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Anatomy of the Ear

Uh-Oh!Sorry, not the Cochlea! The Cochlea is located in the inner ear and responds to sound vibrations!

TRY AGAIN!Anatomy of the EarMiss Martinis 7th Grade Science Class

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The CochleaThe spiral cavity of the inner ear containing the organ of Corti

The cochlea produces nerve impulses in response to sound vibrations

Go backThe Cochlear NerveThe branch of the auditory nerve that connects with the cochlea and transmits impulses to the hearing center of the brain

Go backThe Auricle The projecting, outer part of the ear

The auricle is also known as the pinna

Go backThe Tympanic Membrane A membrane forming part of the organ of hearing, which vibrates in response to sound waves

The tympanic membrane forms the eardrum, between the outer and middle ear

Go backThe External MeatusThe external meatus is a tube running from the outer ear to the middle ear. The human ear canal extends from the pinna to the eardrum and is about 26 mm in length and 7 mm in diameterThe external meatus is also known as the ear drum

Go BackThe IncusOne of the three tiny bones in the middle ear Sound impulses coming from the eardrum are conveyed from the malleus to the incus and from the incus to the stapes at the oval window to the inner ear

Go BackThe MalleusThe hammer-shaped bone that is the outermost of the three small bones in the mammalian middle ear

The malleus can also be called the hammer

Go backThe StapesThe innermost of the three small bones of the middle ear

The stapes can also be called the stirrup

Go backThe Auditory TubeThe tube that runs from the middle ear to the pharynxThe function of this tube is to protect and drain the middle earCan also be known as the Eustachian tube

Go backThe Semicircular Canals The three looped fluid-filled membranous tubes, at right angles to one another

The semicircular canals control the senses of orientation and equilibrium

Go backQUESTIONWhich is located between the outer and middle ear, forming the eardrum?

A. The CochleaB. The MalleusC. The Tympanic Membrane