Download - and students start their journey in this school concert ...€¦ · If you play woodwind(e.g. flutes, clarinets, saxophones), brass (e.g. trumpets and trombones), bass guitar, or

Page 1: and students start their journey in this school concert ...€¦ · If you play woodwind(e.g. flutes, clarinets, saxophones), brass (e.g. trumpets and trombones), bass guitar, or

William Street Email: [email protected] Principal: Vanessa Cavanagh PO Box 42 Website: Phone: 02 6655 1147 Bellingen NSW 2454 Fax: 02 6655 2615

Term 1 Week 3 Monday, 8 February 2021

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From the Principal Dear Parents and carers, Our school Value for this week is ‘Participation’. This means ‘the action of taking part in something.’ Last week our students demonstrated this at the swimming carnival where many children attempted new swim strokes and ‘had a go’ at any event they could. It was great to see the support from other students to our younger students as they participated in their first carnival. Congratulations to all students on your behaviour and participation.

Kindergarten have settled quickly into school and their new classes. Their individual personalities are shining through and they are making great friends. The Year 1 buddies have been fantastic supporting them in the playground.

Thank you to all families for their continued understanding and co-operation in regards to the current COVID guidelines. Hopefully these will continue to relax throughout this term. We will do our best to keep everyone updated. Unfortunately, we are unable to have our welcome BBQ this year due to COVID restrictions. Class letters will be sent home soon to ensure you know what is happening in the classrooms this term.

This year Bellingen Public School has received additional funding to implement a COVID intensive tutoring program. Students 1-6 will be supported with extra support with small group tutoring by Mrs Kelly and Ms Everson. Classes K-3 will also have an extra teacher in their classroom for literacy each morning. As the classes are team teaching during this time, all Year 1-3 students will be supported by 3 teachers every morning for 2 hours of literacy.

To ensure our canteen can run smoothly please ensure you continue to write orders on a paper bag. This includes snacks such as icy cups. Only 1 icy cup will be served to each child as they cannot eat more than one during lunch time. Please discuss not sharing food or buying for other students with your child especially younger children.

The students are looking fantastic in their uniforms. There are a number of students who still require blue shorts/skorts and a number of older hats are torn and ripped. Short shorts are not part of our uniform. Uniform orders are available through the office. If you need assistance to purchase school uniforms please contact the office. Ness Cavanagh Principal

Concert Band The school concert band will be resuming rehearsals on Thursday. Rehearsals are during school time from 2pm to 3pm every Thursday. You might have seen the school concert band perform at previous assemblies, presentations, and even hold their own end of year events. It is an ensemble that works hard to improve the skills of musicians, take on unique challenges, and provide an exciting sound for everyone to experience. Over the years, we have had many successful musicians and students start their journey in this school concert band program, and we would love to have more participating students. If you play woodwind (e.g. flutes, clarinets, saxophones), brass (e.g. trumpets and trombones), bass guitar, or if you are a drum or piano student that could play untuned or tuned percussion, we would be thrilled to have you join. Our program aims to cater to all levels of experience from a few weeks of playing to those with years of experience. Please see Ms Scott, your music tutor, or me (on Thursday) if you are interested in being involved with the school concert band.

Peter Morgan, BPS Band Coordinator

Value of the Week – Participation

Page 2: and students start their journey in this school concert ...€¦ · If you play woodwind(e.g. flutes, clarinets, saxophones), brass (e.g. trumpets and trombones), bass guitar, or

Term 1 – Week 3 Monday 8 February 2021

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Swimming Carnival Well done to everyone who participated and competed in our school swimming carnival last Thursday. All students showed school and house pride and displayed excellent sportsmanship. The age champions for the day were: Boys JNR Champion - Baden 11 Yrs Champion - Finlay SNR Champion - Caspar

Girls JNR Champions - Coco & Lani 11 Yrs Champion Anya SNR Champion - Indie MC Champion - Anouk

The district swimming carnival will be Friday 19th February at Macksville. Students with qualifying times will receive permission notes shortly – can you please return this as quickly as possible.

WHAT HAPPENED? The races started with the 100 metre freestyle (all ages). After that we moved onto the 8-9 year old’s 50 metre freestyle. Soon followed by 10-11’s and 12 year old 50 metre freestyle. During the 8 to 9 year olds the stage 3 novelty time started. The stage 3 novelty ended shortly after because of the 10, 11, 12 year olds had their 25 metre freestyle races. After the senior 25 metre freestyle was the junior 25 metre freestyle. The Medley Races We started the senior girl’s individual medley - 200 metre races. The medley races include these strokes: 50 metre butterfly, 50 metre backstroke, 50 metre breaststroke and 50 metre freestyle to finish off. So on with the senior boys, and the junior boys and girls. Breaststroke Both girls and boy junior and senior competed in this stoke for both 50 and 25 metres. Backstroke / Butterfly Both girls and boys juniors and seniors competed in this stoke for 50 and 25 metres. And the same for butterfly. After a long day at the pool all remaining students came back to school at 2:10pm. Thanks for all the work from the teachers that helped make this day complete, and a special thanks to the children participated. by Tahnee and Dana (6 Aqua)

What a day! Records broken by Indy, Marx winning the day. Sunny day and no clouds in the sky. Relays were awesome - especially because my house won! by Beau & Tyler

Attachments with this Newsletter Smash your savings goals and we’ll match it up to $500 - The Smith Family- Saver Plus Program

Page 3: and students start their journey in this school concert ...€¦ · If you play woodwind(e.g. flutes, clarinets, saxophones), brass (e.g. trumpets and trombones), bass guitar, or

Term 1 – Week 3 Monday 8 February 2021

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P and C News Hello to our new parents and carers who are joining our wonderful school in 2021 and a warm welcome back to those who return to what I am sure will be a wonderful year whatever year or class your student returns! Our small, yet vibrant, welcoming and caring P&C would like to invite you to our monthly meetings which will begin in March this year. Our very first meeting together will include our annual AGM, followed by our monthly meeting with our new executive elected for the 2021-2022 year immediately appointed into their new roles. We hope you can join us and help support our students within the school, as well as our very caring teaching staff. Details are below: Email address: [email protected] AGM and First meeting for 2021: Monday, 1 March Time: AGM 6.30-7.00, March monthly meeting 7.30 (approximately one hour in length) Location: TBC (dependent on COVID policy restrictions, may be via Zoom. Link will be provided soon) Also, you can join our private Parents and Citizens Facebook group – request access here or search for Bellingen Public School P&C. We understand that this meeting time does not suit all parents and carers; however, please feel free to contact us for any suggestions, ideas or concerns you may have that will support our students and teachers. If you would still like to support our P and C and are unable to attend the meetings, we would still love for you to be involved. Our P and C organises events during the year (such as Mother’s Day and Father’s Day stalls, where we need parents to coordinate and organise the selling of various items for our students to purchase as gifts)- do let us know if you can help, offer a particular skillset or would prefer to help with these daytime events. Hope to see you soon. Thank you Parents and Citizens association New Woodwind Music Tutor Ella Graydon is a new woodwind music tutor for 2021. She is offering lessons in saxophone, clarinet or flute. Ella has just completed her HSC in 2020, she achieved a band 6 in music extension and received the Bellingen Arts Society Award for excellence in creative and preforming arts. She will be teaching lessons at Bellingen Public School for a fee of $20 per lesson and will also be helping out with our wonderful BPS Concert Band. Students’ progress from individual lessons to join the school band as their reading skills develop. To take advantage of her expertise please complete the “Application to Learn an Instrument” form which is available from the office.

Uniform Shop Uniform orders can be placed by having your child drop off an order form with payment to the office. We will fill the orders have them ready for students to take home or call parents to come to the gate for collection. Please note the Uniform shop accepts only cash or cheques, correct money would be appreciated. Order forms are available under “Current Notes” on the school website or call the office if you need an order form sent home with your child.

What's inside?

Tofu korma with rice

Crackers with guacamole


Plain milk popper


School Banking Thank you for supporting the School Banking program and remember, School Banking day is every Wednesday. Thank you to all our student bankers. No School Banking Co-ordinator available last week. Due to unforeseen circumstances our school banking volunteer was available last week to facilitate School Banking.

Diary Dates February 2021

Tue Mon 15th Whole School Assembly – Leaders Induction Fri 19th District Swimming Carnival

March 2021

Mon 1st P & C AGM and Meeting -6:30pm

Page 4: and students start their journey in this school concert ...€¦ · If you play woodwind(e.g. flutes, clarinets, saxophones), brass (e.g. trumpets and trombones), bass guitar, or

Term 1 – Week 3 Monday 8 February 2021

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Community Notices - Bellingen Public School does not endorse these products or services