Download - Ann Landrrs · 10 APRIL 28, 1963 THE TORRANCE HERALD. . . Ann Landrrs (Continued from Page 9) comes home whenever ho f"?!s like it. which is anv-

Page 1: Ann Landrrs · 10 APRIL 28, 1963 THE TORRANCE HERALD. . . Ann Landrrs (Continued from Page 9) comes home whenever ho f"?!s like it. which is anv-


. . . Ann Landrrs(Continued from Page 9)

comes home whenever ho f"?!s like it. which is anv- whore from midnight to 3:00 A.M. H!» doesn't chase with women, he spends his time at hi* mother's house. She itill treats him llk« a nine-year- old.

I've begged him to sta' home like a husband should but it's no use. Please tell m - what to do. I'm ready to ta' the gas pipe. SHERRY.

Dear Sherry: Get off yr knees and stop acting I 1 ' you're honored to have this jerk around.

InsIM that hr go home In hli mother until he's ready to come bark and behave like an adult. And remind him to drop thr support check* In the mall. If you doormat wives would get off the floor your husbands would have more respect for you.

Dear Ann Landers: This is a touchy one. We need the advice of someone who Is not in t h t immediate family circle.

A close relative has been studying with a professional and has become a sculptress. She presented our son and daughter-in-law with one of her favorite pieces as a wed­ ding gift. The young couple know a good bit about art and they don't want to use It in their home. My husband feels they should not be pressured

'in'o it.•m I say the woman's feelings "are at stake and it would be ' a crushing insult If they didn't u*e the piece of art. May we hear from vou" FAMILY FIHEWORKS.

Dear Firework*: It will not kill the couple to display the sculpture for a few weeks. It would be facially genereus of them to have the piece dls-

_playrd when the sculptress comes to call.

Most people rotate art.

PROGRESS DISPLAY . . . Three years 01 progress will In- recorded in a display to be shown at the 33rd Annual Convention of Western Hospitals by the Auxiliary of the South Bay Hospital. Staffing the display will be Mrs. Jack Goetz ipirturedl and Mrs. Ryburu M Ross. Hostesses for "Project Pavilion" at convention will be Mrs. E. B. Thompson, presi­ dent, and Mrs. Paul Yates. vice-president, of the South Bay Hospital auxiliary.

(Herald Phoioi

Royal Neighbor Dance Tuesday

Torrsnce Camp Royal Neighbors will entertain at a potluck dinner and dance Tuesday evening at the Torrsnce Woman's Club, 1422 Engrscia Ave. The potluck dinner will be served at 6:30 and dancing will begin at 8:19 p.m. Moe't orchestra will furnish the music. The public is invited to attend.

Membership Tea Set By University Women

They could easily rotate this particular pleee to the attic after a few weeks.

^Ar* y*t ^mt j»l»jdy«j MUIWI

ANjJ'YJkl'&EnV b,w>lii««.*'"B»f"'r» T-MI M«rty 1« It U>r» or 8?»?". nrlAMKK with your r*q it**! to <»ni» in r.>in md * lone. Mtl-Ml- dr»"J. »t«mrw.l »nv«|n|w

Ann Lwtdcn will b* |Ud to h«l» you with your pnnbl-nm. 9»ni1 them tn h«T In c»r» of tM» n««p»li»r rnrlndn* l iunip«fl. i*lf-vldrr»«d

"Veil!*!. FWd Bntorptl«M Inc





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Prospective members and the 04 new members who have Joined Palos Verdes- Rolllng Hills Branch, Ameri­ can Association of University Women, during 1962-63 will be honored at the group's an­ nual membership tea on Sun­ day. May 5.

The tea will be held from 2 to 5 p.m., in a garden and poolslde setting at the home of Mrs. Leonard J. Baker. 2212 Rocky Point Place. Palos Verdcs Estates.

The branch welcomes to membership all women col­ lege graduates of institutions accredited by AAUW. Of­ fered to members Is a study action program in all levels of education, the arts (includ­ ing art history, books, ceram­ ics, crafts, music apprecia­ tion, gallery trips, painting and weaving legislation, so­ cial and economic Issues and status of women.

Further Information may be obtained from Mrs. Thom­ as H a r d i n g, membership chairman, who Invites pros­ pective members to call her.

Tea chairman is Mrs. George H. Keens. In charge of floral arrangements an d display of art work by mem­ bers Is Mrs. Robert L. Wat- tenbarger. assisted by Miss Rhoda Johnston.

Executive board members In the receiving line with Mrs. Harold 0. Slmar. presi



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dent, will be Mmes. Harding. H. C. McLendon. Joseph F. Qoodwin, Dean C. Dunlavey, Raymond Oddone. James Heusdens and Douglas L. Stone.

Section chairmen and spe­ cial chairmen, who will alter­ nate in pouring, are Mmes. Wattenbargor, Robert S. Fra- ser. David Steybe. Irving C. Brown, Frank C. Fisher, Ralph M. Wood. Frances Scott. Joseph R. Rcnsch. Stuart G. Forbes, Joseph P. Jay and William J. Fleming.

Explaining AAUW to pros­ pective members and check­ ing their credentials will be Mmes. Edwin N. Bobrow. Ed­ gar L. Armi. Fletchcr Baughm and Charles A. Perklns.

Club Will Hear Local Musician

Wallace K. llcrrewig. min­ uter ol Music of First Luther­ an Church of Torrsnce. will bo heard In a piano concert on May 1. 2 p.m. when he ap­ pears before the Torrance Woman's Club, Marina Dis­ trict 18, CFWC at the club­ house.

Mr. Herrewig Is a conduc­ tor, composer-arranger, teach­ er and pianist, and has dedi­ cated his life and talents to the art of music in the church as a ministry to all ages. In the past 23 years of continu­ ous work In this field, he has served a number of leading churches In Southern Califor­ nia and has served on Im­ portant commissions whose objectives were to further un­ derstanding and use of the many arts in worship. He has conducted numerous festivals, presented his choirs on radio and television.

The program will include works by Bach, Beethoven, Schubert. Scriabln in addi­ tion to his own piano compo­ sitions. Assisting Mr. Herre­ wig will be Joan Hotter, con­ tralto soloist of First Presby­ terian Church. Inglewood. She will be heard in three of his compositions for solo voice.

Following t h e business meeting and program, a silver tea will be held. Committee for the tea Is the Mmes. C. L. Porter, F. C. Owens, Char­ les Ward and Ervin Moudy.

YOU ARE INVITED . . . Bruce Turner, student body president, Sally Anthony, past stu­ dent president. Mrs. Hollis Wilson, PTA member, and Mrs. George Kurtz. PTA presi­ dent. Invite the public to attend the annual "Spring Fling" at Calle Mayor School on Fri­ day. May 3. from 0 to 9 p.m. There will be food and fun for ail with "Jim Dandy" prltes. Mrs. Joel Stanley will do caricatures for the small fry. (Herald Photo)

Meet* ThursdayGolden Bear Council 17,

Daughters of America, will meet Thursday evening. May 2, at 7:30 at the Torrance Woman's Club, 1422 Engracia Ave. Stelma Norris will con­ duct the meeting.

Torrance OES Chapter Sets 'Birthday Night'


Torrance Council WayMrs. Lee Polick

Torrance Chapter of the Eastern Star will stage a -Birthday Night" on May 2 at the Masonic Temple on Ca- brlllo Ave., honoring Freida Shaffer, worthy matron, and

th«i*» >n N»r(h 0*1 Ann Picific n« H. 0. K«lll«r, Fr««id»nl, tnd Intludt 10'. ««llin» (all

Estll Clere. worthy patron.Hosts for the evening in­

clude Phyllis Henderson, Ann Golliday. Doris Letts. Mabel Loeffcnha'rd. Cora Goodwin. Molly Frcebury. Eve Ogren. Wynema Epps. Dolly Higgln- botham. Harriet Foster, Irma Saxy. Bculah White. Lee Robuuon, U. Ustewig. Harvey HeuuVix, Jack Henderson. Wyatt Golliday. Glenn Letts. John Looffolhard. Paul Lee and James 0. Hux, Sr.

All stations will be occu­ pied by worthy matron* and patrons.

Presiding will be Madclene Walker, associate matron; Paul Thompson, associate pa­ tron: Marie Duncan, secre­ tary: Tilm Hargett, treasurer: Muriel Ricketson. conduct­ ress. Haiel Oeach, associate conductress: William Bailey, chaplain: Marion Jackman. marshal: Alfred Ocsch. organ­ ist: Edith Jackman. Adah: Evelyn Chambers. Ruth; Sybil Krcmoler, Esther: Rcta Wye- koff. Martha: Lucllle Bailey. Elccta; I* Wlnn. flag bearer; Margaret Potter. Bible es­ cort: Charlotte Ralnes, Bible escort: Mabel Dee, Rdna Puckctt, Lorclta Miller. Alma Carl and Grace Flower, em­ blem bearers.

HONORED GUESTS . . . Mrs. Freida Shaffer. worthy matron, and Kstil Clere, worthy patron, will be honored at a Birthday Night by the Torrance Eastern Star on Thursday evening at the Masonic Temple.

- QpuunqTHUR5., FBI.. SAT., MAY 2, 3, 4



To visit our completely modern and renovated Beauty Salon, especially designed to emphasize relaxation and pleasant atmosphere to blend with expert hair styling and beauty skills by our same competent per­ sonnel.

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Fashion Show Slated May I

Spring Manor, elegant re­ tirement hotel at 20900 Earl St., In Torrance. will present Us second Senior Citizens Fashion Show, "May Day Fashions" on Wednesday, May 1, in the main dining room from 2:30 to 4 p.m. latest fashions from a shop In the South Bay Shopping Center, will be shown. The Senior Citizen models are from the Rosecrans Ramblers of Gardena, headed by Mr*. Elsa Stone. Refreshments will be served. The public Is cor­ dially Invited to attend.

FERN-GREENWOODFern-Greenwood PTA will

hold its annual carnival Fri­ day, May 3, from 6 to 9 p.m. at Fern-Greenwood School. 1S20 Greenwood Ave. Mrs. E. 0. Ertckson, ways and means chairman, Is In charge of arrangements and la being assisted by room mothers. Mrs. Erlckson announced that there would be food and game booths to appeal to all ages.

At a recent meeting of the PTA, the following officers were elected to serve for the coming school year: Mmea. draef Tania, president; L. H. Clotworthy, first vice presi­ dent; Frank Slavens. second vice president; Ellen Boot, third vice president: W. Som- ers. recording secretary; Her­ bert LeGrow. corresponding secretary; Vaun Whlttington, treasurer: Mead Ferguson. historian: and Mr. Darold Kuscb, auditor. These offi­ cers will be installed at the May PTA meeting.

Mrs. Tanza. president-elect, will be the association's dele­ gate to the California PTA convention to be held In Los Angeles May 8 to 10.

SOUTH HIGHSouth High PTA will install

the following slate of officers for the coming year on May 15. 8 p.m , South High Audi­ torium: Mmes. C. A. Fisher, president; Jack Bausman, first vice president: William Poser, second vice president: William Alien, third vice- president; Henry Fink. Jr., recording secretary; Fren Yunt, corresponding secre­ tary; Henry Smith, treasurer; Don Moore, auditor; and Merle Unger, historian.

Mrs. Fisher will attend the stale convention of the Cali­ fornia Congress of Parents and Teachers in Los Angeles on May 8.

A Mothers Tea will be spon­ sored by South High PTA on May 8 to welcome the moth­ ers of Incoming freshmen from the feeder schools of


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Walteria, Riviera. Parkway. Newton. Calle Mayor and Hill­ side.

ARLINGTONThursday, April 4, was

"Dad's Night" at the Arling­ ton PTA. Following a concert by the school band, two offi­ cers from the Air Force Space System Command to Los Angeles were introduced by Mrs. Philip Aurit, program chairman. Lt. Edward Fack- ler gave an interesting talk, and a color film on our mis­ siles and missile bates was shown by Capt. Richard Rapp. The officers answered questions from the audience after the film.

Child and Mental Health Chairman, Mrs. William Ford, was a featured chairman and gave a report on the Health Week Leadership luncheon meeting.

The May meeting has been postponed until May 16 be­ cause of the State Convention in session May 9. the regular meeting night.

Mrs. Kenneth Lemko, pres­ ident elect, will be Arlington PTA's delegate to the Con­ vention to be hold in Lot An­ geles.

CRENSHAWA recent association meet­

ing of Crenshaw PTA fea­ tured a group of upper grade boys demonstrating the calis­ thenics they do as part of their athletic program at school. The North High Gym­ nastics team also performed for the association.

The PTA library was fea­ tured and Mrs. Don E. John- ston, library chairman, d Li- played new books purchased for the library. Books are purchased each year by the PTA for use of the children of Crenshaw School.

The Bicycle Rodeo, spon­ sored by the PTA, was held with 135 children participat­ ing. The Safety Chairman. Mrs. Ray Albert, with the help of the Torrance Fire De­ partment and PTA women worked with the children to help them test their abilities on a bicycle.

Delegates attended Thirty- Third District Convention in Santa Monica on Wednesday, April 24.


As a ways and means proj­ ect. Fleming Junior High HTA is planning a salad pot luck luncheon on April 30 from 11:30 until 1:30 at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Hampton, 1679 W. 257th St., Harbor City. Proceeds will be used for the support of the cllnlca maintained by the combined PTA, Christmas baskets and other worthwhile charities.

The public is invited to at­ tend the affair. For further information call Mrs. Lloyd Hampton or Mrs. Don Gra­ ham.