Download - Analytical Solid Geometry - · chap-03 B.V.Ramana August 30, 2006 10:22 Chapter3 Analytical Solid Geometry 3.1 INTRODUCTION In 1637, Rene Descartes* represented geometrical


chap-03 B.V.Ramana August 30, 2006 10:22

Chapter3Analytical Solid Geometry


In 1637, Rene Descartes* represented geometricalfigures (configurations) by equations and vice versa.Analytical Geometry involves algebraic or analyticmethods in geometry. Analytical geometry in threedimensions also known as Analytical solid** geom-etry or solid analytical geometry, studies geometricalobjects in space involving three dimensions, whichis an extension of coordinate geometry in plane (twodimensions).

Fig. 3.1

* Rene Descartes (1596–1650) French philosopher and mathe-matician, latinized name for Renatus Cartesius.

** Not used in the sense of “non-hollowness”. By a sphere orcylinder we mean a hollow sphere or cylinder.

Rectangular Cartesian Coordinates

The position (location) of a point in space can bedetermined in terms of its perpendicular distances(known as rectangular cartesian coordinates or sim-ply rectangular coordinates) from three mutuallyperpendicular planes (known as coordinate planes).The lines of intersection of these three coordinateplanes are known as coordinate axes and their pointof intersection the origin.

The three axes called x-axis, y-axis and z-axis aremarked positive on one side of the origin. The pos-itive sides of axes OX, OY, OZ form a right handedsystem. The coordinate planes divide entire spaceinto eight parts called octants. Thus a point P withcoordinates x, y, z is denoted as P (x, y, z). Herex, y, z are respectively the perpendicular distancesof P from the YZ, ZX and XY planes. Note that a lineperpendicular to a plane is perpendicular to everyline in the plane.

Distance between two points P1(x1, y1, z1) andP2(x2, y2, z2) is


Distance from origin O(0, 0, 0) is√x2

2 + y22 + z2

2.Divisions of the line joining two points P1, P2:The coordinates of Q(x, y, z), the point on P1P2

dividing the line segment P1P2 in the ratiom : n are






)or putting

k for mn,(





); k �= −1. Coordi-

nates of mid point are(x1+x2

2 ,y1+y2

2 ,z1+z2




chap-03 B.V.Ramana August 30, 2006 10:22


Direction of a line: A line in space is said to bedirected if it is taken in a definite sense from oneextreme (end) to the other (end).

Angle between Two Lines

Two straight lines in space may or may not intersect.If they intersect, they form a plane and are said tobe coplanar. If they do not intersect, they are calledskew lines.

Angle between two intersecting (coplanar) lines isthe angle between their positive directions.

Angle between two non-intersecting (non-coplanar or skew) lines is the angle between two in-tersecting lines whose directions are same as thoseof given two lines.


Direction Cosines of a Line

Let L be a directed line OP from the originO(0, 0, 0)to a point P (x, y, z) and of length r (Fig. 1.2). Sup-pose OP makes angles α, β, γ with the positive di-rections of the coordinate axes. Then α, β, γ areknown as the direction angles of L. The cosines ofthese angles cosα, cosβ, cos γ are known as the di-rection cosines of the line L(OP ) and are in generaldenoted by l, m, n respectively.


l = cosα = x

r, m = cosβ = y

r, n = cos γ = z


where r =√x2 + y2 + z2.

Fig. 3.2

Corollary 1: Lagrange’s identity: l2+m2+n2 = 1i.e., sum of the squares of the direction cosines ofany line is one, since l2 + m2 + n2 = cos2 α +cos2 β + cos2 γ = x2

r2 + y2

r2 + z2

r2 = 1.

Corollary 2: Direction cosines of the coordinateaxes OX, OY, OZ are (1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1)respectively.

Corollary 3: The coordinates of P are (lr, mr, nr)where l, m, n are the direction cosines of OP and ris the length of OP.

Note: Direction cosines is abbreviated as DC’s.

Direction Ratios

(abbreviated as DR’s:) of a line L are any setof three numbers a, b, c which are proportionalto l, m, n the DC’s of the line L. DR’s are alsoknown as direction numbers of L. Thus l

a= m



= k (proportionality constant) or l = ak, m = bk,n = ck. Since l2 + m2 + n2 = 1 or (ak)2 + (bk)2 +(ck)2 = 1 or k = ±1√

a2+b2+c2. Then the actual di-

rection cosines are cosα = l = ak = ± a√a2+b2+c2


cosβ=m = bk = ± b√a2+b2+c2

, cos γ = m = ck =± c√

a2+b2+c2with a2 + b2 + c2 �= 0. Here +ve sign

corresponds to positive direction and −ve sign tonegative direction.

Note 1: Sum of the squares of DR’s need not beone.

Note 2: Direction of line is [a, b, c] where a, b, c

are DR’s.

Direction cosines of the line joining two pointsP1(x1, y1, z1) and P2(x2, y2, z2):

l = cosα = PQ

r= LM

r= OM − OL

r= x2 − x1


Similarly, m = cosβ = y2−y1r

and n = cos γ =z2−z1

r. Then the DR’s of P1P2 are x2 − x1, y2 − y1,

z2 − z1

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Fig. 3.3


Projection of a point P on line L is Q, the foot of theperpendicular from P to L.

Fig. 3.4

Projection of line segment

P1P2 on a line L is the line segment MN where Mand N are the feet of the perpendiculars from P andQ on to L. If θ is the angle between P1P2 and lineL, then projection of P1P2 on L = MN = PR =P1P2 cos θ . Projection of line segment P1P2 on lineL with (whose) DC’s l, m, n is

l(x2 − x1) + m(y2 − y1) + n(z2 − z1)

Fig. 3.5

Angle between Two Lines

Let θ be the angle between the two lines OP1 andOP2. Let OP1 = r1,OP2 = r2. Let l1,m1, n1 beDC’s of OP1 and l2,m2, n2 are DC’s of OP2. Thenthe coordinates of P1 are l1r1,m1r1, n1r1 and of P2

and l2r2,m2r2, n2r2.

Fig. 3.6

From �OP1P2, we have

P1P22 = OP 2

1 + OP 22 − 2OP1 · OP2 · cos θ

(l2r2 − l1r1)2 + (m2r2 − m1r1)2 + (n2r2 − n1r1)2

=[(l1r1)2 + (m1r1)2 + (n1r1)2


[(l2r2)2 + (m2r2)2 + (n2r2)2

]− 2 · r1r2 cos θ.

Using l21 + m21 + n2

1 = 1 and l22 + m22 + n2

2 = 1,

r21 + r2

2 − 2r1r2(l1l2 + m1m2 + n1n2)

= r21 + r2

2 − 2r1r2 cos θ.

Then cos θ = l1l2 + m1m2 + n1n2

Corollary 1:

sin2 θ = 1 − cos2 θ = 1 − (l1l2 + m1m2 + n1n2)2

= (l21 + m21 + n2

1)(l22 + m22 + n2


−(l1l2 + m1m2 + n1n2)2

= (l1m2 − m1l2)2 + (m1n2 − n1m2)2

+(n1l2 − n2l1)2

using the Lagrange’s identity. Then




= (l1m2−l2m1)2+(m1n2−m2n1)2+(n1l2−n2l1)2.

chap-03 B.V.Ramana August 30, 2006 10:22


Thus sin θ = √∑(l1m2 − m1l2)2

Corollary 2: tan θ = sin θcos θ =



Corollary 3: If a1, b1, c1 and a2, b2, c2 are DR’sof OP1 and OP2

Then l1 = a1√a2



, m1 = b1√a2



, n1 =c1√




Then cos θ = a1a2+b1b2+c1c2√a2







sin θ=√

(a1b2−a2b1)2+(b1c2−b2c1)2 + (c1a2−c2a1)2√a2







Corollary: Condition for perpendicularity:The two lines are perpendicular if θ = 90◦. Then

cos θ = cos 90 = 0

Thus l1l2 + m1m2 + n1n2 = 0

or a1a2 + b1b2 + c1c2 = 0

Corollary: Condition for parallelism:If the two lines are parallel then θ = 0. So sin θ=0.

(l1m2 − m1l2)2 + (m1n2 − m2n1)2 + (n1l2 − n2l1)2 = 0


l2= m1

m2= n1


√l21 + m2

1 + n21√

l22 + m22 + n2


= 1


Thus l1 = l2, m1 = m2, n1 = n2


a2= b1

b2= c1



Example1: Find the angle between the linesA(−3,2, 4), B(2, 5,−2) and C(1,−2, 2), D(4, 2, 3).

Solution: DR’s of AB: 2 − (−3), 5 − 2, −2 − 4= 5, 3, −6DR’s of CD: 3, 4, 1. Then DC’s of AB are l1 =cosα1 = 5√

52+32+62= 5√

25+9+36= 5√

70and m1 =

cosβ1 = 370 , n1 = cos γ1 = −6√

70. Similarly, l2 =

cosα2 = 3√32+42+12

= 3√9+16+1

= 3√26

, and m2 =cosβ2 = 4√

26, n2 = cos γ2 = 1√

26. Now

cos θ = cosα1 · cosα2 + cosβ1 · cosβ2 + cos γ1 · cos γ2

= l1l2 + m1m2 + n1n2

cos θ = 5√70

· 3√26

+ 3√70

· 4√26

− 6√70

· 1√26

= 0.49225

... θ = cos−1(0.49225) = 60◦30.7′

Example 2: Find the DC’s of the line that is ⊥r toeach of the two lines whose directions are [2,−1, 2]and [3, 0, 1].

Solution: Let [a, b, c] be the direction of the line.Since this line is ⊥r to the line with direction[2,−1, 2], by orthogonality

2a − b + 2c = 0

Similarly, direction [a, b, c] is ⊥r to direction[3, 0, 1]. So

3a + 0 + c = 0.

Solving c = −3a, b = −4a ordirection [a, b, c] = [a,−4a,−3a] = [1,−4,−3].... DC’s of the line: 1√

12+42+32= 1√

26, −4√

26, −3√


Example 3: Show that the points A(1, 0,−2),B(3,−1, 1) and C(7,−3, 7) are collinear.

Solution: DR’s of AB: [2,−1, 3], DR’s of AC:[6,−3, 9], DR’s of BC: [4,−2, 6]. Thus DR’s ofAB,AC,BC are same. HenceA,B,C are collinear.

Example 4: Find the coordinates of the foot ofthe perpendicular from A(1, 1, 1) on the line joiningB(1, 4, 6) and C(5, 4, 4).

Solution: Suppose D divides BC in the ratio k : 1.Then the coordinates of D are

(5k+1k+1 , 4k+4

k+1 , 4k+6k+1


DR’s ofAD: 4kk+1 , 3, 3K+5

k+1 , DR’s of BC: 4, 0,−2AD

is ⊥r BC: 16k − 6k − 10 = 0, or k = 1.

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Coordinates of the foot of perpendicular are (3, 4, 5).

Example 5: Show that the points A(1, 0, 2),B(3,−1, 3), C(2, 2, 2), D(0, 3, 1) are the vertices ofa parallelogram.

Fig. 3.7

Solution: DR’s of AB are [3 − 1,−1 − 0, 3 − 2] =[2,−1, 1]. Similarly, DR’s of BC are [−1, 3,−1], ofCD[−2, 1,−1] of DA[−1, 3,−1]. Since DR’s ofAB and CD are same, they are parallel. Similarly BCand DA are parallel since DR’s are same. Further ABis not ⊥r to AD because

2(+1) + (−1)(−3) + 1(+1) = 6 �= 0

Similarly, AD is not ⊥r to BC because

2(−1) + (−1)3 + 1(−1) = −6 �= 0.

Hence ABCD is a parallelogram.


1. Show that the points A(7, 0, 10), B(6,−1, 6),C(9,−4, 6) form an isoscales right angledtriangle.

Hint: AB2 = BC2 = 18, CA2 = 36,AB2 + BC2 = CA2

2. Prove that the points A(3,−1, 1), B(5,−4, 2),C(11,−13, 5) are collinear.

Hint 1: AB2 = 14, BC2 = 126, CA2 = 224,AB + BC = 4

√14 = CA

Hint 2:DR’s ofAB = 2,−3, 1;BC: 6,−9, 3;AB‖l to BC

3. Determine the internal angles of the tri-angle ABC where A(2, 3, 5), B(−1, 3, 2),C(3, 5,−2).

Hint:AB2 = 18,BC2 = 36,AC2 = 54. DC’sAB: − 1√

2, 0,− 1√

2; BC: 2

3 ,13 ,

−23 ; AC: 1




6, −7



Ans. cosA= 1√3, cosB=0 i.e., B=90◦, cosC=


3 .

4. Show that the foot of the perpendicular fromA(0, 9, 6) on the line joining B(1, 2, 3) andC(7,−2, 5) is D(−2, 4, 2).

Hint: D divides BC in k : 1, D(

7k+1k+1 , −2k+2

k+1 ,


). DR’s AD: (7k + 1,−11k − 7,−k−3),

DR’s BC: 6,−4, 2. AD ⊥r BC: k = − 13 .

5. Find the condition that three lines with DC’sl1, m1, n1; l2, m2, n2; l3, m3, n3 are concurrent.

Hint: Line with DC’s l, m, n through point ofconcurrency will be ⊥r to all three lines, lli +mmi + nni = 0, i = 1, 2, 3.

Ans.∣∣∣∣∣∣∣l1 m1 n1

l2 m2 n2

l3 m3 n3

∣∣∣∣∣∣∣ = 0

6. Show that cos2 α + cos2 β + cos2 γ + cos2 δ

= 43 where α, β, γ, δ are the angles which a

line makes with the four diagonals of a cube.

Hint: DC’s of four diagonals are (k, k, k),(−k, k, k), (k,−k, k), (k, k,−k) where k =

1√3; l, m, n are DC’s of line. cosα = l.k.

+mk +nk, cosβ = (−l + m + n)k, cos γ =(l − m + n)k, cos δ = (l + m − n)k.

7. Show that the points A(−1, 1, 3), B(1,−2, 4),C(4,−1, 1) are vertices of a right triangle.

Hint: DR’s AB : [2,−3, 1], BC : [3, 1,−3],CA : [5,−2,−2]. AB is ⊥r BC.

chap-03 B.V.Ramana August 30, 2006 10:22


8. Prove that A(3, 1,−2), B(3, 0, 1), C(5, 3, 2),D(5, 4,−1) form a rectangle.

Hint: DR’s: AB: [0,−1, 3]; AC: [2, 2, 4],CD[0, 1,−3]; AD[2, 3, 1]; BC[2, 3, 1];AB‖CD, AD‖BC, AD ⊥ AB: 0 − 3 + 3=0,BC ⊥ DC: 0 + 3 − 3 = 0.

9. Find the interior angles of the triangle

A(3,−1, 4), B(1, 2,−4), C(−3, 2, 1).

Hint: DC’s of AB: (−2, 3,−8)k1,BC: (−4, 0, 5)k2, AC: (−6, 3,−3)k3 wherek1 = 1√

77, k2 = 1√

41, k3 = 1√


Ans. cosA = 15√462

, cosB = 32√3157

, cosC = 3√246


10. Determine the DC’s of a line ⊥r to a triangleformed by A(2, 3, 1), B(6,−3, 2), C(4, 0, 3).

Ans. (3, 2, 0)k where k = 1√13


Hint: DR: AB: [4,−6, 1], BC: [−2, 3, 1],CA: [2,−3, 2]. [a, b, c] of ⊥r line: 4a − 6b +c = 0, −2a + 3b + c = 0, 2a − 3b + 2c = 0.


Surface is the locus of a point moving in space sat-isfying a single condition.

Example: Surface of a sphere is the locus of a pointthat moves at a constant distance from a fixed point.

Surfaces are either plane or curved. Equation ofthe locus of a point is the analytical expressionof the given condition(s) in terms of the coordinatesof the point.

Exceptional cases: Equations may have locusother than a surface. Examples: (i) x2 + y2 = 0 is z-axis (ii) x2 + y2 + z2 = 0 is origin (iii) y2 + 4 = 0has no locus.

Plane is a surface such that the straight line PQ,joining any two points P and Q on the plane, liescompletely on the plane.

General equation of first degree in x, y, z is of theform

Ax + By + Cz + D = 0

Here A,B,C,D are given real numbers andA,B,C are not all zero (i.e., A2 + B2 + C2 �= 0)

BookWork: Show that every equation of the firstdegree in x, y, z represents a plane.

Proof: Let

Ax + By + Cz + D = 0 (1)

be the equation of first degree in x, y, z with the con-dition that not all A,B,C are zero (i.e., A2 + B2 +C2 �= 0). Let P (x1, y1, z1) and Q(x2, y2, z2) be anytwo points on the surface represented by (1). Then

Ax1 + By1 + Cz1 + D1 = 0 (2)

Ax2 + By2 + Cz2 + D2 = 0 (3)

Multiplying (3) by k and adding to (2), we get

A(x1 + kx2) + B(y1 + ky2) + C(z1 + kz2) + D(1 + k)

= 0 (4)

Assuming that 1 + k �= 0, divide (4) by (1 + k).


(x1 + kx2

1 + k

)+ B

(y1 + ky2

1 + k

)+ C

(z1 + kz2

1 + k

)+ D

= 0

i.e., the point R(





)which is

point dividing the line PQ in the ratio k : 1, alsolies on the surface (1). Thus any point on the linejoining P and Q lies on the surface i.e., line PQ

completely lies on the surface. Therefore the surfaceby definition must be a plane.

General form of the equation of a plane is

Ax + By + Cz + D = 0

Special cases:

(i) Equation of plane passing through origin is

Ax + By + Cz = 0 (5)

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(ii) Equations of the coordinate planesXOY ,YOZ

and ZOX are respectively z = 0, x = 0 andy=0

(iii) Ax + By + D = 0 plane ⊥r to xy-plane

Ax + Cz + D = 0 plane ⊥r to xz-plane

Ay + Cz + D = 0 plane ⊥r to yz-plane.

Similarly, Ax + D = 0 is ‖l to yz-plane, By +D = 0 is ‖l to zx-plane, cz + D = 0 is ‖l toxy-plane.

One point form

Equation of a plane through a fixed pointP1(x1, y1, z1) and whose normal CD has DC’sproportional to (A,B,C): For any pointP (x, y, z) on the given plane, the DR’s of theline P1P are (x − x1, y − y1, z − z1). Since a lineperpendicular to a plane is perpendicular to everyline in the plane, so ML is perpendicular to P1, P .Thus

A(x − x1) + B(y − y1) + C(z − z1) = 0 (6)

Fig. 3.8

Note 1: Rewriting (6), we get the general form ofplane

Ax + By + Cz + D = 0 (1)

where D = −ax1 − by1 − cz1

Note 2: The real numbers A,B,C which are thecoefficients of x, y, z respectively in (1) are propor-tional to DC’s of the normal ot the plane (1).

Note 3: Equation of a plane parallel to plane (1) is

Ax + By + Cz + D∗ = 0 (7)

x-intercept of a plane is the point where the planecuts the x-axis. This is obtained by putting y = 0,

z = 0. Similarly, y-, z-intercepts. Traces of a planeare the lines of intersection of plane with coordinateaxis.

Example: xy-trace is obtained by putting z = 0 inequation of plane.

Intercept form

Suppose P (a, 0, 0),Q(0, b, 0), R(0, 0, c) are thex-, y-, z-intercepts of the plane. Then P,Q,R lieson the plane. From (1)

Aa + 0 + 0 + D = 0

or A = −D


Fig. 3.9

similarly, 0 + bB + 0 + D = 0 or B = −Db

andC = −D


Eliminating A,B,C the equation of the plane inthe intercept form is


ax − D

b− D

cz + D = 0


a+ y

b+ z

c= 1 (8)

Normal form

Let P (x, y, z) be any point on the plane. Let ON bethe perpendicular from origin O to the given plane.Let ON = p. (i.e., length of the perpendicular ON

is p). Suppose l, m, n are the DC’s of ON . Now ON

is perpendicular to PN . Projection of OP on ON isON itself i.e., p.

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Fig. 3.10

Also the projection OP joining origin (0, 0, 0) toP (x, y, z) on the line ON with DC’s l, m, n is

l(x − 0) + m(y − 0) + n(z − 0)

or lx + my + nz (9)

Equating the two projection values from (8) & (9)

lx + my + nz = p (10)

Note 1: p is always positive, since p is the perpen-dicular distance from origin to the plane.

Note 2: Reduction from general form.

Transpose constant term to R.H.S. and make itpositive (if necessary by multiplying throughout by−1). Then divide throughout by ±√

A2 + B2 + C2.Thus the general form Ax + By + Cz + D = 0takes the following normal form



+ By


+ Cz


= −D

±√A2 + B2 + C2


The sign before the radical is so chosen to make theR.H.S. in (11) positive.

Three point form

Equation of a plane passing through three givenpoints P1(x1, y1, z1), P2(x2, y2, z2), P3(x3, y3, z3):

Since the three points P1, P2, P3 lie on the plane

Ax + By + Cz + D = 0 (1)

we have Ax1 + By1 + Cz1 + D = 0 (12)

Ax2 + By2 + Cz2 + D = 0 (13)

Ax3 + By3 + Cz3 + D = 0 (14)

Eliminating A,B,C,D from (1), (12), (13), (14)(i.e., a non trivial solution A,B,C,D for the ho-mogeneous system of 4 equations exist if the deter-minant coefficient is zero)

x y z 1x1 y1 z1 1x2 y2 z2 1x3 y3 z3 1

= 0 (15)

Equation (15) is the required equation of the planethrough the 3 points P1, P2, P3.

Corollary 1: Coplanarity of four given points:The four points P1(x1, y1, z1), P2(x2, y2, z2), P3(x3,y3, z3), P4(x4, y4, z4) are coplanar (lie in a plane) if

x1 y1 z1 1x2 y2 z2 1x3 y3 z3 1x4 y4 z4 1

= 0 (16)

Angle between Two Given Planes

The angle between two planes

A1x + B1y + C1z + D1 = 0 (17)

A2x + B2y + C2z + D2 = 0 (18)

is the angle θ between their normals. HereA1, B1, C1and A2, B2, C2 are the DR’s of the normals respec-tively to the planes (17) and (18). Then

cos θ = A1A2 + B1B2 + C1C2√A2

1 + B21 + C2



2 + B22 + C2


Condition for perpendicularity

If θ = 0 then the two planes are ⊥r to each other.Then

A1A2 + B1B2 + C1C2 = 0 (19)

Condition for parallelism

If θ = 0, the two planes are ‖l to each other. Then


A2= B1

B2= C1


Note: Thus parallel planes differ by a constant.

Although there are four constants A,B,C,D inthe equation of plane, essentially three conditions are

chap-03 B.V.Ramana August 30, 2006 10:22


required to determine the three ratios of A,B,C,D,

for example plane passing through:

a. three non-collinear points

b. two given points and ⊥r to a given plane

c. a given point and ⊥r to two given planes etc.

Coordinate of the Foot of the Perpendicularfrom a Point to a Given Plane

Let Ax + By + Cz + D = 0 be the given plane andP (x1, y1, z1) be a given point. Let PN be the per-pendicular from P to the plane. Let the coordinatesof the foot of the perpendicular PN be N (α, β, γ ).Then DR’s of PN (x1 − α, y1 − β, z1 − γ ) are pro-portional to the coefficients A,B,C i.e.,

x1 − α = kA, y1 − B = kB, z1 − γ = kC

or α = x1 − kA, y1 = β − kB, z1 = γ − kC

Fig. 3.11

Since N lies in the planeAα + Bβ + Cγ + D = 0

Substituting α, β, γ ,

A(x1 − kA) + b(y1 − kB) + c(z1 − kC) + D = 0

Solving k = Ax1 + By1 + CZ1 + D

A2 + B2 + C2

Thus the coordinates of N (α, β, γ ) the foot of theperpendicular from P (x1, y1, z1) to the plane are

α = x1 − A(Ax1 + By1 + Cz1 + D)

A2 + B2 + C2,

β = y1 − B(Ax1 + By1 + Cz1 + D)

A2 + B2 + C2,

γ = z1 − C(Ax1 + By1 + Cz1 + D)

A2 + B2 + C2(21)

Corollary 1: Length of the perpendicular from agiven point to a given plane:

PN2 = (x1 − α)2 + (y1 − β)2 + (z1 − γ )2

= (kA)2 + (kB)2 + (kC)2

= k2(A2 + B2 + C2)

=[Ax1 + By1 + Cz1 + D

A2 + B2 + C2


(A2 + B2 + C2)

= (Ax1 + By1 + Cz1 + D)2

A2 + B2 + C2

or PN = Ax1 + By1 + Cz1 + D

±√A2 + B2 + C2


The sign before the radical is chosen as positive ornegative according as D is positive or negative. Thusthe numerical values of the length of the perpendic-ular PN is

PN =∣∣∣∣∣Ax1 + By1 + Cz1 + D√

A2 + B2 + C2

∣∣∣∣∣ (22)

Note: PN is obtained by substituting the coordi-nates (x1, y1, z1) in the L.H.S. of the Equation (1)and dividing it by

√A2 + B2 + C2.

Equation of a plane passing through the line ofintersection of two given planes u ≡ A1x + B1y +C1z + D1 = 0 and v ≡ A2x + B2y + C2z + D2 =0 is u + kv = 0 where k is any constant.

Equations of the two planes bisecting the anglesbetween two planes are

A1x + B1y + C1z + D1√A2

1 + B21 + C2


= ±A2x + B2y + C2z + D2√A2

2 + B22 + C2




Example 1: Find the equation of the plane whichpasses through the point (2, 1, 4) and is

a. Parallel to plane 2x + 3y + 5z + 6 = 0

b. Perpendicular to the line joining (3, 2, 5) and(1, 6, 4)

c. Perpendicular to the two planes 7x + y + 2z = 6and 3x + 5y − 6z = 8

d. Find intercept points and traces of the plane incase c.


a. Any plane parallel to the plane

2x + 3y + 5z + 6 = 0

chap-03 B.V.Ramana August 30, 2006 10:22


is given by 2x + 3y + 5z + k = 0 (1) (differs bya constant). Since the point (2, 1, 4) lies on theplane (1), 2(2) + 3(1) + 5(4) + k = 0, k = −27.Required equation of plane is 2x + 3y + 5z −27 = 0.

b. Any plane through the point (2, 1, 4) is (one pointform)

A(x − 2) + B(y − 1) + C(z − 4) = 0 (2)

DC’s of the line joining M(3, 2, 5) andN (1, 6, 4) are proportional to 2,−4, 1. SinceMN is perpendicular to (2), A,B,C are propor-tional to 2,−4, 1. Then 2(x − 2) − 4(y − 1) +1(z − 4) = 0. The required equation of plane is2x − 4y + z − 4 = 0.

c. The plane through (2, 1, 4) is

A(x − 2) + B(y − 1) + C(z − 4) = 0. (2)

This plane (2) is perpendicular to the two planes7x + y + 2z = 6 and 3x + 5y − 6z = 8.Using A1A2 + B1B2 + C1C2 = 0, we have

7a + b + 2c = 0

3a + 5b − 6c = 0

Solving a−6−10= −b

−42−8= c35−3 or a

1 = b−3= c

−2 .

Required equation of plane is

1(x − 4) − 3(y − 1) − 2(z − 4) = 0

or x − 3y − 2z + 7 = 0

d. x-intercept: Put y = z = 0, ... x = −7 or (−7,0, 0) is the x-intercept. Similarly, y-intercept is(0, 7

3 , 0) and z-intercept is(0, 0, 7


). xy-trace is

obtained by putting z = 0. It is x − 3y + 7 =0. Similarly, yz-trace is 3y + 2z − 7 = 0 and zx-trace is x − 2z + 7 = 0.

Example 2: Find the equation of the plane con-taining the points P (3,−1,−4), Q(−2, 2, 1), R(0,4, −1).

Solution: Equation of plane through the pointP (3,−1,−4) is

A(x + 3) + B(y + 1) + C(z + 4) = 0. (1)

DR’s ofPQ: − 5, 3, 5; DR’s ofPR: − 3, 5, 3. Sinceline PQ and PR completely lies in the plane (1),normal to (1) is perpendicular to PQ and PR. Then

−5A + 3B + 5C = 0

−3A + 5B + 3C = 0

Solving A = C = 1, B = 0

(x − 3) + 0 + (z + 4) = 0

Equation of the plane is

x + z + 1 = 0

Aliter: Equation of the plane by 3-point form is

x y z 13 −1 −4 1

−2 2 1 10 4 −1 1

= 0

Expanding D1x − D2y + D3z − 1.D4 = 0 where

D1 =−1 −4 1

2 1 14 −1 1

= −16, D2 =3 −4 1

−2 1 10 −1 1

0 = 0

D3 =3 −1 1

−2 2 10 4 1

= −16, D4 =3 −1 −4

−2 2 10 4 −1

= 16

or required equation is x + z + 1 = 0.

Example 3: Find the perpendicular distance be-tween (a) The Point (3, 2,−1) and the plane 7x −6y + 6z + 8 = 0 (b) between the parallel planesx − 2y + 2z − 8 = 0 andx − 2y + 2z + 19 = 0 (c)find the foot of the perpendicular in case (a).


Perpendicular distance =(



a. Point (3, 2,−1), plane is 7x − 6y + 6z + 8 =0. So perpendicular distance from (3, 2,−1) toplane is

= 7(3) − 6(2) + 6(−1) + 8√72 + 62 + 62

= 11

−11= | − 1| = 1

b. x-intercept point of plane x − 2y + 2z − 8 = 0is (8, 0, 0) (obtained by putting y = 0, z = 0 inthe equation). Then perpendicular distance from

chap-03 B.V.Ramana August 30, 2006 10:22


the point (8, 0, 0) to the second plane x − 2y +2z + 19 = 0 is 1.8−2.0+2.0+19√

12+22+22= 27

3 = 9

c. Let N (α, β, γ ) be the foot of the perpen-dicular from P (3, 2,−1). DR’s of PN: 3 −α, 2 − β,−1 − γ . DR’s of normal to plane are7,−6, 6. These are proportional. 3−α

7 = 2−β

−6 =−1−γ

6 orα = 3 − 7k, β = 2 + 6k, γ = −1 − 6k.Now (α, β, γ ) lies on the plane. 7(3 − 7k) −6(2 + 6k) + 6(−1 − 6k) + 8 = 0 or k = 1

11 .... the coordinates of the foot of perpendicular are(

2611 ,

2811 ,



Example 4: Are the points (2, 3,−5) and (3, 4, 7)on the same side of the plane x + 2y − 2z = 9?

Solution: Perpendicular distance of the point(2, 3,−5) from the plane x + 2y − 2z − 9 = 0 or−x − 2y + 2z + 9 = 0 is −1.2−2(3)−2(−5)+9√

12+22+22= − 9

3 =−3.

⊥r distance of (3, 4, 7) is −1.3−2.4+2.7+9√12+22+22

= 123 = 6

⊥r distance from origin (0, 0, 0) is 0+0+0+93 = 3

So points (2, 3,−5) and (3, 4, 7) are on oppositesides of the given plane.

Example 5: Find the angle between the planes4x − y + 8z = 9 and x + 3y + z = 4.

Solution: DR’s of the planes are [4,−1, 8] and[1, 3, 1]. Now

cos θ = A1A2 + B1B2 + C1C2√A2

1 + B21 + C2



2 + B22 + C2


= 4.1 + 3 · (−1) + 1.8√16 + 1 + 64

√1 + 9 + 1

= 9√81


= 1√11

or θ = cos−1 1√11


Example 6: Find the equation of a plane passingthrough the line of intersection of the planes.

a. 3x + y − 5z + 7 = 0 and x − 2y + 4z − 3 = 0and passing through the point (−3, 2,−4)

b. 2x − 5y + z = 3 and x + y + 4z = 5 and paral-lel to the plane x + 3y + 6z = 1.


a. Equation of plane is u + kv = 0 i.e.,

(3x + y − 5z + 7) + k(x − 2y + 4z − 3) = 0.

Since point (−3, 2,−4) lies on the intersectionplane

[3(−3) + 1.(2) − 5(−4) + 7]

+k[1(−3) − 2(2) + 4(−4) − 3] = 0.

So k = 1013 . Then the required plane is

49x − 7y − 25z + 61 = 0.

b. Equation of plane is u + kv = 0 i.e.,

(2x − 5y + z − 3) + k(x + y + 4z − 5) = 0

or (2+k)x+(−5+k)y+(1+4k)z+(−3−5k) = 0.

Since this intersection plane is parallel to x +3y + 6z − 1 = 0

So2 + k

1= −5 + k

3= 1 + 4k

6or k = −11


Required equation of plane is 7x + 21y + 42z −49 = 0.

Example 7: Find the planes bisecting the anglesbetween the planes x + 2y + 2z = 9 and 4x − 3y +12z + 13 = 0. Specify the angle θ between them.

Solution: Equations of the bisecting planes are

x + 2y + 2z − 9√1 + 22 + 22

= ±4x − 3y + 12z + 13√42 + 32 + 122

x + 2y + 2z − 9

3= ±4x − 3y + 12z + 13


or 25x + 17y + 62z − 78 = 0 and

x + 35y − 10z − 156 = 0.

cos θ = 25 · 1 + 17 · 35 − 62 × 10√252 + 172 + 622

√1 + 352 + 102

= 0

... θ = π


i.e, angle between the bisecting planes is π2 .

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Example 8: Show that the planes

7x + 4y − 4z + 30 = 0 (1)

36x − 51y + 12z + 17 = 0 (2)

14x + 8y − 8z − 12 = 0 (3)

12x − 17y + 4z − 3 = 0 (4)

form four faces of a rectangular parallelopiped.

Solution: (1) and (3) are parallel since 714 = 4

8 =−4−8 = 1

2 . (2) and (4) are parallel since 3612 = −51

−17 =124 = 3. Further (1) and (2) are ⊥r since

7 · 36 + 4(−51) − 4(12) = 252 − 204 − 48 = 0.


1. Find the equation of the plane throughP (4, 3, 6) and perpendicular to the line join-ing P (4, 3, 6) to the point Q(2, 3, 1).

Hint: DR’s PQ: [2, 0, 5], DR of planethrough (4, 3, 6) : x − 4, y − 3, z − 6; ⊥r :2(x − 4) + 0(y − 3) + 5(z − 6) = 0

Ans. 2x + 5z − 38 = 0

2. Find the equation of the plane through thepoint P (1, 2,−1) and parallel to the plane2x − 3y + 4z + 6 = 0.

Hint: Eq. 2x − 3y + 4z + k = 0, (1, 2,−1)lies, k = 8.

Ans. 2x − 3y + 4z + 8 = 0

3. Find the equation of the plane that con-tains the three points P (1,−2, 4), Q(4, 1, 7),R(−1, 5, 1).

Hint: A(x − 1) + B(y + 2) + C(z − 4) = 0,DR: PQ: [3, 3, 3], PR: [−2, 7,−3]. ⊥r 3A +3B + 3C = 0, −2A + 7B − 3C = 0, A =−10B, C = 9B.


x y z 11 −2 4 14 1 7 1

−1 5 1 1

= 0,

D1x − D2y + D3z − D4 = 0

where D1 =−2 4 1

1 7 15 1 1


Ans. 10x − y − 9z + 24 = 0

4. Find the equation of the planea. passing through (1,−1, 2) and ⊥r to each of

the planes 2x + 3y − 2z = 5 and x + 2y −3z = 8

b. passing through (−1, 3,−5) and parallel tothe plane 6x − 3y − 2z + 9 = 0

c. passing through (2, 0, 1) and (−1, 2, 0) and⊥r to the plane 2x − 4y − z = 7.

Ans. a. 5x − 4y − z = 7b. 6x − 3y − 2z + 5 = 0c. 6x + 5y − 8z = 4

5. Find the perpendicular distance betweena. the point (−2, 8,−3) and plane 9x − y −

4z = 0b. the two planes x − 2y + 2z = 6, 3x −

6y + 6z = 2c. the point (1,−2, 3) and plane 2x − 3y +

2z − 14 = 0.

Ans. (a)√

2 (b) −169 (c) 0 i.e., lies on the plane.

6. Find the angle between the two planesa. x + 4y − z = 5, y + z = 2b. x − 2y + 3z + 4 = 0, 2x + y − 3z + 7=0

Ans. (a) cos θ = 12 , θ = 60◦ (b) cos θ = −9

14 .

7. Prove that the planes 5x − 3y + 4z = 1, 8x +3y + 5z = 4, 18x − 3y + 13z = 6 contain acommon line.

Hint: u + kv = 0 substitute in w = 0, k = 12

8. Find the coordinates of N , the foot of the per-pendicular from the point P (−3, 0, 1) on theplane 4x − 3y + 2z = 19. Find the length ofthis perpendicular. Find also the image of P inthe plane.

Hint: PN = NQ i.e., N is the mid point.

Ans. N (1,−3, 3),√

29, image of P is Q(5,−6, 5)

9. Find the equation of the plane through theline of intersection of the two planes x − 3y +5z − 7 = 0 and 2x + y − 4z + 1 = 0 and ⊥r

to the plane x + y − 2z + 4 = 0.

chap-03 B.V.Ramana August 30, 2006 10:22


Ans. 3x − 2y + z − 6 = 0

10. A variable plane passes through the fixedpoint (a, b, c) and meets the coordinate axesin P,Q,R. Prove that the locus of the pointcommon to the planes through P,Q,R par-allel to the coordinate plane is a

x+ b

y+ c

z= 1.

Hint: OP = x1, OQ = y1, OR = z1, xx1


y1+ z

z1= 1, (a, b, c) lies, a

x1+ b

y1+ c

z1= 1.


Two surfaces will in general intersect in a curve. Inparticular two planes, which are not parallel, intersectin a straight line.

Example: The coordinate planes ZOX and XOY ,whose equations are y = 0 and z = 0 respectively,intersect in a line the x-axis.

Straight line

The locus of two simultaneous equations of firstdegree in x, y, z

A1x + B1y + C1z + D1 = 0

A2x + B2y + C2z + D2 = 0(1)

is a straight line, provided A1 : B1 : C1 �= A2 : B2 :C2 (i.e., not parallel). Equation (1) is known as thegeneral form of the equation of a straight line. Thusthe equation of a straight line or simply line is thepair of equations taken together i.e., equations oftwo planes together represent the equation of a line.However this representation is not unique, becausemany planes can pass through a given line. Thus agiven line can be represented by different pairs offirst degree equations.

Projecting planes

Of the many planes passing through a given line,those that are perpendicular to the coordinate planesare known as projecting planes and their tracesgive the projections of the line on the coordinateplanes.

Symmetrical Form

The equation of line passing through a given pointP1(x1, y1, z1) and having direction cosines l, m, n isgiven by

x − x1

l= y − y1

m= z − z1


since for any point P (x, y, z) on the line, the DR’sof PP1: x − x1, y − y1, z − z1 be proportional tol, m, n. Equation (2) represent two independentlinear equations and are called the symmetrical (orsymmetric) form of the equation of a line.

Corollary: Any point P on the line (2) is given by

x = x1 + lr, y = y1 + mr, z = z1 + nr (3)

for different values of r , where r = PP1.

Corollary: Lines perpendicular to one of the co-ordinate axes:

a. x = x1,y−y1m

= z−z1n

, (⊥r to x-axis i.e., ‖l toyz-plane)

b. y = y1,x−x1

l= z−z1

n, (⊥r to y-axis i.e., ‖l to


c. z = z1,x−x1

l= y−y1

m, (⊥r to z-axis i.e., ‖l to


Corollary: Lines perpendicular to two axes

a. x = x1, y = y1 (⊥r to x- & y-axis i.e., ‖l toz-axis):

b. x = x1, z = z1 (⊥r to x- & z-axis i.e., ‖l toy-axis)

c. y = y1, z = z1 (⊥r to y- & z-axis i.e., ‖l tox-axis)

Corollary: Projecting planes: (containing thegiven line)

(a) x−x1l

= y−y1m

(b) x−x1l

= z−z1n

(c) y−y1m

= z−z1n


Note: When any of the constants l, m, n are zero,the Equation (2) are equivalent to equations


x − x1= m

y − y1= n

z − z1.

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Example: x0 = y

2 = z0 means 0

x= 2

y= 0


Corollary: If a, b, c are the DR’s of the line, then(2) takes the form x−x1

a= y−y1

b= z−z1


Corollary: Two point form of a line pass-ing through two given points P1(x1, y1, z1) andP2(x2, y2, z2) is

x − x1

x2 − x1= y − y1

y2 − y1= z − z1

z2 − z1(4)

since the DR’s of P1P2 are x2 −x1, y2 −y1, z2 −z1.

Transformation of General Form toSymmetrical Form

The general form also known as unsymmetrical formof the equation of a line can be transformed to sym-metrical form by determining

(a) one point on the line, by putting say z = 0 andsolving the simultaneous equations in x and y.

(b) the DC’s of the line from the fact that this line is⊥r to both normals of the given planes.

For example,

(a) by putting z = 0 in the general form

A1x + B1y + C1z + D1 = 0A2x + B2y + C2z + D2 = 0


and solving the resulting equations

A1x + B1y + D1 = 0

A2x + B2y + D2 = 0,

we get a point on the line as(B1D2 − B2D1

A1B2 − A2B1,A2D1 − A1D2

A1B2 − A2B1, 0


(b) Using the orthogonality of the line with the twonormals of the two planes, we get

lA1 + mB1 + nC1 = 0

lA2 + mB2 + nC2 = 0

where (l, m, n), (A1, B1, C1) and (A2, B2, C2)are DR’s of the line, normal to first plane, normalto second plane respectively. Solving, we get the

DR’s l, m, n of the line as


B1C2 − B2C1= m

C1A2 − C2A1= n

A1B2 − A2B1


Using (5) and (6), thus the given general form(2) of the line reduces to the symmetrical form

x − (B2D1−B1D2)A1B2−A2B1

B1C2 − B2C1=

y − (A2D1−A1D2)A1B2−A2B1

C1A2 − C2A1=

= z − 0

A1B2 − A2B1(7)

Note 1: In finding a point on the line, one canput x = 0 or y = 0 instead of z = 0 and get simi-lar results.

Note 2: General form (2) can also be reduced to thetwo point form (4) (special case of symmetric form)by determining two points on the line.

Angle between a Line and a Plane

Let π be the plane whose equation is

Ax + By + Cz + D = 0 (8)

Fig. 3.12

and L be the straight line whose symmetrical formis

x − x1

l= y − y1

m= z − z1


Let θ be the angle between the lineL and the planeπ . Let ψ be the angle between L and the normal tothe plane π . Then

cosψ = lA + mB + nC√l2 + m2 + n2

√A2 + B2 + C2

= cos(90 − θ ) = sin θ (9)

since ψ = 90 − θ . The angle between a line L andplane π is the complement of the angle between the

chap-03 B.V.Ramana August 30, 2006 10:22


line L and the normal to the plane). Thus θ is deter-mined from (9).

Corollary: Line is ‖l to the plane if θ = 0 thensin θ = 0 i.e.,

lA + mB + nC = 0 (10)

Corollary: Line is ⊥r to the plane if θ = π2 , then

sin θ = 1 i.e.,


A= m

B= n


(i.e., DR’s of normal and the line are same).

Conditions for a Line L to Lie in a Plane π

If every point of line L is a point of plane π , thenline L lies in plane π . Substituting any point of theline L : (x1 + lr, y1 + mr, z1 + nr) in the equationof the plane (8), we get

A(x1 + lr) + B(y1 + mr) + C(z1 + nr) + D = 0

or (Al + Bm + Cn)r + (Ax1 + By1 + Cz1 + D) = 0


This Equation (12) is satisfied for all values of rif the coefficient of r and constant term in (12) areboth zero i.e.,

Al + Bm + Cn = 0 and

Ax1 + By1 + Cz1 + D = 0(13)

Thus the two conditions for a line L to lie in aplane π are given by (13) which geometrically meanthat (i) line L is ⊥r to the nomal ot the plne and (ii)a (any one) point of line L lies on the plane.

Corollary: General equation of a plane containingline L (2) is

A(x − x1) + B(y − y1) + C(z − z1) = 0 (14)

subject to

Al + Bm + Cn = 0

Corollary: Equation of any plane through the lineof intersection of the two planes

u ≡ A1x + B1y + C1z + D1 = 0 and

v ≡ A2x + B2y + C2z + D2 = 0

is u + kv = 0 or (A1x + B1y + C1z + D1) +k(A2x + B2y + C2z + D2) = 0 where k is aconstant.

Coplanar Lines

Consider two given straight lines L1

x − x1

l1= y − y1

m1= z − z1


and line L2

x − x2

l2= y − y2

m2= z − z2


From (14), equation of any plane containing lineL1 is

A(x − x1) + B(y − y1) + C(z − z1) = 0 (17)

subject to

Al1 + Bm1 + Cn1 = 0 (18)

If the plane (17) contains line L2 also, then thepoint (x2, y2, z2) of L2 should also lie in the plane(17). Then

A(x2 − x1) + B(y2 − y1) + C(z2 − z1) = 0 (19)

But the line L2 is ⊥r to the normal to the plane(17). Thus

Al2 + Bm2 + Cn2 = 0 (20)

Therefore the two linesL1 andL2 will lie in the sameplane if (17), (18), (20) are simultaneously satisfied.EliminatingA,B,C from (19), (18), (20)(i.e., homo-geneous system consistent if coefficient determinantis zero), we have

x2 − x1 y2 − y1 z2 − z1l1 m1 n1l2 m2 n2

= 0 (21)

Thus (21) is the condition for coplanarity of the twolines L1 and L2. Now the equation of the plane con-taining lines L1 and L2 is

x − x1 y − y1 z − z1l1 m1 n1l2 m2 n2

= 0 (22)

which is obtained by eliminating A,B,C from (17),(18), (20).

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Corollary: Condition for the two lines L1

u1 ≡ A1x + B1y + C1z + D1 = 0,

u2 ≡ A2x + B2y + C2z + D2 = 0

and Line L2 u3 ≡ A3x + B3y + C3z + D3 = 0,

u4 ≡ A4x + B4y + C4z + D4 = 0


to be coplanar is

A1 B1 C1 D1A2 B2 C2 D2A3 B3 C3 D3A4 B4 C4 D4

= 0 (24)

If P (α, β, γ ) is the point of intersection of the twolies, then P should satisfy the four Equations (23):ui | at (α, β, γ ) = 0 for i = 1, 2, 3, 4. Elimination of(α, β, γ ) from these four equations leads to (24).

Corollary: The general form of equations of a lineL3 intersecting the lines L1 and L2 given by (23) are

u1 + k1u2 = 0 and u3 + k2u4 = 0 (25)

where k1 and k2 are any two numbers.Foot and length of the perpendicular from a

point P1(α, β, γ ) to a given line L: x−x1l

= y−y1m


Fig. 3.13

Any point on the line L be (x1 + lr, y1 + mr, z1 +nr). The DR’s of PN are x1 + lr − α, y1 + mr −β, z1 + nr − γ . Since PN is ⊥r to line L, then

l(x1 + lr −α)+m(y1 +mr −β)+n(z1 +nr −γ ) = 0.


r = l(α − x1) + m(β − y1) + n(γ − z1)

l2 + m2 + n2(26)

The coordinates of N , the foot of the perpendicu-lar PN is (x1 + lr − α, y1 + mr − β, z1 + nr − γ )where r is given by (26).

The length of the perpendicularPN is obtained bydistance formula between P (given) and N (found).

Line of greatest slope in a plane

Let ML be the line of intersection of a horizontalplane I with slant plane II. Let P be any point onplane II. Draw PN ⊥r to the line ML. Then the lineof greatest slope in plane II is the line PN , becauseno other line in plane II through P is inclined to thehorizontal plane I more steeply than PN .

Fig. 3.14


Example 1: Find the points where the line x −y + 2z = 2, 2x − 3y + 4z = 0 pierces the coordi-nate planes.

Solution: Put z = 0 to find the point at which theline pierces the xy-plane: x − y = 2 and 2x − 3y =0 or x = 6, y = 4. ... (6, 4, 0).Put x = 0, −y + 2z = 2, −3y + 4z = 0 or y = 4,z = 3 ... (0, 4, 3) is piercing point.Put y = 0, x + 2z = 2, 2x + 4z = 0 no uniquesolution.Note that DR’s of the line are [2, 0,−1]. So this lineis ⊥r to y-axis whose DR’s are [0, 1, 0] (i.e., 2 · 0 +0 · 1 + (−1) · 0 = 0). Hence the given line does notpierce the xz-plane.

chap-03 B.V.Ramana August 30, 2006 10:22


Example 2: Transfer the general (unsymmetrical)form x + 2y + 3z = 1 and x + y + 2z = 0 to thesymmetrical form.

Solution: Put x = 0, 2y + 3z = 1, y + 2z = 0.Solving z = −1, y = 2. So (0, 2,−1) is a point onthe line. Let l, m, n be the DR’s of the line. Since thisline is ⊥r to both normals of the given two planes,we have

1 · l + 2 · m + 3 · n = 0

1 · l + 1 · m + 2 · n = 0


4 − 3= − m

2 − 3= n

1 − 2or


1= m

1= −n


Equation of the line passing through the point(0, 2,−1) and having DR’s 1, 1,−1 is

x − 0

1= y − 2

2= z + 1


Aliter: Two point form.

Put y = 0, x + 3z = 1, x + 27 = 0. Solving z =1, x = −2 or (−2, 0, 1) is another point on theline. Now DR’s of the line joining the two points(0, 2,−1) and (−2, 0, 1) are −2,−2, 2. Hence theequation of the line in the two point form is

x − 0

−2= y − 2

−2= z + 1



1= y − 2

1= z + 1


Example 3: Find the acute angle between the linesx2 = y

2 = z1 and x

5 = y

4 = z−3 .

Solution: DR’s are [2, 2, 1] and [5, 4,−3]. If θ isthe angle between the two lines, then

cos θ = l1l2 + m1m2 + n1n2√l21 + m2

1 + n21

√l22 + m2

2 + n22

= 2 · 5 + 2 · 4 + 1 · (−3)√4 + 4 + 1

√25 + 16 + 9

= 15


50= 1√


... θ = 45◦

Example 4: Find the equation of the plane con-taining the line x = y = z and passing through thepoint (1, 2, 3).

Solution: General form of the given line is

x − y = 0 and x − z = 0.

Equation of a plane containing this line is

(x − y) + k(x − z) = 0

Since point (1, 2, 3) lies on this line, it also lies onthe above plane. Then

(1 − 2) + k(1 − 3) = 0 or k = −1


Equation of required plane is

(x − y) − 1

2(x − z) = 0

or x − 2y + z = 0.

Example 5: Show that the lines x1 = y+3

2 = z+13

and x−32 = y

1 = z−1−1 intersect. Find the point of in-


Solution: Rewriting the equation in general form,we have

2x − y = 3, 3x − z = 1

and x − 2y = 3, x + 2z = 5

If these four equations have a common solution,then the given two lines intersect. Solving, y = −1,then x = 1, z = 2. So the point of intersection is(1,−1, 2).

Example 6: Find the acute angle between the linesx3 = y

1 = z0 and the plane x + 2y − 7 = 0.

Solution: DR’s of the line: [3, 1, 0]. DR’s of normalto the plane is [1, 2, 0]. If ψ is the angle between theline and the normal, then

cosψ = 3 · 1 + 1 · 2 + 0 · 0√32 + 12 + 02

√12 + 22 + 02

= 5√10


= 1√2

so ψ = 45◦.

Angle θ between the line and the plane is the comple-ment of the angle ψ i.e., θ =90−ψ=90−45=45◦.

Example 7: Show that the lines x + y − 3z =0, 2x + 3y − 8z = 1 and 3x − y − z = 3, x + y −3z = 5 are parallel.

Solution: DR’s of the first line are

l1 m1 n11 1 −32 3 −8


1= m1

2= n1


chap-03 B.V.Ramana August 30, 2006 10:22


Similarly, DR’s of the second line are

l2 m2 n23 −1 −11 1 −3









Since the DR’s of the two lines are same, they areparallel.

Example 8: Find the acute angle between thelines 2x − y + 3z − 4 = 0, 3x + 2y − z + 7 = 0and x + y − 2z + 3 = 0, 4x − y + 3z + 7 = 0.

Solution: The line represented by the two planes isperpendicular to both the normals of the two planes.If l1,m1, n1 are the DR’s of this line, then

l1 m1 n12 −1 33 2 −1


−5= m1

11= n1


Similarly, DR’s of the 2nd line are

l2 m2 n21 +1 −24 −1 −3


−1= m2

11= n2


If θ is the angle between the lines, then

cos θ = l1l2 + m1m2 + n1n2√l21 + m2

1 + n21

√l22 + m2

2 + n22

= 5 + 121 + 35√195


= 23



... So θ = 180◦1.4′

Example 9: Prove that the line x−42 = y−2

3 = z−36

lies in the plane 3x − 4y + z = 7.

Solution: The point of the line (4, 2, 3) should alsolie in the plane. So 3 · 4 − 4 · 2 + 1 · 3 = 7 satisfied.The line and normal to the plane are perpendicular.So 2 · 3 + 3 · (−4) + 6 · 1 = 6 − 12 + 6 = 0. Thusthe given line completely lies in the given plane.

Example 10: Show that the lines x−22 = y−3

−1 =z+4

3 and x−31 = y+1

3 = z−1−2 are coplanar. Find their

common point and determine the equation of theplane containing the two given lines.

Solution: Here first line passes through (2, 3,−4)and has DR’s l1,m1, n1 : 2,−1, 3. The second line

passes through (3,−1, 1) and has DR’s l2,m2, n2 :1, 3,−2. Condition for coplanarity:∣∣∣∣∣∣

x2−x1 y2−y1 z2−z1l1 m1 n1l2 m2 n2

∣∣∣∣∣∣ =∣∣∣∣∣∣3−2 −1−3 1+4

2 −1 31 3 2

∣∣∣∣∣∣= 7+28−35 = 0


Point of intersection: Any point on the first line is(2 + 2r1, 3 − r1 − 4 + 3r1) and any point on the sec-ond line is (3 + r2,−1 + 3r2, 1 − 2r2). When thetwo lines intersect in a common point then co-ordinates on line (1) and line (2) must be equal,i.e., 2 + 2r1 = 3 + r2, 3 − r1 = −1 + 3r2 and −4 +3r1 = 1 − 2r2. Solving r1 = r2 = 1. Therefore thepoint of intersection is (2 + 2 · 1, 3 − 1,−4 + 3 · 1)= (4, 2,−1).Equation of plane containing the two lines:

∣∣∣∣∣∣x−x1 y−y1, z−z1l1 m1 n1l2 m2 n2

∣∣∣∣∣∣ =∣∣∣∣∣∣x−2 y−3 z+4

2 −1 31 3 −2

∣∣∣∣∣∣ = 0

Expanding −7(x−2) − (−7)(y−3) + 7(z+4) = 0or x − y − z + 3 = 0.

Example 11: Find the coordinates of the foot ofthe perpendicular from P (1, 0, 2) to the line x+1

3 =y−2−2 = z+1

−1 . Find the length of the perpendicular andits equation.

Solution: Any point N on the given line is (3r −1, 2 − 2r,−1 − r). DR’s of PN are (3r − 2, 2 −2r,−3 − r). Now PN is normal to line if 3(3r − 2) +(−2)(2 − 2r) + (−1)(−3 − r) = 0 or r = 1

2 . So thecoordinates of N the foot of the perpendicular fromP to the line are

(3 · 1

2 − 1, 2 − 2 · 12 ,−1 − 1



12 , 1,− 3



chap-03 B.V.Ramana August 30, 2006 10:22


Length of the perpendicular

PN =√(


2− 1


+ (1 − 0)2 +(


2− 2




4+ 1 + 49



4= 3



DR’s of PM with r = 12 are [3 · 1

2 − 2, 2 − 2 · 12 ,

−3 − 12 ] i.e., DR’s of PM are 1

2 ,−1, 72 . And PM

passes through P (1, 0, 2). Therefore the equation ofthe perpendicular PM

x − 112

= y − 0

−1= z − 2


or x − 1 = y

−2= z − 2


Example 12: Find the equation of the line of thegreatest slope through the point (2, 1, 1) in the slantplane 2x + y − 5z = 0 to the horizontal plane 4x −3y + 7z = 0.

Solution: Let l1,m1, n1 be the DR’s of the line ofintersection ML of the two given planes. Since MLis ⊥r to both normals,

2l1 + m1 − 5n1 = 0, 4l1 − 3m1 + 7n1 = 0.

Solving l14 = m1

17 = n15 . Let PN be the line of greatest

slope and let l2,m2, n2 be its DR’s. Since PN and MLare perpendicular

4l2 + 17m2 + 5n2 = 0

Also PN is perpendicular to normal of the slant plane2x + y − 5z = 0. So

2l2 + m2 − 5n2 = 0

Solving l23 = m2

−1 = n21 .

Therefore the equation of the line of greatest slopePN having DR’s 3,−1, 1 and passing throughP (2, 1, 1) is

x − 2

3= y − 1

−1= z − 1



1. Find the points where the line x + y + 4z =6, 2x − 3y − 2z = 2 pierce the coordinateplanes.

Ans. (0,−2, 2), (4, 2, 0), (2, 0, 1)

2. Transform the general form 3x + y − 2z = 7,6x − 5y − 4z = 7 to symmetrical form andtwo point form.

Hint: (0, 1,−3), (2, 1, 0) are two points on theline.

Ans. x−22 = y−1

0 = z−03

3. Show that the lines x = y = z + 2 and x−11 =


0 = z2 intersect and find the point of intersec-


Hint: Solve x − y = 0, y − z = 2, y = 0,2x − z = 2 simultaneously.

Ans. (0, 0,−2)

4. Find the equation plane containing the line x =y = z and

a. Passing through the line x + 1 = y + 1 = z

b. Parallel to the line x+13 = y

2 = z−1 .

Ans. (a) x − y = 0; (b) 3x − 4y + z = 0

5. Show that the line x+11 = y

−1 = z−22 is in the

plane 2x + 4y + z = 0.

Hint: 2(1) + 4(−1) + 1(2) = 0,2(−1) + 4(0) + 2 = 0

6. Find the equation of the plane containing linex−1

3 = y−14 = z−2

2 and parallel to the line x −2y + 3z = 4, 2x − 3y + 4z = 5.

Hint: Eq. of 2nd line x−012

= y−11 = z−2


, con-

tains 1st line: 3A + 4B + 2C = 0. Parallelto 2nd line A + 2B + C = 0, A = 0, B =− 1

2C,D = − 32C.

Ans. y − 2z + 3 = 0

7. Show that the lines x + 2y − z = 3, 3x − y +2z = 1 and 2x − 2y + 3z = 2, x − y + z +1 = 0 are coplanar. Find the equation of theplane containing the two lines.

Hint: x−03 = y− 7

3−5 = z− 5

3−7 , x−0

1 = y−5+1 = z−4

0 .

∣∣∣∣∣∣∣x − 0 y − 5 z − 4

3 −5 −7

1 1 0

∣∣∣∣∣∣∣ = 0, Expand.

chap-03 B.V.Ramana August 30, 2006 10:22


Ans. 7x − 7y + 8z + 3 = 0

8. Prove that the equation of the plane through theorigin containing the line x−1

5 = y−24 = z−3

5 isx − 5y + 3z = 0.

Hint: A(x − 1) + B(y − 2) + C(z − 3) = 0,5A + 2B + 3C = 0, A + 2B + 3C = 0,


∣∣∣∣∣∣x − 1 y − 2 z − 3

5 4 51 2 3

∣∣∣∣∣∣ = 0

9. Find the image of the point P (1, 3, 4) in theplane 2x − y + z + 3 = 0.

Hint: Line through P and ⊥r to plane: x−12 =

y−3−1 = z−4

1 . Image Q: (2r + 1,−r + 3, r+4).Mid point L of PQ is (r + 1,− 1

2 r + 3, 12 r +

4). L lies on plane, r = −2.

Ans. (−3, 5, 2)

10. Determine the point of intersection of the lines

x − 4

1= y + 3

−4= z + 1

7,x − 1

2= y + 1

−3= z + 10


Hint: General points: (r1 + 4, − 4r1 − 3, 7r1

− 1), (2r2 + 1, − 3r2 − 1, 8r2 − 10), Equat-ing r1 + 4 = 2r2 + 1, −4r1 − 3 = −3r2 − 1,solving r1 = 1, r2 = 2.

Ans. (5,−7, 6)

11. Show that the lines x+32 = y+5

3 = z−7−3 , x+1

4 =y+1

5 = z+1−1 are coplanar. Find the equation of

the plane containing them.

Ans. 6x − 5y − z = 0

12. Find the equation of the line which passesthrough the point (2,−1, 1) and intersect thelines 2x + y = 4, y + 2z = 0, and x + 3z =4, 2x + 5z = 8.

Ans. x + y + z = 2, x + 2z = 4

13. Find the coordinates of the foot of the per-pendicular from P (5, 9, 3) to the line x−1

2 =y−2

3 = z−34 . Find the length of the perpendicu-

lar and its equations.

Ans. (3, 5, 7), Length: 6, Equation x−5−2 = y−9

−4 =z−3

4 .

14. Find the equation of the line of greatest slope inthe slant plane 2x + y − 5z = 12 and passingthrough the point (2, 3,−1) given that the linex4 = y

−3 = z7 is vertical.


15. Find the angle between the line x+12 = y

3 =z−3

6 and the plane 3x + y + z = 7.

Hint: DR’s of line: 2, 3, 6; DR’s of normal toplane 3, 1, 1

cos(90 − θ ) = sin θ = 2 · 3 + 3 · 1 + 6 · 1√4 + 9 + 36

√9 + 1 + 1


Ans. sin θ = 157√


16. Find the angle between the line x + y − z = 1,2x − 3y + z = 2 and the plane 3x + y − z +5 = 0.

Hint: DR’s of line 2, 3, 5, DR’s of normal:3, 1,−1

cos(90 − θ ) = sin θ = 2 · 3 + 3 · 1 + 5 · (−1)√4 + 9 + 25

√9 + 1 + 1


Ans. sin θ = 4√38



Skew lines: Any two straight lines which do not liein the same plane are known as skew lines (or non-planar lines). Such lines neither intersect nor areparallel.Shortest distance between two skew lines:

Fig. 3.15

Let L1 and L2 be two skew lines; L1 passingthrough a given point A and L2 through a given point

chap-03 B.V.Ramana August 30, 2006 10:22


B. Shortest distance between the two skew lines L1

and L2 is the length of the line segment CD whichis perpendicular to both L1 and L2. The equationof the shortest distance line CD can be uniquely de-termined since it intersects both lines L1 and L2 atright angles. Now CD = projection of AB on CD =AB cosθ where θ is the angle between AB and CD.Since cos θ < 1, CD < AB, thus CD is the shortestdistance between the lines L1 and L2.Magnitude (length) and the equations of the

line of shortest distance between two linesL1 andL2:

Suppose the equation of given line L1 be

x − x1

l1= y − y1

m1= z − z1


and of line L2 be

x − x2

l2= y − y2

m2= z − z2


Assume the equation of shortest distance line CD as

x − α

l= y − β

m= z − γ


where (α, β, γ ) and (l, m, n) are to be determined.Since CD is perpendicular to both L1 and L2,

ll1 + mm1 + nn1 = 0

ll2 + mm2 + nn2 = 0



m1n2 − m2n1= m

n1l2 − n2l1= n

l1m2 − l2m1



= 1√∑(m1n2 − m2n1)2

= 1


where k =√∑

(m1n2 − m2n1)2

or l = m1n2 − m2n1

k, m = n1l2 − n2l1


n = l1m2 − l2m1


Thus the DC’s l, m, n of the shortest distance lineCD are determined by (4).

Magnitude of shortest distance CD = projectionof AB on CD where A(x1, y1, z1) is a point on L1 andB(x2, y2, z2) is a point on L2.... shortest distance CD =

= l(x2 − x1) + m(y2 − y1) + n(z2 − z1) (5)

In the determinant form,

Shortest distance CD = 1


∣∣∣∣∣∣x2 − x1 y2 − y1 z2 − z1

l1 m1 n1l2 m2 n2


Note: If shortest distance is zero, then the two linesL1 and L2 are coplanar.

Equation of the line of shortest distance CD:Observe that CD is coplanar with both L1 and L2.Let P1 be the plane containing L1 and CD. Equationof plane P1 containing coplanar lines L1 and CD is∣∣∣∣∣∣

x − x1 y − y1 z − z1l1 m1 n1l m n

∣∣∣∣∣∣ = 0 (6)

Fig. 3.16

Similarly, equation of plane P2 containing L2 andCD is ∣∣∣∣∣∣

x − x2 y − y2 z − z2l2 m2 n2l m n

∣∣∣∣∣∣ = 0 (7)

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Equations (6) and (7) together give the equation ofthe line of shortest distance.Points of intersection C and D with L1 and L2:

Any general point C∗ on L1 is

(x1 + l1r1, y1 + m1r1, z1 + n1r1)

and any general point D∗ on L2 is

(x2 + l2r2, y2 + m2r2, z2 + n2r2)

DR’s of C∗D∗: (x2 − x1 + l2r2 − l1r1, y2 − y1

+m2r2 − m1r1, z2 − z1 + n2r2 − n1r1)

If C∗D∗ is ⊥r to both L1 and L2, we get two equa-tions for the two unknowns r1 and r2. Solving andknowing r1 and r2, the coordinates of C and D aredetermined. Then the magnitude of CD is obtainedby length formula, and equation of CD by two pointformula.Parallel planes: Shortest distance CD = perpen-dicular distance from any point on L1 to the planeparallel to L1 and containing L2.


Example 1: Find the magnitude and equation ofthe line of shortest distance between the lines

x − 1

2= y − 2

3= z − 3


x − 2

3= y − 4

4= z − 5


Solution: Point A(x1, y1, z1) on first line is (1, 2, 3)and B(x2, y2, z2) on second line is (2, 4, 5). Also(l1,m1, n1) are (2, 3, 4) and (l2,m2, n2) = (3, 4, 5).Then

k2 = (m1n2 − m2n1)2 + (n1l2 − n2l1)2 + (l1m2 − l2m1)2

= (15 − 16)2 + (12 − 10)2 + (8 − 9)2

= 1 + 4 + 1 = 6 or k =√


So DR’s is of line of shortest of distance:− 1√

6, 2√

6,− 1√


Shortest distance = 1


∣∣∣∣∣∣x2 − x1 y2 − y1 z2 − z1

l1 m1 n1l2 m2 n2


=∣∣∣∣∣∣1 2 22 3 43 4 5


= (15 − 16) − 2(10 − 12) + 2(8 − 9)√6

= −1 + 4 − 2√6

= 1√6.

Equation of shortest distance line:∣∣∣∣∣∣∣x − 1 y − 2 z − 3

2 3 4− 1√


− 1√6

∣∣∣∣∣∣∣ = 0 or 11x + 2y − 7z + 6 = 0

and∣∣∣∣∣∣∣x − 1 y − 4 z − 5

2 3 4− 1√


− 1√6

∣∣∣∣∣∣∣ = 0 or 7x + y − 5z + 7 = 0.

Example 2: Determine the points of intersectionof the line of shortest distance with the two lines

x − 3

3= y − 8

−1= z − 3

1;x + 3

−3= y + 7

2= z − 6


Also find the magnitude and equation of shortestdistance.

Solution: Any general point C∗ on first line is (3 +3r1, 8 − r1, 3 + r1) and any general point D∗ on thesecond line is (−3 − 3r2,−7 + 2r2, 6 − 4r2). DR’sof C∗D∗ are (6 + 3r1 + 3r2, 15 − r1 − 2r2,−3 +r1 − 4r2). If C∗D∗ is ⊥r to both the given lines, then

3(6+3r1+3r2)−1(15−r1−2r2)+1(−3+r1−4r2) = 0

−3(6+3r1+3r2)+2(15−r1−2r2)+4(−3+r1−4r2) = 0

Solving for r1 and r2, 11r1 − 7r2 = 0,+7r1 +29r2 = 0 so r1 = r2 = 0. Then the points of inter-section of shortest distance line CD with the giventwo lines are C(3, 8, 3),D(−3,−7, 6).

Length of CD =√

(−6)2 + (−15)2 + (3)2


270 = 3√


Equation CD:x − 3

−3 − 3= y − 8

−7 − 8= z − 3

6 − 3

i.e.,x − 3

−6= y − 8

−15= z − 3


Example 3: Calculate the length and equation of

chap-03 B.V.Ramana August 30, 2006 10:22


line of shortest distance between the lines

5x − y − z = 0, x − 2y + z + 3 = 0 (1)

7x − 4y − 2z = 0, x − y + z − 3 = 0 (2)

Solution: Any plane containing the second line (2)is

(7x − 4y − 2z) + µ(x − y + z − 3) = 0

or (7 + µ)x + (−4 − µ)y + (−2 + µ)z − 3µ = 0 (3)

DR’s of first line (1) are (l, m, n) = (−3,−6,−9)obtained from:

l m n

5 −1 −1l −2 1

The plane (3) will be parallel to the line (1) withl = −3,m = −6, n = −9 if

−3(7 + µ) + 6(4 + µ) + 9(2 − µ) = 0 or µ = 7


Substituting µ in (3), we get the equation of a planecontaining line (2) and parallel to line (1) as

7x − 5y + z − 7 = 0 (4)

To find an arbitrary point on line (1), put x = 0. Then−y − z = 0 or y = −z and −2y + z + 3 = 0, z =−1, y = 1. ... (0, 1,−1) is a point on line (1). Nowthe length of the shortest distance = perpendiculardistance of (0, 1,−1) to plane (4)

= 0 − 5(1) + (−1) − 7√49 + 25 + 1



∣∣∣∣ = 13√75


Equation of any plane through line (1) is

5x − y − z + λ(x − 2y + z + 3) = 0

or (5 + λ)x + (−y − 2λ)y + (−1 + λ)z + 3λ = 0 (6)

DR’s of line (2) are (l, m, n) = (2, 3, 1) obtainedfrom

l m n

7 −4 −2

1 −1 1

plane (6) will be parallel to line (2) if

2(5 + λ) + 3(−y − 2λ) + 1(−1 + λ) = 0 or λ = 2.

Thus the equation of plane containing line (1) andparallel to line (2) is

7x − 5y + z + 6 = 0 (7)

Hence equation of the line of shortest distance isgiven by (6) and (7) together.

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Aliter: A point on line (2) is (0,−1, 2) obtainedby putting x = 0 and solving (2). Then the lengthof shortest distance = perpendicular distance of(0,−1, 2) to the plane (7) = 0+5+2+6√

75= 13√


Note: By reducing (1) and (2) to symmetric forms

x − 13

1= y − 5


2= z

3x + 4

1= y + 7


= z


The problem can be solved as in above workedExample 1.

Example 4: Show that the linesx−1

2 = y−23 = z−3

4 ; x−23 = y−3

4 = z−45 are coplanar.

Solution: Shortest distance between the two linesis∣∣∣∣∣∣2 − 1 3 − 2 4 − 3

2 3 43 4 5

∣∣∣∣∣∣ =∣∣∣∣∣∣1 1 12 3 43 4 5

∣∣∣∣∣∣= (−1) − (−2) + (−1)=0

... Lines are coplanar.

Example 5: If a, b, c are the lengths of the edges ofa rectangular parallelopiped, show that the shortestdistance between a diagonal and an edge not meeting

the diagonal is bc√b2+c2

(or ca√

c2+a2or ab√



Solution: Choose coterminus edges OA, OB,OC along the X, Y,Z axes. Then the coordinatesare A(a, 0, 0), B(0, b, 0), C(0, 0, c), E(a, b, 0),D(0, b, c), G(a, 0, c)F (a, b, c) etc. so that OA =a,OB = b,OC = c.To find the shortest distance between a diagonal OFand an edge GC. Here GC does not interest OF

Equation of the line OF:x − 0

a − 0= y − 0

b − 0= z − 0

c − 0


a= y

b= z


Equation of the line GC:x − 0

a − 0= y − 0

b − 0= z − c

c − c


1= y

0= z − c


Fig. 3.17

Equation of a plane containing line (1) and parallelto (2) is∣∣∣∣∣∣

x y z

a b c

1 0 0

∣∣∣∣∣∣ = 0 or cy − bz = 0 (3)

Shortest distance = Length of perpendicular drawn from

a point say C(0, 0, c) to the plane (3)

= c · 0 − b · c√02 + c2 + b2

= bc√c2 + b2


In a similar manner, it can be proved that the short-est distance between the diagonal OF and non-intersecting edges AN and AM are respectively


, ab√a2+b2



1. Determine the magnitude and equation of theline of shortest distance between the lines. Findthe points of intersection of the shortest dis-tance line, with the given linesx−8

3 = y+9−16 = z−10

7 , x−153 = y−29

8 = z−5−5 .

Ans. 14, 117x + 4y − 41z− 490 = 0, 9x − 4y − z=14, points of intersection (5, 7, 3), (9, 13, 15).

2. Calculate the length, points of intersection, theequations of the line of shortest distance be-tween the two linesx+1

2 = y+13 = z+1

4 , x+13 = y

4 = z5 .

chap-03 B.V.Ramana August 30, 2006 10:22


Ans. 1√6,

x− 53


= y−3− 1

2= z− 15



53 , 3, 13



32 ,

103 , 25



3. Find the magnitude and equations of shortestdistance between the two linesx−1

2 = y−23 = z−3

4 , x−23 = y−4

4 = z−55 .

Ans. 1√6, 11x + 2y − 7z + 6 = 0, 7x + y − 5z +

7 = 0.

4. Show that the shortest distance between thelines x

2 = y

−3 = z1 and x−2

3 = y−1−5 = z+2

2 is 1√3

and its equations are 4x + y − 5z = 0, 7x +y − 8z = 31.

5. Determine the points on the lines x−63 = y−7

−1 =z−4

1 , x−3 = y+9

2 = z−24 which are nearest to

each other. Hence find the shortest distance be-tween the lines and find its equations.

Ans. (3, 8, 3), (−3,−7, 6), 3√

30, x−32 = y−8

5 =z−3−1 .

6. Prove that the shortest distance betweenthe two lines x−1

3 = y−42 = z−4

−2 , x+12 = y−1

−4 =z+2

1 is 120√341

Hint: Equation of a plane passing throughthe first lines nad parallel to the second lineis 6x + 7y + 16z = 98. A point on secondline is (−1, 1,−2). Perpendicular distance =6(−1)+7(1)+16(−2)√


7. Find the length and equations of shortest dis-tance between the lines x − y + z = 0, 2x −3y + 4z = 0; and x + y + 2z − 3 = 0, 2x +3y + 3z − 4 = 0.

Hint: Equations of two lines in symmetricform are x

1 = y

2 = z1 ,

x−5−3 = y+2

1 = z1 .

Ans. 13√66, 3x − y − z = 0, x + 2y + z − 1 = 0.

8. Determine the magnitude and equations ofthe line of shortest distance between the linesx−3

2 = y+15−7 = z−9

5 and x+12 = y−1

1 = z−9−3 .

Ans. 4√

3, −4x + y + 3z = 0, 4x − 5y + z = 0(or x = y = z).

9. Obtain the coordinates of the points wherethe line of shortest distance between the linesx−23−6 = y−19

−4 = z−253 and x−12

−9 = y−14 = z−5

2meets them. Hence find the shortest distancebetween the two lines.

Ans. (11, 11, 31), (3, 5, 7), 26

10. Find the shortest distance between any two op-posite edges of a tetrahedron formed by theplanes x + y = 0, y + z = 0, z + x = 0, x +y + z = a. Also find the point of intersectionof three lines of shortest distances.

Hint: Vertices are (0, 0, 0), (a,−a, a),(−a, a, a), (a, a,−a).

Ans. 2a√6, (−a,−a,−a).

11. Find the shortest distance between the linesPQ and RS where P (2, 1, 3),Q(1, 2, 1),R(−1,−2,−2), S(−1, 4, 0).

Ans. 3√




A cone is a surface generated by a straight line(known as generating line or generator) passingthrough a fixed point (known as vertex) and satisfy-ing a condition, for example, it may intersect a givencurve (known as guiding curve) or touches a givensurface (say a sphere). Thus cone is a set of points onits generators. Only cones with second degree equa-tions known as quadratic cones are considered here.In particular, quadratic cones with vertex at originare homogeneous equations of second degree.

Equation of cone with vertex at (α, β, γ ) andthe conic ax2 + 2hxy + by2 + 2gx + 2fy + c =0, z = 0 as the guiding curve:

The equation of any line through vertex (α, β, γ ) isx − α

l= y − β

m= z − γ


(1) will be generator of the cone if (1) intersects thegiven conic

ax2 + 2hxy + by2 + 2gx + 2fy + c = 0, z = 0 (2)

Since (1) meets z = 0, put z = 0 in (1), then the point

chap-03 B.V.Ramana August 30, 2006 10:22


n, β − mγ

n, 0

)will lie on the conic (2), if


(α− lγ




(α− lγ







)2 +


(α − lγ


)+ 2f

(β − mγ


)+ c = 0 (3)

From (1)


n= x − α

z − γ,


n= y − β

z − γ(4)

Eliminate l, m, n from (3) using (4),


(α − x − α

z − γ· γ



+ 2h

(α − x − α

z − γ· γ

)(β − y − β

z − γ· γ


+ b

(β − y − β

z − γ· γ


+ 2g

(α − x − α

z − γ· γ


+ 2f

(β − γ − β

z − γ· γ

)+ c = 0


a(αz − xγ )2 + 2h(αz − xγ )(βz − yγ ) ++b(βz − yγ )2 + 2g(αz − xγ )(z − γ ) ++2f (βz − yγ )(z − γ ) + c(z − γ )2 = 0


a(x − α)2 + b(y − β)2 + c(z − γ )2 ++2f (z − γ )(y − β) + 2g(x − α)(z − γ ) ++2h(x − α)(y − β) = 0 (5)

Thus (5) is the equation of the quadratic cone withvertex at (α, β, γ ) and guiding curve as the conic (2).Special case:Vertex at origin (0, 0, 0). Putα = β =γ = 0 in (5). Then (5) reduces to

ax2 + by2 + cz2 + 2f zy + 2gxz + 2hxy = 0 (6)

Equation (6) which is a homogeneous and seconddegree in x, y, z is the equation of cone with vertexat origin.

Right circular cone

A right circular cone is a surface generated by a line(generator) through a fixed point (vertex) making a

constant angle θ (semi-vertical angle) with the fixedline (axis) through the fixed point (vertex). Here theguiding curve is a circle with centre at c. Thus everysection of a right circular cone by a plane perpendic-ular to its axis is a circle.

Fig. 3.18

Equation of a right circular cone: with vertex at(α, β, γ ), semi vertical angle θ and equation of axis

x − α

l= y − β

m= z − γ


Let P (x, y, z) be any point on the generating lineVB. Then the DC’s of VB are proportional to(x − α, y − β, z − γ ). Then

cos θ = l(x−α)+m(y−β)+n(z−γ )√(l2+m2+n2)

√(x−α)2+(y−β)2+(z−γ )2

Rewriting, the required equation of cone is[l(x − α) + m(y − β) + n(z − γ )



= (l2+m2+n2)

[(x−α)2+(y−β)2+(z−γ )2

]cos2 θ (2)

Case 1: If vertex is origin (0, 0, 0) then (2) reduces

(lx+my+nz)2=(l2+m2+n2)(x2+y2+z2) cos2 θ (3)

Case 2: If vertex is origin and axis of cone is z-axis(with l = 0,m = 0, n = 1) then (2) becomes

z2 = (x2+y2+z2) cos2 θ or z2sec2θ = x2+y2+z2

z2(1 + tan2 θ ) = x2 + y2 + z2

i.e., x2 + y2 = z2 tan2 θ (4)

Similarly, with y-axis as the axis of cone

chap-03 B.V.Ramana August 30, 2006 10:22


x2 + z2 = y2 tan2 θ

with x-axis as the axis of cone

y2 + z2 = x2 tan2 θ.

If the right circular cone admits sets of three mutu-ally perpendicular generators then the semi-verticalangle θ = tan−1

√2 (since the sum of the coefficients

of x2, y2, z2 in the equation of such a cone must bezero i.e., 1 + 1 − tan2 θ = 0 or tan θ = √



Example 1: Find the equation of cone with base

curve x2

a2 + y2

b2 = 1, z = 0 and vertex (α, β, γ ). De-

duce the case when base curve is x2

16 + y2

9 = 1, z = 0and vertex at (1, 1, 1).

Solution: The equation of any generating linethrough the vertex (α, β, γ ) is

x − α

l= y − β

m= z − γ


This generator (1) meets z = 0 in the point(x = α − lγ

n, y = β − mγ

n, z = 0


Point (2) lies on the generating curve


a2+ y2

b2= 1 (3)

Substituting (2) in (3)(α − lγ




(β − mγ



b2= 1 (4)

Eliminating l, m, n from (4) using (1),[α −




[β −



b2= 1

b2[α(z − γ ) − γ (x − α)


+a2[β(z − γ ) − γ (y − β)


= a2b2(z − γ )2

Deduction: When a=4, b=3, α=1, β=1, γ =1,


[(z − 1) − (x − 1)


+ 16

[(z − 1) − (y − 1)


= 144(z − 1)2

9x2 + 16y2 − 119z2 − 18xz − 32yz + 288z − 144 = 0.

Example 2: Find the equation of the cone withvertex at (1, 0, 2) and passing through the circle x2 +y2 + z2 = 4, x + y − z = 1.

Solution: Equation of generator is

x − 1

l= y − 0

m= z − 2


Any general point on the line (1) is

(1 + lr, mr, 2 + nr). (2)

Since generator (1) meets the plane

x + y − z = 1 (3)

substitute (2) in (3)

(1 + lr) + (mr) − (2 + nr) = 1

or r = 2

l + m − n. (4)

Since generator (1) meets the sphere

x2 + y2 + z2 = 4 (5)

substitute (2) in (5)

(1 + lr)2 + (mr)2 + (2 + nr)2 = 4

or r2(l2 + m2 + n2) + 2r(l + 2n) + 1 = 0 (6)

Eliminate r from (6) using (4), then




(l+m−n)(l+2n)+1 = 0

9l2 + 5m2 − 3n2 + 6lm + 2ln + 6nm = 0 (7)

Eliminate l, m, n from (7) using (1), then







)2 −3







) (y




(x − 1


) (z − 2


)+ 6

(z − 2


) (y


)= 0

or 9(x − 1)2 + 5y2 − 3(z − 2)2 + 6y(x − 1) ++2(x − 1)(x − 2) + 6(z − 2)y = 0

chap-03 B.V.Ramana August 30, 2006 10:22


Vertex (0, 0, 0):

Example 3: Determine the equation of a cone withvertex at origin and base curve given by

a. ax2 + by2 = 2z, lx + my + nz = p

b. ax2 + by2 + cz2 = 1, lx + my + nz = p

c. x2 + y2 + z2 = 25, x + 2y + 2z = 9

Solution: We know that the equation of a quadraticcone with vertex at origin is a homogeneous equationof second degree in x, y, z. By eliminating the non-homogeneous terms in the base curve, we get therequired equation of the cone.

a. 2z is the term of degree one and is non homoge-neous. Solving

lx + my + nz

p= 1

rewrite the equation

ax2 + by2 = 2 · z(1) = 2z

(lx + my + nz



apx2 + bpy2 − 2nz2 − 2lxz − 2myz = 0

which is the equation of cone.

b. Except the R.H.S. term 1, all other terms are ofdegree 2 (and homogeneous). Rewriting, the re-quired equation of cone as

ax2 + by2 + cz2 = (1)2 =(lx + my + nz



(ap2 − l2)x2 + (bp2 − m2)y2 + (cp2 − n2)z2 −−2lmxy − 2mnyz − 2lnxz = 0

c. On similar lines

x2 + y2 + z2 = 25 = 25(1)2 = 25

(x + 2y + 2z



56x2 −19y2 −19z2 −100xy−200yz−100xz = 0

Right circular cone:

Example 4: Find the equation of a right circularcone with vertex at (2, 0, 0), semi-vertical angle θ =30◦ and axis is the line x−2

3 = y

4 = z6 .

Solution: Here α = 2, β = 0, γ = 0, l = 3,m =4, n = 6√


2= cos 30 = cos θ

= l(x − α) + m(y − β) + n(z − γ )√(l2 + m2 + n2)[(x − α)2 + (y − β)2 + (z − γ )2]


2= 3(x − 2) + 4y + 6z√

9 + 16 + 36√

(x − 2)2 + y2 + z2

183[(x − 2)2 + y2 + z2] = 4[3(x − 2) + 4y + 6z]2

147x2 + 119y2 + 39z2 − 192yz − 144zx − 96xy −−588x + 192y + 288z + 588 = 0

Vertex (0, 0, 0):

Example 5: Find the equation of the right circularcone which passes through the line 2x = 3y = −5zand has x = y = z as its axis.

Solution: DC’s of the generator 2x = 3y = −5zare 1

2 ,13 ,− 1

5 . DC’s of axis are 1√3, 1√

3, 1√

3. Point of

intersection of the generator and axis is (0, 0, 0). Now

cos θ =12 · 1√

3+ 1

3 · 1√3− 1

5 · 1√3√

13+ 1

3+ 13

√14+ 1

9+ 125


· 1√3

= 1√3

Equation of cone with vertex at origin


= cos θ =1√3(x + y + z)

1√x2 + y2 + z2

x2 + y2 + z2 = (x + y + z)2

xy + yz + zx = 0.

Example 6: Determine the equation of a rightcircular cone with vertex at origin and theguiding curve circle passing through the points(1, 2, 2), (1,−2, 2)(2,−1,−2).

Solution: Let l, m, n be the DC’s of OL the axisof the cone. Let θ be the semi- vertical angle. LetA(1, 2, 2), B(1,−2, 2), C(2,−1,−2) be the threepoints on the guiding circle. Then the lines OA,OB, OC make the same angle θ with the axisOL. The DC’s of OA, OB, OC are proportional to

chap-03 B.V.Ramana August 30, 2006 10:22


(1, 2, 2)(1,−2, 2)(2,−1,−2) respectively. Then

cos θ = l(1) + m(2) + n(2)√1 · √

1 + 4 + 4= l + 2m + 2n


Fig. 3.19


cos θ = l(1) + m(−2) + n(2)√1√

1 + 4 + 4= l − 2m + 2n


cos θ = 2l − m − 2n


From (1) and (2), 4m = 0 or m = 0.From (2) and (3), l + m − 4n = 0, l − 4n = 0 orl = 4n.


4= m

0= n




= m

0= n



From (1) cos θ =4√17

+ 2 · 0 + 2 1√17

3= 2√


Equation of right circular cone is

(l2+m2+n2)(x2+y2+z2) cos2 θ = (lx+my+nz)2(16

17+0+ 1






x+0+ 1√17



4(x2 + y2 + z2) = (4x + z)2

12x2 − 4y2 − 3z2 + 8xz = 0

is the required equation of the cone.


1. Find the equation of the cone whose vertexis (3, 1, 2) and base circle is 2x2 + 3y2 = 1,z = 1.

Ans. 2x2 + 3y2 + 20z2 − 6yz − 12xz + 12x + 6y−38z + 17 = 0

2. Find the equation of the cone whose vertex

is origin and guiding curve is x2

4 + y2

9 + z2

1 =1, x + y + z = 1.

Ans. 27x2 + 32y2 + 72(xy + yz + zx) = 0.

3. Determine the equation of the cone with ver-tex at origin and guiding curve x2 + y2 + z2 −x − 1 = 0, x2 + y2 + z2 + y − z = 0.

Hint:Guiding curve is circle in plane x + y =1. Rewrite x2 + y2 + z2 − x(x + y) − (x +y)2 = 0.

Ans. x2 + 3xy − z2 = 0

4. Show that the equation of cone with vertex atorigin and base circle x = a, y2 + z2 = b2 isa2(y2 + z2) = b2x2. Further prove that the sec-tion of the cone by a plane parallel to the XY -plane is a hyperbola.

Ans. b2x2 − a2y2 = a2c2, z = c (put z = c in equa-tion of cone)

5. Find the equation of a cone with vertex atorigin and guiding curve is the circle pass-ing through the X, Y,Z intercepts of the planexa

+ y

b+ z

c= 1.

Ans. a(b2 + c2)yz + b(c2 + a2)zx + c(a2 + b2)xy= 0

6. Write the equation of the cone whose vertex is(1, 1, 0) and base is y2 + z2 = 9, x = 0.

Hint: Substitute(0, 1 − m

l,− n


)in base curve

and eliminate ml

= y−1x−1 ,


= zz−1 .

Ans. x2 + y2 + z2 − 2xy = 0Right circular cone (R.C.C.)

7. Find the equation of R.C.C. with vertex at (2,3, 1), axis parallel to the line −x = y

2 = z andone of its generators having DC’s proportionalto (1,−1, 1).

Hint: cos θ = −1−2+1√6√

3, l = −1,m = 2, n =

1, α = 2, β = 3, γ = 1.

Ans. x2 − 8y2 + z2 + 12xy − 12yz + 6zx − 46x ++ 36y + 22z − 19 = 0

8. Determine the equation of R.C.C. with vertexat origin and passes through the point (1, 1, 2)and axis line x

2 = −y

4 = z3 .

chap-03 B.V.Ramana August 30, 2006 10:22


Hint: cos θ = 2−4+6√6√

29, DC’s of generator: 1, 1,

2, axis: 2, −4, 3

Ans. 4x2 +40y2 +19z2 −48xy−72yz+36xz=0

9. Find the equation of R.C.C. whose vertex isorigin and whose axis is the line x

1 = y

2 = z3

and which has semi- vertical angle of 30◦

Hint: cos 30 =√

32 = x(1)+y(2)+z(3)√



Ans. 19x2 +13y2 +3z2 −8xy−24yz−12zx = 0

10. Obtain the equation of R.C.C. generated whenthe straight line 2y + 3z = 6, x = 0 revolvesabout z-axis.

Hint: Vertex (0, 0, 2), generator x0 = y

3 =z−2−2 , cos θ = − 2√


Ans. 4x2 + 4y2 − 9z2 + 36z − 36 = 0

11. Lines are drawn from the origin with DC’s pro-portional to (1, 2, 2), (2, 3, 6), (3, 4, 12). Findthe equation of R.C.C.

Hint: cosα= l+2m+2n3 = 2l+3m+6n

7 = 3l+4m+12n13

l−1 = m

1 = n1 , cosα = 1√

3, DC’s of axis:

−1, 1, 1.

Ans. xy − yz + zx = 0

12. Determine the equation of the R.C.C. gen-erated by straight lines drawn from the ori-gin to cut the circle through the three points(1, 2, 2), (2, 1,−2), and (2,−2, 1).

Hint: cosα= l+2m+2n3 = 2l+m−2n

3 = 2l−2m+n3

l5 =

m1 = n

1 , cosα = 5+2+23√

27= 1√


Ans. 8x2 − 4y2 − 4z2 + 5xy + 5zx + yz = 0


A cylinder is the surface generated by a straight line(known as generator) which is parallel to a fixedstraight line (known as axis) and satisfies a condition;for example, it may intersect a fixed curve (knownas the guiding curve) or touch a given surface. Aright circular cylinder is a cylinder whose surfaceis generated by revolving the generator at a fixeddistance (known as the radius) from the axis; i.e.,the guiding curve in this case is a circle. In fact, the

intersection of the right circular cylinder with anyplane perpendicular to axis of the cylinder is a circle.Equation of a cylinderwith generators parallel to

the line xl

= y

m= z

nand guiding curve conic ax2 +

by2 + 2hxy + 2gx + 2fy + c = 0, z = 0.Let P (x1, y1, z1) be any point on the cylinder.

The equation of the generator through P (x1, y1, z1)which is parallel to the given line


l= y

m= z


isx − x1

l= y − y1

m= z − z1


Since (2) meets the plane z = 0,

...x − x1

l= y − y1

m= 0 − z1


or x = x1 − l

nz1, y = y1 − m

nz1 (3)

Since this point (3) lies on the conic

ax2 + by2 + 2hxy + 2gx + 2fy + c = 0 (4)

substitute (3) in (4). Then


(x1 − l



+ b(y1 − m


)2 +


(x1 − l


)(y1 − m


)+ 2g

(x1 − l



+2f(y1 − m


)+ c = 0.

The required equation of the cylinder is

a(nx − lz)2 + b(ny − mz)2 + 2h(nx − lz)(ny − mz) ++2ng(nx − lz) + 2nf (ny − mz) + cn2 = 0 (5)

where the subscript 1 is droped because (x1, y1, z1)is any general point on the cylinder.

Corollary 1: The equation of a cylinder with axisparallel to z-axis is obtained from (5) by putting l =0,m = 0, n = 1 which are the DC’s of z-axis: i.e.,

ax2 + by2 + 2hxy + 2gx + 2fy + c = 0

which is free from z.Thus the equation of a cylinder whose axis is

paralle to x-axis (y-axis or z-axis) is obtained byeliminating the variable x(y or z) from the equationof the conic.

chap-03 B.V.Ramana August 30, 2006 10:22


Equation of a right circular cylinder:

a. Standard form:with z-axis as axis and of radiusa. Let P (x, y, z) be any point on the cylinder.Then M the foot of the perpendicular PM has(0, 0, z) and PM = a (given). Then

a = PM =√

(x − 0)2 + (y − 0)2 + (z − z)2

x2 + y2 = a2

Fig. 3.20

Corollary 2: Similarly, equation of right circularcylinder with y-axis is x2 + z2 = a2, with x-axis isy2 + z2 = a2.

b. General formwith the line x−αl

= y−β

m= z−γ


axis and of radius a.

Axis AB passes through the point (α, β, γ ) andhas DR’s l, m, n. Its DC’s are l

k, m

k, n

kwhere k =√

l2 + m2 + n2.

Fig. 3.21

From the right angled triangle APM

AP 2 = PM2 + AM2

(x − α)2 + (y − β)2 + (z − γ )2

= a2 +[l(x − α) + m(y − β) + n(z − γ )


which is the required equation of the cylinder (HereAM is the projection of AP on the line AB is equal tol(x − α) + m(y − β) + n(z − γ )).Enveloping cylinder of a sphere is the locus of

the tangent lines to the sphere which are parallel toa given line. Suppose

x2 + y2 + z2 = a2 (1)

is the sphere and suppose that the generators are par-allel to the given line


l= y

m= z


Then for any point P (x1, y1, z1) on the cylinder, theequation of the generating line is

x − x1

l= y − y1

m= z − z1


Any general point on (3) is

(x1 + lr, y1 + mr, z1 + nr) (4)

By substituting (4) in (1), we get the points of inter-section of the sphere (1) and the generating line (3)i.e.,

(x1 + lr)2 + (y1 + mr)2 + (z1 + nr)2 = a2

Rewriting as a quadratic in r , we have

(l2 + m2 + n2)r2 + 2(lx1 + my1 + nz1)r ++(x2

1 + y21 + z2

1 − a2) = 0 (5)

If the roots of (5) are equal, then the generating line(3) meets (touches) the sphere in a single point i.e.,when the discriminant of the quadratic in r is zero.

or 4(lx1 + my1 + nz1)2 − 4(l2 + m2 + n2) ××(x2

1 + y21 + z2

1 − a2) = 0

Thus the required equation of the enveloping cylinderis

(lx + my + nz)2 = (l2 + m2 + n2)(x2 + y2 + z2 − a2)

where the subscript 1 is droped to indicate that(x, y, z) is a general point on the cylinder.


Example 1: Find the equation of the quadraticcylinder whose generators intersect the curve ax2 +

chap-03 B.V.Ramana August 30, 2006 10:22


by2 + cz2 = k, lx + my + nz = p and parallel tothe y-axis. Deduce the case for x2 + y2 + z2 = 1 andx + y + z = 1 and parallel to y-axis

Solution: Eliminate y between

ax2 + by2 + cz2 = k (1)

and lx + my + nz = p (2)

Solving (2) for y, we get

y = p − lx − nz


Substitute (3) in (1), we have

ax2 + b

(p − lx − nz



+ cz2 = k.

The required equation of the cylinder is

(am2 + l2)x2 + (bn2 + m2c)z2 − 2pblx

− 2npbz + 2blnxz + (bp2 − m2k) = 0.

Deduction: Put a = 1, b = 1, c = 1, k = 1, l =m = n = p = 1

2x2 + 2z2 − 2x − 2z + 2xz = 0

or x2 + z2 + xz − x − z = 0.

Example 2: If l, m, n are the DC’s of the genera-tors and the circle x2 + y2 = a2 in the XY -plane isthe guiding curve, find the equation of the cylinder.Deduce the case when a = 4, l = 1,m = 2, n = 3.

Solution: For any point P (x1, y1, z1) on the cylin-der, the equation of the generating line through P is

x − x1

l= y − y1

m= z − z1


Since the line (1) meets the guiding curvex2 + y2 = a2, z = 0,

x − x1

l= y − y1

m= 0 − z1


or x = x1 − lz1

n, y = y1 − mz1


This point (2) lies on the circle x2 + y2 = a2 also.Substituting (2) in the equation of circle, we have(

x1 − lz1



+(y1 − mz1


)2 = a2

or (nx − lz)2 + (ny − mz)2 = n2a2

is the equation of the cylinder.

Deduction: Equation of cylinder whose genera-tors are parallel to the line x

1 = y

2 = z3 and pass

through the curve x2 + y2 = 16, z = 0. With a =4, l = 1,m = 2, n = 3, the required equation of thecylinder is

(3x − z)2 + (3y − 2z)2 = 9(16) = 144

or 9x2 + 9y2 + 5z2 − 6zx − 12yz − 144 = 0.

Example 3: Find the equation of the right circularcylinder of radius 3 and the line x−1

2 = y−32 = z−5

−1as axis.

Solution: Let A(1, 3, 5) be the point on the axis andDR’s of AB are 2, 2,−1 or DC’s of AB are 2

3 ,23 ,− 1

3 .Radius PM = 3 given. Since AM is the projectionof AP on AB, we have

AM = 2

3(x − 1) + 2

3(y − 3) − 1

3(z − 5)

Fig. 3.22

From the right angled triangle APM

AP 2 = AM2 + MP 2

(x − 1)2 + (y − 3)2 + (z − 5)2


(x − 1)

3+ 2

y − 3

3− 1

(z − 5)


]+ 9

9[x2 + 1 − 2x + y2 + 9 − 6y + z2 + 25 − 10z]

= [2x + 2y − z − 3]2 + 81

9[x2 + y2 + z2 − 2x − 6y − 10z + 35]

= [4x2 + 4y2 + z2 + 9 + 8xy − 4xz − 12x

−4yz − 12y + 6z] + 81

is the required equation of the cylinder.

Example 4: Find the equation of the envelop-ing cylinder of the sphere x2 + y2 + z2 − 2y − 4z −11 = 0 having its generators parallel to the linex = −2y = 2z.

Solution: Let P (x1, y1, z1) be any point on thecylinder. Then the equation of the generating line

chap-03 B.V.Ramana August 30, 2006 10:22


through P and parallel to the line x = −2y = 2z orx1 = y

− 12

= z12


x − x1

1= y − y1

− 12

= z − z112


Any general point on (1) is(x1 + r, y1 − 1

2r, z1 + 1



The points of intersection of the line (1) and thesphere

x2 + y2 + z2 − 2y − 4z − 11 = 0 (3)

are obtained by substituting (2) in (3).

(x1 + r)2 +(y1 − 1



+(z1 + 1



− 2

(y1 − 1



− 4

(z1 + 1


)− 11 = 0

Rewriting this as a quadratic in r


2r2 + (2x1 − y1 + z1 − 1)r

+ (x21 + y2

1 + z21 − 2y1 − 4z1 − 11) = 0 (4)

The generator touches the sphere (3 if (4) has equalroots i.e., discriminant is zero or

(2x1 − y1 + z1 − 1)2

= 4 · 3

2· (x2

1 + y21 + z2

1 − 2y1 − 4z1 − 11).

The required equation of the cylinder is

2x2 + 5y2 + 5z2 + 4xy − 4xz + 2yz

+ 4x − 14y − 22z − 67 = 0.


1. Find the equation of the quadratic cylinderwhose generators intersect the curvea. ax2 + by2 = 2z, lx + my + nz = p and

are parallel to z-axis.b. ax2 + by2 + cz2 = 1, lx + my + nz = p

and are parallel to x-axis.

Hint: Eliminate z

Ans. a. n(ax2 + by2) + 2lx + 2my − 2p = 0

Hint: Eliminate x.

Ans. b. (bl2 + am2)y2 + (cl2 + an2)z2 + 2amnyz

−2ampy − 2anpz + (ap2 − l2) = 0

2. If l, m, n are the DC’s of the generating line andthe circle x2 + z2 = a2 in the zx-plane is theguiding curve, find the equation of the sphere.

Ans. (mx − ly)2 + (mz − ny)2 = a2m2

Find the equation of a right circular cylinder (4 to 9)

4. Whose axis is the line x−12 = y+3

−1 = z−25 and

radius is 2 units.

Ans. 26x2 + 29y2 + 5z2 + 4xy + 10yz − 20zx +150y + 30z + 75 = 0

5. Having for its base the circle x2 + y2 + z2 =9, x − y + z = 3.

Ans. x2 + y2 + z2 + xy + yz − zx − 9 = 0

6. Whose axis passes through the point (1, 2, 3)and has DC’s proportional to (2,−3, 6) and ofradius 2.

Ans. 45x2 + 40y2 + 13z2 + 36yz − 24zx + 12xy− 42x − 280y − 126z + 294 = 0.

chap-03 B.V.Ramana August 30, 2006 10:22


7. Whose axis is the line x−12 = y−2

1 = z−32 and

radius 2 units.

Ans. 5x2 + 8y2 + 5z2 − 4yz − 8zx − 4xy + 22x− 16y − 14z − 10 = 0

8. The guiding curve is the circle through the threepoints (1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0)(0, 0, 1).

Ans. x2 + y2 + z2 − xy − yz − zx = 1

9. The directing curve is x2 + z2 − 4x − 2z +4 = 0, y = 0 and whose axis contains the point(0, 3, 0). Also find the area of the section of thecylinder by a plane parallel to xz-plane.

Hint: Centre of circle (2, 0, 1) radius: 1

Ans. 9x2 + 5y2 + 9z2 + 12xy + 6yz − 36x − 30y− 18z + 36 = 0, π

10. Find the equation of the enveloping cylinder ofthe sphere x2 + y2 + z2 − 2x + 4y = 1, hav-ing its generators parallel to the linex = y = z.

Ans. x2 + y2 + z2 − xy − yz − zx − 2x + 7y +z − 2 = 0.