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Page 1: Ancient Greece

Ancient Greece

By Eliza

Athens V Sparta

Page 2: Ancient Greece

Contents 1.Athens- A day in the life2.Athens- Government3.Sparta- A day in the life 4.Sparta- A day in the life5.Sparta- Government6.Alexander the Great- Personal info7.Alexander the Great- Alexander’s

Empire8.Olympic games9.Bibliography

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Athens-A day in the life

CHILDRENChildren in Ancient Greece lived with their mothers until they were 7 years old. The children slept in wicker baskets or wooden cradles. They played with balls, mature chariots, rattles, yo-yos, rocking horses, dolls and animals made from clay. Most children in Athens had a pet they had different pet to what we have today. They had things like Dogs, ducks, quail, birds, goats, tortoises, mice, weasels and grass hoppers. Only the boys went to school in Athens the boys school started a t dusk and finished at dawn they started school at about the age of 7, but some very privileged girls had a home tutor to teach them how to read or even play the lyre. At school the boys learnt how to write on a wooden slate that is coated with wax, they were also taught reading (some poetry), maths, music and physical fitness. Girls usually got married in their teens to men twice their age.

WOMENWomen could not become a citizen of Athens and were not allowed to go shopping but they were allowed to got to some religious festivals and rituals. The women were not allowed to go out of the house very often but one of the thing that they could go out go the house for was to get water from the public water fountain. With the help of the households slave the women were the ones that ran the household.

MENMen were very important in the Athenian daily life they were the ones that chose the men that their daughter would marry and they had the job to decide when a new baby is born if it was healthy or not. If the baby was healthy it would get to live but if it wan not healthy it would get killed or trained to be a slave. After marrying the man spent nearly no time at the house he was either doing government duties, running a workshop, working out at the gymnasium or meeting his friends in the agora (A place in the middle of a Greek city where people meet or go to the markets there).

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Athens- Government • Athens chose how their city state would run in a meeting

called a ‘ecclesia’, whilst there they voted on laws and they elected officials. The 500 people in membership of the council and jury court was rotated so no one was too powerful. If a man was caught trying to steal power he may get kicked out of Athens for 10 years but that is if 6000 citizens spoke against him. If any citizen had a concern they expressed that by scratching the man’s name on a broken piece of pottery. To become a citizen in Athens you have to not be a women, child, metic, slave so you had to be a man to become a citizen in Athens. This type of voting and government is called a direct democracy.

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Sparta- A day in the lifeCHILDRENWhen baby's were born in Sparta soldiers were sent to the house to inspect the baby. If the baby did not look healthy it would be taken away to die or trained to be a slave. If the baby was healthy it was assigned in a brotherhood or sisterhood this is the school they will go to. When boys turned 7 they were taken away to military camps of their brotherhood and kept there until they were 60 years old, while they are there the learn to read and write. The Spartan government threated the boys roughly because he wanted the boys to be tough. They also got taught how to be a good soldier. When to boys are between 18-20 they undergo a fitness test if they do not pass the test they are not considered a citizen and had no political rights. Girls were trained in the schooling of their sisterhood given to them. In the schools they were taught physical education, wrestling, gymnastics and combat training. They wanted all their girls to be strong so they would have healthy children. The girls would undergo a fitness test to and if they passed they would get a husband chosen for them or they could return home but if did not pass the fitness test she became a periokos , this is a person that will not marry.

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WOMENWomen in Sparta were no allowed to become a citizen and not allowed to vote or hold public office but they were allowed to own land or represent themselves in court. They wore plain clothing and they also cut their hair short and did not wear make-up, perfume and jewellery. To keep fit the women exercised, trained and danced with no clothes on. The roll that the women had to play was to have healthy children and be tough for the men.

MEN The men of Sparta had to live I military camps until they were 30 years of age when they can then become a citizen and marry. After the men have married they still have tea at the army barrack ( military camp ) to have a army mess member to be a citizen of Sparta. The men spent most of the time fighting wars or training for them.

Sparta- A day in the life

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Sparta-Government• Sparta was ruled by two kings that inherit the position. The

two kings decided the laws and rules of Sparta these rules and laws would be voted on by the citizens of Sparta. The citizens could not discus the matter they could only shout out ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ but still if you yelled out ‘no’ you could be over ruled. Only people that lived and were born in Sparta could be a citizen. This type of government and voting is called a democracy.

• The kings would lead the army in the time of war. To come up with the rules and laws the two kings had a council in the council there are two kings and 28 other people usually aged 60 and older so they qualify for the position.

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Alexander the Great- Personal information

• Alexander the Great was born on the 20-21 of July in 356 BC in Pella capital of Macedon. He then died on the 10-11 June 323 BC at the age of 33. Alexanders parents were Olympus and Phillip II. They think that Alexander died of a fever after a long time of eating and drinking. Alexander had reign of Macedon from 336 to 323 BC. Alexanders had a horse that was called Brucephalus when his horse died he then named a city after him. Alexander had three wives their names were Roxane, Statiera and Parysatis. Alexander had two children both were boys one of them was called Alexander IV he was the son of Roxane, The other child's name was Herakles he was the son of Alexanders mistress Barsine all of his children were killed before they reached adulthood.

EducationAlexander the great was tutored by a Greek philosopher called

Aristotle. Aristotle taught Alexander literature, science, and philosophy.

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Alexander the Great-Alexanders Empire

• Alexander had a passion to achieve his fathers dreams of an Eastern Empire. He was determined to combine both Greece and Persia after he had conquered them. He knew that this would make his empire equal to any other in the world. He spent thirteen years moving from battle to battle, conquering as he went along. His Empire actually became the largest in the world at the time. This is how he became known as Alexander the Great. Alexander was successful after moving on from conquering an area because he left his people behind to continue teaching the local people his culture and ways of life. These locals were taught the Greek language and history. Alexander’s Empire united many different regions and cultures and opened up a huge trade route that became known as the “silk road”.

The purple is Alexanders


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Ancient Olympic Games

There were not only just the Olympic games that were held in Olympia there was another event that was called the Isthmos games. These were held every two years at Isthmos of Corinth in ancient Greece. But the most famous games were the Olympic games held every four years at Olympia. Olympia is on the western side of the Peloponnese. The main events took place in a oblong stadium with sloping earth around the edges for spectators to view from. The Olympic games started in the early 700’sBC and were in honour of the Greek god Zeus. No women were allowed to watch or participate in the Olympic games only men that were citizens were allowed to watch and participate.The Greeks started a contest called the Olympic games in honour of their gods. The Olympics grew form a one day event with only wrestling to a five day event with multiple activities. One day was mainly sacrifices, another day was foot races or what we call flat races in Port Broughton. The lengths of the races were 192m, 384m, 1344m to 4608m. The last race was 384m to 768m but the participants had to run in full armour. This was used to build up speed for military purposes.

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The most spectacular event was the chariot race held in the hippodrome. They had teams with four horses, but many of these teams did not finish the twelve lap course, because the race was very dangerous. This was because they had to turn corners at high speed and there were up to forty teams competing.The pentathlon was held in the stadium. The events in the pentathlon were discus, long jump, javelin, 200m sprint and wrestling. Wrestling was very popular along with other body contact sports because sometimes participants died competing.The contestants all competed in the nude, except in the race where they wore full armour.

Ancient Olympic Games

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Bibliography • ORACLE ThinkQuest 2010, 29-30-08-2011, http://, 2011, 1-12•, 2009, 12-13 • ,2008, 12-13• Sose Alive 1 , ch-3, 2003, Used all days during this assignment, Mark Easton, Ross

Smith, Stephen Chapman, Maggy Saldais, Peter van Noorden• ,2010, 20•, 2011, 20•, 20•,2011, 20•, 2011, 20•, 2011, 20•, 2000, 20