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Page 1: Anaphylactic Release of The basophil arginine esterase and kinin-generating activities co-chromatograph

Anaphylactic Release of a Basophil Kallikrein-like Activity


HAROLDH. NEWBALL, RONALDW. BERNINGER, RICHARDC. TALAMO, andLAWRENCEM. LICHTENSTEIN, TheJohns Hopkins University, School of Medicine,Departments of Medicine and Pediatrics, O'Neill Research Laboratories,Baltimore, Maryland 21239

A B S T RA C T These studies describe the IgE-medi-ated release of a basophil kallikrein-like enzyme thatis an arginine esterase and is inhibited by plasma,diisopropylphosphofluoridate, and Trasylol. The sub-strate specificity for the synthetic amino acid estersubstrates p-toluenesulfonyl-L-arginine methyl ester,benzoyl-arginine methyl ester, and acetyl-tyrosinemethyl ester is similar for the basophil enzyme andplasma kallikrein. The interaction of arginine esterase-active fractions from ion-exchange (DEAE-Sephacel)and gel filtration (Sepharose 6B) chromatography, withhuman plasma kininogen, generates immunoreactivekinin. The basophil arginine esterase and kinin-generating activities co-chromatograph on Sepharose6B and the quantity of kinin generated is, in general,proportional to the arginine esterase activity of thecolumn fractions, suggesting that these two activitiesare subserved by the same protease. The ability of thisprotease to generate kinin equally well from heat- andacid-treated plasma, as from fresh human plasma, sug-gests that this protease has kallikrein-like activity.These data suggest that kallikrein-like activity can begenerated from human basophils as a direct result ofa primary IgE-mediated immune reaction, thus provid-ing a potential link between reactions of immediatehypersensitivity and the plasma and(or) tissue kinin-generating systems.


Kallikrein is a generic term used for the designationof serine proteases capable of generating peptidescalled kinins from protein substrates (1). These proteaseshave been found in plasma (plasma kallikrein [2]), urine

This paper was presented in part at the Annual Federationof American Societies for Experimental Biology Meeting,Atlanta, Ga., June 1978. (1978. Fed. Proc. 37: 1667.)

Received for publication 22 August 1978 and in revisedform 6 April 1979.

(urinary kallikrein [3]), as well as glandular tissues(glandular kallikrein [3,4]). Engleman and Greenbaum(5) and Greenbaum et al. (6) have reported kallikrein-like activity from the rabbit polymorphonuclear leuko-cyte and human lymphocytes. In contrast to the formerneutral proteases, the kinin-generating enzyme reportedby Engleman and Greenbaum (5) is an acid protease.The neutral proteases (plasma, urinary, and glandularkallikreins) are variably inhibited by plasma, soybeantrypsin inhibitor (SBTI),' diisopropylphosphofluoridate(DFP), and Trasylol (7-9).

Kinins have been implicated as mediators of inflam-matory processes (10). Even though the cascade of re-actions which generate bradykinin in plasma is welldefined (10), little or no information exists regardinga mechanism by which kinins can be generated byimmune processes. There have been reports of theimmune release of a kallikrein-like kinin-generatingfactor from perfused, sensitized guinea pig lung (11, 12).This release process, however, was not calcium de-pendent, and more recent studies on this system suggestthat the kinin-generating factor was not produced bythe primary immune reaction, but, rather, as the resultof a secondary event (13).

The present studies describe the IgE-mediatedrelease of a basophil enzyme which is an arginineesterase (hydrolyses p-toluenesulfonyl-L-argininemethyl ester (TAMe), and is inhibited by plasma, DFP,and Trasylol. A protease which is generated by IgE-mediated mechanisms and co-chromatographs with theabove arginine esterase activity, generates a kininfrom human plasma kininogen (a basophil kallikrein-likeactivity). The data suggest that this kinin-generatingprotease and the basophil TAMeesterase activity are

'Abbreviations used in this paper: BK-A, basophil kallikrein-like activity; DFP, diisopropylphosphofluoridate; HSA,human serum albumin; SBTI, soybean trypsin inhibitor; SDS,sodium dodecyl sulfate; TAMe, p-toluenesulfonyl-L-argininemethyl ester.

J. Clin. Invest. © The American Society for Clinical Investigation, Inc. * 0021-9738/79/08/0457/09 $1.00Volume 64 August 1979 457-465


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subserved by the same enzyme. Thus, kallikrein-likeactivity can be generated from human basophils as aresult of a primary IgE-mediated immune reaction,providing a potential link between reactions of im-mediate hypersensitivity and the kinin-generatingsystems.


Materials. The [3H]TAMe (210 mCi/mmol) was purchasedfrom Biochemical and Nuclear Corp., Burbank, Calif. Trisbuffers used in the release of histamine and the arginineesterase from basophils were made of 0.025 M preset Tris,pH 7.35 at 37°C (Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis, Mo.), 0.12 Msodium chloride, 5 mMpotassium chloride, and 0.03% humanserum albumin (HSA) (Behring-Werke Marburg/Lahn, WestGermany). The above constitutes Tris-A; Tris-ACM containsin addition calcium 0.6 mMand magnesium 1.0 mM(14).The following were purchased from Schwarz Mann Div.,Becton, Dickinson & Co., Orangeburg, N. Y.: acetyl-tyrosinemethyl ester; TAMe; benzoyl-arginine methyl ester; and Trisfrom which the buffer used in the [3H]TAMe basophil arginineesterase assay was made (0.06 M), and adjusted to pH 8.0 at25°C. SBTI, acetyl-lysine methyl ester, and dithioerythritolwere purchased from the Sigma Chemical Co.; diatrizoatesodium (Hypaque) from Winthrop Laboratories, New York;L-alanyl-L-alanyl-L alanine methyl ester from Vega-Fox Bio-chemicals Div., Newbery Energy Corp., Tucson, Ariz.; andSepharose 6B, preswollen DEAE-Sephacel, Sephadex G-200,and Ficoll from Pharmacia Fine Chemicals, Div. of PharmaciaInc., Piscataway, N. J. Antigen E was kindly provided byDr. T. P. King of The Rockefeller University, NewYork; anti-IgE by Dr. K. Ishizaka, The Johns Hopkins University, and theionophore A23187 by Dr. R. Hamill, The Lilly Research Labora-tories, Eli Lilly and Company, Indianapolis, Ind.; and Trasylol(10,000 Kunitz inhibitor units/ml) by Dr. M. E. Webster,National Heart and Lung Institute of National Institutes ofHealth, Bethesda, Md. (purchased from Farbenfabricken BayerAG, Leverkusen, Germany).

Leukocyte preparations. Human leukocytes from donorsallergic to ragweed or grass and from volunteers were sepa-rated from the other formed elements of blood by sedimenta-tion for 60-90 min in a mixture of dextran-EDTA anddextrose. The cells were washed twice in Tris-A buffer, thenresuspended in a serum-free Tris-ACM buffer at a concentra-tion of _107 cells/ml, as previously described (14). The im-munologic reaction was initiated by the addition of antigenor anti-IgE to the cell preparations and the reaction allowedto proceed for 30 or 45 min in the dose-response studies, orfor 90-min periods when generating large quantities of thebasophil enzyme. At the completion of the reaction, the cellswere centrifuged and the esterase released into the supemateas well as that present in an aliquot of untreated cells wasdetermined by the radiochemical technique of Beaven et al.(15), as previously described (16). Experimental tubes wererun in duplicate except in studies where standard deviationswere obtained where quadruplicate determinations weremade. Duplicates usually differed by <5%. Each study in-cluded a control to which no antigen was added and thisvalue was subtracted from all experimental tubes when meas-uring the quantity released. Wehave previously shown thatspontaneous histamine release represents <2% of the totalcellular histamine (14), and the spontaneous esterase releaseis at a similar level.

Arginine esterase activity. Arginine esterase activity of thesupernate was determined by a radiochemical technique em-ploying [3H]TAMp (16) which was devised by Beaven et al.

(15) for the measurement of human urinary kallikrein andmodified for the determination of prekallikrein (17) andarginine esterase activity in supernate (18). The experimentaltubes with leukocytes were run in duplicate, whereas thedeterminations of arginine esterase activity were run in quad-ruplicate. The total cellular arginine esterase activity wasdetermined using sonicated aliquots of untreated cells. Soni-cation studies with 1-ml aliquots of leukocyte preparationsshowed that when cells were sonicated for 30-s periods,maximal arginine esterase activity was released with 2Y2 minof sonication (Branson Sonic Power Co., Danbury, Conn.).

Definition of TAMeunit. A TAMeunit is defined as thatquantity of the basophil enzyme which hydrolyses 1 pmol ofthe substrate [3H]TAMe/min. The activity of a sample isexpressed as units per milliliter of the sample, or picomolesper minute per milliliter of sample. The specific activity ofthe [3H]TAMe used in these studies is such that cpm/10 ulof sample reported in this manuscript may be converted tounits per milliliter by simply dividing counts per minuteby 10,000.

Kinin-forming activity. The ability of basophil kallikrein-like activity (BK-A) purified by chromatography to generateimmunoreactive kinin was tested using kininogen substrateprepared from normal human plasma by the method of Dinizand Carvalho (19). The plasma was prepared by drawingvenous blood from normal donors into plastic tubes contain-ing sodium citrate (1 vol of 3.8% sodium citrate/9 vol of blood),and centrifuging at 4°C for 20 min. 100-,ul aliquots of Sepharose6B or DEAE-Sephacel eluates, buffer, or trypsin (100 jsg,Worthington Biochemical Corp., Freehold, N. J.) were in-cubated in duplicate for 20 min at 25°C in 200 ,ul of kininogensubstrate in the presence of 3 mM1,10-phenanthrolene, andthe reaction was terminated by addition of 20 ,ul of 20%trichloroacetic acid. After addition of 1 ml of 0.1 N aceticacid, the entire reaction mixture was applied to 3-cm columns(in siliconized transfer pipets) of CG-50 gel (100-200 mesh)in 0.1 N acetic acid. After washing with 10 ml of 0.1 N aceticacid, the kinin bound to the columns was eluted with 5 ml of50% acetic acid, concentrated by flash evaporation, and thenquantitated by a kinin radioimmunoassay, as previouslydescribed (20).

Chromatography. Samples were applied to the variouscolumns and the pattern developed with a peristaltic pump(model 2120, LKB Instruments, Inc., Rockville,. Md.). Theeluate was continuously monitored with an in line UvicordIII spectrophotometer (model 2089, LKB Instruments, Inc.)with absorbances at 206 and 280 nm. At the completion ofthe chromatographic studies, absorbance was again determinedusing a spectrophotometer (model 26, Beckman Instruments,Fullerton, Calif.).


Dose response. Dose-response curves of arginineesterase release have been studied with leukocytepreparations from 25 allergic and 23 normal individualschallenged with either the purified protein antigensfrom ragweed (21) or grass (22) or with highly specificanti-IgE (23). A typical arginine esterase dose-responsecurve is shown in Fig. 1. The precision of the arginineesterase assay for quadruplicate determinations is -3%as is indicated by the standard deviations (Fig. 1).

Purification of the basophil arginine esterase. Togenerate large quantities of the basophil arginineesterase, leukocytes from 200 to 400 ml of blood were

458 H. H. Newball, R. W. Berninger, R. C. Talamo, and L. M. Lichtenstein

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10-5 10-4 10-3 1o-2

Antigen Concentration (jig/ml)

FIGURE 1 Dose-response of Rye group I antigen-inducedrelease of BK-A. The precision of the [3H]TAMe arginineesterase assay is indicated by the standard deviations.

challenged with either anti-IgE or ragweed antigen E.The supernates from these preparations were concen-trated 10- to 20-fold by vacuum dialysis at 4°C usingcollodion bags no. 100 and stored at -70°C until usedfor chromatographic studies. The basophil enzyme ob-tained by challenge of leukocytes with anti-IgE wassequentially chromatographed on Sephadex G-200,DEAE-Sephacel, and Sepharose 6B on 12 occasionsutilizing cells from seven donors. The recovery afterchromatography on the three columns was variable,but averaged _20% (Table I).

Sephadex G-200. A 2.6 x 40-cm column was packedwith Sephadex G-200 to a height of 35 cm, and equili-brated with 0.02 MP04 buffer, pH 6.8, at 4°C. 10-15ml of concentrated supernate was applied to the columnand the pattern developed by upward flow of 10 ml/husing a peristaltic pump. 80 3-ml fractions were col-lected and we determined arginine esterase activityand absorbance (280 nm).

Only one major esterase-active area was observedwhen concentrated supernate was applied to Sephadex

TABLE IPartial Purification of a Leukocytic Protease*

Protein Esterase activity sp act

Ag/Mi cpm

Crude 3,600 31,595 8.8Sephadex G-200 310 3,111 10DEAE-Sephacel 810 5,423t 6.71Sepharose 6B 15 1,259 84

* 17% recovery after three columns.t The TAMeesterase assay is influenced by high NaCl, hencevalues are actually higher.

G-200 (Fig. 2). This esterase-active area eluted withthe first OD peak (the void volume). The esterase-active fractions from Sephadex G-200 were furtherpurified by ion-exchange chromatography (DEAE-Sephacel).

DEAE-Sephacel chromatography. A 1.6 x 20-cmcolumn was packed with Sephacel to a height of 10 cm,equilibrated with 0.02 M P04 buffer, pH 6.8, at 4°C.40-60 ml of esterase-active eluate of the SephadexG-200 was applied to the Sephacel column and thepattern developed by downward flow of 30 ml/h usinga peristaltic pump. The column was washed with 200ml of the equilibrating buffer and eluted with a linearsalt gradient of 30 ml of equilibrating buffer and 30ml of 0.02 M P04 buffer, pH 6.8, containing 0.50 MNaCl. A second-step salt gradient was developed with30 ml of equilibrating buffer containing 0.50 MNaCland 30 ml of 0.02 MP04, pH 6.8, containing 1 MNaCl.30 2-ml fractions were collected from each NaCl gradientand we determined arginine esterase activity, conduc-tivity (model 31, Yellow Springs Instrument Co., YellowSprings, Ohio), and absorbance (280 nm). Only oneesterase-active area was observed when SephadexG-200 esterase-active fractions were eluted from DEAE-Sephacel (Fig. 3). This esterase-active area eluted withthe first NaCl gradient, and coincided with an ODpeak. A second ODpeak eluted with the second gradient,however, it had no esterase activity. The esterase-activefractions eluted with a conductivity of 10 mmho, cor-responding to a salt concentration of 0.1 MNaCl. Theesterase-active fractions from DEAE-Sephacel werefurther purified by molecular sieve chromatography(Sepharose 6B).

Sepharose 6B. A 1.6 x 100-cm column of Sepharose6B was equilibrated with 0.02 M P04 buffer, pH 6.8,at 40C and calibrated with blue dextran, thyroglobulin,ferritin, catalase, and HSA. 6-8 ml of concentrated




-0.500-°°I_0.400 i

.0.200 w

- 0.200 0

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80


FIGuRE 2 Sephadex G-200 chromatography of anti-IgEgenerated BK-A. The major arginine esterase-active peakeluted in the void volume and is mostly contained in thefirst ODpeak.

Basophil Enzyme 459

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6 -

- 5-.0

4 3.0.


I .





-0.6 I-0.5 E


-0.4 .uz4


-0.2 <


0 f -------- --I


-30 ^

- 02-20




FIGURE 3 DEAE-Sephacel chromatography of the arginineesterase-active fractions from the void volume of SephadexG-200 (Fig. 2). The arginine esterase-active peak coincideswith the first ODpeak after initiation of the NaCl gradient(0.5 MNaCI in litniting buffer). A second-step NaCl gradient(1.0 M NaCl in limiting buffer) eluted more protein whichhad no esterase activity.

esterase-active fractions from DEAE-Sephacel wasapplied to the column and the pattern developed byupward flow of 10 ml/h using a peristaltic pump. 1003-ml fractions were collected and we determined argi-nine esterase activity and absorbance (280 nm).

One major esterase-active area was observed whenconcentrated samples from DEAE-Sephacel were ap-plied to Sepharose 6B (Fig. 4). This esterase-activearea coincided with the first ODpeak and eluted withan estimated 1.2,000,000 mol wt. A second arginineesterase-active area is usually present, and is quantita-tively of smaller magnitude and of smaller molecularweight (-400,000). A third arginine esterase-activearea is variably present, and is quantitatively of smaller



7.0-0- 60.E

> 50-

F 40-

S 10-0


1.0 -

Blue Dextron -I



r Thyroglobulin 670OOOFerritin 450,000r-r-Catalass 240,000

10 20 30 40


50 60

magnitude than the 1.2,000,000 or the 400,000 forms.This third form also has the smallest molecular weight(<100,000). The use of dithioerythritol (24) in thesupernates (1%) and in the eluting buffer (0.5%) didnot affect the molecular weight of the BK-A. Theesterase active fractions were used for further studies,including kinin generation and sodium dodecyl sul-phate (SDS)-polyacrylamide disc gel electrophoresis.

Linear gradient polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.Basophil enzyme from Sepharose 6B eluates with anestimated 1.2,000,000 mol wt were inactivated withDFP (10 mMfinal concentration) and subjected to a2.5-27% linear gradient polyacrylamide gel (rods fromIsolab, Inc., Akron, Ohio) electrophoresis using Tris-borate-EDTA buffer, pH 8.4, stained with 0.25%Coomassie Blue and destained by diffusion (25-27).Bovine serum albumin (68,000), HSA(69,000), bovinethyroglobulin (670,000), and human IgM (920,000 [N. L.Cappel Laboratories Inc., Cochransville, Pa.]) wereincluded as molecular weight markers. Fig. 5A comparesthe electrophoretic pattern of the enzyme (gel 2 con-taining 50 ,ug in 50 ,Ju) with human IgM (gel 1) andHSA(gel 3). The molecular weight of the enzyme wasestimated to be 950,000±70,000 (mean±SD) in fourruns. Analyses of overloaded gels containing up to200 ,ug of the enzyme protein (in 200 ,ul) failed to reveallow molecular weight proteins.










FIGURE 4 Sepharose 6B chromatography of the esterase-active peak from DEAE-Sephacel. Fraction volume is 3 ml.

1 2 3 1 a2 ,

FIGuRE 5 (A) 2.5-27% linear gradient polyacrylamide gelelectrophoresis. Gel 1 contains human IgM; gel 2 contains 50itg (in 50 ,ul) of BK-A inactivated with DFP; and gel 3 showsthe monomer (lower band), and probably aggregated (upperband) HSA. Migration is downward toward the anode. (B) 3.3%polyacrylamide disc gel electrophoresis containing SDS. Gel 1contains DFP-inactivated BK-A, reduced; gel 2 contains DFPinactivated BK-A, unreduced; gel 3 shows the monomer (lowerband), and probably aggregated (upper bands) HSA, reduced.All samples were denatured at 100°C x 1 min. Migration isdownward toward the anode. A wire marks the position ofthe tracking dye.

460 H. H. Newball, R. W. Berninger, R. C. Talamo, and L. M. Lichtenstein

I I -%r


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SDS-polyacrylamide disc gel electrophoresis. SDS-polyacrylamide (3.3%) disc gel electrophoresis wasperformed according to the method of Weber et al. (25).Gels were cast in 5.5-mm (ID) x 12.5-cm siliconizedtubes to a height of 10 cm. Urea was not added tosamples. Basophil enzyme from Sepharose 6B eluateswith an estimated 1.2,000,000 mol wt was inactivatedwith DFP (10 mMfinal concentration), and denaturedwith 2%SDSand 2%dithiotheitol (if reduced) at 100°Cx 1 min or 37°C x 2 h. Gels were stained with Coomas-sie Blue, destained by diffusion, and visually inspected.Each run contained the following standards: RNApolymerase (39,000; 155,000; 165,000), bovine serumalbumin (68,000), bovine thyroglobulin (670,000),human IgM (920,000), as well as a concentrated buffercontaining HSA (69,000). As shown in Fig. 5B, bothreduced (gel 1) and unreduced (gel 2) samples of DFPinactivated basophil enzyme subjected to 100° and 37°Cdenaturing conditions yielded bands with the followingmolecular weight (mean±+SD, estimated relative in-tensity): 16,000±0, dark; 30,500+700, faint; 46,000+1,400, faint; 90,000+700, dark. In addition to thesebands, unreduced samples of BK-A (gel 2 [and possiblyreduced samples, gel 1]) exhibited a faint band witha 135,000 mol wt which moved to a 66,000 mol wt uponreduction (gel 1). The reduced, concentrated buffer(in which the leukocytes were challenged) containingHSA is shown in gel 3. Analysis of basophil enzymesamples which had not been inactivated with DFPusually resulted in a diffuse staining of the bottomtwo-thirds of the gel (low molecular weight proteins).

Kinin generation by the basophil arginine esterase.The interaction of the basophil arginine esterase with














FIGURE 6 Arginine esterase activity and kinin generationby anti-IgE generated supernate chromatographed on Sepha-rose 6B (cpm x 10-l).

TABLE IIKinin Generation by Purified Human Plasma Kallikrein

(0.4 TAMeunits), BK-A (0.4 TAMeunits), and Trypsin

Protease Kinin generated

nglml substrate

Plasma kallikrein 110BK-A 213Trypsin (100 ,ug) 250

the plasma kinin-generating system was studied. Inthese experiments, the esterase-active chromatographicfractions from antigen or anti-IgE challenged cells,or buffer, were incubated with a kininogen preparationin duplicate and the kinin generated was assayed inquadruplicate by radioimmunoassay (20). Fig. 6 showsthat esterase-active fractions from Sepharose 6B gener-ated kinin, and that the quantity of kinin generated isin general proportional to the esterase activity of thecolumn fractions. Because the kinin radioimmunoassayis extremely time consuming, not all fractions wereassayed; rather, we assayed those fractions with TAMeesterase activity. The data in Table II suggest that,for equivalent arginine esterase activity, the basophilenzyme is as active as human plasma kallikrein in theproteolytic cleavage of human plasma kininogen. Puri-fied human plasma kallikrein (kindly provided by Dr.John Griffin and Dr. Charles Cochrane, Scripps Re-search Foundation, La Jolla, Calif.) and basophilenzyme (sequentially purified on Sephadex G-200,DEAE-Sephacel, and Sepharose 6B) were incubatedwith human plasma kininogen. For equivalent arginineesterase activity (0.4 TAMe units) plasma kallikreingenerated 110 whereas the basophil enzyme generated213 ng of kinin/ml of substrate. 100 ,ug of trypsinwas used as a positive control, and it generated 250 ngof kinin. The basophil enzyme is also active in theproteolytic cleavage of Hageman factor (28) where, forequivalent arginine esterase activity, the basophilenzyme is 16-fold more active than plasma kallikreinin cleaving Hageman factor.2 Studies to determine thekinetics of kinin generation with purified high and lowmolecular weight kininogens (29) are currently ongoing.

Inhibitors of the arginine esterase. In the followingexperiments, we studied the inhibitory capacity ofcertain agents on the arginine esterase activity of thebasophil enzyme. The pharmacological effects of theagents were determined by adding aliquots of a constantamount of basophil enzyme to a series of test tubescontaining variable concentrations of the agents. Thepercent inhibition resulting from each agent was de-termined from the equation: percent inhibition = (C-E)/

2 Newball, H. H., S. Revak, and C. Cochrane. Unpublishedobservations.

Basophil Enzyme 461

Page 6: Anaphylactic Release of The basophil arginine esterase and kinin-generating activities co-chromatograph

C x 100, where C and E represent the esterase activityof the basophil enzyme in the control (C) and experi-mental (E) tubes, respectively. The arginine esteraseactivity of the basophil enzyme was minimally inhibitedby SBTI (11% at 0.1 mM). Unlike its inhibition ofplasma kallikrein (8, 30), SBTI only poorly inhibits thebasophil enzyme. With respect to its inhibition by SBTI,the basophil esterase is unlike the kallikreins of sweatglands, intestinal wall, brain, and carcinoid tumors; butsimilar to the kallikrein of urine which is unaffectedby SBTI (8). In three studies, plasma consistently in-hibited the arginine esterase activity of the basophilenzyme (Table III). Trasylol and DFP, likewise, in-hibit the basophil arginine esterase activity (Figs. 7and 8). As with other kallikrein, Trasylol does notcompletely inhibit the basophil esterase activity evenat concentrations of 1,000 Kunitz inhibitor units/ml. Thismay be explained by the relatively high dissociationconstant of the kallikrein-inhibitor complex (8).

Substrate specificity. The studies portrayed in Fig.9 show that the pattern of substrate specificity of thebasophil esterase for synthetic amino acid ester sub-strates is generally similar to that reported for plasmakallikrein (30). In our studies, we looked at the competi-tive inhibition of "cold" TAMe, benzoyl-argininemethyl ester, acetyl-lysine methyl ester, acetyl-tyrosinemethyl ester, and L-alanyl-L-alanyl-L-alanine methylester on the hydrolysis of [3H]TAMe by the basophilarginine esterase. The inhibition pattern was similarfor TAMe, benzoyl-arginine methyl ester, and acetyl-tyrosine methyl ester (Fig. 9).

Temperature inactivation. Fig. 10 shows that thebasophil enzyme is totally inactivated when incubatedat 61°C for 30 min. Incubation of the enzyme for 30min at 4° and 25°C led to no loss of arginine esteraseactivity, whereas incubation for 30 min at 56° and61°C led to 85 and 98% inactivation, respectively.

pH optimum. Arginine esterase activity, reflectingthe hydrolysis of [3H]TAMe by the basophil enzymewas optimum at pH 8.5 (Fig. 11). Nonenzymatichydrolysis of the substrate [3H]TAMe was increasedabove pH 8.0. The signal to noise ratio, that is, theenzymatic to nonenzymatic hydrolysis ratio, was op-

TABLE IIIEffect of Human Plasma on Esterolytic Activity of BK-A












O.I 10 02 103TRASYLOL(K IU/ml)

FIGURE 7 Inhibition of arginine esterase activity of BK-A byTrasylol. 50% inhibition was obtained with 100 Kunitzinhibitor units (KIU)/ml.

timal at pH 8.5. Hence, pH 8.5 is now being used forall assay procedures.


We earlier reported the IgE-mediated release of aTAMe esterase from anti-IgE stimulated peripheralhuman leukocytes. The supernates from anti-IgE stimu-lated peripheral leukocytes also had kinin-generatingactivity (31). The purpose of these studies was toattempt to purify and characterize the basophil TAMeesterase and kinin-generating activities, and determinewhether the two activities were subserved by the sameprotease. It is reasonable to assume that the kinin-generating protease and the basophil arginine esteraseactivity might be subserved by the same protease, since,like all known kallikreins (7, 8), the basophil enzymeactivity is an arginine esterase, and, like many kalli-kreins, it is inhibited by plasma, DFP, and Trasylol





wa.Esterolytic activity

niet cpm

BK-A (diluted one-half) 1,538Plasma (diluted one-half) 415BK-A plus plasma 431






IpaM I OpM 0.1mM mM

Whenequal volumes of BK-A and plasma were mixed (equiv- DFPalent to a one-half dilution of each), the counts per minute FIGURE 8 Inhibition of arginine esterase activity of BK-A bywere equivalent to plasma diluted one-half. DFP. 50% inhibition was obtained with 40 ,uM.

462 H. H. Newvball, R. W. Berninger, R. C. Talamo, and L. M. Lichtenstein

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° 2




FIGURE 9 Substrate specificity of the BK-A for syntheticamino acid esters. TAMe, benzoyl-arginine methyl ester(BAMe), and acetyl-lysine methyl ester (LMe) were good sub-strates, whereas acetyl-tyrosine methyl ester (ATMe) andL-alanyl-L-alanyl-L-alanine methyl ester (AMe) were poorsubstrates for BK-A.

(Figs. 7 and 8, Table III). Moreover, the IgE-generatedbasophil TAMeesterase and kinin-generating activitiesco-chromatograph on Sepharose 6B (Fig. 6). Further-more, the TAMeesterase-active fractions from Sepharose6B and DEAE-Sephacel generate kinin and the quan-tity of kinin generated is proportional to the TAMeesterase activity of the column fractions. The datasupport the hypothesis that the basophil-derived argi-










7-.---------- 25DC

30 60 90 120TIME (minutes)

FIGURE 10 Effect of time and temperature on the inactiva-tion of BK-A. At 61°C, BK-A it totally inactivated in 30 min.After a 30-min incubation at 25C, BK-A loses no arginineesterase activity. After a 30-min incubation at 56°C or 61°C,BK-A loses 85 and 98% esterase activity, respectively.

6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8S 9.0


FIGURE 11 Determination of pH optimum for the hydrolysisof [3H]TAMe by BK-A. Values obtained without enzyme areindicated by the dashed line. The solid line represents thenet hydrolysis at each point (enzymatic minus nonenzymaticactivity).

nine esterase activity and the basophil-derived kinin-generating activity are subserved by the same protease,however, further work will be required to establishtheir identity.

To purify the basophil enzyme, leukocytes fromperipheral blood were challenged with anti-IgE andthe supernate was sequentially chromatographed onSephadex G-200, DEAE-Sephacel, and Sepharose 6B.During attempts to bind the basophil enzyme toconcanavalin A-Sepharose, the esterolytic activity con-sistently flushed through, although some nonesteraseglycoproteins were bound to the column. Fig. 2 illus-trates the elution profile of the basophil enzyme onSephadex G-200. A major arginine esterase-active areais observed, which elutes in the void volume. Chroma-tography on Sephadex G-200 accomplished two pur-poses: (a) the basophil enzyme was desalted for sub-sequent chromatography on DEAE-Sephacel, and (b)the enzyme was minimally purified-it eluted in thevoid volume, thus allowing separation from smallermolecular weight proteins. The arginine esterase-activefractions from the void volume of Sephadex G-200 werefurther purified on DEAE-Sephacel. As shown in Fig.3, only one arginine esterase-active area is eluted fromDEAE-Sephacel with the first NaCl gradient. Thesecond-step NaCl gradient eluted more protein whichhad no esterase activity. The esterase-active fractionsfrom DEAE-Sephacel were chromatographed onSepharose 6B. The major esterase activity eluted withan estimated 1.2,000,000 mol wt (Fig. 4). A secondesterase-active area was present, but quantitatively ofsmaller magnitude and molecular weight (-400,000).A third esterase-active area was variably present, andhad a molecular weight of <100,000. The relationshipof one form of esterase activity to the other is notclearly understood. The data suggest that either dif-

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ferent enzymes elute from the Sepharose 6B in theregions of 1.2,000,000, 400,000, and 80,000 or, alterna-tively, there may be three forms of a single enzyme.

The basophil enzyme generates a kinin(s) from humanplasma kininogen. Plasma kininogen may not, however,be the natural substrate of the basophil enzyme. Thereare more than one type of kininogen substrate, i.e.,low and high molecular weight kininogens (29). Theremay be another kininogen, i.e. a tissue kininogen thatmay be a better substrate for the basophil enzyme.The data in Table II suggest that, for equivalentarginine esterase activity, the basophil enzyme is atleast as active as plasma kallikrein in the proteolyticcleavage of human plasma kininogen. The continuouselaboration of the basophil enzyme over a prolongedIgE-mediated event could conceivably lead to thegeneration of sufficient quantities of kinins that wouldbe important in the pathogenesis of inflammation.Studies are in progress to determine the nature of thekinin being generated. The antibody used in the kininradioimmunoassay is able to detect all kinins con-taining the bradykinin nonapeptide sequence, includ-ing Lys-bradykinin, Met-Lys-bradykinin and the pachy-kinin Gly-Arg-Met-Lys-bradykinin (32).

Engleman and Greenbaum (5) and Greenbaum et al.(6) have reported that kallikrein-like enzymes are foundin leukocytes. These enzymes are acid proteases andcleave leukokinins from a protein substrate known asleukokininogen. Leukokinins are polypeptides having20-25 amino acids, and are distinct from the nonapep-tide bradykinin. Moreover, leukokinins do not containthe bradykinin sequence in their molecule and wouldnot be detected by our radioimmunoassay. The sub-strate from which leukokinins are cleaved (leuko-kininogen) is not a normal constituent of plasma (6).

The kinin-forming activity of human lymphocyteshas been studied by Engleman and Greenbaum (5).After incubation of whole cell lysates or subcellularfractions for 3 or 15 h at pH 4 with purified humankininogen, a kinin-like material was found in the wholecell lysates of lymphocytes, measured by bioassay onthe rat uterus. It was found that this kinin had arelatively greater potency in the bioassay, compared tonative bradykinin. Half of the enzymatic activity wasfound in the heaviest cell fraction (250 g), whereas 25%of the total activity was found in the 15,000 g pelletand the 15,000 g supernate. Inhibition of this enzymaticactivity could be achieved only with STI, and not witha variety of other agents, including Trasylol, which isan inhibitor of the basophil enzyme (Fig. 7). Theresults suggest that, at low pH, lymphocytes may re-lease kinin-forming activity. It is clear, however, thatthe lymphocyte enzyme is different from the basophilenzyme herein reported.

Movat et al. (33) have described a neutral protease

released by polymorphonuclear leukocytes after theirinteraction with antigen-antibody complexes or IgG-coated latex particles. This protease has alanine esteraseactivity in contrast to the basophil protease (Fig. 9)and recent evidence suggests that the polymorpho-nuclear leukocyte protease is an elastase.3 Wintroubet al. (34) have described a neutrophil-dependent path-way for the generation of a neutral peptide whichis cleaved from a plasma protein substrate by an a-i-antitrypsin-inhibitable serine protease. This peptide isdistinguished from the kinin peptides by a neutralisoelectric point, susceptibility to inactivation by tryp-sin, as well as chymotrypsin, and activity on the iso-lated, atropinized, and antihistamine-treated guineapig ileum with relatively little action on the estrousrat uterus.

This report indicates that kallikrein-like activity canbe generated from human basophils as a result of aprimary immune reaction. The basophil enzyme maygenerate kinins directly by the proteolytic cleavageof human plasma kininogen. The basophil enzyme mayalso generate kinins indirectly through the activationof human Hageman factor (28). Thus, this kinin-generat-ing activity which we have described appears to beunique, in that it is the first recognized mechanismwhereby IgE-mediated immune reactions may directlyactivate the kallikrein-kinin system. Kinins are believedto mediate a variety of allergic and inflammatory con-ditions. The demonstration of the IgE-mediated releaseof a basophil kallikrein-like enzyme allows us to beginthe study of the role of this system in the pathogenesisof allergic and inflammatory processes.


This work was supported by grants HL18526, HL14153,HL18031, AI07290, and AI07007, from the National Heart,Lung, and Blood Institute and National Institute of Allergyand Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health, and byThe Hospital for Consumptives of Maryland, (Eudowood),Baltimore.


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