Download - Ananda Bosman - The Diamond Body Interview

  • 7/29/2019 Ananda Bosman - The Diamond Body Interview



    Copyright 1999 & 2000, by Ana1995,1998, 1999, 2000,

    First released in English in the


    Body Training) is?

    AADA: What is a Light Body,And the more infrared we have, the

    If we were to have an optimum quareferring to the light body the com

    physicallity, to photons, which arethe electrons andthe photons, the e

    will be the new word for enlightenand Spirit come back together.

    We are focussing on bringing the b

    density or another vibration (becauswave flow between two poles. And

    OD BODY Elraanis Magazine Interview

    nda, all rights reserved. All pictures and animatioby Ananda and protected by international copyrig

    rail Zine March 2000. Interview by Elraanis maga1998. PART I

    , Herbert Reinig): Can You explain a little bit wh

    irst of all. Our whole body contains micro light, sofmore healthy we are.

    tity of infrared we could potentially be immortal.on way, which is to convert your electrons, electric

    articles of light, thus into laser. We are talking aboectricity andthe light, to a superconducting state,

    ent in the modern age, where the East and the West

    dy to non-locality, into a actual other spatial dimen

    e anything that is vibration is still electron flow, anthat is within this dimension, no matter how high, it

    s are copyright ht laws

    zine December

    t a LBT (Light

    light, ultraviolet.

    e are notty, the

    t bringinghich we are sure

    , science

    sion. Not another

    frequency is ais always part of

  • 7/29/2019 Ananda Bosman - The Diamond Body Interview


    the 3rd dimension, although it may"forth spatial dimension".

    In order to go there one has to go in

    Ku to the Mayans, the Void, the gravacuum without being "vacuum cle

    this Unity Light Body. Every light i

    Ananda with his Dark Room stud

    Does the light have a direction?

    AADA: It has collapsed to zerOspeed, at the same time having touc

    This Sp

    the Atum vehicle and in the Bodhisis all dimensions, all universes, but

    interdimensional passport.

    be invisible) but rather a whole other spatial dimens

    what is called non-locality in science, or the Tao to

    nd nothing and everythingness. And the only way taned" is to make the fields of one's body completely

    s unified. It is not flowing, it is not moving.

    nt Taoist teacher Mantak Chia discus Dark RoomsBody

    and infinity. So it is touching everything at the samhed zerO. So it makes its own zerO, its own ball, its

    ere is shown in the Egyptian cultures as the vehicle

    attva tradition as the Chakra Vajra, the imperishablecannot be caught. In poetic terms you could say it is

    on: a

    the Taoists, or the

    pass in such aunified. We call

    and the Diamond

    e time at infiniteown Sphere.

    of immortality,

    Diamond Body. Itan

  • 7/29/2019 Ananda Bosman - The Diamond Body Interview


    Can one learn it?

    AADA: It can be reminded. It is

    universe. We are constantly createdbeing created from nothing. But tha

    If we think of nothing werather talking about zerO, with no

    Taoist, called "the sound of silence"

    In the LBT (Light Body Training)body. The body has seven nervous

    commonly known as the Chakra's fvortexes, and they are produced fro

    A Vortexijah field is not light and itlines. It is created from what is nowJanuary 1999), and this has been ca

    this that we all came from, the foundation of all lif

    from it inside our life code. In the DNA constantlyt nothing is not the nothing as it is commonly under

    think of blackness, of darkness, but this is again soovement at all. It is absolutely still. That is what La


    e are teaching, or reminding, how to connect the ennergy plexi, vortexes that feed seven endocrine gla

    om the East. But they are seven glands with sevenwhat we call the Vortexijah.

    is not electricity. The middle of it is gravity, it is grbeen discovered in science as gravity force II (Scieled electrogravity (Dr. C. Whittaker).

    , of all the

    ew infra-red istood.

    ething! We areotze, the great

    ergy centers of theds, now


    avitational fluxtific American,

  • 7/29/2019 Ananda Bosman - The Diamond Body Interview


    It has no mass at all, nothing to hol

    longitudal electrogravidic waves 18to be like plastics. So it effects ever

    Vortexijah creates gravity (gravitoncreates electricity (6 electron stabili

    onto. No charge, so there is no vibration at all.

    It can levitate 64 kilo objects (Dr. John H

    0 to the phase-conjugated electromagnetic waves).thing.

    cube); gravity creates light (magnetic cube, x, y, z);ty hexagon).


    It can turn metals

    and light

  • 7/29/2019 Ananda Bosman - The Diamond Body Interview


    When light bites its tale one has anthe body to its unity.

    Our body is a rainbow of seven. Seone sunlight beam become seven?through the prism. That is the princi

    the heart, and one in the Chi-center,

    our prism, which is our inter-gravit

    The Vortexijah looks like a Star Shiused as a Star Ship, that is an extrap

    interdimensionally... but that is quit

    electron. So we learn to "Trinitise", which is to awa

    en colours, seven vortexes. A rainbow comes fromhrough 1 : 3 = 7. The prism is the 3, "from the rain

    ple we use in the Trinitisation (see The Unity Keys

    We use three vacuum doorways: one in the heor the hara. These become the ends of our rainbow

    tional and open inter-cube: the Vortexijah.

    p, in its bioelectronic centre relationship with our biolation from it. Of course, it rolls into a Sphere if y

    e complicated to explain. Maybe we stay more simp

    en the prism of

    one. How doesow to the sun,"Of Emmanuel).

    ad, one inwith the middle --

    ology. It can beu go

    le at this point.

  • 7/29/2019 Ananda Bosman - The Diamond Body Interview


    In the training we go through a mul

    high chakras, or just on the low chachakras, "bringing down the light",

    The far East traditions speak aboutarts Ki point). And from the near E

    itude of different exercises, which enable us not to

    kras. In the modern spirituality of the West the focuor in Gnostic Christianity bringing down the Holy S

    aking in the Chi and going to the Hara (below the nst, the Sufis speak about going to the heart.

    ocus just on the

    is on the highpirit.

    avel, the martial

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    We are saying: don't go just to the light above, the life below, or just to the heart in the mid, but to all

    three at the same time. Then you are not caught in polarity -- because for every high you take in thehigher chakras, you have to have an equal amount of time in the lower chakras. So you swing like aYoyo, or like an elastic band the higher you go, the lower you plunge. That is rather depressing for some

    people. They find themselves for a year, or for years, very high and then they are stretching their elasticband to its maximum pole and are sprung in the opposite direction.

    We are suggesting: to counteract the elasticity of this reality, stretch both sides of the elastic band at thesame time with the middle, so it becomes a circle. When you take an elastic band and put the pressure inevery direction you can have maximum expansion in every direction, it is the most stable, and it can roll

    along. It can start to move around reality. That is one way of metaphoring the Trinitization principles andprotocols.

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    We use the tetrahedron cascade geometrical pathway for the foundation of our Tree Of Life, our Djedi

    Spine and bones, which we have broken down and delineated to the non-linear ortho-rotations oftheintergeometrical Vortexijah virtual vehicle.

    The geometry of our bones are perfectly indexed by tetrahedrons. In the Diamond Body LBT we utilisetetrahedrons for our life centers, we use tetrahedrons for our head centers, and for our heart centers: tounify each of these respective points' links to the nervous system, bones, muscles, glands, and

    bioenergetic plexi.

    So that we are focussing the points of two interlocked tetrahedrons (a stellated cube) as mini chakras,mini-vortexes, to be in at the same time, in order to learn to be focused and to be still there.

    Essentially it is about the light of awareness in the head, the love of the heart, and the life force.Light, love, life, and the fusion of the 3 into an 8 Hz synthesis, or 888.

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    The tetrahedron prism,the simplist

    Why do you use the tetrahedron?

    AADA: Light curves accordingenergy required. The tetrahedron isalways uses the simplest pathway athe simplest platonic solid, as a Priscondensation, virtual tetrahedron, i

    The Vortexijah itself is a much largan open cube -- a scalar vector that

    animated technicals read Intergeom

    pathway of light, as mapped by Lawrence Edwards


    to the most simplest pathway possible, with the leasthe simplest platonic solid, all faces equal to each otd so other spatial dimensions utilise, in order to use

    m to focus. From a PSI particle, or Thoton thoughtto a virtual particle fluctuated localised tetrahedron.

    er macro set of tetrahedrons that incubate, or kiss, ins both virtual and actual, local and non local, Spirit


    n "The Vortex Of

    t amount ofher. Naturethis dimension,article

    to an intercube, orand matter (for

  • 7/29/2019 Ananda Bosman - The Diamond Body Interview


    One can fractalone places a mirror at a certain angl

    recursion, and that is precisely mapout of it. Take the end of a finger sethe finger, and they are in their relatmirror, into a mirror -- holographicanatomy of the self.

    In the same way, amidst the Diamo

    through an 8 Hz orthorotation throu

    The three tetrahedron sets that we ulayers of muscle, and each layer is t

    tilted at seven phase angles gives seaccording to the tetrahedron. Becau

    three mid-points, according to the c

    Those seven spin angles are the sevare tilted at those seven angles, liter

    The tetrmiddle of those seven layers of hea

    contracts magnetic waves, from infiemerges. Even in the fetus, where t

    he Vortexijah, mirror-into-mirror. Fractallity simplie one gets a mirror into a mirror, into a mirror -- tha

    ed by the Golden Ratio, or PHI (1.618). Our body iction, to the next middle of the finger section, thenion to each other like a Golden Spiral, the same ratifractal recursion, cross-indexed within the profane

    d Body, we have tetrahedrons in cascades, each cas

    gh the Virtuality of Hyperspace.

    se can also be shown simply in the physical heart. Tilted at a different angle, identical to the seven colo

    A particle of light which looks like a to

    ven colours. And the way doughnuts are tilted for tse the tetrahedron has seven axis of spin: the four ve

    entral axis.

    en colours of the rainbow. At the same time the sevally 7 arc angels/angles.

    ahedron is mapping the heart physically and perfectt muscle that you have absolute zerO. As the heart

    nity to zerO. Science does not conclusively know he heart has not grown yet, science has detected a he

    fied means that ift is fractal

    s comprised fromnto the base of

    o as a mirror into and arcane of the

    cade mapped

    he heart has sevenrs of the rainbow.

    rus doughnut,

    e seven colours, isrtece points, plus

    n heart muscles

    y. It is from theontracts, it

    w the heartbeatart beat pulse.

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    There remains a mystery where it comes from. There appears to be a vacuum, or a non local accesstransduction meridian (scalar vector implosion vortex) there, which is harmonically transducing

    vacuum energy fluctuations through coherence. The vacuum, where you have infinite energy comingevery moment. One cubic centimeter of the vacuum being equal to the whole mass of the universe in a

    moment. And it just comes and goes, unless it finds a coherent pathway to stabilise and localise.

    The heart, especially in compassion, is actually capable of accessing that energy and giving a GoldenMean pathway into creation, a log-in to the fabric of locality. Through the heart beat in compassionate

    love, what happens is that every level of the left ventricle heart muscle produces a magnetic field in thebeat.

    In August 1994, whilst giving a seminar with my colleague Daniel Winter, we did some field work in

    measuring heart coherency, creating large level amperage coherent waves when focussing on All Is God.Dan has pioneered this field of heart coherency biofeedback, now available as the Earth Heart Link.

    So there are 7 magnetic fields, and magnetic fields are doughnuts. But these magnetic toroidal doughnuts

    are usually scattered. When we look at a light bulb, light is scattered in every direction. This light doesnot travel so far: the further you go, the weaker it becomes, because the waves don't carry each other.

    Carrying each other in a spectrum is compassionate coherence.

    However, starlight we can see perfectly, very far away. The reason is that seven waves travel as one, they

    carry each other, harmoniously. From the rainbow to the sun, they are traveling as the sun, as one.

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    When our heart is in compassionate

    like a laser. When we are in compaslasers, which cascade according to tlocality, almost infinite energy, can

    the training.

    So you are exercising with the hea

    A: Yes. Within the heart we work

    thymus gland, which is the immunerings when the heart is in compassicoherent left ventrical magnetics of

    that sense). Then there are the T6 athrough the nervous system, so that

    We learn to feel the coherent intensor ignition key for our Vortexijah D

    love, the seven doughnuts line up and carry each ot

    sionate love our heart is producing laser doughnuts,he Golden Ratio. That is the Golden Stairway throufind a way into creation. The heart is what we start


    ith 4 points essentially. The heart muscle is one poi

    system. (If one measures the heart with a ECG, thenate love, or laser coherence. The thymus is like athe cario-rythma's. The immune system is tuned by

    d T5 nerve points in the spine. Those connect the bwe are aware of compassionate love there.

    on tickle of the compassionate atension at the heart,iamond Body.

    her. That is just

    magnetic fieldh which non-ith initially in

    nt. Another is the

    thymus glandatellite-dish forcoherent love in

    ain with the heart

    as an instigator

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    For the heart in coherent love produces two vortex pyramids, the coherent heart laser cascades that fractalinto in-PHI-nite recursion, "as above, so below". these Vortex Pyramid laser cascades from the hearts

    sacred seven synthesis we call "the pyramids of the Dove and Phoenix".

    These vortex pyramids are the compassionate induction breath wave-guides for our Virtual Self, in theVortexijah protocol. As we progress through the 10 days intensive, we unify our fields, through a series

    of phase-conjugate spins, through ever greater coherent stillness.

    It is a matter of unifying the illusion of spin to the conscious perspective of the infinite speed of love tocreate zerO. Two vortexes interpenetrate each other and in the middle is the zerO. We know that there is

    the eye in the vortex, which is the stillness in the midst of the hurricane.

    Within the Vortexijah protocol we have TWO vortexes, and the two eyes of stillness overlap. Our bodybecomes still, whereby the fields around the body go faster and faster. By the consciousness agent of 8 Hzphase-conjugation, we unify the magnetic fields of our body which are invisible to our eyes but not

    invisible to devices. These magnetic fields are made out of toroidal light -- that is a form of light bodytoo.

    We use consciousness as the Unified Field. The secret equation of Einstein is that consciousness unifies

    all fields: the unified field equation is consciousness. We begin with consciousness and we unify our

    field coherently, and that becomes a Star Ship field as we anchor it.

    We use induction breathing techniques which appear to be from many secret traditions, which in synthesis

    we call Unity Pulse Breath. These techniques include going from very long breaths and then mirror-to-mirror cascading the breaths to shorter breath cascades, to zero. These awaken mass oxygenation inmanner that it can be absorbed, and results in changes of cellular polarities and such as well.

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    Is the goal of this training to be in

    AADA: To anchor our virtual bThoton-self, particles of thought, w

    is made from what the alchemists cbring that Aqua Vita, to remind the

    this condition of compassionate love?

    ody, our Virtual Star Ship. Virtual means pure inforich is made out of pure thoughts, from which our b

    ll Prima Materia, incorruptible, original matter, orfields of our body of unity, of superconductivity, co

    ation, ourody is created. It

    qua Vita. It is tonductivity.

  • 7/29/2019 Ananda Bosman - The Diamond Body Interview


    This is essential in relationship to tphysical immortality. although thro

    practice (for more on Dark Rooms s

    In the transformation process withitechniques to translate the body int

    might sound incredible in the West,at least 8 cases of people who locke

    almost identical to the very ancientor Vajrayana.

    Dove and Phoenic coherent magnetsoli

    The Buddhists use darkrooms?

    AADA: The Tibetan Buddhist.

    which come from a very old traditiof extraterrestrial Bodhisattvas, thatgenerated Star Ship wheels, or even

    than descended on Earth, were self

    e changes that are to come, and in relationship to crgh Dark Room retreats, light isolation, which is the

    ee The Unity Keys Of Emmanuel).

    the final Dark Room personal alchemy, one uses tthe Prima Materia body. So that there is no body le

    in the East it is a common thing. In the last 100 yead themselves in darkness. The techniques we teach t

    Tibetan Buddhistic techniques. Now called Chakra

    c doughnut cascade in PHI from the compassionateand as a revolved double helix vortex.

    he very old Dzogchen Buddhists. Some of the Bon

    n of immortals, even shien extraterrestrials. The Ticome down in their own wheels or Spheres, spinnicities generated from their thoughts into real physi

    orn and then passed on these techniques to sages, t

    eating biologicalnext level that we

    e Star Shipft. Although that

    rs there have beenurn out to be

    ajra Buddhism,

    heart, here seen in

    Po Buddhists,

    etan texts speakg selfal vehicles, who

    Lamas, who than

  • 7/29/2019 Ananda Bosman - The Diamond Body Interview


    themselves would implement this.and then, when they would come to

    is the perfection, all is the Divine!

    But they found usually it was necesand not misunderstand it. Many peo

    about it and then just apply sleep toabout "All Is God", that is an increhappens: we are uniting and fusingBecause love unites all polarities. I

    cause and effect. Compassionate locompassionate love. Compassionat

    you arecanceling karma. The speedthe law of causality, as a limit, hascoherent news for man.


    Part 2 and 3 will also enhance Pa

    perspectives to be shared in the n

    If you want to practice the Diamo

    transmitting Part I a last time in

    production for the first half of 20

    In the meantime you may enjoy t

    Intergeometry, the animated first p

    Superluminal speeds and PHI, insurpassed the speed of light limit of

    ower Buddhism was a means by which people coulthe secret Tibetan Buddhism they would be told: th

    sary to have these levels, so that people would apprple who don't understand "All Is God", don't actuall

    it. So they only have a slight glimpse of it. But if yible realisation. It is absolutely profound. And this ievery possible polarity, and are not saying one is be

    that sense compassionate love cancels karma. Bec

    e encompasses equally both poles and shows that tlove transforms all things into itself. It encompasse

    of light is karma in action. Recently scientific testsailed, which means karma as a fundamental law has


    t I with additional pictures and animations. The

    ext parts to come.

    nd Body process of internal alchemy, Ananda wi

    001 (click here). A professional video series for


    ese articles in regards to this one:

    art that explores a logistics for other spatial dimensi

    this article we look at the scientific recent breakthroEinstein's, and appear to go beyond Causality or ka

    d learn laws first,ere is no law. All

    ciate the pathwayy really think

    u really thinks actually whatter than the other.use karma is a

    ey ares every view. So

    ave shown thatfailed. That is

    e are astounding

    l be personally

    art 1 are in

    ons and beyond.

    ughs that havema. Here, we

  • 7/29/2019 Ananda Bosman - The Diamond Body Interview


    look at the astounding PHI or Goldlight speed. The bookThe Unity K

    Also there are many Vortexijah Ex

    n Mean harmonics of coherency and compassion theys Of Emmanuel goes into these areas beyond im

    lorations on the Main Web Site

    at appears beyondgination.