Download - Animation evalutation


Animation Evaluation

Technical QualityThe hand drawn animation, does have its downsides. It may look a little messy in some parts.However, it was made this way due to a number of reasons. My lack of necessary vector skills and computer aided design mixed with a small time scale to get this done. The amount of actual animation time I had was very limited indeed.

Despite its downfalls & un-professional look the animation still conveys a story and message. One thing I do know about animation is that if you can do this then you are achieving something that animation sets out to do. The parallax Scroll is on point is professional looking, the horse walk cycle has all the frames needed however, with smoother After Effects Processing could have turned out even better.

Creative Quality

Upon reflecting about the Horse Meat Scandal, I thought an animation would be a perfect opportunity to make something new and unique. The idea behind the animation and most aspects of the animation itself are creative.

If I had more experience and ability to handle Adobe Creative Suite more creatively and professionally, then there could have been an even funnier cartoon here. The concept and is creative and the means to convey that concept may be lacking but do complete the job.

Comparison With Professional

For simplicity as I already reviewed the opening credits for Rugrats, I'll compare my animation with Rugrats again. Both have a hand-drawn feel to them. Although rugrats has a polished hand-drawn look, which will have probably involved some processing in Photoshop. If I had of followed the same procedure as this then I think my animation would have had a comparable artistic style.

Target Audience

Comedic ValueThe subject of the cartoon, I would say is completely en-keeping with subjects & points that my target audience would find interesting. The political impact of the Horsemeat Scandal was one that really spawned a popular following amongst people in my audience. This was evident with the amount of internet memes etc that started. This whole internet savy teen comedy perfectly fits my target audience. VisualsExpanding on points made earlier, people in my target audience are maybe used to seeing or even creating themselves more interesting and more professional looking visuals. (Tomska etc)This is one area where I'm hoping that the funny message of the animation will mask the lacking technical animation skills.

Use of SoftwarePhotoshopThis program has been the starting point for many different kinds of projects. All the frames for the animation have been constructed in photoshop. The ability to compose frames easily and export them out directly to After Effects was handy and allowed me instantly test the composition of a certain scene within After Effects and make necessary changes instantly.After EffectsWas the key to making everything possible. It took a lot of time to get to the basic knowledge I have today. The use of different plugins to control different aspects of the video was interesting and useful. As well as the Video Copilot Tutorials I used.Final Cut ExpressThe simplicity of this video editing software is what makes this stand out. I was able to take video and place along a timeline in the most simplest way possible