Download - Angela & Andrei-Protocol of a Love





    translated from German into English by IGOR POP TRAJKOV


    Have you already kissed?

    Angela is 13, born on 6.7.1974 in

    Mingir, Soviet Republic of Moldavia.

    Andrei is 2 years older, born in Mingir at the

    eastern part of Europe.

    You should kiss with lust, not with

    your teeth, commented the girls.

    Her blood type is AB Rh+.

    His blood type is B Rh+.

    Angela is the youngest from the 3

    children, Andrei is the youngest from the

    7500 families in this countryside. His father

    was driving tractors in the kolkhoz, his is the

    milkman. When Andrei Chitanu attended the

    kitchen, Angela Botezatu kindly went in bad

    with him. The omen of his ancestors reached

    him while shopping.

    During the summer dust, during the

    winter mud.

    Angela, 15, the school begins, lasts

    one year at her sister Ala in Ukraine, who is

    praline maker. Andrei stayed in Mingir, he

    was waiting and working, where there is

    plenty of work, in the kolkhoz, Andrei had a

    long dark hair, face with visage of a poor


    During the day, before he became

    recruit of the red army, Angela presented

    him a blue box.

    For the letters, which I will mail to

    him, one each day.

    She was doubting, Angela mistrusted

    him, she was doubting and waiting.

    1.6.1990, 06.00, Andrei entered the

    bus. 4 days later the first letter: Now I am

    bold as an apple.

    Angela numerated Andreis letter,

    she put it in the blue box, 22 months period

    of time, 600 letters, nr. 126: I LOVE YOU.

    In April 1992 Andrei came back in

    the village, that is no more part of the Soviet

    Union, at that time living on a hill in a little

    white house property of his parents.

    Without any job at the edge of


    Andrei Chitanu, 20, and Angela

    Botezatu, 18, headed towards Siberia,

    Angela left, before she went away, a note on

    the table: Mom, daddy, I am not going to

    stay without Andrei.

    7 days in a train towards Solikamsk,

    4 hours in a boat towards Kercevo.

    Andrei is now a rafter, Angela cooks

    for him, brings him water in the wood,

    bread, foods, kisses. Angela is pregnant.

    On 6.9.1992 she is again in Mingir,

    Moldavia, 28 000 Russian roubles in her


    On 7.9.1992 Andrei sent, all fatigued

    and pusillanimous, on a visit, his friend to

    the parents of Angela.

    Andrei Chitanu, during his stay on

    that hill, through his friend asked for the

    hand of their daughter Angela, that is when

    he said, that he loves Angela as he loves

    himself and that he will always love her and

    he will take care for her forever.

    White wedding, 25.10.1992.


    6 days later after the ceremony, still

    at her parents place, than at his parents

    garden, they placed a tent, in which 3 table

    rows, Andrei had bought a swine, he had

    slaughtered, what is spent is already spent,

    his daily expenses were progressively


    With 6 other guys from the village

    Mingir Andrei traveled towards Sverdlovsk,

    Russia, he became a stable man, Angela, 18

    and pregnant, stayed with her mother, filling

    the blue box.

    2 months later Andrei came back,

    7500 Roubles.

    On 15.3.1993 a son is born, 7 weeks

    earlier than the proper date, 1400gr. Angela

    had brought him up in this world in a

    hospital room in Carpineni, the village next

    to theirs, her child is so skinny, she made an

    excursion with him to the capital of this

    country Chisinau, her son was waking up in

    her bed.

    About 3 times Andrei went in

    Russia, 6000km long journey, to work as a

    fireman in the station in Surgut.

    Angela, 19, and her son Jon lived at

    Angelas mother place. The parents of

    Andrei did not feel sad that the child was

    named by the name of the father of Angela,

    not by the name of the one that have made

    him - by the name of the father of the father.

    He lent an ear to her, he whispered to

    her, as a faithful dog.

    October, Andrei returns from Russia.

    It would have been better, if he had

    stayed in Siberia, complained Angela.

    Andrei is day-laborer, mason,

    builder, maestro for everything, second-hand

    salesman, wine maker, guard, tractor driver,

    road worker, factory worker, cook.

    The birth of Vasile, 8.10.1995.

    Andrei, 23, he gave him some soap from his


    When she did not know how to keep

    herself going any further, Angela lighted a

    candle in the church and felt ashamed, since

    she didnt pay for the candle.

    Angela and Andrei went away from

    the little white house of their parents so that

    they can went to a street with no name,

    without any water supply, without

    electricity, with the toilet in the garden,

    occupied by hens.

    This is what happens to everybody

    here, the same happens even if they do

    things differently, he said, everybody here is


    All with an exception of Nina,

    thought Angela.

    Nina U. as her name was, became

    reach, since she had retailed one kidney of

    theirs, October 1998.

    May I help you, you are young and

    healthy, 3000 Dollars for a kidney, one

    week entirely will be necessary, one short

    week in Istanbul, soon you will have no

    headaches, nevertheless you will have a lot

    of money.

    Not you, said Andrei.

    I will go, said Angela. It is

    groundless one to think that a human needs

    two kidneys. One is entirely enough.

    Since Andrei does not let me travel,

    she thought, I will travel secretly.

    Angela gave to Nina U. her personal

    data, day after she had her Moldavian

    passport, A1486930, tall 155sm, eye color-

    gray green.

    Nina U. said: In four weeks time we

    are leaving, in five youll be already here.


    Not you!, pleaded Andrei.

    And Angela was impregnated.

    We have no pregnant, said Nina U.

    Then I will go.

    But how? You have no money.

    When are you going to borrow me

    from the payment for my kidney?,

    demanded to Angela Chitanu, 24 years old,

    November 1998.

    I am not a bank.

    Nor the rest are doing better, said

    Andrei, here everyone is poor and does not

    complain about it.

    Theres no money for butter.

    Angela burned all 600 letters, nr.126

    will not burn, I LOVE YOU.

    In April 1999 Andrei offered

    himself, to be on Angelas place, to give a

    kidney to Nina U. Angela said: Not you,

    probably you are right, sometimes

    everything is better like this.

    From time to time, in duration of 4

    hours, Angela worked in the tin factory in

    Mingir, the payments were as for a lamp in

    the kitchen, as for a mirror in the bedroom.

    Not you.

    At 25.6 1999, in Friday afternoon,

    Nina U. drove to their place with a car.

    Andrei, left within half an hour time,

    as the things go while leaving a small place.

    Andrei lied to Angela, while she was

    in the tin factory, leaving her a note on the

    table: I went for a job!

    In the clothes that had a bread in its

    pocket he stayed one week, and in those

    same clothes Andrei Chitanu entered the car

    of Nina U., they were traveling for Krivoi

    Rog in Ukraine, they stayed three days in a

    hotel, they traveled towards Zaporoje, flew

    to Istanbul, which took length of two hours,

    29.6.1999, arrival at 13.05. In Istanbul she

    took Andrei in an apartment, he was

    supposed to drink a lot, so that he will rinse

    the kidneys. A doctor checked Andreis

    pulse, checked his blood, blood type B Rh+,

    heard his heart and lung. The next morning

    she took Andrei, 27, in a hotel, which he

    wasnt allowed to leave, during the night she

    was taking him to a hospital, where they

    took him some extra blood, than she took

    him back.

    Angela was presuming, where

    Andrei is, than she lighted a candle at the

    window of the little white house.

    Your father found a job, she told her

    sons, in two days time he will be back.

    Andrei had found some kind of job,

    she told her mother.

    In Friday, 2.7.1999, Andrei Chitanu

    telephoned a neighbor, who was also in the

    no name street, Mingir, Republic of

    Moldavia, poor country on a territory of

    Europe, and told him, that in Sunday he will

    call again, this Sunday in a particular time,

    Angela was supposed in Sunday to be at her

    neighbors place, and speak with her


    Work here goes outstandingly, said

    Andrei, people here make good money.

    In Sunday he wasnt allowed to eat,

    nor was he allowed to drink water from the


    In Sunday, 4.7.1999, she took him to

    the surgery, early morning in Istanbul.

    During 3 hours time Andrei Chitanu lied in

    a room, with a needle in his hand, than she

    pushed his bad in a lighted room. There, on

    a table, was lying an anesthetized woman,

    all with sun spots. Somebody folded her in


    bands and told him is Russian: Count till

    ten, Andrei managed till four.

    I am to blame, that he went away,

    thought Angela while in her neighbors

    house, the one that had a phone.

    Andrei woke up without knowing,

    where he is. Somebody told him to drink

    something, to move, somebody dedicated

    himself to his wound, cleaning it up and

    immobilizing it. 5 days after the surgical

    operation Andrei was sleeping in the

    apartment of a man, who spoke only


    Sunday, 10.7.1999, 6 days after the

    operation, Andrei Chitanu entered a bus, the

    man, the one that spoke only Turkish, gave

    him 2900 US-$, Andrei counted the money

    and did not complain, where disappeared the

    missing 100 US-$.

    2 days in a bus, from Istanbul

    through Bulgaria, through Romania, through

    Moldavia. His left leg hurts, everything

    hurts. Andrei, in a panic, that somebody may

    take a look in his rectum, hided the money

    in his slippers.

    Angela looked through the window,

    since she heard some walking in the garden,

    hence it was a night. She is going to

    welcome him. Andrei counted the money,

    Angela was already in front of the house,

    she hugged her husband.

    He said: Hide that, so that nobody

    can see it.

    His leg was hurting, his stomach, his


    2 days later somebody stood in front

    of the house, asking weather somebody is

    interested for a particular job, road building,

    Andrei Chitanu asked: When?


    Andrei was digging gravel, he made

    no effort, in taking his shirt off.

    Washing machine, television,

    telephone, clothes, shoes, wallpaper, tint for

    the garden fence, green and white, 1000

    US-$ sent Angela to her sister Ala, that lived

    in Ukraine and needed money, so that she

    can buy herself forged documents for a trip

    to Italy.

    23.8.1999, Angela gave birth of her

    third son.

    Andreis back hurt, he lied on the

    bed, so that Angela could give him a


    They have no money for a doctor.

    Dust in summer, mud in winter.

    Angela Chitanu, in duration of 3 or 4

    hours, worked in a tin factory, Andrei

    nevertheless was building, or on the field, in

    the garden, a storm destroyed their

    seedlings, the vineyards behind the house,

    summer 2003.

    Sometimes telephoned the sister of

    Angela from Italy, and was sending them

    envelope with 20 in it.

    I am going in Italy, decided Angela.

    To whom?, asked Andrei.

    To whom!, she shouted, to whom!

    She knew a man, cousin of their

    cousins, who had bought a passport and

    visa, 2100 for the flight ticket from


    To whom?

    I am sending you money, a lot of

    money, such an amount you have not seen



    Think about the children, she said.

    Andrei sold their stove, the pig, three

    hens, the fridge.


    Beginning of November 2003,

    Angela Chitanu entered the bus, its early

    morning, it is still dark. In her bag she has a

    photo from her sons, from her husband,

    whats left from that candle, a Romanian

    passport, nr. 04827096, Aniko Solaghi, born

    on 31.8.1976 in Satu Mare. Angela was

    memorizing this, she arrives from Gyr,

    Hungary. Handcuffs, 2 weeks detention, 60

    fine, number of the file B2309/2003/1.

    24.11.2003, Andrei heard her

    walking in the garden.

    2 days later he phoned to the cousin

    of their cousins, demanded him to send him

    back 2100 , that are now 1500.

    This is even better, you are staying

    here, said Andrei.

    So that the shoes of the sons will not

    become filled with mud, Andrei was bearing

    the sons, when they had to go to school, on

    his back walking through the hill, from the

    little white house in which they were, than

    again he was bearing them, when they had

    to come back from school.

    11.3.2004, Angela Chitanu entered

    the bus, Svetlana Boskarova, Russian,

    whose documents and plain ticket cost

    2500. Arresting in the plain from Istanbul,

    Angela was sitting with 20 young girls in a

    room, nobody had a mobile phone.

    Come back home, pleaded Andrei.

    He was waiting, he heard nothing

    from Angela, in a duration of 4 days. Andrei

    threatened the cousin of the cousins with the


    Bring back home my wife.

    The cousin was traveling with car

    from and to Andrei and he brought back his

    money, even 100 more. Andrei must, said

    the cousin, goes immediately to Istanbul,

    give her her Moldavian passport, first thing

    the Turks will do when they see the real

    passport of Angela, will be to let Angela

    free. Andrei asked for the unknown mobile

    phone-numbers, he reached Angela while

    amongst the detainees.

    No, she figured out, they want to

    screw you, they will have you here as a

    speculator, and without thinking it up they

    are going to arrest you.

    25.3.2004, Angela Chitanu came

    back to Mingir, neighbors in rags.

    The cousin of the cousins went to

    their place once in 3. Then he went away.

    No!, stated Andrei.

    30.7.2004, Svetlana Andreeva,

    2700. In a car for Odessa, with a plane for

    Vienna, for Milan. Dozens of Chinese in the

    flight, actually inside there were only

    Chinese, thought Angela, she is sitting in a

    wrong plane, she begun to sweat and had no

    courage for asking about this. Andrei stayed

    in the house on the hill, waiting, anybody for

    a call, the police or Angela, the arrival in

    Milano in 18.50. Angela Chitanu, 30, had

    fallen in the hands of her older sister Ala,

    Angela was trembling and feeling guilty, she

    couldnt talk.

    Her sister told her: You are

    exhausting yourself as a peasants stomach

    on a wedding trip.

    Ala took Angela through the

    boutiques in the city, she dressed her nicely.

    Ala wanted to find certain job for Angela

    and had no success finding, not even one 1.

    A long week, one 2., one 3., Angela

    borrowed from Ala 100 and sent them to


    My first salary, my love.


    Andrei went to the big city Hincesti,

    for the first time in his life he visited a bank,

    and opened an account.

    Ala gave Angela her working place,

    in Vercelli, half an hour distanced from

    Milan, Angela was taking care for an old

    married couple, Angela was cooking,

    cleaning, washing, fitting the place and

    cutting the Roses and the Glyzinias, she

    grated, composted, 800 a month, from

    which 600 she was sending in Mingir,

    Moldavia. Angela lived in a house that was

    private property, during the night she was

    thinking about the nameless street.

    Angela bought a mobile phone.

    Did the leaves from our walnut drop


    Children are asking, when are you

    going to come back again.

    When we begin to do well, said

    Angela Chitanu in Vercelli, region of


    Vasile, the second one, send Angela

    a postcard, which contained flowers and a

    sun, under which was a signature from his

    brothers: When the shutters on our window

    tremble, come to us, as the shutters had

    become your tears. We wish you plenty of

    happiness and good health.

    The living room, Andrei, I want you

    to base it with shiny laminate, birch, the

    wall, the corridor, with bricks, in the outlook

    of all this there should be a large fire place,

    brown, light-brown one, buy a long hanger

    for clothes, carefully wash it, before you

    lock everything, straighten the handle, so

    that it will not wrinkle.

    Andrei installed the water-main in

    the house, he did, what Angela wanted, a

    bedroom, a new kitchen with stove and

    oven, he went in the capital city Chisinau

    and bought a computer, he took his sons,

    each time they had to go to school, baring

    them on his back, walking with them on his

    back through that hill, than again he was

    baring them back on the top of the hill, so

    that their shoes will not be filled with mud.

    And a new window, Andrei.

    Neighbors in rags.

    Angela was sending flower seed

    from Italy for their garden. The seed did not

    begin to sprout.

    The youngest, 6, was sleeping during

    the night aside Andrei, 33.

    Yesterday they asked him, where is

    he going to sleep, when you come back.

    What did you tell him?

    Beneath the bed.

    And then?

    He became calm, said Andrei.

    I have this worry, she told him.

    As a consequence of what?

    From everything I have ever heard.

    How do you mean everything?, he


    7 times Andrei traveled to Hincesti

    to fill his fallen teeth with gold.

    On 10.11.2005, Thursday, 06.15,

    Angela had send Andrei a SMS: Here

    everything good, I wish a good day, kiss.

    Angela was grating the fallen lives in

    the garden of her masters, she sweated, she

    took off her jacket. After 9 oclock that

    evening she went to bed, she couldnt sleep,

    she was keeping herself vigil. Headaches,

    she could feel them no-more. She must stand

    up, she cannot, Angela crawls, she phones

    from her mobile phone the daughter of the

    married couple, she tells her she has certain

    worries, she murmurs while talking on the


    phone, Angela faces the truth, that she is laid

    on a carrier, coma.

    Andrei, with no particular reason so

    far, phones Angela, at 10 oclock at night,

    11 oclock, he phones her 3 or 4 times. In

    the morning he finally reached the sister of

    Angela, Ala begun to weep, Angela caught a

    hard cold, she is healthy staying already one

    week in the hospital.

    Pavia, Policlinico San Matteo, Viale

    Golgi 19.

    Brain bleeding, in the depths and at

    the same time epidural, really a rarity,

    Angela could hear herself breathing, a tube

    that is fixed trough a cut, AB Rh+, machine.

    The doctor opened Angelas skull.

    Andrei bought the toilet as already

    made, the bath, was exactly where Angela

    wanted it to be, on the right wall.



    The appointment for an opened

    security policy from the Italian Ministry of

    Foreign Affairs obliged Angela Chitany to

    give authorization with her personal data,

    L508669, 28.11.2005, motivo del soggiorno:

    Cure mediche1.

    2 days after Christmas Angela woke

    from her coma, her legs and hands were

    paralyzed. She asked for the phone, on

    which she was speaking with calmed upper


    Is it warm in the house?

    5.1.2006, Andrei entered the bus for

    Bucharest, Romania, bread in the baggage,

    sausage, a bottle of water. He appeared in

    front of the Italian embassy standing in the

    waiting line, somebody said: Here you have

    1 Note from the translator- motive for the stay:

    Medical treatments

    no papers! But I am with an invitation!,

    answered Andrei. The others were laughing,

    Andrei bought a telephone ticket from the

    kiosk, telephoned the embassy in front of

    which he was standing, saying, that he has to

    bring back from the Italian state, to visit his

    paralyzed wife. They kept Andrei inside,

    they gave him the ticket, the departure of the

    plain is in whole day time, 16.10, Andrei

    took a taxi, flew away for Milano Malpensa.

    That night, in the guesthouse of the

    Italian Caritas, he ate his bread, sausage

    from Mingir.

    She was laughing and did not know

    what to say.

    He caresses her crippled warm hand.

    Tell me everything about our house,

    said she.

    Everything is clean and new, said he.

    And the children?

    Three boys.

    Angela was laughing.

    Theres nothing else we can do about

    it, whispered the doctor.

    2 weeks is the duration of Andreis

    stay in Italy and everyday he goes to the bed

    of Angela. The cigarettes, he had bought, 5

    times more expensive than in Mingir, he

    smoked them always only till their half, than

    he was quenching the cigarette, than he was

    beginning to smoke the 2nd

    one. He was

    smoking the remaining half later.

    Theres nothing else we can do about


    Transferring in the Centro di

    Riabilitazione Villa Beretta in

    Costamasnaga bei Como, Via N.Sauro 172.

    2 Note from the translator- Center for Rehabilitation

    Vila Bereta in Costamasnaga near Cuomo, street: N.Sauro 17


    From time to time the sister came to visit,

    Ala, from time to time the daughter of the

    married couple, in whose home Angela

    Chitanu was working.

    Children sent them the newspapers.

    From time to time, when she was

    doing well, she was moving her right arm,

    spacing 10cm. The left hand, distorted in a

    form of fish floss.

    8.2.2007, 2 Italian doctors

    accompanied Angela Chitanu in an

    ambulance plain for Chisinau. The

    representatives of the Ministry of the Health

    Insurance of Moldavia were inside during

    the flight and were speaking all only the

    best. They brought Angela in the Institute of

    neurology at the department for

    neurosurgery, str. Corolenco 2, note 1,

    department for reanimation, there, amongst

    3 non conscious, she stayed in a duration of

    10 days lying, hungry, thirsty, not washed.

    Somebody pushed her towards the intense

    care, inside 7 ill patients, 1 medical sister,

    who was playing cards on the computer,

    here is dark and stifling, who wants to visit

    Angela, must buy a special protective cloak,

    a kind of medical coat, Angela was lying on

    a thick cloth, under it there was a hard

    plastic, nobody, ever washed that.

    Andrei brought the bread and the


    After a while the Italian doctor

    telephoned them. Everything is the best, said

    the medical sister.

    Attack appearing on the back and on

    the ass.

    She has an attack, alerted Andrei.

    That is normal, said the sister, that is

    not our guilt.

    Lost in the regional hospital in

    Hincesti, March 2007. All of a sudden the

    electricity went off, in a duration of 8 hours,

    Angela had to overcome her pain.

    That was, said a doctor, a good

    lesson, sometimes even you have to breath


    Actually I dont like what I just saw,

    the doctor told Andrei, but, speaking

    between us manly, if I was in your place, I

    would ask an opinion also from somebody


    Infection of the lung. Andrei even

    doesnt go home anymore.

    On 21.3.2007 a journal from

    Chisinau wrote about this rumor, the

    neighbors of the married couple Chitanu in

    the village Mingir, region Hincesti, doubts,

    the paralysis of the woman was not caused

    by the spontaneous brain bleedings, but

    from the hit from the Italian system, that

    caught Angela on her workplace.

    Somebody demanded something to

    Andrei Chitany in the capitol city, a

    policeman said: Write everything you have


    End of April 2007, one Wednesday,

    she was bared on the back of Andrei, 35,

    Angela, 33, thinned till her skeleton, in a car

    that was a property of their friends, he was

    leaving his kisses on her back, he closed the

    roof of the cabriolet, he fixed Angela on her

    sit and accompanied her to Mingir, the hole

    in her ass, the gray oxidizing flesh, reach as

    pure bones, covered by the roof- protected.

    Andrei Chitanu is bringing Angela, with a

    birth name Botezatu, indoors, from the right

    side he holds the thick curtain, that is spread

    in front of the wall from brown breaks, on

    the floor from light laminate, birch.


    A heaven, said she with upper

    calmed voice.

    400 Lei a month, 23 rent for taking

    care for the crippled.

    From time to time Andrei brings a

    machine that sucks the slime from Angelas

    larynx. He caresses tenderly her back, he

    changes her dippers. The sons are washing

    the rags and are drying them by hanging

    them around the house.

    From time to time Andrei steps.

    During the night he snoops, so that

    he can assure himself that Angela is still

