Download - AnbHNM^WMJMMMIMAafelMMlfMMifeMUIMIM … and Mrs* Carl Cole and little sop Bernard, accompanied oy.their hiotiipr,


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«flfc MOBTfi Cl tBSK fiMTERPBlSB, lTttOB8DAY. i O l . * 3 1 . 1024 ^


F. W. Smith & Co. .Grain, Flour,

Keed & General Provisions


North C*eek;N.Y.

l\-: -

We have a Full Line of Chick Feeds

and Galvanized and W | N # * Roofing,

4';- •it*

Long La\e News.

Several from this t place motored to Newcomb, — Saturday afternoon to attend the Methodist church fair held in the' Community House, afternoon and evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mullarkey and son Thomas, from Brooklyn, arrived* at Miss Keller's Cottage, Saturday even­ing. Mr. Mullarkey returned to Brook­lyn Tuesday. Mrs., Mullarkey and son will remain here for a while.

The Ladies Aid Society of the Meth-"odist church was entertained a t Miss Jennings on Wednesday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs, Robert Chaffee and son Glenn, are visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. John LaPell.

'We are very glad to welcome Rev. Mr. Heath'on our streets again.

The'Missionary Sewing Society of the Wesleyanrchurch met-with Mrs, ^illiain F^ir''^hwi^ay;^^e.rii<K>n^

i ;The R0V. Albert I?; wAngell,, attended the Quarterly 'Conference meeting at; the Methodist EjMscOjpial church Thurjfh -day evening. ,•',-<

An automobile in which six yonilg peo|Sle including Grade 6?Brieh. 20, of Glens Palls, were returning to" Long Lake from a dance at Lakeside" Casino

Alto liveiy Storage Repairing Supplies

A \U%- . ' i..

Long Lake Garage EARL PLUMLEY, Prop.


J - .r ,?*&&**#


Complete Stock of Parts

Prompt and Effecient Service

CrecSkir N. Y,

in Tapper Lake, overturned on a carve near Little Sapper on the Long Lake road early'Thursday morning and was badly smashed. , The decupanta were thrown to the side of the road and Miss O'Brien was seriously injured internally that her life was dispatched of.

The three young men of the party wefca employes of the Black River Tele­phone. Co., working on the line befwtev Long Lake and Tupper Lake. The three girls were employed at Beerland Lodge. A Long Lake, summer re*o*ti* Miss O'Brien was the only one seriously hurt. Af/ter the* accident one of the*

jyotingmen walked J ive l#e#* to the camp of Alfred Johnson on the iWfcitnay; Pwaterve and awoke" George Root,; m employee, who went in ihf Johnson^car. to the scene and took the pajcty.-UiUie Tapper Lake hospital* All bat Miss O'Brien were soon able to Long Lake. Miss 0*Brien died in. the -hospital Saturday nighty

& '• « . * " * ••

Igerna News

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James Parker and ill- M. Tamjasof

y Windows ! •; ' \ North Carolina Pine Flooring and Ceiling : >. - Bed .Cedar Shingles ~ "V

Siardwa e Paint

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After vacation you can at yoiit photos if we develop and print yout

1 i$mm fiBnars/ir-



fflM MfS«A.

Hew York., Were gueBts of OtVill Sonthr wick, Thursday night. • -

Emerson Loveland is employed a t Williato Byrrtes. . r

Ashley Meade of PotteraViUe, was in, town feceiitlyj.

Clarence Dunkley and family motored to North "Creek, Friday;

* . « -a-

. Micheal Flyim of 01mstedviller trans-i acted business in this placie Thursday-

Mrs. Daisy Warner of TJtica, is spending a few days at the homfeof Mrs* Carl Cole* '

Mr, and Mr§, Oliver Wells" of the' Gore, recently entertained their daughter Mrs. Chester Hillia of Hudson Falls - *

Mr* and Mrs. Morton Hammond are the happy, parents of a son born re­cently. The little fellow has been named George James. .

Milton Xfcme spejat a few days last week with his grandmother,^ Mrs» Louisa Wood, and gteat-grandmother, Mirs* Susan Russell, near North Creek

Mr. and Mrs* Carl Cole and little sop Bernard, accompanied oy.their hiotiipr, Mrs> Mary Byrfte ahd'M ris* IDaisy Wat-ner motored to Loch Mulleiv Sondfty. Mrs. Warnet reaauied their for a few days With iiek^dia^glite^^-^aB, Qracfe Warh«*».. who is ern ioyfed; at A>thnr Warrens. ' • ' • • . ' • • ' / ' .. '''

Mr, and* Mrs, Shernian Kog^rs tod two chiidren, Mildred arid Rayihbnd, of Nojrth Greek*r Mr. wid Mrs, "Grep ee LahOy of this place, tnotored to CJastie^ tofti^ti Saturday, and will spend a few

;daya wit& Mip *^d$i9* CharteB &$6eeil and-Mt* ,and Mrs. Be^apan |k %ine« lifhef *w3l retitfn howL $£#4i$. • „

ier, &i Co. General Merchandise

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t - . - ' ti •*•> . 4 * ' . •"'"

Lumber, Windows, Doors, Frames, and Moulding

Building Paper, Roofing, Oils* Paints,

mmm^mt$Mem»M: -a - .-•>•,

^i' , ,

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v HOHTtt f%a*Kt* aKTlRll1

Sodom News.

Miss Lela Bobbins returned home Saturday^ after spending some time with friends' in New York

Mr, and Mrs. Frank King are visiting: their mother, Mrs. Charles Smith.

Mrs. Jane Kenyon of Whiteshoro and Mrs. Frank Hitchcock are visiting Mrs, Hitchcock'sM)rother Wm. Ward at Bartons Mines - f~~ ~.~1

Mr. and Mrs John "White and family, MwCFloyd Stewart and Mrs John S. Bibby of North Creek,-, attended the play at the Health Camp last Friday^ evening. Miss Rosmond Stewart and" Doretta White returned home with them

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hitchcock and son Cassias, motored to Schroon Lake, Sunday.

Mr£ Wm. Carey and children visited relatives in Johnsburg Sunday.

Richard Sawyer and family were in town Sunday

Tom Durkin of North Creek is cutting the hayr on Howard Hitchcock's place this week

Curfew Not Missed Ottawa, Kan.—For ten days the

siren a t the municipal power^ldnt did not blow curfew at 9;30 p. in. The city commissioners did not receive no­tice of a single regret and admitted they were disappointed.


Merchandise and

Riparius News. Miss "Wilhemina Albrich has re^me4

her duties in the Leonard hospita% ifiwqgr after a three weeks vacation W Si 'fie* parents, Mr. Wd Mrs B . N. Aldrlch

The Eev. Mr. Somerviile api Be! Pasco of Waxren^nrglj, wc-rexfiqt tow» Wednesday.

Miss Uose^ Cox of New Yort, i s .spending her--\'acattion with h e r t « S # "i^es. William Savage

i Asa Porter has rented his cottage to Mr.*NieIson t»f New?rk? N, J. for tb© su miner

J-ewis Dunl.p of Qy-ter Bayv ha^ bton added to the Standtu u. Oil er«w. *

Mrs, A. E. ihiQips of Syracusfe and her brother Albert Wills of. North Adams, Mass., have rented a cottage on the Camp Ground-for the sunanej?

Miss Viola Sanders is a guest of fter brother T. P. Sanders.

Misses Gertrude and Irene Robinson are spending the summer months with relatives

The Annual Epworth League and Camp Meeting is now In session

I Olmstedville News

Mf,' .and Mrs. George <3utcb,el' said cMdren aftd Mrs* j ^ g, %ve*anee of

CSt'eek, called on friends hs re

^isi^:. Cath(firihe and Marlon Me* Dohftell ^f 'Apdtifesftle* ahd Charles ^nd j^ederick ^Pracbjt of Ssrooklyn -mciteried home Sunday sifter spending a week

Wcvertown- News;


Gasoline and Oils.

Complete line of Fresh

^i * Groceries. '--*>— Accessoriei

NEWCOMBLN*Y. • • • • * • • - • - - —




Home Made tee Greant Telephone Building

Mr, and Mrs. Fred Saara and ter, Margaret and Mrs. David and daughters who spent two weeks at the Hodgson Hoiuae returned to their home in Newark; N . J« Saturday. -* '

MrSi Prouty Hodgson was in Albany over the week end-

Mrs. CJEidridgeof No>Creekis visit­ing at Kenbrook jParm, \

The Misses Florence and Dorothy Mullen of Gle5«.Falli were visitors in town the'past week.

Elwin Monroe of North Creek was in townSandiy.

Mrs, Embury Moston of Troy is visit­ing Mrs. Kite Mostbn.

A son, Bernard Alexandar, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Oacsr LaRocque Wed­nesday, Jnly 23. .

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mori&rty and daughter Mary Elisabeth af New York are visiting their brother«James and family.

Tf. C. Murphy WM^ pleasantly sur-prised a t his home at Pine Hill Farm, Wevertowh on Friday evening by a party of hia friends in honor of bis birthday. Refreshments were served, color scheme pink and white. A large birthday cake beautifully decorated Was the center piece at the table, T he guests were as follows; Anns, Helen and James Mnrphy,_iame« Ronan and AnnaRonsn of Wevertowh. The oat of town guests were: Edward Cox and wife, Virginia, Muriel aiid^Vera Cox of Hew York» itr. and Mrs. Edney Edhiond . Maroid^yv Msss McKuxns of Brooklyn, (^thermeMnrray of Troy, Rev. Father Gaffiiiey of WltervUet, LtggL Thelderich Benaon and Chester Erh Of HeW fork ^ S l a and Kkthryn MuTphy, Eugene Murphy, James Han-Ion and Peter Cronin of Friends Like* Harry Johnson, East Dearneid* Mass*, Fa&line MscSweeney, Glens Palls*

. v . • • . - \

Musi Phfli? 0'f-O6n»eP; Edward O'Connell and Selen and Isaac O'Conn-ellof Cleht Palls, spent Sunday with MrsChas; Pould.

.Miss-ATttgusta Jon§ returned home Saturday after spending -a. vacation at

• the Ohu*ch Cottage, * Mrs. Anna, MaSpadden of iBrooklyft

and Margarei MacFadden of Jamaca, I retarned; home Sunday after spjending ,'> vacation at the Kelly Cottage.

The Blue Rihboa Club met at Hill Rest Cottage on Sheeban Lake, Wed­nesday afternoon

Mr. and Mrs Wood of Luzerne are spending a few days with -Mrs Charles Gould ,

Mrs, Ellen Lane returned home Sun­day after spending a few days with her daughter Mrs." A, E» Oliver in New? comb, ,

Mr. and Mrs- A, R, Oliver and chOl dren called on Mrs John Kelly Sunday. . Miss Gertrudes Gallagher Qf,M!nerva, and.Mrs Fred Bruneaut. motored to Chestertown, Wednesday evening

Pereau's Garage f;- nomu GP£EIC , N* Y.


Newcomb News.

The tie game between Netfcomb and Tupper Lake was heB "at Newcomb Sunday. Newcomb was victorious With a score of 15 to S,

Miss Jane DeVitt 5a visiting in Glerra Falls.

Mrs. L Spain is visiting her sister,, Mrs. J» Anderson for a few weeks

Miss Jeanne Gregory has been visit-:e, all the weeks -•-mgii

Gertcude Callegher of North Creek^ visited her sister/Mrs, M. Hall, Sun­day.

Willis Chase is spending the summer at home

Mary Hayes of Tupper Lake spent, a few days in,town last week

Johnsburg News.

Mrs. G. R. Smith who has been quite ill for several weeks is able tobe aroond again.

Mr. and Mrs. Warren Wescote, L- T, Morehouse and wife enjoyed a ride to Sacandaga Pjr,k in their new Cbrisler car the first of the we"|k. Theywefe accompanied by George Montgomery and family of Wevertown.

Daniel Loveland of Hill View spent a few days last week-with his brothei Llewellyn LonelorieL

Mrs, Wm, Everts of Glens Palls spent this week in town With relatives-

Minnie Coulter of Glens Falls is*visit-ftjg: her parents Mr^ and Mrs; Ithel Wescott,

Walter Clark of Corinth spent the 1st Of the'week with his sister Mrs. Milo Barnard.

There Were no aerviQeii. at :ttje M E church on Sunday as nearly all the people attended the camp meeting at RiverBide- — .

Mittahen Wife—jBecause-i of the way yon

spoke to her on the telephone yester­day the maid has given notteev

Hushand---<Qr«at Seottl ! thought t wiliitalld^i'-'lo-yottl ' * ' /

A GifUd Sportsman Mr; Spant-^So yotf w eht huntthg

•wlth-JMfcsf --'•; "••^••'••. :

Mr, Yipe-^es. • ' ' -, Mr Spliat-^Shoot anything? ' -Ifc. Ylpe---i-1tes"-j ,shot atnfs,

Implication Present , **Ai* nuhe" the only ttp? y5>u h&vs

•ever k&sedf' .. * / ' .*iref** %& m$l *9W basing, mi&

the' tm^^^m' mmk



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Distributors: Buielc Fleasoro Cars, Lar&bee Motor &icto " v ; f

ffffs WM ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

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Rooms and Board by day or weak H* W. Riggs Prop.


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The Woman With Four Faces SEMON COMEDY



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