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False memory:A false memory is a fabricated or distorted recollection of an event that did not actually happen. People often think ofmemoryas something like a video recorder, accurately documenting and storing everything that happens with perfect accuracy and clarity. In reality, memory is very prone to fallacy. People can feel completely confident that their memory is accurate, but this confidence is no guarantee that a particular memory is correct.Anchoring:The use of irrelevant information as a reference for evaluating or estimating some unknown value or information. Whenanchoring, people base decisions or estimates on events or values known to them, even though these facts may have no bearing on the actual event or value.Confirmation bias:Confirmation bias, also calledmyside bias, is the tendency to search for, interpret, or recall information in a way that confirms one's beliefs or hypotheses.It is a type of cognitive biasExposure effect:Exposure effectis a psychological phenomenon by which people tend to develop a preference for things merely because they are familiar with them. In social psychology, thiseffectis sometimes called the familiarity principle.Relativity:Need for closure:Need for cognitive closure(NFCC)) are psychological terms that describe an individual's desire for a firm answer to a question and an dislike toward ambiguity. The term "need" denotes a motivated tendency to seek out informationFundamental attribution error:also known as the correspondence bias orattributioneffect, is people's tendency to place an undue emphasis on internal characteristics to explain someone else's behavior in a given situation, rather than considering external factors.Hawthorne effect:TheHawthorne effect(also referred to as the observereffect) is a type of reactivity in which individuals modify or improve an aspect of their behavior in response to their awareness of being observed.

ArchetypesTraits of silent generation: Military metaphor / representation Command and control Focus on processes, not decisive action

Boomers traits: Prophets Teach the world to sing Save the world Less interested in outcome than approach Moralizing (Sound preachy to others)Millennial traits: Hero Plan ahead / Forecast Upbeat / happy / cheery More team and community oriented Not going to save the problem Let the authority fix the problemGen- X traits Nomads:A member of a people having no permanent abode, and who travel from place to place to find fresh pasture for their livestock.

Just do it Reject the labeling Quit and move on if there is a problem Aggressively individualistic Kind a dark

What you value:Liberalism:Political ideology founded on the basis of freedom and equality.Conservative:A person who is averse to change and holds to traditional values and attitudes, typically in relation to politics.Libertarian:A person who believes in the principle of free will.Anarchist:a person who believes in or tries to bring about revolution.

Dreyfus model: Artificial intelligence Research about how human learn skills

Stages of Dreyfus model:Novice: Have little or no previous experience Dont want to learn: accomplish a goal Dont know how to respond to mistakes Are vulnerable / defenseless to confusion Rules based, context freeAdvance beginner: Start trying tasks on their own Have difficulty troubleshooting Want information fast Can place some advice in context required Begin to formulate some principles, but without complete understandingCompetent: Develop conceptual models Troubleshooting problems on their own Seek out expert user advice Sensible, long term plans and goals Beyond stimulus responseProficient: Want to understand the larger conceptual framework Are frustrated by over simplified information Will self-correct previous poor task performance Learn from the experience of others Can understand and apply proverbsExpert: Are primary sources of knowledge and information Continually look for better methods Work primarily from intuition, not reason Forcing to follow set rules degrades performance.