards – Toward more resilient societies, European Commission 7th Framework Programme.

Net_WP4_Social-Vulnerability2.pdf, 86 pp. Steinführer, A., Kuhlicke C., De Marchi B., Scolobig A., Delli Zotti G., Del Zotto M., Fernandez-Bilbao A., Tapsell S., Tunstall S. (2009), Communities at risk: vulnerability, resilience and recommendations for flood risk management, T11-07-15 Executive summary of Task 11 of FLOODsite Integrated Project, European Commission 6th Framework Programme, 16 pp. Steinführer A., De Marchi B., Kuhlicke, C., Scolobig A., Tapsell S., Tunstall S. (2009), Recommendations for flood risk management with communities at risk , T11-07-14 of FLOODsite Integrated Project, European Commission 6th Framework Programme , 22 pp.

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Steinführer A., De Marchi, B., Kuhlicke, C., Scolobig A., Tapsell S., Tunstall S. (2009), Vulnerability, resilience, and social constructions of flood risks in exposed communities. A cross-country comparison of case studies in Germany, Italy and the U.K. T11-07-12 of FLOODsite Integrated Project, European Commission 6th Framework Programme, 53 pp. Scolobig A. (2008), Le dinamiche sociali del rischio e della vulnerabilità. L’esperienza di Malborghetto-Valbruna, Tesi di Dottorato non pubblicata, Università degli studi di Udine. [The social dynamics of risk and vulnerability. The Malborghetto-Valbruna case-study, PhD Thesis, Udine University] De Marchi B., Scolobig A., Delli Zotti G., Del Zotto M. (2007), Risk construction and social vulnerability in an Italian Alpine Region, Country Report T11-06-12 of FLOODsite Integrated Project, European Commission 6th Framework Programme , 344 pp. Scolobig A. (2005), Incertezza scientifica e telefonia mobile. Cornici interpretative, analisi della comunicazione pubblica e immagini della scienza , Rapporto di ricerca, Dipartimento Economia, Società e Territorio, Università degli studi di Udine [Scientific uncertainty and mobile phone technology. Interpretative frames, public communication analysis and science images, Research Report, Department of Economy, Society and Territory, University of Udine]106 pp.


Riegler M., Scolobig A. (2016), Stakeholder views on landslide warning systems: the case of Gschliefgraben, Intermediate project Report, LAMOND project, Austrian Academy of Sciences, 15 pp. Scolobig A. (2016), Landslide risk mitigation in Nocera Inferiore (Southern Italy), case prepared for the Course in Cases in environmental policy and decision making, Environmental Sciences Master, ETH Zurich, 23 pp. Shahin Reyhanloo T., Scolobig A., Späth L. (2014), Stakeholder participation in natural hazard decision making. Benefits, barriers and the process of knowledge integration, Internship Report, ETH Zurich Climate Policy Group, 19 pp. Alkema D., Ferlisi S., Boerboom L., Scolobig A., Van Westen C. (2012), Spatial Multicriteria Exercise in Nocera Inferiore, Working paper, SafeLand and Changes Project, European Commission 7th Framework Programme, 12 pp. Ferlisi S., Scolobig A., Cascini L. (2012), Sintesi delle attivita’ svolte a Nocera Inferiore (SA) nell’ambito del WP 5.2 su “Processi partecipati per le decisioni sugli interventi di mitigazione” [Synthesis of the activities in Nocera Inferiore (SA) within WP 5.2. on “Public participation for decisions on mitigation measures”], Dissemination report, SafeLand Project, Living with landslide risk in Europe, WP 5.2., European Commission 7th Framework Programme., 50 pp. Scolobig A., Merino Saum A., Gasparatos A., Isendhal N. (2009), “From avoidance of conflicts to their pluralistic management in participatory processes. Examples from water management”, Working papers of the third Themes Summer School, New University of Lisbon, 25 p.

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Gasparini A., Scolobig A. (2009), “Il terremoto del 1976 in Friuli: modelli di ricostruzione del territorio e di ricostruzione della societa”, [The 1976 earthquake in the Friuli Venezia Giulia region: territorial and social models of reconstruction] Il Friuli, 5 pp. De Marchi B., Scolobig A., Del Zotto M. (2009), “Il rischio idrogeologico a Vipiteno/Sterzing. Opinioni di esperti e residenti a confronto” [Hydrogeological risk in Vipiteno/Sterzing. Comparison between experts’ and residents’ opinions], Quaderno 09-2, Gorizia, ISIG, 54 pp. De Marchi B., Scolobig A., Del Zotto M. (2009), “Rischio e sicurezza in quattro comunita’ trentine colpite da alluvioni. Opinioni di esperti e residenti a confronto” [Risk and safety in four communities at risk from flooding], Quaderno 09-1, Gorizia, ISIG, 48 pp. De Marchi B., Scolobig A. (2008), “Risk and safety dilemmas in flood prone areas”, Mass Emergencies Programme, Quaderno 08-2, Gorizia, ISIG, 10 pp. Kuhlicke C., Steinführer A., De Marchi B., Scolobig A.(2008), “Participation in flood risk governance”, Mass Emergencies Programme, Quaderno 08-3, Gorizia, ISIG, 13 pp. Scolobig A. (2008), Cronaca di un’alluvione. Malborghetto-Valbruna 29 agosto 2003 [A flood chronicle. Malborghetto-Valbruna. 29th august 2003], Text for a DVD Documentary commissioned by the Malborghetto-Valbruna municipality, Videomante production, 20 pp. De Marchi B., Scolobig A., Del Zotto M. (2008), “Il rischio idrogeologico a Vipiteno-Sterzing. Opinioni di esperti e residenti a confronto” [Hydrogeological risk in Vipiteno/Sterzing. Comparison between experts’ and residents’ opinions], Dissemination Report for local authorities, 57 pp. De Marchi B., Scolobig A., Del Zotto M. (2008), “Rischio e sicurezza in quattro comunità trentine colpite da alluvioni. Opinioni di esperti e residenti a confront” [Risk and safety in four flooded communities in Trentino. Comparison between experts’ and residents’ opinions], Dissemination Report for local authorities, 50 pp. Scolobig A. (2007), “Incertezza scientifica e telefonia mobile. Alcune cornici interpretative” [Scientific uncertainty and mobile phone technologies. Some interpretative frames], Mass Emergencies Programme, Quaderno 07-2, Gorizia, ISIG, 15 pp. De Marchi B., Scolobig A.(2007), “Vulnerabilità al rischio alluvionale in una regione alpina: cosa ne pensano gli esperti?” [Flood risk vulnerability in an Alpine Region: what do expert think?], Mass Emergencies Programme, Quaderno 07-3, Gorizia, ISIG, 23 pp. Scolobig A., Castan-Broto V., Zabala A. (2006), “Social actors’ perspectives on flood mitigation in Malborghetto-Valbruna, Northern Italy”, Mass Emergencies Programme, Quaderno 06-3, Gorizia, ISIG, 20 pp. Cattarinussi B., M. Orioles, M. Pascoli, A. Scolobig, R. Serra (2004), Comportamenti a rischio degli adolescenti nella regione Friuli Venezia Giulia , [Risk behaviours of teen-agers in Friuli Venezia Giulia] Quaderni del Dipartimento EST n.50, 4, Università degli studi di Udine, 176 pp.

Scolobig A.(2004), “Incertezze e rischi generati dalla telefonia mobile: il caso Tarcento” [Uncertainties and risks due to cell phone EMF: a case-study analysis], Mass Emergencies Programme, Quaderno 04-1, Gorizia, ISIG, 28 pp.

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PROJECTS, GRANTS AND CONSULTANCIES 2016-ongoing: Espresso- Enhancing Synergies for disaster PRevention in the EurOpean Union. Horizon 2020. Employer: Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, ETH Zurich Switzerland. Task: Workpackage 1 leader 2015 (January)-ongoing: Lamond - End User Focused Early Warning Systems. Austrian Academy of Sciences International Research Programme. Employer: Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, ETH Zurich Switzerland. Task: Workpackage 5 leader 2015 (May-September): Pearl - Preparing for extreme and rare events in coastal Europe. European Commission Seventh Framework Programme. Employer: Kings’ College London. Consultant work. Supervision: Prof. Mark Pelling. Task: field research (Genova), data collection and analysis, contribution to deliverable writing 2015 (January): Groundwater risk assessment and governance in Tulum, Mexico. Research stay funded by Amigos de Siaan Kahn, NGO. Task: field research (Tulum), report writing 2013-ongoing: Inspire - Improved and eNhanced Stakeholders Participation In Reinforcement of Electricity Grid European Commission Seventh Framework Programme. Employer: Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, ETHZ Zurich Switzerland. Supervision: Prof. Anthony Patt. Tasks: PhD student advice, deliverable writing 2011-2013: Matrix - New Multi-Hazard and Multi-Risk Assessment for Europe European Commission Seventh Framework Programme. Employer: IIASA-International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Risk, Policy and Vulnerability Program, Laxenburg, Austria. Supervision: Dr. Anthony Patt. Tasks: field research (Napoli case study - Campania region, Southern Italy) , data collection and analysis, deliverable writing. 2010-2012: Safeland - Living with landslide risk in Europe. European Commission Seventh Framework Programme. Employer: IIASA-International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Risk, Policy and Vulnerability Program, Laxenburg, Austria. Supervision: Dr. Joanne Bayer. Tasks: field research (Nocera Inferiore case study - Campania region, Southern Italy), coordination activities, data collection and analysis, deliverable writing. 2009-2012: CapHaz-Net - Social Capacity Building for Natural Hazards: Towards More Resilient Societies European Commission Seventh Framework Programme. Employer: ISIG Institute of International Sociology - Mass Emergencies Programme, Gorizia, Italy. Tasks: work package leader, milestones and deliverables writing, coordination activities. 2007-2009: RiskBridge - Building robust, integrative inter-disciplinary governance models for emerging and existing risks Coordination Action, European Commission Sixth Framework Programme. Employer: ISIG Institute of International Sociology - Mass Emergencies Programme, Gorizia, Italy. Supervision: Dr. Bruna De Marchi - Tasks: workshop organization, information collection, coordination activities.

June 2006; June 2008; June 2009: European Union, Marie Curie Training Grants. Hosting institutions: ICTA - Insitute of Environmental Science and Technology, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain; Foundation of the Faculty of Sciences and Technology, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal; Freeman Centre, Sussex

University, Brighton, UK.

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2004-2009: FLOODsite - Integrated Flood Risk Analysis and Management Methodologies European Commission Sixth Framework Programme. Employer: ISIG Institute of International Sociology - Mass Emergencies Programme, Gorizia, Italy. Supervision: Dr. Bruna De Marchi - Tasks: field research (6 case studies – Trentino Alto Adige and Friuli Venezia Giulia region, Italy), coordination activities, data collection and analysis, milestones and deliverable writing. 2004-2005: Indagine sui comportamenti a rischio nei giovani e negli adolescenti Ufficio del Tutore Pubblico dei Minori della Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia [Risk behaviours of teen-agers in Friuli Venezia Giulia; Office of guardianship of minors of the Region Friuli Venezia Giulia]. Supervision: Prof. Bernardo Cattarinussi - University of Udine. Tasks: field research, data collection and analysis, report writing.

June 2004 - November 2005: University of Udine, Italy. Fellowship in Environmental Sociology. Research project on “Scientific uncertainty and mobile phone technologies. Interpretative frames, public communication analysis and science images”. Supervision:

Prof. Raimondo Strassoldo, University of Udine.

TEACHING AND SEMINARS 2016: Lecture “Recovery from disasters” VI Summer School of the Italian Association of Sociology of Territory, Mirandola Italy. 2016: Lecture “Risk policy processes” Course in Risk analysis and Management, Prof. Anthony Patt. 2016: Seminar, “Disasters by institutional design” Climate Policy Group ETH Zurich, Switzerland. 2016: Course “Cases in Environmental Policy and Decision Making” with P rof. Anthony Patt, Dagmar Schröter, Marco Morosini, ETH Zurich, Switzerland. 2015: Lecture, “Contextualising risk and vulnerability: results of European case studies” V Summer School of the Italian Association of Sociology of Territory, Mirandola Italy. 2015: Lecture, “Climate change adaptation and natural hazards: interfaces of science and policy” course of Human Environment Systems 1 – Individual and organisational interactions with environmental systems (Prof. Anthony Patt) Master in Environmental Sciences ETH Zurich, Switzerland. 2015: Seminar, “Natural risk management after the L’Aquila case: What are the implications?” with contribution of Bruna De Marchi, Bocconi University, Department of Law 2015 Seminars, Milano, Italy. 2014: Seminar, “Disaster risk management and trans-disciplinary research: swimming in troubled waters?” Transdisciplinarity Lab Seminars, ETH Zurich, Switzerland. 2014: Seminar, “Designing effective stakeholder processes for multi-risk governance” Climate Policy Group ETH Zurich, Switzerland. 2012: Seminar, “A participatory process on landslide risk mitigation: the Nocera Inferiore case study” International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Vienna, Austria.

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2011: Lectures, “Public participation in landslide risk mitigation decisions” and a simulation exercise with PhD. Students (in English), 6th LARAM workshop, Area 5 of the 7th FP SAFELAND project organised by: University of Salerno. Salerno, Italy. 2010: Seminar, “New and old challenges in social vulnerability assessment” International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Vienna, Austria. 2009-2010: Course in “Social research theories and techniques”, Department of Education, University of Trieste, Italy. 2009: Lecture, “From risk perception to communication”, Master Programme in Science Communication, Department of Physics, University of Padova, Italy. 2009: Lectures, “Climate change and sustainability” (in English) and simulation exercise, XV International Summer School on the problems of the New Europe: Innovation and Creativity, organised by: ISIG - Institute of International Sociology, Gorizia and Department of Human Sciences, University of Trieste. Gorizia, Italy. 2008: Lectures, “Facing climate change emergencies” (in English) and simulation exercise, XIV International Summer School on the problems of the New Europe: The Mediterranean beyond borders, organised by: ISIG - Institute of International Sociology, Gorizia and Department of Human Sciences, University of Trieste, Italy. 2008: Teaching Assistant, Lectures on “Sustainable development and sustainable tourism”, Course of Sociology of Tourism held by Prof. Bernardo Cattarinussi. Department of Economy, Society and Territory, University of Udine, Italy. 2007: Teaching - Seminar for High School students, Lectures and simulation exercises on “Knowledge or responsibility? The dilemmas of contemporary science”, Gymnasium Michelangelo Buonarroti, Monfalcone, Italy. 2007: Lecture “Perception of hydro-geological risk and social vulnerability. Toward a culture of safety?”, Master Programme, Department of Land and Agroforest Environment, University of Padova, Italy. 2006: Teaching Assistant, Lectures on “Social movements”, Course of Introductory Sociology held by Prof. Bernardo Cattarinussi. Department of Economy, Society and Territory, University of Udine, Italy. 2005: Teaching Assistant, Lectures on “Sociology of risk”, Course of Introductory Sociology held by Prof. Bernardo Cattarinussi. Department of Economy, Society and Territory, University of Udine, Italy. 2005: Seminar “Hydrogeological risk perception”, Master Programme, Department of Land and Agroforest Environment, University of Padova, Italy. 2004: Teaching Assistant, Lectures on “Sustainable consumption”, Course of Introductory Sociology held by Prof. Bernardo Cattarinussi, Department of Economy, Society and Territory, University of Udine, Italy.

ADVISING RESEARCH ASSISTANTS, PHDS AND STUDENTS March 2016- July 2016: Kaibin Tang, Research assitant Climate Policy Group ETH Zurich

Topic: on-line platforms for stakeholder engagement in disaster risk management

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February 2016-present: Jacopo Aimo, Master student at Politecnico di Torino, Italy, Co-

advisor on Master Thesis (with Prof. Pierluigi Claps) Topic: Scientific innovation and policy

change in flood risk management

September 2015-present: Monika Riegler, Co-advisor for research on Lamond project (with

Dr. JoAnne Linnerooth-Bayer) Topic: Development of end user focused warning system

November 2013-present: Leonhard Späth, Co-advisor for research on Inspire Grid project

(with Prof. Anthony Patt) Topic: Stakeholder engagement in reinforcement of electricity grid

March 2014-March 2015: Tanja Hasler, Co-advisor on Bachelor thesis (with Prof. Anthony

Patt) Topic: Crisis communication and warning systems

July 2014-September 2014: Shahin Reyhanloo Tony, Advisor on Internship at ETH Zurich.

Topic: Stakeholder participation in natural hazard decision making

December 2009- March 2012: Chiara Bianchizza, Co-advisor for research on CapHazNet

project (with Prof. Luigi Pellizzoni). Topic: Social capacity building for natural hazards

CONFERENCES AND WORKSHOPS June 2016 - Invited public lecture: Debris flows dynamics in a changing environment – training course for practitioners and researchers; Scolobig A., The dark side of risk and crisis communication: legal conflicts and responsibility allocation, San Vito di Cadore, Italy. June 2016 (accepted): Society for Risk Analysis Europe 2016 Conference; Convenor (with Jamie McCaughey) of the Symposium on The societal side of warning system and evacuation decisions Bath, United Kingdom. Presentation: Riegler M., Scolobig A., Ottowitz D., Supper R., Hoyer S., Stakeholder procedure to develop an end user focused early warning system May 2016 (submitted): Adaptation Futures Conference; Fraser A., Pelling M., Scolobig A., Mavrogenis S., Adapting to risk under austerity in Europe: Greek and Italian cases , Rotterdam, Netherland. March 2016: Stakeholder workshop (Inspire-Grid project); Späth L., Scolobig A., Stakeholder participation for power line planning, Birmingham, UK. March 2016: Joint Research Center Workshop on “New currents in science: the challenges of quality” Discussant in the session Quality assurance by extended peer-review and presentation on Solutions to whose visions? JRC The European Commission s in-house science service, Ispra, Italy. February 2016: Austrian Academy of Sciences Project Workshop; Ottowitz D., Supper R., Hoyer S., Jochum B., Pfeiler S., Gruber S., Riegler M., Scolobig A., Jung-Ho Kim, Long-term landslide monitoring for understanding of underlying dynamic processes as basis for an end-user focused early warning (LAMOND), Vienna, Austria. November 2015: Systems Analysis 2015 Conference; Scolobig A., Linnerooth-Bayer J., Thompson M., From stakeholder views to policy options, Invited public lecture, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Laxenburg, Austria. October 2015: IDRIM Integrated Disaster Risk Management Annual Conference; Convenor (with Nadya Komendantova) of the session Multi risk governance: coproduction of knowldge between science and practice, New Delhi, India. Presentation: Scolobig A., Komendantova N., Mignan A., Mainstreming multi-risk governance in risk policies. At the same conference.

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September 2015: Swiss Competence Center on supply for electricity Annual Conference; Mignan A., Scolobig A., Komendantova N., The Multi-Risk Gen MR framework. From multi-risk analysis to multi-risk governance, Neuchatel, Switzerland. April 2015: Vienna Catchment Symposium, Borga, M., Ruin I. , Creutin J., Lutoff C., Scolobig A., Marchi L., Gaume E., Hydrological and societal response to flood producing rainstorms: the potential of forensic methods, Plenary Session presentation, Vienna, Austria. April 2015: EGU European geosciences union general assembly, Scolobig A., Water management and trans-disciplinary research: what is the role for social sciences? Vienna, Austria. October 2014: Stakeholder workshop (Inspire-Grid project) Späth L., Scolobig A., Workpackage 3: State of the art and critical review, Berlin, Germany. October 2014: Stakeholder workshop (Inspire-Grid project) Scolobig A., Späth L. Participatory practices in power line planning processes, Berlin, Germany.

August 2014: 15th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and 34th General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission, ICEC Convenor (with Kevin Fleming and Nadya Komendantova) of the special session Working together enhancing engagement between researchers and practitioners for risk mitigation Istanbul, Turkey. Presentation: Komendantova, N., Scolobig, A., Multi-Risk Governance - from science to policy-making. At the same conference. April 2014: EGU European geosciences union general assembly, Komendantova, N., Scolobig, A., Vinchon, C., Risk governance of multiple natural hazards: centralized vs. decentralized approach in Europe, Vienna, Austria. September 2013: Final meeting (Matrix project) Komendantova, N., Scolobig, A., Patt, A., Decision support for mitigation and adaptation in a multi-hazard environment, Potsdam, Germany.

August 2013: Seminar: Advancing Socio-hydrology: a New Science of People and Water, Blöschl G., Sivapalan M., Nester T., Viglione A., Di Baldassarre G., Brandimarte L., Kuil L., Carr G., Salinas J., Scolobig A., Perspectives on the future of socio-hydrology: early lessons learnt, University of Illinois, USA.

August 2013: American Geophysical Union Conference, Viglione A., Di Baldassarre G., Brandimarte L., Kuil L., Carr G., Salinas J., Scolobig A., Blöschl G.: Insights from socio-hydrology modelling on dealing with flood risk: roles of collective memory, risk-taking attitude and trust, Session on hydrological change and water systems feedbacks prediction and experimental management, San Francisco, USA. August 2013: Royal Geographical Society Annual International Conference, Scolobig A., Komendantova N., Vinchon C., Patt A., Monfort-Climent D., Bengoubou-Valerius M., Gasparini P., Di Ruocco A., Garcia-Aristizabal A., Risk and responsibility sharing in natural hazards debate: challenges from a multi risk perspective, Session on Risk and responsibility sharing in natural hazards debate, London, UK. June 2013: Annual meeting (Matrix project) Past and future challenges in Multi-Risk Practice. German committee for disaster reduction. Scolobig A., Multi risk governance: barriers and benefits, Bonn, Germany. Presentation available at:

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May 2013: Stakeholder workshop (Matrix project), Komendantova, N., Scolobig A., Vinchon C., Bengoubou-Valerius M., Patt A., Gasparini P., Di Ruocco A., Comparison of natural hazard governance in Naples, Italy, and Guadeloupe, French West Indies , Guadeloupe, French West Indies. May 2013: Stakeholder workshop (Matrix project) Scolobig A., Vinchon C., Bengoubou-Valerius M., Patt A., Gasparini P., Di Ruocco A., Comparison of natural hazard governance in Naples, Italy, and Guadeloupe, French West Indies, Napoli, Italy. April 2013: Executive committee meeting (Matrix project) Scolobig A., Komendantova N., Patt T., Decision support for mitigation and adaptation in a multi-hazard environment, Vienna, Austria. November 2012: Annual meeting (Matrix project) Scolobig A., Vinchon C., Monfort D., Gasparini P., De Ruocco A., Komendantova N., Patt T., Institutional barriers to multi-hazard and risk governance, Napoli, Italy. October 2012: World within reach: from science to policy. International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis 40th anniversary conference. Scolobig A., Komendantova N., Patt A., Vinchon C., Bengoubou-Valerius M., Institutional barriers to effective multi-risk governance, Vienna, Austria. August 2012: 4th International disaster and risk conference. Scolobig A., Ferlisi S., Cascini L., Kalsnes B., Nadim F., Bayer J., Landslide Risk Management issues in Safeland, Davos, Switzerland. August 2012: 32th International geographical congress. Kuhlicke C., Scolobig A., Tapsell S., Steinführer A., De Marchi B., Contextualizing social vulnerability: findings from case studies across Europe, Cologne, Germany. July 2012: Converging and Conflicting Trends in the Public Administration of the US, Europe, and Germany. Komendantova N., Scolobig A., Vinchon C., Patt A., Institutional challenges for multi risk management: comparative analysis of two case studies, Speyern, Germany. May 2012: Workshop on hydraulic risk assessment in mountain areas and the European Flood Directive implementation. Scolobig A., Contestualizzare l'analisi della vulnerabilità sociale: dalla teoria alla pratica [Contextualising social vulnerability assessment: from theory to practice], workshop organized by Bolzano University, National research institute for environmental research and protection, and Hydraulic Works Department of Bolzano Province, Bolzano/Bozen Italy. April 2012: EGU European geosciences union general assembly. a) Scolobig A., J. Bayer, L. Cascini, S. Ferlisi, To protect or to abandon: a participatory process on landslide risk mitigation; b) Bianchizza C., Del Bianco D., Pellizzoni L., Scolobig A., Interventionist and participatory approaches to flood risk mitigation decisions: two case studies in the Italian Alps, Wien, Austria. October 2011: Landslide risk management workshop (Safeland project). Scolobig A., Bayer J., Cascini L., Design and testing: a risk-communication strategy and a participatory process for choosing a set of mitigation and prevention measures, University of Salerno, Italy.

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June 2011: Meeting of the participatory process in Nocera Inferiore (Safeland project). Cascini L., Scolobig A., Il rischio da frana a Nocera Inferiore. Opzioni per la mitigazione [Landslide risk in Nocera Inferiore: risk mitigation options], Nocera Inferiore, Italy. April 2011: Public meeting on landslide risk in Nocera Inferiore (Safeland project). Scolobig A., Decisioni sulla mitigazione del rischio [Landslide risk mitigation decisions], Nocera Inferiore, Italy. April 2011: Alpine Hazard Workshop (CapHaz-Net project). Scolobig A., Risk mitigation in Malborghetto Valbruna: presentation of the case study and SWOT [Strenghts-Weaknesses-Opportunities- Threats] analysis, Gorizia, Italy. January 2010: Workshop on cultures of landslide risk management in Europe (SafeLand project). Scolobig A., Landslide risk management in Italy. Crossing borders between legislation and science, King’s College London, UK. September 2009: Conference: The disaster challenge. Challenging disasters. Scolobig A., Le scienze sociali e il terremoto [Social sciences and earthquakes] organised by the Institute of International Sociology of Gorizia and Hellenberg International, Gorizia, Italy. April 2009: EGU European Geosciences Union General Assembly. Posters: a) Flash floods risk awareness in an italian alpine region. From research into adaptive strategies (with B. De Marchi and M. Borga); b) Catchment dynamics and social response during flash floods (with M. Borga, Creutin J.D., Lutoff C., Ruin I. , Créton-Cazanave L.); c) Crossing borders between social and physical sciences in post event investigations (with Ruin I., , Creutin J.D., Lutoff C., Gruntfest E., Anquentin S., Borga M.), d) Learning from today’s extreme weather events to increase our resilience to climate change (with Ruin I., Creutin J.D., Lutoff C., Gruntfest E., Anquentin S., Borga M.), Wien, Austria. January 2008: Seminar organised by Collingword Environmental Planning (CEP) on behalf of the Environment Agency (England). Steinführer A., Scolobig A., Tapsell S., Risk perception, community behaviour and social resilience. Findings and recommendations for practitioners. FLOODsite Liaison Seminar, London, UK. October 2008: European Conference on Flood Risk Management. Research into Practice (FLOOD/RISK/ 2008). i) Scolobig A., De Marchi B., Dilemmas in land use planning in flood prone areas, oral presentation; ii) Steinführer A., De Marchi B., Kuhlicke C., Scolobig A., Tapsell S., Tunstall S., Social vulnerability in the context of major flood events: findings from case studies in Germany, Italy and the U.K., Winner of the best poster award. Oxford, UK. December 2007: Dissemination workshops (FLOODsite project). i) De Marchi B., Scolobig A., Delli Zotti G., Del Zotto M., Percezione del rischio idrogeologico in una regione alpina. Opinioni di esperti e residenti a confronto – casi in provincia di Bolzano/Bozen [Hydrogeological risk perception in an Alpine region. Comparision between experts’ and residents’ opinions. Bolzano/Bozen province case studies], Vilpiano, Italy; ii) De Marchi B., Scolobig A., Delli Zotti G., Del Zotto M., Percezione del rischio idrogeologico in una regione alpina. Opinioni di esperti e residenti a confronto [Hydrogeological risk perception in an Alpine region. Comparision between experts’ and residents’ opinions. Trento province case studies] Trento, Italy. June 2007: ESEE (European Society for Ecological Economics) Conference. Steinführer A., De Marchi B., Scolobig A., Kuhlicke C., Flood risk and flood risk management from the perspective of residents at risk. Evidence from Germany and Italy, Leipzig, Germany.

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February 2007: European Symposyum on flood risk management research. De Marchi B. Scolobig A., Delli Zotti G., Steinfuherer A., Kuhlicke C., Tapsell S., Tunstall S., Fernandez A., Green C., Flood risk management with local residents, Dresden, Germany. September 2005: 14th Society for Risk Analysis Europe Annual Meeting (Major risks challenging risk, public and governments). Scolobig A., De Marchi B., Borga M., Understanding flood risk: safety perception and communication , Como, Italy. June 2005: Vth Young Italian Sociologists Meeting, Incertezza scientifica e telefonia mobile. Cornici interpretative, analisi della comunicazione pubblica e immagini della scienza [Scientific uncertainty and mobile phone technologies. Interpretative frames, public communication analysis and science images], Pontignano, Italy. October 2004: Diritti dei minori a 15 anni dalla Convenzione Internazionale: esperienze di tutela e promozione [Rights of young people 15 years after the International Convention: Experiences of guardianship and promotion], “Andare a cento all’ora. Adolescenti e guida spericolata in Friuli Venezia Giulia.” [Risks due to reckless driving for young people in Friuli Venezia Giulia], Gorizia, Italy. October 2004: Quale sviluppo per la sociologia della salute? [The future of Health Sociology], “Rischi e incertezze generati dalla telefonia mobile” [Risk and uncertainty from mobile phone technolgy], Verona, Italy.

REVIEWER Journals: Disasters - The Journal of Disaster Studies, Policy and Management; Environment and Planning C; Environmental Science and Policy; International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction; Natural Hazards; Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences; Regional Environmental Change; Risk Analysis; Futures; Wireswater Reviewer for proposals: UK Natural Environment Research Council

INSTITUTIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES Climate Policy Group - ETH Seminars’ organisation (2014-on going, with Rasha Ahmann and Sandro Bösch)

Member of the organising committees for the following scientific meetings/summer schools/conferences: i) YSSP Young Scientists Summer Program representative for the Risk, Policy and Vulnerability Program at IIASA International institute for Applied Systems Analysis (2013) Task: seminar organisation; ii) Formation des travailleurs sociaux, Poiteau, France. Tasks: students’ tutoring (2010); iii) Conference “Borders and Public Health” ISIG-ECOSOC (2009), Gorizia Italy. Tasks: stageès coordination, logistics, organisation; iv) XV International Summer School on innovation and creativity (2009): New solutions to the challenges of the New Europe, Gorizia, Italy. Tasks: organisation of lectures and conferences, students’ tutoring; v) XIV International Summer School on the problems of the New Europe (2008): The Mediterranean beyond borders, Gorizia, Italy. Tasks: organisation of lectures and conferences, students’ tutoring

COOPERATION AND WORKING GROUPS Cooperation with universities, research institutions and stakeholders working in the sector of climate adaptation and disaster risk management in several countries (e.g. Italy, Austria, Switzerland, Germany, France, UK, Mexico) Member of the following working groups: i) HyMex- Hydrological cycle in Mediterranean Experiment; ii) Anses, Agence nationale de sécurité sanitaire alimentation-environnement-travail (France), working group on “The use of social sciences

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in public risk assessment and risk management organisations covering environmental protection and health or food safety” iii) World Metereological Organisation, Thematic area on High Impact Weather - User oriented evaluation; [Last update: August 2016]