Download - and that means St. Paul’s CWL coordinates yet another th ...


CWL Newsletter

St. Paul’s, Airdrie

Catholic Women’s League

Spring 2011

Volume 5, Issue 2

No kidding! It really is spring in Airdrie and that means St. Paul’s CWL coordinates yet another Rummage and Bake Sale for our parish. On Saturday, May 28th from 9 a.m. till 2 p.m., the parish hall will be a hive of activity. We often receive a variety of brand new items so it’s worth checking out. Please let your friends and neighbours know! Items and baking may be dropped off at the church beginning on the Thursday evening between 5 and 9 p.m. or on Friday, the 27th from 9:30 a.m. until 9 p.m.. Large items should be photographed and advertised on our bulletin board so don’t lug your furniture over to the church! (Please do not donate: helmets, infant car seats, cribs or damaged goods.) Our Treasurer, Leona Kowalick, has once again taken on coordinating this and volunteers are needed. If any of you have grocery bags around, please bring them along as we need them for bagging purchases. Please contact Leona at 912-5499 or [email protected] if you can help out with any of these tasks:

receiving donations May 26th receiving donations/setting up the hall May 27th assisting with rummage or bake sale May 28th clean-up May 28th, anytime between 2 & 4 p.m. (Help is desperately needed here.)

Last fall Wendy Timmermans, R. N., and Michele Gray, R.N., presented to our members a development spear-headed by Al

Goodfellow, widower of Simonne, to provide a hospice for our community. At the moment, terminally ill citizens requiring

hospice care must travel to Calgary for this service. This can be onerous on families who often must make a round trip taking over

an hour every day to visit their loved ones during a very difficult time.

Wendy has informed us things have now progressed to the stage of holding focus groups in the community to identify exactly

what the Airdrie hospice should look like in terms of the services it can provide. The Airdrie District Hospice Society now has an

executive and directors in place and is awaiting approval of its charitable status. Wendy is the Chairperson, Michele Vice-Chair

and CWL Communications Chairperson Lise Blanchette is one of the directors. Several committees have now been created to

investigate specific areas such as legal issues, volunteer coordination and fund-raising. The Society is actively recruiting

volunteers to sit on these committees. Whatever time you could commit would be greatly appreciated; attendance at regular

meetings is not compulsory.

Focus groups are currently being held n our community to determine what people’s experiences of “end-of-life” issues and

palliative care have been in Airdrie and area as well as what gaps in services exist. If you or someone you know could contribute

in this way, please contact Wendy at [email protected] and she will put you in touch with the University of Calgary which is

conducting the process. -with information from Wendy Timmermans, R. N.

Meeting More of St. Paul’s CWL Executive

Paulette Curtis is our President-Elect and Chairperson of Organization. Needless to say, she was one busy lady in

January and February processing all our membership renewals as well as new members who’ve joined our illustrious

group. She also plays guitar and sings in our church choir; you may have heard Paulette sing the psalm on occasion.

This is her great “de-stressor” and she has sung in every church she has belonged to for many years now.

Paulette was born in Saskatoon and grew up in Langham, Saskatchewan. She attended the Saskatchewan Institute of

Applied Science & Technology campus at Moose Jaw. The Curtises moved to Airdrie from Red Deer in 2009 where

Paulette still travels to do contract work as an architectural technologist. She recently began selling Mary Kay

Cosmetics and thoroughly enjoys helping women look their best. Paulette has been happily married for 15 years to

Michael whom she met in North Battleford. They have two children, Shawn, age 13 and in grade 8, and Robin, 12, in

grade 7, both at Our Lady Queen of Peace School.

Paulette joined the CWL in 2007 at her parish in Red Deer and has jumped right in since joining St. Paul’s. In addition

to CWL, she has volunteered with Air Cadets and is a lieutenant in the Cadet Instructor Cadre. She enjoys

motorcycling with her husband, scrapbooking, knitting, crocheting, cross-stitching and sewing.

Our Treasurer is Leona Kowalick. This is also her second year coordinating St. Paul’s Spring Rummage and Bake Sale

for the CWL. Leona hails from just north of Brandon, Manitoba. She trained as a medical laboratory technologist at

the Manitoba Institute of Technology (now Red River College) and the Winnipeg General Hospital. She married her

husband, Elmer, in 1970 and they moved to Calgary in 1971 where their four children were all born and raised:

daughters Tanya, Tammy, Tanys, and son, Terrence.

Leona has worked at the Foothills Hospital since 1971 where she started doing general lab work. In 1973 she moved

to tissue typing for kidney and later, bone marrow, transplants. At one point the lab also did paternity testing which

sounded like forensics to me! In the early 1980s, Leona took a break from the hospital and worked briefly in real

estate. However, she soon returned to her first love where she has been ever since.

Leona and Elmer moved to Airdrie thirteen years ago and transferred from St. Mark’s Parish to St. Paul’s. Their two

youngest children chose to finish their high school at Father Lacombe in Calgary, although their son played soccer in

Airdrie and was coached by parishioners Leon Ramler and Mike Matovich. Maybe the soccer connection helped as

both Corinne Ramler and Gail Matovich are long-time CWL members, but, in any case, Leona finally blessed us with

her presence when she joined CWL in the fall of 2007. She then joined the parish Welcoming Committee in 2009.

The best thing she has found about joining all of us fantastic women is the great people she has come to know as a

result. She feels finally that she has found real community at St. Paul’s. And we are so happy to have her!

Plan to come out for our June Wind-up

Tuesday, June 14th after the 7 p.m. Mass.

Bring a friend and enjoy a catered dinner and excellent company! Service pins will be awarded and new baby gifts presented. Cost: $10. You will be contacted next month.

It’s that time once again. St. Paul’s CWL is entering a team in the annual Relay for Life cancer fund-raiser. Monies

raised go to support all types of cancer research. This is an overnight event in Airdrie beginning at 7 p.m. on

Saturday, June 25th and ending on Sunday, June 26th at 7:00 a.m. Some ladies will camp out overnight and others will

come for a portion of the time. You can either join the team or sponsor a member by visiting the website at . Our team is St. Paul’s Parish

Women; Lise Blanchette is Team Captain. You may also purchase luminaries in memory of a loved one who has died

of cancer or to honour a cancer survivor. Luminaries are only $5.00 each and look quite beautiful lit up at night along

the path participants walk. For more information, contact Lise at 945-3534 or [email protected] .

Volunteers are also needed to help run the event. If you’d like to assist, contact Lori Bare at 948-2705.

Indigenous women leaders start classes at Coady International Institute

ANTIGONISH, Nova Scotia – Twelve Aboriginal women leaders from across Canada have arrived at the Coady

Institute campus at St. Francis Xavier (StFX) University to begin their four-month studies in the inaugural Indigenous

Women in Community Leadership (IWCL) program.

One Inuk and 11 First Nations women represent the first cohort in a five-year, $4 million initiative supported by the

Imperial Oil Foundation and ExxonMobil Foundation. The goal is to engage emerging women leaders and provide

them with practical skills and experience so they can have an active role in advancing community development

Coady Institute staff developed the curriculum and case studies with input from Aboriginal community leaders. From

May 2 to May 20, participants are attending a campus-based leadership preparation program followed by three-month

community placements across Canada, with support and encouragement from mentors. They will return to Antigonish

during the last week of August for a final week on campus, where they will meet 50 international participants in the

flagship Diploma in Development Leadership program.

The IWCL program’s first cohort includes: Elena Abel, Ottawa, ON; Kristen Auger, Fort St. John, BC; Shawna Boyer,

Mississauga First Nation, ON; Tiffany Burns, James Smith Cree Nation, SK; Samantha Elijah, Walpole Island First

Nation, ON; Rose Julian, Paqtnkek Mi’kmaw Nation, NS; Helen Knott, Fort St. John, BC; Lauren McComber,

Kahnawake, QC; Amanda Meawasige, Eagle Lake First Nation, ON; Karri-Lynn Paul, Woodstock First Nation,

NB; Leslie Qammaniq, Pond Inlet, NU; and Vanessa Tait, O-Pipon-Na-Piwin Cree Nation, MB.

Mentors include: Leena Evic, Iqualuit, NU; Angela James, Yellowknife, NT; Chief Deborah Chief, Brokenhead,

MB; Patricia Flett, Fort McMurray, AB; Cecilia Fitzpatrick, Fort MacKay, AB; Marie Delorme, Calgary, AB; and Chief

Candice Paul, St. Mary’s First Nation, NB.

Please pray for: Katherine Senger, Anne Funfer,

Vena Drebit, the husband of Rachelle McIntee, and

Mary Ann, daughter of Elizabeth Metro; and the

recently deceased mothers of Margaret Gibeau and

Gail Matovich.

About Coady International Institute

The Coady International Institute at St. Francis Xavier University specializes in community-based, citizen-driven

development education. Since 1959, the Coady Institute has ignited leadership in people who are making a genuine

and sustainable difference in the world. Today, more than 5,000 Coady graduates and partners are working in 130

countries helping millions of people in the world’s poorest neighborhoods to build better lives for themselves. For more

information, visit Each year CWL Councils across Canada, including St. Paul’s, donate to the

Coady Institue to support women from Canada and abroad to study and return to their communities to use their new-

found skills in creating a better world at the local level.

–condensed & reprinted with a tiny addition from

National Convention Merci, Merci Mesdames. . .

in Toronto

Check your CWL magazine Olga Van Ruskenveld, Josie

or the national website at Sanesh, Margaret Gibeau and for details about Elizabeth Metro come out so

the up-coming National often to assist with luncheon

Convention to be held receptions that we wanted to

August 14th to 17th in Toronto. extend a special thanks to

There are some wonderful them. This is an important

events planned including a service that we provide to our

trip to Midland to the Canadian parish community, often for

Martyrs’ Shrine at Ste. Marie- funerals which can be very

Among-the-Hurons the day difficult for immediate family

after the convention ends. members. It is one more way

we can share our love.

A Prayer for Mothers

O patient God,

You never tire of waiting for each of us

to grow into the person

You created us to be.

Bless mothers as they wait.

Give them wisdom to know

when to offer help

and when to be silent.

Help them to love as you do,

willing always to forgive and encourage.

Grace them with faith

that sees their children

not only as they are, but also

as the beautiful reflection of yourself

that they are becoming.

-Mary van Balen Holt-

A warm welcome to new CWL members Sharon Strobbe, Bobbie Dubois, Candice Elson,

Sharon Vincer and Christa Winters and Jean Tuomainen who transferred to

St. Paul’s from Medicine Hat.

Sacha Kimball gave birth to her fourth child on May 10

th at 2:56 p.m.. Isaiah James Kimball

arrived on earth weighing in at 9 lbs., 1 oz.; everyone is doing fine although dad Kelly looked slightly bushed on May 15

th after church!

Michael, Gabrielle and Sarah appear to be delighted with their brand new brother.


Don’t forget to bring your collection of the following to our June Wind-Up (or place them in the appropriate containers in the shelving in the foyer of the church):

Co-op grocery receipts

Pop can tabs

Used greeting cards

Postage stamps



A BIG thank-you to . . .

Miranda Kuchinski who creates the lovely birthday cards our members have been receiving.

Nancy Saurette who sends occasional cards to our members on behalf of all of us.

Lu Derkach for her party talents which add beauty and novelty to our social events

All our dedicated phoners who contact our CWL members who aren’t connected to the internet with their messages each month. These ladies are: Betty Sahagian, Melissa Foster, Heidi Pack, Theresa Wilcox-Kelly, Jackie Sadoway, Donna DeLong, Nancy Saurette, Shannon Pearson, and Rose Sochowski.

“Tis the month of our Mother / The blessed and beautiful days / When our hearts and our spirits/ Are glowing with love and with praise.” These words of an old Marian hymn echo in my mind this month, bringing back memories of school May crowning of Mary. May is Mary’s month and a fitting time to reflect on her place in our faith journey. I grew up at a time when devotion to Mary was at times a little excessive and when many Catholic girls were named Mary. In short, devotion to Our Blessed Mother has been a major part of my life. However, I realize that as I go through life my images of Mary, especially those that comfort and sustain me, have changed. The pure virginal woman or tender nativity scene young mother were staples of my childhood, adolescence and young womanhood. When I was pregnant, I loved a depiction of the pregnant Mary and that depiction will again be meaningful as I await grandchildren. About ten years ago a friend showed me a picture of Mary as crone, an older woman whose lined face reflected life experience as well as the joy and serenity I associate with more usual images of the Blessed Virgin. That image speaks more to me at this stage of my life. Mary bore her child, raised Him with love, gave Him to the world, saw Him die and witnessed His resurrection. She, unlike her Son, grew old and died. Let’s take some time to reflect with Mary in this her month. Whatever image of her most appeals to us as individuals, she is always a role model for us in our call to follow her Son. She is, uniquely, the mother of God and, as given to us by her Son, our mother; she is the beloved daughter of a loving God, as we are; she is a witness to and a follower of her beloved Son, Jesus Christ, as we are. For us as members Mary is also our patroness under the beautiful title of Our Lady of Good Counsel. Mary Nordick, National Chairperson of Communications - reprinted from “Be League”, May 2011

Did you know that the CWL provides a luncheon service for funerals, small weddings or receptions? There is no charge aside from the cost of food for CWL members; a per person donation is suggested for non-members. Karen Woolsey is our Luncheon Coordinator.

Good Shepherd School Playground Project The new playground for Good Shepherd School will be a playground that we build beyond our school borders, embracing the community of Airdrie. Build day is October 1, 2011. Sign up on the link: For more information regarding the build and all we would like to accomplish, please phone the school and speak with Don Lauzon, principal at 403-500-2117. - Jackie Sadoway

NEWSLETTER EDITORS WANTED Although Corinne and Cathy enjoy doing this CWL newsletter, they did not intend to sign on for life. Any

members who would be interested in doing this next fall, please contact Corinne at 948-4574 or e-mail

[email protected] . Will train for free!

CWL Mass Ministries

CWL is responsible for the Mass ministries at the 9:30 a.m. Mass on the 3rd Sunday of every month. Please let us know if you are able to offer help with a particular ministry. We are also responsible for coffee setup and cleanup for that morning and could use a few hands there as well. It’s a great way to meet one another and requires only a willing heart.

New National Theme for 2011 & 2012

My faith calls me to love. Most often, I love the God whom I cannot see by loving the

brothers and sisters I can see. Their needs stare me in the face, day in and day out.

When I respond to these needs in love, when I respond to the urge that God has

placed in my heart to help those in need, then I am making the link between faith

and justice. Justice is giving practical expression to my faith – it is putting legs, feet,

hands, and heart on my faith. Justice, I think, is practical love

- Archbishop Martin W. Currie

CWL National Spiritual Advisor

Calgary Diocesan Convention was attended this month by President Ann Marie Urdal and member Lu

Derkach. Ann Marie reports that the keynote speaker, Dr. Michael Duggan of St. Mary’s University College in

Calgary, was excellent. Unfortunately, not all positions were filled on the newly elected Diocesan Council.

Diocesan President Suzanne Sherry is busy contacting parish Council Past- Presidents to fill vacant chairs.

St. Paul’s Airdrie CWL Executive:

President – Ann Marie Urdal

President Elect – Paulette Curtis

1st Vice President – Karen Woolsey

2nd Vice President – Rachelle McIntee

Secretary – Aileen Carney-Brown

Treasurer – Leona Kowalick

Past President/ Archives – Stephanie Drebit

Chairpersons of Standing Committees: Spiritual Development – Kirsty Sanesh

Christian Family Life – Trudy Pool

Community Life – Sharon Hagel

Education & Health – Laura Jacyk

Resolutions – Doreen Thibeault

Legislation – Muriel Bostick

Communications – Lise Blanchette

Parish Activities – Ann Marie Urdal