Download - ANERT Hand Book Beneficiary - 1KW Rooftop

Page 1: ANERT Hand Book Beneficiary - 1KW Rooftop Description Page No

1. About the programme 5

2. Selection of Beneficiaries 5

3. Empanelment of agencies 5

4. Subsidy 5

5. Summary of System configuration 6

6. Warranty 6

7. How to install the power plant and avail subsidy 6

8. Verification and release of subsidy 7

9. District level orientation programme 7


11. Annexure-1 (Address List of Agencies approved) 11

12. Annexure-2 (List of Empanelled Agencies with Price Details) 16

13. Annexure-3 (List of Agency Wise Service Centres) 18

14. Annexure-4 (Address List of ANERT District Offices) 22

15. Format-1 (Pre -installation site inspection Report) 23

16. Format-2 (Work order) 25

17. Format-3 (Agreement between Agency and Beneficiary) 26

18. Format-4(Commissioning Report) 27

19. Format-5 (Undertaking by the beneficiary) 28

20. Format-6 (Authorization by beneficiary for release of subsidy) 28

21. Format-7 (warranty card to be supplied with each solar power plant) 29

22. Format-8 (Service record to be maintained ) 29

23. Format-13(Display Board) 30

24. Format-14(Logo of ANERT and MNRE on Solar PV modules) 30

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1. About the programme It is a pioneering programme for decentralised stand alone rooftop solar power generation as part of the Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar National Mission being implemented by ANERT during the year 2012-13.

1kW Solar power plants on 10,000 rooftops totalling a capacity of 10MW is going to be installed. The whole nation is eagerly awaiting the outcome of this initiative to replicate this model of decentralised power generation, as this is the first of its kind in India.

Grab this opportunity by participating in this novel programme for green energy generation.

2. Selection of Beneficiaries A registration process for selection of beneficiary has already been initiated and the priority has been assigned on first come first served basis.

3. Empanelment of agencies The installation of the solar power plants will be through a panel of agencies, selected from channel partners of MNRE whose financial and technical credibility is already confirmed by MNRE, Govt.of India.

Out of 55 bids, 25 bids have been qualified in the technical evaluation. Among them 15 agencies were shortlisted based on the price they have quoted and their submission of security deposit.

The beneficiaries can select any agency of their choice for installation of the system. The list of empanelled agencies along with the rates offered is given in Annexures 1 and 2. The list of empanelled agencies may be expanded in future. For updated list please refer to ANERT website

4. Subsidy Financial support from MNRE (Govt. of India) and Govt of Kerala is available for the programme as detailed below

MNRE(Govt. of India)* Rs.53262 State Government Rs.39000 Total subsidy Rs.92262

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Beneficiary can choose any “Agency” from the list published. The Total Subsidy available is limited to Rs.92,262/-(Rupees Ninety Two Thousand Two Hundred and Sixty Two Only).The beneficiary need pay only the beneficiary share.Subsidy will be claimed by the empanelled agency.

Beneficiary Share = (Total cost) – (Rs.92262)

5. Summary of System configuration System Component Capacity Minimum Technical Compliance

Solar panel 1000 Wp IEC 61215 / IS14286, IEC 61730 Part 1 & II

Battery 7200Whr ± 4%, IS1651/IS13369 /IEC 61427/IS15549

Power conditioning Unit 1kW IEC 61683 / IS 61683 IEC 60068-2 (1, 2, 14, 30) / Equivalent BIS Std Efficiency 85% and above


IEC 60227 / IS 694 IEC 60502 / IS 1554 (Pt. I & II

Switches/ Circuit Breakers/ Connectors

IEC 60947 part I,II, III / IS 60947 Part I,II,III EN 50521

Junction Boxes /Enclosures for Inverters/ Charge Controllers

IP 54 (for outdoor)/ IP 21(for indoor) as per IEC 529

6. Warranty 5 years warranty for the entire system should be provided by the supplier as per the

conditions of the contract.

PV modules used in solar power plants/ systems must be warranted for their output

peak watt capacity, which should not be less than 90% at the end of 10 years and 80 %

at the end of 25 years.

7. How to install the power plant and avail subsidy 1. Select an Agency of your choice from the

list provided from ANERT for installation of the solar power plant.(Annexure-1)

The list of agencies empanelled with price finalised for the programme is provided as Annexure-2

Selection of the “Agency” for the installation of the power plant is the sole responsibility of the beneficiary.

2. The selected Agency should conduct the site visit and furnish the pre-installation report in the format (Format-1) prescribed by ANERT

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3. A confirmed work order (Format-2) should be issued by the beneficiary

4. An agreement has to be executed between the Beneficiary and Agency (Format-3) regarding the installation, payment and warranty conditions.

5. A copy of work order, pre-installation report and agreement shall be submitted by the Agency to ANERT district office.

6. The installation has to be completed and the commissioning report (Format-4) has to be submitted to ANERT district office (List of ANERT district offices provided as Annexure 4) within 45 days of issuing of work order from the beneficiary.

7. An undertaking regarding the installation and upkeep of the system (Format-5) shall also be submitted by the beneficiary, along with the commissioning report.

8. The installation will be verified for compliance and the subsidy will be released by ANERT on receiving commissioning report, undertaking and verification certificate.

MNRE & State Subsidies shall be released to the beneficiary based on the verification. The subsidy can also be released to the empanelled agency on the basis of the authorisation given by the beneficiary.

The beneficiary share of the cost of the system (over and above the subsidy) will be directly paid by the beneficiary to the selected Agency.

8. Verification and release of subsidy 100% of the systems are proposed to be inspected by

Technical Experts/Agencies empanelled and trained by ANERT.

10% of the systems inspected by the Empanelled experts shall be verified in random by the District engineer of ANERT

1% of the systems per district shall be verified by the Engineers from ANERT headquarters.

MNRE may also conduct inspection for minimum technical compliance.

9. District level orientation programme A district level beneficiary orientation programme is planned in all districts. Interested beneficiary can attend the programme. An exhibition of empanelled agencies will be arranged along with the orientation programme. Registered beneficiary could interact with the empanelled agencies and finalise the agency to install the power plant.

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tIcfw C¶v AXncq£amb sshZypXn {]XnkÔn t\cn«psIm­ncn¡pIbmWtÃm. CXv

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sXcsªSp¯n«pÅ Nm\ ]mÀ«vt\gvkn \n¶pw, As\À«v \njvIÀjn-¨n-«pÅ hyh-Ø-IÄ IqSn

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F³Pn\obÀamcpw, 1% As\À«nse ko\nbÀ

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Page 9: ANERT Hand Book Beneficiary - 1KW Rooftop


]cntim[\bpsS shfn¨¯n [\klmbw KpWt`màm¡Ä¡v / I¼\nIÄ¡v \ÂIp¶Xmbncn¡pw.

10000Wp tijn-bpÅ tkmfmÀ ]m\Â, 7200Wh _mädn, 1kW C³hÀ«À F¶nhbmWv apJy


A©p hÀjs¯ hmdân e`y-am-Wv. IqSmsX tkmfmÀ ]m\-ep-IÄ¡v 25 hÀjs¯ hmdânbpw

Dd-¸p-h-cp-̄ n-bn-«p-­v.

(Warranty for their output peak watt capacity, which should not be less than 90% at the end of

10 years and 80% at the end of 25 years)

1. ¹mâv Øm]n¡p¶Xn\pÅ I¼\nsb CXn\mbn As\À«v ]ckys¸Sp¯nbn«pÅ enÌnÂ

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]cn-]qÀ® D¯-c-hm-ZnXzw KpW-t`m-àm-hn \n£-n-]vX-am-bn-cn-¡pw.

2. ¹mâv Øm]n¡p¶Xn\v Bhiyamb Øe ]cntim[\ I¼\n \S¯p¶XmWv. Øew

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H¸ntS­XmWv. Øe ]cntim[\ dnt¸mÀ«v, KpWt`màmhv I¼-\n¡v \ÂIp-¶-hÀ¡v HmÀUÀ,

KpWt`màmhpw I¼\nbpw X½n GÀs¸Sp¶ \nÝnX Icmdnsâ tIm¸n, ¹mâv Øm]n-¡p-¶-

Xn\v sXc-sª-Sp¯ Øe-¯nsâ t^mt«m-{Km^v F¶nh As\À«nsâ PnÃm Hm^oknÂ


3. KpW-t`m-àm-hn \n¶pw hÀ¡v HmÀUÀ e`n¨v 45 Znh-k-̄ n\pÅn ¹mâv Øm]n-t¡-­-Xm-Wv.

4. ¹mânsâ Øm]\hpw, I½oj\nwKn\pwtijw \nÝnX ]cntim[\ dnt¸mÀ«pIÄ e`n¨p

Ignªm \nÝnX am\-Z-WvU-{]-Im-c-amWv ¹mâv Øm]n-¨n-cn-¡p-¶Xv F¶v Dd-¸p-h-cp-̄ n-bXn-

\p-tijw k_vknUn XpI A\phZn¡p¶XmWv.

KpW-t`m-àmhpw, I¼-\nbpw H¸n« \nÝnX t^md-̄ n-epÅ tPmbnâv C³kvs]-£³

dnt¸mÀ«pw, tkmfmÀ ]m\Â, ]n.-kn.-bp. (C³hÀ«À) _mädn F¶n-h-bpsS t^mt«m-{Km-̂ p-Ifpw

]cn-tim-[\m dnt¸mÀ«n-s\m¸w D­m-bn-cn-¡-Ww. (tkm-fmÀ ]m\-ep-I-fpsS t^mt«m-{Km^v Øe

]cn-tim-[\ dnt¸mÀ«n-t\m-sSm¸w \ÂIn-bn-«pÅ t^mt«m-{Km-^nsâ AtX BwKn-fn FSp- -̄Xm-


5. ¹mânsâ sNehnsâ apgph³ XpIbpw KpWt`màmhv hln¡pIbmsW¦n k_vknUn XpI

KpWt`màmhn\v A\phZn¡p¶XmWv. AÃm¯]£w KpWt`màmhnsâ \nÀt±i{]Imcw

{]kvXpX XpI I¼\n¡v \ÂIp¶XmWv.

6. ]hÀ ¹mânsâ XpSÀ ]cn-]m-e\w Dd-̧ p-h-cp-¯p-¶-Xn-\pÅ km£y-]{Xw KpW-t`m-àmhv I½o-j-

\nwKv dnt¸mÀ«n-t\m-sSm¸w kaÀ¸n-t¡-­-Xm-Wv.

Page 10: ANERT Hand Book Beneficiary - 1KW Rooftop


1 C³hÀ«À I¸m-kn-än¡p Xmsg hcp¶

temUv am{Xw IWIvSv sN¿p-hm³ {i²n-


2 tkmfmÀ sshZypXn ]IÂ ka-b¯v

IqSp-XÂ D]-tbm-Kn-¡p-I-bm-sW-¦nÂ

cm{Xn D]-tbm-Kn-¡p-hm³ e`y-am-Ip¶

sshZyp-Xn-bpsS Afhv Ipd-hm-bn-cn-¡pw.

3 kqcy-{]-Im-i-̄ nsâ e`y-X-bv¡-\p-k-cn v̈

e`y-am-Ip¶ sshZyp-Xn-bpsS Af-hnÂ

hyXymkw hcp-¶-Xm-Wv.

4 tkmfmÀ ]m\Â hgn am{Xta _mädn

NmÀÖv sN¿p-hm³ km[n-¡p-I-bp-Åq. sshZypXn {KnUn \n¶pÅ NmÀÖnwKv kwhn-

[m\w D­m-bn-cn-¡p-¶-X-Ã.

5 tkmfmÀ kwhn-[m-\-̄ n\v XI-cmdv hcn-I-bm-sW-¦n am\p-h sNbv©v HmhÀ kzn¨v

hgn {KnUv ]h-dp-ambn temUv IWIvSv sN¿m-hp-¶-Xm-Wv.

6 tkmfmÀ ]m\Â bYm-Imew XpS¨p hr¯n-bm-¡-Ww.

7 tkmfmÀ ]m\-en Hcp `mK¯pw \ng ]Xn-¡p-¶nà F¶v Dd-̧ p-h-cp-t¯-­-Xm-Wv.

8 tkmfmÀ ]m\-en \ng ]Xn-¡p-¶-Xpw, s]mSn-]n-Sn-¡p-¶Xpw sshZypXn DXv]m-Z-\s¯

Imcy-ambn Ipd-bv¡pw.

9 _mädnbpw, C³hÀ«dpw, Øm]n-¡p-¶Xv hmbp-k-©mcw DÅXpw, kpc-£n-Xhpw, CuÀ¸-c-

ln-X-hp-amb Øe-̄ m-bn-cn-¡-Ww.

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11. Annexure-1 Address List of Agencies approved for implementation of the programme

S/N Name and address of the

agency Local contact details

1. Adithya Solar Energy Systems Adithya Solar

Energy Systems #209, Meghana Complex, Opp. Andhra Bank, Balanagar, Hyderabad- 500037 Tel: 040-23770285 Email: [email protected]

North Kerala PATTASSERIL BUSINESS ASSOCIATES LLP 1st Floor, Patteril Buildings, Opp Deshabandu High School, Thachampara PO, NH 213, PALAKKAD 678593 Phone: 9349884141 / 9495230740 Email : [email protected] PALAKKAD: Raju / Rachel Epen – 9349884141 KOZHIKODE / WAYANAD: Arun Jimmy - 9349883636 / 9349883838 TRICHUR / MALAPURAM – Joby Thomas – 9497371747 IDDUKKI – Jomy John – 9961346241 KANNUR / KASARGOD - Jolly Daniel - 9446538841 / 0497 2728841

South Kerala ELITE ASSOCIATES 40/9262, Mayur Business Centre, Chittoor Road, Pullepady Junction, ERNAKULAM KERALA - 682035. 04842363377, 0484 4051213 [email protected] ERNAKULAM – Elizabeth Jasmine – 9349883737 / 9388633734 PATHANAMTHITTA - Anil Joseph - 0469 2600197 / 9746879531 THIRUVANATHAPURAM – Rajendran 9495630973 KOTTAYAM / ALAPPUZHA – Amal Jose 9020259704 /

2. Ammini Solar Pvt. Ltd. Ammini Solar Pvt. Ltd.

Plot No. 33-37, KINFRA Small Industries Park, ST. Xavier‘s College Post, Thiruvananthapuram- 695586 (Kerala) Tel: 0471-2705588 Fax: 0471-2705599 Email: [email protected]

AMMINI Call Centre Industrial Estate, Pappanamcode Trivandrum - 695019 Mr.Rajesh 0471-3060200 [email protected]

AMMINI Solar Shoppe (Omega Electronics) Opp.All India Radio Vazhuthacaud, Trivandrum- 695014 Mr.Vipin 0471-2339336 [email protected]

AMMINI Solar Shoppe (Omega Electronics) Oceano Mall 1st Floor Shop No.81, Marine Drive, Ernakulam-11 Mr.Manojkumar 0484-3194200 [email protected]

AMMINI Solar Shoppe(Omega Electronics) Aarraam's Arcade Building No.17/830F First Floor, Near Arayadath Palam, Puthiyara Bypass Road, Kozhikode Mr.Geo George, 0495-3100231 [email protected]

3. Chemtrols Solar Pvt. Ltd

Chemtrols Solar Pvt. Ltd. Amar Hill, Saki Vihar Road, Powai, Mumbai-400072, Maharashtra Tel: 022-67151200 Fax: 022-67151405 Email: [email protected] Website Mr. Sharad Sexena Mob: +91-7738059495

M/s. Stellar Engineering Corporation 125/d, Vyapara Bhavan Building, Mankidi, Puthenchira, Thrissur 680682 Mr. A.V. Venu 9223908129, 8086168955

ISUMI Corporation, G, 329 Digicom House KC Abraham Master Road, Panampilly Nagar Cochin - 682036 Mr. K. George 0484-2315363/3219533, 9847036197 [email protected]

M/s. Greenentech Instrumentation Pvt.Ltd., 47/499, Kavalakal, October Road, vytilla, Ernakulam-682019 Mr. Sabu Jose9895811002 9895414129 [email protected]

4. Eversun Energy Pvt. Ltd. Eversun Energy Pvt. Ltd.

1316/C, Second Floor, 9th Cross, 80ft Road, J.P. Nagar 2nd Phase, Bangalore. 560078 Ph : 080-26588845, 044-37487641, +91-9962859974 Email Id : [email protected]

ENSOL ENERGY SOLUTIONS MG Mathew Kutty Chathannoor, Kollam. Phone: 0474 200 1646 Mobile:09962859974/ 0952 602 5151 / 0952 607 5151 Email: [email protected], [email protected] 09962859974/0989581100

Greentech Instrumentation Contact Person : Mr. Sabu Jose /Mr. Roy Tom 47/499-kavalackal, October Road, Vyttila, Ernakulam-682019 Phone : 04842805048

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S/N Name and address of the

agency Local contact details

5. Luminous Power Technologies Pvt. Ltd Luminous Power Technologies Pvt.

Ltd. C-8 & C-9, Community Centre, Janakpuri, New Delhi- 110058 Ph: 011-25558913-18 Fax: 011-25558912 Email: Anurag Srivastava [email protected] Mob.: 9871398749 Ashok Singh [email protected] 9810140111

Luminous Power Technologies Pvt.Ltd. H.No. 53/2244, Karipurathu Road Kadavanthathara, Cochin- 282020 Praveen- 9847877747 [email protected]

N2N ECOSYSTE Malabar Jayanthy Building, Palayam Kozhikkode Anil 0495-2727190 [email protected]

N2N ECOSYSTEM(P)Ltd. No.273, 15th Cross, Girinagar Cochin – 682020 Sunil, Sujoy 0484-6561295 [email protected] P J Sebastian 8907315127 [email protected] Sunil 9961869999

N2N ECOSYSTEM c/o mirox Cyber Securities and Technology Pvt.Ltd. TBIC 4th Floor NILA Technopark Rajesh Babu 0471-4016888 Deepu 9847477888 [email protected]

N2N ECOSYSTEM Malabar, Abna Complex, Pallikkunnu, Kannur – 670004 Anil 0497-3240044 [email protected]

N2N ECOSYSTEM C/o Keerthy Agencies, Kodimatha Kottayam Keerti Prashand 9947911111 0481-2361432 [email protected]

6. M/s Gensol Consultants Pvt. Ltd

M/s Gensol Consultants Pvt. Ltd. 205-206, Sarthik II, SG Highway, Ahmedabad-380054 Gujarat Ph: 079-39122200 Fax: 079-39122220 Email: [email protected], [email protected] Mob: +91-9327271029

Mr. Jiji Mathew, Smart Services TC 15/1932, Moolavallil Illam, VRA-B-27, Near Ganapathy Temple Vazhuthacaud, Trivandrum-695014 Ph: 04712328778,2332778 M: +91 98460 34281

Grazia Services Shop No 4 Vantage Point Vijayaraman Menon Road Ravipuram, Kochi- 682015 9496781330

7. Millennium Synergy Pvt. Ltd Millennium Synergy

Pvt. Ltd No 16,3rd Main Road, Sankamma Garden, Basavangudi Bangalore 560004 Phone/Mob 080-2654 3777/ Fax : +91-80-2664 6944 Email: [email protected]

Kollam SolarTech Building no. KP9/950 Karavalour PO Punalur – Kollam Prakash 9400707788 [email protected]

Trivandrum SolarTech Jaya Nivas Kannanmoola Medical College PO TVM- 695011 Balan C.S. 9447133232 9447711400 0471-2550300 [email protected]

Thrissur SolarTech Room no 149 ARS Shopping Complex Athani - Thrissur Pin 680581 9387797733 0487 2208116 0487 3107733 [email protected]

Ernakulam SolarTech Building no. II/434 Near Ayani Temple Maradu PO Ernakulam Madhu P.P. 9744076402 9387707733 [email protected]

8. Power One Micro Systems Private Ltd.

Powerone Micro Systems Pvt.Ltd

GF-3, KSSIDC Multistoreyed


5th cross, 1st stage,

Peenya Industrial Estate,

Bangalore- 560 058


Powerone Microsystems Pvt. Ltd.

RR Building,No.48/651


Cochin-26, Ph:0484

2102311,Email:[email protected]


1) Paul John (RM -KERALA)

Mob: 9447033724

2) Santhosh.B.Pillai

Mob :9447031345


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S/N Name and address of the

agency Local contact details

Mob: 09844 010468, 09844


Fax: 080-28377074

m 1) COCHIN : Jidu Krishna;

Mob: 9495951345

2) COCHIN:Rahul Murali;

Mob: 9746408406

3) ALLEPPY: Jithin Kumar ;

Mob: 984677372

4) IDUKKI:Amal Jith N.RaJ;

Mob: 9745203724

5) TRISSUR: Bhavadas C.M ;

Mob: 9446023724

6) KOTTAYAM: Sreejith B ;

Mob: 9446493724


Powerone Microsystems Pvt. Ltd.

No. 26/1972, Nr. Chungam Travels,

West Mankavu, Mini bypass road,

Thiruvannur P.O., Calicut -29

Ph: 0495 2320754,

Email:[email protected]


1) Arun. A ;

Mob :9447755724

2) Shigil P ;

Mob : 9446353724


1) CALICUT : Arun.A; Mob: 9447755724

2) CALICUT : Shigil.P; Mob: 9446353724

3) KANNUR: Faisal N; Mob: 9447733724

4) KASARGOD: Janeesh James; Mob: 9446593724

5) MALAPPURAM: Noufal N.P; 9446463724

6) PALAKKAD Muhammed Haris; Mob:9446383724

7) WAYANAD: Jibi Raj P; Mob: 9447744724


Powerone Microsystems Pvt. Ltd.

TC 16/292, EVRA 458, Eswara Vilasm

Road, Thycaud P .O., Trivandrum -14,

Ph: 0471 3049213,

Email:[email protected]


1) Arun. S ;

Mob :9745888724

2) Aneesh S ;

Mob :9447763724


1) TRIVANDRUM: Sanjeev

Kumar.S.V; Mob: 9446043724

2) TRIVANDRUM: Mashood R.S;

Mob: 9446363724

3) KOLLAM: Liju Francis ; Mob:




Mob: 9446393724

9. Solar Integration Systems India Pvt. Ltd.

Solar Integration Systems India Pvt. Ltd. 18 iLabs Centre, Software Units Layout Madhapur, Hyderabad- 500081 Ph.: +91 40 4048 4444, Fax: +91 40 4048 4445 Email: [email protected] [email protected]

PNRA 102 POTTACHAL NAGAR CHANGAMPUZHA NAGAR P.O, ERNAKULAM TEL 0484 2110086 EMAIL:[email protected] Contact Person ANNE PL : 9633030785

SRAYISSERI COMPLEX PONAKAM MAVELIKARA P O ALAPPUZHA TEL 04792304283 EMAIL:[email protected] Contact person SIVA PRASAD: 9605527457

ARIKKATT BUILDING OPP. APOLLO TYRES LTD PERAMBRA THRISSUR TEL 04802726015 EMAIL:[email protected] Contact person ANIL JOHN: 9400720972 DON K JOHN 9995997705

OK TYRE TOWER THAYAM PAYANGADI KANNUR TEL 0497274222 EMAIL:[email protected] Contact person FRANCIS 9020676739 DAMODAR : 9526323720

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S/N Name and address of the

agency Local contact details

10. Sukam Power Systems Ltd. SukamPowerSystems Ltd.

Plot No. 54, UdyogVihar, Phase- VI, Sector-37, Gurgaon- 122 001 Haryana Tel; 0124-4170500 Fax: 0124-4038700 Email:

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Su-Kam Power Systems Ltd Door No. 37/449, Valluvassery, House, Next To K.R.Bakers, KadavantharaJn. Cochin- 682020 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Anup:09895313623 Gautam: 09745327272

Ernakulam – 8943341983 Trichur – 8943341984 Palakkad – 8943341985 Trivandrum 8943341980 Kollam &Pathanamthitta – 8943341981 Alleppey, Idukki&Kottayam 8943341982 Malappuram& Calicut – 8943341986 Wayanad, Kannur &Kasarkod – 8943341987

11. Surana Ventures Ltd. Surana Ventures

Ltd. 5th Floor, Surya Towers, Sardar Patel Road, Secunderabad- 500003 Andhra Pradesh Tel: 040-27845119 Fax: 040-27848851 Email: [email protected] Mob: 09704444983 [email protected]

BPV/1251 V.S. Udayababu 9447100124 [email protected]

X1X/346 S.Prabhakaran 9443314589 [email protected]

12. Tata Power SolarSystems Ltd.

Tata Power Solar Systems Ltd. 78, Electronics City, Hosur Road Bangalore 560100 Karnataka

Kerala Anert Sales and Service

90 20 17 17 01 (24 hours)

90 20 17 17 02 (9 am to 7 pm)

90 20 17 17 03 (9 am to 7 pm)

90 20 17 17 04 (9 am to 7 pm) Email:

[email protected]

All kerala

District wise Sales and service centres


Kodco energy india pvt ltd Muhammed ali Towers kalloor 9497714921


Surya energy systems Souparnika building,

Thkekumude. 9447072495


Kodco energy india pvt ltd Arayadath palam,



Crystal solar world Opp rosy school,

Chathapuram 9947300911

Wayand Classic

Dottappankulam S bathery



Energy world Nr training school


Trichur Suncity

Poothol road, 9447181626


Solar tech Thazhe chnadakunnu

Nilaboor 9447268435

Pathanamthitta Surya agencies

Chalaikara Kozhenchery 08113059888


Rose electricals Thoppil building

Vannapuram 9567585170


Life styles Kadapakada p o



Uneque energy systems Samkranthy 9961415258


S t associates Matharampilly bldg, iron bridge


Kasaragod Green life

Nr. Clock tower jn. Railway station road


13. UM Green Lighting Pvt. Ltd. UM Green Lighting

Pvt. Ltd. UM House, Plot no. 35 – P, Sector – 44, Gurgaon – 122002 Haryana Tel: 91 124 4326 555 Fax: 91 124 4326 500 Email: [email protected]

M/s. UM Green Lighting PvtLtd. Service Centre, BNRA-40, Balawan Nagar Trivandrum - 695008 K.Ramaswamy Achary 9495339768 0471-2464492 [email protected]

M/s. UM Green Lighting Pvt. Ltd. Service Centre, Illickal, 2/3418-C, Sadanam Road, Civil Station Road, Calicut - 673020 K.P.Philip 9497867405 0495-2376758 [email protected]

Page 15: ANERT Hand Book Beneficiary - 1KW Rooftop


S/N Name and address of the

agency Local contact details

M/s.UM Green Lighting Pvt.Ltd. Service Centre, Kottarathil House, Vadavathoor, Near ESI Hospital, Kottayam 686010 K.N.V. Nair 9497090114 [email protected]

14. Waaree Energies Pvt. Ltd Waaree Energies

Pvt. Ltd. 602, Western Edge-I Western Express Highway Borivli(E) Mumbai-400066 Tel : 022-66444444 Fax : 022-66444400 E-mail : [email protected]

R.Ranjith Kumar Mob: 07299043888 E-mail [email protected] Krishnan Arun. General Manager- Sales( South) M:91-9884024911 Plot no : 2232, Door no : 5, 1st Street, AF- Block, Annanagar, Chennai – 600040. Landline: 044- 26225911 Website:

15. Lanco Solar Energy Pvt. Ltd.

Lanco Solar Energy Pvt. Ltd. 229, Udyog Vihar, Phase-I, Gurgaon (Haryana) Tel: 0124-4691000 Fax: 0124-4692500 Jeyakumar Natarajan [email protected] URL:

Mr.Sam Roofus TC38/2576,Chembakassery Lane,Aryashala,Chalai P.O,Trivandrum 999 502 6333 / 963 347 5911 0471-4018181/080-25550101 [email protected]/ [email protected] Other Dist.:Kollam, Kottayam,

Mr.Premji Manjeeram, Puthoormadam, Pantharankaku P.O, Kozhikode-673019. 949 643 9148 / 808 651 8855 [email protected]/ [email protected] Other Districts : Kannur, Wayanad and Malappuram-

Mr.Sanjay Varghess M/s.JN Lightings, Ist Floor, Maryvilla Annexe, West Othera PO., Thiruvalla – 689551,Pathinnamithita Other Districts: Kollam, Kottayam, – Idukki Mob – 9744648942/ 8281505942 [email protected] /[email protected]

Mr.Eldo Varghese Mannapilly Building, MC Road,Perumbavoor.Ernakulam 889 161 6451/ 0484-3119338/080-25550101 [email protected] / [email protected] Other Districts : Thiruchur , Azhapulla – Idukki

Mr.Nishad No.13/371A6,Salma Residency, Railway Station Road, Thailangadi,Kasaragod 944 765 0123 / 0499-4229733/ 080-25550101 [email protected] /[email protected]

Mr.Ashok Ray Born Power House, KM Complex ,Madamalika Road Mannarkad – Palagad Ph No : 9447721968 / 889 161 6451 [email protected] / [email protected]

Page 16: ANERT Hand Book Beneficiary - 1KW Rooftop


12. Annexure-2 (List of Empanelled Agencies with Price Details)

Solar Panel- 1000wp, Battery -7200 Whr (Tubular Flooded/VRLA ), Inverter-1 kW

Sl. No.

Empanelment no.

Bidder Name Rate(Rs) Rate after deducting subsidy (Rs.)

1 EA/2012/01 Millenium Synergy Pvt.Ltd 177541 85279

2 EA/2012/02 Power One Micro Systems 184800 92538

3 EA/2012/03 Gensol Consultants Pvt. Ltd 184550 92288

4 EA/2012/04 Adithya Solar Energy Systems 177777 85515

5 EA/2012/05 Solar integration India Pvt. Ltd 192000 99738

6 EA/2012/06 Su-Kam Power Systems Ltd 193760 101498

7 EA/2012/07 Tata Power Solar Systems 197500 105238

8 EA/2012/08 Surana Ventures Ltd 182700 90438

9 EA/2012/09 UM Green lighting Private Ltd 205000 112738

10 EA/2012/10 Ammini Solar Pvt. Ltd 197500 105238

11 EA/2012/11 Waaree Energies Pvt. Ltd 205500 113238

12 EA/2012/12 Luminous Power Technologies Pvt. Ltd 193500 101238

13 EA/2012/13 Eversun Energy Private ltd 192262 100000

14 EA/2012/14 Chemtrols Solar Private Ltd 196649 104387

15 EA/2012/15 Lanco Solar Energy Pvt. Ltd 192000 99738

(This list will be updated and published in ANERT website as and when new agencies are included)

(The price offered by the “Agency “ is all inclusive of taxes and duties, and shall cover the pre-installation

survey and report, transportation, handling charges, supply, installation and commissioning of a standard

installation. If the structure requires additional customization for installation on a roof other than a flat

roof, or the cabling exceeds 10 meter each for the DC side (not considering the module interconnection

cables) and AC side, up to the existing AC distribution board, the additional expenses would be

chargeable extra from the beneficiary.)

Total subsidy available is Rs.92262/-.

(Beneficiary Share) = (Total cost) – (Rs.92262/-)

List of approved brands and Manufactures for the empanelled agencies Agency Module Battery Inverter

1. Millenium Synergy Pvt.Ltd

1.Vikram Solar Pvt. Ltd 2.JJ PV Solar Pvt. Ltd

1.Amararaja Batteries Ltd

1.Statcon Power Controls Ltd 2.Power One Microsystems Pvt. Ltd


Power One Micro Systems

1.Vikram Solar Pvt. Ltd 2. HHV Solar Technologies

Pvt.Ltd. 3.Waaree Energies pvt. Ltd

1.Southern Batteries 2.Prime Batteries

1.Power One Micro System.


Gensol Consultants Pvt. Ltd

1.Vikram Solar Pvt. Ltd 2.Enfield Solar Energy Ltd

1.HBL Power Systems 2.Amararaja Batteries

1.Megatech Power Equipments Pvt.Ltd


Adithya Solar Energy Systems

1.Surana Ventures Ltd 2.HBL Power Systems Ltd 3.Akshaya Solar Power Ltd

1.Luminous Power technologies(P0Ltd 2.HBL Power Systems 3. Southern Batteries Amararaja Batteries

1.Power One Microsystems 2.Sukam Power Systems 3. Megatech Equipments


Solar integration India Pvt. Ltd

1.Titan Energy Systems Ltd 2.Exide industries Ltd 3.Su-Kam Power Systyems

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Su-Kam Power Systems Ltd

1.Emmvee Photovoltaics Pvt. Ltd 2. Vikram Solar Pvt. Ltd. 3 Alpex Exports Pvt. Ltd

1.Su-Kam Power Systems

1.Sukam Power Systems


Tata Power Solar Systems

1.Tata power Solar Systems ltd 1.Tata power Solar Ltd 1.Megatech Power Equipments Pvt.Ltd 2.Power one micro systems 3. AEG Power Solution(India) Pvt. Limited


Surana Ventures Ltd 1.Surana Ventures Ltd 1.Southern Batteries 2.HBL Power System

1.Power one micro systems


UM Green lighting Private Ltd

1.Vikram Solar Pvt. Ltd 2.Sova Power Ltd

1.HBL Power System 1.Statcon Power Controls Ltd


Ammini Solar Pvt. Ltd 1. Emmvee Photovoltaics Pvt. Ltd 1.Exide industries Ltd 1.Ammini Solar Pvt. Ltd


Waree Energies Pvt. Ltd 1.Waree Energies Pvt. Ltd 1.HBL Power Systems 1.Power one Microsystems


Luminous Power Technologies Pvt. Ltd

1. Emmvee Photovoltaics Pvt. Ltd

1.Luminous Power Technologies 2.HBL power Systems

1.Megatech Power Equipments Pvt.Ltd


Eversun Energy Private ltd

1 HHV Solar Technologies

Pvt. Ltd. 2..Waree Energies Pvt. Ltd 3.Green Brilliance energy Pvt. Ltd

1.Amararaja Batteries 2.HBL Power Systems

1.Powerone Microsystems 2.Statcon Power Controls


Chemtrols Solar Private Ltd

1.Vikram Solar Pvt. Ltd 2.Titan Energy Systems

1.Southern Batteries 2.Power One Microsystems


Lanco Solar Pvt. Ltd 1.Lanco Solar Pvt. Ltd 1.Amararaja Batteries 2. Exide industries Ltd

1.Powerone Microsystems

(This list will be updated and published in ANERT website as and when new components are included) o For supplying other than the above Agencies has to get prior approval from ANERT.

o The supplied system should match the configuration proposed and relevant test certificates has to

submitted along with pre installation inspection report.

Minimum Technical requirements System Component Capacity Minimum Technical Compliance

Solar panel 1000 Wp IEC 61215 / IS14286, IEC 61730 Part 1 & II

Battery 7200Whr ± 4%, IS1651/IS13369 /IEC 61427/IS15549

Power conditioning Unit 1kW IEC 61683 / IS 61683 IEC 60068-2 (1, 2, 14, 30) / Equivalent BIS Std Efficiency 85% and above


IEC 60227 / IS 694 IEC 60502 / IS 1554 (Pt. I & II

Switches/ Circuit Breakers/ Connectors

IEC 60947 part I,II, III / IS 60947 Part I,II,III EN 50521

Junction Boxes /Enclosures for Inverters/ Charge Controllers

IP 54 (for outdoor)/ IP 21(for indoor) as per IEC 529

Page 18: ANERT Hand Book Beneficiary - 1KW Rooftop


13. Annexure-3 (List of Agency Wise Service Centres) District Address Contact person Phone Email Address

1 Adithya Solar Energy Systems Palakkad Pattasseril Business Associates LLP

23/958, Ruby Manzil, Kunnatheurmedu P.O, Coimbatore Road, Palakkad- 678013

Mrs.Richel Epen or Mr.Raju

9495230740, [email protected]

Ernakulam Elite Associates 40/9262, Mayur Business Centre, Third Floor, Chttoor Road Pallepady Junction, Ernakulam 682035

Mr.Jimmy Elias 9388633734 [email protected]

2 AMMINI Solar Private Limited Trivandrum AMMINI Call Centre

Industrial Estate, Pappanamcode Trivandrum - 695019

Mr.Rajesh 0471-3060200 [email protected]

Trivandrum AMMINI Solar Shoppe (Omega Electronics) Opp.All India Radio Vazhuthacaud, Trivandrum- 695014

Mr.Vipin 0471-2339336 [email protected]

Ernakulam AMMINI Solar Shoppe (Omega Electronics) Oceano Mall 1st Floor Shop No.81, Marine Drive, Ernakulam-11


0484-3194200 [email protected]

Kozhikode AMMINI Solar Shoppe(Omega Electronics) Aarraam's Arcade Building No.17/830F First Floor, Near Arayadath Palam, Puthiyara Bypass Road, Kozhikode

Mr.Geo George 0495-3100231 [email protected]

3 Chemtrols Solar Pvt.Ltd.

Thrissur M/s. Stellar Engineering Corporation 125/d, Vyapara Bhavan Building, Mankidi, Puthenchira, Thrissur,680682

Mr. A.V. Venu 9223908129, 8086168955

[email protected]

Cochin ISUMI Corporation, G, 329 Digicom House KC Abraham Master Road, Panampilly Nagar Cochin - 682036

Mr. K. George 0484-2315363/ 3219533, 9847036197

[email protected]

Ernakulam M/s. Greenentech Instrumentation Pvt.Ltd., 47/499, Kavalakal, October Road, vytilla, Ernakulam,682019

Mr. Sabu Jose 9895811002 9895414129

[email protected]

4 Eversun Energy Private Ltd Banglore

Kollam ENSOL Energy Solutions Y.George Memorial Complex, Chathannoor P.O, Kollam

Mr. MathewKutty

0474-2001646, 9526025151

[email protected]

Cochin Greentech Instrumentation Pvt. Ltd., 47/499, Kavalackal October Road, Vyttila , Ernakulam, 682019

Mr.Roy Tom 9895811002, 0484-2805048

[email protected]

5 Gensol Consultants Pvt.Ltd.

Trivandrum Smart Services TC15/1932, Moolavallil Ganapathy Temple Vazhuthacaud, Trivandrum-695014

0471-2328778 0471-2332778

Ernakulam Grazia Services Shop No 4 Vantage Point Vijayaraman Menon Road Ravipuram, Kochi- 682015


Kannur Spinnies Solar Solution Star Arcade, Opp.Chaitanya Hospital, Talap, Kannur- 670002


6 Lanco Solar Energy Pvt.Ltd.

Trivandrum TC38/2576,Chembakassery Lane,Aryashala, Chalai P.O,Trivandrum

Sam Roofs 0471-4018181 080-25550101 9995026333 9633475911

[email protected]/[email protected]

Page 19: ANERT Hand Book Beneficiary - 1KW Rooftop

19 District Address Contact person Phone Email Address

Pathanamthitta JN Lightings,1st Floor,Maryvilla Anexe,West othara(po), Thiruvalla-689551,Pathanamthitta

Sanjay Varghese

0494-211100 /080-25550101 /8086518855

[email protected] [email protected]

Kozhikode Manjeeram,Puthoormadam,Pantharankaku P.O, Kozhikode-673019

Premji 9496439148 8086518855

[email protected] [email protected]

Kasargod No.13/371A6,Salma Residency,Railway Station,,Road,Thailangadi

Nishad 0499-4229733 94476550123 080-25550101

[email protected] [email protected]

Ernakulam Mannapilly Building,MC Road,Perumbavoor Ernakulam

Eldose Varghese

0484-3119338 889161451 080-25550101

[email protected] [email protected]

Palakkad Ray Born Power House,KM Complex ,Madamalika Road Mannarkad – Palagad

Ashok 9447721968 / 889 161 6451

[email protected], [email protected]

7 Luminous Power Technologies Pvt.Ltd. Cochin Luminous Power Technologies Pvt.Ltd.

H.No. 53/2244, Karipurathu Road Kadavanthathara, Cochin- 282020

Praveen 9847877747 [email protected]

Cochin N2N ECOSYSTEM(P)Ltd. No.273, 15th Cross, Girinagar Cochin - 682020

Sunil, Sujoy 0484-6561295 [email protected]

Kannur N2N ECOSYSTEM Malabar, Abna Complex, Pallikkunnu, Kannur - 670004

Anil 0497-3240044 [email protected]

Kottayam N2N ECOSYSTEM C/o Keerthy Agencies, Kodimatha Kottayam

Keerti Prashand 9947922222 0481-2361432

[email protected]

Trivandrum N2N ECOSYSTEM c/o mirox Cyber Securities and Technology Pvt.Ltd. TBIC 4th Floor NILA Technopark

Rajesh Babu 0471-4016888 [email protected]

Calicut N2N ECOSYSTE Malabar Jayanthy Building, Palayam Kozhikkode

Anil 0495-2727190 [email protected]

8 Millenium Synergy Pvt.Ltd. Thrissur Solar Tech

Room No. 149, ARS Shopping Complex, Athani, Thrissur -680581


9446620487 9388552161

[email protected]

Ernakulam Solar Tech Building No. II/434, Beside Ayani Temple, Maradu PO Ernakulam

Madhu PP 9744076402 [email protected]

Kollam Solar Tech Building No.KP9/950, Karavalour PO, Punalur Kollam

Prakash 9400707788 [email protected]

9 Power -One Micro System(P) LTD Ernakulam COCHIN

Powerone Microsystems Pvt. Ltd.

RR Building,No.48/651

F2,Keerthinagar,Elamakkara.P.O. Cochin-

26, Ph:0484 2102311,

Email:[email protected]

Jidu Krishna 9495951345

Rahul Murali 9746408406

Alleppy Jithin Kumar 984677372

Idukki: Amal Jith



Trissur Bhavadas



Kottayam: Sreejith B 9446493724

Kozhikode CALICUT

Powerone Microsystems Pvt. Ltd.

No. 26/1972, Nr. Chungam Travels, West

Mankavu, Mini bypass road,

Thiruvannur P.O., Calicut -29

Ph: 0495 2320754,

Email:[email protected]

Arun.A 9447755724

Shigil.P 9446353724

Kannur Faisal N; 9447733724

Kasargod Janeesh James 9446593724

Malappuram: Noufal N.P 9446463724

Palakkad Muhammed Haris


Wayanad Jibi Raj P 9447744724

Trivandrum: TRIVANDRUM SanjeevKumar.



Page 20: ANERT Hand Book Beneficiary - 1KW Rooftop

20 District Address Contact person Phone Email Address

Powerone Microsystems Pvt. Ltd.

TC 16/292, EVRA 458, Eswara Vilasm

Road, Thycaud P .O., Trivandrum -14,

Ph: 0471 3049213,

[email protected]

Mashood R.S 9446363724

Kollam Liju Francis 9496033724

Pathanamthitta Gopakumar 9446393724

10 Solar Integration Systems Pvt.Ltd.

Kochi G 349, Panampilly Nagar, Kochi 682036

Jacob Thomas 9446370051 [email protected]

Alappuzha House No.1, Kandisseril House West Fort, Mavelikkara, Alappuzha,690101

K.C. Pramod 479-2302040 [email protected]

11 Su-Kam Power Systems Ltd. Kottayam Mangalath House, Kappad PO,

Kanjirappally, Kottayam -686508 Anoop Babu

8589006798 [email protected]

Calicut Arikkath House Edakkad P.O, Calicut - 673005

Ratheep.A 8089250702 [email protected]

Cochin Door No. 37/449, Valluvassery, House Next To K.R.Bakers, Kadavanthara Jn.Cochin- 682020

Prakash 9995399189 [email protected]

12 Surana Ventures Ltd. Trivandrum BPV/1251 V.S. Udayababu 9447100124 tnyrameshpipesaqua@gmail.


Ernakulam X1X/346 S.Prabhakaran 9443314589 [email protected]

13 Tata Power Solar Systems Ltd.


Kodco energy india pvt ltd muhammed

ali towers kaipilly line, lfc road kalloor,

cochin- 682 017

Sibi sebastian Customer Support Local: 0495 2741666

Central: 960 500 3338

Trivandrum Surya energy systems souparnika building,law college thkekumude.trivandrum

Prasanth Customer support Local 0471 2302495 Central: 960 500 3338

Trichur Suncity poothol road, trichur -4 Salojan Customer support Local: 0487 2387191

Central: 960 500 3338


Kodco energy india pvt ltd fcc

building,arayadath palam mavoor road


Roopish Customer support Local: 0495 2741666

Central: 960 500 3338

Palakkad Crystal solar world opp rosy school,


Sabrinathan Customer support Local: 9947300911

Central: 960 500 3338

Wayanad Classic dottappankulam s bathery Jobish Customer support Local: 9605003336

Central: 960 500 3338

Kannur Energy world near training school, thalassery road, kannur

Bineesh joy Customer support Local: 9497714924 Central: 960 500 3338

Kasargode Green life thara buildingopp bus stand


Sunil kumar Customer support Local: 9562300534

Central: 960 500 3338

Malappuram Solar tech thazhe chnadakunnu nilaboor Anvar sadath Customer support Local: 9946236100

Central: 960 500 3338

Pathanamthita Surya agencies chalaikarakozhenchery

pathanamthitta Suresh kumar

Customer support Local: 9349059888

Central: 960 500 3338

Idukki Rose electricals thoppil buildingshyrange

junction vannapuram,idukki Binoy jose

Customer support Local: 9567585170

Central: 960 500 3338

Kollam Life styles kadapakada p o kollam Roy rajappan Customer support Local: 0474 3290294

Central: 960 500 3338

Kottayam Uneque energy systems samkranthy, kottayam

James Customer support Local: 0481 6500481 Central: 960 500 3338

Alleppey S t associates matharampilly bldg iron

bridge, alleppey Sajeev

Customer support Local: 8590977770

Central: 960 500 3338

14 UM Green Lighting Pvt.Ltd.

Trivandrum M/s. UM Green Lighting Pvt. Ltd. Service Centre, BNRA-40, Balawan Nagar Trivandrum - 695008

K.Ramaswamy Achary

9495339768 0471-2464492

[email protected]

Page 21: ANERT Hand Book Beneficiary - 1KW Rooftop

21 District Address Contact person Phone Email Address


M/s.Um Green Lighting Pvt.Ltd. Service Centre, Kottarathil House, Vadavathoor, Near ESI Hospital, Kottayam,686010

K.N.V. Nair 9497090114 [email protected]


M/s. UM Green Lighting Pvt. Ltd. Service Centre, Illickal, 2/3418-C, Sadanam Road, Civil Station Road, Calicut – 673020

K.P.Philip 9497867405 0495-2376758

[email protected]

15 Waaree Energies Pvt.Ltd.


M/s.Sahip Associates, P.B.No:2595,Pallickachira Post, Paippadu, Changanachery, Kottayam-686537

Mr.Hasim Mohamed

0481-2406664 [email protected]


M/s.Sahip Associates, Door No. 40/8195, 2nd Floor Salih Arcade, Convent Road, Cochin-682001

Mr.Hasim Mohamed

9961305555 [email protected]

Alappuzha M/s Sahip Associates, Vilayil Building, 2nd Floor,Michel Junction, Mavelikara Alappuzha - 690101

Mr.Hasim Mohamed

9961305555 [email protected]

Pathanamthitta M/s Sahip Associates, , 1st Floor, Deepa Towers Thiruvalla, ,Pathanamthitta -689101

Mr.Hasim Mohamed

0469-2600248 [email protected]

Ernakulam Madathil Marketing Co. 28/1264, KP Vallon Road Kadavanthara, Cochin - 20

Justine John 9895894000 [email protected]

Kottayam Madathil Marketing Co. Kizhoore P.O, Thalayolaparampu, Kottayam

Shita 9995868425 [email protected]

Trivandrum Madathil Marketing Co. Paripally, Trivandrum

Balachandran 9995868411 [email protected]

Alappuzha Madathil Marketing Co. Alummoottil, Anaprampal, Thalavdy, Alappuzha

Suneesh. A.S 9995868432 [email protected]

Kannur Madathil Marketing Co. Atham, Kannur

Dhanjayan 9947676692 [email protected]

Kollam Madathil Marketing Co. Surbhi Nivas, Vavvakkavue, Kollam

Rajeeve 8943342208 [email protected]

Calicut Madathil Marketing Co. Parco Tower, Calicut

Deepu 9995868400 [email protected]

Idukki Madathil Marketing Co. Nirmla, Kattapana, Idukki

Melwin Miranda

9995868416 [email protected]

Palakkad Madathil Marketing Co. Sameer 9995868422 [email protected]

Malappuram Madathil Marketing Co. Shammer 8943342202 [email protected]

Pathanamthitta Madathil Marketing Co. Nelli, Muthoor, Thiruvalla

Swapna 9995868415 [email protected]

Thrissur Madathil Marketing Co. Kanjani, Chungam, Thrissur

Antony 9995868412 [email protected]

Wayanad Madathil Marketing Co. Shankesh 9995868433 [email protected]

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14. Annexure-4 (Address List of ANERT District Offices)

Thiruvananthapuram District Project Office, ANERT 'Vishnu Maya', 1st floor, Pattanikkunnu Lane, Sankar Road Sasthamangalam P.O, Thiruvananthapuram-695010. Ph:0471-2314137 email: [email protected]

Thrissur District Project Office, ANERT Ground Karthiyani Temple Road Ayyanthole, Thrissur PH: 0487 2360941 email: [email protected]

Kollam District Project Office, ANERT Housing Board Complex, Chinnakkada, Kollam P.O. Kollam-691001 Ph:0474-2760078 email: [email protected]

Palakkad District Project Office, ANERT Opp. Town Railway Station Palakkad-678001 Ph:0491-2504182 email: [email protected]

Pathanamthitta District Project Office, ANERT Opp. Red Cross Society, Jubail Building, Petta Pathanamthitta-691523 PH:0468-2224096 email: [email protected]

Malappuram District Project Office, ANERT Building No. X XII/95,DPO Road, Uphill Malappuram-676 519 PH:0483-2730999 email: [email protected]

Alappuzha District Project Office, ANERT Kattungal Complex, North of Indira Junction, Avalookunnu P.O. Alappuzha-688006 PH:0477-2235591 email: [email protected]

Kozhikode District Project Office, ANERT KM O Building, Opp.Civil station Kozhikkode-673 020 Ph:0495-2373764 email: [email protected]

Kottayam District Project Office, ANERT 1st Floor, Parayil Building, Kalathilpady, Vadavathoor P.O, Kottayam-686010 PH:0481-2575007 email: [email protected]

Wayanad District Project Office, ANERT KM-VIII/180(3), Main Road Gudalai, Kalpetta, Wayanad-673 121, Ph:0493-6206216 email: [email protected]

Idukki District Project Office, ANERT St. George Building, 3

rd Floor,

Idukki Colony. P.O, Cheruthoni, Idukki – 685602 PH:0486-2235152 email: [email protected]

Kannur District Project Office, ANERT Emerald Shopping Complex, Kakkad Road, South Bazar, Kannur-670 002, Ph:0497-2700051 email: [email protected]

Ernakulam District Project Office, ANERT Asoka Apartment, Flat No.A1, Opp. Kakkanad Civil Station, Ernakulam-682030 PH:0484-2428611 email: [email protected]

Kasaragod District Project Office, ANERT Railway Station Road, Clock Tower Junction Kasaragod-671 121, Ph:0499-4230944 email: [email protected]

Head Office ANERT Thycaud (PO), Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala 695014 Phone -0471-2338077, 2331803, 2333124 email: [email protected] Web:

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15. Format-1 (Format for pre -installation site inspection Report)

(to be prepared Jointly by the Agency and the customer)

1. Applicant Registration No.

2. District

3. Local body

4. Name of the Applicant

5. Address of the applicant in Full

6. Address for the site of installation

7. Category of Building (Domestic/Commercial/Public)

8. Email ID of the Applicant

9. Telephone no of the Applicant

10. Nearest landmark of the Installation site

11. GPS co-ordinates of the site for installation

12. Availability of Shade-free area for the installation of Solar Module Array

13. Type of roof (Concrete(Flat)/ Concrete (Inclined)/ Tiled/ Any other material (specify))

14. Pre-installation site photograph of the place where the solar modules array is proposed to be installed

(to be attached as Annexure-1 and emailed to the concerned district office of ANERT)

15. Name of the Agency proposing to install the System

16. Empanelment no. of the Agency

17. Whether any additional structure is required for installing Solar Module Array

18. If required, Justification for additional structure proposed

(Please attach Separate sheet if required)

19. Place of Installation of PCU and battery bank

20. Distance from PCU to Main Distribution Board

21. Distance from PCU to Solar PV array

22. Make of the Module

23. Capacity of Single Module

24. Total Capacity of the Array

25. (Test certificate for Module technical compliance-)

Test certificate No.

(Attach copy of Test certificate as Annexure-2)

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Name of Testing Lab

26. Make of Battery

27. Capacity of Total Battery Bank

28. (Test certificate for the technical compliance of Battery)

Test Certificate No.

Name of Testing Lab

(Attach copy of Test certificate as Annexure-3)

29. Make of the PCU

30. Capacity of the PCU

31. (Test certificate for the technical compliance of PCU)

Test certificate No.

Name of Testing Lab

(Attach copy of Test certificate as Annexure-4)

32. Copy of the Bill of Material (BOM) offered to the customer

(To be enclosed)

Price Details

33. Base Price of the system

34. Additional cost of the structure (if required)

35. Additional cost of wiring (if required)

36. Total cost for installation

37. Date of completion of Installation (proposed)


1. Pre installation Site Photograph (2 Copies) Annexure-1 (also will be emailed to the concerned district office)

2. Test certificate for Module technical compliance-Annexure-2 □ 3. Test certificate for Battery technical compliance-Annexure-3 □ 4. Test certificate for PCU technical compliance-Annexure-4 □

The site for the installation solar rooftop power plant was inspected by the agency and it is *feasible/not feasible to install 1kW solar rooftop power plant.

Signature Signature Name Name of Beneficiary of the Representative of Agency



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16. Format-2 Format for work order Registration No.

Name of the customer

Address for communication


Empanelment no. of the Agency

Name of the Agency



I hereby place work order for the installation of 1kW Rooftop Solar Power plant (off grid) as per the sizing, specification, rate, warranty and other terms and conditions as given below.

1) Site of installation

2) Configuration of the power plant

1 kW Off-Grid Power Plant (1000 Wp Solar panel, 7200 Whr, Tubular flooded /VRLA, Battery Bank, 1kW PCU along with charge controller

3) Specification and technical compliance Technical compliance required by MNRE for Rooftop off grid programme, and fixed by ANERT for 10000 rooftop off-grid programme

4) Cost for standard installation

5) Cost of additional requirements (such as customisation of structure, additional wiring etc. if any, specify)

6) Total cost of the system

7) Project completion Time Line Maximum 45 days from the date of this work order

8) Warranty conditions 5 years for whole system. The module is warranted for 90% of the rated output at the end of 10 years and 80% at the end of 25 years

9) Payment terms

I also undertake to pay the cost of the Solar Power Plant as per mutually agreed payment terms mentioned above. I am willing to give authorisation for collecting the subsidy amount due to me, from ANERT.

Date Signature

Name of beneficiary

Encl.: 1. Material list agreed by Beneficiary

2. Form 16 (certificate of Ownership) –For transportation of goods to the customer premises (if required)

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17. Format-3 (Format for agreement between Agency and Beneficiary)

THIS AGREEMENT made the ________ day of ________________________, _____________ between Mr/Ms. _________________________________________ (Name), Aged ………………………… S/o / D/o ………………………………………………………………………. of ……………….…………………………………………………………………… ______________________________________ (Address) (hereinafter “Customer”), of the one part, and __________________________________ (name) of __________________________________ (name of agency) (hereinafter “the Agency”), of the other part:

WHEREAS …………………………………………………. is a registered beneficiary having registration no. ………………. for the installation of 1 kW solar Rooftop power plant under “10000 Rooftop solar power plants off-grid programme of ANERT (hereinafter “the Programme”).

WHEREAS M/s. ……………………………………………………….is an empanelled agency for the implementation of the programme with empanelment no. …………………………. of ANERT.

Whereas the Agency has accepted the work order from the customer for the installation of solar power plant for the sum of Rs.…………………………… (hereinafter “the Contract Price”)


The agency shall install solar power plant at the site of customer as per the details in the Pre-installation survey report prepared after site visit and the terms contained in the work order issued by the customer.

The system installed should comply with technical requirements of Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, Govt. of India (MNRE) and Agency for Non Conventional Energy and Rural Technology (ANERT).

The installation should be completed and the commissioning report by the Agency/Customer to be submitted to ANERT district office within 45 days of signing this agreement.

The rate quoted by the Agency shall be inclusive of all taxes and duties, and shall cover the pre-installation survey report, transportation, handling charges, supply, installation and commissioning.

The whole system should be warranted for 5 years and the Solar module provided should have a performance warranty of 90% of the rated output at the end of 10 Years and 80% at the end of 25 years.

Agencies shall conduct periodic service visits at least once in six months during the warranty period of 5 years.

Any complaint or service call from the customer shall be attended by the agency within 48 hours and problems cleared within 4 days.

The release of payment by the beneficiary to Agency shall be as per the mutually agreed terms as given below.

Mutually agreed terms of Payment of Beneficiary share to the Agency




Customer shall provide necessary documents required for availing subsidy, to the Agency.

In case any difference or dispute arises in connection with the contract, all legal proceedings relating to the matter shall be instituted in the Court within whose jurisdiction the power plant is (presently/ proposed to be) located.

IN WITNESS whereof the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed on the day, month and year indicated above.

Signed by ________________________________________________ (for Customer)

Witness 1.


Signed by __________________________________________________ (for the Agency)

Witness 1.


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18. Format-4 Format for Commissioning Report

(To be jointly prepared by the Agency and the Customer. To be submitted in duplicate to ANERT District Office)

1. ANERT Applicant Registration No.

2. Name of the Applicant

3. Address of the applicant in Full

4. Name of the Agency that Installed the system

5. Empanelment no. of the Agency

6. Post-installation site photographs in the same angle of pre-installation photograph (for module), and battery and PCU

(to be attached as Appendix 1)

7. Total Capacity of the module Array

8. Make of module installed

9. Sl. no/s of modules installed

10. The printout of RFID content (to be provided as Appendix-2)

11. Capacity of Battery Bank

12. Make of Battery

13. Sl.nos of the battery installed

14. Make of the PCU

15. Capacity of the PCU

16. of PCU installed

17. Invoice/Bill no.

18. Invoice amount

19. Date of completion of Installation

The installation of 1kW solar power plant allotted for …………………………………….. (Name of the customer) ……………………………………. (Registration No.) is completed and the system is working satisfactorily. The subsidy amount for the installation of the system may be released.

Signature: Signature: Name: Name: of Beneficiary of the Representative of Agency Date:

Enclosures 1. Post installation Site Photographs (2 copies each) (attach as Appendix-1, also email to ANERT office) 2. Print out of RFID Details of SPV modules (attach as Appendix-2) 3. Certified copy of the invoice for payment, submitted by the agency (indicating the subsidy components) (attach as Appendix-3) 4. Undertaking by the customer in stamp paper worth Rs.100/- (original) (attach as Appendix-4) 5. Authorisation by beneficiary, for release of subsidy to the Agency(attach as appendix-5)

For ANERT office use

1. The submission received on: ................................................................................................................................................ 2. Inspection Scheduled on: ..................................................................................................................................................... 3. Name of person conducted inspection: ............................................................................................................................... 4. Remarks after inspection: Installation is satisfactory/ Not satisfactory

Recommended for release of subsidy payment

Signature of District Engineer



Office seal

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19. Format-5 (Format for the undertaking by the beneficiary)

(Undertaking to be provided in Kerala Stamp Paper worth Rs.100/-)

I, ………………………………………………………, S/o / D/o of ………………………………………………………., having Registration no. ……………………………………………

under 10,000 Rooftop Solar Power Plant Programme (off-grid) hereby undertake that:

1. The solar system installed is as per the guidelines by ANERT and MNRE, and through the agency empanelled by ANERT for this


2. I have selected the Agency for the installation of solar power plant from the list of agencies empanelled by ANERT as per my choice

and any dispute regarding installation, payment and warranty shall be sorted out between me and the Agency that installed the


3. The system installed under the rooftop off-grid programme of ANERT will be maintained for at least five years from the date of


4. The system installed will be in my possession and will not be transferred to anyone. If shifting of system is required due to shifting of

my residence/ occupancy, prior sanction from ANERT will be obtained.

5. Personnel from MNRE / ANERT will be allowed to inspect the system installed at any time, if required by them.

6. I will not claim any financial assistance/subsidy from any sources other than the subsidy provided through ANERT.



Address in full


20. Format-6 (Format for authorization by beneficiary for release of subsidy to the Empanelled Agency that supplied and installed the Solar power plant)

Registration no. (ANERT)

Name of the Beneficiary

Address in Full (Same as in application form)

Name of the Empanelled Agency that installed the Power plant

Empanelment no. of the Agency (ANERT)

Address in full of the Agency

Bank Account no. of the Agency

Name of the Bank

Address of the branch

IFS code of the Bank

I ……………………………………………………….. (Name) ………………………………………… (registration no.) have installed a 1 kW solar power plant under Rooftop solar power plant (off-grid) programme, through the Agency M/s ………………………………………………………………. (Name of agency) having empanelment no. …………………………….. in ANERT’s list. The installation was completed on …………………………… (date). The system is working satisfactorily. The subsidy due to me, Rs. 92,262 (Rupees ninety two thousand two hundred and sixty two only) shall be released to the Agency above.


Date Name

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21. Format-7 (Format for warranty card to be supplied with each solar power plant)

1. Name & Address of the manufacturer/ Supplier of the system

2. Name & Address of customer

3. Date of satisfactory commissioning of the system

4. Details of PV Module(s) supplied in the system

a. Make (Name of the manufacturer)

b. Model

c. Serial No(s)

d. Wattage of the PV Module(s) under STC

e. Warranty valid up to

5. Details of Battery

a. Make (Name of the manufacturer)

b. Model

c. Batch / Serial No(s)

d. Rated V & AH capacity at C/10 rate

e. Warranty valid up to

6. Details of PCU & other BOS items

a. Make (Name of the manufacturer)

b. Model

c. Serial No (s)

d. Warranty valid up to

7. Service facility

a. Name, address and contact telephone no. of the service centres

8. Designation & Address of the person to be contacted for claiming warranty obligations


Name & Designation

Name & Address of the Agency




(During the warranty period, MNRE / ANERT/ users reserve the right to cross check the performance of the system with the minimum performance level specified in the MNRE/ANERT specifications)

22. Format-8 (Service record to be maintained )

(format to be included in the user manual)



Date of


problem (if any)

Date of




visit or not

Details of repair undertaken-Give

details of components replaced if


Signature and name of

person performing


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23. Format13 To be displayed prominently near the solar PV array and the PCU/

battery bank

(Size 30 cm X 20 cm)

24. Format14- Logo of ANERT and MNRE on Solar PV modules

(Min. size 8 cm × 2 cm)

1kW Solar Rooftop Power Plant(off Grid)

System No. /Reg.No Date of commissioning

Name of agency that installed and commissioned the system:-


A Project Jointly implemented by

MNRE (Govt. of India) & ANERT (Govt.of Kerala)

Govt.of Kerala Govt.of India

10000 Rooftop Solar Power Plants

(Off Grid) Programme
