Download - ANGLUM LUCIS TRANSCENSION - · Transcendental attunement V. Performing Transcension Angelum Lucis vI. The light that heals the world - radiance prayer viI.



  • Disclaimer

    The author has strived to be as accurate and complete as possible in the creation of this guide, not withstanding the fact that she does not warrant or represent at any time that the contents within are accurate due to the multitude of other teachings or perspectives. This guide is not meant to be religious and any perceived slights of specific persons, people, or organizations are unintentional.

    While all attempts have been made to verify information provided in this publication, the author assumes no responsibility for errors, omissions, or contrary interpretation of the subject matter herein. In practical advice books, like anything else in life, there are no guarantees of outcome/results.

    All results shared are based on an individual basis and effects may differ from person to person depending on their background and current state in life. Readers are cautioned to rely on their own judgment about their individual circumstances and act accordingly. This guide is for informational purposes only and is not intended for use as a method to cure any diseases or ailments. Information shared in this guide is based on the authors experiences and what has worked for her. Results may vary for every individual and the author holds no responsibility for the readers outcome/results.

    By reading this book, you agree not to reproduce, alter or give away in any form.

  • WINGS of transcension

    I. Special message from ansley

    II. Evolution of angelum lucis

    iii. transcension preparations

    iv. Transcendental attunement

    V. Performing Transcension Angelum Lucis

    vI. The light that heals the world - radiance prayer

    viI. Working with angels

    viiI. the divine within you

  • ∞ Special Message from ansley

    Hi my dear friend, I’m so glad that you have decided to join us in furthering your education on Angelum Lucis. By now you would have understood how Angelum Lucis works and eventually you will get used to it as a daily habit and a way of life. I am so excited to the amazing things that are happening in your life right now. Remember to count all the blessings, even the smallest ones :) TIP: Count your blessings no matter how small, and you will attract even more! In this guide, Angelum Lucis 2 (Transcension), there will be less of theory and more of the hands on stuff.

    If you wish, you may learn all of the advanced prayer techniques given in Transcension Angelum Lucis, which is over 70 minutes in total! Upon successfully completing the new attunement session achieving the advanced level of attunement, you’ll be able to channel 2 to 3 times MORE energy as compared to the original Angelum Lucis which you have achieved previously.

    In many ways, your prayer will be amplified. Imagine how your much your life will change! I’m so excited for you! Once you are done with the new attunement, you’ll unlock NEW prayers such as… - Multiple distance healing - The Radiance Prayer… - Working with different angels to specific areas of your life…

  • - Advanced energy cleansing… - Transcension Angelum Lucis (Angelum Lucis Level 2)

    - And much MORE! Are you ready? Let’s begin ;)

  • ∞ evolution of angelum lucis

    During the time I spent connecting with the angels, I was told that Angelum Lucis is the end of the journey. There are actually higher and more advanced levels of Angelum Lucis and one can only reach those levels when they are energetically ready and capable of receiving more energy. In order to do so, one has to first perform 5 - 10 sessions of Angelum Lucis, over the span of 7 days to lay the proper foundations. After they have done so, they will be ready to receive the 2nd level of Attunement which is known as “Transcension Attunement” in order to perform the next level of Angelum Lucis - Transcension Angelum Lucis.

    The reason behind this, is because one has to expand their energetic body in order to receive MORE and to channel more energy to their place of intentions. The highest level of Angelum Lucis is Divine Angelum Lucis, Angelum Lucis III.

  • This can only be obtained after the user have gone through levels 1 & 2, plus performed Transcension Angelum Lucis for at least 15 - 20 sessions over the span of 14 days. With it, comes multiple new prayers and healing benefits which will be discussed at the end of the book if you wish to further your education.

  • ∞ Transcension preparations

    These steps are highly recommended before you proceed with the Transcension session. This is to allow your energetic body to be fully cleansed before laying the new foundation so that you will not bring over unwanted blockages or “stuck” energy. If you have completed these 7 sessions of cleansing as guided in our emails, you may skip this segment and proceed to the Trancendental Attunement session. 7 Sessions Of Cleansing You may break this down into 7 sessions over the span of 2-3 days, or 1 session per day for the next 7 days. Here are the steps to follow for the 7 session energy cleanse:

    In each session, we will be focusing on clearing specific areas, removing unwanted energy so that new energy can start to flow in. Perform Angelum Lucis, and think of these specific areas in your life to cleanse over the next 7 Sessions. Each session should last as long as you think it needs. You may use the ambient tracks provided in Angelum Lucis 1 to keep you focused - repeat them for as long as they are needed.

    In case you need to remember how to perform Angelum Lucis, here are the steps for your reference.

  • Angelum Lucis 1) Find a comfortable spot and sit down/lie down. (Just make sure you don’t fall asleep)

    2) Close your eyes and take a deep breath.

    3) Think of yourself surrounded by white light and embraced by the wings of your angel. Feeling protected, loved, in a safe environment. Completely relaxed and feeling at peace. 4) Imagine roots coming out of the sole of your feet, going deep into the earth’s crust firmly and light coming out of the crown of your head, connecting to the heavens for the next 15-30 seconds.

    5) Once you have done so, you may invite an angel or being to join you in this session. You may invite 1 or more guides, it is up to you. Simply by intention or mentally saying, “I would like to invite (angels name/god/spiritual being’s name) to join me in Angelum Lucis”. 6) Next, think of an intention that you want to send this pure energy. (This is where you think of the specific area to cleanse in the 7 sessions. Follow the guide below provided in each session)

    7) Hold that intention in mind and imagine an infinite beam of powerful light coming down to and through you from the heavens, completely permeating every energetic cell of your body. 8) As the light is embracing you, mentally mention “Angelum Lucis” out loud and hold your palms together like a prayer position. 🙏 9) Let go and empty your mind whilst still holding onto your prayer position and just enjoy the pure energy flowing through you. 10) If you have a timer set, once it rings you can end the session by saying “Thank you” to your angel.

    Recommended step: After giving thanks, imagine the light retracting from the heavens and roots retracting the earth back to your body.

  • Session 1: Self-Cleanse In this 1st session, your intention will be healing yourself. Think of the angelic energy flowing into and through you, removing all impurities and blockages that you may have. These blockages indicate that you are holding on to some unfavourable situations from the past, or perhaps something unpleasant in your memories. Imagine light coming in to fill up those gaps, making your entire body complete and gleaming with light. The more the light comes in, the more you feel a sense of love and acceptance for who you are right now.

    Know that you are complete just the way you are, and the past is already in the past, and has brought you to exactly where you needed to be here today.

  • Session 2: Self-Cleanse In this 2nd session, your intention will be healing the bonds you have with your family and loved ones, cleansing all impurities and blocked energy that you may have. These blocked energies may have been caused by conflicts, disagreements or an argument you had with them in the past. Think of the angelic energy flowing into and through you, repairing and strengthening the bonds you have with your family and loved ones. Imagine the bonds as strings of white light connecting your heart to the heart of your loved ones. Visualize these strings being filled with golden particles of light and any blocked passage will be now free.

    Envision how you would like these relationships and bonds to improve and be like, and how your life will become once the blocked or bad energies have been removed.

  • Session 3: Self-Cleanse In this 3rd session, your intention will be healing the bonds you have with your colleagues, friends and people you know. Think of the angelic energy flowing into and through you, repairing and strengthening the bonds you have with these people - especially the ones that have caused you harm in the past. Imagine the bonds as strings of white light connecting your heart to the heart of your friends, colleagues and even people who may not have come into your life yet.

    Visualize these strings being filled with golden particles of light and any blocked passage will be now free.

    The light will help you to clear the blockages through forgiveness. Energy will now flow again.

  • Session 4: Your House In this 4th session, you will perform Angelum Lucis and your intention will be cleansing your house. Think of the angelic energy flowing into and through you, surrounding your entire house or room in a bubble of white light. Nothing can enter this bubble of white light without your permission. Imagine yourself in your house or room, in this bubble of white light. All impurities, negative or unwanted energy will be removed as the angelic light cleanses your surroundings. And only positive, beautiful and loving energy may enter and stay in this purified space from now on.

  • Session 5: Your Bed

    In this 5th session, you will perform Angelum Lucis and your intention will be cleansing your bed. Your bed is where you spend 1/3 of each day. It is crucial that your bed is cleansed because it is where your personal energy is absorbed the most. Think of angelic energy flowing into and through you, towards your bed, removing any negative energy, impurities or blockages that have been absorbed over the months or years. Imagine your bed filled with white light and from now on providing you with peaceful sleep, rejuvenating you completely each and every night.

  • Session 6: Your Work Space In this 6th session, you will perform Angelum Lucis and your intention will be cleansing your workspace. If your workspace is at home, then you may choose to skip or repeat this step.* Think of angelic energy flowing into and through you, towards your workspace, removing any stress energy, anxieties and tension that you may be feeling.

    Your work space is where your energy is channelled outwards to create work, and hence any impure energy will affect the quality of the work that you do.

    Imagine the angelic light forming a barrier around your work space - from now on, your work space is your personal territory, and your permission is required for anyone or anything to disrupt your peace. All of the noise, distraction and distortions will now be calm, peaceful and positive.

  • Session 7: Your Accessories (Non-electronic) In this 7th and final session, you will perform Angelum Lucis and your intention will be cleansing your accessories. It could be your watch, ring, ear rings, necklace or anything which you wear frequently. (It shouldn’t be electronic) Think of angelic energy flowing into and through you, embracing your accessories in golden light. Impurities, unwanted energy of any will now dissipate and be removed. Your accessories are now completely cleansed and as good as new.

    In fact, the energy imbued in them will flow through your body as you go about each day, acting as a protective shield against the hostile and impure energies that try to invade your personal space


    Here are some important tips to take note of before using the “Transcension Attunement” track. * Do not attempt the session while you are driving or operating heavy machinery.

    * It is recommended that you stay at least 1 metre away from all electronics.

    * During the next 10 - 15 minutes of attunement, you do not want to be disturbed or else you may need to redo the entire process from the start again.

    * Make sure that your loved ones understand that you are not to be disturbed during the next 10 - 15 minutes.

    * While going through this attunement, make sure your heart is open and willing. Let go of all judgement and thinking. Sincerely accept all that is coming your way and most importantly, relax and enjoy the soothing experience. It will be helpful if you did some stretching beforehand to let loose of the tension in your body. Once you are done, hit the play button and begin listening to the “Transcendental Attunement Track.” Enjoy! *Some users may experience a floaty feeling, seeing of colours, goosebumps or tingling sensations. It is perfectly fine because the energy is slowly expanding inside of you. Just allow it to happen. Even if you don’t experience anything, rest assured that the transcension attunement is working. Just enjoy the process. :)

  • ∞ Performing Transcension Angelum Lucis

    Congratulations! By now you would have completed the attunement session and now you are ready to perform your 1st Transcension Angelum Lucis session! I hope you are excited! I’m sure the angels are too! You see, in terms of the practical steps, there is not much of a difference when performing Angelum Lucis and Transcension Angelum Lucis. The only difference is to mention the word “Transcension Angelum Lucis” instead of “Angelum Lucis” from now on and you will automatically channel 2 - 3 times MORE energy than you previously did. Note* If you haven’t gone through the Transcension Attunement session, doing this will NOT work.

    Here are the steps to perform Transcension Angelum Lucis. 1) Find a comfortable spot and sit down/lie down. (Just make sure you don’t fall asleep)

    2) Close your eyes and take a deep breath.

    3) Think of yourself surrounded by white light and embraced by the wings of your angel. Feeling protected, loved, in a safe environment. Completely relaxed and feeling at peace. 4) Imagine roots coming out of the sole of your feet, going deep into the earth’s crust firmly and light coming out of the crown of your head, connecting to the heavens for the next 15-30 seconds.

  • 5) Once you have done so, you may invite an angel or being to join you in this session. You may invite 1 or more guides, it is up to you. Simply by intention or mentally saying, “I would like to invite (angels name/god/spiritual being’s name) to join me in Angelum Lucis”. 6) Next, think of an intention that you want to send this pure energy.

    7) Hold that intention in mind and imagine an infinite beam of powerful light coming down to and through you from the heavens, completely permeating every energetic cell of your body. 8) As the light is embracing you, mentally mention “Transcension Angelum Lucis” out loud and hold your palms together like a prayer position. 🙏 9) Empty your mind whilst still holding onto your prayer position and just enjoy the pure energy flowing to and through you. 10) If you have a timer set, once it rings you can end the session by saying “Thank you” to your angel. 11) Recommended step After giving thanks, imagine the light retracting from the heavens and roots retracting the earth back to your body.

  • ∞ Radiance Prayer - The Light That Heals The World

    Perhaps you want to do more than just healing yourself, or using Transcension Angelum Lucis to achieve a personal outcome. Perhaps you want to do something bigger for the better of all humanity and for the world. That’s amazing because Radiance prayer is exactly meant for that purpose. Once you are spiritually attuned for Transcension Angelum Lucis, you may now perform the Radiance prayer. It is also one of my favourite prayers that the angels have taught me and I want to share it with you.

    However, before you go on to perform the Radiance prayer, here are some things to take note. The Radiance Prayer is extremely powerful and it takes up a lot of energy due to the scale of how much it is being channelled. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that you ONLY perform 1 radiance prayer at MOST every other day. Meaning to say if you were to perform 1 Radiance prayer today, you will need to take a break tomorrow to recharge energetically. You may still continue to perform Transcension Angelum Lucis but it is advisable to take a break from Radiance Prayer on the 2nd day. On the 3rd day, you may proceed to perform Radiance prayer if you wish. The Radiance prayer is meant for the bigger picture and less for personal benefits.

  • It can be used to send healing energy to things like… - Natural disasters that are occurring somewhere else in the world. - Man-made disasters or unfortunate events somewhere else in the world. - An unfavourable situations that involves others, endangering lives. - Sending healing energy to a pandemic or global situation. - Anything which is of bigger scale. This is truly an amazing and meaningful prayer. Time to time, I will be asking for your help to join me in the Radiance prayer when something happens. If you haven’t join me in the Radiance Prayer email list, click here to sign up so you will be notified immediately. => Join our Radiance Prayer email list. Let’s heal the world! I’m so glad that you have decided to pick up Transcension Angelum Lucis. Once you are ready, you may proceed to “PLAY" the Radiance Prayer track and heal the world.

  • ∞ Working with angels

    One of the benefits of completing Angelum Lucis level 2, is that you are energetically "big" enough to channel angelic energy and work with specific angels. The 9 angel prayers are included in the download section for each angel. You may choose to listen to the guided prayers, or you may pray to specific angels for specific purposes by reading the following below. *It is highly recommended that you start off with the guided-prayers to understand how it works. Before you go ahead to choose which angel you want to work with,

    here are some tips on what you can request from each archangels.

    Prayer with Archangel Michael (Inner Strength) - Courage - Inner Strength - Protection - Justice - Fighting Spirit - Victory

    Prayer with Archangel Uriel (Removing Darkness) - Removing toxic relationships - Removing toxic environments - Removing negative energy - Protection against dark energy or forces in your life

    Prayer with Archangel Gabriel (Self-Expression) - Self-Confidence - Free of judgement - Self-expression - Courage to be more vocal

  • Prayer with Archangel Chamuel (Wisdom and answers) - Wisdom - Knowledge - Accelerated learning - Mastery of particular topics and subjects

    Prayer with Archangel Raphael (Healing) - Healing for ailments - Healing from trauma - Healing for mental health - Healing for emotional well-being - Making peace with past incidents

    Prayer with Archangel Ariel - Sense of conviction - Strong will-power - Finding passion - Motivation and drive

    Prayer with Archangel Haniel - Better relationships with others - Attracting love/partner/companion - Kindness and compassion - Courage to forgive others - Healing relationships

    Prayer with Archangel Raziel - Solving complex issues - Achieving a specific result faster - Manifesting a specific outcome - Ability to pull resources effortlessly - Career or starting business

    Prayer with Archangel Jophiel - Bringing out beauty within - More gratitude about life - Positive energy - More charisma

  • Don’t forget to try out the guided angel prayer tracks! I created them specially for you :) *Remember to hold your hands in prayer position when “Transcension Angelum Lucis” is being called.

  • ∞ the divinity within you

    You might be thinking, what’s next? As mentioned earlier in this guide, I shared with you the 3 levels of Angelum Lucis. Now that you have completed the 2nd level, should you choose to continue to advance your education, you will be proceeding to learn Divine Angelum Lucis. That will be the final program that I have created so far and if you wish to check it out, the link is here: Click here to read more In Divine Angelum Lucis, you will be connecting with the highest order of Angels, gaining the ability to perform the MOST powerful prayers… Such as connecting with your higher self, meditating with god, connecting with the universe, releasing past life trauma, healing DNA genetics and a lot more. However these are the most advanced prayers that can only be unlocked if you choose to awaken the divine within you. If you choose to further your education to the final series of Angelum Lucis, you can now begin to prepare by repeating the 7-session cleanse. Once you have done so, you would have saved 1 week of time in order for you to be prepared for the most powerful attunement session.

  • ∞ Conclusion

    I am so grateful to be able to guide you through Transcension Angelum Lucis. In fact, I have a little surprise for YOU! Because you have completed Angelum Lucis I and II, email me ([email protected]) and I will send you a certification of completion! You are awesome!!! This is to honour your love and support towards the forgotten prayer of angels, Angelum Lucis. Thank you for joining me in this beautiful prayer of the angels. You are loved, honoured and cherished deeply. Feel free to write to me ([email protected]) about your amazing success stories, realisations or simply to say hi! xoxo, Ansley Reid P.S. Will I be seeing you in Divine Angelum Lucis? :D P.P.S. Also do look out for Radiance Prayer emails!! Time to time when the world needs us, I will send you an email to perform the Radiance Prayer together. It will be such an amazing session together.